The best connection. The best telecom operator. Tele2 told what will happen to mobile subscribers of Rostelecom

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Mobile communication is an integral life attribute of every person, providing free communication, correspondence and access to global network... Overestimate the importance cellular services impossible, as well as choosing a more efficient and convenient alternative for them.

At the same time, in the modern mobile communications market, several providers are simultaneously represented, which compete with each other and constantly improve the quality and conditions of customer service. Based on official statistics, the most popular providers in Russia include Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Iota. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine their general and subjective usefulness for subscribers. But in order for you to be able to make the final choice and decide for yourself which mobile operator is the best, you need to know these weakest and strengths cellular companies.

Internet assistant will help you understand the difficult issue of choosing the optimal mobile operator for you, pointing out the pros and cons of each of them.

Let's immediately dismiss your suspicions about the marketing component of our article. We are not going to advertise anyone, but we will operate only with facts and objective opinions of experienced users. Anyway, making the final decision about whose SIM card will be installed in your device remains solely with you.

Which cellular company is better: a description of the features of operators

It is logical to assume that all the complexity of choosing an operator is based precisely on the determination of complex competitive advantages both in terms of the quality of communication and the size of the coverage area, and the variability of tariff plans and the level technical support... Therefore, let's take a closer look at the characteristic features of each of the providers.


The mobile operator MTS has been providing high-quality communication services since 1993 and has established itself as a reliable and affordable provider. The company has the largest subscriber base (over 100 million people), timely implements advanced technologies, actively develops high-speed mobile networks, provides the possibility of a single Internet for all devices.


  • High quality communication. Thanks to its extensive experience in customer service and the use of modern telecommunication equipment, the operator guarantees a stable and high-quality connection among dense buildings, inside and outside buildings.
  • Thoughtful tariff plans from the Internet. MTS is always ready to offer favorable tariffs with a large volume of traffic for subscribers who need constant and uninterrupted Internet surfing. In addition, nightly unlimited or completely unlimited mobile Internet is provided.
  • Developed roaming network. Long-term partnerships with national and foreign mobile operators allow MTS to provide its users with comfortable communication anywhere in the country and in the world.


  • Relatively high tariffication of services. The question of the price of MTS communication is rather complicated and confusing. In general, the company offers affordable and competitive rates. But some tariff plans that have a functional content similar to competitors, nevertheless, cost the user more.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Own network coverage is a provider's weak point. According to this indicator, the company loses to both Beeline and Megafon. At the same time, the democratic cost of roaming services to a large extent compensate for this disadvantage.
  • Poor quality of technical support. This problem is not unique to MTS, but is common to all operators. But it is in relation to MTS that it manifests itself most clearly because of the huge client base. It is often not just difficult, but almost impossible to get through to a specialist of the customer support center. Those users who actively use the provider's self-service (,) do not notice such a problem. This suggests that, against the background of the growing popularity of online services, difficulties with dialing to the MTS call center are gradually losing their importance and relevance.


Megafon is one of the undisputed leaders russian market telecommunication services. The provider has been working for almost 15 years and during this time the number of subscribers has exceeded 90 million people.


  • The largest coverage area in Russia. Each subscriber of the company does not have to worry that in some corner of the country he will face the problem of lack of mobile communication. Even remote and sparsely covered areas of Russia are equipped with Megafon base stations. It is clear that with a low number of users, equipment maintenance costs cannot be fully reimbursed. But the company purposefully goes to this in order to have a clear advantage over competitors and become the number 1 provider in Russia.
  • Active implementation advanced technologies... Megafon carefully monitors global trends in the telecommunications market and immediately implements promising technologies and services. It was the first to provide mobile video communication capabilities and provide users with high-speed mobile Internet 4G + at a speed of 300 Mbps. The reliability and stability of the company is also evidenced by the fact that Megafon has become an official supplier. mobile services as part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
  • High speed internet. We have already mentioned that high-speed broadband Internet access is becoming a signature feature of Megafon. True, the situation here is quite specific and unusual for Russian realities. No, high-speed Internet has not gone anywhere, but almost all full-scale tariff plans associated with it went to the new Megafon brand - the Iota company.


  • Weak technical support. We will not dwell on this moment too much. Let's say that there are the same difficulties as for MTS, as well as ways to solve them using online self-service services. After registering on the provider's website, subscribers can use the functionality that allows them to independently solve a huge list of problems with setting up communication, managing an account and a tariff plan. The same capabilities are implemented in mobile application "Megaphone. Personal Area".
  • Confusion of tariff plans. Compared to other providers, Megafon has the most difficult tariff plan system for an unprepared user to understand. Tariffs are quite confusing, vary greatly in payment depending on the region, provide for different tariffication schemes upon activation additional options, many of which have archived status. When choosing a provider, such a disadvantage can become a key one and force you to purchase a SIM card from another company.


Speaking of MegaFon, one cannot ignore the Yota subsidiary brand, which offers the best tariff plans in Russia with unlimited mobile Internet... Largely due to this, current tariffs Megafon lacks built-in Internet traffic packages. The calculation is simple, if you want a high-quality and inexpensive Internet, buy a Yota SIM card, and Megafon will provide an affordable connection throughout Russia. But recently, this advantage has been significantly curtailed by the operator itself, which has already provided packages of minutes, traffic and SMS for new tariffs.


  • High-speed Internet at low cost. For only 100-150 rubles per month, you can get unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers. The data transfer rate reaches 20 Mbps.
  • Affordable cost of tariffs. Despite the bundling of services, Iota's tariff plans remain inexpensive and well-stocked. For example, 5GB of Internet traffic and 150 minutes for calls throughout Russia will cost only 250r per month.
  • Transparent prices. In this regard, Yota compares favorably with Megafon, offering clear descriptions of tariff plans.
  • Roaming-free space throughout Russia. This is an important and necessary feature of Iota. When leaving your home region for up to 30 days, there is no need to worry about increased roaming costs. Throughout the month, the operator provides mobile communication and Internet services at the prices of the home region, regardless of the place of your stay.


  • Factor virtual operator... Yota subscribers are completely dependent on the serviceability and workload of Megafon equipment. This must be taken into account when choosing a second SIM card in order to increase the reliability of communication.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Provider Yota is a developing brand and is not yet able to cover the same regions as Megafon. But the value of this disadvantage decreases every day as the service area expands.
  • Differentiation of SIM-cards. It is impossible to use the same Yota SIM card in a smartphone, tablet, modem or router. Each type of device has its own separate card, and it is impossible to "cheat" the network, since the equipment is identified by the IMEI number.


Beeline is also a veteran of the domestic market for mobile services, having started its activities back in 1993. The operator's client base exceeds 60 million people and is constantly expanding due to favorable tariffs and new loyalty programs.


  • Variety of tariff plans, service options. Each user can easily select the optimal tariff plan for himself within the planned mobile budget.
  • Promotions and bonuses. Beeline, like no other provider, constantly offers its customers various discounts, promotions and bonuses. For example, you can connect a premium TV package "Viasat" with a 25% discount, buy modern devices on credit without overpayments, get additional package traffic for replenishment or an individual offer for tariffs, etc.
  • Timely and competent technical support. Despite the fact that it can be problematic to get through to the Beeline call center, subscribers can always count on a high-quality and professional solution to their problems. In addition, a mobile online self-service service is always available to users.


  • Malfunctions. Frequent negative reviews on the Internet indicate periodic technical failures of the provider's equipment. It comes to the point that even checking the balance using the USSD command becomes unavailable. In fairness, we note that Beeline quickly fixes the problems that have arisen.
  • Costly roaming. This is one of the main disadvantages of Beeline. Leaving the home region, the subscriber must be prepared for the sharply increased costs for sick communications.
  • Poor connection quality far from cities. Beeline does not seek to install base stations in places that are disadvantageous in terms of monetization. Therefore, as you move away from the city, the network signal begins to weaken sharply.


We will not particularly highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the Tele2 provider. It is the legacy of Swedish investors and is now owned by the Russian financial group VTB. The company has only one obvious drawback - a relatively small coverage area. As a result, subscribers had to constantly face rather expensive national roaming charges. Recently, this problem has been quite effectively solved through connection special service "Zero everywhere."

The low price of tariffs and high-quality communication allows Tele2 to constantly increase its subscriber base, which now has almost 25 million users and provides the operator with the 3rd line in the rating of the most popular cellular operators country.


We hope that this review of the online assistant site helped you in the difficult task of selecting a provider. The final choice depends on your personal preferences and the criteria you put forward for the reliability, availability, and variety of mobile services you need. On our own, we add that many users use several SIM cards at once different operatorsto get the highest quality connection and the Internet.

Video: choosing the best mobile operator


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In 2014, operators cellular communication Tele2 and Rostelecom have merged. Why did the owners need it and what changes in the tariff policy of companies are now taking place? Let's take a closer look at difficult issues in our article.

Development history of companies

Initially, Tele 2 belonged to a Swedish concern that provides mobile services in Europe. To capture the attractive Russian market, the company used dumping. The lowest tariffs for calls and sms were offered, sometimes 1.5 times lower than the main competitors from the “big three” operators.

After entering Russia in 2003, Tele2 began buying up regional cellular companies. Otherwise, it was not possible to break into the market - the lack of information about the internal laws of the market and the necessary acquaintances prevented them from issuing their own licenses for frequencies.

In 2012, the number of Tele2 subscribers reached 22 million. Long-awaited frequency licenses were obtained in a number of regions. However, the companies did not give permission for the introduction of the 3G standard, which became very popular with the proliferation of smartphones and tablets. New mobile devices not only the cost of calls was important, but also a stable Internet access at a high speed. It was not possible to enter Moscow either - there were no regional operators and free frequencies.

We will reveal all the conditions of the Tele2 franchise in the next article.

In 2008-2009, changes began at Rostelecom. There was a merger with Svyazinvest, which owned a number of regional operators... Rostelecom took a confident course to return to mobile communication... Companies in the regions were transferred to a single brand, and tariff plans were established centrally. However, miscalculations in Rostelecom's marketing policy, unattractive tariffs and the lack of 3G have only led to a decline in market share.

Both companies had their own advantages and strengths, but on their own they could not overcome the rivals of the Big Three and become a federal operator.

Briefly on the topic

Conversion steps:

  • 1994 - Obtaining a license allowing the provision of telecommunication services, long distance and international.
  • 2000 - the beginning of a series of mergers and acquisitions of OJSC Rostelecom with other large IP telephony operators.
  • 2006 - obtaining a certificate for its own IP-telephony network, obtaining the status of a backbone Internet provider.
  • 2009 - the launch of the well-known to all of us portal "Gosuslugi", merger with smaller (interregional) communication companies.
  • 2014 - The Government of the Russian Federation issued an order according to which the provision of the entire range of communication services in the country becomes the responsibility of OJSC Rostelecom.


Therefore, at the beginning of 2013, the Tele2 division in Russia was bought by VTB Bank. Six months later, 50% of the shares were resold to investors - individuals holding major positions in Bank Rossiya, Severstal and insurance SOGAZ.

In 2014, Tele2 and Rostelecom formed a joint venture, combining mobile assets.

It cannot be said that Rostelecom bought Tele2 - the united operator operates under the Tele2 brand. The renewed company almost immediately got access to the development of LTE networks. Thanks to the accepted principle of technological neutrality, it became possible to implement technologies already tested in European divisions. Thanks to Rostelecom, the operator was able to enter the capital and develop 3G and 4G networks there. The number of subscribers increased 1.5 times, up to 38 million people.

Implications for subscribers

Now Tele2 is Rostelecom, what has changed for end users? The reorganization did not require any effort from the clients - there was no need to renegotiate the contract or change the SIM card. The existing tariff plans have also been preserved - despite the absence of similar proposals in the assortment of the new operator. Tele2 only recommends choosing new tariff, To have full access to all services. Given the attractive prices, interesting services and the absence of tariff change fees, the offer seems to be very profitable. The alliance of companies is becoming a serious competitor.

The fact that the owners of Tele2 are discussing the transfer of the mobile operator under the control of Rostelecom, was announced at the end of March by the first deputy chairman of the board of VTB, Yuri Soloviev. The State Bank is not considering the option of withdrawing from the capital of Tele2, but "is conducting discussions" about changing its share, he said at the same time. Solovyov explained the need to change the controlling shareholder by the need for synergy between mobile and fixed business, which competitors from the Big Three already have. He clarified that Tele2 should compete with the big three with a cross-product offer, which will reduce operators' costs.

Rostelecom owns 45% of Tele2, the rest belongs to Tele2 Russia Holding AB, in which VTB has 50%, and Invintel B.V. Alexey Mordashov - 40% and 10% belongs to the bank "Russia" Yuri Kovalchuk.

Three people - an official, a person close to Rostelecom, and an interlocutor close to its shareholders - told Vedomosti that, most likely, Bank Rossiya would sell its share to Rostelecom, but they did not disclose the scheme of the deal.

According to the same interlocutors of Vedomosti, the company planned to use in the transaction treasury securities belonging to its subsidiary, Mobitel. A person close to the operator confirmed that the state operator is still of the opinion that the deal should be penniless, and is now agreeing "how to make it so that it suits everyone." Mobitel owns 15.06% of the operator's ordinary shares. The market value of this stake is now about 28.8 billion rubles.

Natalya Milchakova, Deputy Director of the Analytical Department of Alpari, estimates the value of Tele2's business at about $ 1.6 billion. Taking into account the fact that by the end of 2016, the loss from Tele2's continuing operations more than doubled, amounting to RUB 18.7 billion, the discount to this estimate can be up to 30%, the expert continues. Thus, in order to increase its stake in Tele2 to a controlling stake, Rostelecom needs to acquire another 6% and pay up to $ 95 million, or about 5.4 billion rubles.

The acquisition of Tele2 will have a negative impact on Rostelecom's free cash flow, which will create a risk for dividend payments, analysts from Raiffeisenbank and Credit Suisse warned earlier.

Even if the deal is cash-strapped, Rostelecom's net debt / OIBDA ratio will rise to 2.7 (after all, upon obtaining a controlling stake in the operator, its financial results, including debt, will have to be consolidated), BCS analysts calculated. At the same time, they remind, Rostelecom's dividend policy involves the payment of 75% of free cash flow, or at least 45 billion rubles. in 2016–2018, but the state operator's net debt / OIBDA ratio should remain at 2.5. Therefore, according to BCS, the deal will somehow negatively affect the payment of dividends by the state operator.

Representatives of Tele2, VTB, Federal Property Management Agency and Mordashov declined to comment. Their colleague from the ADB did not answer the questions of Vedomosti. VTB is not considering withdrawing from the capital of Tele2, but is in discussions about changing its share, a person close to the group confirmed.

In 2014, cellular operators Tele2 and Rostelecom merged. Why did the owners need it and what changes in the tariff policy of companies are now taking place? Let's take a closer look at difficult issues in our article.

Development history of companies

Initially, Tele 2 belonged to a Swedish concern that provides mobile services in Europe. To capture the attractive Russian market, the company used dumping. The lowest tariffs for calls and sms were offered, sometimes 1.5 times lower than the main competitors from the “big three” operators.

After entering Russia in 2003, Tele2 began buying up regional cellular companies. Otherwise, it was not possible to break into the market - the lack of information about the internal laws of the market and the necessary acquaintances prevented them from issuing their own licenses for frequencies.

In 2012, the number of Tele2 subscribers reached 22 million. Long-awaited frequency licenses were obtained in a number of regions. However, the companies did not give permission for the introduction of the 3G standard, which became very popular with the proliferation of smartphones and tablets. Not only the cost of calls was important for new mobile devices, but also stable Internet access at high speed. It was not possible to enter Moscow either - there were no regional operators and free frequencies.

We will reveal everything in the next article.

In 2008-2009, changes began at Rostelecom. There was a merger with Svyazinvest, which owned a number of regional operators. Rostelecom has taken a confident course towards returning to mobile communications. Companies in the regions were transferred to a single brand, and tariff plans were established centrally. However, miscalculations in Rostelecom's marketing policy, unattractive tariffs and the lack of 3G have only led to a decline in market share.

Both companies had their own advantages and strengths, but on their own they could not overcome the rivals of the Big Three and become a federal operator.

Briefly on the topic

Conversion steps:

  • 1994 - Obtaining a license allowing the provision of telecommunication services, long distance and international.
  • 2000 - the beginning of a series of mergers and acquisitions of OJSC Rostelecom with other large IP telephony operators.
  • 2006 - obtaining a certificate for its own IP-telephony network, obtaining the status of a backbone Internet provider.
  • 2009 - the launch of the well-known to all of us portal "Gosuslugi", merger with smaller (interregional) communication companies.
  • 2014 - The Government of the Russian Federation issued an order according to which the provision of the entire range of communication services in the country becomes the responsibility of OJSC Rostelecom.


Therefore, at the beginning of 2013, the Tele2 division in Russia was bought by VTB Bank. Six months later, 50% of the shares were resold to investors - individuals holding major positions in Bank Rossiya, Severstal and insurance SOGAZ.

In 2014, Tele2 and Rostelecom formed a joint venture, combining mobile assets.

It cannot be said that Rostelecom bought Tele2 - the united operator operates under the Tele2 brand. The renewed company almost immediately got access to the development of LTE networks. Thanks to the accepted principle of technological neutrality, it became possible to implement technologies already tested in European divisions. Thanks to Rostelecom, the operator was able to enter the capital and develop 3G and 4G networks there. The number of subscribers increased 1.5 times, up to 38 million people.

Implications for subscribers

Now Tele2 is Rostelecom, what has changed for end users? The reorganization did not require any effort from the clients - there was no need to renegotiate the contract or change the SIM card. The existing tariff plans have also been preserved - despite the absence of similar proposals in the assortment of the new operator. Tele2 only recommends choosing a new tariff in order to have full access to all services. Considering attractive prices, interesting services and the absence of tariff change fees, the offer seems to be very profitable. The alliance of companies is becoming a serious competitor.