Disable google apps xiaomi note 4. What system apps can i uninstall on Xiaomi? For successful execution we need

One of the main reasons for the success of the Android mobile platform is its openness. This allows users to customize their smartphone the way they want.

Xiaomi smartphones are very popular in our country, so we cannot ignore user interface MIUI. Many people praise MIUI for its customization flexibility, while others complain about the lack of some important features. Today we will discuss one of such topics, namely, how to disable any application on MIUI 8.

Generally, disabling any app on MIUI 8 is very easy. To do this, go to "Settings"\u003e "Applications", select the required application, and click the "Disable" option.

However, attentive users may have noticed that disabling the installed application impossible. Many people, myself included, are seriously annoyed. Why should I look at an application that is useless to me on the home screen? Don't worry, we've found a simple solution to this problem!

To demonstrate how to disable any app on MIUI 8, we'll take a look at Hangouts. It is one of the many applications that comes with an operating system preinstalled. In addition, the app cannot be disabled in the MIUI settings as the Disable button itself is disabled. Oh, what an irony!

What do we need

Disabling the application on MIUI 8 will help us free app called "QuickShortcutMaker". Click on the link below to download it.

Step-by-step instruction

After you have downloaded the above application, follow these steps:

Voila! You have successfully disabled an application that you do not need. It was pretty easy, wasn't it?

Please note that the only limitation of this method is that you cannot disable native MIUI 8 apps (like the Music App from Xiaomi). All other pre-installed applications (for example, Google play Books, Google Play Movies, etc.) can be turned off.

On my main smartphone Mi5s, I ran into one small problem - the Google Now virtual assistant is not invoked when I press the center Home key for a long time. It seems not critical, but still I wanted everything to work properly. I got into the jungle of settings to understand, and at the same time I decided to issue a small educational program, maybe someone else will come in handy.

So, if for some reason the Google Now virtual assistant stopped working for you, then this article should help solve your problem. First of all, you need to check which virtual assistant is used in your smartphone. To do this, in Settings in the Applications section, select the All Applications item. Next, click on the Default gear located at the very bottom. In the new window, select the Assistant and voice input. Here we are interested in the Assistant item, click on it and select the Google Application. In the event that the application Google already assigned, then first select No, and then re-select the Google Application.

Now you need to check if the search is activated. In Settings, in the Accounts section, select google item, then - Search. We find the line Search on the screen and turn on the switch in a new window.

If the switch is not active, then once again check which assistant is assigned by default or reinstall the Google Now application. These manipulations helped me.

Since the MIUI shell on Xiaomi smartphones is a redesigned Android, google services are installed in it by default. Not everyone needs them, since the Chinese company has its own analogues (take at least a cloud), plus when deactivating unnecessary programs the autonomy of the smartphone increases markedly. There are two easy ways disable google services that do not require getting Root right:

Method N1 - Application Management

The irony is that to disable Google services, you first have to use them. Install "Application Management" in Google Play and launch it. Next, select the one you want and click "Disable" (in some cases, "Delete")

Method number 2 - QuickShortcutMaker

Download QuickShortcutMaker, launch it and see a list of programs. It is better to use the search here, writing "all applications". As a result of the search, you need to find the item SettingsAll AppsAllApplicationsActivity(see screenshot below)

In the new window we are interested in the item "View"

The same list of programs will open as in Method # 1, where you can Disable / Remove unnecessary ones. In order not to go through the lengthy search procedure each time, you can click on the "Create" button - as a result, a settings shortcut will appear on the desktop, which will immediately open the desired window.

An important point.In the first screenshot on the lower right side you can see the "More" item, it contains the "Delete updates" line. If you uninstall updates, the app will still work. Moreover, when connected to the Internet, it will be updated, so only disconnecting can help.

You may have noticed that there is no option on Xiaomi phones disable system applications without getting Root rights. Perhaps this is the case for those who are used to doing everything according to the rules. But it has long been known that "normal heroes always go around". And, interestingly, they achieve their goal. So it is with system applications on Xiaomi: there is a method to disable them without obtaining super-user rights, and it works great on.

Our experience with users shows that the owners smartphones Xiaomi and Huawei always face certain challenges when it comes to google applications... Moreover, in some Xiaomi phones with a Chinese ROM without these problems, it is not even possible to install applications or google services... After leaving latest version operating system MIUI 10 most complaints come from the popular model. A very unpleasant situation arises with it: it is not possible to remove or disable Google applications. We hasten to please: a workaround has already been found, and you can use it to disable system applications on any xiaomi phone.

This is probably very frustrating when you cannot control your phone the way you want. The best thing about android platform - this is an opportunity for the user to customize everything in accordance with his needs. In such conditions, the restrictions that suddenly appear when trying to perform certain actions are especially annoying. The guide below will show you how to disable Google apps on Xiaomi phone.

So the conditions are:

  • Any other phone that runs MIUI.
  • More Shortcuts app (You can download it).

The procedure for disabling system applications:

Note: If you are using nova launcher for your Xiaomi phone, you can easily create a shortcut using the widget.

Attention: Be careful with this guide, think about which applications you disable - not all system applications can be disabled without affecting your smartphone.

That's all. We hope this guide is useful to you and you manage to disable Google apps on your Xiaomi phone running MIUI 10 and below. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to write about it in the comments. Know any other way to disable Google Apps on Xiaomi with MIUI? Share your experience!