Why does not turn off the service who called. Overview of the service "Who called. How much should be "always in touch"

Using mobile communications, at the moment, this is not only simple calls to friends and close, but also mobile Internet, and games, and many more interesting programs. When using such a number of options, the phone charge quickly sits down, and there is an opportunity to skip the call. Mobile operators took into account this drawback, now there is a "voice message" service. Simply put, this is a simple answering machine to which a greeting or an additional number is recorded, in case the subscriber is not available.

Each operator uses its own method, or a specific set of numbers. There is also a detailed instruction as listening to voice message. But, in most cases, SMS comes to the mobile, approximately such a content: "You have left a voice message. To listen to it, dial the number 1111. " It may be the short number, or the contact center number. After dialing, you can listen to the message left.

Megaphone voice messages

For users of this mobile network, to listen to the megaphone voice message, you need to dial 0525, then press the call button, and then 1. But before that, you need to activate the voice message function. You can also consider voice messaging and sent by MMS message. In order to listen to it, the Internet service should be activated. Since the message will be loaded from the server. Also, the cellular company MegaFon provides a service listening to a voice message from a landline phone. The cost of payment of such a call must be clarified by the operator.

Voice messages on Beeline

The Beeline operator, the voice message is left in a special mailbox. Access to which is performed using a set to a short number 600. The duration of the message is about 2 minutes, and is stored in the mailbox for two weeks. Just like the megaphone operator, you can listen to messages from a simple phone.

Voice messages on tele2

In order to listen to the telephone operator a voice message, you also need to dial number 600. The notification received for mobile contains not only information about who called, at what time, the number of messages left to the subscriber. There is also a short number and a room for a landline phone, by calling it, you can listen. Tariffing calls must be clarified by the operator, since the price may vary depending on the region.

Voice messages on MTS

You can listen to the MTS voice message by typing a short number 0860, in the region that the number was recorded. A tax company can use additional authentication measures in the form of login and password to access voicemail. These data are created when this service is connected. You can also call the number for shared access, which can be found from the MTS operator.

Mobile operators regularly offer their subscribers new services and opportunities in order that network users have had any obstacles and restrictions for communication.

By activating the service "Who called" from the MegaFon company, the subscriber of the network will be able to receive full information on his phone number during the time when the mobile device has been disabled, was out of the network or the subscriber was unavailable due to communication interruptions.

The service "Who called" on the megaphone - the advantages and features

By connecting this service, the user network megaphone is no longer afraid to skip an important call or message. In addition, the service allows those who tried to sleep unsuccessfully, leave the subscriber a voice message (by analogy with an answering machine on a landline phone) for a duration of 2 minutes. Although this option has limitations - you can listen not more than 10 last messages obtained during the day. Previously, the service "who called" was provided free of charge, so the circle of its users was quite wide. Now the service has become paid - 0.60 rubles. per day. Exceptions:

  • Users who activated the service within the framework of the "All Included" package from 12/15/2014 to 05/31/2015 the service is provided free of charge until August 31, 2017.
  • Subscribers who have activated this service until 05/31/2015, regardless of their tariff plan.

Therefore, despite all the positive points of the service, many subscribers began to abandon this service. In addition, the user could experience a temporary need for the use of the "Who called" service. Want to abandon this service - deactivate the service. Next, we will tell you how to do it.

How to disable the service "Who called" on Megaphone

If you do not want to use the service "Who called", you need to turn it off. You can do this in several ways.

Company official website

  • Open the website of the megaphone company.
  • Come down authorization and fall into your personal account.
  • Go on the link "Services and tariff" and choose the item "Change service set".
  • In the list of "Services", find the item "Always in touch" ("Who called") and remove a tick.
  • Next confirm your actions.
  • Ready - the service "who called" is deactivated.

Using mobile phone

  • Send a USSD combination * 105 # and call key. Further, depending on the country's region, the numbers of the menu items may differ. Therefore, send a request, find the service "Who called", following the voice prompts, and turn it off. If everything is done correctly, an SMS will come to the mobile phone with a message about deactivation of the service.
  • At any time convenient for you, contact the Technical Support Service by calling 0500. Contact your specialist (figure 0), please inform your request and expect to disable the service.
  • Send the * 581 * 3 # command and press the call key. If the request is accepted, you will receive a confirmation message.

If you do not have the need to use this or that service, especially if it is paid, - deactivate the service and get rid of yourself from additional spending.

The service "Who called" megaphone helps not skip a single call at the time of turning off the phone. With it, you can receive SMS messages about calls to your number at the moment you were not online. This additional option to the service package and within the framework of tariff plans (when "all inclusive") is proposed to customers with all operators on a fee or free of charge.

If earlier the subscribers tried to get information about which there were calls when the phone was turned off, but in vain, now it can be freely done with this mobile service. Pay attention to the new conditions of the service "Who called" from MegaFon. This will help you to find out timely about the missed call call and as a result, do not miss any important call.

How to connect "who called" from megaphone

If this service is not connected to your number within tariffs, it can be done one of the convenient ways.

Using SMS, you cannot connect the service. At the same time, you can also use the service by calling. When connected, the callers can leave a voice notification that the owner of the number can listen by typing the phone. Please note that when the answering machine is enabled and when there is a voice message, the option is used in automatic mode according to the conditions. These are interchangeable services. From the personal account you can configure the service package, connect and disable these functions.

When connecting options, the contract with a megaphone does not require clarification and is considered prisoner with the help of a public offer on the company's website. With its help, you inform your decision of the provider and confirm your consent to the use of the service.

How to disable the service "Who called"?

Please note that the service is paid. With a temporary disconnection of the phone or a compressed subscriber budget often interests how to disable the service. This can be done in several ways:

  • the easiest way - using the * 581 * 3 # command with its SIM card;
  • you can also connect mandatory call notifications in your personal account by entering the MegaFon website and disable the service using the service panel;
  • in the cellular salon or using the phone support service;

It is not necessary to disable the option when activating voicemail, the service will be provided in all cases where the caller did not leave the message. At any time, if you refused it, you can connect the option "Who called" again. Connection and disable option are free, the service is available in use to all users.

Service cost

A pleasant megaphone client bonus that always want to be in touch and not miss a single call, there will be a low cost of services. Users service is available for connecting through a website or command.

Connect the service in the following financial conditions:

  • connection and shutdown - free of charge;
  • Who called - the service is paid, the daily subscription fee in the amount of 1 rub is removed. 20 kopecks per day (as part of the action for free), about 36 rubles per month.

When traveling beyond the home region and abroad, take into account restrictions. They can be found in the following subsection, with service options - on the MegaFon website.

Features, Conditions and Restrictions

Pay attention to the features that the service "who called" is provided together with the services "called me" and "I on the network". The principle of operation in the following:

  • when the phone is turned off or when it is out of the zone, the operator fixes incoming calls;
  • when you turn on the phone by the subscriber, the operator sends an SMS alert about who called the phone number. If there were several calls, the information is sent by the list, taking into account several numbers;
  • when you turn on the phone, the caller is sent to SMS on the availability of the subscriber so that you can re-call back;
  • messages are sent only within 48 hours;

Take into account when connected

This service can be connected within the framework of the tariff plan or separately. Usually enters all default maintenance packages. Some features:

  • the service is not provided when the voicemail is activated and the condition that the caller left the message for its reasons;
  • otherwise, when connecting the phone, the owner of the subscriber number receives a message with a call report;
  • the service is provided in full if the "Anti Aon" option is not connected to the caller, which prohibits the definition of its number.

The service "Who called" from MegaFon from April 10 is provided on new conditions and is paid daily by the user. Valid only in the home region, in roaming in Russia and abroad is provided with regard to the value of communication services.

Read more. Read the terms and other information on the site or in the MegaFon Support Service.

When traveling, while traveling, with an unstable mobile signal, people awaiting an important urgent call to track incoming calls. In order to solve this problem, the MegaFon operator proposes to connect the latest service, thanks to which you can forget about the excitement associated with incoming calls. When connecting "" all calls must be displayed. No attempt to get through to the addressee will not remain unnoticed.

In real life, this feature is a supplement to the operator's service package. Extended option consists of services " Who called», « I'm online"And voicemail functional. It is quite simple to use the service, even a child can cope with it. Upon receipt of the service, it is enough to read SMS with detailed calling calls, the time of their committing and quantity. You can also use messages of mail.

Calls and messages to the room are saved during the day. It is most convenient as possible as for the one who temporarily left the network coverage area and for the one who is trying to call or convey the message. If the subscriber number was occupied by another telephone conversation, information about missed calls will also be transferred to it.

When "" is connected, the operator does not propose to pay the initial amount. There is a tariff that subscribers pay daily, the amount is debited from the score. 1 ruble 20 kopecks per day. Regardless of the selected tariff plan, all subscribers of the MegaFon network can connect this option. Having made a free call by number 0525 , MegaFon subscribers have the opportunity to listen to voice messages for free. Subscribers using extended operator tariff plans, for example, " All inclusive!", Until July of this year, use the service for free.

Ways to connect services

As for other options, the operator provided the opportunity of various options for connecting the service " Who called +." In accordance with its preferences, subscribers can use one of the proposed options:

  1. In automatic mode, the option can be connected through the combination operator offered by the operator *581*1# And the call command. A response SMS message will notify the subscriber about the start of the service.
  2. The second option is on the MegaFon website through the personal account of the access password and select the connection "".
  3. Another opportunity for MegaFon subscribers is to just make a call to the operator of the MegaFon hotline, asked to activate the option. This can be done by phone or with a personal presence, then the client needs to visit the Salon MegaFon convenient for him.

Features of the provision of services

The work has certain features:

  1. When connecting the service, especially during the vacation period, it should be borne in mind that the service is not provided outside the regional service. This means that you should not count on it if the phone is in roaming.
  2. For the correct operation of the MegaFon network, when calling to a hotline, you need to know the code word. When visiting the cabin in order to connect the service to have documents certifying the person.
  3. If there are questions on the network site, you can order data details and determine whether the service is already connected and is the subscription fee for it.
  4. If necessary, at any time you can interrupt the provision of the service, for this you need to know how to disable the service who called plus MegaFon. Need to make a call to the room *581*3# , After that click the call button. The service will automatically turn off. Approximately the same actions for a disconnection of the service will also be the operator of the cellular salon "MegaFon" with the personal access of the subscriber. Going to your personal account, the subscriber can independently disable the provision of services using selected tabs and prompts.


If your phone was out of the access zone or was in the off state, you will receive a message about missed calls. You will be aware, not only about the time of their commit, but also about their quantity. The service is not limited to a period of action, with a lack of funds for its provision, the operator reserves the right to terminate the provision of services to the Subscriber. Each subscriber who wants to carefully control the incoming calls must be selected which option it prefers to use: " Who called», « Who called +." or " I calledS.».

The article describes the service "Who called +" company "MegaFon", how to connect and disable.


The service "Who called +" mobile operator MegaFon

Each subscriber, most likely, came across the situation when an important call was made, and his phone was disabled or had any interference with the connection. In such cases, MegaFon provides an additional service - " Who called +." This option allows subscribers to always receive information regarding all received and missed calls.

In addition, the unlocked interlocutor can leave his voice message, as if he had called a landline phone with an answering machine. Information about the received voice message (as well as with the name / number of the caller, the number of calls and the time of their arrival) is received as an SMS to the subscriber's phone, to which they did not call, after which such a message can be heard by number 0525 .

If there is no need to listen to voice messages, then you can immediately call back to the subscriber, the information on which came to SMS. It should be borne in mind that you can only listen to the last ten votor messages obtained within 24 hours. The rest are automatically removed from the system.

You also need to know that only two minutes are allocated to write one such message. If the subscriber is in roaming, then such a function will not work on his phone.

How much is?

The service "Who called +" is installed on each SIM card "MegaFon" by default and until recently was free. Now, for this option, the subscription fee is charged - 60 kopecks. per day.

Call by number 0525 For wiretapping voice messages, if the subscriber is in its region. Outside the zone of its region will be charged the board according to the current tariff plan.

How to connect?

As mentioned above, the service "Who called +" is already installed by default when buying a SIM card. If it has been disabled for one reason or another, but there was a need to connect it again, you should select one of the following:

  1. Dial on the phone * 581 * 1 # Challenge
  2. Connect in the "Personal Account" on the official website of MegaFon

ATTENTION: When activating the service "Who called +" option, the "Voice Mail" option turns off automatically.

How to turn off?

After the service "Who called +" became paid, many subscribers can decide to disable it. To do this, choose:

  1. Dial on the phone * 581 * 3 # challenge
  2. Disable in the "Personal Account" on the site "MegaFon"

Video: How to turn off paid services on MegaFon