View contacts in google account. How to sync contacts from Google to Android. How to restore contacts to Google account on Android device

Thanks to mobile gadgets, you can create hundreds of contacts with detailed information and photos. It is not difficult to view them, and you can find the desired contact using a quick search. But what to do if you need to transfer numbers from one phone to another. A feature such as syncing can help you move contacts from your Google account to Android. Synchronizing contacts android phone with Google is done with standard settings on your device.

Synchronization benefits

A modern person, as a rule, has several mobile gadgets at his disposal. This is one or a pair of mobile phones, a tablet and even a smart watch. There are times when one phone is discharged, and you need to urgently call from another. Unfortunately, desired number you don't have a phone. Transferring the entire notebook manually is a tedious and time-consuming process, so you should use synchronization.

This function allows you to transfer the entire list of contacts on your device to your Google account. A special storage is created there, from where you can always easily and quickly "rewrite" the entire database of numbers to your second mobile gadget. If you lose your phone or SIM card, you no longer have to worry about important numbers, whether they are business partners or distant relatives. Where will all the information be stored? On your google account.

Turn on sync

If you have a Google account, then just go to its settings on your phone, and then connect the synchronization. There you can also activate the synchronization of your music, books and even calendar events. One of the extremely common questions is where these settings are located. To enable syncing, follow these steps:

After these steps, all selected data will be transferred to your Google account. Next to each item there is information about the last synchronization date. Make sure the date and time have changed to the current date.

Procedure if you don't have an account

If synchronization is vital to you, but you do not have a Google account or it is not connected to your smartphone, do not despair. This is done within minutes. After that, you need to add all the contacts of your gadget to the account storage database. The following instruction will allow you to do this.

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu. Find the item "Accounts and sync" (or similar).
  2. The window should contain the "Add account" button. Click it. Select Google from the dropdown list.
  3. The system will offer to create new account or select an existing one. If you have an account, add it.
  4. Enter your username and password from her.
  5. Go to "Your Phone Contacts". Press functional touch button, select the "Export / Import" item in the menu.
  6. Select the source to sync (in this case, your gadget), and then the destination is your Google Account.
  7. Highlight all the phone numbers you want and then click the copy icon in the bottom pane. Do not press the button several times to avoid duplicate entries.

In a couple of minutes, all contacts will be successfully saved in the account database. You can view them using a PC. To do this, go to your account, and in the Gmail item, select "Contacts" (Contacts).

Previously, we had to write down contacts in special phone books and notebooks, and those of us who could boast excellent memory, just memorized them. Those old phones that we used a little less than 10 years ago had too little memory to accommodate everyone we knew phone numbers.
Those who were supposed to have many contacts by their position used organizers. "Planners" were not available to ordinary people - they were expensive.
As soon as the first models began to appear mobile deviceswhich had software on iOS and Android, the "air smelled" of synchronization. And only with the advent of the fourth version of Android (Ice Cream Sandwich) and iOS, we learned to understand this mysterious word.

In this article, we'll show you how you can sync contacts on smartphones with operating system Google android and Apple iOS.

Google - Android

We learned about the possibility of synchronization in Google Android when accounts appeared in email addresses... Through account we could:
  • go to the app store;
  • navigate in time;
  • sync contacts;
  • look for a mobile device if it gets lost;
  • and these are not all possibilities.
You may not have an account, but then the smartphone owner loses many advantages. And the user learns about the capabilities of a mobile device only after activating a Google account.

Android contacts sync with Google to keep everything you have on all your mobile devices in one place. This is great if you have multiple devices. For example, different phone numbers are stored on your smartphone, iPad, smart watch and a couple of other gadgets. It seems that there should be no problems, but ...

You urgently need to call, and the tablet on which this contact is stored is out of access or out of power. And now the question arises: how to make sure that this situation does not arise? It's easy if you combine all phone numbers from all your mobile devices and move them to one place - your Google account. Read on for how to do this.

Go to settings, scroll down until you see the corresponding item.

Click on it and you will see the "Add Account" button. Click again and move on.

Here you will see all the programs that are already preinstalled. All require an account (entering a password and nickname). Things may look a little different on your device. For example, if you use the free calling program, Skype, it will be displayed for you.

What matters here is not the number of preinstalled programs, but the Google account. Click on account.

If you have one, enter your password and nickname, if not, go through registration.

We recommend that if you do not have an account yet, register not on a mobile device, but on personal computer or laptop. When registration is complete, log into your account and click in the right corner of the icon, where arrows are shown. The synchronization process is complete.

Open the Contacts tab on your mobile device.

Call context menu (special button with settings) and click as shown in the picture below.

Where will you sync the numbers from: from a sim card or smartphone memory? After selecting, click "Next".

Select your mail account as the new contact store.

IN cloud storage you can transfer any contacts. Click on the required ones, click on the icon and wait for the procedure to complete.

You can check the success of the synchronization in your mail by going to the address:. On this page, you will see all the phone numbers that were stored on your devices.

Edit all contacts to your liking, dividing them into groups. And if when updating software, critical errors will occur, you will not lose any of your phone numbers, since they are all uploaded to the cloud storage.

iOS - Google

IPhone owners with operating iOS system also use services search engine Google.

To synchronize or simply transfer all contacts from iPhone to your Google mail service, you need to do a few simple steps. Open apps and find settings.

Select "Mail". Click on this item and go to the tab where you can add an account.

You will be offered several postal services. Select Google Mail.

Please fill in all fields carefully, especially the second and third. The first field is for a nickname or name, and in the description field you can give the name of the new phone book.

Click on sync contacts.

You won't see anything in your contact list. To complete the transfer (copy) procedure, the contacts must be back-synchronized.

Go to settings mail service and find the section with contacts. Click on "Contacts from mail".

Open contacts and wait for the synchronization procedure to complete. Everything went well.

Get in the habit of not cluttering the memory of your mobile devices with hundreds of numbers. Storing contacts on the cloud will allow you to:
  • save space in the device's memory;
  • do not be afraid of flashing;
  • not be afraid of accidental deletions;
  • create groups of people.
You can edit contacts on the cloud as you like. It is much more convenient to do this from a computer than from a mobile device.

Combining all mobile devices in one account is a convenient innovation that will allow you not to lose contacts and always have access to them.

Google together with Android, she created a whole group of various services that significantly expand the functionality of the device. The Android sync feature is hugely popular, thanks to which you can quickly and conveniently move data between multiple phones, including contacts. You can activate sync on Android in your account settings in just a few steps.

Synchronization benefits: how best to enable synchronization on Android

Most people change their phones frequently. Buying a new gadget is a pleasant experience, but it brings with it one common problem. There is a need to transfer all your contacts from "Android" to new gadget... This can be done manually, simply by rewriting the list of required numbers, and then driving them one by one. If in your notebook tens or even hundreds of numbers, this method will not work.

An equally big problem is the recovery of numbers if you have lost your phone. It will take a very long time to restore the entire contact list again, and some important numbers may be lost forever. Synchronizing Android device contacts with Google will help solve all these problems. As soon as you activate it, all data (phone numbers, calendar and even, if necessary, photos) are synchronized with Google, and you can always restore this information on a new device later. You don't even need a computer for this operation.

All you need is a Google Account on Android, which is directly linked to gmail. You need to log into this account on the phone from which you want to read information. Next, you should go to the same account, but from a different smartphone, and then activate synchronization. After this procedure, you can delete your account from your old device for added security. However, not all users of android devices know how to enable Google account synchronization on Android.

Sync activation: sync android contacts with google

The inclusion procedure is not particularly difficult. You will only need to activate the synchronization of contacts once. Once the phone is synced, it can be removed. To activate, follow the instructions provided:

After that, contacts from "Android" will be recorded on the cloud, and you will only need to download them to another phone. Now you know how to enable synchronization on mobile phones and tablets on Android. If you are wondering how to disable synchronization, then you just need to uncheck the items that do not need to be synchronized. These are all actions that are required to disable.

Activating the display of contacts

Following logical question - how to sync android contacts with Google on your new device. To do this, you must first do a similar procedure. If that doesn't work, it might be necessary to expose the display. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

All the numbers you need will appear in the notebook, and you can use the synchronized data. If you have multiple Google accounts, make sure to use the same one for both phones. You can register in the Google system both from your phone and through a personal computer.

In our time, it is impossible without contacts on the Internet. Whether it's business, chatting with friends, romantic acquaintances, and all one thing through an online web service account is much more comfortable to establish communications. It's no joke to say, because access to your account in the Google system can be organized even in the Himalayas, on Mount Everest. There is, no less, Wi-Fi - Ncell and investors from Nepal did their best. So, dear reader, the ability to use contacts in your Google account is a very useful skill. And you may find it very useful, no matter where you are in the world.

In this article, you will learn where contacts are stored in your Google account, how you can synchronize, remove, and transfer them to your computer.

Gmail contact details

To view contact information in your Google mailbox, log into the system and go to the Gmail service. Click on the "Circles" section in the option column on the left, and then select the required subsection (Friends, Family, Acquaintances, etc.), depending on what kind of contact you want to find (personal correspondence, work, etc.).

If you need to add user data to one of the social circles, follow these steps:

1. Open the message received from the interlocutor or any service.

2. Move the cursor over the sender's mailbox address area.

3. In the panel that appears, move the cursor to the inscription "Add to ...".

4. In the list, click the social circle to which you want to transfer the address.

Note. You can create a new circle of virtual interlocutors. To do this, click the "Create ..." link, then enter a name (for example, "Services") and confirm the addition of data.

Also, the saved addresses can be "pulled" directly in the process of sending a message in order to indicate the recipient's email. This is done like this:

1. At the top of the vertical mailbox menu, click the Write button.

2. In the form to send a message, click "To".

4. Install the add-in in the submenu:

  • "My contacts" - the addresses you saved;
  • "All contacts" - all contact information available in the profile.

5. In the list that opens, click the box next to the addressee to whom you want to send the letter. You can mark several or all recipients if you want to do a bulk mailing.

Service "Google Contacts"

Web service "Contacts" in comparison with Gmail has more settings and functions for working with address data. It can be used not only for private needs, but also for coordinating the work process in production, in a firm, organization.

To go to "Contacts", log in to the system and go to the page - Or, if you are in a mailbox profile, open the "Gmail" drop-down menu (the label on the left upper corner) and select "Contacts".

Click on the page that opens, in the left column, the item "More" to fully open the functional menu.

Let's consider the execution of the most common tasks in this service.


1. In order to copy contact information from other services, click on the "Import" item in the menu.

2.In modal window specify the import source. The data transfer algorithm varies depending on the chosen method (account).

If you need to recover contacts from a vCard or CSV file, go to previous version service (click in the "Go to ..." panel).

In the top bar, click "More ..." and select "Import" from the list. Accordingly, if you need to save contacts to hDD computer, in the same list, click "Export".

And then set the export settings:

  • specify any individual circle of contacts or all contacts;
  • select the file format (CVS or vCard).

And click the "Export" button.


To remove a contact from the circle or group, click the "three dots" icon in its field (line) and click the "Delete" mini-panel that appears.

How do I sync contacts?

Synchronization contact information on a computer and mobile devices (Android, iPad and iPhone) is performed automatically after authorization in the profile.

Enjoy your communication and fruitful work in the Google system!

Many people who use these services are increasingly asking themselves the question: "How to view contacts in Google account?" Indeed, let’s tell you about this clearly and on the shelves!

Google has grown rapidly since 1998. Incredibly, like all many "giants", Google was created in a garage, and its developers were old friends: Sergey Brin and Larry Page. It all started with the birth of a new search algorithm - Page Runk, which formed the basis of the future product.

Since 2001 the number search queries was increased from 10 thousand to 10 million. The site is no longer considered beta development, which speaks of its perfection. Later began to appear and various services... One of them is Google+. What is she like?

How to view contacts in Google account

A nice feature is syncing between your Google+ PC and your Android phone. Thanks to it, users have the ability to view your smartphone contacts directly from their PC.

If you already have a Google account, great! If not, then start it by registering through a computer. After her you will have full access to all the many google services... How exactly do you find out in the paragraph below.

It should be noted that it is undesirable to forget your username and password, we will need it later. We recommend that you write down this data on a piece of paper, or even better - have a small notepad for passwords and keep it in an inaccessible place. This is where the actions with the computer are over.

Take your phone in hand! Go to the settings, and then to the "Accounts" section. Enter your username and password. After this step, your smartphone and computer will be connected. Go to the contacts of your mobile phone and click on the menu located in the upper right corner.

Click "Import / Export" and mark the required contact lists. Then export them to the Google account you created.

Now you have access to phone numbers that you can view directly from Google. Open Gmail ( mailbox from Google) and click on the button shown in the screenshot below. A small menu will open where you can select the "Contacts" item. Done! Enjoy working with lists of phone numbers!

You can also view contacts in another way. At home google page click on the icon shown in the screenshot and scroll down by clicking more. Click on the "Contacts" tab. We are sure that the second method is much easier than the first one, because you do not have to use an intermediary, namely Gmail.

What are contacts for?

But why do you need to perform the above manipulations? First, it's safe! Sometimes users have to reset their phone to factory settings, sometimes forgetting that contacts are in the phone's memory.

After the reset, it turns out - there are no more contacts! It is Google that will help you avoid this incident, because you do not have to write to your friends in social networks or speak to them directly asking them to leave you their personal phone number.

Also, after adding contacts to Google, it will be easier for you to work with them. They can be sorted by importance and by group.

Description of others useful services fromGoogle

Besides contacts, there are other interesting projects. Let's tell you more about them!

  • Maps help users navigate the city, familiar and unfamiliar places. It is possible to view them in satellite mode. Aerial photographs made by flying drones and street panoramas, which create a complete immersion in the chosen space, will certainly seem interesting to users. Besides our home planet Earth, the Moon and Mars are also available.
  • Gmail - e-mail from Google, which gives many opportunities, in particular the protocols POP3, SMTP, IMAP, as well as a mailbox size of 10 terabytes. This service is the leader among other analogues, overtaking even Hotmail from the well-known Microsoft company. It is noteworthy that a little earlier this service was called by a rather unusual name - Google Mail (@googlemail).
  • As for YouTube, it's not even worth writing about it, because almost everyone knows about it. But we will write! The name of the service is translated into Russian in a strange manner - "you are a pipe". It is difficult to guess what the author of the project meant. YouTube is a hosting service where users can add their own video content to it: blogs, music videos, their own movies and short films.

Google play completes our list. This mobile app allows people to download various games and programs to their phone from the operating room android system... Google Play is analogous to the AppStore used by iPhone and iPad. Deciding which app store is the best is pointless!


Our article has come to an end! Let us briefly list the information received. Google has become one of the most influential companies thanks to its talented founders, competent strategy and innovations in a relatively short period of time.

Google has many convenient services to make life easier for people, one of which is Google+ and Gmail. It is thanks to Gmail that you can see contacts in your Google account.

Thanks to special service you can protect and reinsure yourself by simply exporting contacts to Google! We will be happy if you liked this article and you learned new and useful information for yourself. Thanks for reading!