What technology is not. Modern pedagogical technologies. Innovative social technologies

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: technique

Culturology. Dictionary-reference book


a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, shape of objects carried out in the process of producing certain products.

Forensic Encyclopedia


(from Greek techne - art, skill, skill and lygos - word, teaching)

a field of scientific knowledge that identifies and studies physical, chemical, mechanical and other laws in order to determine and use in practice the most effective and economical production processes. Scientific basis of technological expertise.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. and.
    1. :
      1. A scientific discipline that studies methods of processing materials, manufacturing products and the processes accompanying these types of work.
      2. A subject containing theoretical foundations of this science.
      3. decomposition A textbook setting out the content of a given academic subject.
    2. A set of techniques used in a. business, skill, art.

Ushakov's Dictionary


technology, technologies, pl. No, wives(from Greek techne - art and logos - teaching). A set of sciences, information about methods of processing this or that raw material into a manufactured product, in finished product. Metal technology. Chemical technology. Wood technology.

| The set of processes of such processing. Simple technology.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms


♦ (ENG technology)

(Greek technologia - systematic processing)

the introduction of techniques and processes, methods and procedures to transform the natural world into the human world in order to meet human needs and desires. In high-tech societies, moral and ethical components occupy an important place.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

TECHNOL ABOUT GIA, And, and. A set of production methods and processes in a particular branch of production, as well as a scientific description of production methods. T. production. T. fibrous substances. Violation of technology.

| adj. technological, oh, oh. T. process. Technological requirements.

Encyclopedic Dictionary


(from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill and...logy), a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the process of production; a scientific discipline that studies physical, chemical, mechanical and other laws operating in technological processes. Technology also refers to the extraction, processing, transportation, storage, and control operations themselves, which are part of the overall production process.

Dictionary of economic terms


(from Greek techne - art and logos - word, teaching)

Modern economic dictionary. 1999


(from Greek techne - art and logos - word, teaching)

a method of converting matter, energy, information in the process of manufacturing products, processing and processing materials, assembling finished products, quality control, management. Technology embodies methods, techniques, mode of operation, sequence of operations and procedures; it is closely related to the means, equipment, tools, and materials used. The set of technological operations forms a technological process. Modern economic science uses the term “technology” in such combinations as “teaching technology, educational process, treatment, management."

Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing


(from Greek techne - art, skill, skill and logos - word, teaching) - a set of methods for processing, manufacturing or processing forms of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products or products (including clothing) in the production process; a scientific discipline that develops and improves such techniques and methods in various industries. T. are also called the operations of processing, processing, storage, transportation, as well as descriptions of production processes, instructions for their implementation, technological rules, requirements, maps, graphs, etc.

(Terminological dictionary of clothing. Orlenko L.V., 1996)

Sentences containing "technology"

technology for producing aluminum, titanium, and magnesium from almost ordinary clay.

During reconstruction, they use data on the thickness of the soft tissues of the face obtained from cadaveric material, while Russian specialists, to obtain this type of information, practice the latest technologies for ultrasound probing of a living face.

This technology makes it possible to process very thin workpieces; with another heating method, such a workpiece, in contact with massive cold rolls, would immediately cool down.

So the development of the image economy is not limited to the commercialization of the Internet, but creates a growing need for computer technology.

sequence of material processes and operations, the implementation of which leads to the emergence of a product (use value) with the necessary and useful further use human properties. (See technology, innovation activity).

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


from Greek art, skill, skill and Greek. study) – a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result; a method of transforming the given into the necessary; mode of production. At the end of the 18th century. In technoscience, they began to distinguish between a descriptive section and a new one, which was called “technology.” The term “technology” was introduced into scientific use by Johann Beckmann in his work “Introduction to Technology” (1777) to denote the craft art, which includes professional skills and empirical ideas about tools and labor operations. The modern understanding of technology has several meanings: 1) the technological form of the movement of matter - a global set of material processes of material-energy interaction between society and nature, occurring in systems of technology and generally forming the technosphere; 2) technological process - material influences on an object, causing in it appropriate qualitative and quantitative changes in properties and spatio-temporal position. The generalized subject of technological change is various shapes matter, energy and information (the entire set of technological processes can be expressed by a technological matrix); 3) technological sciences – technical class. sciences that study the problems of transforming natural objects and processes into artificial, purposeful forms. The basis of technological sciences is technological theories that holistically describe the laws and patterns of technological interactions, parameters and conditions for the processes of transformation of matter, energy and information; 4) technological methodology - a system of principles, norms and requirements, technological methods, methods and techniques developed by engineering disciplines for the creation and regulation of technological processes for obtaining, transforming, transferring and storing objects; 5) the use of any scientific knowledge to solve practical problems; this interpretation of technology is accepted in foreign philosophical and sociological literature, mainly in English. In a broad sense, technology is a volume of knowledge that can be used to produce goods and services from economic resources, and in a narrow sense, it is a way of converting matter, energy, information in the process of manufacturing products, processing and processing materials, assembling finished products, and quality control , management. Technology includes methods, techniques, mode of operation, sequence of operations and procedures; it is closely related to the means, equipment, tools, and materials used. Modern technologies are based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress and are focused on the production of a product: material technology creates a material product, information technology creates an information product. Technology is also a scientific discipline that develops and improves production methods and tools. In everyday life, technology is usually called a description of production processes, instructions for their implementation, technological requirements, etc. Technology or a technological process is also often called the extraction, transportation and processing operations themselves, which are the basis of the production process. Technical control in production is also part of the technology. Technology development is carried out by technologists, engineers, designers, programmers and other specialists in relevant fields. Each type of technology has its own technological model. Consequently, production, scientific, medical, etc. technologies are distinguished. In each specific branch of material production, the corresponding technological processes dominate. With an integrated approach, only two forms of technology are distinguished, namely: a) scientific and industrial technologies; b) social technologies. Modern technology– a dynamically developing area of ​​scientific knowledge and practical activity. The following main directions of modern technological developments are distinguished: 1) increasing the degree of efficiency of technological processes based on computerization and automation of production and economic activities; 2) the creation of effective biotechnologies that involve the gradual replacement of discrete (intermittent) processes with continuous technological processes, as well as a percentage increase in the share of non-mechanical technologies; 3) greening of technical and technological systems, i.e. increasing the “degree of isolation” of all forms of production and economic activity. Technology contributes to the effectiveness of implementing certain socio-technical solutions and overcoming related problems. Consequently, technology is a real (practical) solution to a specific scientific, technical, production, economic and socio-political problem. Technical knowledge is implemented in production and economic activities within the framework of the “technical knowledge, technology-production” system.

Let's turn to the Internet, what the encyclopedia Wikipedia says about technology.

Technology(from ancient Greek τέχνη - art, skill, skill;
λόγος - thought, reason; technique, production method).

In a broad sense, technology is a set of methods, processes and materials used in any field of activity, as well as a scientific description of methods of technical production;

In a narrow sense - a set of organizational measures, operations and techniques aimed at manufacturing, maintenance, repair and/or operation products With nominal quality And optimal costs , and conditioned by the current level of development of science, technology and society as a whole.

In this case:

  • under the term product any final product of labor (material, intellectual, moral, political, etc.) should be understood;
  • under the term nominal quality one should understand the quality as predicted or predetermined, for example, specified in the terms of reference and agreed upon by the technical proposal;
  • under the term optimal costs one should understand the minimum possible costs that do not entail deterioration of working conditions, sanitary and environmental standards, technical and fire safety standards, excessive wear and tear of labor tools, as well as financial, economic, political and other risks.

At the end of the 18th century, in the general body of knowledge about technology, they began to distinguish between a traditional descriptive section and a new, emerging one, which was called “Technology”.

Johann Beckmann (1739-1811) introduced into scientific use the term “technology” or “Science of Crafts,” which he used to name the scientific discipline he taught at the German University in Göttingen from 1772. In 1777, he published the work “Introduction to Technology ", where he wrote:

“A survey of inventions, their development and successes in the arts and crafts may be called the history of technical arts; a technology that explains generally, methodically and definitely all types of work with their consequences and causes is much more.” Later, in the five-volume work “Essays on the History of Inventions” (1780-1805), he developed this concept.

Modern technologies are based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress and are focused on the production of the product:

Material technology creates a material product,

Information technology(IT) - information product.

Technology is also a scientific discipline that develops and improves production methods and tools.

In everyday life, technology is usually called a description of production processes, instructions for their implementation, technological requirements, etc.

Technology or technological process is also often referred to as the extraction, transportation and processing operations themselves, which are the basis of the production process.

Technical control in production is also part of the technology. Technologies are being developed by:




Programmers and other specialists in relevant fields.

What is the difference between a CREATOR and a CRAFTSMAN?

That's right, the CREATOR works on the product he has invented, invents and perfects the technology for its production, and the CRAFTMAN, using a known technology, produces finished products, a VERY GOOD CRAFTMAN makes them the same.

Working and working are two very different things!

Life cycle technology is a set of stages from the origin of technological innovations to their routinization.

Namely: origin - improvement - routinization

Example (the body of a car, victory, a bad stamp required tinning the body with tin to smooth out the unevenness, since there was no putty; before this, the body was mainly made of wood).

The technology life cycle consists of 5 stages:

  • Latest technology - any new technology, which has high potential;
  • Advanced technology- a technology that has proven itself, but is still quite new and has little distribution on the market;
  • Modern technology - Recognized technology is a standard, the demand for this technology is increasing;
  • Not new technology - still useful technology, but newer technology already exists, so demand begins to fall;

(For example, there is still a wired telephone, but many are already refusing, or digital television has not yet fully entered into life but is already surviving regular TVs on the antenna )

  • Obsolete technology - technology becomes obsolete and is replaced by a more advanced one, there is very little demand, or a complete abandonment of this technology in favor of a new one.

For example: Outdated technology for the production of refined sunflower oil by mechanical beating.

According to GOST 3.1109-82 Process- this is a part of the production process containing targeted actions to change and (or) determine the state of the subject of labor.
Objects of labor include blanks and products.

Almost any technological process can be considered as part of a more complex process and a set of less complex ones (in the limit - elementary ) technological processes.

In everyday use, technology is understood as purely technical science. It should be noted that this idea is understandable historically (the concept of “technology” first appeared in the 19th century and was associated specifically with industrial production, which was predominantly machine-based). The modern content of the concept of “technology” is more diverse. Along with the traditional phrase “industrial production technology” in the second half of the 20th century. the terms " information technology", "technology of thinking" and even "technology of creativity". Moreover, the content of the concept of “technology” has extended to the sphere of production of services (art, literature, etc.).

The term "technology" is derived from the Greek words "techne" and "logos" (techne- skill, art; logos- science, teaching). Literally translated, technology is the science (teaching) of skill and art.

Mastery is perhaps the most important quality of a person. It is by this that man differs and stands out from the totality of other biological beings. A person rises to the level of mastery gradually, going through the stages of mastering knowledge, acquiring skills, abilities and, finally, achieving mastery.

Since skill is immaterial, it cannot in itself modify a material object, for example, an object of labor (raw materials). Craftsmanship ensures the process of processing raw materials into finished products only in conjunction with labor activity. However, it is precisely the level of skill in

ultimately depends on the amount of labor required in the production process. Even from everyday ideas it is clear to a person that the greater the skill, the lower the labor costs for production. Reducing labor costs is the purpose of learning and the economic role of craftsmanship.

Craftsmanship links together natural processes with labor ones, thus forming a holistic process of processing raw materials into a product, with technology being a key integrating link this process processing, its essence.

Technology integrates knowledge from many areas and cannot be reduced to physics, chemistry, or any other science about natural processes, since its subject is the mastery of using natural processes in artificial production conditions.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate the following brief definition: technology is the science of mastery in the processes of creating goods.

The role of technology (skills) in the life of society is as follows:

Applied use of society's knowledge base. Without technology, knowledge remains “dead” and cannot be used;

A means that creates supernatural benefits that form the conditions for the existence of human society;

Predetermination of the conditions for the use of labor, saving its costs and, as a result, creating well-being and material wealth;

A person, a collective or a state, deprived of the technologies necessary for their functioning, are deprived of autonomy and independence, since they are not able to reproduce the conditions for their own existence.

Thus, technology in the applied sense represents realized (materialized) ideas about the patterns of production of specific types of material and intangible goods. Only when a person owns the technology does it become possible to repeatedly reproduce the process of manufacturing products with certain consumer properties according to a previously known algorithm.

Since the objective laws of the surrounding world are the basis (foundation) of technology, the latter can be reproduced and repeated as many times as desired.

Technology as science studies:

The essence (content) of production processes of various
various goods and services;

Mutual internal connections between skill and labor costs to manufacture a product;

Patterns of development of processes of production of goods and services based on the achieved level of human knowledge about the world around him.

The most common classification of technologies (processes for creating various goods) is based on the type of benefit or result obtained. According to it, technologies are divided into material (creating material products) and intangible, or social (creating intangible benefits). Intangible technologies include technologies of education, science, healthcare, culture, literature, art, etc.

Supermajority material technologies are machine-made, i.e. the set of technological actions on raw materials is carried out mainly by machines, apparatus, technical devices and devices. IN social technologies are also used technical means, but they do not directly create the result and are of secondary importance. For example, the result of a teacher’s work will not fundamentally depend on what material the desk at which the students sit or the board on which the teacher writes is made of. Consequently, when achieving the final result in material technologies, the role of machines is great, and in intangible technologies - people and their professional qualities.

It should be noted that the production process is studied from different sides: technological activity is studied by technology, economic activity is studied by economics. Although the subjects of study of technology and economics are different, both scientific fields have the same goal: to ensure the largest output of goods at the lowest cost. Unity of purpose is explained by the objective unity and indivisibility of the production process.

It must be added that technology and economics of production are the same in terms of content. The fact is that the concept of “technology” currently includes not only the process of obtaining a material product, but also any purposeful actions leading to the satisfaction of a certain need (remember the terms “management technology”, “education technology”).

Thus, technology is the core, the basis that links together the natural, technical and economic sciences. Technology is the most important element on the state of which the development of production and society depends.

The driving force behind technology development- the predominance of the needs of society over the possibility of satisfying them existing means production.

Source of technology development- achievements of technodynamics, a science that comprehends the laws of technological development.

In the context of defining technology as an element of production, it is important to separate the concepts of “technology” and “technique”. Unfortunately, quite often these terms are considered identical in content.

Technique in production it is represented by equipment - various machines, devices, devices. It is obvious that technical devices are used to carry out certain technological actions for the production of a particular product, but technology is not technology itself, since the technological production process can be implemented without the use of technology (for example, in the case of handicraft, handicraft production).

In modern industrial production, technical devices, together with people, embody technology in the form of sequential and predetermined actions to transform raw materials into finished products. Thus, technology is only one of the means of implementing technology. Changes in a technical device (in the structure and interrelation of its elements) do not necessarily cause a change in the technology for producing products using this device. At the same time, changes in the method of influencing the feedstock, i.e. in technology, inevitably lead to change technical device that implements this technology.

Therefore, technology as a functional element of material production is primary in relation to technology, which only carries out those actions in the process of production that are predetermined in advance by the production technology.

To produce any product, you need information about raw materials and means of production (the field of technical sciences - materials science, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, etc.), appropriate organization of production, its supply, control, analysis, etc. (field of economic sciences). In addition, all production is based on the labor activity of people. Therefore, knowledge is needed about the labor process, and most importantly, about how to arouse a person’s interest in active work (the field of social sciences). When producing spiritual goods, additional information from the field of humanities is needed. Thus, almost the entire sphere of modern scientific knowledge is covered. And this is natural, since the basis of the existence of society is

production begins. Therefore, all the knowledge that a person receives during his life, he uses with varying degrees of skill in the future. professional activities. Various types professional activity of a person, in essence, comes down to the role of a performer of a particular technology.

However, it must be emphasized once again that the manufacturing process of any product is based on the use of natural processes that proceed according to their own laws. Man, with the help of science, cognizes these objective processes and uses them in artificially created production conditions. Therefore the effectiveness technological process he can increase only within the framework that nature and its laws allow, and not through his own, subjective volitional decision.

At the same time, technology is a source of unlimited development of production and society. It was the technological development of production that ensured the current achievements of human society. It will continue to remain a determining link in the development of world civilization.

Security questions

1. Describe the purpose of a production system.

2. What elements make up a production system? How are they related to each other?

3. Under what conditions is the production process possible in a production system?

4. Are the concepts of a production system and a production process identical?

5. Why are raw materials not part of the production system?

6. Is it possible to arbitrarily change the actions of performers within the production process? Why? If impossible, then how are these actions predetermined?

7. What functional elements make up any production process? What is their purpose?

8. On what basis can we say that technology is the main link in the production process?

9. What are the similarities and differences between production technology and production economics?

10. What is the object studied by technology as a science?

11. What sciences does technology have direct connections with?

12. What is the current understanding of technology?

13. What properties and features are constant for all types of technologies?

14. Name characteristic features material technology.

15. List the characteristic features of a social (non-mother)
al) technology.

technological process standard

Technology (from ancient Greek fEchnz - art, skill, skill; lgpt - thought, reason; methodology, method of production) - a set of methods, processes and materials used in any field of activity, as well as a scientific description methods of technical production.

Technology, in the narrow sense, is a set of organizational measures, operations and techniques aimed at the manufacture, maintenance, repair and/or operation of a product with nominal quality and optimal costs, and determined by the current level of development of science, technology and society as a whole.

  • · the term product should be understood as any final product of labor (material, intellectual, moral, political, etc.);
  • · the term nominal quality should be understood as predictable or predetermined quality, for example, specified in the technical specifications and agreed upon by the technical proposal;
  • · the term optimal costs should be understood as the minimum possible costs that do not entail deterioration of working conditions, sanitary and environmental standards, technical and fire safety standards, excessive wear of labor tools, as well as financial, economic, political and other risks.

According to the Philosophical Dictionary edited by I. T. Frolov, “technology is a complex evolving system of artifacts, production operations and processes, resource sources, subsystems of the social consequences of information, management, financing and interaction with other technologies.”

The economic dictionary gives the following concept: “Technology - (from Greek, techne - art and logos - word, teaching) - a method of converting matter, energy, information in the process of manufacturing products, processing and processing materials, assembling finished products, quality control, management."

The large explanatory sociological dictionary “Collins” reveals this concept as follows: “Technology is the practical application of knowledge and the use of methods in production activities.”

  • · D. N. Ushakov and B. M. Volin believe that “technology is a set of sciences, information about methods of processing this or that raw material into a manufactured product, into a finished product; the totality of such processing processes.”
  • · S. A. Smirnov, I. B. Kotova interpret technology as “a set and sequence of methods and processes for converting source materials that make it possible to obtain products with given parameters.”
  • · S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova define technology as “a set of production methods and processes in a certain branch of production, as well as a scientific description of production methods.”

Application of the term

In industry and agriculture, the presentation of technology is described in documents called transaction card technological process (with detailed description) or route map (if brief description). In performing arts, the technology for performing performances, plays, filming films, ... is described by a script. In relation to political economy and economics, when public opinion changes, the term PR (from English PR - Public Relations - communication with the general public) is used, which is often incorrectly perceived by the public as an advertising/information campaign.

Technologies of the moral plane are called the laws of ancestors (what cannot be done or if done, then what and how), the rules of human behavior in society, the code of honor, the constitution (in a civilized society), concepts (in the criminal world), etc.

In colloquial speech, the term technology is often replaced by the English phrase Know How (know-how) - know how (to do).

Technology according to the UN methodology:

  • · or technology in its pure form, covering methods and techniques for the production of goods and services (dissembled technology);
  • · or embodied technology, covering machines, equipment (technological), structures, entire production systems and products with high technical and economic parameters (embodied technology).

The tautological phrase “production technology” is also widespread. The first mention of the wheel is found in Mesopotamia in the 4th millennium BC. e.

In 1772, Johann Beckmann coined the term "technology" into scientific use. He named it the scientific discipline that he read at the University of Göttingen.

In 1822, Academician V. M. Severgin identified 10 sections of technology:

  • metals
  • minerals
  • · tree
  • · flammable materials
  • · nutrients
  • chemical works
  • · processing of animals
  • · fabrics
  • · paper
  • · guns

Over time, technology has undergone significant changes, and if technology once meant a simple skill, now technology is a complex set of know-how, sometimes obtained through expensive research.

The newest and most progressive technologies of our time are classified as high technologies (English: high technology, high-tech). The transition to the use of high technologies and corresponding equipment is the most important link in the scientific and technological revolution (STR) in modern stage. High technologies usually include the most knowledge-intensive industries: microelectronics, computer technology, robotics, nuclear energy, aircraft manufacturing, space technology, microbiological industry.