The d3dx9 file is missing on the computer 43 (Solved) The program cannot start, the d3dx9_xx.dll file is missing. What is the error d3dx9_43.dll

Dear friends, today we will find out what the error d3dx9_43.dll is and how to fix it. But first, you need to figure out the file itself, what it is for, and so on. This will help you avoid similar problems in the future. So, the d3dx9_43.dll file is part of the system library, which takes part in the launch of programs and utilities. That is, if it is missing, then the application will not open, and you will receive an error. Therefore, such a problem simply needs to be eliminated. Today we are with you and consider how to fix this error.

Most often this problem occurs in Windows 7.

It is worth noting that if almost any document with the dll extension is missing, then this will be a fix. It is responsible for running high-speed multimedia documents and games on your computer or laptop. That is, in the absence of one file of this large library, you will not be able to run these applications. An error like "d3dx9_43.dll is missing" will pop up. Let's quickly find out how it can be corrected and what needs to be done.

How to fix the error

  1. Since the d3dxdll file is part of the software library Microsoft DirectX... This means that we will need to either update or reinstall it on your computer or laptop. The nice thing is that both of these options are performed by one web installer, which you can independently download from the official Microsoft website\u003dru&id\u003d35.
  2. As a last resort, when the previous method does not help, you can separately install the d3dxdll file in the system root folder. If you are using a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system, then it will need to be placed in the system32 folder, which is located on local diskwhere your OS is installed in windows folder... By default, the system is on the local drive C. Then the path of your file location will be the following: C: Windows / system32. For users of the 64-bit OS, the SysWOW64 folder will serve instead of system32.

Microsoft DirectX will automatically install required files in system

Please note that the second method is not recommended, since the downloaded d3dx9_43.dll file from third-party resources can harm your computer, but there are no official sources. Microsoft rarely posts such documents on its website. Consequently, you will also download this file from any site on the Internet.

Other checks

  1. It is possible that viruses are actively working on your computer or laptop and malicious codes... Be sure to use specialized software in order to remove them. To do this, install an antivirus on your device and scan it.
  2. When installing DirectX from third-party resources, you also may not expect a solution to your question, as often such installers do not check new files on the servers that could appear in components. It is highly recommended that you only use the official web installer that you download from Microsoft. We remind you that this method is described in the third paragraph above.
  3. If you have failures not only for this file, then check for installed updates that are released for correct work systems. If you have not updated your operating system for a long time, then use the update center, which is available in the control panel menu.
  4. If all else fails, then you can try performing a system restore. It is likely that a large number of failures and problems can be solved only by this method.

One of the methods to correct the error is to restore windows systems


Dear friends, today we were dealing with such a problem as the absence of the d3dx9_43.dll file. As you learned, such an error tells us about a problem with the Microsoft DirectX library, which is responsible for open resource-intensive games and applications. There are two ways to fix this problem:

  1. Reinstalling the library
  2. Manual copying of the document to the system folder.

Naturally, the priority goes to the first method, which carries more guarantees on successful execution operations. I would also like to note separately the third point of the paragraph "Other checks". Updating your computer or laptop using the center windows updates it is not recommended to ignore them as they patch the operating system. Tell us in the comments what exactly helped you solve the problem. We hope that you will no longer have such errors during further work with the device.

During the launch of programs related to 3D graphics (games, graphic editors, etc.), the user may encounter a message notifying about the absence of the d3dx9_43.dll file on the computer and, as a result, it becomes impossible to launch programs. In this article I will tell you what this problem is, what it is related to, and how to fix this error on your PC.

This d3dx9_43.dll library file (dll - dynamic link library) is included in the DirectX package, which is a set of libraries for developing applications under Windows OS. Usually, Direct X is used when creating graphics programs, so it can often be found in computer gamesah, editors with 3D graphics (3Ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Cinema 4D, Modo), demos and other similar applications.

Causes of the d3dx9_43.dll missing error

The factors that cause the problem of d3dx9_43.dll missing usually occur in Windows 7 and 10. They are associated with malfunctions in DirectX itself, with the installation of some programs that change part of the system filesas well as dysfunction file structure hard disk.

Many viruses can be involved in this, removing or replacing some important files... If you start having regular crashes and glitches in the system, a message appears that “The program cannot be started”, then it's time to check your PC for viruses, and also scan hDD for broken clusters and other system errors.

What to do to fix the d3dx9_43.dll error

Step 1. Do not rush to search the network for the missing file, download it and install it in the desired directory. Often, instead of the d3dx9_43.dll file, you can download some regular Trojan that can harm your operating system... The easiest (and safest) way is to download the entire DirectX package from the developer's site and then install it on your computer. But before downloading DirectX, try to simply restart your computer first.

Step 2. If, for some reason, the installation of the new DirectX did not help fix the d3dx9 43.dll missing error, you can try to download a special version of DirectX End-User Runtimes, which is "sharpened" for games and supports all the wealth multimedia content.

Step 3. Also try reinstalling the program or game that issued given error "The program cannot be started."

Step 4. If the above steps did not help, then at your own peril and risk you can search this file on the Internet, download and then upload to the \\ Windows \\ System32 directory, after checking the downloaded file with a powerful antivirus. But then again, custom antivirus isn't always up to the mark, so the risk remains.

How the solution to the problem with d3dx9_43.dll looks like you can visually see here:


The error with d3dx9_43.dll can be easily eliminated by downloading the latest version of Direct X. If, for some reason, this did not help, then you can search for this file on the network and install it in the system directory at the above address. Usually, the option with reinstalling DirectX solves the problem in question without difficulty.

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Today's post concerns mainly computer game lovers. Often, especially on new computers (or with recent reinstall Windows), when the games are launched, errors of the form "The program cannot be started because the d3dx9_33.dll file is missing on the computer." Try reinstalling the program ... ”(see Fig. 1).

By the way, the d3dx9_33.dll file itself often happens with another group digit: d3dx9_43.dll, d3dx9_41.dll, d3dx9_31.dll, etc. Errors like this mean that the PC is missing D3DX9 (DirectX) library. It is logical that it needs to be updated (installed). By the way, in Windows 8 and 10, by default, these DirectX components are not installed and similar errors have recently installed systems - Not unusual! In this article, we'll take a look at how to update DirectX and get rid of such errors.

Figure: 1. Typical error of missing some DirectX libraries

How to update DirectX

Ideal if you have a computer connected to the Internet.

1) First, you need to download a special installer and run it. Link below.

Figure: 3. Installing Microsoft (R) DirectX (R)

After updating DirectX, errors of this kind (as in Fig. 1) should no longer appear on the computer (at least on my PC this problem "Disappeared").

If the error with missing d3dx9_xx.dll still appears ...

If the update was successful, then this error should not appear, and yet, some users claim the opposite: sometimes errors occur, Windows does not update DirectX, although there are no components in the system. You can, of course, reinstall Windows, but you can do it easier ...

2. After that, the specific file can be downloaded on the Internet at numerous sites. Here the main thing to remember about safety measures: the file must have the extension DLL (not the EXE installer), as a rule the file size is only a few megabytes, the downloaded file must be checked antivirus program... There is also a possibility that the version of the file you are looking for will be old, and the game will not work as expected ...

For the correct launch of programs and games on a computer, the presence of all libraries in the system is an important part, otherwise the applications will simply give an error. For example, in World of Tanks (WoT) d3dx9_43.dll is an integral component, without which the game will refuse to start. By the way, this article is about this library.


Initially, we'll talk about the d3dx9_43.dll error itself, what to do with it and how to fix it, we'll tell you later, because you need to know what we are dealing with.

So, the d3dx9_43.dll library is a component of the fairly common DirectX 9 package. In turn, this package is required for working with 3D graphics. Speaking simple language, without this library, the computer simply will not be able to interact with 3D models, and in order not to burden the unlucky user, the system at the startup stage scans the system and issues an error if it does not find the required library. as you might already guess, it most often occurs when starting games, but in some cases the programs will also refuse to work.

Few people know what to do with however in this article you will find all the answers to the questions. And since we have already figured out the definition of this phenomenon, we can proceed directly to the methods of its elimination.

Method one: download and install DirectX 9

So, if you do not know what to do with the d3dx9_43.dll error, then the most logical solution would be to download and install the DirectX 9 package, because, as mentioned above, it is it that contains the necessary library that the game or program requires.

But there are pitfalls in this method, because you need to know what to download and how to install. For example, downloading a package from an unofficial site is highly discouraged, because the chance of infecting your computer with a virus is quite high. But now an instruction will be provided in which everything will be disassembled in detail.

You need to download the package from the official site. In order not to search for it on it for a long time, it is easier to search in one of the well-known search engines... So:

    Enter the search engine.

    Enter "download directx 9" in the search bar.

    On the page, specify the system language in the drop-down list.

    Click Download.

The download of the package will begin. After its completion, run the file and complete the installation. This is done quite simply, you need to agree with license agreementand then click the Install button.

This was the first way to fix the d3dx9_43.dll error, but perhaps it will seem rather complicated to you, or you will simply stumble at some point, so let's move on to the second method.

Method two: using the DLL Suite program

You already know what to do with the d3dx9_43.dll error, but here's the second solution to the problem. it implies the use of a program called DLL Suite. This is a fairly simple and handy tool to deal with missing libraries. before doing the instructions below download and install this program.

So, to fix the error, you need to do the following:

    In the first window of the program, go to the "DLL Loading" category.

    In the search box, enter the name of the dll, and then click the green "Search" button.

    In the results that appear, click on the required library.

    In the expanded list, click "Download" opposite the correct version dll.

    In the window that appears, specify the path to the directory where the library should be installed. By default, the System32 folder is selected, and it is also correct for most cases.

    Click the "OK" button.

After completing all the steps, the download and installation of dll will begin. Upon successful completion, a green checkmark will appear next to the selected library version, indicating a successful installation process.

Method three: using program

If, for some reason, the previous program did not help you, then you can use an analogue - This method will even be simpler than the previous one, since there are much fewer points in it. So, just like last time, download and install the program on your computer, run it and follow these steps:

    Enter the name of the dll in the search box.

    Click the Search button.

    In the results, click on the desired option.

    Click the Install button.

That's all, just four points, after which the necessary library will be installed on your computer. As soon as the installation process is over, you can start your program or game, which previously refused to do so.

Method four: manually installing dll

If you have already tried all three previous methods, but the system still knocks out the d3dx9_43.dll error, then it remains last hope - install the library yourself. This is done quite simply, but there are some nuances here:

    You need to download the library from the Internet. Now many sites are happy to provide the ability to download it, but pay attention to its transparency and do not download the file from an unreliable source, as often attackers spread viruses in this way.

    After downloading the dll, first check it for viruses using some kind of antivirus software.

    Move the downloaded library to the System32 folder, which is located along the path C: \\ Windows \\ System32.

After that, the problem should disappear. Sometimes moving the file to the SysWOW64 folder, which is located along the same path, also helps.

The program cannot be started because d3dx9_43.dll is missing on the computer (or d3dx9_42.dll, or any other similar library). Try reinstalling the program.

Description of the d3dx9 _ 43.dll error:

The d3dx9_43.dll error means that the library specified in the error is missing. All errors with the indication of libraries starting with d3dx9 _ **. Dll are essentially the same, and differ only in missing files. The d3dx9 _ **. Dlls are bundled with the Microsoft DirectX package.

Causes of error d3dx9 _ 43.dll:

The d3dx9_43.dll error and the like, appear when the system is missing, not registered or damaged library, the name of which is specified in the error.

Possible solutions:

There are several solutions to the problem and they are all fairly simple to implement.

  1. The first and simplest solution is to download and reinstall (or install if not present on the system earlier) Microsoft DirectX or its web installer. In our opinion, the web installer is more relevant, since only the missing and updated libraries are downloaded (the page will open in a new tab). In 99% of cases, this method solves the problem.

Attention! Microsoft has removed the ability to download the DirectX package. It will now be distributed only as part of Windows updates. Learn more and how to manually install updates in this article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Use it, search on other resources latest versions DirectX, or update the system.

2. The second solution, as well as the subsequent ones, is slightly more complicated than in paragraph 1

We go to the site where you can download the libraries separately, follow this link // _ 42.dll.html There you click on the button<Скачать ZIP-архив>... Then choose the version for your system - 32-bit or 64-bit.

After downloading, unpack the archive to any place convenient for you. Then copy the dll to the folder:

b) in the case of a 64-bit system, to the C: \\ Windows \\ SysWOW64 \\ folder

If the system asks about replacing the existing file, click<Копировать с заменой>.

Reboot. Try launching the game (usually games won't launch due to this error).

If the error persists, you need to register the library.

For a 32-bit system, this is done like this:

Press the key combination WIN + Rand in the window that opens enter

regsvr32.exe C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ d3dx9 _ 43.dll(Remove the spaces around the _.)

For 64-bit version enter:

C: \\ WINDOWS \\ SysWOW64 \\ regsvr32.exe C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ d3dx9 _ 43.dll (Remove the spaces around the _.)

and press the button .

Attention!!! DLLs can be quite dangerous for your PC if they undergo any modification by unfriendly people. Therefore, the first method is many times preferable and safer.

Check the sources from which you take the files. Scan downloaded files with antivirus software.