The tariff plan "go. What you need to know about the tariff plan "GOU" from Beeline

The tariff "GO" is intended for those customers of the operator who want to use cellular services without mandatory monthly subscriber payments.

This package is relevant for subscribers who do not often use the Internet on mobile devices. Beeline GO is also suitable for those who use smartphones. However, in this case, you will have to activate additional features that will help save your mobile communication costs. If there is a need for, you can connect options that will reduce spending on international communication and calls to other regions of the country.

Conditions of the tariff package "GO"

When describing this tariff from Beeline, first of all, it should be said that according to its terms it is not envisaged, and this is the main advantage for users when connected.

If you do not use a mobile connection to a certain time, then you will not have to pay anything for this period.

Incoming calls are not charged.

The cost of outgoing calls to subscribers in your area will be 1.70 rubles per 1 min. conversation.

Calls to the rooms outside your region are paid 2.90 rubles per 1 min.

The specified value is valid for calls and on cellular, and on stationary phone numbers that are in your area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

According to the SMS fare in your area, is paid as follows:

  • The cost of the first message sent in the day will be 9.95 rubles.
  • However, from the second up to the hundredth SMS, the messages are not paid, and their mailing is absolutely free.
  • If you have to send the 101st message, then its value and the price of each subsequent message will be 2 rubles. a piece.

Thus, the SMS mailing is becoming quite profitable together with the "GO" rate from Beeline. In the event that you connect the additional "My SMS" feature, then sending one message to subscribers in your region will be absolutely free.

If you need to send MMS, then multimedia messages are charged 7.95 rubles. a piece.

Outgoing calls to Beeline subscribers in the CIS countries, as well as Georgia cost 12 rubles. per minute of conversation.

Challenges to the rooms of the remaining operators in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, as well as Georgia and the CIS countries, are paid according to the tariff of 14 rubles per minute of the conversation.

If you need to call friends or relatives to European countries, USA or Canada, then the cost of such a call will be 35 rubles per minute.

Challenges in one of the countries of Central America are paid 40 rubles. / 1 \u200b\u200bmin.

Outgoing in the rest of the countries is paid according to the standard scheme of the cost of international calls. You can find out the details of the rates for calling this type you can on the official website of the Beeline operator, gaining or contacting the company's customer service center.

All specified call types are charged.

Internet traffic

Exit to the network under the terms of this tariff is quite expensive compared to other packages from Beeline. The use is paid for the poorer - the price for 1 used MB will be 9.95 rubles.

However, there is a way out of this situation. In the case of connecting to this tariff plan, each client that uses more than 1 megabyte of traffic per month, the default is connected to. By joining this service, you will have the opportunity to get 1 GB to go to the network per month. You can find out the connection and control details on the operator's website.

In the event that you do not use the specified volume, the option will not be connected.

If you are satisfied with the outside payment, you can deactivate the option independently by typing a USSD combination in * 115 * 030 # format.

Connect to tariff

To transition to this package, you can contact the operator's service centers or go to the tariff using the "Personal Account" web interface. Also, every ticket Beeline can do this by calling 0674100200.

You can join the package and in the case of buying a SIM card on which the tariff will be set by default.

The price of changes to your current tariff plan for this is 150 rubles.

Disable service

If you want to give up "Go" and go to another package of services, you need to type the appropriate combination for its connection (information about them is always contained in information sheets). After moving, the "GO" service will be turned off automatically.

It is also possible to disable it in the Beeline Salon. You can also do it yourself using the "Personal Account" tool.

We continue to study mobile rates that the Beeline operator offers. This time, in the field of our view, the tariff is a Beeline, which is aimed at the category of senior users. It is these people who are accustomed to pay for what have already received. So here this tariff package does not provide for a subscription fee. Payment is made for actually used in conversations. Let's consider all the nuances in more detail.

What is the tariff plan of go

Beeline is trying to develop tariffs easy to use, without pitfalls. The same principle was guided by the creation of the GO tariff package. His description will tell himself for itself.

The target audience of using the tariff package is very wide:

  • Elderly peopleaccustomed to consider your expenses and are not accustomed to spend money on features such as Internet, SMS or MMS.
  • Childrenwhose parents clearly control them with whom they communicate their child and how much he spends money for this communication.
  • The youth, the most communicative part of the mobile operator users, for which mobile communications is an integral part of their daily life.

In addition to the proposed conditions, the tariff plan provides for the possibility of connecting additional services that will significantly reduce the cost of cellular communication, which makes the tariff package even more attractive.

GO Conditions

First of all, it is worth repeating, the tariff does not use the subscription. In addition, the package is interesting to users who rarely enjoy Internet access and messages as a means of communication. The main focus in the package goes to calls, with the rates for which you can read below.

Attention! The price list of the tariff plan presents prices for mobile services operating in Moscow and the Moscow region. They may differ from prices that operate in the regions. In order to familiarize yourself with the latest, you should contact for information on the company's official website.

The service is presented in the tariff packageCost, rubles
Incoming within their regionIs free
At the local level1.7
inside Beeline with CIS and Georgia Countries12
Outgoing on other operators in the CIS and Georgian countries14
Europe, USA and Canada35
The rest of North and Central America40
SMS messages
First message per day9.95
From the second sms and the 100thIs free
Each next SMS2
Intercity and international SMS, incl. to CIS countries3.95

Reference! To find out what the cost of the call to a particular country is to contact client support 0611.

The tariff package line is represented by a whole family, which includes tariffs GO1, GO3, as well as GO9.

Compatible with internet

Since the advantage of the package is favorable conditions for calls, then access to the Internet can disappoint the owners, because it is not very cheap here. The cost of one transmitted or adopted megabyte is 10 rubles.

Additional services

In addition, under the terms of the contract, after using one megabyte within a month, an additional service "Highway 1GB" automatically connects to the tariff package.

Road service Highway.

Poll for visitors

Tariff package management

In order to go to the current tariff, you can only log in to the personal account or call the number 0674100200. This procedure will cost for new subscribers in 200 rubles, and those who go from other tariffs - 150 rubles.

As such, there is no shutdown from the tariff in the company - there is a transition to another more exclusive package. After the transition procedure, the GOU will automatically stop listed for your number. You can also use the services of Beeline service centers, where you will help you choose the desired package and replace the old new one.

Attention! The operator reserves the right to change the conditions of the tariff at any time. All changes of Beeline notify its subscribers on the pages of his site.

We summarize said

All Beeline tariffs thoughtful to the smallest detail. The GO tariff family allows subscribers to communicate through calls on very favorable conditions for them. Along with this, if some of them require traffic megabytes, you can choose a more suitable tariff or connect additional options.


Special offer from Beeline for those subscribers who often make calls to those who use the services of communication from other operators, and rarely use Internet traffic. For such people, a highly specialized tariff "Go" from Beeline is perfect.

One of the main advantages of this plan is to pay for mobile services in fact. Disposure of funds occurs only after the actual provision of services. This means that you should always have a positive balance, but there is no need to pay the subscription. This calculation scheme can be convenient for some subscribers and be less interesting to others.

The tariff "GOU" Beeline allows you at a bargain price to communicate not only with subscribers within the network, but also by other people connected to other telecom operators. The cost of conversations will pleasantly surprise you. For more information, please contact Corporation specialists.

Features of the tariff "GO" from the Beeline operator

The main target audience of the tariff plan is young people. Young people are a lot and often communicate with the most different people, and therefore they can not always reduce the circle of communication to subscribers of one operator. In addition, the lack of a subscription fee allows you to flexibly regulate their own costs for communication, limiting themselves to the availability of funds on the balance sheet. This tariff is also suitable for the owners of old phones, and owners of modern last generation smartphones.

The GOU from Beeline has a wide range of additional services that can help reduce communication costs. The basic package includes many bonuses. In general, the tariff plan is ideal for a wide audience due to acceptable cost and high communication quality.

Use of Internet traffic at Tarif Beeline "GOU"

Despite the fact that the Internet is not a "specialization" of this plan, subscribers can always connect to the network and use the Internet. The cost of traffic is calculated as follows:

  • Internet connection - 7 rubles daily.
  • 1 MB of traffic - 9.95 rubles.

A small volume of traffic is ideal for those who occasionally use the Internet and only to test social networks or quickly find something in the search engine. If you need to regularly use the Internet, it is best to simply connect an inexpensive traffic package for the Highway service, which will allow you to purchase 1 gigabytes for only 200 rubles.

Communication cost at Beeline tariff "GO"

This plan allows you to save you the most when making calls to people connected to other operators. At the same time you can also make calls abroad at an attractive price. Rates are as follows:

  • Calls inside home region - 1.7 rubles / min.;
  • Calls in Russia beyond the region - 2.9 rub / min.;
  • Calls within the network in the CIS and Georgia countries - 12 rubles / min.;
  • Calls to Georgia - 14 rubles / min.;
  • Calls to North America and Europe - 35 rubles / min.;
  • Calls to Central America - 40 rubles per minute.

Favorable prices also expect lovers to send SMS messages. You can always write a few words from editing them for a small amount:

  • Sending SMS for My SMS service - 0 rubles;
  • Sending SMS - 2.5 ruble;
  • Sending SMS to Georgia and CIS countries - 3.95 ruble.

Manage GO tariff plan from Beeline

The activation of the tariff is carried out by calling the number 0674100200. Make sure that there are enough money on the balance to go to the tariff (you need to have an operation to 150 rubles). The procedure for switching the tariff is performed during the day, and the completion of the transition is confirmed by the information message from the company. When the transition is delayed for more than a day, contact technical support.

The GO tariff plan from the Beeline operator is a representative of those tariffs that are designed for consumers that thirsting to use the mobile communications without any subscription fee. It will be the perfect option for those who are used to using ordinary mobile phones who do not know how to enter the worldwide Internet.

It will also be used for the owners of modern smartphones, subject to the connection of additional options that reduce the total cellular costs. If required, the options that reduce fees for long-distance and international calls can be connected to the GOU tariff plan. This tariff is also recommended to use the elderly people who are most scrupulously relate to the cost of communication and do not have the desire to pay for it every month inevitable subscriber payment.

Conditions of the tariff plan "GO"

First of all, this tariff from Beeline does not provide for the recovery of subscriber mandatory payment, which is its undoubted plus. If the consumer does not use a mobile communication, he does not pay for it at all.

When combined with unpaid incoming calls, during their stay in the "home" region, the tariff plan "GOU" will be impeccable for inactive subscribers who infrequently make calls and practically do not go to the World Wide Web.

The cost of all outgoing calls is as follows:

  • local voice calls - 1.70 rubles per minute of conversation;
  • intercity voice calls - 2.90 rubles per minute of communication.

It is worth noting the fact that this billing is valid for all outgoing challenges, both on cellular and stationary phones, which are located in the proper region.

The cost of outgoing SMS messages in the "home" zone is as follows:

  • the first SMS per day - 9.95 rubles;
  • starting from the 2nd and to the 100th SMS - the fee is not charged;
  • after 100-C messages - 2 rubles for each subsequent SMS.

This turns out that the Beeline Tariff Plan "go" can be safely recommended to those users who actively use the SMS sending service. Such subscribers can be, for example, energetic young faces, or people with limited physical abilities. Subject to connection to this tariff plan, the "My SMS" option is the cost of sending messages in the "home" region will be 0 rubles.

The price for sending SMS messages to intercity rooms and international, as well as on the number of the CIS countries, is equal to the amount of 3.95 rubles. The cost of sending one MMS message is only 7.95 rubles. Beeline also provides its subscribers with the possibility of free sending SMS, more on what can be heard in the automatic service operator service.

Tariffation of international outgoing calls:

  • calls to the names of the operator Beeline to the CIS countries and Georgia - 12 rubles per minute of conversation;
  • calls to the numbers of other telecom operators of the CIS countries, Georgia and Ossetia - 14 rubles per each minute of conversation;
  • challenges to European countries and America - 35 rubles per minute of communication;
  • challenges to Central and North America - 40 rubles per minute.

All challenges to other states are charged in accordance with standard rates for international communication services. You can find out the exact cost of the call to a specific country on the official website of the company Beeline.

Internet access

Access to the global web on this tariff is very expensive, according to modern criteria. The price of one megabyte of information, both adopted and transmitted, is 10 rubles.

Also here have their own nuances - as soon as the user is spent over one month more than one megabyte of traffic, the Highway 1 GB option is automatically connected to its tariff. If the traffic exceeds does not happen, the option will not be connected.

To disable this automatic option, you should dial a combination of * 115 * 030 # keyboard. If you wish, connect the option you want to dial a combination * 115 * 03 #.

Connecting the Beeline Tariff Plan "GO"

To go to the specified tariff plan, you can contact the user service center, and use the service "Personal Account" or make a call to the number 0674100200.

The cost of the transition from the "All Inclusive" series tariff plan is 200 rubles, and from all other tariff plans - 150 rubles.

Also, the operator offers to acquire a new SIM card with the GOU tariff at any mobile center.

Turning off Beeline "GO"

To disable the GOU tariff plan and the transition to another tariff, you should use a corresponding command to connect a new tariff plan. Such commands must be specified in the description by the user favorite tariff. After successful transition, the tariff plan will be disabled automatically.

You can also disable "GO" in the center of user service or in the "Personal Account" service menu.

Beeline operators do not cease to please their users with new tariffs for every taste and color. Each tariff plan has significant advantages that allow fully engaged in their capabilities and nothing to limit themselves. An example of such a choice is the tariff Go Beeline.

The Gobler's tariff plan is absolutely no subscription fee. This is very convenient for subscribers who are not active users of the worldwide Internet and more often call offline than inside. Moreover, "Go" Beeline allows you to call offline and abroad at a very favorable value.

Thus, if you do not call and do not use the worldwide Internet, then the subscription fee will not be charged. This means that money from your account daily or monthly will not be written off. And they will be charged only if you yourself will conduct some kind of operation, for example, make a call, enter the Internet or write an SMS message.

Connect to the GOU tariff plan from Beeline will not be any difficulty. And if you have such a desire, then no obstacles will not be. We strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of this tariff plan and decide for yourself - it is suitable or not. If necessary, contact your support service for more details.

Description of the tariff "GO" Beeline: Benefits and Disadvantages

Tariff GOU Beeline Description It is necessary to carefully examine before connecting to it.

GO tariff is a real find for both youth and adult people, past generation. It is perfectly suitable for modern smartphones, buttons for mobile phones without the possibility of accessing the Internet. But still use this tariff on phones where the Internet is not provided is much more convenient.

Noticeable advantage of this tariff is that it is not necessary to pay for incoming calls. They are absolutely free. And the calculation of outgoing calls occurs depending on the number of minutes that you spent on conversations. But on this advantage of this tariff plan do not end. Let's try to figure it out.

Advantages of tariff GOU from Beeline:

  • complete lack of subscription fees . If you do not call anyone and are not an active user of the Internet, the tariff go Beeline for you is a real find. Daily or monthly money will not be written off from the account, but will be charged only if you commit some operations. This factor is a significant advantage for people aged and children who more often take calls than call themselves. Moreover, parents will be able to control the challenges of their child and enter the Internet.
  • favorable rates not only within the network, but also outside the network and abroad . Tariffs with a daily subscription fee involve the fact that during the day you can call inside the network absolutely free, but money from the account for calls outside the network will still be written off. For subscribers who are more often calling abroad or simply on the number of another operator or do not call anyone at all, it does not fit at all. The Go rate has unique options that allow you to make calls outside the network according to the most advantageous tariffs.

Disadvantages of the Goeline tariff plan:

  • the complete absence of a subscription fee can be viewed as a flaw . If you spend most of your time on the worldwide Internet, then this tariff plan will not work unambiguously. It is more profitable and it will be more convenient to find a tariff that will allow you to enter the network without rest, that all means will be written off from the account. It also concerns the subscription fee for calls within the network. Significantly reduce costs will help connect the special option, which is provided for by the tariff. But even this will not make the Internet cheap.

Thus, GO is the best tariff for children, youth and the elderly. But before connecting it is necessary to clarify the details that relate to your activity on the network. If necessary, you can refuse this tariff, that is, to disconnect and replace the goal goal to another.

How easy it is to connect and turn off Go from Beeline

If you carefully read the description, advantages and disadvantages and decided that this tariff plan is ideal for you, then you can safely move to the connection. First you need to be just a Beeline subscriber.


To connect, you need to call the special number - 0674100200. If there is not enough funds on your balance sheet, then you should first replenish the balance. Balance must be more than 150 rubles. If the operator provides you with a free call, then for the connection of another tariff will still have to pay, otherwise you cannot fully implement your operation.

After you have made a call, the transition to the new tariff should be carried out during the day. To confirm the success of the operation, you should come SMS from the Beeline operator. If the message did not come or there were any problems with the connection or use of the tariff, it is worth contacting technical support.


If this tariff plan is already installed on your mobile phone and you are dissatisfied with them for some reason, the only way out is the replacement of the old tariff. After you have chosen a new tariff, contact the special number corresponding to your tariff plan. Or contact the Beeline service - and you will immediately provide the necessary help.

After connecting the new tariff, the GOU tariff plan will be turned off automatically. That is, as soon as you decide to connect to another tariff and make the necessary actions, GO will be disconnected.

If you yourself, without contacting the Beeline service center, want to go to another tariff, you can find the necessary information in the "Personal Account". There will be recommendations that need to be followed.

How is the Internet connection on GOU?

No subscription fee does not imply the tariff goal. This also applies to the Internet. There will be no one-time payment for using the network, but the fee will be charged after each Internet access and will depend on the spent traffic.

The Internet on the GO tariff is quite expensive if it is compared with other tariffs that provide more favorable conditions. One megabyte transferred and accepted by you will cost 9 rubles and 95 kopecks .

Also, the tariff provides an automatic connection to a special option from Beeline - "The Highway option" 1 GB. " Connection occurs after the first month of using the Internet you will be spent only 1 megabyte data. If you do not use the Internet, then this option will not be available.

Disable the "Highway" option 1 GB, if there is such a need. To do this, just enter a special command: * 115 * 030 # and press the call button. To re-connect this option, you must enter the following combination: * 115 * 03 # Call Pope .

It is worth noting that the GOU tariff provides other options to which you can easily connect by pressing a special command. Among them there are options for calls within the network and outside the network, as well as for calls abroad to the beeline numbers and other operators. For more information, it is worth contacting the Beeline service or call the help service. And you will definitely select options that save your money.

Cottage Cost GO

The cost of cellular services of this tariff depends on the regions and may differ. In order for information about the services of services to the most accurate, you should visit the official website of Beeline or contact the service center. Can also help a call to the reference service.

The cost of the call to the city phone will be the same as on the cell.

For 1 minute of conversation, you pay:

  • 1 ruble and 70 kopecks per 1 minute of conversation in its region;
  • 2 rubles and 90 kopecks For 1 minute of conversation with a source from another region or city;
  • 12 rubles and 0 kopecks 1 minute of call to Beeline by CIS countries;
  • 14 rubles and 0 kopecks 1 minute to numbers of other state operators of the CIS;
  • 35 rubles and 0 kopecks 1 minute of call to Europe, USA and Canada;
  • 40 rubles and 0 kopecks 1 minute to Central America.

Not only calls within the network and out of the network, but also abroad are beneficial. Thus, the Go tariff allows you to easily make a call abroad according to the most profitable rates.

No less favorable prices offer Beeline operators and for lovers of SMS messages.

One SMS message will cost you:

  • my SMS service allows you to exchange SMS on regional numbers absolutely free;
  • without connecting to the My SMS service, the price of one SMS will be only 2 rubles 50 kopecks;
  • the price of SMS messages on cell phones Beeline in the CIS is 3 rubles 95 kopecks;
  • SMS messages to phone numbers of other CIS operators will cost you only 5 rubles 95 kopecks.


Thus, Go Beeline has its own positive and negative sides. Before you choose this tariff plan or go to it from another plan, it is worth carefully examining the necessary information: familiarize yourself with the characteristics; find out how the connection and shutdown occurs; How much are the services of using a cellular network, calls and sms messages; How much will cost the use of the Internet and how to connect it, as well as weigh everything in and against.