Open command line xp. Exploring the Windows command line. How to invoke command line: context menu of any folder

This article will describe three main ways of how to invoke the command line in any version of the Windows operating system. Recommendations will be made regarding practical use one method or another.

In what cases may you need?

When personal computers operated under the operating room mS-DOS systems, there was no relevant question about how to invoke the command line. At that time, the user's work with the PC was carried out using a certain set of commands, each of which was responsible for a strictly defined action. For example, the "format a:" command completely formatted a 3.5-inch floppy disk. Such a management organization has one significant drawback: to perform operations, you need to remember and know many commands. To address this issue, Microsoft rendered the interface in its later operating systems. As a result, it became enough to move the pointer of the manipulator to the desired object and perform certain actions. But not all operations are performed this way. For example, the "PING" command allows you to test the state local area network, check its performance, and this can be done only through the command line. Also, using this OS component, you can format any drive. And the functioning of various DOS applications cannot be organized differently in the latest versions of Windows operating systems.

The ways

There are the following options for how to invoke the command line:

    Using the start menu.

    Using a special set of keys.

    Using the "Explorer".

It is in this sequence that the methods of solving this problem will be further considered and the one that is best applied in practice is selected.

Start Menu

The easiest way to launch the command line is based on using the Start key. However, not all Microsoft operating systems have such an interface element. For example, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 cannot boast of having it. As a result, this method is no longer applicable to them.

The algorithm for solving this problem in this case is as follows:

    Press the "Start" button. This can be done with the left key of the manipulator, and using the corresponding button on the keyboard (it shows the OS logo).

    In the list that opens, select the item "All programs". This operation can also be performed using the keyboard (use the arrow keys and press Enter at the end) or using the manipulator (point the pointer and press its left button).

    In a similar way, select the "Service" item.

    In the next step, select "Command Line".

Applying the keyboard

More complex than using the Start menu is the keyboard-based method. In this case, you need to remember one key combination. But, on the other hand, this method is the most universal and works on all versions of the operating system, including 8 and 8.1. And the order of its execution is as follows:

    Switch the input language to English.

    At the next stage, hold down the Win key (with the logo of the Microsoft operating system) and, without releasing it, press the English letter R. The Run window will open.

    We move the cursor to the input field of this window using the manipulator.

    We type the command "CMD" and press Enter.

After that, the corresponding window will open and you can enter command line commands into it.

Through the "Explorer"

This is the most difficult way to launch. We carry out the following actions:

    We launch any in a convenient way "Conductor". This can be done using the Win + English E keyboard shortcut, or by pressing the pointing stick on its icon from the desktop.

    In the window that opens, in the right column, go to the disk with the operating system (usually "C:").

    At the final stage in the open directory you need to find a file called "CMD.EXE" and run it by double click left button of the manipulator.

In the future, a familiar window will open in which you can enter command line commands. Alternatively you can use address bar guide and there to type the previously given path. But this is not entirely convenient, since you have to constantly remember an impressive set of symbols.

Now let's say a few words about how to find out the complete internal list of commands. The command line makes this task easy and simple. To do this, just enter the word "help" and press the Enter key. A complete list of internal commands will appear in response. That is, these are the ones that are built into the very shell of the MS-DOS operating system emulation. There are also external teams. These are not only command line programs, but any other Windows application. In this case, go to the directory where the program is installed using the command "CD directory name". For example, we need to run the soffice.exe program located in the Program files directory on drive D. In this case, the command sequence is:

C: \\ D: / * go to partition D of hard drive * /.

D: \\ CD Program Files / * go to the Program Files directory * /.

D: \\ Program Files \\ soffice.exe / * launch soffice.exe application * /.

At the end of each line, do not forget to press Enter - confirmation of the performed actions. On the right, there are flash-dashes in the comments that explain what is being done.

Which option is better?

Within the framework of this material, three main ways of how to call the command line in operating rooms are described. windows systems... From the standpoint of simplicity and versatility in practice, it is best to use the second of them, which is based on a special key combination and the use of the "Run" window. This method works in all OS versions without exception. And during its implementation, it is necessary to make a minimum number of manipulations. Its only drawback is remembering the special Win + R key combination. But it’s not that difficult. In addition, the Win button is used in many other combinations, for example, if you press the English E together with it, the "Explorer" will start. Thus, it is this method that is recommended to be used in practice. Good luck!

Command windows string XP is a built-in Windows tool for a wide variety of tasks. Using the command line console, you can perform actions that are impracticable in the graphical Windows environment. Tune operating system... For most users, the command line window itself, and even more so working with it, causes some fear. But not everything is so scary in reality. Basic knowledge of how it works, and some commands, can help restore the OS, set up scheduled tasks, and much more.

How to call the command line in Windows XP

There are quite a few ways to call the command line, but we will consider the most common:

  1. Through the menu " Start"- where we choose" All programs", Then click on the menu" Standard", And here we select the command line.

  1. The second way is to call the console through the built-in utility “ Execute"- here in the menu" Start"In the right column you can find this utility, run it and write the command in the dialog box cmd and click " OK».
  2. Another way to open the " Execute"And run the command line through it, this is a key combination Win + R .

There are more ways, but in most cases these three are enough, more than. Each user chooses one, more convenient and familiar way.

Settings and working with the command line

Before getting started, you can customize the command line for convenience.

  • To do this, right-click on the top panel and select the item “ Properties».
  • Here we can make changes to the interface of the window itself - change the color and size of the font, change the font itself, adjust the location and size of the window for convenience. Change window color, background color, text color.

List of command line commands

Now comes the fun part. There are a lot of teams, of course, you don't need to know all of them. But it is desirable to know the basic basic commands. And the first question is where to find them. And here the command line will help you, in which you need to register the command.

A list of commands will open, and there are a lot of them here. You can view more detailed information about a specific command by typing in the console:

Help (space, command - for example, dir ) - the command will look like this - h elp dir

The case is not important here, you can write in both small and large letters.

How to create a folder via command line

Command line capabilities are difficult to describe in one article, so we will limit ourselves to a couple simple examples - how to create a folder or several folders at the same time, which, by the way, is impossible from the Windows graphical environment. And we will set up a scheduled task to shutdown the computer. It is very important when, when watching a movie, you fall asleep and the computer remains on. In this case, you can set the time to turn off the PC and it will turn off on schedule.
So let's get started:

  • Open the command line as described at the beginning of the article.
  • First, let's pay attention to which directory we are, in order to move to a specific folder, you need to write the full path to it, in our case it will be “ Rwork table"And the path to it will look like this:

cd "C: \\ Documents and Settings \ user \\Desktop"

Note that the command (cd ) is responsible for moving through directories, then if in the addresspresentgapsthen the wholeaddress must be enclosed in quotes.
Being in the directory, or rather, in the folder " Desktop»We can create multiple folders. In this way: - command ( md ) is responsible for creating the folder, but if after the command md we will write several folder names, for example, these will be the names of the planets, then we will create exactly as many folders as we write in command line separated by a space.
Example command to create multiple folders:

m d Mercury Venus Land Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

And confirm our action with the key Enter . 8 folders will appear on the desktop, with exactly the same names as we have listed through a space after the command. Interesting, isn't it? To create the same number of folders in the usual way, we would have needed a lot more time and steps, creating each folder separately.

Turn off the computer

Now regarding the scheduled task - for example, we listen to music in winamp player, and we want it to disconnect at some point. The standard player can turn off both itself and the computer, but Winamp does not know how to do this, so it would be advisable to ask it a scheduled task to complete work in certain time... How it's done. Windows XP has a great team. The time to indicate, of course, your own (in the example, the time is indicated randomly).

Or completely turn off the computer, another command is suitable for this:

shutdown.exe -s -t 3600

(figures, mean seconds, after how many seconds the computer should turn off, in our case it is one hour or 3600 seconds).
To make it easier to work with commands and command line, you can install notepad program++ and write the command in it, and then save it with the .cmd or .bat resolution. Then and run this file. Then the computer will turn off exactly after the period of time that we set. You can cancel the scheduled computer shutdown task with the command.

shutdown.exe -a

By the way, having created such a script, you can use it all the time without starting the command line.

It turns out that you can open programs, edit settings in the OS, control a PC using the command line. But first you need to open it. How to invoke command prompt in Windows 10? Let's consider different ways.

What it is

The command line is a software tool that manages the OS and applications using text commands. Such control is faster, since the power of the PC is not used, because the graphical shell of the OS is not used.

After the 2017 updates, "PowerShell" is now written by default. If you don't like it, do the following. Go to "Options" - "Taskbar" - "Replace". Select the "Off" position

Quick way

Use the hotkeys "Win + X". A menu called in this way provides access to different functions OS.

How to invoke using search

I recommend if you forgot how to open desired setting, click "Win + S", then write the name of the item. Start writing the word "Team", the result will appear in the SERP.

Using a conductor

If you click right click mouse from scratch, pressing the "Shift" key will open a menu, in which select "Open window".

Launching "Cmd.exe"

Command line is an executable program located in an "exe" file. Located in the directory with installed system "System32" and "SysWOW64" (if 64 bit version OS). The launch is performed from the folder. For convenience, create a shortcut and add it to your desktop so you can access it when needed. Right-click on it, then "Create shortcut".

You can do it differently. Press "Win + R", then write "Cmd.exe".

Important information

IN latest version OS for working with the console has new features. This is copy, paste (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V). These functions do not work initially. To enable, open the console, right-click on the icon at the top. Further "Properties". Uncheck the box next to the "Use old" item.

How to invoke Windows 10 command prompt using hotkeys

Working with a keyboard shortcut faster than using a mouse. When working with, use the following key combinations:

  1. "Ctrl + C" "Ctrl + V" copy, paste;
  2. To select the entire text of the line press "Ctrl + A";
  3. Alt + F4 closes the console;
  4. Opening the search "Ctrl + F";
  5. To select one character that is located to the left of the cursor press "Shift + left arrow;
  6. Use "Shift + Home" to move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

Command line in Windows 7 how to invoke

Click "Start" - "Programs". Find the "Standard" folder, find the file you want.


We've covered how to invoke the command line. It helps to find out information about PC components, edit system settings, perform batch processing. Use it in your work, it's more convenient.