Sim data card is not installed. Why does not the phone see the second SIM card. New SIM card "Megafon" does not work

As a rule, the activation of the MTS SIM card occurs automatically when you first connect to the network, or is carried out by the seller of the starter kit. However, sometimes subscribers face a problem when the purchased SIM card is inactive. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to find out how to activate the MTS SIM card. Of course, the operator provides for the possibility of activating the number, and the attention of subscribers is provided with several options at once.
You can activate the MTS SIM card:

  • By dialing the command * 111 # on the phone ;
  • By calling the operator at 0890 ;
  • Contacting the MTS communication salon.

Please note that the above methods are relevant if you need to activate new SIM card... If you need to, then check out our separate review. It describes possible reasons for blocking and how to unblock. As for activating a new SIM card, any of the above methods will help you, including the USSD command. In rare cases, this option does not work. If you run into problems while trying to activate your SIM card, or you need to activate from a modem, then read the full article.

MTS SIM card activation: all methods

An unactivated number is completely useless. With its help, it is impossible to make calls, receive calls, access the Internet and use any other services mobile communication. The only thing you can do with an inactive SIM is to dial the emergency number. Of course, immediately after the purchase, the subscriber thinks about how to activate the MTS SIM card. In fact, this question rarely arises, because in most cases the number is activated automatically... That is, it is enough to simply insert a SIM-card into the phone, turn it on and you can immediately use cellular services.
Unfortunately, automatic SIM activation does not always happen. We do not know what exactly may cause the lack of automatic activation of the number, but you definitely should not worry about this. You can independently activate the MTS SIM card. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go to the nearest MTS office, everything you need can be done remotely (except in rare cases).

You can activate the MTS SIM card in one of the following ways:

  1. Install a new SIM card in the phone and immediately after starting dial the command * 111 # ... After a while, you can use the number as usual;
  2. Call the Help Center. You can call the MTS operator at 0890 ;
  3. Contact any MTS office and ask to activate your SIM card. Be prepared for the employee to ask for your passport.

We have given the ways to activate the SIM card in the sequence that should be followed. That is, if after entering the USSD command the number is not activated, try it. If you can't get through to a call center specialist, contact the MTS office. Experts will certainly help you.

Why the MTS SIM card does not work

As mentioned earlier, usually the activation of the SIM card occurs automatically. If this does not happen, you need to use one of the above methods, and a trip to the office can be attributed to an extreme case. As a rule, it is enough just to dial * 111 # , well, or call the operator. If both of these methods did not activate the SIM card, then there may be some problems with the SIM card. To fix the problem, you need to find the cause of the problem.

The SIM card may not work for the following reasons:

  • A lot of time has passed since buying a SIM card;
  • The SIM card has been damaged;
  • An attempt to activate the MTS SIM card occurs in an area where there is no network;
  • The phone itself is defective.

These are the most common reasons why a SIM card may not work. Of course, there may be another reason. Finding out the exact reason is most often possible when visiting the office. By the way, here you can replace your SIM card for free, while keeping the same number. We also advise you to pay attention to the presence of a network, often this is the problem. Therefore, before activating the MTS SIM card, make sure that you are within the network coverage area. Again, if everything is in order with the connection, but you cannot activate the SIM card, take your passport and go to the nearest MTS communication salon. Even new SIM-cards are faulty and they can be changed without problems, of course, except for those cases when the SIM was purchased in the transition without registration.

How to activate the MTS SIM card on the modem

In rare cases, the SIM card and modem are purchased separately. As a rule, when buying a modem, the subscriber is provided with a SIM card for free. Although, for certain reasons, the subscriber can buy a SIM card separately. However, when activating a SIM-card from a modem, it doesn't matter at all whether you purchased it separately or as a set. To start using the Internet, you just need to follow a simple procedure. Rather, you just need to connect to the Internet and the number will be activated automatically. If this does not happen, use the instructions below.

To activate the MTS SIM card from the modem, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the modem to your laptop;
  2. Open any browser and follow the link ();
  3. After clicking on the specified link, the SIM card will be activated.

By the way, you can immediately register in personal account... The necessary instructions can be found on our website, in addition, there are tips on the registration page. If even after that the SIM card is not activated, take it along with the modem and go to the MTS communication salon.

In most cases, the cause of this situation is a hardware problem, that is, either the SIM card slot or the contacts on the card itself is damaged. This option can be excluded if the phone sees the SIM card, but it seems to be in flight mode. But in any case, besides when one of them is 3G, and the second is 4G, it is pointless to rearrange SIM cards in places.

What if the phone does not see the second SIM card?

If the problem is observed on a phone with two SIM (dual-SIM), then the reason for the breakdown may be that the SIM card is turned off. Such a function is present in them in case it is undesirable to use only one of the two SIM cards. In this case, just go to the settings and turn on the card you need. But sometimes it also happens that after turning on the SIM card still does not work and is displayed as being in flight mode. This can be easily fixed, just try to send any message to any number, but with this SIM card. If it is disabled, a system message will appear prompting you to enable it, after which the card's performance will be restored.

In some cases, when you try to turn on the SIM card, the phone freezes for a short time, and then closes the card activation window without activating it. This may mean that it is erased Phone IMEI... You can check this in the following way. In the standard "Phone" application, dial * # 06 #. A system message appears with a fifteen-digit number. This is your phone's IMEI. Compare it with what is written on the box or under the batteries. If these numbers do not match, then you will have to reflash your phone.

Simka does not work on a single-digit phone

If the above does not help, or if the phone is single-digit, then you should check the following:

Firstly, the contacts of the SIM card or the slot for it could become dusty or, on the contrary, fog up after being in a dusty room or in a room with high humidity. In this case, it is sufficient to wipe the contacts with alcohol. In no case should you use perfume or cologne for these purposes, as they contain oils in their composition, which can settle on the contacts, creating a film that prevents the passage of electrical signals.

Secondly, old SIM cards may simply be incompatible with new phone models, both for Android and iPhone. In this case, you will have to contact the nearest office of your telecom operator to reissue the SIM card.

If none of the above methods helped you, then you will have to take the phone to a service center for repair.

Everyone is accustomed to using the functions of the gadget in full force and it becomes unpleasant when something stops working normally in it. Let's say the phone does not see the sim cardAnd that's all, he is limited in the ability to call, write and use the Internet. The main thing in a situation is not to panic, but to find the cause of the problem in order to fix it faster.

Perhaps the iPhone does not see the SIM card due to the included flight mode. This function built into the phone by default, when activated, communications are disabled, as well as the Internet, bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Airplane mode can be turned on accidentally, so check it out. We turn off the function in the curtain that drops down from the top, and re-install the SIM card to connect between the card and the gadget.

Android does not see the SIM card due to incorrect settings

It happens that after buying a new gadget, the phone does not detect the SIM card. It's just that the card slot is not activated in the settings, to do this you need to go to the SIM-card manager and turn on the card. If the phone has two cards, and the phone does not see the second SIM card either, we do the same for this card.

What if the SIM card is turned on in the settings, but the phone still does not detect it. We do the following:

  1. We open the message and write an SMS (of any content).
  2. We send it, no matter to whom (sending must be done from a non-working card).
  3. The system itself will ask you to activate the SIM card.
  4. You must confirm the inclusion and everything is ready (the message will not be sent).

The smartphone does not see the SIM card due to damage

If you use a SIM card for a long time, it can be damaged and, as a result, the phone does not detect it. To check if it's really a SIM card, we insert it into any other phone and check if it works or not.

If the card does not work, you must go to service center operator of the card and change to a new SIM card while leaving phone number the same. SIM card replacement is fast, the service will be paid or not depends on the card operator.

The reason is the wrong IMEI

Each gadget has its own IMEI code, without which you cannot call. To check it, enter: * # 06 #, here we will be displayed. We check the correctness, when an error appears, you should install the code located on the packaging of the smartphone.

We configure it manually as follows:

  1. Look, Have it under the battery, in the instructions or on the box. If the phone uses two SIM cards, then two numbers are written there. We pull out the SIM card.
  2. Enter * # 3646633 # and click on the phone, after which the engineering menu should be displayed.
  3. Find and go to "CDS Information", then "Radio Information" and open "Phone 1".
  4. Introduce in command line AT space + and write EGMR \u003d 1.7, "IMEI".
  5. To confirm, click "SEND AT COMMAND".
  6. We do the same for the second SIM card.

To check the changes, enter * # 06 #.

Doesn't detect SIM card due to firmware or after update

The firmware may be of poor quality, so after the system update, not all phone functions work. To fix this, we return the phone to initial settings to download high-quality firmware and update the gadget.

The problem when the SIM card is not detected after the update can be solved in two ways:

  • We reflash the gadget through a computer or laptop.

  • We reset the gadget to standard settings.

If you do not know how to do it yourself, it is better to take the phone for repair or read a thematic article on our website.

The phone does not see the SIM card - other reasons

There are also a number of reasons due to which the SIM card is not detected, here are some of them:

  • water hit the slot, this can happen when it rains or if you accidentally drop the phone into the water;
  • phone promotions from mobile providers. The price for the phone is set less, but a certain operator (network) is imposed. In this case, the phone simply does not see SIM cards from other operators. We turn to specialists, they will remove the lock;
  • contacts on the card itself or in the slot may rust, you need to rub it with an eraser;
  • the contacts are not in good contact with each other. Sometimes it helps just to get out and put back the SIM card. In difficult cases, you will have to adjust the map footprint.

Here are most of the reasons and ways to solve them, which can help in 70-80% of cases. If you yourself did not manage to deal with this situation, you should contact a specialist, sometimes you cannot do without it.

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Has anyone at least once, while standing in a communications salon, listened to a drop dead story about demagnetizing a SIM card? I listened twice.

For the first time the five-year-old megaphone SIM-card failed, once it just stopped showing the network. The consultant said by rote: “you have a map demagnetized"- and made a new one in a couple of seconds. By the way, they didn't take money.

This is not an exclusive "feature" of the green operator, just recently MTS gave me a new SIM-card, which did not even turn on. The diagnosis was the same, a piece of plastic was replaced and wished all the best.

Of course, one can refer to the incompetence of regional employees, but just the other day a tweet appeared in the official Megafon account:

But now there will be a sensation and a breakdown of the covers: SIM cards are not demagnetized! Never. That's absolutely.

For those who have always known about this, respect, shake hands. But a small poll on the feed of friends showed that the majority have never thought about this "phenomenon." But quite often they ask for money to replace a SIM-card. The amounts, of course, are small, something about 100-200 rubles, although, in most cases, the card can be restored with your own hands.

But first things first:

There is nothing to demagnetize!

In fact, a SIM card is one of the varieties of processor " smart cards»Which differ depending on the supported mobile communication system. Further we will focus on SIM-cards operating in our GSM networks.

To date, there are four standard sizes of SIM-cards:

  1. Full-size (1FF), the size of a bank card;
  2. Mini-SIM (2FF), the usual big SIM;
  3. Micro-SIM (3FF), the ones found in the iPhone 4;
  4. Nano-SIM (4FF), thin SIM cards that are now in most smartphones.

When you buy a card now, you get a microcircuit on a universal piece of plastic that meets all these standards. And whatever the shape of the SIM-cards, they have one thing in common: they are real miniature computer... In a small chip with six contacts (before there were eight), almost the same components fit as in a regular system unit... The SIM card contains:

  • Processor (CPU);
  • Random access memory (RAM);
  • Permanent memory (ROM);
  • I / O controller;
  • File system.

Of course, there is no battery or some kind of human interface, they are simply not needed. But the small SIM card has its own operating system, which allows you to store data vital for the phone, user files (contacts, SMSs) and even Java applications.

Due to the desire to reduce the cost of components, operators release cards with a minimum of memory, but technically, you can place on SIM cards gigabytes of information... Of course, no one needs it, there are no terminals operating in this mode, and it is easier to operate with a large amount of data via USB.

Do you understand now? This is a board with contacts. There are no magnetized elements here. The principle of data recording has nothing to do with magnetism. Accordingly, there is nothing to demagnetize.

What causes the phone to lose the network?

Usually due to wear and tear. You seem to think: "why break here?" - but in fact, a SIM card, like any other electronics, can spoil:

🔨 Mechanical damage

Here the spectrum is wide: from the banal displacement of the SIM-card in the slot, to cracks and bent contact "mustaches". Her contacts could wear off from frequent replacement. Most of the damage is fatal to the microcircuit, which makes it impossible to use the card for its intended purpose.

💦 Corrosion or contamination

Metal tracks in motherboards subject to oxidation. But, in the case of a SIM card, the reason may be not water ingress or accumulated condensation. Remember how you usually change your SIM card - rarely does anyone hesitate to touch it by the contact pad. And greasy fingerprints are also corrosive.

⚡ Static stress

The discharge of static electricity is fatal to most electrical components. You may be lucky squared, and the tension comes from friction in your pocket. Such cases are rare, but this outcome should not be dismissed.

💭 Limited memory resource

Even sophisticated modern SSDs are designed to a certain amount of rewrite cycles. The resource of SIM cards is also not unlimited, so be prepared to replace your SIM card in a few years, when it finally runs out.

How do I recover my SIM card?

If the card breaks down, catches a static discharge, or it runs out of resources - alas, nothing can be done. Moreover, the numbers and SMS stored on this chip cannot be restored. You will simply be transferred to a fresh, empty SIM card. But in most cases, the problem lies in contact. Here's what you can do:

✏ Clean the contact pad

Dirt and small oxides can be easily cleaned with an ordinary stationery eraser. It quickly removes the formed film or dirt, the main thing is not to brush the crumbs from the gum with your hands. For reliability, you can wipe the contacts with alcohol.

🔍 Check receiver contacts

Perhaps the small chip is not to blame, and the socket itself is damaged in your phone. Contacts could be bent or jammed due to careless use. Alternatively, bend these "antennae" or put a piece of paper, but only if there is free access to the tray. In modern side-loading smartphones, SIM card slots are soldered into multilayer boards, and such handicraft can turn a tube into a brick.

📲 Transfer the card to another phone. And vice versa

Such an elementary test will immediately reveal the “guilty one”. Just swap SIM-cards with another phone and see whose device is working.

Why all this?

If your phone does not see the SIM card, then first of all you need to try to rewind the events related to the phone in your head in the reverse order. It is worth paying attention to the possible causes of the problem with the SIM card. If the phone stops seeing the map after a fall, then firmware and software updates will obviously not help. In the case when it happened without external influences, the reason may lie both in the deceased SIM card, and in bugs operating system... Let's understand everything in order.

No contact in the SIM card slot

Seeing on the screen the inscription "no SIM card" or "SIM card not inserted" on the smartphone screen, the first step is to try to remove and insert the SIM card back. Perhaps the reason is simply that the contact in the SIM card slot has disappeared. This phenomenon is more common when using micro sim or nano sim through an adapter.

When extracting, you should look at the cleanliness of the contacts of both the SIM card itself and the slot. Some debris may have gotten into the slot, which interferes with the correct positioning of the card or prevents contact. Therefore, it should be well blown into it. You can use a vacuum cleaner for a closed slot, but a mouth will work too.

If there is dirt on the contacts of the card itself, it is usually enough to rub it on a cloth, preferably a rough one, for example, on jeans. Also, the school eraser for erasing pens will perfectly cope with the task. Although if you have poorly erased marks on the contacts, then water has probably got into the slot.

It also happens that the contact of the sim card in the slot is lost due to insufficient pressure. In this case, it will help to lay a piece of paper folded several times, which should be positioned in such a way that, when closing the phone cover, it squeezes the SIM card through the piece of paper.

Died SIM card

The problem may lie in the SIM card itself. It doesn't matter your phone does not see the SIM card of Beeline, MTS or someone else. The SIM card has a limited validity period and it could simply expire. Well, or Simka was tired and died earlier than the deadline for her. In any case, the second step of verification should be the verification of the SIM itself.

To check, we stick our SIM card into a friend's phone, and his SIM card into ours. I think everything is clear here and without me it is clear. If a friend is not at hand, then you should go to the nearest office of your cellular company. There they will check you and, if necessary, replace you.

Iron problems

If your phone does not see the SIM card, and the other phone sees it and poking the SIM card into the slot no longer helps, the problem probably lies in the hardware of the phone. For example, in a slot, as I had:

As you can see, one of the contacts fell off, which was holding on to its last gasp and finally tired after the phone fell to the tiled floor.

With the open design of the SIM card slot, you should carefully examine the slot for the presence of all contacts. It is also worth carefully examining the components around it. For a closed design, you can try to disassemble the phone and get to the slot. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust the matter to a knowledgeable person.

If there is a darkening like soot around any part, then it burned out. Chips and cracks on the cases of microcircuits also occur, indicating their death. But often the problem is subtle. There are microcircuits, popularly called "glass" or "glass". Often this is not even a microcircuit, but a diode assembly in a glass case, but this is not important. The problem is that the contents of the glass are not soldered, but pressed against, and with strong mechanical impact, the contact can move out and disappear. In this case, only a replacement.

In some phone models, the slot is located or connected on a loop and you can replace it yourself with a new one. But in most cases, the slot is soldered directly to the board. In this case, it will not be possible to replace it at home and you will have to go to the service center.

In addition to the slot, the problem may lie in the electronics. For example, problems in the communication module. Such things cannot be determined without special equipment.

Software part

There is a chance that after the firmware or software update the phone will stop seeing the SIM card. Possible reasons there are several:

  • Crooked village update, for example, not installed any desired fileHave to reflash.
  • Software incompatibility with the hardware of your phone, especially when it comes to third-party firmware, for example Сinogen Mod and others. Sad but have to try another version of the sewing.
  • Errors in program code or in assembly files. There are copyright firmware collected by individuals. More often, such firmware is collected under specific model specific manufacturer. ...

Very often when updating or flashing old version files and applications are not deleted. Instead of this a new version files is installed on top. In this case, old mistakes migrate to new firmware and create additional problems. Therefore, when flashing, it is necessary to produce full formatting devices

Hope this article helped identify the cause and resolve the issue. If you still have questions, you can find the answer to them in the video: i look forward to your comments.

The article was written exclusively for the site