Update google play services to android latest. Download Google Play Services on Android. Features and functions of Google Play Services on Android

Google services Play - with this program you can update other programs from the Service Google play... This application organizes the work of all basic functions, such as authentication in Google services and full synchronization of existing contacts, as well as full access to all sorts of privacy options and better services that save your android's energy using location data. Google Play services will significantly speed up searches required programs, even offline. Google Play services are mainly required to regularly update all downloaded Google apps and smartphone products from the Google Play store. This kind of component ensures the good and smooth functioning of basic features, such as synchronization in all Google services.

Thanks to these services, working with programs and game applications on the device becomes much easier, and the search speed in offline format is significantly increased, all maps acquire a realistic look. The service, not so long ago, could boast of its unstable work, some users wrote complaints that Google Play services spend a lot of battery power in their work. To date, services are very effective in treating the resources of a smartphone and now, there are no shortcomings in the application.

Due to the fact that the service has support for a new API servicebut, this greatly simplified the life of program and game developers, and also gave them the opportunity to use new tools for writing multiplayer games in their work. Optimized for smartphones of any version, Google Play Services will also improve the experience with Google+. There is now a practical auto-fill function when typing text data, as well as synchronization of your phone contacts with those of the Google+ service.

There is also a minus in this product. Since after downloading and installing the service, synchronization begins with all possible programs and games (except for malicious software), then after removing the service, some applications may fail in functioning, up to a complete failure in work. But in addition to the above-described disadvantage, the service did not have any drawbacks and it is more than covered by the advantages. To install, you need to do a couple of clicks in the main menu, and after authorization, everything will start working. All google settings Play is very simple, thanks to them your interaction with your smartphone will be as convenient as possible.

Google Play Services are mainly used to update all downloaded Google apps and mobile apps from. This component makes it possible to provide quality work key functionssuch as authentication to all Google services, syncing your contacts, and free and unrestricted access to new privacy settings and energy-saving services that use your location data. You can yourself download google play services free in APK format.

Thanks to Google Play services, work with applications and games on your Android device becomes much more convenient, and offline searches are significantly accelerated, all maps become much more realistic. Google Play services, until recently, were unstable, some users of devices based on Android complained that the services of the Google family consume a lot of battery resources. To eliminate this error, the developers took a minimum of time and now the services are economical with your charge and now, the Google Play service no longer has any drawbacks.

Due to the fact that the service supports new APIs, the service will simplify the life of all application developers, and also provide them with the opportunity to use extensive new tools for creating functional and multiplayer games. Optimized Google Play Services will improve your Google+ experience. Now it is convenient function auto-filling when entering texts, as well as the ability to synchronize contact lists from your mobile device from google contacts+ and with Gmail. If you encounter a device when installing services, you can see the solution to the problem.

The new version will bring smartphone users only a pleasant experience of their work and you will not regret choosing Google Play Services. You can download the application for your Android completely free of charge on our website, which does not require exhausting registration or sending a large number of SMS messages from you.

Already millions of users did not wait for analog updates and downloaded Google Play Services, thereby completely transforming their work into Google and optimizing all processes in the device. The program can be run on your mobile phone or tablet, in manual mode using programs Total Commander, ES Explorer, Solid Explorer and in automatic mode... You are guaranteed to be satisfied with the work of Google Play, because you will establish the correct operation of all other services.

Everyone knows that Google has photographed our entire planet from different angles and created a 3D model of the Earth based on these images. But the company carried out no less fruitful work on the study of Mars, the Moon and starry sky... Google has partnered with NASA to collect a wealth of data on these objects and create Google Mars, Moon and Sky web maps. In addition, you can admire 3D models of Mars, the Moon and the starry sky in the program Google earth.

2. ZygoteBody (Google Body)

The ZygoteBody project is a stunning visualization of the structure of the human body, which will be an invaluable help to both medical students and just all curious people.

With the help of this service, we can travel through the human body, starting from the external structure and moving deeper and deeper, to the smallest capillaries of the circulatory system and nerve endings.

The service is now owned by Zygote Media Group, but Google initially worked on it. The 3D model of the human body is still free to view. To access additional features such as annotation, the developers suggest using paid subscription... Note that at the time of this writing, additional functions do not work.

The goal of Google Person Finder is to empower people to reconnect with friends and family after natural and humanitarian crises. The project was developed after the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center buildings and is part of Google's broader crisis response system.

For art and culture lovers, this Google project provides an opportunity to get acquainted with thousands of exhibits and collections of museums and archives around the world.

While technically not the company's most difficult project, in terms of visualization, the Music Timeline is simply amazing. It compares the popularity of musical genres since 1950. In addition, you will be able to meet the most famous artists from different years and even their albums.


This method of defending against bots is sometimes annoying, especially if you can't figure out especially tricky scribbles right off the bat. However, the discontent will surely disappear if you find out that your torment is helping a very useful cause. By correctly recognizing the suggested words, each user participates in a global project to digitize old manuscripts and train other Google smart services.

7. Google Trends

Do you want to know about the trends of our time? Want to compare the popularity of different brands, products and artists? Then you just need to bookmark this service, because it can do all of the above and a little more.

8. Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop is a service that provides remote access to a computer via any other computer, tablet or smartphone. The connected person sees the desktop of the remote PC and can manage its files and applications.

With Chrome Remote Desktop, you can, for example, help your loved ones set up a PC from a distance or get the support of a tech-savvy friend yourself. To connect two devices, you need to install a service client on each of them.

Google Play Services (Google Play Services) is one of those tools that works completely invisibly. However, if he suddenly does not appear on Android device, apps won't be able to update, and you won't be able to use modern features like contact sync or GPS navigation.

Perhaps, Google Play Services is the most necessary and useful tool for Android, because without it, no service can function normally. This platform is the link between Google products and your applications. So make sure you have the most recent version of this product today.

If you recently purchased a device, there is nothing to worry about, because new smartphones and tablets already contain all the components you need to work. But if your trusty gadget has been serving for a long time and has passed many tests with you, be sure to update the platform. It's actually very simple to do this, just download Google Play Services and install them on your device. The file is provided in the usual apk format and is unpacked similarly to other ordinary applications. In the event of an update, the mobile program itself will offer to replace existing components with newer ones.

What is the tool for?:

  • Google Services Authentication
  • Correct work with Google accounts
  • Updating and downloading new applications from the Play Store
  • Sync contacts and tabs in the Chrome browser
  • Access to obtaining geolocation data, simply a GPS navigator
  • Ability to use modern features such as energy saving and privacy of personal information
  • Thanks to the correct work of Google Play services, games will become faster offline and realistic
  • Applications can even stop working without this tool.

Thus, it is important not only to take care of the availability mobile program, but also the most recent version of it. The application does not have an interface, you do not need to configure or adjust anything. All that is required of you google installation Play Services for Android or updating them. Your device's system will take care of the rest. You can check the relevance of the tool in the Menu section by going to Settings, and then Applications. Select the required line and view the information about the mobile program.

Google Play Services download on Android

Download Google Play Services free for Android you can follow the links below.

Android 2.3+
Google Play services 10.0.84 (030-137749526) _minAPI9 (armeabi-v7a) (nodpi) (46.99 Mb)
Google Play services 10.0.84 (070-137749526) _minAPI9 (mips) (nodpi) (47.26 Mb)
Google Play services 10.0.84 (070-137749526) _minAPI9 (x86) (nodpi) (47.37 Mb)

Android 5.0+

Google Play services 12.5.29+ (020300-192802242) (arm) (nodpi) (43.9 Mb)
Google Play services 12.5.29+ (020400-192802242) (arm64) (nodpi) (47.0 Mb)
Google Play services 12.5.29+ (020700-192802242) (x86) (nodpi) (45.9 Mb)
Google Play services 12.5.29+ (020800-192802242) (x86_64) (nodpi) (48.4 Mb)

Android 6.0+

Google Play services 12.5.29+ (040300-192802242) (arm) (nodpi) (43.7 Mb)

In some new phones, for example, on Meizu, the standard Google services are not pre-installed. Here the user will need to independently install them on their gadget. Services are a common application that can be easily found on the Internet in 1 minute and then installed on your smartphone.

What functionality does the services provide

The phone will function without this program, but its capabilities without services will be significantly limited. The availability of Google services guarantees the following capabilities to users of Meise and other gadgets:

  • The ability to update applications downloaded through "Google Play", as well as standard ones such as YouTube and others.
  • Google Play services on Android provide correct work important functions. You will be able to use Google authentication, contact sync, and access privacy and location data.
  • Newer apps are more likely to install correctly. In the future, all this can be updated.
  • Offline search speeds up significantly.
  • In some cases, you may not be able to launch specific applications.

Google Play services launch whole line important processes on your gadget, which play an important role in the functioning of the device, so it is recommended to download Google Play.

How to install services on your device

To find this application and downloading Google Play services for free will not be difficult. To do this, you can use a browser on your phone or install Google Play through your computer. In the second case, you need to first prepare the USB cable and put it on your PC required driversif it doesn't recognize your smartphone. To download the program, follow these steps:

Alternative installation methods

If the browser is not available for some reason or the phone does not have access to the Internet, then you can install an application such as Google Play services through your computer. To do this, follow these steps:

Beforehand, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the requirements, since a certain version of services can work correctly only under a specific version of "Android". To find out which OS version is on your phone, you will have to resort to phone settings. You need to go to the "About phone" section, and then enable the "Android version" item.

If your gadget does not meet the requirements, you can download Google Play services from third-party sites. As a rule, there are several versions of the program (including older versions). But be careful, as users who download from third-party sites are susceptible to attacks by viruses and other malicious software. The downloaded software may be damaged or not work at all. It is necessary to resort to this option only in the most exceptional situations.

Possible mistakes

Many users ask the question why, when I download the application, the error appears. Thanks to Google services, you can solve some of them. Below is a list of how to fix the most common errors:

  • Error code 413, 492, or 504. Open Google Play Services and then click the Clear Data and Stop buttons. Then clear your browser cache.
  • Error code 927. Please wait while updating Google Play services. Then follow point 1.
  • Error code 941. Follow step 1, and then clear data and cache in Download Manager.

As you can see, Google Play services play an important role in the functioning of any android device, while significantly expanding the user's functionality. Now you know how to download and install this application on your smartphone.