Manual mode of winding up attendance. Ways to cheat counters

Anything on the Internet lends itself to cheating. Twist likes, registrations, installations mobile applications and website traffic. The latter should be discussed separately, because many webmasters order links to their resources, but they don't even understand why it is needed and, in general, whether it is worth spending money.

How to increase website traffic quickly, efficiently, for free? We will now tell you about all this, because it is the number of visitors that largely determines the success of the site. The markup can even be divided into several formats, because someone calls this the natural increase in the number of visitors.

Why would someone need to increase traffic?

First, let's define the goals, since the appropriate way depends on them. The word "cheat" means an artificial increase in indicators. Simply put, it doesn't matter who and how gets to the site, the main thing is it is displayed in the statistics. Someone does it for self-satisfaction, someone before selling the site, some to increase income.

There are ad networks that pay for page views with advertising materials (for example, a Nolix ad line). This is the main reason for using markups, they are cheap and pay off quickly. On postal services, a couple of kopecks are credited for visiting sites while surfing.

Surprisingly, some people try to attract customers in this way or targeted traffic... This is simply unrealistic, people only visit sites for a fee. Therefore, cheats are more suitable for other purposes. For example, for the pre-sale preparation of a resource, you just need to take into account that a potential buyer can easily check the statistics.

Why do you need a promotion? If just for the indicators on the meter, then there is no point in paying too much. If you plan to improve the behavioral factors of the site or prepare it for sale, then it is better to fork out for a high-quality promotion. Let's take a look at a few sites that offer the services you need.

The cheapest way to increase website traffic

Both systems are built to improve behavioral factors, but there are other orders as well. To help you understand how people will fulfill your order, let's look at a specific example. We proceed to the task, a link appears, you need to follow it and send in confirmation screen:

Usually here it is suggested to go to the search engine, but in our case, we immediately need to go to the site. We do this and send the screen. In the second step, we are asked to complete a tutorial quest. You can order transitions on the pages of the site, download files, watch videos and much more:

In general, the principle is clear, and every user action is tracked, so the promotion is of high quality. Each step in your task will cost 1 ruble, there are performers settings and other filters. You always have to pay more for high quality services.

Website promotion can be useful in some cases, but you should not confuse it with natural transitions. If you want to attract target audience or customers, then actively promote in search engines or read an article about. There can be as many traffic sources as you like.

You can receive traffic for your site different ways, including illegal ones. It is considered illegal to artificially cheat statistics due to active advertising systems (ATS), which are especially used by bots. But this quick way building an audience, albeit not unique. While it all depends on the service, the uniqueness settings are now also available.

Therefore, the risk must be justified. In addition, getting a non-target audience does not solve the main problem of the site - earning an audience of target customers.

Since the exchange of visits for the purpose of artificial cheating is accompanied by simple mechanical actions users who mostly care little about the direction.

It's best if free wrapping website traffic is carried out from search engines. The highest quality traffic comes from here.

And the most the best way attraction is writing quality, unique and interesting articles. Every day, such content attracts a large number of users to the site for a given key query and related topics.

Traffic boost for sites general information

In order to make a site popular on the Internet, it takes a lot of effort. First of all, this concerns the use of a wide variety of methods for optimizing web resources. In addition, such a method is often used as a traffic boost, which provides a clean and stable level of traffic to the pages of a particular portal.

Wrap methods

At the moment, website traffic is boosted in various ways. They can be divided according to the mode in which they occur. By this parameter, the methods can be divided into two rather large groups, such as:

  1. Manual method. In this case, the actions of real users imitate certain bots created by programs. For this, a specialized software, which can carry out certain actions that are characteristic of ordinary network users. It is in this way that the impression is created that the site is constantly and in large numbers visited by various real peopleby performing actions on the portal pages. This in turn increases the level of attendance.
  2. Automatic way... In this case, web resource administrators buy real actions of Internet users. The cost of such a service directly depends on how difficult the task at hand is (just visiting a specific page, passing tests, watching videos, clicking on links in ads, etc.). Such manipulations create the impression that the content of the portal is really interesting for a lot of people. That is why, over time, search engines begin to rank this resource for key queries in higher positions.

Most often, special scripts, programs or services on the Internet are used to cheat traffic. Each of them has certain application features that must be taken into account before performing certain tasks.

The principle of operation of the main resources for cheating

Since there are a large number of programs and resources created to cheat the traffic of web portals, their principle of operation may differ significantly from each other. Most often, the features of the activity of such systems are based on the volume of their functioning. It most often consists of items such as:

  • increase in CTR growth for certain key queries;
  • imitation of natural, completely organic traffic in the form of an increase in page visits;
  • change in indicators of the number of regular visitors (by analyzing repeat visits);
  • traffic growth from popular social networks;
  • cheat search suggestions in used search engines;
  • improving quality external links;
  • increase in the depth of the portal browsing by users.

Search engines are constantly monitoring changes in many parameters of a large number of Internet portals. This is necessary to improve the quality of ranking sites for key queries.

In addition, search engines monitor changes in portal statistics indicators due to the fact that they indicate the use of any programs or scripts that cannot be used.

The danger of cheating

Search engines are becoming more and more perfect every year in terms of checking sites. That is why, over time, the list of illegal ways to increase traffic by portals increases significantly. Any "illegal" software or scripts ultimately lead to the fact that the web resource is entered under the filters for a fairly long term... To correct this situation, it will take from 6 to 12 months, depending on the chosen technique. By the way, the popular American promotion service,.

Many administrators of Internet portals, due to the risk of using methods of traffic cheating, a natural question arises about whether it is worth using such methods at all. In fact, there is no single answer, but most experts are sure that it is best not to decide on such a decision to increase statistics.

If, nevertheless, he decided to take a risk to manage the project, he needs to take into account some unspoken rules, which are as follows:

  1. Initially, it is worth carrying out internal optimization of the resource. This includes changing the content, improving the meta tags used, etc. Thus, it is possible in the future to justify the fact that the traffic volume of the portal has improved.
  2. It is important to understand that the amount of artificially generated traffic should not be too large. It is best if these indicators do not exceed the natural statistics by 15 percent. Otherwise, there is a risk that the site will fall under the filters of search engines.
  3. When working with programs or online resources, it is worth using the settings correctly. This primarily concerns the compliance of the region, the time of visiting pages, the depth of viewing of certain parts of the site, etc. It is necessary that these indicators be as close as possible to the natural traffic of the portal, which was observed during the previously determined one.

It is worth remembering that paid services not always different high quality... For example, real performers of any tasks can do their job, but at the same time be completely different from the region that is relevant for the portal. As a result, such a discrepancy leads to the fact that search engine robots begin an additional check to determine the use of "illegal" ways to cheat traffic.

A way to fight competitors

It is believed that in the fight against competing web resources, almost all means are good. Very often, site administrators decide to use black promotion methods in relation to other portals. This is done so that, as a result, search engine robots pay attention to a strange change in statistics. As a result, the competing portal falls under the influence of filters for six months, which allows other sites to develop without problems.

It is important to understand that the harm done to competitors may not work in your favor. Similar ideas often come up with site owners at the same time. That is why it is very important to constantly monitor the statistical data of the portal and be attentive to all changes. They may be evidence that competitors have decided to make an illegal attack on the resource.

Experts believe that it is best not to use "black" methods of dealing with other portals. Permitted methods for optimizing web resources can become much more effective. They include the following items:

  • content development;
  • uSP formation;
  • competent construction of a sales funnel;
  • debugging processes of communication with users;
  • improving key queries;
  • changing the structure of the site, etc.

If all popular methods of promoting Internet portals are carried out correctly, in a fairly short period of time you can not only catch up with competitors, but also significantly increase your own statistics in comparison with them. In addition, one must remember that the presence of a rival is an incentive for self-development and improvement.

Without it, there is a risk that the web resource will turn into a popular, but rather uninteresting portal. As a result, this can lead to an increase in the number of singles and a decrease in the involvement of network users. In no case should you allow such changes.


Thus, at the moment there are a huge number of ways to increase traffic, which differ from each other in their advantages and disadvantages. For example, they do not give long-term results. All the features of the application of a particular technique should definitely be analyzed in advance, since this can significantly affect the result of the work performed. The main thing is to prevent the emergence of sanctions against the site due to illegal actions in the form of cheating the results of statistical indicators.

Today's article will be about ... In fact, I did not try to wind up anything, and I found this method quite by accident, when I wanted to see how the site is displayed in different browsers... Someone may find this method ridiculous, someone useless, but someone may come in handy. In any case, this is my experience and I want to share it with you.

What is the use of boosting the hit counter? It would seem that there is no benefit. After all, not live, interested users visit the site, but just random passers-by or, even worse, some program whose site is certainly not interesting. However, there is still a benefit from boosting a counter on the site.

As a rule, the site visit counter records the number of unique visitors who have come to the site and is associated with the rating. Cheating a counter on the site allows you to advance in the ranking, closer to the first positions. As a result, your site becomes more visible to targeted visitors, and the flow of these very targeted visitors to the site, for the sake of which Webmasters are working so hard to attract, increases. That is why many companies are fighting for good positions in the ratings, and for this purpose both honest and not entirely honest methods are used.

However, if you decide to wind up a counter on the site, do it carefully. The facts of traffic increase are easily determined, and everything can end with a ban, or even exclusion of the site from the rating.

Actually, that's what happened to me. True, I got banned only from Live Internet, my site was excluded from the rating for a day. The rest of the ratings did not notice the markup or simply did not react to it in any way, and the site entered the TOP 100. And this despite the fact that at that time the site was only 2 months old.

Now let's figure it out how to wind up the counter on the website, more precisely, how it turned out to be done for me. There are quite a few ways to increase counters on the site. it various programsand online services, such as,,, or similar.

I managed to wind up the counter on the site through the service

How to wind up a counter on the site using service.

The main purpose of the service is to check the display of the site in different browsers, under different operating systems.

We will not delve into the details of using the service, since the article is called “ How to wind up a counter on a website”And is devoted to cheating the counter of visits on the site, and not checking the display of the site in various browsers. In order to wind up the counter of visits on the site, it is enough to enter the address of your site, select the required number of browsers, I counted 181 of them and click the "Submit" button

The check will not happen instantly, but within, some time, perhaps within an hour. If necessary, the operation can be repeated, only for this you need to register.

This is how the traffic graph of my site looked after trying to check the display of the site in various browsers. The race was 238 unique visitors.

I am not a supporter of winding up the visit counters on the site, but if you really want to try, wind it up wisely so as not to incur sanctions on your site.

Successful Investment and success in all your endeavors.

Website traffic boost is a fairly common "activity". Google has been firing such fake traffic for a long time, and so is Yandex. It is not difficult and inexpensive to make it, but is it necessary?

One of the basic parameters of a site's success is its traffic. Without a sufficiently high daily attendance (for example, 300, 500, 1000 unique per day), the resource will not be accepted into any serious affiliate programs and, therefore, there will be no opportunity for normal ones.

How to boost website traffic: ways to boost counters

Some types are paid not by the number of clicks, but simply by views. Naturally, the more visits a site with published advertisements (usually banners) will have, the higher the advertising company must pay the owner of the site.

How can partners and advertisers determine the number of daily visits to a resource? For this purpose, there are special attendance counters. The counter itself is a script, a piece of HTML code provided by a statistical service and embedded in the code of a website's web page. The most famous systems of statistics in Runet are:

  1. LiveInternet.
  2. Google Analytics.
  3. Yandex.Metrica.

All three systems have approximately the same functionality and approximately the same data. Naturally, each statistical service has its own characteristics. When comparative analysis, data different systems statistics have some scatter, determined by the peculiarities of maintaining.

Ways to cheat counters

Any affiliate program with pay-per-view without fail requires a promising advertising platform availability of counters with available statistics on all pages of the site.

What about a web resource that wants to earn money, but does not have a sufficient number of unique visitors? To solve this pressing problem, various technologies are used to cheat visit counters. The task is not entirely legitimate, but what to do?

It should be understood that neither partners, nor search engines and the statistics services themselves will like artificial traffic boost.

If such facts are discovered, the site owner will inevitably be expelled from the affiliate program in shame and pessimized in the search results!

Therefore, utmost care must be taken. The main task is to simulate the naturalness of the processes.

Automatic counter cheat with a free program

If you write a primitive script bot that will stupidly enter the site and crawl the pages, search engines and advertising partners will instantly determine such cases. Partnership programs have special services that purposefully monitor sites for manipulation of attendance.

By the way, any manipulation by search engines is brutally suppressed and punished.

A talented programmer can write a program to increase traffic, which will have complex random algorithms that imitate the behavior of live users on sites. Access to the site from search sites, transitions through pages with different duration of exposure for each. It is clear that such a highly effective cheat program will cost a lot of money.

Is free you can easily find a free script bot on webmaster forums, which partners will identify at a time. And your site will fly to the ban ...

there is program for boosting site traffic, for example redsurf, which will "climb" in the background on other people's sites and earn you coins (Rm). With the help of Rm you can order the same "visits" of others. To do this, you need to register on the site, download their program, enter your username and password from your account on the site. And you can even become a blogger of two thousand for free 🙂.

There, on the site, you can buy “for a penny” (very cheap 1.000 rm - 15 rubles) coins (Rm) and, without installing the program, order visits from other computers for 0.5 rm for 1 viewing-visit. That is, for 15 rubles you can order 2,000 visits.

Redsurf provides flexible system discounts on the purchase of rm-coins. So, for example, buying 50,000 rm you will need to pay 380 rubles, which saves 50% of your budget. It turns out that for 380 rubles you can get 100,000 transitions to the resource from different ends of our vast 😉.

Manual mode increase attendance

Another technology involves the use of the human factor. It is about sponsorship services, where you can order thousands of site views by live users for some two or three US dollars. SARs are constantly working to find new methods of masking such actions, and statistical services, for their part, regularly disclose these tricks. After that, some of the faked sites are banned ... 🙁

Sponsored programmers begin the next round of the struggle for the market. It is more promising to make paid orders for complex site crawls, and it is desirable that they be carried out by real people. Partners will be able to track such a twist only with the help of live moderators or not at all. The problem is the complexity and high cost of manual methods of wrapping.

Separately, it must be said about ours, russian service, with the help of which you can not only raise the site in the search engines Google, Yandex, Mail, etc. due to behavioral factors, but also perform well similar tasks of different complexity.

The cost of completed tasks ranges from 5 kopecks per automatic mode, when the program is running, up to 80 rubles, if an AB analysis of the site's usability is done. Optimal in terms of price-complexity ratio, these are posts on the wall in social networks, such as - vkontakte, facebook, google +, tweets, retweets. Their cost is 3-5 rubles for one task. Likes, comments 2-5 rubles.

Note: earnings on the Internet on the User depends on your rating and will be from 30 to 50% of all the money you earn.

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In this article, I want to tell you how the visit counters on sites are winding up, demographics, location and other parameters of monitoring services are faked.

How does the counter work?

We host javascript code that starts sending when the page is loaded http requests to the counter server.

This can be either a one-time request, in the header of which data is transmitted, or periodic requests that send more statistics.

As a test subject, I took a "simple" hit counter - liveinternet.

Parse http

When the page is loaded, the counter js sends a GET request to receive a picture with statistics. At the same time, in the url, it transfers part of the customer data.

If you decode the query string, you get something like this:;r;s1920*1080*24;u;hSite Header; 0.5985211677780615

We see a number of parameters separated by ";", namely: monitor size and resolution, referral page, url and title of the page from which the request was made, and a random number that guarantees the uniqueness of the visit.

Also in the http header are passed Cookie and User-Agent, which inform the server about the demographics of the user (not only) and the browser version, respectively.
All of this data collectively identifies the user.

From theory to practice

You can form requests using Curl, but there will be problems with js, and you will have to write individual requests for each counter.