The most fashionable social network. We do not know everything: what social networks exist on the Internet. SoundCloud as a music paradise

Communication on social networks has long become commonplace for modern Internet users. On the vastness of the global web, people solve many issues, share their experiences, demonstrate joyful moments, follow the events taking place in the lives of relatives and friends. This demand for social networks has not gone unnoticed by software developers. It is not surprising, because everyone wants to promote their product, get a decent profit and universal recognition.

We present the rating of the most popular social networks that have a large audience of users in the world for 2017. In the ranking, I refer mainly to the statistics, which tracks sites such as: Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, StumbleUpon, YouTube, Twitter, reddit, Digg, MySpace, NowPublic, iWiW, orkut, Fark, Delicious, VKontakte, Hi5, Yahoo! Buzz, Vimeo, Mixx, FriendFeed, Hyves, Bebo, Tuenti, Kaboodle, Odnoklassniki. To learn more about their methodology, go to.

Since some sites (for example, Odnoklassniki), taking into account their methodology, do not fall into the charts, the article will also use statistics for the Runet Attention! Their statistics vary greatly. This is due to a different methodology. The former measure social media usage based on page views (not unique visitors).

The second graph shows the numbers as of June 2017:

We see that the Vkontakte indicator has dropped significantly. Interestingly, according to these statistics, Twitter took its place. See how the statistics have changed over the year.


TOP popular social platforms in Russia

As of June 2017:

According to, the methodology of which is different, the popularity figures as a percentage are:

The most popular social networks in Belarus

There are also two leaders in Belarus: Vkontakte and Facebook.

Moreover, at the end of the year, VK lost to FB and they switched places.

Social web popularity statistics in Kazakhstan

Most of Kazakhstan's users spend their time on Facebook:

Moreover, Vkontakte here also lost a little position at the end of the year:

Kazakh Internet users are consistently loyal to the video aggregator Youtube.

Figures and trends in the world

The irreplaceable leader of the world in statistics is Facebook again:

Pinterst ranks second and has been actively gaining popularity, primarily due to its new opportunity.

Twitter is positively stable as always. Although his news feed much more attractive now.

According to the table, the number of network users around the world per month is:

Social network Monthly Visitors
Facebook 2,000,000,000
Youtube 1,000,000,000
Instagram 700,000,000
Twitter 313,000,000
Reddit 250,000,000
Vine (In January 2017, The Vine became the Vine Camera) 200,000,000
Pinterest 150,000,000 160,000,000
Tumblr 115,000,000
Flickr 112,000,000
Google+ 111,000,000
LinkedIn 106,000,000
VK 90,000,000
ClassMates 57,000,000
Meetup 30,300,000

As you can see, the leaders have a big lead.


Almost 2 billion monthly visitors.

The social network, founded by a young businessman Mark Zuckerberg, is confidently leading among similar services. Every month, about two billion people from different parts of the world use this resource for various purposes. Such demand among the world's population obliges Facebook to adapt to each user. Therefore, today there are more than 60 language versions of this web resource so that people from different countries have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Despite all the vicissitudes and financial crises, Facebook is successfully developing, attracting an increasing number of subscribers. And the founder of the Internet network, taking advantage of the growing popularity of his brainchild, does not get tired of donating the received funds to charity, thereby winning the love of Internet users even more.


(more than 300 million visits per month)

Interest in Twitter is due to its ease of use this service, as well as the speed of displaying messages. There is nothing easier than registering on the social network page and immediately get into the thick of things, find out last news, share your opinion with other people, etc. Twitter was founded two years later than Facebook, but it is already confidently breathing in the back of the recognized leader. This social network is popular in many countries of the world, not only in the vastness of the post-Soviet states, but also far beyond their borders.


(more than 100 million users per month)

This web-based system is especially in demand among businessmen. This love of entrepreneurs from all over the world can be explained quite simply: using this Internet resource, you can successfully promote your business, make useful contacts, look for employees in different parts of the world, and also receive orders from partners living far from themselves. Here you can easily post your resume or vacancy announcement, find companies whose job profile matches your interests, and much more.


(approximately 150,000,000 monthly)

In the ranking of world leaders under consideration, Pinterest takes a worthy position. Although, in terms of the number of users, Pinterest is 7 in the table, it is quickly gaining popularity. And most likely, residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries will soon include this social network in the leading list, since it has sufficient potential.


700 million visitors visit Instagram every month.

The Instagram resource gained popularity thanks to the thoughtful management of the Facebook owners. It was they who bought the rights to this social. Network and brought it to the favorites.

In addition to those already mentioned, I would like to pay special attention to other social services that are included in some of the lists of the most popular social networks. It is about the web resource Youtube (one billion registered users), which ranks second. In addition, it is worth mentioning VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, one of the most popular communication platforms used by residents of the CIS countries. Now Ukraine is no longer included in their list, since the mentioned social networks are blocked on the territory of the state by providers, such a decree was signed by the President of the country.

It is also worth mentioning Viber, WhatsApps, Telegram and other social resources that are present in various ratings.

A large selection of all kinds of social networks makes their owners constantly evolve, and users only benefit from such rivalry. The main thing is that the competition is fair and healthy, using only open (and legal) methods of fighting for a place in the sun. And consumers will decide for themselves which social network they prefer.

Today people communicate more and more in the virtual space. Internet and mobile devices allow you to do this almost anywhere. The most popular social networks play the role of a kind of bridge between huge distances and at the same time a small state, each of which has its own rules.

Today people communicate more and more on social networks.

The concept of a social network itself has already become rather vague, since many of those virtual platforms that are called by this name are messengers, video streamers, video hosting, photo hosting. Nevertheless, all these communities are recognized as social networks.

List of the most popular Russian social media networks differs from the similar world. Mainly on the first two lines:

  1. In contact with
  2. Facebook
  3. Skype
  4. Google +
  5. Viber
  6. Facebook Messenger

We have such a list for 2016.

VK has traditionally been the leader among all other social networks in Russia and many CIS countries for many years. In October last year, the contact was already ten years old, and it remains practically a monopoly in the field of online communication among Russians. The average daily audience is about 64 million visitors.

Every year and mobile app, and the web version gets new features that are present in other social networks. One of these was the emergence of "Stories", with the help of which you can tell friends and subscribers about your life on video or photographs. In addition, there appeared money transfers and well-known to many voice messages. is the fifth most popular Russian site. Classmates are constantly stepping on the heels of Contact: 51 million users per day - but nevertheless, they can never catch up with it.

This year in the social. networks appeared broadcasts from groups, money transfers, the application "OK video". Classmates also try to provide users with the maximum number of communication opportunities. It is worth noting that both sites, VK and Odnoklassniki, are owned by Mail.Ru Group.


Facebook ended up in third place largely thanks to the existence of its Russian counterpart, VKontakte. Since it is more convenient for us to use the brainchild of Pavel Durov, and many have much more friends there, 6 million Russians visit Facebook every day.


Skype cannot be called a full-fledged social. network, since it is still devoid of many of the functions inherent in the same VK. The main feature of Skype was and will be video calls. Yes, there are chats and the ability to add personal information, but most people use Skype for video or audio communication.

Despite the emergence of programs such as Viber, WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype has not lost its popularity. Perhaps because many are not yet accustomed to new substitutes for the old reliable program.

Google +

Google + is Google's failed attempt to create its own social. net. Unsuccessful because the popularity of Google + decreases every year. When there will be no users at all, it's a matter of time.

The most interesting thing is that Google + is already in fifth place. In other countries, in general, it is practically not quoted due to its low popularity.

The popular application is conquering the world by leaps and bounds. Today VatsAp is used by hundreds of millions of people around the world: the monthly audience is 1 billion. It is also quite popular among Russian users.


An analogue of VatsAp with similar functionality. However, it is more often used to make calls rather than exchange messages.

Viber is already starting to lose ground after the appearance of such popular means of communication or social media. networks like WhatsApp.

Instagram is in eighth place, while in the world it is constantly in the lead and is in the top five. It is a network that is used by a large number of young people. It became possible to finally consider it social after Direct appeared on Instagram - a chat with users.

Instagram is gradually beginning to outpace Twitter. Insta is all about sharing photos, Twitter is about short messages.

Twitter has become sufficiently entrenched in the post-Soviet space, but it is beginning to yield in popularity to Instagram, which is still gaining new users. The monthly audience is 7.7 million people.

On Twitter, the main feature is small notes about their lives that users share with each other. Naturally, the creators did not stop there and added many more different features there: chat, the ability to post videos and photos, likes and reposts - making Twitter a full-fledged social. network.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook messenger cannot be considered as a separate social network either. This is an application that allows you to chat with your friends.

However, despite this, Facebook Messenger ended up in the top ten most popular networks. The messenger has an arsenal of possibilities similar to Viber and WhatsApp.

How are things abroad?

  1. Facebook
  2. Facebook Messenger
  3. Wechat
  4. QZONE

YouTube is well known to the Russian user, but in the world it is ranked second, and as one of the most popular social networks. networks. The site has billions of videos viewed daily and has 1.3 billion accounts.

Well, perhaps in a few years YouTube will become just as popular with us. At the moment, the service mainly acts as a server for a huge number of videos, allowing users to create their own channels, comment on each other, put "likes" or "dislikes".

Tumblr appeared in Russia relatively recently and is just beginning to gain its popularity. While in the rest of the world, he is already in the top ten. Its monthly audience is 555 million people.

This network is mainly used by young people. In it you can exchange various multimedia content... At the same time, developers try to keep track of its uniqueness.

QQ and QZONE services are known primarily in Asia. This is a messenger and a social network, respectively. It is unlikely that you, by going to them, will find your friends there.

So, as you can see, in 2016 the lists of the most popular networks overlap somewhat. And even if they do not merge at all, it is clear that everywhere people follow the path of messengers and specialized applications in order to discard unnecessary things. Although the tops are still occupied by traditional social networks.

Social networks - the best way keep in touch with your friends and / or relatives, look for new acquaintances, exchange music, films, photos. It is the end of two thousand and sixteen, and now there are several hundred platforms designed to build social relations in the Internet. In this article, we'll take a look at a few of the world's most popular.

5 Tumblr

The number of users of Tumblr microblogging reaches two hundred and twenty million. This social network is very popular due to its simple interface, no restrictions on the content of posts and the ability to publish any image or video. Registration is optional to view records, but is required in case of publication. In many media, Tumblr is referred to as “ in the simplest way blog. ”

4 Vkontakte

The most popular social network in the territory former countries Soviet Union, fourth in the world, according to SimilarWeb. In conversations, it is most often referred to as VK. According to Wikipedia, there are about three hundred and eighty million accounts. Registration is free. A general social network, with the ability to find friends, read various public pages, listen to music, watch videos, etc.

3 Twitter

Microblogging network, but, unlike Tumblr, has limitations (it is possible to write posts only one hundred and forty characters long). Around the world, Twitter is used by about five hundred million people. Registration is required to use. According to statistics from the marketing research company Pear Analytics, forty-one percent of “tweets” (the name of posts on the network) are small talk, thirty-eight are conversations, nine are retweets (repeated messages), only four percent are news, and the rest is self-promotion and spam.

2 Google+

In second place in terms of the number of users - five hundred and forty million accounts. Registration is required. In the announcement of the emergence of the network, Google assured that the focus will be on users, privacy and live communication. The work of a social network is based on the so-called "circles", thanks to which a person regulates his communication. Users create their own "circle" (for example, "Relatives") and add there all the people who fit this category. There are similar details to blogs.

1 Facebook

According to all existing internet marketing companies, Facebook is the most popular network in the world. The number of users reaches one billion and seven hundred million. This social network allows you to create your profile with a photo and a detailed profile. On Facebook, there are many ways to communicate with each other, including chat, virtual wink and a wall where you can leave messages for other users.

First you will see a presentation with graphs and tables, and below I will add additional statistics that I managed to get. I admit that collecting information together on all social. networks in a particular country is quite difficult. Official sources are reluctant to share statistics, and statistical agencies use different methodologies for collecting information and calculations, so I did not interfere with the numbers regarding social. networks so as not to distort the overall picture. For this reason, several graphs in the presentation show similar information, but in my opinion they are still interesting. See and decide for yourself 🙂

By the way, if you need statistics around the world, then see this article:

Review of the most popular social media networks in Russia

Here I will give only brief information. See the presentation below for all details and numbers.

User survey data

  • This year, as in the past, the first places in the rating of social networks in terms of popularity among Russian users go to Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki... These sites are still confidently leading in Russia, and, according to an audience survey, 39% and 32% of respondents said that they have accounts in these social networks. networks and use them. A bit off topic, but I want to add that the average user already has as many as 7 social accounts. networks!
  • As for the giant of the global social community Facebook, it still remains in third place (24%), although it has added in growth rates compared to previous years.
  • In fourth place we have Skype... This, of course, is not a social network, but due to the unprecedented popularity of messaging services all over the world, such sites and applications are now included in official statistics, as they more and more draw users' attention to themselves.
  • Gradually dying social. net Google+ still remains on the list and occupies an honorable fifth place among the Russians. If we talk about world statistics, then Google+ does not participate at all in the ratings due to its low popularity.
  • 6 and 7 lines in the social chart networks got WhatsApp and Viber, accounts in which 15% of surveyed users have. Viber is still quite popular among Russian-speaking users, but at the global level it has lost a lot whatsApp application, which already has a monthly audience.
  • Next we have Instagram, which was placed on the 8th place in the list and is now ahead of Twitter... Interestingly, Instagram and Twitter compete very jealously for a global audience. Although Twitter does not want to admit it yet, Instagram has managed to shift it one position, both in the world and in Russia.
  • Closing our top ten is another brainchild of Facebook -. Whatever one may say, messengers continue to win the hearts of users who are already tired of informative assault on social. networks and try to communicate with friends in a more closed environment. This year, there are three messengers on the list. It will be very curious to see how the situation will change this 2016 ?! Will new players appear on the list? Wait and see! \u003d)

Age of social media users networks

This year we do not have data on Odnoklassniki and Instagram, therefore, in the first graph, only VK, Facebook, My World and Live Journal are considered. Based on these data, Vkontakte still boasts the youngest audience. This social. the largest number of users under 24 years old. Although, if we look at the statistics in detail, then Brand Analytics in their research did not calculate the audience of 12-17 years old for Facebook and LJ. For this reason, I have added an additional graph with a breakdown of the Facebook audience, where you can see that there is still a young audience (see slide 10), and the age group 20-29 is the most numerous (among Facebook users).

The very same adult social. the network turned out to be My World, the indicators of which are the highest for users 45+, in comparison with other social networks. networks.

Gender of social media users networks

I want to note right away that the gender of users is not the most accurate statistics, since the amount of accurate data varies for different social media. networks.

This year, as in the past, women are a little more active in social media. networks than men. In terms of the number of women, Instagram and My World are still in the lead - 75.7% and 60.3%, respectively. Interestingly, compared to last year, the female Instagram audience has grown by a few more percent. Apparently, our men will not like Instagram in any way 🙂 Judging by the numbers, LJ and Twitter are the most "male" social networks in Russia, where the male audience exceeds 50%: 56.4% and 50.6%, respectively.

In contact with


According to the statistics service LiveInternet for April 2016, the daily audience of the Odnoklassniki website is 46.9 million visitors (according to official OK data), and per month OK visit about 73 million users... Note that this is the general audience, and how many Russians are there for this figure is difficult to say, because social. the network is popular in other CIS countries as well.

Also according to the press service, as of December 2015, monthly mobile audience social network accounts for 64% of the total number of active users. According to comScore statistics as of November 2015, the average user spends 41 minutes a day on the site.

Throw in some more interesting data: Odnoklassniki is the second site in the Russian Internet in terms of video views (according to comScore), where about 300 million videos are viewed per day!

My world

According to a study for April 2016 conducted by the TNS agency (takes into account the entire population of Russia aged 12-64), the audience of the social network Moi Mir totals 16.1 million people per month.

Well, guys, that's all I wanted to tell you about the situation with social networks in Russia.

I wish you successful promotion!

Social networks are a type of online resource with the ability to join different groups by interests, discuss all sorts of links, videos, photos, etc. I don’t know people who haven’t heard of at least a couple of networks from the list below.

How did you hear about this site?
- I am a registered user.
- True? Do you do these things for singles?
- I'm a 32-year-old sysadmin who works in the basement. Yes, I do these things for singles.

Facebook has an audience of 750 million users in 200 countries. The service was born in 2004 as a site for communication of Harvard students, and what's next is a well-known story. Who has not seen Fincher's film, I strongly advise - informative and 3 Oscars anyway.

The founder of the service, Mark Zuckerberg, was included by Forbes in the list of the richest people in the world. Many independent programmers work inside the site, the programs they created brought the lion's share of the success

LiveJournal is a blog platform that brings together a wide variety of people, be it age, social status, religious beliefs, preferences, and so on.

In 1999, American programmer Brad Fitzpatrick registered the domain and created a giant virtual diary service. At first it was his personal blog site, then his friends and acquaintances began to unsubscribe there, and off we go. Fitzpatrick founded Danga Interactive; in 2005 the company was sold to the large corporation Six

Twitter is essentially a microblogging system where users can post short texts up to 140 characters using SMS, pagers, and a web interface. Twitter was founded in San Francisco in 2006 by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass and Biz Stone. IT specialists worked on an R&D project with Odeo.

In October 2006, they opened their own company, Obvious, through which Twitter and Odeo were managed. Previously, there was nothing like this, so immediately after entering the market, the number of users of the tweeting network began to grow very quickly. In April 2007, Twitter split from Obvious and became

Tom Anderson and Chris Devulf met at XDrive Technologies, which they left and formed their own firm, Response Base Marketing. The main challenge was to create a universal space for online activities. Initially, the guys focused on the interests of the creative part of users - photography, programming, music, cinema.

As of June 2006, the resource boasted 48 million unique visitors and 27.4 billion page views. Even the Pentagon decided to play on the popularity of MySpace: in the name of replenishing the ranks of the US armed forces, an official page of the American Marine Corps was created on the social portal, equipped with a "Contract

Google+ - social network google inc. In 2010, there was information about the development of a new social google networks Me, but it turned out to be a duck. In the spring of 2011, information about the social network Google Circles was leaked, but when it began its google work +, it became clear that Google Circles is its core.

The circles divide the social circle into separate subgroups. The number of photos and videos is not limited by anything other than size, the video duration is maximum 15 minutes at 1080p resolution. There are Video Meetings where users can set up a video chat (maximum 10

The brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov were inspired by Facebook and created Previously, Pavel did and Spbgu.Ru (by the way, he is still one of the largest communities for students in St. Petersburg and Moscow).

Due to the similarity of the interfaces, there was a lot of controversy about copyright, but for Vkontakte it was necessary to write your own code, look through the reference books of the Ministry of Education, university websites and do a hell of a lot of work. So honestly

Albert Popkov was on the team behind the social network. Since 2000, for his own money, he has developed a project similar to Classmates. This loud and at times scandalous network has gained an audience of 1.5 million users in Russia in 7 months.

The British company i-CD Publishing, a former employer of Popkov, accused of using Passado's ideas and other terrible sins. They also said that Odnoklassniki is a project of the FSB, so they follow people and collect dossiers in leather folders. Or whatever