Find out the stolen phone or not by imei. How to identify a stolen mobile phone. How to pick up your stolen phone

Losing a mobile phone, we lose contact with our environment, partners, friends and colleagues. Despite the fact that the phone has ceased to be something out of the ordinary, there are no fewer cases of theft. Therefore, the risk that someone will "cut off" your faithful assistant is quite high - especially if you yawn and do not look around. How to find a stolen phone? There are quite a few ways to search, which we'll cover in our review.

Search through the police

If you are sure that you lost your phone in a certain place (for example, in a cafe), you can try to file a report with the police. It is likely that your application will still be accepted. If you have lost the phone in some uncertain place, then you will still be refused to accept the application. It must be said that the police are reluctant to search for stolen phones, despite the fact that they have all the necessary tools for this.

The police will be able to find the stolen phone through inquiries to cellular operators. When registering in the network, each handset transmits its IMEI to the operator... At the request of the police, the operator will give an answer, which will indicate whose SIM card is currently in the stolen device. Further investigation will be carried out with the owner of the SIM-card, even if he is not related to theft and does not have this phone in his hands at all.

Stolen phones are sold by fraudsters to ordinary people who may not be involved in this crime. The likelihood that the search will come to a standstill is quite high. Therefore, you should not consider contacting the police as a panacea - the police are extremely reluctant to take on such things.

Search by IMEI

Phone stolen - how to find it by IMEI yourself? Here we have to disappoint you - there are no tools for an independent search for stolen phones by IMEI. Many people believe that there are services on the Internet that can show a stolen device on a map.

But in fact, such services do not exist, since location information mobile devices operators in third party services not passed... If you find such a service on the Internet, then you can safely question its functionality - this is just a tool for fraudulently pulling money.

If your phone was stolen, then only law enforcement agencies can find it by IMEI. But we have already told you that the police very rarely undertake the disclosure of such crimes - they need efficiency, which in such cases does not appear.

Other search methods

If your phone is stolen, can you find it? There is always a chance of finding a stolen device. What can be done?

  • Hang up paper notices in the area of \u200b\u200bloss about the search for the phone and its return for a fee;
  • Find a phone through geolocation services (must be pre-configured);
  • Try to call your own number and ask to return the handset for a fee.

The methods are not the most effective, but it's worth trying - what if something of this really works? In fact, the chances of finding a stolen phone are extremely low.... Pickpockets act quickly, and stolen equipment is sold for pennies to buyers and individuals. By the way, it is for this reason that the police do not undertake a full-fledged search - it is very difficult and labor-intensive.

Precautionary measures

So that you do not wonder if a stolen phone can be found, we recommend that you protect yourself and your data from theft. For example, you can set up geolocation on your phone - if the phone suddenly disappears, you can find its location using the web interface of the selected geolocation service.

Also many tools are provided to remotely block stolen pipes - they are blocked via SMS commands and via the Internet. That is, if you cannot return the phone, then you can at least block its operation.

In the operating room android system there is a basic remote locking feature. But this feature must be configured in advance - go to "Settings - Security - Device Administrators" and put a checkmark "Remote control". If the phone is stolen, go to the Google service page “Remote android control"And block access. Also, here you can remotely erase the contents of the smartphone - useful for eliminating confidential information.

Even if you are one hundred percent sure that the phone is stolen, it will still help you. Perhaps it just lies somewhere nearby, maybe a kind stranger found your phone and wants to return it, or maybe you just left it in a store or cafe.

Also, find out if someone close to you uses apps that track your movement. For example, or a second half. Many programs allow you to specify exact coordinates. Finding a phone in this case is much easier.

Collect all the information that will help prove that this is your phone. This could be your warranty card and other documentation that was given to you.

Report the theft to the police. To do this, you just need to draw up a statement. It's good if you already have approximate coordinates and know the IMEI code.

If you cannot find your stolen phone, contact your mobile operatorto block the account and restore the SIM card. Remember that a lock will prevent the operator from contacting the phone.

For iPhone owners

Owners of iPhone and Android smartphones (Samsung, HTC, etc.) are lucky because they find it much easier to find. In some models it is not even possible to replace the SIM card

If you have an iPhone, go to your account to iCloud using a computer or other apple devices... Click on the "Find My iPhone" button (for owners of the English version: "Find My iPhone") with the radar image.

Then, in the window that appears, click on the information icon. It is located on the black location bar. After that, you will have the opportunity to lock the phone, erase data from it, send a message or just play a melody.

If you managed to find the coordinates yourself, do not try to pick up the phone yourself. This way you can avoid hassles and unnecessary litigation.

If you were able to find your phone, and it is in an unknown place, then it is better to completely block it. This fact completely eliminates the chance of your iPhone being picked up or by relatives. If the phone is not locked, the thief can simply disable the location function.

For Android owners

Android owners have only one advantage over the owners of simple mobile phones - a package of special applications. Such programs are designed specifically to deal with theft.

The advantage is that if you own the data from your account, you can install the application from another device. Go to Play Market, go to yours and select the required application. Then allow access and click the install button. If you manage to do everything correctly, Gmail will receive the required coordinates.

This step-by-step checklist is designed to help you increase your chances of getting your property back. The list is not exhaustive, but it is the minimum that is recommended for everyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.

Advice one: think over a plan of action

At the moment when the harsh reality slips an empty pocket instead of a phone lying in its place, each of us has completely different strategies of behavior. Some are sad in the future, inform their relatives and friends about the incident, buy new phone and continue to promise themselves to be more careful. Perhaps such people should just finish reading the article at the first advice. Others are making efforts to recover the stolen goods. It takes a lot of time and effort, absolutely no guarantees. But, at least, it is usually possible to block an attacker from accessing the SIM card or even the phone.

If you decide to enter into a duel with your dexterous opponent (after all, this is so interesting), pull yourself together and start acting right now, so as not to give the offender an advantage in time. The faster you react, the higher the chances of a successful outcome.

Tip two: look around

If you are in a crowded place, if a theft is detected, look around your neighbors suspiciously (for example, in a minibus or a store): suddenly, someone will give himself away by an involuntary movement. Then try to call your number by asking a friend, fellow traveler or passer-by for a "receiver". If the kidnapper did not manage to hide, you will hear a familiar melody. If you have a vibration alert instead of a call, you will have to strain your hearing a little more. There is a chance that you will hear the phone beeping in your own bag and calm down.

Tip three: notify the police quickly

If you are robbed in a dark alley, at a train station, beach or other similar place, immediately contact the nearest police station so that the patrol officers on duty will try to comb the area in hot pursuit. It is far from a fact that law enforcement officers will eagerly rush to help you, but there are times when the police know in the area of \u200b\u200b"dark personalities" with whom you need to talk.

True, when on a city beach in Anapa my bag was stolen along with a phone and other goodness, the police in the nearest booth sadly gave statistics: they steal, they say, every day, they rarely find. And ended the audience exclusively useful advice: inspect the nearest trash cans, maybe at least unnecessary things were thrown there.

Tip four: lock your SIM card, but not right away

You shouldn't block the SIM card right away. If the kidnapper, inadvertently, makes calls from your phone in the first minutes of the theft, later this will make it easier for the police to detect him. Contact your operator with a request to deactivate the service of the SIM card a little later, an hour or two after the theft. It is worth reacting instantly, perhaps, only to contract subscribers or to those who have a large amount of money on their account.

Tip five: written statement

Take the written statement to the police as soon as possible. This is necessary if only because the operator cellular communication will reveal the position of the mobile phone only at the request of the police.

It is important that the application should be made not at the place of residence, but at the place of theft. The application form is free, but important details must be taken into account. In order to initiate a criminal case, it should be indicated that the phone was stolen, and not simply “missing”. Give your full name, contact information, details of the place and time of the theft, information about your phone. In theory, any police officer must accept the application.

Sixth tip: know your IMEI

In the application, among other characteristics of the phone, be sure to indicate the IMEI (“have”) of the stolen device. The only catch to the advice is that few users know about the existence of IMEI. Even fewer subscribers know the IMEI of their own phone.

IMEI is your phone's “fingerprint”, a unique 15-digit number that contains information about your device. Using the code, you can track the movement of the device in the GSM space and calculate its location. Service providers, knowing the IMEI code, can block a stolen phone at the level of their network.

IMEI, as a rule, is indicated in four places: "inside" the phone, outside under the battery, on the packaging from the phone and in the warranty card. If you do not know the IMEI code of your phone yet, dial * # 06 # on the screen and enter the received digits into notebook.

In many European countries, the method of finding a phone by IMEI code is used as the main one. In Russia, the situation with this method of "calculating" the kidnapper is somewhat more complicated. Legally, the operator can provide information about the movements by the IMEI code only after the police request, which greatly delays the case. In addition, especially dodgy attackers can replace the old IMEI device with a new one, after which it becomes almost impossible to find the phone.

Tip seven: write down the application number

After submitting your application, find out the number under which it is registered in a special journal. Otherwise, it, just like your phone, will disappear without a trace. By the number of the application, you can find out the name of the investigator who took up such a "hopeless case" and track the fate of the document.

Tip eight: don't be complacent

Be persistent and keep curious about the fate of the investigation and your phone. It is advisable to establish contacts with the police - then the chances of a successful outcome will increase several times. At your leisure, take a walk through familiar places where bought or stolen goods are sold. Suddenly, among the lost gadgets, you will see the one, the one and only.

Tip nine: if you do find ...

After finding the phone, call your operator and share the extremely good news: you are back in touch. You can also thank the police officers for a successful search operation.

Tip ten: know that you are great

If you can't find your mobile, congratulate yourself on the fact that you fought to the last and did everything you could. There are projects on the Internet that unite people whose phones have been stolen. In such communities, you can honorably “bury” your device by indicating the brand, city, date of loss on the website and adding a comment wishing the kidnapper health.

When your phone is stolen or if it will be stolen at all, it is even more difficult to predict than when your mobile battery runs out. If such a nuisance does happen - your phone will fall into the mysterious "Bermuda Triangle" - remember that no one but you is interested in returning it. You can be sad and buy yourself a new phone, or you can embark on a search for the lost gadget and, with a fortunate coincidence, succeed. The month after the theft is the period when the return of the phone remains a real thing.

Phone stolen - what to do in the event of this trouble, not everyone can figure out quickly and in a timely manner, as circumstances require. If phone is stolen - what to do, this article will tell you.

What can you do if your phone is missing?

Universal telephony has swept the entire planet in the last decade. Currently, not only business people have mobile communications, but also pensioners, schoolchildren, and the working class - in any country anywhere in the world.

Manufacturers improve their products every year, so a cell phone can cost a mere penny or quite a significant amount. The more expensive technical device, the more offensive and costly it is to discover its loss. Moreover, "dashing" people do not sleep and do not miss the opportunity to profit at someone else's expense.

What to do if your phone is missing? All options for action can be conditionally divided into household, technical and legislative methods of finding a telephone set. We will tell you more about each of them.

Household cell search methods

The so-called everyday ways to find your phone include those actions that a person is able to take on his own before the arrival of the police.

Don't know your rights?

So, if you find your phone is missing:

  1. It is worth checking the pockets and bags again, perhaps the phone just fell over somewhere.
  2. You can call your number from another person's phone. If we are talking about pickpocketing, for example, in transport, the likelihood of finding your belongings with immediate action is very high.
  3. You can send a message from another phone asking for a refund of the cell phone. Sometimes this method helps, especially if the prize money is attractive.

Technical methods to find the phone

Technical assistance for finding a mobile phone includes:

  1. Social media post. The action is similar to sending an SMS about the return of a thing for a reward, with the difference that if the phone has any individual differences, then the caring people who saw it can report where and when it was.
  2. Appeal to mobile operator with a request to block the SIM card. This should be done after a while. If an attacker makes calls from a stolen phone, it can help the police find it. But you shouldn't wait too long, so as not to incur even greater material costs in the form of debt on your mobile account. Periodic checking of the account through the Internet account will help to keep the balance. As a rule, criminals try to pronounce the money on the account to zero.
  3. Determining the IMEI of your phone. Knowing this digital code, you can greatly facilitate the task of police search. 15 digits IMEI can be found under rechargeable battery or on the packaging and in the warranty card. In addition, you can find out the IMEI by dialing * # 06 #. The numbers displayed on the screen should be recorded. Another option to find out the IMEI is to order the details of telephone conversations - telecom operators indicate the identification number of the phone in which the SIM card was installed.

If none of the above in finding a cellular device helped, you need to contact the police for help.

Contacting law enforcement agencies

If a robbery was committed, that is, the attacker literally snatched the phone out of his hands and ran away, you can turn to alongside the patrol service. Hot on the heels, knowing the description of the offender and driving through the area, they can discover the stolen thing.

In another case, you need to contact the police department at the place of the theft and write a statement about the missing phone. The police do not really like such appeals, since the search can take a lot of time and human resources, and they will do their best to dissuade them from reporting an offense. Do not give in. The telephone has a significant cost, so it is in the victim's interest to insist on accepting the application.

An important point is that it is necessary to talk about the theft of the phone, since in case of a simple loss, the police will not even talk to you.

The application must be registered in a special journal, and the victim received a notification coupon, which will indicate the date of receipt of the application and the number under which it was registered. It is very important to receive a notification coupon, because otherwise the statement about theft of a cell phone can disappear as well as the phone itself.

If such a nuisance happened to you, and was phone is stolen - what to do, now you know. Do not give up and be attentive to your things.

For many people, a cell phone becomes a storehouse of personal data, important information and just a gadget that is used every day. Sometimes, through carelessness, a person can lose it or an intruder can steal it. In such cases, you should know how to find your phone, what you need to do in advance with your phone.

How to find your phone if it's turned off

This is the most unpleasant situation that can happen if your mobile is stolen. The intruders immediately remove the SIM card and turn off the device. This greatly reduces the list of ways to get your mobile back. If you managed to turn off your cell phone, then you have only one way to find the switched off phone - contact the law enforcement agencies. To do this, you need:

  1. Find a box from the device, a receipt from the store, take a passport.
  2. Come to the police station with your passport, write a statement.
  3. To identify the phone, you should write the IMEI code, which is unique for each specific phone.
  4. Wait for the civil service to fulfill its responsibilities.

The number of mobile phone thefts has dropped dramatically since devices have become more affordable price, but there are still many facts of theft. The police will try to find a cell phone through the operator, but they are rarely found. It is necessary to mentally prepare for the fact that you will have to purchase a new cell phone. The situation is completely different if you lost your phone, it sat down and turned off, but the card remained inside. The provider will be able to determine the location of the device and the gadget will be returned to you.

How to find a phone by IMEI

This code is the unique serial identifier for the devices. You can find it on the box of the device or under the smartphone battery. Consists of 15 digits, if necessary, a special command can display it on the phone screen. It is recommended after purchase to write down the IMEI somewhere in a notebook or on a warranty card / check. If you go to the police, you will need this code.

Law enforcement agencies make a request to the court for permission to require the operator to find the phone by IMEI. All smartphones run on one of the operating systems ( Windows Phone, Adnroid, iOS), making it a mini PC. With the help of satellites, a telecom operator can find a stolen cell using the IMEI code, only a provider can do this. For this, there must be a court order with a request for this operation.

There are sites on the network that offer to track your device using the IMEI code. Third-party resources do not have this opportunity if, after entering the data, you are asked to send an SMS - this is an attempt to defraud money. Code databases are stored only by the operator, in open access there is none of them. You can only enter the IMEI of your stolen smartphone, other users can then check if they are offered to buy a stolen phone.

How to find a phone by phone number

When buying a package from a company, every person in Russia concludes an agreement and, as a rule, there is only one SIM card in use from the company. Unfortunately, it is not possible to search for a phone by card number. Only a telecom operator has such technologies and capabilities, but it will not do this at your personal request. The point is not laziness, but the high cost of the procedure, it is not standard and requires human and technical resources. This only makes sense when looking for limited edition or high cost smartphones.

On the Internet, you can find resources that offer to determine the location of a lost smartphone for free if it was stolen. This is another myth; third-party sites do not have such features. The exception is the official resources from the manufacturers of Samsung, iPhone, which link an account to the device and search through a satellite channel (GPS), if enabled.

How to find a lost Android phone through a computer

Many portable gadgets are based on the Android operating system. It is absolutely free and very popular, so developers are actively creating applications and programs based on this OS. Every smartphone owner can find an Android device using special utilities. The only drawback is that applications should be installed in advance, but most remember this when their cell phone has already been stolen or lost. You should install yourself from the official store Google play... Here are some popular options:

  1. Lost Android. After enabling the utility, it needs to be granted administrative rights. To search through the app, you must have a Google account linked to your cell phone.
  2. Wheres My Droid. This utility will already search for the device through the dedicated "Commander" site. You should also register on it, and log into your account from your mobile.

Finding a phone through a Google account from a computer

One of the easiest ways to find a stolen phone is through google service. operating system Android belongs to this company, so all OS devices have good compatibility with the system. This does not mean that you cannot find the phone through a Google account on iOS or Windows. To search for a mobile phone that has been stolen or lost, you need to create an account in the system.

Next, you need to go from the settings to the "Accounts" section, click there a line called "Google" and log in. For all owners of devices with Android version 5 and higher, nothing else needs to be done. The system will automatically open access for remote control... All other devices need to go to the "Administrators" section and activate the ability to access the device through a computer. After that, you will be able to do the following from your Google account:

  • turn on the signal at full volume to find a lost or stolen device, if it is nearby;
  • you can lock the device and set a message on the screen with a request to return for a fee;
  • it is possible to turn on the search, the address where the cell was last detected will be displayed on the map;
  • completely erase all data from the device online using a computer.