Operational control. Operational control system. Legislative base of the Russian Federation Block diagram of the operational control department

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

GOU VPO "Ufa State Aviation Technical University"

Institute of economics and management

Department of Taxes and Taxation

Course work

by discipline: Tax administration

on the topic: Operational Control Department


2. Characteristics of the current legislation, which forms the basis of the structure under study

5. Building a diagram of the relationship of this unit with other units of the tax system




The purpose of the work is to form the organizational structure of the department and develop a model for its functioning.

The implementation of this goal made it necessary to solve the following tasks: tax legislation, organizational

Examine instructional materials, as well as literature sources relevant to the studied department

Build a diagram of the relationship of the department with other departments of the tax inspection;

Design the optimal size of the structural unit with the consolidation of functions and justification for the workload of the contractor.

Build a diagram of the relationship between the department and various production links

The subject of the research is the operational control department. The object of the research is the activities of the operational control department. The subject of the research is the totality of tax relations arising in the course of the activities of the unit.

1. Characteristics of the structural unit of the tax system

The department is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and other federal laws, international treaties of the Russian Federation, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Regulation on the Federal Tax Service, the Regulation on the Inspection, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, legal acts of the Office of the Federal Tax Service in St. Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Office), as well as these Regulations.

The department is headed by the head of the operational control department, who reports to the head of the Inspectorate or the deputy head of the Inspectorate supervising this Department in accordance with the order on the distribution of duties between the head of the Inspectorate and deputy heads of the Inspectorate.

Qualification requirements for professional knowledge:

A specialist - an expert should know:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws;

decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts in relation to the execution job responsibilities;

legal basis for the passage of the federal state civil service;

rules of business etiquette, procedure for dealing with citizens' appeals;

rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection;

office routine of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 6 in the Astrakhan Region;

the procedure for working with service information, instructions for office work;

job regulations.

Qualification requirements for professional skills:

A specialist-expert must have the skills:

work in the area corresponding to the direction of the structural unit, the implementation of the assigned tasks;

qualified work planning, expert examination of draft regulatory legal acts, preparation of official documents;

conducting office work, drawing up a business letter;

collection and systematization of relevant information in the established field of activity, the use of computer and other office equipment, the use of software products.

Principles of formation of intra-structural links of the department

The department in its activities is based on the following basic principles:

The principle of unity, the principle of functionality, accuracy of work, discipline, etc.

The principle of functionality is that each employee should do their job, thereby ensuring a more fruitful department. Each person should do what he likes and what he knows how to do, then there will be job satisfaction and, therefore, a job well done. The tax services of almost all countries have switched to the functional principle. Its meaning is that everyone should mind their own business. People who can and love to explain should work with taxpayers. And there are people who do not like to explain - they are more attracted to, for example, working on a computer. They can be more useful in data entry departments. Analysts should do analysis, economists should do desk reviews, and so on.

The principle of confidentiality of information is that employees of the department of desk audits, like employees of the entire tax system, have no right to disclose state and tax secrets.

The principle of work unity means the unity of all parts of one whole, i.e. the activities of the department should be related to the activities of the entire tax service. Any changes in the plans of one department should be appropriately reflected in the plans of other departments.

2. Characteristics of the current legislation, which forms the basis of the department's activities

In the process of carrying out their activities, the tax authorities, and, accordingly, the department of work with taxpayers and the media are guided by a certain list of normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of taxation.

Constitution of the Russian Federation. The norms regulating tax relations contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation have supreme legal force, direct effect and are applied throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. In particular, the subjects of taxation and their guarantees, the competence of the authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of tax regulation and lawmaking are determined.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation is the main normative legal act that defines the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities of tax authorities, and hence the department for work with taxpayers and the media.

The most important of the laws regulating the activities of tax inspectorates is the Law of the Russian Federation "On the tax authorities of the Russian Federation" dated 17.07.2009 N 162-FZ. The law defines the tasks and structure of tax authorities, the rights and obligations of tax authorities in the implementation of tax control. It also indicates the responsibility of tax inspectorates and their officials, as well as their social guarantees.

The Regulation on the Federal Tax Service, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2004, defines the powers of the Federal Tax Service, the organization of the Federal Tax Service.

In order to streamline the work of tax authorities in providing taxpayers with information and clarifications on taxes and fees, by order of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia dated 10.08.04, No. SAE-3-27 / 468, the Regulation on the organization of work with taxpayers was approved. This document regulates all the work of tax inspections with taxpayers - from the rules of conduct for inspectors to the procedure for reconciliation.

Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for admitting taxpayers in the inspections of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia". The Regulation on the organization of work with taxpayers refers to the need to comply with the order of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia dated October 29, 2003, No. BG-3-27 / 575 "On the procedure for accepting taxpayers in the inspections of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies of Russia", in particular, organizing the reception of taxpayers daily throughout working hours ... In this case, it is recommended to use the principle of shift. The work of an official of the department of work with taxpayers on direct reception of taxpayers should not exceed 4 hours a day.

The main legislative document through which the investigated structure carries out its activities, of course, is the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as legislative and regulatory documents, publications published in recent years, as well as information available on the Internet.

Tables are compiled on the basis of statistical data and factual material published in the press.

We compiled the developed system using the institutional theory of Douglas North.

All together, it forms an incentive structure for the activity of this unit, which should be developed and proposed for practical use.

4. Designing the optimal number of employees for the unit

where Chi is the number of employees performing the I-th function

Tei - total complexity of the function

Ф - effective fund of time (annual \u003d 1860 hours)

The number of management - 0.58 people

The number of employees in the position of the 1st category Specialist - 2.6 people

The number of employees in the position of a Specialist - 2.87 people

I reviewed the design of the optimal number of employees for the unit, and also highlighted their functions. The optimal number of employees in the department is 6.05 people to exclude the loss of working time, but if you round up to the nearest integer, we get about 6 people. This is the optimal size for the IT department.

As you can see from the schedule, all employees performing basic functions, managerial functions are an employee, managerial functions are 100% busy. No downtime was found.

In the optimized graph, we can see that the workload of the workers is evenly distributed.

5. The relationship of the department with other structural divisions of the tax system

When building a diagram of the relationship between the operational control department and other structural divisions, one should proceed from the logic of the relationship and functional load.

The construction of a relationship diagram should be focused on such progressive theoretical developments as reengineering, the concept of internal markets for corporations, and the theory of alliances.

Reengineering, or restructuring on a modern information and technological basis of the organization of production and management. This is both the theory and methods of the complex recovery of corporations, the management renaissance with the coverage and reconstruction of all elements without exception, including systems of human motivation and incentives. Within the framework of this direction, new impulses for increasing efficiency are considered, associated with reducing the size and optimization of business entities, and the potential of matrix structures that organically combine linear and programmatic leadership, and the capabilities of complex target teams, and much more. The managerial mechanism of the company is adjusted to mastering the market - analyzing its capacity, organizing the sale of goods, ways of stimulating sales, ensuring the competitiveness of goods and services.

2. The concept of internal markets for corporations (or organizational markets). It is characterized by the transfer of the laws and principles of the market economy to the internal activities of corporations. Such revolutionary transformations should cover all their departments (linear, functional, marketing, and even the apparatus of top managers). They become autonomous links that buy and sell goods and services, participating in intra-firm and inter-firm turnover, and are united by a single information networks, financial systems and entrepreneurial culture. Thanks to the development of direct links, organizational markets sharply reduce many types of costs, the attention of firms is focused on justifying the transition from hierarchical to horizontal management structures, on finding a favorable balance between large and small operations.

According to this concept, divisions that have broad economic independence within enterprises can quickly make changes in the production of goods, the provision of services, in the entire system of relations with consumers. On this basis and using information technology, network organizations with distributed autonomous links, the so-called virtual corporations, are formed. A fundamentally new control object appears, which requires very fine tuning... The concept of a "democratic corporation" being developed, which provides for broad decentralization of management with the development of democratic forms and methods of functioning of divisions and managers, is also adjacent to this direction.

3. Theory of alliances (associative forms of organization and management). Integration processes in management focused on more efficient use of all types of resources (and primarily scientific, technical, investment and financial), lead to the emergence of various forms of horizontal association of organizations. Flat organizational hierarchies are formed around the main processes with specific goals. These are not only the so-called horizontal corporations, but also strategic alliances, various modifications of conglomerates, consortia, holdings, business associations and groups.

The new corporate model envisions increased cooperation among competitors, suppliers and customers and thereby changes the understanding of the boundaries of the organization. Professional knowledge and the skills of each partner allow for a more efficient organization in which every function and process is implemented globally. Companies come together to take advantage of specific market opportunities that cannot be realized by individual organizations. Particular attention is paid to the problem of the comprehensive development of human resources. The attitude to people as a leading resource, to capital, and not as to personified production costs, becomes almost the central tenet of the theory of organization. Great importance is attached to the problem of trust - to the management system, decisions made, their execution, and leaders.


My job was to analyze the operational control department of the tax inspection.

The Operational Control Department is primarily a structural subdivision of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of Russia.

In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, international treaties of the Russian Federation, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Federal Tax Service, the Regulations on the Inspectorate, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as these Regulations.

The management and control of the activities of the Department is carried out by the head of the Inspectorate or the deputy head of the Inspectorate in charge of this Department in accordance with the order on the distribution of duties between the head of the Inspectorate and the deputy heads of the Inspection.

I looked at designing the optimal headcount for the unit. The optimal number of employees in the department is 6 people.

I built a schedule, and based on the data received, I saw that all employees of the department are working at 100%.

She also proposed a version of the organizational structure of the unit.


1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (parts 1 and 2). Official text. - M .: 2004.

2. On the tax authorities of the Russian Federation: Law of the Russian Federation No. 943-1 of March 21, 1991

3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 09.06.2006 N 577 "On the class ranks of federal state civil servants of the Federal Tax Service and its territorial bodies"

4. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2005 N 1131 (as amended on July 26, 2008) "On qualification requirements for the length of service in the state civil service (other types of civil service) or work experience in the specialty for federal government civil servants"

5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 09.03.2004 N 314 (as amended on 22.06.2010) "On the system and structure of federal executive bodies"

6. 2 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.09.2004 N 506 (as amended on 15.06.2010) "On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Tax Service"

7. Tax Alert.

8. Russian economic journal.

9. Financial newspaper.

10. Economy and life.

11. "Glavbukh" periodical magazine for an accountant http://www.glavbukh.ru/

12. Association of Control and Accounting Bodies of Russia, http://www.ach-fci.ru/Legislation/RespBashkor.

13. Bank of documents "Normative legal acts issued by the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Administration of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan", http://ukaz-rb.ru/

14. Magazine "Kadrovik" http://www.kadrovik.ru/

15. Official server of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation www.nalog.ru

16. Russian tax portal http://www.taxpravo.ru/

17. Site of the Moscow regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Association of Russian lawyers", http://www.moaur.ru/index.html

18. Site about accounting, taxes and audit, http://www.buhgalteria.ru/.

19. Website of the manager of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Perm Territory, http://www.r59.nalog.ru/index.php?topic\u003dwww.r59.nalog.ru

20. Federal Agency for Financial Information http://www.buhnews.ru/

21. Federal Treasury. Official site. http://www.roskazna.ru/

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Works Edition from 11.03.2003

Name documentORDER of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2003 N BG-3-25 / 113 "ON STANDARD REGULATIONS ON INSPECTION OF THE MNS OF RUSSIA WITH A CAPACITY OF OVER 100 UNITS AND STANDARD PROVISIONS ABOUT DEPARTMENTS"
Document typeorder, position
Host bodymns rf
Document NumberBG-3-25 / 113
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of revision11.03.2003
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published



<*> When creating several departments of desk audits in the Inspectorate and developing regulations on these departments, one should be guided by this Regulation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Operational Control Department (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural subdivision of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Levies for a district, a district in a city, a city without a district division and an inter-district level (hereinafter referred to as the Inspection).

1.2. In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other legislative acts, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of legislative (representative) authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, accepted within their powers, orders, orders, instructions, rules, regulations and other acts of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia and the Administration of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Administration), as well as this Regulation.

1.3. The department in its activities is guided by instructions for workplaces approved by the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia.

1.4. The Regulation on the Department is approved by the head of the Inspectorate.

2. The main tasks of the Department

2.1. Exercise of state control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash settlements with the population, enterprises, organizations and individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, as well as the completeness of accounting for funds received using cash registers ...

2.2. Registration of cash registers with the tax authority in accordance with the established procedure.

2.3. Implementation of state control over compliance by organizations with the terms of licensed activities for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic, alcohol-containing and tobacco products.

2.4. Implementation of state control over the timeliness and completeness of the receipt of excise taxes from the sale of alcohol and tobacco products.

2.5. Monitoring compliance by credit institutions with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees when transferring tax payments to the budget.

2.6. Ensuring control over production, circulation of petroleum products.

3. The main functions of the Department

3.1. Selection of taxpayers for audits of compliance with the legislation on the use of cash registers based on the results of analysis of available materials received from internal and external sources.

3.2. Planning and organization of inspections of taxpayers on compliance with legislation on the use of cash register and registration in the prescribed manner of the results of inspections.

3.3. Participation in the consideration of appeals, complaints, claims, claims of taxpayers that are within the competence of the Department, preparation of responses to appeals on issues within the responsibilities of the Department.

3.4. Registration of cash registers with the tax authority, tracking the replacement of the used cash register models by the owners in accordance with the terms of their use and decisions of the State Interdepartmental Expert Commission on cash registers.

3.5. Control over the observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation by institutions, organizations and individual entrepreneurs, regulating the use of cash registers or the use of strict reporting forms when making cash settlements with the population, for the completeness of accounting for funds received with the use of cash registers.

3.6. Participation in conducting field tax audits on issues falling within the competence of the Department.

3.7. Interaction with law enforcement agencies on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.8. Revealing during operational checks compliance with legislation on the use of KKM organizations and individualsengaged in trading activities (providing paid services) in a controlled area, but not registered with the tax authorities. Transfer of this information to the department of registration and accounting of taxpayers, as well as in the prescribed manner to law enforcement agencies.

3.9. Control over the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of payment of penalties imposed on a taxpayer for violation of the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.10. Participation in a permanent tax post for a taxpayer who has a certificate of registration of a person performing operations with petroleum products, and performing within the framework of the post's functioning:

Control over the compliance of the volumes of raw materials received for the production of petroleum products with the actual volumes of petroleum products produced from these raw materials;

Control over the compliance of the volumes of actual production and sale of petroleum products with the taxpayer's accounting data and the data reflected by the taxpayer in the tax return;

Conducting a reconciliation of the volumes of sales of petroleum products based on the accounting and reporting data of the taxpayer with the volumes of actually shipped consignments of petroleum products;

Conducting a reconciliation of the compliance of the actual balances of petroleum products in the warehouse and (or) in the taxpayer's tanks with the taxpayer's accounting data;

Verification of the certificate (s) of registration of a person performing operations with petroleum products presented by the buyer (buyers) of petroleum products, including at the request of a taxpayer who has created a tax post.

3.11. Participation of persons who are part of the employees of the tax post in conducting field tax audits of a taxpayer who has a certificate of registration of a person performing operations with petroleum products, which has a tax post.

3.12. Collection and systematization of information obtained in the course of the functioning of the tax post, preparation of reports of the tax post and sending them to the tax authority, which has decided to create a tax post.

3.13. Preparation for sending to the tax authority, which has made a decision to create a tax post, information about violations identified in the course of its operation.

3.14. Monitoring compliance by taxpayers with the conditions for issuing licenses for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic, alcohol-containing and tobacco products.

3.15. Control over the reliability of information on the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, reflected by taxpayers in the relevant declarations.

3.16. Control over the calculation, payment and timely receipt of excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco products.

3.17. Control over the use by organizations of quotas for the purchase of ethyl alcohol.

3.18. Control over the receipt, storage, accounting and use of federal and regional special stamps in organizations.

3.19. Conducting inspections and surveys of organizations for compliance with the requirements for the production and circulation of alcoholic and tobacco products.

3.20. Implementation of sealing in organizations that produce ethyl alcohol, control alcohol-measuring devices for measuring the volume of products, and in organizations that produce alcoholic beverages - control devices accounting for the volume of these products and monitoring the readings of these devices.

3.21. Control over the volumes of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic, alcohol-containing and tobacco products, over compliance with the production technology of these products.

3.22. Administration of excise warehouses.

3.23. Participation, together with law enforcement and regulatory authorities, in measures to monitor compliance with legislation on state regulation of the production and circulation of alcohol and tobacco products.

3.24. Analysis of reporting and statistical data, results of technological inspections, examination of organizations and preparation on their basis of proposals for improving control methods.

3.25. Preparation for submission to the Office of information on the identified violations in the field of production and circulation of alcohol and tobacco products.

3.26. Carrying out work on the accounting and assessment of ownerless property, as well as property that has passed into the ownership of the state by way of inheritance, and treasures.

3.27. Participation in proceedings on cases of administrative offenses (drawing up protocols on administrative offenses).

3.28. Verification of the correctness of payment and calculation of the state duty.

3.29. Control over the timeliness of execution by banks registered with the tax authority, orders of taxpayers for the transfer of taxes and fees.

3.30. Participation in the preparation of responses to written inquiries of taxpayers.

3.31. Formation of the established reporting on the subject of the Department's activities.

3.32. Preparation of information materials for the management of the Inspectorate on issues within the competence of the Division.

3.33. Participation in the organization and implementation of measures for professional training and retraining of personnel for tax authorities, holding meetings, seminars on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.34. Record keeping in the established order, storage and submission to the archive of documents of the Department.

4. Powers of the Department

4.1. To carry out its main functions, the department has the right:

make proposals to the leadership of the Inspectorate on any issues within the competence of the Department;

at the direction of the head of the Inspectorate, within the scope of its activities and competence, represent the Department in the Office;

conduct correspondence on issues within the competence of the Department;

prepare draft orders and other documents on issues within the competence of the Department;

give opinions on draft documents submitted for conclusion by other departments of the Inspectorate;

to request and receive from the departments of the Inspectorate recommendations, suggestions and opinions on issues within the competence of the Department;

work with the documents of the Inspectorate departments to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Department;

exercise other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the representative bodies of local self-government, acts of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia and the Office.

4.2. The department carries out its activities in cooperation with other departments of the Inspectorate on the basis of plans drawn up in the areas of work of the Inspectorate, in accordance with the work plans of the collegiums of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies of Russia and the Office.

4.3. The structure of the Department and the number of its employees are established based on the approved structure and the number of employees of the Inspectorate.

5. Management of the Department

5.1. The Department is managed by the head, who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Inspectorate in agreement with the Department.

5.2. The Head of the Department is directly subordinate to the Deputy Head of the Inspectorate or the person performing his duties (hereinafter - the leadership of the Inspectorate).

5.3. Department head:

develops and submits to the head of the Inspectorate for approval the job descriptions of the employees of the Division;

makes proposals on candidates for appointment to positions, on dismissal of employees of the Department;

manages the work of the Department, ensures the solution of the tasks assigned to the Department, controls the performance of official duties and assignments by the employees;

coordinates the draft documents submitted for consideration by the management of the Inspectorate containing issues within the competence of the Division;

plans and controls the activities of the Division, including on issues of interaction with other divisions of the Inspectorate in connection with the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Division;

ensures that the employees of the Department comply with the internal labor regulations, and also makes proposals to the management of the Inspectorate on the encouragement (collection) of employees of the Department.

5.4. The Head of the Department is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department by these Regulations, for compliance with the current legislation, the execution of orders, orders, other regulations, instructions of the Inspectorate's management, the safety of property and documents under the jurisdiction of the Department, ensuring that employees comply with internal rules. work schedule and performance discipline.

They carry out operational control of organizations that are responsible for the procedure for conducting inspections, the general situation in the field of protecting labor conditions at various enterprises. The purpose of operational control is to increase attention to issues directly related to labor protection.

Control levels

It is important to note that the operational control system has three levels:

1. Every day, the person responsible for labor protection in a certain area inspects all workplaces to identify violations. And if these violations are found, the master is obliged to take all measures to eliminate all the deficiencies found. If no violations were found, the authorized master is obliged to make an appropriate entry in a special journal along with his signature. As a rule, at the end of the shift, all the results of the inspection are reported to the chief of the senior for labor protection. Areas for which the first level control is responsible:

  • Equipment grounding.
  • Status of electrical cabinet devices.
  • Workplace lighting.
  • Situation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe aisles at the enterprise.
  • Serviceability of various equipment at the enterprise, etc.

2. Every week, the chief, the senior safety officer, the mechanic and the power engineer go through a general check in all areas. If violations are detected, they record the results of operational control in the appropriate labor protection log.

After verification, a meeting is held at the enterprise, where a decision is made on troubleshooting issues at the enterprise. It is important to note that those conducting such checks are required to report to their superiors every month.

3. Every month a representative of the trade union committee and a representative of the labor protection commission conduct an inspection at the enterprise. As for the issues on working conditions, they are resolved after checking at a special meeting. The decisions that will be approved must be formalized in the form of an order or order at the enterprise.


There are comprehensive and targeted checks. Complex ones are carried out according to the schedule set by the CEO. However, due diligence may be out of schedule due to a fatal incident at the facility. The commission, which conducts complex audits, carries out its work within five days, and the results of the audit are discussed at a special meeting.

During due diligence the commission draws attention to the work of the labor protection management system; compliance with all safety procedures; timely conduct of briefings; employees' knowledge of clear safety rules during the work process; the working condition of all equipment; fire safety check; working process conditions and methods of its improvement, etc. However, the list of questions can significantly expand depending on a particular enterprise.

With regard to targeted validation, the situation is slightly different here. After all, they are carried out at the enterprise as needed. During targeted inspection, issues such as the procedure for storage, issuance and use of personal protective equipment by workers are considered; preservation, accounting and use of toxic and explosive materials at the enterprise; work management increased danger; registration of orders and work permits; correct work ventilation installations at the enterprise; the competence of employees in the field of labor protection; conducting briefings; control of knowledge of employees of the enterprise on labor protection; safe use of equipment; sanitary condition of working premises; the state of medical service at the enterprise; control of repair work, etc. Upon completion of the targeted inspection, as a rule, acts and regulations are drawn up.

The results of the check are discussed at special meetings, after which an order is issued, which indicates the persons responsible for eliminating deviations at the enterprise.

Operational control log

All results of operational control checks carried out by managers, employees, specialists authorized in the field of labor protection must be recorded in the Operational Control Log. It is kept at the workplace by the head of the department. An important fact is that violations that are recorded in the Journal should be written in it only in the presence of the person who broke the rules. The magazine must have a number, be laced and have the seal of the company.

Operational control department. What is the job?

The work of the department is to improve the organization of labor protection, industrial sanitation and the detection of various kinds of violations. Thus, the operational control department is responsible for regular inspections at enterprises to identify violations and eliminate them.

Operational accounting

As for the issues of operational accounting and production control, they are the most important planning functions, a significant source of information in the production process. The objects of operational accounting and control can be various production indicators. For example, daily assignments or annual production volumes.

The purpose of operational accounting is to reflect the state and the process of performing production activities at various enterprises, as well as control over the correct spending of funds and the implementation of plans set by management. It regulates the profitability and profit of the enterprise and prevents unnecessary expenses.

This accounting has a connection with the reporting of the enterprise itself, which, in turn, is divided into internal and external. Internal reporting reflects the work of departments, sections, workshops; the external is responsible for the presentation of organizations to various inspectorates.

Operational accounting and control are responsible for the quality work of all areas at a particular enterprise.

Accounting should contribute to the correct solution of various problems in the enterprise.

This is one of the direct control elements. The purpose of operational control is to achieve results close to the planned ones.

Types of operational control

It is important to note that control is subdivided into several types:

  • Preliminary control in several layers of the enterprise: on issues in the field of human labor, which is carried out by analyzing the working qualities of employees that they must have; on issues in the material sphere; in the field of finance.
  • which is carried out in the process of direct work;
  • Final control, which is carried out after the completion of all work at the enterprise.

Types of operational control

Operational control is of two types - internal and external. It is important to note that the object of external control is the timing and fulfillment of the obligations concluded in a special agreement. And the object of internal control is the condition for the development of the production process in accordance with the established plan and the provision of the necessary resources for the productive implementation of the tasks.

It is important to note that operational accounting is somewhat similar to accounting. But it has one important difference. After all, accounting includes only transactions that were in the past, and operational accounting also includes future transactions.

Operational control plan - what is it?

The operational control plan is the collection of specific information regarding the work and its effectiveness in enterprises. It should be noted that the department of operational control and accounting is responsible for the implementation of the plan.

The basis for the operational plan is the current forecasting and various documents that foreshadow the further development of events at the enterprise.

Operational control analysis procedure

An element of the analysis of operational control, like any other, is the comparison of indicators with the previous ones, the identification of errors, the calculation of the necessary redistributions.

The analysis of operational control should be aimed at:

  • Finding and generalizing the reasons for non-compliance with labor laws, labor protection, etc.
  • Organization of elimination of detected deviations from the desired norm.
  • Improving working conditions.

There are five types of analysis: operational, monthly, quarterly, half-year and annual. Operational analysis examines the data of inspections, determines the nature of violations, compares with previous inspections. It is important to note that operational analysis usually identifies a potential hazard. As for the rest, they are carried out after a month, year, quarter, half a year. These analyzes compare the achieved results of the enterprise, shortcomings, etc.

There is also variance analysis. Deviations are deviations from the assigned target during the production process. Such deviations direct attention to a problem area in the enterprise. Deviations can arise in an enterprise for several reasons: these are shortcomings in planning and production itself, as well as in organization.

Operational management

Operational management of production is brought to life through careful monitoring of the production process. This management takes place continuously.

Operational management works on the basis of some clear rules:

  • Correct distribution of labor.
  • Clear processing and collection of information about the process of direct production.
  • Daily analysis of operational control.
  • Making decisions on elimination of violations within the required time frame.

Operational management requirements

Operational management must meet some specific requirements. It:

  1. Flexibility and quick response to any deviations from the norm.
  2. Scientific validity of all plans.
  3. Profitability.
  4. Simple methods for solving problems.
  5. Efficiency in work.
  6. Development of plans and their implementation.
  7. Development of tasks for the day.
  8. Providing working tools.
  9. Providing clear planning and operational control.

The operational control department must be continuous, which means that control is necessary every day.


It is important to note that operational control at an enterprise can also be called dispatching, the process of which includes the following:

  • Forecast of the future needs of the goods produced by the enterprise.
  • for goods in different seasons of the year.
  • Creation of plans for the production and sale of manufactured goods.
  • Creation of calendar schedules.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the set plans.
  • Detection of deviations from the set plans.
  • Adoption quick decisions to eliminate and prevent various deviations from the assigned norms.
  • Analysis of the reasons for the deviations from the norms.
  • Development of methods for eliminating deviations from the norms.
  • Operational control management.

The importance of operational control at enterprises

The question arises: why is operational control so important? The answer is very simple. The control function in the enterprise arises when the purpose, task and structure of the organization of the enterprise itself is developed directly. If the management is important for the successful functioning of a particular enterprise, then operational control is necessary. After all, everyone knows that without controlling, chaos and disorder ensues, after which it becomes impossible to unite the activities of certain sectors, groups, divisions. Operational control is an important link in any organization.

Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network

The direct employer "" is looking for an employee for a vacant position in his organization for a position "".

Mandatory requirement of the employer for the work experience of the sought employee: over 6 years.

Type of employment at a vacant place of work " Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network"in a company (firm, organization, individual entrepreneur)" OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering" : Full time, full day.

Vacancy number 1792686 for the position " Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network"refers to the industry "Information Technology, internet, telecom "→" Telecommunications " .

Vacancy number 1792686 for the position " Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network"added to the database of the site about work and employment of the Electronic Service of Employment of the Population in Sunday, 6 October 2019 of the year and after being published by the moderator, the web portal for job seekers is available for viewing by all registered unemployed.

Date of updating the application form for vacancy No. 1792686 for the position " Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network"on the website of the Electronic Service of Employment of the Population: Friday 25 October 2019

Company (organization, firm, individual entrepreneur) " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"job is offered in the city Moscow.

Vacant place of work in the company " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"is on address: Moscow, Belovezhskaya street, 4B, metro Molodezhnaya.

Company employer (firm, organization) "OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering" can offer approximately the following wages: from 90,000 to 110,000 rubles. before personal income tax in a vacant position.

The duties of an employee at a vacant position "Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network" includes the following:
  • Organization and planning of the work of the department of operational control of the communication network - duty shifts of technical specialists.
  • The functions of the department are registration and support of emergency incidents, initial diagnostics of malfunctions, coordination of actions to resolve incidents, and control of the standard deadlines for eliminating malfunctions.
  • Network segments and services - transport network (SDH / PDH), IP / MPLS data network, telephony, video conferencing, Internet access, etc.
Requirements for the employee for the position " Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network"provided by the employer" OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering" in the town Moscow, the following:

    Higher professional education - communications, telecommunications.

    Work experience in the field of operation of telecommunication equipment and systems for at least 5 years.

    Experience with monitoring and control systems for telecommunications equipment.

    MS Word, MS Excel, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook - "confident user".

    Experience in leading a team of technical specialists.

Working conditions in the company " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"in a vacant position" Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network"the following:
  • Employment according to TC.
  • Corporate transport from / to st. underground.
Pay attention to the company website " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"- http://www.eesnet.ru - with detailed information about the organization, including contact numbers.

Employer's company (firm, organization) " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"works in the following areas of activity: Telecommunications, communications;.

To get a number contact phone (or other contact information) to contact the employer " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"from the city (region) MoscowYou first need to send a letter from our Electronic Service for Employment of the Population with your resume file attached to it, or indicate in the text of the message to the employer a link to your resume on another site for job seekers. Employer " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"will consider your resume and provide his contact information (phone number, e-mail, fax, Skype, ICQ), by which he can be contacted about an interview to take a vacant job" Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Communication Network".

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  • Job vacancy No. 1727985 for the position " Leading Specialist of the Conference Calling Department "with wages from 46,000 to 48,000 rubles. before personal income tax from company " OJSC Moscow communication center of power engineering"in the region (city) Moscow ;
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  • Job vacancy No. 1727669 for the position " Electronic engineer "with wages from 54,000 rubles. before personal income tax from company " Moscow subway"in the region (city) Moscow ;