Start-up welcome windows 7. Windows sound welcome. The meanings of several other commands

Windows7 is one of the most popular versions of the system. We are all used to seeing the welcome blue screen with the words "Welcome". Of course, he can get bored, despite his attractiveness, and there is an opportunity to change him. Not everyone knows how to do this, but with the help of our advice, you will certainly succeed. To call this splash screen, just click Ctrl / Alt / Del.

This article describes three ways to change the windows 7 welcome screen:

1 ... Using the LogonBackgroundChanger program.
2. With the help of the TweaksLogon program.
3. Change windows 7 welcome screen without programs.

Method 1.

1. Download the LogonBackgroundChanger app from the internet.
2. Unzip the directory.
3 ... Double-click the Win7LBC.exe file.
4. Follow all instructions.

5. At the bottom of the screen there will be an inscription "Preset Startup Screensavers" Choose any you like. If you want to choose yours, click "ChooseAFolder", select the desired directory.

6. When you decide on the picture, click "Apply", then "YES" and wait.

7. In the option of choosing a large picture, the application will cut it down to 256Kb.

8. To see what happened, use the Ctrl / Alt / Del combination.

Method 2.

1 ... Download the TweaksLogon app from the Internet.
2. Unzip the folder.
3. Find the TweaksLogon.exe file and run it.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. There are no picture templates in this application, as in the previous one. Therefore, choose your own, indicating the path to it. ("Select Backgroud" button).

When large size pictures you will see a window:

Accept size reduction.

6. The background will be changed. To check press TEST.

7. Click RevertToDefaultLogonScreen to return.

Method 3. Change the windows 7 welcome screen without programs.

1. This method allows you to change the screen background without installing programs.

2. Go to START and write regedit.

3. In the window that opens, find OEMBackground, right-click. Change the value to 1.

Usually, when you turn on the computer, a standard music windows welcome, but this greeting can be disabled and a different greeting set.

How to make a voice greeting

To make a voice greeting in English or Russian, you need to create text Document with the text and install it in the startup folder. First, we create a text document on the desktop, for this we move the mouse pointer over any empty spot on the screen and click right button mouse. In the emerging context menu you need to select first "Create", and then "Text Document". After that, a text document will appear on the desktop.

Create a text document with .txt extension

Open this document and paste the following code there:
Dim speaks, speech
speaks \u003d "your greeting in English"
Set speech \u003d CreateObject ("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
In this code, quotes must be entered manually from the keyboard, and the phrase "your greeting in English" should be replaced, for example, with "preevet dima". After correction, it should look like in the picture.

Write any greeting text

After that click on "File" and select "Save As". A window will open in which in the "File name" field you need to write any file name and be sure to replace the extension with vbs. You should get "Welcome.vbs".

Save voice greeting to computer in vbs

Now we save the file by clicking on the "Save" button. That this record voice greetings started when Windows starts, you need to open the startup folder and place the created file there. To do this, run the Run command by pressing two WIN + R keys on the keyboard at once. Enter the shell: Startup command in the Run window line and click "OK".

Run command

The startup folder will open. In this folder you need to insert or move a previously created text document and after that, when you turn on the computer, the greeting will sound "Hello Dima"

Unusual greetings

You can make the computer produce a musical greeting or a greeting in verse when turned on. To do this, you need to download Adobe Audition CC6 on your computer and install it. With this program you need to either open the finished file on your computer with this program and save it in the .wav format. After that, you need to start the Control Panel. In the Control Panel, go to the "Hardware and Sound" category and click on the "Sound" item.

In the Control Panel we find the item sound

A window titled "Sound" will open. In this window you need to go to the "Sounds" tab.

Listen to Windows Welcome Sounds here

On this tab, you need to find the item "Windows Logon" in the list of program events. Clicking on "Windows Login" activates the "Browse" button. Click on it and find the previously prepared file in the .WAV format in the window that opens, select it and click the "Open" button.

The Windows 7 operating system gives you a little opportunity to customize the operating system interface for yourself. But, if you have a desire to make the interface of your operating system more unique, then you still have several options. For example, you can change the welcome picture in Windows 7. In this article we will tell you exactly about this.

If you are wondering how to change the welcome picture in Windows 7, then you have two options: do everything manually or use special programs. Let's start with the first option.

Step number 1. Make edits to windows registry 7.

The first thing to do is Windows 7 and go to HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Authentication \\ LogonUI \\ Background. This section must have an OEMBackground value of "1". This option allows you to change the welcome picture in Windows 7.

If the OEMBackground parameter has a value of "0", then change it to "1". If there is no such parameter at all, then it must be created. Create a DWORD (32 bit) named "OEMBackground" and set it to "1".

After the OEMBackground value with a value of "1" appears in the registry key HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Authentication \\ LogonUI \\ Background, you can proceed to the next step.

Step # 2. Prepare a picture for the Windows 7 welcome screen.

In order to change the picture of the welcome screen, we need a picture that will meet some requirements:

  • The picture must have a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels. Even your monitor has a different resolution, you still need to use that resolution for the welcome screen.
  • The picture must be in jPG format, and its size should not exceed 256 kilobytes.
  • The picture should be named "backgroundDefault.jpg".

Choose a suitable picture, crop to 1024 × 768 and save as JPG. If the size of the resulting image exceeds 256 kilobytes, then repeat all the steps by changing the JPG compression settings. But, as a rule, this is not required. For such a small resolution, 256 KB is more than enough. Also don't forget to rename your picture to “backgroundDefault.jpg”.

Step # 3. Transfer the picture to the backgrounds folder.

Next, in order to change the welcome picture in Windows 7, we need to open the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ oobe \\ info \\ backgrounds folder. More often than not, there is no info folder in the oobe folder. In this case, create an info folder, open it and create a backgrounds folder. Thus, we get the following path to the folder: C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ oobe \\ info \\ backgrounds. After that, copy our prepared picture into this folder.

Everything, if you did everything correctly, the greeting picture should change. Click, Start - Change user, in order to look at the new picture.

Changing the greeting picture using programs

You can also change the Windows 7 welcome picture with special programs... One such program is.

It is very easy to use this program. All you need to do is click on the "Choose a folder" button and select a folder with pictures. After that, you can see how your welcome screen will look like with a particular picture. After you select the desired picture, it remains to click on the "Apply" button and the program will install this picture on your welcome screen.

Nice to deal with self-centered, loved one (user-centered), operating room windows system... She not only does everything the user needs, but also accompanies it with various sound effects - short and figurative melodies that reflect the essence of what is happening.

Some people like it, some don't. Therefore, Windows welcome sounds can be customized to suit your own preferences.

Windows Welcome Sounds are used to provide sounds for various events:

  • windows login
  • exiting Windows,
  • completion of printing,
  • shutting down Windows,
  • notification of receipt of mail, etc.

In Windows, these sounds can be changed - let's see how to do it first for Windows 7, and then for Windows XP.

Welcome sounds in Windows 7

You can select a welcome sound in Windows 7 by selecting Hardware and Sound in Control Panel, then Sound (Figure 1 below):

Figure: 1 We are looking for a window where you can configure system sounds Windows 7

Or the second option is how you can find the "Sound" window: in the Control Panel, select "Appearance and Personalization" - "Personalization", below "Sounds".

In the "Sound" window, go to the "Sounds" tab (Fig. 2 below):

Figure: 2 Welcome sounds in Windows 7

If you select “Silent” in the “Sound scheme” window (number 1 in Fig. 2), and then click on the “Apply” button, then the whole setting of sounds is over. The reason for this is that from now on, all windows work on your computer will take place in complete silence. I don't know how anyone, but I like this particular option - there are no Windows welcome sounds.

If you need sounds, then in the "Sound" window select any "Sound scheme" except "Silent", for example, in the screenshot (number 1 in Fig. 2) the "default" sound scheme is selected. In the "Program events" list (number 2 in Fig. 2) select the required event, for example, the item "Log in to Windows".

We select any sound from the proposed ones (number 3 in Fig. 2). If desired, press the "Check" button, after which you can hear the selected soundtrack. After the choice is made, it remains to click on "Apply".

Pay attention to the checkbox opposite “Play Windows startup melody” (number 5 in Fig. 2). If you uncheck the box, then such a melody will not be played when Windows starts.

From a text presentation on how to change the Windows 7 welcome sounds, let's move on to the video format:

Welcome sounds in Windows XP

The Windows welcome sounds are configured the same way. To do this, go to Start - Settings - Control Panel - Sounds and Audio Devices - Sounds tab:

Figure: 3 Sound greeting in Windows XP

  1. We choose a sound scheme, for example, “ Standard Windows"(Number 1 in Fig. 3).
  2. We find the required "Program event", for example, " Start Windows"(Number 2 in Fig. 3).
  3. We select the appropriate sound (number 3 in Fig. 3) for the program event selected at the 2nd step.
  4. Press the "Apply" button (number 4 in Fig. 3).

If the Windows XP welcome sounds are not needed, that is, you need silence, then it is enough to select the “No sounds” option in the “Sound scheme” drop-down window (number 1 in Fig. 3).

What do you like best - when the Windows welcome sounds are turned on or when they are turned off?

With respect and faith in your favor, Nadezhda