How to change the welcome screen in Windows 7. How to change the Windows XP welcome screen using Resource Hacker. Changing the Windows XP Welcome Text

Many of us want to change a little operating system for yourself, use your settings, sound design, wallpaper, etc. That would not be like everyone else. If you want to stand out from the crowd of ordinary users - time to change the operating room welcome screen windows systems. Don't know how - read the article.

The Windows 7 welcome screen is pretty pleasing to the eye, but it sees the same thing every time it boots - a little stressful. Therefore, today we will consider how change the picture of the welcome screen.

Note that Windows does not have a tool to directly change the welcome screen image. Changing the welcome screen of the Windows 7 operating system is done using a third-party program or the Windows registry. Today we will consider the image of the variant.

Changing the Windows 7 Welcome Screen using the Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Since this option for changing the welcome screen image is easier and suitable for any (even the most inexperienced) user, let's start with it.

Windows 7 Logon Background Changeris an freeprogram and makes it very easy to change the wallpaper of the welcome screen.

This program does not need to be installed. You just need to unpack the archive. After unpacking, run the file Win7LogonBackgroundChanger.exe.The program window will open.

Fig 1. Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

1 - Image used as the welcome screen;

2 - Images that can be used as wallpaper for the welcome screen at the moment;

3 - Options (setting the standard welcome screen, setting the type of wallpaper: light or dark);

4 - Using this button, you can specify the folder whose images the program will use;

5 - Apply;

6 - Expand the program to full screen.

To it is necessary to change the welcome screen click on any of the available images of area 2 and press the button “ Apply ”.

To use your own image as the background of the welcome screen you must click on the button “ Choose a Folder ”And specify the path to the folder where the image is located.

After selecting a folder, images will be displayed at the bottom of the program window.

Fig 2. Your images

Select what you need and click “Apply”. Everything is ready.

Changing the Windows 7 Welcome screen using Registry Editor.

This method is more complicated, takes more time, but also works (in my opinion, it is better to use the Windows 7 Logon Background Changer - it's faster this way).

Changing the Windows 7 welcome screen

1. Launch the registry. Press the key combination Win + R on the keyboard. The Run window will open. We write in a row opposite the word “Open” the command “ regedit”And click Ok.

Fig 3.Regedit

2. Looking for a branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE... Next, go to : Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Authentication - LogonUI - Background

Fig 4. Background branch

3. Looking for a parameter OEMBackground and open it. Change the value of this parameter from 0 to 1

Recommendations will help you. It is also called the welcome screen, on which we are used to seeing the inscription "welcome" when starting the system. To transform more appearance systems, I still advise.

Namely, the startup splash screen is the background image when the Ctrl + Alt + Del combination is pressed to lock the computer, log off the system, change the user and password, and other purposes.

The standard picture is located in the folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ oobe and is named background.bmp. If you think that to change the start screen you just need to replace one image with another with the same name, you are wrong.

This article will describe 2 programs for changing the startup splash screen in Windows 7, as well as the way the registry is used.

Important! Use a picture, the size of which is no more than 260 kilobytes, otherwise nothing will work for you.

Using Windows 7 Logon Background Changer to Change Startup Screen Saver

This program will allow you to change the picture of the welcome screen. You can restore the display to the standard image (the last title of the article) or choose a different one. To operate the application, take the following steps:

  1. Download the program.
  2. Unpack the archive anywhere, such as your desktop.
  3. Run Win7LBC.exe and follow the instructions.

Note: This is a stand-alone file (.exe) and does not need to be installed. The installation package is in the archive with the extension (.msi).

The program has a simple interface. For convenience, you can expand it to full screen by pressing the "full screen" button. In settings, you can prevent other users from changing the start screen. Click on the inscription, then on OK, as shown in the picture below.

When trying to launch the application in this case, other users must enter the administrator password in the User Account Control field.

At the bottom you will see pre-installed startup screensavers on Windows 7... By clicking on any, a preview of the greeting picture will be displayed in the center of the program.

To choose your picture in the format (.jpg), click "choose a folder" and specify the location of your pictures. Make sure the image matches the display resolution.

If you have made your choice, click on "apply" and click "yes" or "yes" to apply the changes, wait until the progress bar is filled.

Note: if you use a custom image as a start-up screen, the size of which is more than 260 KB, then the program will automatically reduce this size to the allowable size (about 256 KB).

To view the result, press Ctrl + Alt + Del to see the new start screen. For complete harmony that complements the design of the welcome screen.

Changing the Welcome Screen with Tweaks Logon

Alternative program for changing the background of the greeting image... Follow these steps:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Extract to any folder.
  3. Run TweaksLogon.exe and follow the instructions below.

Unlike the previous app, there are no pre-prepared pictures here, so use your own. Click the button (shown in the screenshot), specify the path to graphic file (jpg), corresponding to the dimensions in pixels of your monitor, and click "open".

Note: if the image is too large, then click "yes" to automatically resize.

The black background of the window will be replaced by your image. To test, click "test", after which you will see the changes on the lock screen.

Click "revert to default logon screen" to install the default logon screen.

How to manually change the startup splash screen through the Windows 7 registry

Download the registry file and unzip it. Double-click the reg file, which adds parameters by itself, and you will not need to make changes yourself. Everywhere click "yes" and after the inscription about the successful addition proceed further.

Equals 1366 by 768 pixels. It is for him that I will modify the Windows 7 startup splash file. Add your image to a graphics editor or use standard paint, then resize it, without keeping the aspect ratio, to fit your screen.

Along the path C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ oobe, create an info folder, and in it another backgrounds... Fill in your last finished picture. See the result.

If you want to put the standard Windows 7 screensaver, then download the file, unzip it, run it, click "yes" everywhere. It will delete all registry entries and roll back changes that were made in one of the several ways above.

This concludes the topic, I hope you have no questions left. I advise you to use one of the programs to change startup splash screen in Windows 7.

Usually, when you turn on the computer, a standard music windows welcome, but you can disable this greeting and set a different greeting.

How to make a voice greeting

To do voice greeting in English or Russian you need to create text Document with the text and install it in the startup folder. First, we create a text document on the desktop, for this we move the mouse pointer over any empty spot on the screen and click right button mouse. In the emerging context menu you need to select first "Create", and then "Text Document". After that, a text document will appear on the desktop.

Create a text document with .txt extension

Open this document and paste the following code there:
Dim speaks, speech
speaks \u003d "your greeting in English"
Set speech \u003d CreateObject ("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
In this code, quotes must be entered manually from the keyboard, and the phrase "your greeting in English" should be replaced, for example, with "preevet dima". After correction, it should look like in the picture.

Write any greeting text

After that click on "File" and select "Save As". A window will open in which in the "File name" field you need to write any file name and be sure to replace the extension with vbs. You should get "Welcome.vbs".

Save voice greeting to computer in vbs

Now we save the file by clicking on the "Save" button. To have this recording of voice greetings start when windows startup you need to open the startup folder and place the created file there. To do this, run the Run command by pressing two WIN + R keys on the keyboard at once. In the line of the Run window, enter the shell: Startup command and click "OK".

Run command

The startup folder will open. In this folder you need to insert or move a previously created text document and after that, when you turn on the computer, the greeting will sound "Hello Dima"

Unusual greetings

You can set the computer to produce a musical greeting or a greeting in verse when turned on. To do this, you need to download Adobe Audition CC6 on your computer and install it. With this program, you need to either open the finished file on your computer and save it in the .wav format. After that, you need to start the Control Panel. In the Control Panel, go to the "Hardware and Sound" category and click on the "Sound" item.

In the Control Panel we find the item sound

A window titled "Sound" will open. In this window you need to go to the "Sounds" tab.

Listen to Windows Welcome Sounds here

On this tab, you need to find the item "Windows Logon" in the list of program events. Clicking on "Windows Login" activates the "Browse" button. Click on it and find the previously prepared file in the .WAV format in the window that opens, select it and click the "Open" button.

One way to customize your operating system is to change the welcome screen. Through simple actions, users can put any picture they like on the splash screen and return everything back at any time.

Fans of customizing the operating system for themselves will not miss the opportunity to replace the standard welcome background with a more interesting image... This can be done in any modern and relatively modern windows versions, including the "seven". This can be done using special utilities or manually. The first option is often faster and more convenient, while the second is suitable for more confident users who do not want to use third-party software.

Method 1: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

As the name implies, this program is designed specifically for G7 users who want to change the welcome background. This software has a very simple, nice and modern interface and has a small gallery of its own backgrounds.

  1. Go to the official website of the program and click on the button "Download".
  2. On new page click the link "Please click here to start the download".
  3. Downloaded zIP file it remains to extract and run the EXE file. The program does not require installation and works as a portable version.
  4. At the bottom is a set of wallpapers that you can replace standard image... If you want, you can scroll through this list by scrolling it down (forward) and up (back).
  5. By clicking on the picture you like, you will see a preview of how the background will look after the change.
  6. If necessary, click on the button « Full Screen» - this will allow you to view the image in full screen.
  7. You can apply your choice with the button "Apply".
  8. If you want to install your own image, and not the one suggested by the program, click on the button "Choose a folder".

    Explorer will open, where you need to specify the path to the file.

    The selected file is set by default by the button "Apply".

Please note that you can always return the standard picture back. To do this, click on "Windows 7 Default wallpaper" and save the result to "Apply".

In the program settings, you can reset the default folder, disable changing the splash screen for other accounts, and add a shadow to the text on the boot screen.

No additional opportunities There is no program for customization, so if you want to change anything else in the system, use the multifunctional tweakers for Windows 7, which include the ability to change the download background.

Method 2: Windows Tools

You cannot change the background of the greeting through the tool "Personalization" and any other editors, however, you can replace the image by editing the registry and replacing the picture in the system folder. The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to see the result until the computer is restarted.

There are a couple of restrictions for this method: the file must be in jPG format and weigh up to 256KB. In addition, try to choose a picture in accordance with the size and resolution of your screen so that it looks good and appropriate.

  1. Open the registry editor with a keyboard shortcut Win + R and the regedit command.
  2. Follow the path given below:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Current Version \\ Authentication \\ LogonUI \\ Background

  3. Double click on the parameter "OEMBackground", put the value 1 and press "OK".

    If it's already there, just go to the next item.

    If not, create this parameter manually. While on the above path, right-click on an empty space on the right side of the screen and select "Create" > "DWORD Parameter (32 bit)".

    Give him a name OEMBackground, set the value 1 and save the result to "OK".

  4. Open explorer and go to folder backgroundslocated here:

    C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ oobe \\ info \\

    In some cases backgrounds may be missing, like the folder info... In this case, you will need to create and rename 2 folders manually in the usual way.

    Inside first oobe create a folder and name it infoinside which create a folder backgrounds.

  5. Choose a suitable picture, taking into account the tips above, rename it to backgroundDefault and copy to folder backgrounds... May require permission from account administrator - press "Proceed".
  6. The successfully copied image should appear in the folder.

Restart your PC to see the changed background.

Now you know two simple methods for changing the welcome screen in Windows 7. Use the first one if you are not confident in your abilities and do not want to edit the registry and system folder... The second is convenient for those who do not want to use or do not trust third-party software, having sufficient skills to set the background manually.