Directions of ICT development in dhow. Ikt in the dow. Application of information and communication technologies for interaction between a preschool teacher and parents

Information and communication technologies in a modern preschool educational institution

Report at the seminar - workshop for preschool educational institutions on the topic: "Information and educational technologies in preschool educational institutions"

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Information and communication technologies in a modern preschool educational institution

The use of ICT in school is an urgent problem of modern preschool education. Over the past 5 years, a number of events have taken place in our country that determine the accelerated development of Internet technologies in preschool institutions, and electronic resources for preschool education are being formed.
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The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.
Information Technology - a set of methods, techniques, methods and means for storing, processing, transferring and displaying information.
Communication technology - Methods, methods and means of human interaction with the external environment.
Information and communication technologies in preschool educationIs a complex of educational teaching materials, technical and instrumental means of computing technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of the institution's specialists (administration, educators, speech therapists and other specialists), as well as for the education, development, diagnosis and correction of children.
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The goals of using ICT in educational activities of preschool educational institutions
Make education modern;
To bring OD closer to the worldview of a modern child;
Establish a relationship of understanding, mutual assistance between the teacher and the pupil;
Help the teacher in the ability to emotionally and figuratively present the material;
Save time for both the teacher and the child;
The use of ICT allows you to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of:
text, graphic image, sound, speech, video.
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ICT tools include:
Music Center
Multimedia projector
TV set
Video player
Mobile phone
Video camera
interactive whiteboard
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ICT functions
The source of information
Preparation tool for various materials
Storage of materials
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In my work as an educator, I use ICT in four areas:
Records management
Creation and storage of educational and methodological complex

Organization of the educational process
Interaction with parents
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- Records management
I prepare group documentation (lists of children, diagnostics of developmental level, planning, draw up reports). The computer allows you not to write reports and analyze activities every time. It is enough to type the scheme once and then only make the necessary changes.
I design the stands of the group.
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- Use of ICT for the creation and storage of educational and methodological complex
In my work, I:

I develop, organize and collect methodological developments and documentation (long-term plans, consultations for parents, notes, games, musical selections, multimedia decoration of holidays)
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For instance: For the theatrical performance based on V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" - I developed a presentation, selected the sounds of nature (thunder, lightning, rain, wind), the music to which the heroes of the fairy tale come out.
A media library was created from the accumulated material.
I conduct diagnostics of the level of development of children twice a year (diagrams, graphs, tables).
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Every month on the website of the preschool educational institution and on the pedagogical sites "Pantry of entertainment", "" I post my methodological developments: lectures, master classes, projects; I share my work experience with colleagues; I keep my blog.
For instance:
11 slide - Master class "Water lily for mom" with step by step photos.
12, 13 slide - In the project activities for Victory Day "Tell the children about Vov using TIKO-construction."
Often my pupils and I participate in distance contests, Olympiads.
Through pedagogical sites, I have the opportunity to exchange experience, didactic materials, methodological developments with leading specialists in the field of education.
I create presentations in the Power Point program to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting meetings.
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- The use of ICT in the organization of the educational process with children:
Classes in kindergarten have their own specifics, they must be emotional, bright, with the involvement of a large illustrated material, using sound and video recordings. All this helps to provide us with computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.
For my work, I:
I select illustrative and educational material for classes.
I get acquainted with scenarios of holidays and other events.
I create presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children (including didactic games, KVN, quizzes, crosswords).
In educational activities I use a projector, in a certain part of the lesson, for example:
15 slide - Cognitive OD dedicated to the Winter Olympic Games (introduction to a healthy lifestyle).
16 slide - Educational activities on the perception of fiction based on the works of N. Nosov (quiz based on the works of N. Nosov, children guess a crossword puzzle based on the fairy tale "Dunno in a sunny city").
17 slide - Integrated OD (development of speech, perception of fiction, mathematics) "Journey to the land of fairy tales" (Did. Game: "Name the hero of the fairy tale, whose magic object").
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- the use of ICT in the process of interaction between a preschool educational institution (teacher) and parents.
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I cooperate with the families of pupils. I give recommendations on the use of ICT at home, especially a computer and computer games (How long can a child spend at the computer. How to protect a child from visiting unwanted sites is both using a password and using the Kaspersky Kids program, which blocks unwanted sites, etc.) ...
A group page has been created on the DOW website, I am constantly updating it.
I create and post consultations for parents on the website of the preschool educational institution, I maintain my blog.
I demonstrate to parents the presentation of the organization of work with children.
I organize final exhibitions, photo exhibitions using slideshows of children's works.
I hold parent meetings with demonstration of presentations.
20 slide Thus, the use of computer technology helps:
Involve passive listeners in active work;
Make OD more visual and interesting;
To form an information culture in children;
Activate cognitive interest;
Implement a student-centered approach to learning;
To form an interest in the work of the educator;
To activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.).
21 slide Pros of using ICT in preschool educational institutions
ICT priorities over the old material delivery system
Photos, cards, pictures become outdated physically, their storage requires a lot of space, and the search takes a lot of time.
ICT pictures are easily reconstructed, they are easy to move, almost any illustration can be found on the Internet.
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Interactive excursions, for example, to the Hermitage, allow you to find yourself in another place without leaving the premises.
23 slide Cons of using ICT in preschool educational institutions
Problems in the use of ICT in the educational process:
Oversaturation of events with animation, slides, overload of pictures;
Insufficient equipment of the preschool educational institution with technical equipment;
The teacher does not have sufficient qualifications to work with a computer.
24 slide Taking into account the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations
SanPiN, in working with children I adhere to the recommendations on the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions:

According to the requirements of SanPiN, educational activity using a computer assumes no more than 10 minutes for children 5 years old, and no more than 15 minutes for children 6-7 years old.
Educational activities using a computer for children 5-7 years old should be carried out no more than once a day and no more than three times a week.
At the end of the lesson, do gymnastics for the eyes.
Correctly determine the didactic role and place of ICT in educational activities.
You cannot use multimedia technologies in every class. When frequent use ICT children are losing their special interest in such activities.
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The correct use of ICT has a number of positives:
1. Enriches the lesson with emotional coloring.
2. Psychologically facilitates the learning process.
3. Arouses a keen interest in the subject of knowledge.
4. Forms the skill of research activities.
5. Expands the general horizons.
6. The level of use of visual aids in the classroom is increasing.
7. Releases from routine manual work.
8. Increases the productivity of the educator and the child.
26 slide Output
The use of ICT contributes to improving the quality of the educational process, it serves to develop the cognitive motivation of pupils, which leads to an increase in their achievements and key competencies.
27 slide Thank you for attention.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten" 59 "Yagodka" of the city of Tambov


information and communication technologies in preschool educational institutions

Methodical development

Biryukova Ekaterina Yurievna,

educator MBDOU

"Kindergarten" No. 59 "Yagodka"

Tambov 2018

Explanatory note

The presented methodological development is recommended to help teachers of preschool educational institutions, students of pedagogical educational institutions.

This work highlights the use of information and communication technologies in preschool educational institutions when organizing educational and educational activities, taking into account the age of pupils, gives recommendations on organizing the educational process using information technologies, suggests topics for presentations, recommendations for creating virtual excursions, describes the practical experience of using ICT in pedagogical activity of the educator. This development will help to increase the professional competence of teachers, practical experience.


In the concept of modernization of modern domestic education, special attention is focused on the use of ICT. Information competence is highlighted as one of the main components of the quality of the educational process.

Currently, our country is implementing the Information Society Development Strategy, which is related to the availability of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. Therefore, the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is one of the priorities of education. And the means of information and communication technologies help the teacher diversify the forms of support for the educational process, improve the quality of work with the parents of pupils, and also popularize the activities of the teacher of the group and the kindergarten as a whole.

The introduction of computer technology today is a new step in the educational process. Preschool educational institutions not only did not stand aside, but also actively participated in the process of widespread use of ICT in their practice.

The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an urgent problem of modern preschool education. Gradually, computer technologies are included in the preschool education system as one of the effective ways transfer of knowledge. This modern method develops an interest in learning, fosters independence, develops intellectual activity, allows one to develop in the spirit of modernity, makes it possible to qualitatively update the educational and educational process in a preschool educational institution and increase its effectiveness.

Relevance the use of information technology in modern preschool education is dictated by rapid development information society, the widespread use of multimedia technologies, electronic information resources, network technologies as a means of training and education.

The theoretical substantiation of the need to use information technologies for the development and education of children has been continued in the studies of domestic scientists. A.V. Zaporozhets in his work "Problems of Preschool Play and its Management for Educational Purposes" gave detailed examples of using a computer as a means of a child's cognitive development. S.L. Novoselova in her book "Problems of Informatization of Preschool Education" argued that the introduction of a computer into the system of didactic means of a kindergarten can become a powerful factor in enriching the intellectual, aesthetic, moral and physical development of a child. D.B. Epiphany showed that children who are engaged with computer game programs according to a specially built system have a high potential for intellectual and creative development.

goal my methodical development:

the introduction of information and communication technologies to create a single information space of an educational institution, a system in which all participants in educational relations are involved and connected at the information level forimproving the quality of the educational process

Thus, the use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its effectiveness.

II . ICT use in preschool educational institutions

1. Theoretical substantiation of the need for ICT knowledge.

The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

"Information technology - a set of methods, methods and means that provide storage, processing, transmission and display of information and focused on increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor. " At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technology determine the methods, methods and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intellectual interaction of communication objects.

When using ICT in work, the length of service of teachers and education are not important, but the desire and aspiration to master ICT is important.

1.1. ICT opportunities

The use of computer technology helps the teacher in his work:

    to attract passive listeners to active work;

    make educational activities more visual and intense;

to form an information culture in children;

to activate cognitive interest;

    implement student-centered and differentiated learning approaches;

    discipline the teacher himself, form his interest in work;

    activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.);

    ICT will enable any teacher to directly enter the information space, both with applying for methodological assistance to various service departments, and with broadcasting their work experiences.

    ICT will allow the educator to communicate more widely at various methodological events, for example, video master classes, webinars, etc.

    work with paper carriers is significantly reduced, since almost all text information is compiled and stored in in electronic format;

    less effort and time is spent in the preparation of visual and didactic accompaniment to the GCD.

    with the help of ICT, conditions are created for professional self-development: electronic textbooks, articles are used; on the Internet you can get acquainted with periodicals, exchange information with colleagues via e-mail.

Communication with parents of pupils using ICT is another reality.

ICT is primarily:

    transformation of the developing subject-spatial environment,

    creation of new means for the development of children,

    using new visibility,

    additional information that, for whatever reason, is not in the printed edition,

    various illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, videos),

    at information society online electronic resources are the most democratic way of disseminating new pedagogical ideas and new didactic aids, available to teachers regardless of their place of residence and income level,

    internet search engines provide educators with the ability to find virtually any developmental and learning material and any photographs and illustrations.

    Selection of illustrative material for joint organized activities of a teacher with children and for decorating stands, groups.

    Selection of additional cognitive material.

    Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers.

    Registration of group documentation, reports.

    Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to increase the efficiency of joint organized activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting meetings.

When creating a unified database of methodological and demonstration materials, the teacher has more free time. The competent use of modern information technologies can significantly increase the motivation of children to learn, to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound, which contributes to the widest disclosure of their abilities, and the activation of mental activity.

TodayICT allows:

Show information on the screen in a playful way, which arouses great interest in children, since this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - play

In an accessible form, vividly, figuratively, to present to preschoolers material that corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation, but not overload the material with them.

Promote the development of research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents in preschoolers.

Encourage children to solve problematic problems and overcome difficulties.

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education allows you to expand the creative possibilities of the teacher and has a positive effect on various aspects of the mental development of preschoolers. Developing activities with its use become much brighter and more dynamic. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make GCD attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative tasks based on visualization.

In the course of a preschooler's play activity, using computer tools, he develops: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design thinking qualities, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children.

1.2. Computer advantages

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolersa computer has several advantages:

    Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and helps to increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, creativity of children.

    Provides visualization that promotes perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

    Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world, the observation of which is difficult: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it is raining;

    You can also simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of sounds of nature; the work of transport, etc.);

    Presentation of information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children. Carries a figurative type of information, understandable to preschoolers.

    Problematic tasks, encouraging the child with their correct solution by the computer itself, are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children.

    The child himself regulates the pace and the number of solved game learning problems.

In the course of his activity at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot.

Allows you to simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, floods, unexpected and unusual effects);

    The computer is very "patient", never scolds a child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

    The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching the Internet on their own or with their parents.

The range of ICT use in the educational process is quite wide. One of the most successful forms of preparation and presentation of educational material for joint organized activities in kindergarten is the creation of multimedia presentations. It facilitates the process of perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images, because combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time. The simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and sight) can achieve a much greater effect. And the English proverb says: “I heard - and forgot, I saw - and remembered”.

    1. Using a computer for documentation purposes.

A computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and "advanced" parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizer programs, keeping an individual diary of the child, recording various data about him, test results, building graphs, and generally tracking the dynamics of the child's development. This can be done manually, but the time costs are incomparable.

It follows from this that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains only a multifunctional technical means of teaching. The use of information technology will make the process of teaching and developing children quite simple and effective. By means of multimedia, it will allow the most accessible and attractive, playful form, to achieve a new quality of knowledge, develops the logical thinking of children, enhances the creative component of educational work, maximally contributing to improving the quality of education among preschoolers, freeing them from routine manual work, and opening up new opportunities.

Currently, I work with documents electronically, using three products from the packageMSOfficeWord, Excel andPowerPoint.

In the formatExcel keep a list of children and attendance log, formatWord I use it for scheduling, parenting questionnaires.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in a kindergarten it is possible, necessary and appropriateuse ICT in different types educational activities. The joint organized activity of a teacher with children has its own specifics, it should be emotional, vivid, with the involvement of large illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

The use of information technology will make the learning and development process of the child quite effective, will open up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

However, no matter how positive, enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.

1.4. Requirements for the use of ICT in work with preschool children

The use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules. When planning activities, it is necessary to take into account the conditions and requirements for the use of information and communication technologies in the educational and educational process and prevent following errors:

Failure to comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules,

Wrong definition of the didactic role and place of ICT in educational activities,

The lack of planning, the randomness of the use of ICT, often oversaturation with animation, slides, drawings, inconsistency with the age of children.

Modern medical research shows that there is no negative impact on the health of preschool children when working with a computer if hygiene is observed (high level of illumination, a clear and contrasting image on the screen, the optimal eye distance to the screen is 55-65 cm, a comfortable posture) and ergonomic (the duration of playing lessons should not exceed 10-15 minutes) requirements. To relieve muscle tension in children after work (games, classes) on the computer, it is necessary to carry out finger and

eye-motor gymnastics. Direct educational activities using computers for children 5 - 7 years old should be carried out no more than one during the day and no more than three times a week on the days of the highest working capacity: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After working with a computer, children are given gymnastics for the eyes. The continuous duration of work with a computer in the form of educational games for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes. For children with chronic pathology, who are often ill (more than 4 times a year), after suffering illnesses for 2 weeks, the duration of direct educational activities using a computer should be reduced for children 5 years old to 7 minutes, for children 6 years old - up to 10 min. To reduce the fatigue of children in the process of carrying out educational activities directly using computer technology, it is necessary to ensure a hygienically rational organization of the workplace: the furniture corresponds to the child's growth, a sufficient level of illumination. The video monitor screen should be at eye level or slightly below, at a distance of at least 50 cm. It is desirable that the monitor is liquid crystal or plasma.

A child wearing glasses should study at the computer in them. It is unacceptable to use one computer for the simultaneous occupation of two or more children. Directly educational activities using computers by children are carried out in the presence of a teacher or educator.

For front exercises, you must use a multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to , on which children sit 2 - 2, 5 meters. To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent accumulationstatic and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air is necessary: or group room before and after class and wet cleaning - wiping tables and display screens before and after class, mopping floors after class.

Thus, we recognize that the computer is a powerful new tool forintellectual, it must be remembered that its use for teaching and educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

The combination of information computer technologies and innovative pedagogical methods increases the efficiency and quality of educational programs, enhances the adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of students' development. This direction is the law Russian Federation "On Education" proclaims one of the basic principles of state policy in the field of education.

2. Application of ICT in work with preschool children.

One of the main conditions for the introduction of information technologies in preschool educational institutions is that specialists who know technical capabilities computers, having the skills to work with them, clearly performingand the rules for using computers, which are familiar with the methods of introducing preschoolers to new information technologies. Considering this,paramount concern is now becoming a riseteachers, their mastering of work with educational software complexes, resources of the global computer network Internet so that in the future each of them could use modern computer technologies to prepare and conduct classes with children at a qualitatively new level.

2.1. Classes with multimedia support.

The use of information technology in the classroom at a preschool educational institution allows you to overcome the intellectual passivity of children in the classroom, makes it possible to increasethe effectiveness of the preschool teacher.

There are 2 types of activities using ICT.

1. Lesson with multimedia support.

In this lesson, only one computer is used as an "electronic board". At the preparation stage, the and information resources, the necessary material for the lesson is selected.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find the necessary materials to explain the topic of the lesson, so presentation materials are created using Power Point or other multimedia programs.

To conduct such classes, you need one personal Computer (laptop), multimedia , speakers, screen.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally colored, interesting, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good effectiveness of the lesson.

With the help of multimedia presentations, I teach visual gymnastics complexes, exercises for relieving visual fatigue with children. Pictures appear on the monitor screen - symbols of various exercises. Children love both exercise and multimedia. "Stars", "Fish", "Winter Forest" and other exercises they perform while looking at the screen. Children's eye movements correspond to the movements of objects on the screen.

However, I would like to note that the use of computer tasks does not replace the usual correctional methods and technologies of work, but is an additional, rational and convenient source of information, clarity, creates a positive emotional attitude, motivates both the child and his mentor; thereby accelerating the process of achieving positive results in work.

Multimedia presentations enable the presentation of educational and

developing material as a system of vivid reference images filled with exhaustive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in factual, but also associative form in the memory of children.

The use of computerized slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

· Implementation of polysensory perception of the material;

· Possibility of demonstrating various objects using a multimedia projector and a projection screen in a multiply enlarged form;

Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps to compensate for the amount of information received by childrenof;

· Ability to show objects more for the perception of the intact sensory system;

· Activation of visual functions, eye abilities of the child;

· Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large print on a printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers. For instance:

The use of multimedia presentations allows to make classes emotionally colored, attract a keen interest in the child, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to good results of the lesson.

To familiarize pupils 6-7 years old with the natural world, I developed the topic of presentations:


    The world of plants: what is it?

    The earth is our common home.

    Animals of the Tambov region.


    What is a forest?

    Underwater world.


    Red Book.


    Invisible air.

    Birds of our land.

    Miracle trees.

    We are responsible for our planet.

    Travel to the country of Vitaminia

    On the farm.

I use presentations both personally created and my colleagues from the electronic bank of the DOE, I also use presentations from the Internet.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop the ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, to master practical skills in working with information, develops versatile skills, which contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by preschoolers and increases the child's readiness for .

Working with an interactive whiteboard allows you to use didactic games and exercises, communication games, problem situations, and creative tasks in a new way in educational activities. The use of an interactive whiteboard using multimedia technologies (graphics, color, sound, video) allows you to simulate various situations and environments in the classroom. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of children and enhance the efficiency of learning the material. The technology of the board, based on the principle of the resistive matrix, is the most widespread in the world and the safest for health.

Another advantage of using an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten is the ability to make virtual trips and integrated lessons.

The use of ID in the joint and independent activity of a child is one of the most effective ways to motivate and individualize learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background.

Thus, classes with multimedia support increase the speed of transmission of information to children, improve the level of understanding, which contributes to the development of all forms of thinking.

2.2 . Classes with computer support .

Most often, such classes are conducted using game training programs. In such a lesson, several computers, tablets are used, at which several pupils work at the same time.

Working with an electronic textbook, a tablet, the child independently studies the material, performs the necessary tasks and then undergoes a competency test on this topic.

The capabilities of the computer make it possible to increase the amount of material offered for review. A bright luminous screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch the audio perception to visual in children, animated characters arouse interest, as a result tension is relieved.

But today, unfortunately, there is not enough good computer programs that are designed for children of this age.

Experts identify a number of requirements that must be met by developmental programs for children:

Research nature,

Ease for independent study of the child,

Developing a wide range of skills and perceptions,

· tall technical level,

Age appropriateness,

· Entertaining.

Educational programs available on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

1. Games for the development of memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

2. "Speaking" dictionarieswith good animation.

3. ART-studios, the simplest graphic editors with picture libraries.

4. Games-travel, "adventure".

5. The simplest programsby ,and etc.

The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child's own experience, but also to increase the child's creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on the monitor screen helps to optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and director's games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that the child can solve independently.

Today many kindergartens are equipped with computer labs. But still missing:

· Methodology for using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;

· Systematization of computer development programs;

· Uniform software and methodological requirements for computer studies.

Today it is the only one not regulated by special . Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

Thus, we recognize that the computer is a powerful new tool for intellectual , it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

2.3. Practical use of ICT in the classroom

The use of ICT for the implementation of the integration of educational areas ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually highlighting the signs and properties of objects.

I use information technology at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidation, repetition, control.
ICT didactic material is diverse in content and form. I often use videos, photographs (reproductions) of an electronic encyclopedia, various tests, tasks of a developing nature.

When developing educational activities using ICT, I pay special attention to the health of children. Be sure to include physical and dynamic pauses, eye exercises, changing poses.

Classes using information technology not only expand and consolidate the knowledge gained, but also significantly increase the creative and intellectual potential of students.

Thus, the work spent on managing cognitive activity using ICT means justifies itself in all respects:

    improves the quality of knowledge

    promotes the child in general development

    helps to overcome difficulties

    brings joy to the child's life

    allows training in the zone of proximal development

    creates favorable conditions for better understanding between the teacher and students and their cooperation in the educational process.

In addition, the fragments of the lessons, which use presentations, reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson - the principle of attractiveness. Thanks to the presentations, the children, who were usually not very active in the classroom, began to actively express their opinion and reason.

I have accumulated experience of using ICT in the formation of mathematical concepts of preschool children. I include ICT in the organization of the GCD for the formation of mathematical representations of preschool children. I use it to organize the direct educational activities of children, the joint developmental activities of the teacher and children, the creation of a developing environment (games, manuals, didactic materials). When using ICT, I rely on the fact that visual-figurative thinking prevails among preschool children, therefore they actively use the principle of visibility in their work. To implement this principle, I use a variety of static and dynamic illustrative material. I also use Internet resources, which makes it possible for them to make the process of forming mathematical representations of preschool children visual, information-rich and comfortable in forming mathematical representations of preschool children. In the practice of the preschool educational institution, the computer game program "Lessons of the Wise Owl" and "Learning from the Logo" is used

Their goal: to promote the solution of development problems for older preschool children, namely: attention, thinking (classification, serialization), spatial representations, speech development, vocabulary activation, consolidation of the concept of magnitude (large, small, long, short, high, low), fixing the colors of the spectrum, geometric shapes, exercise in direct counting within 10 and the ability to correlate a number with a digit, the development of fine motor skills of the hand. The Wise Owl and Logosha in a fun and accessible way for children help to work on the formation of mathematical concepts in children, as well as tell them a lot of interesting and useful information. A feature of these programs is brightness and accessibility, ease of control, and fun games and interesting tasks await children at each stage of work.

I prefer to use PowerPoint to create illustrative material for screening. Rationale: the need to use ICT in GCD for the formation of mathematical representations of preschool children by the need to use a large amount of visual material that does not always meet modern requirements.

I use the presentation as part of the lesson, for example, to conduct a didactic game, familiarize myself with new material, to test knowledge, etc. But I see the main purpose of ICT in performing individual tasks, as well as in demonstrating illustrative material. In addition, GCD with the use of PowerPoint software allows you to integrate audiovisual information into various forms (video, animation, slides, music), stimulate the attention of children through the possibility of demonstrating phenomena and objects in dynamics.

ICT can be organically integrated into any stage of educational activity in the formation of mathematical concepts in children. It all depends on the topic of the lesson, the goals and objectives set, as well as on the general level of the group of children being trained. So, children can be brought to the computer at the beginning of the lesson. This will generate interest in the topic. ICT elements can be used in the middle of the lesson, which will allow changing activities. The use of ICT is possible and appropriate in the final part of the class at the stage of assessing the work of children, then the use of ICT is a reward for good work in the class.

In classes on the mathematical development of preschoolers, using a computer, I solve the problem of a deficit of mobile visibility, when children, under my guidance, compare geometric shapes on the monitor screen by superimposing geometric shapes, repeat forward and backward counting, the composition of a number, and solve movement problems. The lesson includes all types of game activities: games for the development of mathematical abilities, games for the development of attention and thinking, outdoor games, games that combine speech and movement, games for the development of hand motor skills. She developed a series of didactic games for senior preschool children to develop logical thinking, attention: "Find an extra figure", " Logical tasks"" Games with Gienesh blocks "," Who lives where? ", They are in the electronic data bank of the preschool educational institution and are recommended to educators for working with children. To develop interest in speech development classes for pupils, I offer creative tasks that can be expressed: in solving a crossword puzzle, a rebus on a topic. But first, a problematic situation is created in front of the children. The use of presentations allows you to diversify the types of vocabulary work, to clearly demonstrate the division into groups of words according to various characteristics. When acquainting preschoolers with fiction, folklore, I include audio tools in the content of the classes, offering recordings of exemplary reading of small-scale literary works. This teaches expressive reading, the ability to feel the mood, to determine the character of the characters. Reading poetry to a well-chosen phonogram evokes a storm of emotions in the souls of young listeners, a desire to try to evoke the same feelings in others. Presentations help to conduct quizzes, learn a work by illustration.

Using the program“Learning to speak correctly» helped to form in children the ability to listen and determine the desired sound, determine the number of syllables, develop lexical and grammatical skills.

To teach preschoolers the basics of literacy, I developed the "Game Library" using a differentiated approach to the tasks of children. The presentation helped to get rid of the routine work of making cards.

In my work I implement the programs "Games for Tigers", "Develop games for preschoolers", "Learning with Logo".

Game computer program “Lessons of Wildlife. The world".

With the help of the game computer program “Lessons of Wildlife. The World Around ”I help children not only get acquainted with the world around them, but also introduce the rules of safe interaction with it. The educational material is presented in a playful way that is most suitable for children's perception. Numerous tasks that the child performs while communicating with the animated character allow him not only to easily and firmly assimilate the material of the program, but also to develop attention and logical thinking.

Children not only get acquainted with wild animals, but also help them in various problem situations, in return, animals play with children in various educational games.

These teaching aids help me to activate the cognitive activity of pupils, provide high degree visualization of the educational process.

The basis of the lesson is the presentation of new material, illustrated with drawings, simple and animated diagrams, animation and video films.

Preschoolers do not have a rich life practice and therefore for them many images of the world around them are unfamiliar. ANDwith the help of ICT we are able to select rich illustrative material. Familiarizing children with the world around them is precisely the area where the use of visual and audio effects creates the most complete picture for the perception and use of the presented material in life.
However, even a large number of visual aids and demonstration posters will not be able to cover the entire amount of information available for multimedia technologies that combine text, sound,
graphics, photos, videos in one digital representation, allowing children to create the most accurate representation of the world around them.

Solving this issue under the control of interactive software, using modern technical and software tools (television and video equipment) with ease presented versatile

and precise information about:

1. animals and plants;

2. natural phenomena.

The use of multimedia in the classroom in a preschool institution does not change the methods of work (the use of visual and explanatory materials), but significantly deepens and expands the quality and volume of information presented to children. The use of modern technologies in the classroom allows students to demonstrate all the phenomena of nature, as well as all its inhabitants. It is possible to demonstrate not only images of a particular individual or phenomenon, but also video materials, listen to sounds, which undoubtedly increases interest in new information, creating clearer ideas.
How exactly can you build a lesson to explore the world around you using multimedia? I propose to consider this on the example of studying such a representative of the animal world as the brown bear.

1. Displaying a photo

Fig. 1. Brown bear

Fig. 2. Brown bear and its tracks

2. Demonstration of video material demonstrating the behavior and habits of the studied object in natural conditions (Fig. 3);

Figure: 3. Video about brown bears

3. Listening to the real sound of a bearish roar

4. Exploring the habitats of bears

Figure: 4. Habitats of bears

5. Use in the classroom of printed coloring pages, underpainting, etc.

Figure: 5. Coloring "Bears"

Tasks to consolidate knowledge:

1. Name the animal / phenomenon;

3. Guess whose tracks;

4. Who lives where, etc.

And, nevertheless, one should not forget that multimedia technologies, being the best remedy for presenting versatile and extensive information, they are not able to cover the entire spectrum of knowledge and give a one hundred percent idea of \u200b\u200benvironmental objects. Thus, knowledge that is not transmitted by multimedia technologies includes knowledge transmitted through the organs of touch, smell, taste and tactile sensations. The solution to this issue is seen in the use of various handouts in the lesson, as well as conducting classes in the natural location of the objects under study (excursions and walks).

A well-structured lesson on the study of the surrounding world with preschoolers, using handouts, going out to nature and using multimedia technologies will not only delight children, but will also contribute to better memorization of information, as well as stimulate interest in studying the world around them.

To conduct an interesting cognitive lesson, I use a variety of demonstration material, so that children can clearly see objects of nature that cannot be observed directly in the immediate environment, the cycles of plant development, schemes, etc.Video clips, interactive schemes and models are also used as multimedia resources. The task of various kinds of slide shows and video fragments is to show children those moments from the world around them, the observation of which directly causes difficulties. The task of diagrams and models is to visualize processes in inanimate nature, such as the change of seasons, the water cycle, etc.

Communication with a computer helps a preschooler to arouse keen interest, first as a game, and then as a learning activity. I use this interest as a cognitive motivation for the development of voluntary memory and attention, since it is these qualities that provide the child's psychological readiness for schooling.

2.4. The practice of using ICT during regime moments when organizing joint activities with a child.

I use ICT when organizing additional education, during regime moments when organizing joint activities of an adult with a child.

Children do not have the opportunity to attend the Opera and Ballet Theater. Video recordings of excerpts from performances take the child into the world of a fairy tale, stage effects give a feeling of magic.

Presentations become especially relevant when studying folk dances. Together with the choreographer, we introduce our pupils to the customs and traditions of various peoples. The whole variety of folk costumes is presented to children on the bright pages of presentations. We include elements of visualization in the educational process. Children get acquainted with great composers, choreographers and dancers.

My pupils are engaged in the choreographic studio "Zadavaki".

With the help of multimedia presentations, together with the choreographer, we learn dance moves with the children. Pictures of various dance movements or video showing of movements, elements of the composition appear on the monitor screen, which enables children to perform the movements correctly.

We use video materials to introduce children to choreographic works, to demonstrate concerts. Demonstration of concerts or individual concert numbers of state choreographic ensembles or other professional well-known dance groups raises the bar to which our students strive.

ICTs are an integral element in carrying out various types of events, for accompanying theatrical scenes, performances, fairy tales with children, and when interacting with the children themselves.

    Using the global Internet.

The computer gives me the opportunity to actively use access to global network Internet, efficiently search and process information, use Internet postal services, maintain contacts and carry out business communication.

For i use the Internet, search engines to obtain new professional informationYandex, Rambler, Google.

The use of modern technologies, in particular the Internet,allows you to increase work efficiency, get acquainted with new products ineducation, achievements and experience of colleagues.

The global computer network for the educational process is a powerful tool that organically blended into the subjects of educational areas, with the help of which I organized the process of broadcasting my own pedagogical experience and self-education.

    Use of ICT in work with parents.

I use ICT in my work with parents: for communication, counseling, for this purpose I use my website, the website of the preschool institution, e-mail, web page, the electronic newspaper "Yagodka".I use digital cameras and camcorders for presentations, virtual excursions, as well as for sharing photo and video files with my parents.

A new form of work has also appeared. Parents record morning performances, joint events on a video camera and, together with the child, review the material, analyze it. Parents see everything for themselves. Assessment of the child's activity is objective.

When conducting parent-teacher meetings, we use presentations, which make the information more aesthetic, interesting and visually tangible. We also use computer technologies in the production of information leaflets, travel folders, information stands, in the design of parenting corners, booklets.

It should be noted that one of the innovative forms of work with parents is the use of the official kindergarten website, where parents can familiarize themselves with the conditions, dynamics and originality of the implementation of educational work with children in kindergarten. The parents are brought to the attention of the parents with the necessary information on the protection of the rights of the child, his upbringing, preparation for school, the development of his abilities.Information technology also helps to involve parents in the educational process. Using digital equipment and photo editing programs, create collages, photo reports about past holidays, entertainment with children, posters, photo exhibitions on various topics and place them in the information corner for parents.

From the pages of the site, parents receive information about methods of preserving children's health, their safety, the rules of child behavior in the family and in society, useful tips for the training and education of preschoolers. Many parents read the site materials with interest. Using a camcorder and related programs is a fundamentally new way to view, store and provide for general access all video material. We show the filmed interesting stories to parents at parenting meetings. We also make out brochures for parents on security issues and other topics. We create media libraries that are of interest not only for teachers, but also for parents.

By introducing into practice various forms of communication and information technologies, the degree of parents' participation in the educational process has significantly increased.

IV . Recommendations for organizing virtual tours

The use of ICT in the educational process, as an innovative approach in education, has expanded the possibilities for improving the educational process.

ICT plays an invaluable role in getting acquainted with local history material through the use of virtual excursions.

A virtual tour is an organizational form of educational activity that differs from a real tour by a virtual display of real-life objects. The advantages are accessibility, the ability to re-view, visibility, the presence of interactive tasks.

A virtual tour in working with preschoolers allows you to get visual information about places inaccessible for real visits, save time and money. The advantages of these excursions are that the teacher himself selects the material he needs, composes the necessary route, changes the content according to the goals and interests of the children.

As in the development of any project, the preparation of a virtual excursion is based on a certain algorithm of actions that allows you to achieve a successful result. The most important "steps" when creating a virtual tour are:

    choice of theme;

    determination of the purpose and objectives of the excursion;

    selection of literature and compilation of bibliography;

    determination of sources of excursion material;

    selection and study of excursion objects;

    scanning photographs or other illustrations necessary for the presentation of the project,

    drawing up an excursion route based on a video sequence;

    preparation of the text of the excursion;

    determination of the technique of conducting a virtual excursion;

    excursion show.

The subject of excursions is selected taking into account age characteristics, interests of children, calendar and thematic planning. We start by choosing a topic, defining the purpose and objectives of the excursion. Then we select literature and actively carry out preliminary work with parents. Further, on the basis of the material received, we study the excursion objects in detail, draw up an excursion route based on the video sequence, determine the technique for conducting a virtual excursion and prepare the text (commentary) of the excursion. The accompanying commentary can be presented in text form or as an audio recording of the "guide's" voice.

We immerse the child in the plot of organized educational activity by creating motivation through the creation of problematic game cognitive situations;

We conduct an excursion through the computer skype program or watching a video tour with a discussion.

Repeated viewing of video clips at the request and interests of children.

We finish the virtual excursion with a final discussion, during which, together with the children, we summarize, systematize what we saw and heard, and share our impressions.

Conducting a virtual excursion can be carried out in group or individual activities, the main thing is that the information satisfies the cognitive interests of children and promotes the use of the acquired material in the practical activities of children (role-playing game, visual, modeling, musical, cognitive, research, motor activity).

Forms of conducting virtual excursions

    Multimedia Presentations Using PowerPoint ("Painting of Russian Artists", "Folk Toys", "What a Builder (Dentist, Ophthalmologist, Chef) Needs", "History of Watches", "Road Alphabet", etc.)

    Video Tours (Excursions "Cities of the Tambov Region", "Architecture of Tambov: Past and Present", "Antarctica", "Chocolate Factory", "Where is the Paper Made?", "How a Book, Newspaper is Created", "Is It Possible to Live in the Desert?" "What's inside the volcano?", "Russian Museum", etc.);

    Interactive communication using Skype made it possible to expand the possibilities for the development and implementation of a cycle of activities that contribute to the enrichment of the play activity of older preschoolers in the process of getting to know the professions The children had the opportunity to take a virtual excursion to workplace their parents (the project "I'm at my mom's (dad's) at work"); to acquaint children with the life of children of the Far North (the project "Living together is great!"), to form ideas about the local history museum, etc.

The use of virtual excursions forms children's needs for obtaining information using available means, increases motivation for learning, and forms an active personal position in the world around them.

During virtual excursions, the interaction of the teacher with the pupils changes: his activity gives way to the activity of the pupil, the task of the adult is to create conditions for their initiative. Pupils are full participants, their experience is no less important than the experience of an adult, encourages pupils to search and research on their own.

I have created a series of virtual tours.

With the help of virtual excursions, preschoolers got acquainted with the architecture of old and modern Tambov, visited the homeland of S.V. Rachmaninov, traveled the streets hometown... Educators, preschool educational institutions specialists, parents can use virtual excursions in their work. The local history orientation of virtual excursions contributed to the formation of moral and patriotic qualities in preschoolers, fostering love for their small homeland.


From all of the above, we can conclude that the use of the methodological development "The use of information and communication technologies in a preschool educational institution" will help improve the professional level of teachers, encourage them to look for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, and show creativity. It also helps to understand thatiCT cannot be excluded from the learning process of preschoolers, but on the contrary, it proves the need for the active inclusion of these technologies in the educational process.

Based on the self-analysis of the results of my pedagogical activity on the use of ICT in working with preschoolers, we can conclude that the following happened:

Changes in the quality of knowledge of pupils;

Changes in the level of education;

Changes in memorization of content;

Changes in the development of interest in educational activities.

Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the intellectual and creative development of children, it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

There is no doubt that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical means of teaching. The use of information technology will make the process of teaching and developing children quite simple and effective.

Thus, the use of ICT in work with preschoolers allows you to expand the horizons of the child, enrich the pedagogical process, stimulate individual activity and the development of cognitive processes in children, and bring up a creative personality adapted to life in modern society.


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Relevance The use of information technologies in modern preschool education is dictated by the rapid development of the information society, the widespread use of multimedia technologies, electronic information resources, network technologies as a means of teaching, communication, and education.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that ICTs are an integral part of the learning process for preschoolers. This is not only accessible and familiar to children of the new generation, but also convenient for a modern teacher.

What is ICT?

The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

"Information technology - a set of methods, methods and means for storing, processing, transferring and displaying information and focused on increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor. " At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer (computer technology).

Communication technology determine the methods, methods and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects.

When using ICT in work, the length of service of teachers and education is not important, but the desire and desire to master ICT is important.

The use of computer technology helps the teacher in his work:

  • to attract passive listeners to active work;
  • make educational activities more visual and intense;
  • to form an information culture in children;
  • to activate cognitive interest;
  • implement student-centered and differentiated learning approaches;
  • discipline the teacher himself, form his interest in work;
  • activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.);
  • ICT will enable any teacher to directly enter the information space both with an appeal for methodological help to various service departments, and with the broadcast of their work experiences.
  • ICT will allow the educator to communicate more widely at various methodological events, for example, video - master classes, webinars, etc.
  • work with paper carriers is significantly reduced, since almost all text information is compiled and stored in electronic form;
  • less effort and time is spent in the preparation of visual and didactic accompaniment to the GCD.
  • with the help of ICT, conditions are created for professional self-development: electronic textbooks, articles are used; on the Internet you can get acquainted with periodicals, exchange information with colleagues via e-mail.
  • Communication with parents of pupils using ICT is another reality.

ICT is primarily:

  • transformation of the subject-developing environment,
  • creation of new means for the development of children,
  • using new visibility,
  • additional information that, for whatever reason, is not in the printed edition,
  • various illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, videos),
  • in the information society, online electronic resources are the most democratic way of disseminating new pedagogical ideas and new didactic aids, available to teachers regardless of their place of residence and income level,
  • internet search engines provide educators with the ability to find virtually any developmental and learning material and any photographs and illustrations.

ICT application:

  1. Selection of illustrative material for joint organized activities of a teacher with children and for decorating stands, groups.
  2. Selection of additional cognitive material.
  3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers.
  4. Registration of group documentation, reports.
  5. Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to increase the efficiency of joint organized activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting meetings.
  6. When creating a unified database of methodological and demonstration materials, the teacher has more free time.

The competent use of modern information technologies can significantly increase the motivation of children to learn. Allows you to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound. That contributes to the broadest disclosure of their abilities, activation of mental activity.

Today ICT allows:

Show information on the screen in a playful way, which arouses great interest in children, since this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - play.

In an accessible form, vividly, figuratively, to present to preschoolers material that corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation, but not overload the material with them.

Promote the development of research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents in preschoolers.

Encourage children to solve problematic problems and overcome difficulties.

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education makes it possible to expand the teacher's creative capabilities and has a positive effect on various aspects of the mental development of preschoolers. Developing activities with its use become much brighter and more dynamic. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make GCD attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative tasks based on clarity.

In the course of the preschooler's play activities, using computer tools, he develops: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design thinking qualities, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children. Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, a computer has a number of advantages:

  1. Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and helps to increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.
  2. Provides visualization that promotes perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.
  3. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world, the observation of which is difficult: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it is raining;
  4. You can also simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of sounds of nature; the work of transport, etc.);
  5. Presentation of information on a computer screen in a playful way causes great interest in children.
  6. Carries a figurative type of information, understandable to preschoolers.
  7. Problematic tasks, encouraging the child with their correct solution by the computer itself, are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children.
  8. The child himself regulates the pace and the number of solved game learning problems.
  9. In the course of his activity at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot.
  10. Allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, floods, unexpected and unusual effects);
  11. The computer is very "patient", never scolds a child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.
  12. The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching the Internet on their own or with their parents.

The range of ICT use in the educational process is quite wide. One of the most successful forms of preparation and presentation of educational material for joint organized activities in kindergarten is the creation of multimedia presentations. It facilitates the process of perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images, because combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time. The simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and sight) can achieve a much greater effect. And the English proverb says: "I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered."

Using a computer for documentation purposes.

The computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and "advanced" parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizer programs, keeping an individual diary of the child, recording various data about him, test results, building graphs, and generally tracking the dynamics of the child's development. This can be done manually, but the time costs are incomparable.


There is no doubt that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical means of teaching. The use of information technology will make the process of teaching and developing children quite simple and effective. By means of multimedia, it will allow the most accessible and attractive, playful form, to achieve a new quality of knowledge, develops the logical thinking of children, enhances the creative component of educational work, maximally contributing to improving the quality of education among preschoolers, relieves from routine manual work, opens up new opportunities.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in a kindergarten, it is possible, necessary and appropriate to use ICT in various types of educational activities. The joint organized activity of a teacher with children has its own specifics, it should be emotional, vivid, with the involvement of large illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

The use of information technology will make the learning and development process of the child quite effective, will open up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

However, no matter how positive, enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.

Socio-economic changes in Russia have led to the need to modernize many social institutions, primarily the education system. The new tasks set for education today are formulated and presented in the law “On Education of the Russian Federation” and the educational standard of the new generation.

Informatization of education in Russia is one of the most important mechanisms affecting all the main areas of modernization of the educational system. Its main task is to effectively use the following major advantages of information and communication technologies:

  • the possibility of organizing a cognitive process that supports an activity-based approach to the educational process;
  • individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity;
  • creation of an effective management system for information and methodological support of education.

The key directions of the process of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

1. Organizational:

  1. modernization of the methodological service;
  2. improvement of the material and technical base;
  3. creation of a specific information environment.

2. Pedagogical:

  1. improving ICT - the competence of preschool teachers;
  2. the introduction of ICT into the educational space.

In accordance with the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, preschool education is one of the levels of general education. Therefore, the informatization of kindergarten has become a necessary reality in modern society. The computerization of school education has a rather long history (about 20 years), but in kindergarten such a spread of the computer has not yet been observed. At the same time, it is impossible to imagine the work of a teacher (including a preschool educational institution) without using information resources. The use of ICT makes it possible to enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

What is ICT?

Information educational technologies are all technologies in the field of education that use special technical means (PC, multimedia) to achieve pedagogical goals.

Information and communication technologies in education (ICT) is a complex of teaching materials, technical and instrumental means of computing technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of specialists of educational institutions (administration, educators, specialists), as well as for education (development, diagnosis, correction) of children.

Areas of ICT application by preschool teachers

1. Record keeping.

In the process of educational activities, the teacher draws up and draws up calendar and long-term plans, prepares material for the design of the parent's corner, conducts diagnostics and draws up the results both in printed and electronic form. Diagnostics should be considered not as a one-time conduct of the necessary research, but also the keeping of an individual diary of the child, in which various data about the child, test results are recorded, graphs are built, and the dynamics of the child's development is generally monitored. Of course, this can be done without the use of computer technology, but the quality of design and time costs are incomparable.

An important aspect of using ICT is preparing a teacher for certification. Here you can consider both the preparation of documentation and the preparation of an electronic portfolio.

2. Methodical work, professional development of the teacher.

In the information society, online electronic resources are the most convenient, fast and modern way of disseminating new methodological ideas and didactic manuals, available to methodologists and teachers regardless of their place of residence. Informational and methodological support in the form of electronic resources can be used during the preparation of a teacher for classes, to study new techniques, when selecting visual aids for a lesson.

Networked communities of teachers allow not only finding and using the necessary methodological developments, but also posting their materials, sharing pedagogical experience in the preparation and conduct of events, in the use of various methods and technologies.

The modern educational space requires special flexibility from the teacher in the preparation and conduct of pedagogical activities. The teacher needs regular professional development. The possibility of fulfilling the modern needs of the teacher is also possible with the help of distance technologies. When choosing such courses, you need to pay attention to the presence of a license, on the basis of which educational activities are carried out. Distance improvement courses allow you to choose the direction of interest to the teacher and study without interrupting the main educational activity.

An important aspect of the teacher's work is participation in various pedagogical projects, distance contests, quizzes, olympiads, which increases the level of self-esteem of both the teacher and the pupils. Face-to-face participation in such events is often impossible due to the remoteness of the region, financial costs and other reasons. And remote participation is available to everyone. It is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of the resource, the number of registered users.

Undoubtedly, it is important to use ICT technologies for documenting and for more effective methodological work and for improving the qualifications of a teacher, but the main thing in the work of a preschool teacher is the conduct of the educational process.

3. Upbringing and educational process.

The upbringing and educational process includes:

  • organization of direct educational activities of the pupil,
  • organization of joint developmental activities of the teacher and children,
  • project implementation,
  • creation of a developing environment (games, manuals, didactic materials).

In preschool children, visual-figurative thinking prevails. The main principle in organizing the activities of children of this age is the principle of visibility. The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic, allows preschool teachers to quickly achieve their intended goal during direct educational activities and joint activities with children. The use of Internet resources makes the educational process information-rich, entertaining and comfortable.

There are 3 types of activities using ICT.

1. Lesson with multimedia support.

In this lesson, only one computer is used as an “electronic board”. At the stage of preparation, electronic and information resources are analyzed, and the necessary material for the lesson is selected. Sometimes it is very difficult to find the necessary materials to explain the topic of the lesson, so presentation materials are created using PowerPoint or other multimedia programs.

To conduct such classes, you need one personal computer (laptop), a multimedia projector, speakers, and a screen.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally colored, interesting, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good effectiveness of the lesson.

With the help of multimedia presentations, complexes of visual gymnastics, exercises for relieving visual fatigue are learned with children.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in factual, but also associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is the formation of a system of mental images in children. The presentation of the material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces the learning time, frees up the resources of children's health.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom allows you to build an educational process based on psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, thought activity, humanization of the content of education and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

The basis of any modern presentation is facilitating the process of visual perception and memorization of information using vivid images. The form and place of use of the presentation in the lesson depend on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

The use of computerized slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

  • Implementation of polysensory perception of the material;
  • The ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and a projection screen in a multiply enlarged form;
  • Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps to compensate for the amount of information children receive from educational literature;
  • The ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible for perception by the intact sensory system;
  • Activation of visual functions, eye abilities of the child;
  • It is convenient to use computer presentation slide films to display information in the form of printouts in large print on a printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers.

The use of multimedia presentations allows to make classes emotionally colored, attract a keen interest in the child, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to good results of the lesson. For example, the use of presentations in the classroom in mathematics, music, familiarization with the world around them ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually highlighting the signs and properties of objects, forms the methods of visual perception, examination, highlighting qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal signs in the objective world and properties, visual attention and visual memory develop.

2. Lesson with computer support

Most often, such classes are conducted using game training programs.

In such a lesson, several computers are used, at which several pupils work at the same time. The use of an electronic textbook (and an educational game for children is an electronic textbook) is a programmed learning method, the founder of which is Skinner. Working with an electronic textbook, the child independently studies the material, performs the necessary tasks and then undergoes a competency test on this topic.

The capabilities of the computer make it possible to increase the amount of material offered for review. A bright luminous screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch the audio perception to visual in children, animated characters arouse interest, as a result tension is relieved. But today, unfortunately, there is not enough good computer programs that are designed for children of this age.

Experts identify a number of requirements that must be met by developmental programs for children:

  • research character,
  • ease for self-study of the child,
  • developing a wide range of skills and beliefs,
  • high technical level,
  • age compliance,
  • entertaining.

Educational programs available on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

1. Games for the development of memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

2. "Speaking" dictionaries foreign languages with good animation.

3. ART-studios, the simplest graphic editors with picture libraries.

4. Games-travel, "adventure".

5. The simplest programs for teaching reading, mathematics, etc.

The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child's own experience, but also to increase the child's creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on the monitor screen helps to optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and director's games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that the child can solve independently.

When organizing classes of this type, it is necessary to have a stationary or mobile computer class that meets SANPiN standards, licensed software.

Today many kindergartens are equipped with computer labs. But still missing:

  • method of using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;
  • systematization of computer development programs;
  • uniform software and methodological requirements for computer studies.

Today this is the only type of activity not regulated by a special educational program. Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology.

An important rule when organizing such classes is the frequency of their conduct. Classes should be held 1-2 times a week, depending on the age of the children, for 10-15 minutes of direct PC activity.

1. Diagnostic lesson.

To conduct such classes, special programs are required, which are few or nonexistent for some general education programs. But the development of such computer programs is a matter of time. By means of application programs you can develop test items and use them for diagnostics. In the process of conducting traditional diagnostic lessons, the teacher needs to fix the level of solving the problem by each child according to certain indicators. The use of special computer programs will not only facilitate the work of the teacher and reduce the time spent (use several computers at the same time), but will also save the results of diagnostics, considering them in dynamics.

Thus, unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate a child with a large number of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and, which is very important in early childhood, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The use of computers in educational and extracurricular activities looks very natural from the point of view of the child and is one of the most effective ways to increase motivation and individualization of learning to develop creative abilities and create a prosperous emotional background. Modern research in the field of preschool pedagogy K.N. Motorina, S.P. Pervina, M.A. Kholodnoy, S.A. Shapkina et al. Testify to the possibility of computer mastering by children aged 3-6 years. As you know, this period coincides with the moment of intensive development of the child's thinking, preparing the transition from visual-figurative to abstract-logical thinking.

The introduction of information technology has advantagesbefore traditional teaching aids:

1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of e-learning tools, as they transfer information faster.

2. Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and helps to increase their interest in the studied material. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

3. Provides visualization, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. This includes three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world, the observation of which is difficult: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, here it is raining.

5. It is also possible to simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of sounds of nature; the work of transport, etc.).

6. The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching the Internet on their own or together with their parents;

7. ICT is additional features work with children with disabilities.

With all the invariable advantages of using ICT in preschool education, the following problems arise:

1. Material base of the preschool educational institution.

As noted above, to organize classes, you must have a minimum set of equipment: a PC, a projector, speakers, a screen or a mobile classroom. Not all kindergartens today can afford to create such classes.

2. Protection of the child's health.

Recognizing that the computer is a powerful new tool for the development of children, it is necessary to remember the commandment “DO NOT HARM!”. The use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

When computers and interactive equipment operate, specific conditions are created in the room: humidity decreases, air temperature rises, the amount of heavy ions increases, and electrostatic voltage in the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's hands increases. The intensity of the electrostatic field increases when finishing the cabinet with polymer materials. The floor must be antistatic and the use of carpets and rugs is not permitted.

To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static electricity and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bairing the office before and after classes, wet cleaning before and after classes. Classes with older preschoolers are held once a week in subgroups. In his work, the teacher must necessarily use complexes of exercises for the eyes.

3. Insufficient ICT - teacher competence.

The teacher must not only perfectly know the content of all computer programs, their operational characteristics, the user interface of each program (the specifics of the technical rules of action with each of them), but also understand the technical characteristics of the equipment, be able to work in basic application programs, multimedia programs and networks Internet.

If the preschool educational institution's team manages to solve these problems, then ICT technologies will become a great helper.

The use of information technology will help the teacher increase the motivation for teaching children and will lead to a number of positive consequences:

  • enrichment of children with knowledge in their figurative and conceptual integrity and emotional coloring;
  • facilitating the process of assimilating the material by preschoolers;
  • excitement of a lively interest in the subject of knowledge;
  • broadening the general outlook of children;
  • increasing the level of using visibility in the classroom;
  • increasing the productivity of the teacher.

There is no doubt that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical means of teaching. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each child some stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of his cognitive activity. Information technologies, in conjunction with correctly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of teaching and upbringing.

So, the use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of children quite simple and effective, free from routine manual work, and will open up new opportunities for early education.

Informatization of education opens up new opportunities for teachers for widespread introduction into pedagogical practice of new methodological developments aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas of upbringing, educational and correctional processes. Recently, information and communication technologies (ICT) have been a good assistant for teachers in organizing educational and correctional work.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information and communication technologies allow not only to saturate a child with a large number of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and, which is very important in preschool childhood, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its effectiveness.

List of used literature

  1. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. - M., Sphere, 2008.
  2. Gorvits Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, no. 5.
  3. Kalinina T.V. Office of the preschool educational institution. “New information technologies in preschool childhood”. M, Sphere, 2008.
  4. Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technologies: teaching aid. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.
  5. Motorin V. "Educational possibilities of computer games". Preschool education, 2000, no. 11.
  6. Novoselova S.L. The computer world of the preschooler. M .: New school, 1997.

Scientific and technological progress at the present stage of development of society has reached incredible heights. Technologies, which a few decades ago were perceived as fiction, have become an everyday reality. If at the beginning of the 21st century, computerization concerned enterprises, government agencies, etc., now it is hardly possible to find a family that does not have a computer, laptop or tablet, but mobile phone just became a necessity.

Modern information technologies that surround the child from birth, fit organically into everyday life. Children very quickly learn to use gadgets, and this makes it possible to use new technologies in teaching children, starting from kindergarten.

Educational programs of preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions) widely use the capabilities of modern information and communication technologies (ICT).

The use of ICT in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard makes increased demands on the modern teacher in preschool institutions. Now it is no longer enough to just love children to work successfully in kindergarten. Preschool education is a full-fledged link in the educational process, where training takes place using modern information technologies, and makes new demands on the professional training of teachers.

To work in kindergartens, it is necessary to train preschool teachers who are able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies. To do this, they themselves must know the computer well, be able to use multimedia equipment, and create their own educational programs.

We invite you to undergo distance learning at the School of Education Manager ( under the program "ICT in the work of an educator." The course will teach teachers to build the educational process using modern information technologies (electronic boards, Internet resources, etc.). You can see what is taught on the course.

ICT in kindergartenenables the teacher to diversify classes with children, increase their effectiveness, make them attractive to children, combining play and teaching moments.

The use of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutionsopens to teachers of preschool institutions ample opportunities for the introduction of new methods of work into practice, introduces innovative ideas of the educational process.

Directions of using information and communication technologies in the activities of preschool educational institutions

Information and communication technologies have become firmly established in various areas of activity of preschool institutions, these are:

  1. organization of the educational process
  2. interaction of the teacher with the parents of the children
  3. organization of methodological work with teaching staff.

Organization of educational and educational process in a preschool educational institution using ICT

Using ICTin the educational process of the preschool educational institutionmakes it possible to make kindergarten classes the most attractive for the child. Classes with preschool children have their own characteristics. Children 5-7 years old are inquisitive, so the use of ICT arouses their interest and a storm of positive emotions. Children willingly learn to use PCs, interactive whiteboards, tablets. As they play, they gradually move on to familiarize themselves with the tutorials.

Correctly selected video materials help preschool teachers to awaken in children an interest in learning, develop the attention and perseverance of preschoolers. The learning process at the dhow is very important for the subsequent adaptation of children to school. Kindergarten graduates come to the first grade prepared for self-study... The so-called domestic children, that is, those children who, for some reason, did not attend preschool educational institutions, experience difficulties with socialization.

The use of information technology when working with children dictates its own rules:

  • teachers at a preschool educational institution must be able to work with office equipment
  • comply with sanitary norms and rules for the use of computers by preschoolers

Summarizing all of the above, it must be emphasized that at present one of the most important tasks facing preschool institutions is to increase the computer literacy of the teaching staff.

Application of information and communication technologies for interaction between a preschool teacher and parents

Information and communication technologies are a new, but already well-proven tool in establishing productive cooperation between a teacher of a child care institution and parents.

Modern parents use social services a lot and willingly. networks, various mobile applications in smartphones, by email etc.

It is often easier and faster to resolve any issue with the child's parents via the Internet than to wait for a personal meeting with him. The reality is that the employment of parents leads to the fact that the child is taken from the garden by a nanny, grandmother or older children, depending on the capabilities and status of the family.

Preschool institutions that actively use information technology for a dialogue with the parents of the children.

These tools can be:

  • E-mail, which allows online - the exchange of large amounts of information, it can be legislative materials on preschool education. Parents may receive private information that is not intended for wide publicity, for example, information about the health of the child or the situation at home, etc.
  • creating groups in in social networks... Parents actively use such groups to exchange photo and video materials from matinees, share links to relevant articles, etc. It is important for the educator to study the information presented there, to understand the general mood of the parental community, their wishes and opinions about the development of the educational process.
  • Mobile applications Viber or Whatsapp are a great opportunity to quickly contact the child's parents in any emergency.

Get a standard diploma

The curriculum "Organization and quality control of educational activities in preschool education" will help you learn more about the legal regulation of the educational activities of preschool education, the development of the basic educational program of preschool education and receive methodological recommendations from experts.

This is not a complete list of the possibilities of information and communication technologies when working with parents of preschoolers, but even the study of the presented list speaks of the importance of the development of ICT in the preschool system.

Organization of methodological work using information and communication technologies

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool institutions opens up new prospects for the development and implementation of methodological developments and the implementation of innovative ideas, allows you to take into account the experience of your colleagues in the shop.

In their work, preschool teachers use information portals on the Internet, dedicated to the education and training of preschoolers. Based on the information obtained from these sources, dhow teachers create their presentations of classes, share experiences and study the work of other teachers.

Separately, it should be said about the use ICT in the work of a senior educator of a preschool educational institution.The distribution of teaching materials via the Internet, the collection of statistical data, their storage and processing in electronic form, allows the head teacher of the children's institution to control and timely adjust the work of the entire teaching staff.

Acquaintance via the Internet with scenarios of holidays and other events in preschool organizations in other cities allows you to significantly expand the scope of the materials studied.

Modern technologies for creating presentations in the Power Point program improve the quality of educational activities, the use of digital photographic equipment and "Photoshop" software allows you to create original pictures, easily edit and demonstrate them.

The use of a video camera allows for a high-quality and comprehensive analysis of activities carried out in preschool institutions. This form of work is very important for the transfer of experience to young teachers who have just entered the profession.

A modern library of methodological literature is turning into a media library, and information on electronic media is much more convenient to store and use.

Preschool education today is unthinkable without the use of information and communication technologies. Federal state educational standards (fgos) directly pointing out the continuity of all types of education in modern Russia, they name the basic requirements for the implementation educational programs, including personnel, financial, material and technical conditions.

In other words, teachers of preschool educational institutions should be trained in accordance with the requirements of the modern educational process, know and be able to apply in practice the knowledge of information and communication technologies. Federal and regional authorities should, in accordance with the legislation, fully finance programs for providing preschool educational institutions with material and technical means for the development of information and communication technologies.