How to turn on the flash when you receive an incoming call or receive an SMS message on your iPhone. How to turn on the flash on an iPhone when they call you iPhone 5 flashing when calling

Apple is renowned for its sensitivity to users with disabilities. There is a whole section in the settings called “ Universal Access", where there are functions that help adapt the process of using the gadget to the needs of such people. One such function is LED flash when calling, designed to notify users with hearing impairments about incoming calls or SMS messages.

It's absolutely fair that LED flash on iPhone found a lot of fans among ordinary owners of Apple devices. It’s difficult to hear the built-in polyphonic melody or feel the vibration while in a crowded place, but you definitely won’t miss the flash, which blinks dazzlingly brightly when making a call. How to activate this useful feature on iPhone?

How to turn on the flash on iPhone when they call?

You can set the flash when calling on iPhones of any modification older than 4. Holders iPhone 3GS This function is not available by default due to the lack of the required LED. People who needed light alerts due to health problems could purchase a proprietary flash accessory for their third iPhone called iFlash. Nowadays, finding such an accessory on sale is as difficult as finding it yourself. iPhone 3GS.

Setting up a flash when making a call on an iPhone 4 or any later modification, on the contrary, is very simple - this is done in 3 steps:

Step 1. Go to " Settings" and proceed to the section " Basic».

Step 2. Find the subsection " Universal Access“—that’s what you need.

Step 3. Scroll down to the block " Hearing", find the toggle switch " LED flash for warnings" and switch it to the active position.

Now the iPhone will notify you with flickering not only about incoming call, but also about the received SMS message. In addition, the flash will sound simultaneously with the alarm melody.

The iPhone only blinks when in lock mode. If the device is unlocked, most likely the owner is using it and will not miss the call anyway.


Many users of Apple gadgets, unfortunately, refuse the LED flash when making a call, despite the fact that they consider this function extremely useful. They are guided by considerations of saving charge, believing that an activated LED drains the battery many times faster. In fact, this is a misconception: of course, LED flash uses power, but not as much as, say, a 3G connection or Wi-F i. Therefore, the user who wants to achieve long-term battery life iPhone, you should use other methods that are more effective than not using the flash when making a call.

Many iPhone users often wonder why Apple doesn’t think of building an LED into the phone to indicate various events, because it’s really convenient, especially when the phone is in silent mode.

Surprisingly, most iPhone owners don't even realize that this functionality can be achieved using their phone's flash. About how to turn on flash when making a call on iPhone standard means we will tell you in this article.

Indeed, in order to set the flash to an incoming call on your iPhone, you do not need either Jailbreak or installation of additional applications. This functionality is present in iOS by default, it’s quite difficult to simply find it and guess what it does.

I don’t think it’s worth talking about the fact that a flashing flash on an iPhone during a call will help you not miss an important call. And if your phone is in silent mode, then flashing the flash when your iPhone rings is generally the only way to notice an incoming call when the phone is face down.

How to turn on flash when iPhone rings

To make your iPhone's flashlight blink when you make a call, you only need to change one parameter in your phone's settings.

First, open the main settings of your phone, to do this, click on the icon "Settings" on the screen.

Scroll down a little and select the menu item "Basic".

In the next tab, find the line with the name "Universal Access" and click on it.

Scroll down the menu a little to the category called "HEARING"(yes, in general, the option of blinking the flash during a call is positioned as an aid for the hearing impaired), and put the switch next to the item "Flash Alerts" to position "Enabled".

As a result, when there is an incoming call or message (even if it came, for example, in Viber), your phone will blink with its flash. The following video clearly demonstrates what an iPhone flash notification looks like.

How to turn off flash when iPhone calls

If you're tired of your iPhone flashing its flashlight every time there's an incoming call, you can disable this option without any problem. To do this, follow the reverse procedure described above and in the menu, set the slider to the off position. As a result, flash flashing during calls and notifications will be disabled.

Now you know how to make a flash on your iPhone during a call and how to turn it off if you get tired of it.

Almost everything modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with an LED flash, which is mainly used for photography and as a flashlight. In turn Apple company I found another, no less interesting use for it. Starting with iPhone fourth generation, the flash can function as a flasher to visually signal a call.

Is this flasher necessary?

Initially, the idea of ​​​​using an LED in flickering mode was intended to help people with disabilities (hard of hearing) not to miss incoming calls and SMS notifications. But over time the situation changed. Today, many young people deliberately turn on the flashing lights, thus trying to attract the attention of others to their fashionable gadget. However, this method does not always have a positive effect. Some people may be irritated by such flickering, especially at night.

An LED flasher can help girls quickly find an iPhone in a bag among many different accessories. It's also worth noting that the flicker also applies to the alarm clock. This means that when the alarm goes off, in addition to the melody, frequent LED flashes will be visible in the room, provided that the iPhone is face down. To decide whether the flashing light is useful for you, you should turn it on for a few days on your iPhone. But keep in mind that this will drain your battery faster.

So how do you turn on flash flashing?

The procedure for turning on the LED flasher is extremely simple and can be completed in just a couple of minutes. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section and find the line called “Basic”. Then touch the specified line, after which a list with many sub-items will appear on the screen. Among them, you should find and click on the “Universal Access” item. Scrolling through the items in the newly opened section, you need to find and select the line called “Flash warnings”. After its activation, all incoming iPhone calls and messages will be accompanied by a melody with a bright optical effect.

The developers of iPhone running iOS 10 have additionally equipped it with another option – “Flash in silent mode”, which is also located in the “Universal Access” menu. To enable it, the user needs to perform two steps:

  • by moving your finger across the screen, turn on the switch located next to the option name;
  • Move the switch located at the end of the phone to the “Silent” position, in which its orange part will become visible.

After these steps have been completed, each time incoming call or SMS, the smartphone will vibrate and the LED will flash brightly.

Sometimes iPhone owners complain that for some reason the flashing light does not work immediately after enabling the option. In this case, you should restart the device and try to accept the call again. In this case, you need to keep in mind the following nuance. iPhone flashing periodically is only possible when its screen is turned off. If the device is not in standby mode (the screen is active), the LED will not blink.

How to disable

Disabling the LED flasher on an iPhone follows the same principle as turning it on. To turn off the flash during incoming SMS and calls, you should re-enter the “Universal Access” menu and move the switch on the screen to the inactive position.

By the way, not only owners can enable the LED blinking function during incoming calls. iPhone versions higher than iOS 5. It is also available in some other smartphones. In particular, activation of the flasher is available by default in devices MIUI firmware, and you will have to install the Flash On Call application on your smartphone with Android OS.

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The cameras of modern flagship smartphones are pumped to the maximum and, of course, they have flashes. iPhone, of course, is no exception. True, in fairness, it is worth noting that saving for night shooting“light” first appeared on the iPhone 4S, but for the iPhone 4 it could only be purchased separately - the mini-gadget was called iFlash, was inserted into the charging cable connector and seriously improved the quality of pictures taken in low-light conditions.

However, these “dark” times are already behind us, present moment The flash is an integral part of the iPhone. And it is noteworthy that today it can not only play the role of the main “friend” of night shots, but also “with a slight movement of the hand” turn into a powerful and very convenient flashlight, and, in addition, be used as an indicator of various events - incoming calls, messages, alarm clock Last option especially convenient for people who are hard of hearing, who may not hear the melody, but will see the flash on the iPhone when making a call.

However, not only users with hearing problems activate this function. For many, a device blinking when calling is purely visually pleasing. Well, for those for whom a flash during a call is a necessity due to poor hearing, and for those for whom the flashing of a gadget gives aesthetic pleasure, we will tell you how to make this option active.

How to turn on flash when calling on iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S and 7?

It is worth saying that turning on the flash for a call is very simple - this is done in literally a couple of steps. The instructions below are relevant for smartphone models 5, 5S, 6, 6S and 7 (as well as Plus versions 6 and 7) running on iOS platform version 10 and higher:

You see, the answer to the question of how to put a “flashlight” on iPhone call very simple. Turning it off, of course, is also easy - just move the sliders indicated in the instructions (depending on which one was activated) from on to off.

How to turn on flash when making a call on iPhone 4S?

Frankly speaking, the instructions on how to make an iPhone 4S shimmer beautifully when making a call will be almost identical to the previous one, but we must indicate what the differences are and what is the reason for them.

The fact is that the iPhone 4S supports iOS updates up to version 9.3.5, and the silent blinking option appeared only in iOS 10. However, if you have an iPhone 5S or iPhone 6, or any other model that has not been updated to iOS 10, the flash blinking will be adjusted according to the following instructions:

As you can see, in earlier iOS versions, the "Flash Warning" option represents one line, at the moment when, starting from 10, it turned into a section that opens in separate window, even if it only has two configurable parameters.

LED flash first appeared on the iPhone 4, before that in previous models it was not available - those who wished could purchase the flash accessory separately. This device was called iFlash. Now every Apple user has the opportunity, without buying foreign objects, to set a flashing indicator when making a call. How to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone? Read our instructions.

Functions of enabled LED flashing

Today, all models of smart phones are equipped with a flash, which is located on the back panel of the gadget. Its main task is to create sufficient lighting for video and photography, but that’s not all. useful features flashes. One of them is a call alert. This is exactly what we will talk about below.
As you already understand, an LED flash is not only a faithful assistant for creating excellent photos, but also a notification of an incoming call. By turning it on on your phone this function, you will not only hear the melody of the incoming call, but also recognize it by the blinking flashlight. Surely, this useful feature will be useful to people with poor hearing - even without hearing the call, a person can easily understand by the flickering of the flash that someone is calling him.

How and where to put the flash when making a call on iPhone 4, 5/5s, 6 or 7

So, the procedure for turning on the flash is as follows:

1. Launch the “Settings” application, select the “General” section in it.

2. Then – “Universal Access”.

3. After that, press LED flash for alerts.

That's all, now you can see how the flash blinks when your iPhone calls. It also reacts to incoming messages and goes off when the alarm is activated. Note that the flash flickers only when the phone is in lock mode. In the normal state (but not in the sleeping state!) there will be no warning light. In this case, indication of a missed SMS is possible only if you set up a “reminder” of an unread message.

Attention: The flash during a call will become an additional consumer of your phone's energy. Therefore, by activating this function, do not be surprised that your iPhone will begin to discharge faster.