Disable paid MTS services other than roaming. Turning off roaming MTS

    Disable roaming on MTS You will be helped at the office of the company. With me you need to have a passport or driver's license. Service is free.

    You can turn off the roaming on MTS by calling the MTS contact center by 0890.

    However, it is faster to do it faster by typing a USSD request on your mobile phone * 111 * 2192 # and Call key. Here you can connect and disable the service.

    There is a special service from the MTS operator to manage services on the tariff plan, you can also turn off roaming yourself using the Internet assistant, for this you need to log in to the site, enter your personal account, go to the Internet assistant, go to the management of the service management, in the Control menu Click link disable roaming and international access.

    Roaming is subdivided into several types: Nastronesey in Russia (where there is MTS), national and international - the first within the limits of the Russian Federation, but another operator, outside the Russian Federation, the second.

    It will not be possible to remove the intranet, you can only turn off the option that gives reducing costs in another city in Russia, it is everywhere at home, for example. So that the network does not catch from another operator - in the Russian Federation or outside - it is necessary to remove international roaming.

    Method 1 - free challenge to the owner in KC by number 88002500890.

    method 2 - We take a passport and go to any MTS office

    method 3 - go to your personal account on the MTS website, service management and delete yourself.

    WARNING: If it is important for you, so that the Internet does not work in roaming - it is enough to delete the GPRS service, without it, it is impossible to enter the Internet. Remove can be removed * 111 * 17 shop and call key.

    As soon as you enter another city or country, you comes SMS, notifying you that now you are in roaming and offer options that allow you to talk in another city or country on more favorable terms. If I need to call to other cities, I connect an additional service and can be in touch with loved ones and native people without spending a lot of money.

    You can turn off the roaming of the MTS operator via My services. Dick number 1118 and empty SMS send. Roaming will turn off.

    there is international roaming, it is turned off * 111 * 2150 and the call key.

    Not all travel subscribers use their home cell number. There are many reasons for this, among which the ability to use the local symart in the host country, allowing to significantly save with a large number of calls. In this case, the ideal option that avoids random roaming costs is shutdown.

    Today we will tell you how to disable international roaming on MTS, MegaFon and Beeline: Disable the Internet, establish a ban on incoming calls, or completely block the use of calls from the number abroad.

    Why turn off roaming

    It is not always important for the subscriber to stay in touch during a trip abroad, and the reasons may be very different. Someone uses another SIM card abroad - tourist or local, and someone simply does not want to travel calls to your number on the journey. In this situation, it is enough just to disable your phone, but what should I do if the smartphone is used in traveling to use the Internet via Wi-Fi? In this case, you can extract a sim card from it, or turn off roaming.

    The first option is although it is simple, but many prefer not to remove the sim card, so as not to lose it by chance, or on arrival home instantly activate your number. Also, turning off roaming will help avoid unforeseen costs for those who are often traveling, and does not want to constantly remove the SIM card.

    Previously, the use of its number abroad required the connection of international roaming. This was due to the fact that foreign operators did not provide information about the calls performed by the Subscriber in the online mode, which led to a delay in terms of services from the subscriber's balance. Therefore, the operator was interested in obtaining guarantees from the subscriber, which he agrees with the use of access in another country.

    Now for most countries of the world, instantaneous tariffing is applied, and Russian operators can provide their subscribers with services abroad without the need to activate the service. Such roaming is available in more than 150 countries from all operators. And only for some countries it is necessary to connect expanded roaming.

    For automatic roaming, the service is available to the subscriber, which is the default on the tariff plan and allows you to call, send messages, and use the Internet in the presence of a sufficient amount on the balance sheet. It should be borne in mind that the use of services in roaming can also be debt when using a credit system of calculations. And if the home network is easier to control costs, then in roaming it is not so simple.

    If you decide to completely disable access to communication services abroad, then it is necessary to disable international roaming. You can do this in several ways. Regardless of the operator used, you can contact the support of your provider's support and apply for access deactivation. This can also be done by contacting the official salon, where you can also fill out an application for roaming.

    The advantage of accessing the salon or call center of the operator is that it is possible not only to completely disable roaming, but also separate services when it is abroad. So, you can disable only the Internet abroad, or only calls.

    If you want to independently disable international roaming, you can do it through your personal account by turning off the service. This will allow even in countries where automatic access is available, refuse to provide services.

    Ban on roaming calls

    In addition to disconnecting services in roaming, you can use the service that will degrade calls when you find abroad. It is easy to configure yourself. The option is available both on Beeline, so MTS and megaphone, and allows you to establish the prohibition of incoming and outgoing calls for long-distance and international, or prohibit separate incoming calls in roaming.

    It is worth noting that the connection is possible both by calling the operator and through the office on the site, and by sending commands from the phone. This is an indisputable advantage, since it is possible to activate or disable the ban without using the Internet, and even being in another country, completely free.

    Regardless of the operator, you can use universal commands that allow you to install bans on calls. The difference is only in the password, which must be used when sending a request. On MTS and BILINE it is four zero, and on the megaphone - four units. For the convenience of the subscriber you can install your own password. To do this, it is enough to type megaphone and MTS * * 03 * 330 * Password * New code * Repeat new code #, and on Beeline - * * 03 * * Password * New code * Repeat new code #.


    Despite the fact that cellular services when traveling abroad are becoming more accommodated in cost every year, some users prefer not to use their travel numbers. Sometimes it is connected with the desire for recreation time to refuse to receive calls for work. The simplest option is to simply disable the phone, or remove the sim card from it. Available and complete deactivation of access to communication when in another country.

    A simpler and convenient option is to install a ban on receiving incoming abroad. This will allow you to make calls if necessary, and even use the Internet. However, if desired, you can also set a ban on making calls and the use of Internet access. You can do it yourself, or contact the operator.

    Until recently, departure beyond the home area of \u200b\u200bthe network was a harbinger of large-scale mobile communications. In some cases, it was necessary to even acquire a separate SIM card with a cheaper rate. Now it is not necessary!

    For greater savings on the trip you just need to connect roaming on Beeline, and you can do it without changing the number and SIM card!

    Before connecting roaming on Beeline, you should carefully study the description of your acting tariff. Get comprehensive information about it in the following ways:

    • Using a call to number 0611;
    • Using the SIM card control menu ("Beeline Menu" is in each phone with a sim card operator);
    • Having visited the personal account on the official website of the operator - my.Beeline.ru.

    It should be founded whether the inclusion of roaming is available on your tariff, and also familiarize yourself with the conditions for its provision. It is necessary to pay attention to what amount on the balance sheet is minimal in order to carry out roaming, which is available for the calculation system - prepaid or postpositive, as well as the spread of the service to different countries.

    If your tariff provides the ability to enable roaming on Beeline, you can proceed directly to the connection. This is done in one of several ways - depending on the direction of your travel and communication requirements.

    How to connect and disable roaming on biline in Russia

    In order to reduce the cost of communicating in travel through Russia, it is recommended to connect. It allows us without a subscription fee to use mobile communications on favorable terms. Basic services are charged as follows (with the exception of the home region):

    The inclusion of roaming within the framework of this service costs 25 rubles - the amount is removed once at the time of connection. As we have already said, this service has no subscription fee and no need to turn off its need is also no - the roaming option is automatically activated as soon as the subscriber leaves the home region limits and is deactivated after returning it.

    To connect the option you need from a mobile phone to dial the number * 110 * 0021 # and click the call, the shutdown command - * 110 * 0020 # call.

    How to connect and disable international roaming on billine

    Connecting international roaming for Beeline subscribers will make advantageous phone calls, being abroad. Subscribers are offered a choice of two different options: and - each of them has its pros and cons, we considered them in detail in separate reviews.

    You can make a connection to the service "My Planet" can be a short command * 110 * 0071 # Challenge, and to the "Planet Zero" service * 110 * 331 # call. Also, to connect roaming on biline, you can visit the personal account of the subscriber My.Beeline.ru, to seek help from the employees of one of the Beeline offices or to support the support.

    In order to get rid of unjustified overpayments on returning from a business trip or travel, the roaming beeline should be turned off. Make it just as easy as to activate this service.

    Recall that the turning off the beeline roaming is appropriate only when you returned to the home area from abroad, turn off the "My Country" option for national roaming is not necessary.

    Remove the service "My Planet" can be disabled using the * 110 * 0070 # call command, and the Planet Zero service - * 110 * 330 # call.

    In the event that you do not remember which option you are connected, use the automatic assistant. Access to it is carried out using a call to number 0611. Follow the voice prompts and find out the trip command. You can also use the built-in SIM card control menu or personal account.

    Today, many MTS operator subscribers often travel, including in Russia. If you need to visit other regions of the country or travel to other states, then to ensure uninterrupted communication, you need to think about connecting roaming in advance. Everyone knows that communication in this mode costs somewhat more expensive than usual. In order to reduce the very expensive communication abroad, the operator has developed special services, in which you receive a decrease in the cost of communication outside the home region.

    With the help of roaming, you use the connection to the Russian Federation, as well as other countries with the maximum benefit for themselves. This can be done if you connect the popular international access services, "international and national roaming", as well as "easy roaming and international access". In addition, you can activate "zero without borders" and "everywhere like at home" to minimize your costs for communication in these modes. However, if you abroad (including the territory of Russia outside your home region) are not going to use mobile services, it is recommended to turn off roaming. This feature was specially provided for by the MTS operator. So how to properly turn off roaming on MTS in Russia?

    It is required to note that you can connect the aforementioned option called "Easy Roaming" only if you use your current SIM card for more than 6 months or uses over 470 rubles for communication services. Otherwise, roaming is activated as part of the "International and National Access" option. Below we describe the action options that allow you to deactivate roaming within the framework of these two services.

    To deactivate the "Easy Roaming" option, you need to take your mobile phone and dial the * 111 * 2158 # command. In the case of the "International and National Roaming" option, you must apply the SPAN Class \u003d »Num command\u003e * 111 * 2150 #. Please specify which one of the options you use at the time of your absence in the home region.


    To deactivate an option entitled "Easy Roaming", you need to send to number 111 a message with numbers 215. A, in order to deactivate the "International and National Roaming" option, you need to send by number 1118 SMS messages without text.

    Personal Area

    If we talk about possible options for roaming deactivation, it is impossible not to say about the possibility of your personal account. With it, you are able to independently manage many services, including changing the tariff plan and turn off all sorts of options. In our case, you need to go to the menu item called "Service Management" and choose the option that is used by default for roaming. A total pair-triple click on your mouse and the option is disabled.

    Call centre

    You can always count on support from the MTS Subscriber Support Center. It is enough for you to contact them, and the specialists of the Center will try to solve any problem in the shortest possible time. To communicate with the operator, you need to dial 88002500890. All calls are performed completely free. And if you are at the moment you are abroad, dial +74957660166. Sometimes you need to wait when you are connected with a free operator. However, it is enough to just ask to deactivate roaming and the whole procedure will be immediately performed without any difficulty.

    MTS office company

    Any question about MTS services can be resolved by a hike into their office. Specialists in the nearest office to you will gladly help solve an absolutely any problem. It is enough to contact them and ask to deactivate roaming. However, be sure to take a passport with you to identify the personality. This method is suitable if you could not deal with the question of turning off the roaming of the other mentioned methods.