How to make PDF format from jpg online. How to combine jpg images online into one PDF file. Works in a browser

Often you have to deal with a situation where free space flash drives of your smartphone or hard disk computer is overflowing with graphic files - photographs, scanned documents, drawings. It is very convenient to combine two or more files into one. The question is especially relevant if you need to send files by e-mail... After all, it is more convenient to attach several pdf files to a message than several dozen, "scattered" in different jpg folders.

For owners of smartphones running Android OS is available for download in Google play free application "Fast PDF Converter", which allows you to:

  • jpg merge files into one PDF document in three taps!
  • get images from PDF file

Click on the icon Create PDF from imagesand in the next window select the required category that stores jpg files. For instance, Gallery. Check in the right upper corner checkboxes the thumbnails selected for conversion and click Add files.Complete the process of merging jpg files in one click Create a

Upon completion of the merge process, you can view the resulting document, send it by mail, or move it to the desired folder. The application provides the ability to set a password for the generated pdf file.

Now all the unique pictures captured by your smartphone camera will be organized and organized in one document.

Online conversion

For adherents of free online programs, the following service will be useful to combine multiple jpg into pdf. Let's combine jpeg to pdf in two steps:

Open an explorer window, select the jpg files you need to merge and just drag them with the mouse to the page field Drop Your Files Hereand, upon completion of the download, click on the button COMBINET. The created file will open automatically for viewing in a new window.

This option is not at all picky about the speed of your channel and PC hardware, since the conversion takes place on an external Internet resource.

The service also allows you to convert a PDF document back to any convenient format (DOC, JPG, PNG, TXT, etc.)

Software processing

How to combine files using software for PC? Our advice: use a universal Russian tool - the PDFTools program. This convenient and easy-to-use software is designed to create full-fledged PDF documents from documents of any format!

Running the program

Open PDF-Tools and on home page, in the section "Create a new PDF document from:" select the option " Images. Convert Image to PDF". Click the button Start.

The next step is to add the required jpeg documents and sort them. In this section, you can select jpg files from various folders, combine two or more files, and sort them in the required sequence. Push Add files and, in the explorer window that opens, select the files, confirming your choice by pressing the button Open... Push Further.

In the next section, you have to adjust the images in order to translate the files into pdf. But you can skip this and use the default values. They are usually correct. Push the button Further.

Now let's set up the output PDF document. On the left you see a column of six tabs, but the default settings will work in most cases. Just push Further.

Creating a pdf file

Final section Configuring recording. Here you need to select the path in which the output pdf file will be saved, and also specify its name. Run Processby clicking on the button of the same name. If you want to display the created document after converting jpg files into one, check the box Launching the viewer.

When finished merging jpeg files to pdf, click Complete or go back a few steps by clicking the button Back to to change any settings.

This completes the jpg to pdf merging procedure and you can send the file by e-mail using the mail service built into the program.

Extract files from PDF

Reverse extraction procedure graphic files of PDF document using the PDFTools program is detailed in the video:

With the JPG To PDF Converter utility, you can convert image files into one PDF file. This is convenient, for example, when there are many scanned images and for convenience you want to combine them into one document. Batch processing of images in the program allows you to convert to PDF file following formats image files: jpg, jpeg, jp2, gif, png, bmp, pcx, psd, tga, tif and tiff. For the output PDF in the application, you can set the metadata - Title, Author, Subject, and Keywords.

Batch convert images to pdf file

To convert pictures to pdf utility you can specify individual images or immediately the folder in which they are stored. The program sets the order of images - the sequence of pages of the generated pdf file and there is a preview window for images. JPG To PDF Converter is easy-to-use, intuitive and unlimited free for home use.

Screenshots JPG To PDF Converter

In the article "Making PDF from JPG or JPEG" I will explain to you in the most popular language "how and how to prepare PDF files".

What we have initially: scans of documents or just files with photos in .jpg / .jpeg format

Required task: convert our .jpg / .jpeg files to PDF (.pdf) format and possibly combine multiple PDF files into one file with the pagination we want.

So let's get down to a seemingly difficult task. in fact, everything is much simpler;)

What we need to accomplish this task:

  1. Program for jPG conversion files to PDF... At the moment I recommend using the lightweight and primitive program "JPEGtoPDF" (the official site of the program). The file size with the program is about 236 Kb and this program does not require installation on a computer.
    We download the program from the official website, you can unpack the archive into a separate folder, or you can run the program directly from the archive.
  2. A program for combining several PDF files into one with the required sequence of pages. I recommend the program "PDFBinder" (the official site of the program). Size of the current file with the program: about 1.7 MB. This program then you will need to install it on your computer. Lesson about installing the program "PDFBinder"
    This program must be installed on a computer for further use.

So we have 2 downloaded files with programs located in one folder:

We wait a few seconds, the program window opens:

This is the main window of the "JPEGtoPDF" program, in it the whole operation with converting JPG files to PDF.

To convert, we need to specify what we will convert (our JPG images), for this we press the "Add Files" button:

... and we find required files for converting to PDF (the folder "necessary photos" created earlier with pictures). If necessary, select all the files that we need to convert to PDF and click the "Open" button in the search box for the files we need.

Next, in the "Output PDF Files" group, field "Output Path" click on "..." and specify the path to the place where the finished PDF files (already converted) will be placed. Create a folder for this "ready PDF", select it and click "OK"

After that, in the “Output PDF Files” group, activate one of the two checkboxes “Multiple PDF Files” (the name of the PDF file will be the same as the name of the JPG file) or “Single PDF File named:” (the field to the right of the checkbox will become active and you will be able to set your filename). I choose the first option as an example:

  1. After selecting positioning, click "Save PDF", we will see something like this:

Now our 3 PDF files will appear in the selected folder (in our case it is the "ready-made PDF" folder) with the corresponding JPG file names:

After a while after double-clicking on the icon of the shortcut "PDFBinder", the main program window appears in front of us:

In order to add the necessary PDF files for connection into 1 file, click the "Add file ..." button:

Further, in the window that opens, we find our previously created folder "ready PDF" in which the necessary PDF files are located, select them and click the "Open" button. As a result, you will see something like this in the program:

But, as we can see from the example above, we first have "second_JPG.PDF_file" and then "first_JPG.PDF_file" - it is in this order (from top to bottom) that the sheets in the combined PDF file will follow.

In order to correct this situation and build the sequence necessary for us, select the file needed to move in the program window (in our case it will be "first_file_JPG.PDF") and click on the button for moving the sequence of files (sheets) - these are the arrows at the top:

As a result, we get the necessary sequence of pages for the future PDF file.

After arranging the page order, let's move on to the final part of combining PDF files. In the PDFBinder window, click on the Bind! Button:

After that, a window will open for us to save the combined PDF file, select the location to save it and write the desired name in the "File name" field (the name of our combined PDF file). Then we press the "Save" button in the same window.

After the program saves the file, our final file with three images in the sequence we need will open for viewing.

Congratulations, the task is completed and we have 1 PDF file with the content we need and in the required sequence.

The PDF format is a product of Adobé, written in PortScript. You can read PDF files using the program Acrobat Reader... There are powerful options inside the program to edit and work with such files.

JPEG is a compressed format that allows you to store images, most commonly digital photographs. Most digital cameras save images in this format. There are several ways to transform one format into another and in reverse order.

Document translation: how to convert jpg to pdf.

How to convert jpg to pdf? There are several effective programs that can be offered to convert JPEG images to PDF.

  1. Program Adobe acrobat Professional makes it easy to create new document in PDF format. To do this, in the window that opens, select all the files you need, from which a general PDF document will be created.
  2. Adobe Acrobat Distiller - This program can easily save the required JPEG document in PDF format.
  3. Photoshop CS3 is very convenient program, which makes it possible to perform all the necessary actions: in this program you can scan an image, correct it, retouch it, or simply save it to PDF.
  4. JPEG2PDF - special programthat converts JPEG images to PDF.

First, the program is downloaded and installed on your computer. All JPEG images to be converted are collected in common file... If in the generated PDF file the JPEG images are to be arranged in a certain sequence, then these images must be numbered according to your plan. Then the program is launched and the "AddFolder" button is pressed. In the window that opens, load jPEG files, with the help of the explorer, this folder is located and "OK" is pressed. A list of all JPEG images will appear in the window. You can enter a title in the menu, keywords, creator name, set compression options. Select the folder where you will place the created files and use the Explorer to determine where the created folder with converted images will be saved. After the conversion is complete, you will see the finalized document in the selected folder.

How to convert JPG to PDF vice versa: convert PDF to JPEG with a graphics editor

We figured out how to convert JPG to PDF, but how to convert PDF to JPEG? If you need a reverse conversion, you can use a very easy way, for the implementation of which you need to do just a few steps:

  1. First, open a PDF document that needs to be scaled so that the entire part of the file required for translation is on the screen. To convert PDF to JPEG, press the Alt + PrtScn key combination.
  2. The next step is to open any graphics editor such as Paint. This is the easiest way as Paint is built in Windows editor... In the editor, select "Edit" - "Paste".
  3. An image of the converted to JPEG documents appears on the screen. With the help of the Paint options, crop all unnecessary parts and save the resulting files as JPEG.

Converting documents to JPEG implies significant compression, which can negatively affect their quality characteristics.

Recently, the question of combining several pdf files into one has become relevant. Combining jpg files into one is no less relevant. pdf online... Someone needs to scan a contract on several sheets, and then combine, someone does electronic version of one or another print publication, and someone even merges old family photos into one pdf file, scanning each into a separate file.

There are many ways you can do this. Including with the help of programs such as Foxit reader... But in this article we will talk about how to combine jpg or pdf files into one pdf online, without installing any additional programs and payments. All you need is internet and a computer.

The process of merging itself will take place through the site.

We go to it and get to the main page. - site for online combining pdf files into one

Combine pdf files into one online

For merge pdf files into one on the action selection panel, click on "Combine PDF".

Choosing Combine PDF

After that, a button "Download" will appear, by clicking on which you will be asked to select pdf files on your computer to combine into one.

Selecting the pdf files to be merged

Find and select by holding down the "CTRL" button on the keyboard all the files that need to be combined and press the "open" button.

We upload them to the site

After that, the selected files will be uploaded to the site and the button "merge" will become available at the bottom, by clicking on which one merged pdf file from all the selected files will be downloaded to your computer.

Download the merged pdf file

Combine jpg files into one pdf online

With jpg files, everything is done in almost the same way as with pdf files. The only difference is that on the action selection panel, you need to select "jpg to pdf".

We remind you that to select multiple files you need to press and hold the "CTRL" key on the keyboard, which is located in the lower left part of the keyboard.

Waiting for files to upload to the site

Then click on the "common file" button and thereby download the combined pdf file from your jpg files.

Download combined pdf file from your jpg