Forgot password from samsung j2 phone. Unlock Samsung Galaxy J2 from regional lock or operator with PIN code for SIM card. Unlock Android at a service center

What do you do if you forgot your house key? First you try to find the key yourself, then call your relatives and ask if they have a spare kit. If it doesn't help, you probably get into the apartment through the window, in extreme cases, call a burglar. One way or another, but there are always workarounds, from the simplest to the radical.

What if you can't unlock your phone? You just forgot your password or pattern keyrequired when tapping on the welcome screen? In this case, there are several ways to unlock, most of them do not require any special dexterity or technical skills.

So, let's proceed to unlock your Android phone, smartphone or tablet.

How to unlock your phone over the Internet

After 5 not very successful attempts to enter a password or pattern, Android displays a notification and provides an option to unlock via the Internet. To do this, you need to connect to any available wifi network, enter your Google account login details, after which you will be successfully logged in and can change the password or key to unlock Android.

It should be noted that this method of unlocking the phone only works with devices that have Android 5.0 or lower OS installed. Therefore, having more new model phone, refer to other unlocking methods (see below in the list).

Unlocking your phone by Hard Reset

Hard Reset is resetting your phone to factory settings. This procedure helps out in a number of cases, including the loss of initial access to the android device.

I must warn you that as a result of a hart reset, you lose ALL data in the internal memory of the phone, including applications, games, user data recorded on the phone, bypassing the memory card. The memory card itself will remain intact.

As a last resort, the data on the memory card can be restored by means of a backup copy or by resorting to data recovery.

If you decide that a factory reset is safe for you, get down to business.

Using adb command utility when unlocking phone

The Android Debug Bridge, or ADB, console utility is included with the Android SDK Platform-Tools.

The package is free to use and available for download through the official website. To fully work with the ADB console, you need to enable debugging mode on your phone (via the developer menu). Of course, you won't do this on a locked device; it is important that USB debugging is enabled before this point.

Actually, the unlock pattern is reset using the following commands in the command line:

Adb shell cd /data/data/ sqlite3 settings.db update system set value \u003d 0 where name \u003d ’lock_pattern_autolock’; update system set value \u003d 0 where name \u003d ’lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently’; .quit

If after restarting your phone, the Android system asks you for a pattern to unlock, use any combination. If that doesn't help, try entering an alternative command in ADB, for example

Adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key

Unlock Android at a service center

No matter how trite it may sound, a service center, or a warranty service, among other things, will help solve the problem of access to a mobile device. Of course, before asking how to unlock your phone, you need to make sure that the phone's warranty has not expired and that you have all the necessary documents to confirm the purchase. After that, choose a service center (Samsung, Lenovo, etc.) and contact unlocking assistance.

This "official" approach has a drawback - time. No one guarantees that the service center workers will solve your problem quickly, that is, on the spot.

Unlock Samsung phone via Find my Mobile service

The free Find my Mobile service is designed to find mobile devices in the event of theft or loss. It can also be extremely useful in a situation where you cannot unlock your Samsung phone.

We emphasize that this unlocking method is relevant only for phones samsung brands on the Android platform. Besides,

  • Your Samsung account must be connected and configured on the phone
  • During the search, the device must be able to access the Network

Actually, here is the address of the service - Find my mobile. After logging into your account, you need to select a device from the list, remotely connect to it and unlock the phone by clicking on the "Unlock my device" button through the right side panel of the FmM service. After that, it’s easy - enter the access password account Samsung.

Reference. Types of Android screen lock and unlock

Phone lock is designed to protect user data from unauthorized access and unwanted information leakage. You can subsequently unlock your phone using a pattern and password.

The nice thing about android locking is that you can set an arbitrary difficulty for the pattern, thereby enhancing security. The second point is that in addition to locking the screen, the user can set protection for access to certain folders and certain user data on the phone.

However, not all Android users need built-in protection. Therefore, it's no secret that there are alternative Android add-ons that allow you to install alternative blockers and blocking methods. In particular, it is possible to unlock the screen with a double tap. To activate it, it is enough to install the Knock Lock application and then independently switch the screen unlock method - instead of the pattern key, specify “double tap”. The application works on all devices, including Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Summary... Well, choose the most convenient, fastest and safest method in terms of loss of user data. If none of the unlocking methods android screen did not work - ask us a question through the Question-Answer form in the right column of the site, describing the problem as fully as possible.

Good luck friends!

Questions From Readers

The phone was locked, after unlocking everything disappeared, up to the factory settings. The last sync was in July 2016, tell me, is it possible to recover photos taken after sync? Thanks.

Answer... Yes, you can. Here is an article on how to recover photos from a memory card using the popular Windows program - Power Data Recovery. True, it makes sense to use the program only if the photos after unlocking the phone were deleted from the memory card.

I left the SIM card in another phone and forgot the graphic key. I came, took a SIM card and left it in another phone. And I see the message: no. How to unlock your pattern on your phone?

Answer... You can remove the pattern from Android only after entering it correctly. If your phone was connected to an account google records, you can send a forgotten pattern by email. To send the key, you need to enter the wrong combination of the pattern key 5 times in a row, after which a special form will appear. After specifying the email for recovery, you will receive a hint by mail.

Through my Google account, I entered the screen lock password for my Philips phone and locked it. Now, having forgotten the password, I cannot unlock the phone. After five incorrect entries, Android does not provide me with the ability to unlock via the Internet or reset the password on my phone. What to do if I forgot my phone password, how can I unlock the phone in my account?

Answer... Press the Home button. After that, a window will appear with fields for entering an email address and password. Next, you will be prompted to select a new pattern. The second way how to remove the pattern is to execute hard reset... Please note that this will result in the loss of user data.

Hello! I changed the screen lock on my phone, but forgot the code, using the Internet I was able to restore the factory settings, but alas, everything that was on my device was not saved. Photos and contacts of a SIM card are important to me! ??? Thank you in advance!

"Hello, rebooted the phone Samsung Galaxy A5. The unlocking was a pattern and a fingerprint, but after rebooting, the phone only asked for a drawing that was forgotten. It was written that only the fingerprint can be used after we enter the drawing. Help me please"

The screen does not work. Samsung Smart Switch is installed, but the phone is locked. Is it possible to do something?

after returning to the default on the Fudjtechnics ft12 -andr.4.2 auto-tablet, an unknown pincode automatically got up. I can not unlock it. What should I do?

"my tablet accidentally dropped, then I took it in my hands, I wanted to unlock it, but I understand that it does not respond to movements, I can’t turn it off, I can’t do anything with it

can this problem be fixed? "

Modern samsung models Galaxy has a huge number of possibilities to keep user data safe. Here you have a fingerprint sensor, an iris scanner, a pin code, a pattern, and ... many, many other things that protect the phone.

Is it cool? Undoubtedly. However, everything changes dramatically at the moment when the user starts having problems with one of these positions.

Forgot your pin or pattern? Everything, the gadget turns into a brick. Or not?

In fact, even from such a difficult situation, you can always find a way out ... Now we'll tell you everything, let's go!

Forgotten your lock code or pattern

Perhaps the most common situation. You use your device, you unlock it with a fingerprint sensor ... and then a conditional one. And, wow, it requires some kind of pin code!

And you entered it FIG knows when and no longer remember! What to do? There are two options:

It would seem that this is all for us. But no :(

Even when unlocked via full reset settings may cause problems. And the name of this issue is Google Account.

The thing is that if a Google account was entered on the Galaxy, then after resetting the settings, you can see this message like this:

An unauthorized attempt was made to reset the device to factory settings. Connect to a Wi-Fi or mobile network to verify your identity.

So, you can't use the device - you need to enter the login and password from your Google account to unlock it.

And it is very good if you remember it (know). And if not and this data is forgotten? Then let's move on to the next subheading ...

Forgot username and password from Google account on Samsung Galaxy

Let's be honest, the situation is almost hopeless. But there is no need to despair - there are still some unlocking options. Here they are:

Sadly, there are no other ways to lock your Galaxy. This is how two very large companies (Samsung and Google) take care of our safety with you.

Is it good or bad? Probably yes, but only until then, until it touches you personally.

Unfortunately, everyone can forget the password - no one is safe from this :(

P.S.S. It is said that the chances of being unlocked are increased by "like". Worth a try!

How to unlock carrier-locked Samsung Galaxy J2?
This type of blocking is used by mobile operators in order to make it impossible to use a phone (usually branded) in the network of another operator. If you insert another SIM card (from any other operator), then when you turn on the phone will ask you for a password or unlock code. Then the question arises "how to unlock the phone code?" The best option, of course, is if you have a sufficiently loyal operator who will kindly provide you with the code when you call the support service. To do this, you will only need to name IMEI IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) \u200b\u200bis a 15-digit number that represents a unique number for each mobile phone GSM standard. Installed at the factory during manufacture and serves for accurate and complete identification of the device in the GSM network. Samsung Galaxy J2 (a number that is individual for each device, you can usually find it under the phone battery). But this is an ideal option, which is extremely rare. If the operator refused you, then do not despair, as there are a lot of craftsmen who unlock your phone by flashing. Detailed manuals can often be found on the Internet, so with a sufficient level of knowledge, you can do this procedure yourself. But if you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge, then it is better to entrust this work to a specialist. Often, a jailbreak program is used to unlock, which is supported by a well-known company like Apple.

SIM card unlocking samsung phone Galaxy J2
A small plastic card with a chip in the middle is that irreplaceable device, without which a mobile phone is simply useless as such. Naturally, we are talking about a SIM card. The chip that is used in it, although small in size, allows you to store a certain amount of information, which is often confidential. For the safety of this data is also used to protect the technology with the help of the so-called PIN-code that is requested to be turned off. If you unsuccessfully enter the PIN code three times, then mobile device will ask you for another code, the so-called PUK code. It usually consists of eight digits and is provided to you with your SIM card. If you cannot use the phone due to not knowing the PIN code, then just use the PUK code. The PUK is the PIN Unblocking Key. This is a unique code that is associated with the SIM card of a mobile phone and usually consists of 8 digits. The PUK code is required when a person enters the PIN code from his SIM card three times incorrectly. After the third time, your phone will be locked and you will need to enter the PUK code to unlock it. If you do not know him either and he is not recorded anywhere (and the documents from the SIM card are lost, for example), then the first thing to do is to call the support service number of your mobile operator... There they will tell you how to find out your PUK code (you may even be able to find it out by phone).

Samsung Galaxy J2 phone memory unlock
Some phone models allow you to separately block access to various files that are in the memory (either a phone or, most often, an additional memory card). In this case, again, a situation is possible when you will not know (or remember) set password and the functionality of the device will be partially inaccessible to you. It is very unpleasant when the information you need is seemingly at hand, but at the same time is not available to you. To solve this problem, you will have to be puzzled by unlocking the card samsung memory Galaxy J2. There is such an option as formatting, which will quickly resolve the issue with ignorance of the code. But it will not solve the issue of information recovery, since all of it will be destroyed as a result of formatting. Therefore, this option is not suitable for everyone. All other methods for unlocking the phone memory are based on the use of an additional software... To do this, you will need the cable that came with the phone (or was purchased additionally) to connect it to the computer, or a card reader ( small device, which will allow you to read information from a memory card by connecting it to a computer separately from the phone). One of the programs with which you can unlock is JetFlash Recovery Tool. You can download it from the official website of the developers. It can also be used to format the Samsung Galaxy J2 memory card.

The main thing is that you are aware of all your actions and perfectly understand what you are doing. Otherwise, you can simply disrupt the phone's performance, which cannot always be restored. So if you yourself do not know how to unlock a Samsung Galaxy J2 phone, perform any other action with it, then it is better to seek professional help. But I still hope that you will not encounter such problems and will be wise to handle your telephone set.

Questions about unlocking Samsung Galaxy J2

Ask a question regarding unlocking Samsung Galaxy J2

Acer AEG Airis AKMobile Alcatel Alphacell Always Amazon AMOI Amplicom AnexTek AnyDATA APBW Apple Arcoa Ares Arima Asus AT&T Audiovox Axia Azumi BBK Electronics Bellwave Benefon BenQ BenQ-Siemens Benten BIC Binatone Bird Blackberry BLU Bmobile Boost Bosch Capitel Casio CATber Daewoo Dallab Dancall Dbtel Dell Densa Disney Dnet Docomo Dopod Doro E28 Eastcom EE Eishi Electronica Elitek Eliya Emblaze Emol Emporia eNOL Enteos Ericsson Eten Europhone Eurotel Ezio Firefly Fly Foma Fujitsu Fujitsu Siemens G.Plus Garmin Geo Gigaiya Google Gradiente Grundig GSL GTran GVC Haier Handspring Hisense Hitachi Honeywell Hop-on HP HTC Huawei Hutel Hyundai i-Mate i-Mobile iDen iDo iKoMo Imaginarium Innostream Innox INQ Jmas Jowin K-Touch Kenwood Konka KPT Kromeu KTF Technologies Magocera Malata Max Lenovo MEO Microsoft Mitac Mitsubishi Mobiado Mobile shot Modelabs Modottel Momentum Momo Design Motorola MTS MTV Nec Neonode NeoPoint Netgear Newgen Nextel Nintaus Nixxo Nokia Nortel O2 Okwap Onda Oppo Optimus Orange Orsio Palm One Panasonic Pantech Philips Phoenix Pierre Cardin Plusfon Posh Premier Pretec Qool Qtek Qualcomm Realvision Road Send Rolsen Sage RoverPC Sagem Sefcuon Sanyewon SF Sharp Shensun Sidekick Siemens Sierra Wireless Sitronics Skype SkyTel SkyVox Skyzen Sofi Softbank Sonim Sony Sony Ericsson Soutec SpareOne Spectronic Spice Sprint SPV Synertek T-Mobile TCL Tel.Me Telepong Telit Telson Thomson Thuraya Tianyu TLT Toplux Torson Toshi Toshi Tosiquins TV Ubiquio Ulycom Utec UTStarcom Verizon Wireless Vertu Verykool Virgin Mobile Vitel VK Mobile Vodafone Voxtel VSN Mobil Vtech VTelca Wiko Withus WNC Wonu X-Cute Xelibri XG Xiamen Xiaomi Xplore XTE Yakumo Zapp Zetta Zonda Zopo ZTE


Unlock Samsung Galaxy J2


PIN !}





Serial Number


Provider ID

Service Tag

iCloud Email

iCloud Phone


Email email, since there we will send an email with data to unlock your phone! "id \u003d" email "\u003e
Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa (Islands) Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Canada ) Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo (Democratic Republic of) Cook (Islands) Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Fiji (Islands) Finland France French Guyana French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada (Island) Guadeloupe Guam (Island) Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwai t Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montserrat MontГ © nГ © gro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Korea Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Nerland Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Reunion (Island) Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Lucia Saint-BarthГ © lemy Saint-Kitts and Nevis Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Vincent Samoa (Islands) San Marino San Marteen (French Part) Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles (Islands) Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tu rkmenistan Turks And Caicos (Islands) Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States - USA Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (British) Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe


Please fill in all the fields correctly.


We are unable to unlock this model at the moment.

The service is open on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00.
The specified lead time is counted NOT from the moment of payment.

Let's go straight to the point. Someone calls it in jargon - unlocking a Samsung Galaxy J2 phone, someone pronounces it at a highly intelligent level - unlocking or unlocking a Samsung Galaxy J2, someone likes to pronounce it in a foreign foreign way - unlock phone Samsung Galaxy J2, but we we believe that regardless of style, pronunciation and level, the answer to all this is the same! Ultimately, you need - unlock code for Samsung Galaxy J2, unlock code for Samsung Galaxy J2, or - unlock key / code on Samsung Galaxy J2. You have come to the right place - your phone is in good hands. In a matter of time, you will receive a letter from Us to your mail e-mail with the unlock code you need.

What will I receive after placing an order and when?

When ordering a phone unlock and receiving an unlock code, we usually supply a complete unlock kit. In most cases, you only need the Network Code (NCK), but when you need it you will also receive an Unfreeze Code, Reset Key or Service Provide Code. In the same email where the unlock code will be located, you will also find detailed instructions for its operation. As a rule, as soon as you insert the SIM card (Sim card) into the phone you want to use, the phone will immediately ask you to unlock it (enter the unlock code). If you have any difficulties or have any questions, our customer support team is always there and ready to help you within less than 12 hours.

In conclusion:

One small request from our side, please do not be lazy to leave a review on our website in a convenient way for you - this is the only way we can correct the error, improve the service, speed up the process, punish the culprit and, we hope, in all other cases, pat on the head for good, high quality and timely service!

This article will help you unlock your smartphone or tablet if you forgot pin code, password or picture.

If remember pin code, password or picture, but you cannot remove the lock, read the article

If your device is locked after a data reset and asks for a Google Account, see

There are three ways:

Delete pattern, pin, password, fingerprint. Works over the Internet.

Will only remove the pattern. Suitable only for Android 5.0 and below.

It will delete the pattern, pin code, password, fingerprint and clear the device memory.

Find my mobile

This method is suitable if:

    the Internet is connected on the smartphone or tablet.

To unlock your smartphone or tablet:

Additional pin code or Google account - only for smartphones and tablets with Android 5.0 and below

After 5 incorrect attempts, the "Additional PIN-code" item will appear. Click on it and enter the 4-digit code that you entered when you came up with the pattern.

If you do not remember the pin code, click on "Unblock in Google" ("Forgot your pattern?") And enter your email address and google password... The same mail must be added on the device that you unlock.

If there is no button "Unblock on Google" ("Forgot your pattern?"), Then your device has not added a Google account, use other methods.

If you don't remember your password, restore it via special form and enter on the device. If the password cannot be recovered, use other methods.

Data reset

If the previous methods did not help, do a data reset - you will delete all files and settings from the device, and along with them the pattern, pin code, password or fingerprint.