A Skype contact has appeared - How to remove a contact from Skype. Searching and adding contacts in Skype A contact has appeared in Skype contacts

The program provides an excellent opportunity to add users from your address book to your contact list who also use this application. By using this feature, your list will be replenished with recommended contacts that were not previously on it.

Recommended contacts represent user accounts that are in your account Microsoft records, as well as in the phone book. However, they must be registered with Skype. This does not mean at all that the service sent them a request to be added to the contact list on your behalf. If you want you can just delete them whole group or separately, as well as completely disable this function in the "Settings" section.

When you click on a recommended contact in the list, a "Contact via Skype" button will appear. Perhaps you are not familiar with this user at all, so before calling or sending a message to the recommended account, you must send an invitation.

If you know each other and have exchanged confirmed data, the user is automatically added to your contact list. Then there is no need to send an additional invitation - you can immediately start communicating.

Adding to notebook new entries, the list of contacts will be replenished by those who use this application. If you delete or block recommended contacts, the system will not prompt you to add them again.

The application, designed specifically for installation on a mobile phone, makes it possible to contact people close to you without even going directly into the program itself. By opening the phone book and selecting the desired name, you will be asked to make a call using the utility. If you don't need this feature, you can easily disable it by going to the appropriate settings.

Displaying recommended contacts is especially important for recently registered users who have not yet had time to add the necessary names to their list. This option will greatly simplify this task for you and save a lot of time! In addition, acquaintances, colleagues, friends and relatives will be able to add you using the same principle.

It's easy to delete or block a contact on Skype. When you delete a contact from your address book, the history of correspondence with this contact is saved. You will still be able to receive chats and calls other than video calls and sent files from a remote contact if you Skype settings their acceptance is marked, “from anyone,” and not just from your contacts (Skype-Security-Security Settings for Windows or Skype-Settings-Privacy for MacOS). Also you and your former contact You won’t be able to see each other’s online status.

Delete correspondence with separate contact, you can deprive yourself of the ability to send you instant messages and make calls if you block the contact.

I am writing for owners of the latest version of Skype for Windows (from 5) and for MacOS. So, the first way:

Right-click on the contact's name in the list and a small menu will appear. Click “Remove from contact list.” Confirm deletion DELETE:

On MacOS it looks a little different, but the steps are the same. In the contact list, select a photo of the “object” to be deleted. Right click mouse click on it. In the new window select Delete user, confirm deletion:

Second way, how you can delete a contact from Skype is to select the desired, or rather unnecessary, contact in the list and in the top bar of the Skype menu, click CONTACTS and click “ Remove from contact list." Confirm deletion (for Windows):

After deleting a contact, you can add it to the list again or block it.

If you want to block a contact and remove him from your address book so that he can never chat, send files, make any calls and add you to his contact list again, instead of "Remove from contact list" as shown in the first method delete, click " Block this user" for Windows (" Block username"- MacOS). In the new window, confirm the action - click BLOCK:

Manage the list of blocked contacts, i.e. You can unblock and add to the black list of blocked contacts in “Black List Management”: Windows CONTACTS - ADDITIONAL - Blacklist management:

Or Skype - Security - Blocked Users.

You cannot remove a blocked contact from the “black list”; you can only unblock it.

On MacOS ContactsBlacklist management:

When you block a contact on Skype, he is deleted from your address book, all correspondence with him is deleted, but the contact retains all this. The user will no longer be able to communicate with you until you unblock him.

Add new contact possible in three ways.

SkypeSkypudelete contact

Save this helpful tip:

Before the advent of mobile platforms such as Android and iOS program Skype was the most famous means of communication over the Internet. Many people knew it and used it to communicate in different countries.

A mobile phone itself is intended for communication, so a more convenient means of communication cannot be found. I think this is why there are many applications for mobile phones to communicate via the Internet. With the help of such applications, you can communicate from anywhere in the world practically for free, you only pay for Internet traffic, and if you have access to free Wi-Fi, then communication is completely free.

The Skype team seems to have realized the appeal of mobile platforms very late. Because in Skype application, for example, on Android, the work is extremely unstable - many users complain about crashes, messages not arriving, missed calls, and so on.

In addition, alternative applications for Android and iOS such as or Viber is better integrated. And probably their biggest advantage is that registration is carried out by phone number, so the user does not need to look for contacts, the applications themselves add them from the address book and this very convenient!

In Skype, in order to add a user, you must first find him by login and name; this is quite difficult, given that there can be several users with the same name. Finally Skype team I realized that searching for Skype contacts by number mobile phone among subscribers in the phone book is very convenient.

In the near future Skype update It will be possible to add contacts from your phone's address book, but to do this, each contact must register and confirm their mobile phone number in the Skype application.

Personally, I think that the Skype team was late in introducing the registration function by phone number; WhatsApp and Viber have long overtaken Skype on the mobile platform in terms of the number of subscribers and it is unlikely that users will want to use two or three applications for communication.

Skype Contact is a built-in, certified Skype bot that provides you with tips, updates, and news about Skype and other Microsoft products and services.

How does this work?

A Skype bot is a regular contact. On your device, you can customize your notification settings for this contact. You can even delete or block it. Please note that if you block a Skype bot, you will not be able to add it again. We recommend saving this contact so you can continue to receive tips, news, and updates from Skype and other Microsoft products and services.

If you recently installed Skype, the Skype bot is added to your contacts list automatically. We are planning to launch it for existing users too, so stay tuned.

How can you tell if this is an official Skype contact?

There are several ways to distinguish an official certified Skype bot:

  • It will be automatically added to your contacts - you won't be asked to add it.
  • Regular users have round avatars. The Skype bot avatar has a hexagonal shape.
  • You will see a blue checkmark next to the contact's name.
  • The Skype bot's profile will say "Skype Certified."
  • In your contact list it may be called 28:concierge.

Your circle of friends and acquaintances is growing, and most of them have Skype, so you need to add these new people to your contact list. The procedure for finding and adding a contact on Skype is very simple. To add a user, select “Contacts” in the Skype menu, sub-item “Add a new contact...”.

The Add Contact window will appear. The adding procedure is based on basic user data: login, last name and first name, email address, telephone. It is not necessary to fill in all fields; fill in only what you know for sure.

If you are looking for a user on Skype by login, phone number or email, the search result must be one person. The program will display his photo, name and country and region. Click the "Add" button.

If the search is conducted by first and last name, then Skype can display a whole set of contacts of namesakes. You can find out which one you need based on additional user data if you click on their name or photo.

After clicking the “Add” button of the desired contact, Skype will display a request window for exchanging contact information. If you include your close friend and he is waiting for your request, you can simply click on the “Submit Request” button. If you add someone you know, be sure to write your own greeting text so that the recipient of the request understands who is writing to him, does not reject it, and does not add you to the list of blocked users.

Next, Skype will display additional adding options for the contact. You can enter the user’s phone number (remember to click on “Add number”) if you are going to call him via Skype or rename him in your contact list as convenient for you (using the “Rename” button). If you don’t need to add or change any data, just close the window, click on the “cross”, or to add another user, click on the “Add another contact” link.

A new person in your list will be grayed out until the person you sent the request to accepts it and adds you to their contact list.

The figure below shows what should be received by your interlocutor, whom you add to the list of Skype users. He must click on “Request Permission” and click on the “Add to Contact List” button.

Once the request to share data has been confirmed, the user will appear (in most cases) in green or pale green in the Skype list, depending on whether they are online or offline.
