What is GIF. What are gifs in Odnoklassniki? Description of images. See what "GIF" is in other dictionaries

GIF (from the English Graphics Interchange Format - "format for the exchange of images") - one of the formats for the graphic representation of images. This is a fairly popular file format, I think it is inferior in popularity, except perhaps to jpeg files.

Pronunciation and origin of the name.

The creators of the format pronounced its name as "jiff". However, in the English-speaking world, the pronunciation of "GIF" is also widely used. Animation (from French animation - animation, animation), we are more accustomed to the term animation, but in the West it is called animation.

How animated images are made.

A little bit of theory, and if you don't need it, then right here to practice creating animation.
Several pictures are created in GIF or PNG format. In my opinion, the word multi (many) is more suitable here. Moreover, each frame in this sequence carries information about how long the frame should be shown on the screen, size, effect, etc.
The animation can be made cyclical (English loop), then after the last frame the playback of the first frame will start, etc.
GIF animation can use transparency in order not to save the next frame entirely, but only changes relative to the previous one.
GIF animation uses any sequence of images: you can, for example, animate the page with the lights of a traffic light that changes light from green to yellow and then to red, or draw a "Hot News" button surrounded by moving flames. GIF animation is simple to use, has minimal network requirements and is inexpensive. You will not need expensive editors, complex tools, special server software, or training time. However, you should be aware that such animations can only be displayed by browsers equipped with the corresponding function.
You can download premade intranet GIFs from one of the many web galleries for free, or create your own.
In the latter case, you will need a utility to edit and manipulate GIF images. If you are on Windows, I recommend trying gIF program Construction Set.
Initial pictures (frames) can be created in different ways:

  • draw pictures by hand and then scan them;
  • create a digital image using a vector or bitmap package;
  • use the system for creating two- or 3D images;
  • set the source images to the conversion program and fix the individual conversion stages.

We already know that GIF is nothing more than an ordinary graphic file extension.
So, this extension is capable of storing compressed data without loss of quality up to 256 colors, which in itself is of course not enough. But! There is also a significant advantage: this extension allows you to make a dynamic picture out of a statistical picture, which we will do with you further.
And there is interesting feature. GIF file, "Living" outside the network - "dead" file. What does it mean?
If you enter the following query in a search engine: "gif animation" and click the "Pictures" tab (For Yandex), then it will find you a whole mountain of different graphic files that have this permission. And if you click on any of them, you will see that they come to life.
By saving them to your PC, they will "die", i.e. will be completely static. This is due to the fact that your browser has a special set of codecs that can open these files in dynamics.
So, you need (and can) learn to create gif-pictures yourself….
How does this happen?
There are many ways to create animation. Here is not the entire list:
2. online services
The first way - main. It is used by all the pros in creating gif animations. This program is downloaded. And if you want to create beautiful animations in the future, it makes sense to figure out how to create them in Photoshop. The bottom line is the following: pictures are drawn and superimposed into animation.
Second way Are online services. Basically, they have an uncomplicated interface, and there is nothing complicated.

Practical lesson

on the example of creating GIF-animation in the Gifovina environment:
The result of our practical work will be the creation of such a picture.

2. Add 7 frames - bouquets. We indicate the effects. The effects are divided into groups. There are a lot of them. I chose "vertical blinds".

3. Set the parameters for each picture: Size, Fitting modes, Frame duration, Effects.

4. Here is an example of a horizontal blind effect. All effects can be tried through the "Finish" button. And fix the result with the "Download" button.

5. It is possible to add your own text to each picture. To do this, activate the picture by clicking.

6.Pulling the green corners (text borders "", you can resize the text box

There is also an option on the Internet to take ready-made pictures - animations, gifs.
You can download animations here.
http://ok.ru/gifanimat (Odnoklassniki.ru Group GIF ANIMATION, LIVE PICTURES !!!)
Article and photo from Olga Ovchinnikova. Thank you very much for that!

You asked:
Question: Please tell me how to send pictures to friends in Odnoklassniki?
Otvnt: Pictures-gifs are sent from the computer, i.e., where you see them, you need to collect them through the cross in the lower left corner. The picture will be included in the Gifa album in the Photos section of your page. Then, through a paper clip, select the line Photos in both Discussions and Personal messages.

A GIF file is an image often accompanied by animation. It is formed by means of specialized graphic editors, it can carry several raster images in a certain sequence. The GIF format is widespread in the field of creating banners, as well as a graphical shell for video content.

The main advantage is considered data compression without obvious loss of quality at a depth of up to 256 colors, modern editions gIF animationsincluded customizable transparency features. Animated images consist of a number of static frames, as well as data on the required display time for a particular frame.

Almost any program for viewing, processing images and videos is capable of opening the extension, including on mobile devices, smartphones and tablets, regardless of the current operating system... To open a GIF on a computer, just double-click on it with the left mouse button, after which, windows system independently chooses the appropriate utility with which the launch will be carried out, often it can be regular facility viewing pictures.

If you need to edit or modify GIF images, you can use popular utilities like Adobe Photoshop, Paint Net or Corel PaintShop, and so on. The described extension is one of the most common on the Internet among analogs, because it revives not only the pages of web resources themselves, but also gives users the ability to exchange animations, for example, in social networks and communication applications.

For those who would like to add originality to their message and decorate it with colorful animation, the good news is that now there is such an opportunity. How to send a gif in Viber, and most importantly, where to get it? Everything in order.

What is a GIF message on Viber?

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) Is, if we say simple language, short animated messages where the same action is repeated several times.

Where can I get gifs for Viber?

In older versions of the program, there was a wonderful function - to create animation yourself, and, moreover, to voice it with your own voice. However, starting in version 5.6.5 there is no such function anymore, since the developers decided that gifs created by users are too heavy and clog up the gadget's memory.

You can download free gifs for Viber on your phone in the online application store - Google play for Android and App Store for IOs. Also animation pictures are available in the store of the Viber application itself.

If you have installed a new version programs, do not despair! You can create and voice animation in a special application called "", and then send it like a regular media file.

Also on our website you can choose the right one.

How to send a GIF message

For newer versions: phone

How to send a gif in Viber from a phone if a new version of the application is installed?

Here we can easily turn to the built-in services Giphy or Guggy:

1. Open a chat with the interlocutor;
2. Click on the "magnifying glass" and write a request;

3. Choose the one you need and send;

2 way

You first need to download the animation, and then do this:

For computer

You can also send and view GIFs from a computer, everything works in much the same way as in the case of a phone: download, insert into messages, send and delight the recipient.

Built-in services in the PC version Giphy or Guggy are in the chat menu and are indicated by this @ symbol:

For older versions

  1. Select a recipient and click on the plus sign at the bottom left
  2. A menu will open. Find here the section "animated messages" with a bunny pictured next to it
  3. Here you can choose a ready-made GIF or an animated character
  4. Optionally, sound the animation with your voice, which, by the way, can be distorted
  5. Before leaving, see what you got.
  6. Send a GIF message and wait for the recipient's reaction

You can also download gifs from any resource where there are animated pictures, in particular from our site.

Hello dear readers of the Start Luck blog! Surely every user who regularly or from time to time goes to "surf" the Internet, came across the so-called GIFs. Most often I met them on social networks - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.

But, of course, they are used everywhere. The format is not clear to everyone - either it is a video, or a picture. I suggest you dot the i's.

So let's talk about gif - what is the format and what it is for. You will also learn where to get animated pictures and how you can make money on the ability to create them.

What is it?

What is gif? What is the format? It was created for the exchange of raster (pixel) pictures. It became convenient and popular due to its peculiarity to compress graphic files without much loss of their quality. But everything has a limit, and the gif limit is 256 colors.

This may not be enough to render an image with a very rich color palette. A couple of years after development, this format was improved - there was support for transparency and animation.

What kind of transparency? In order not to give any area a color (after all, the number is limited), it is made transparent, and it will acquire the background color. That is, it can be white, black or red - it all depends on where you open the gif.

For example, I once saved a picture in this format. I downloaded a black inscription on a white background and what do you think I saw in the gallery? Just a black square. This is already a mistake by the creator of the gif, it would be possible to do without transparency - there are only two colors!

Now about animation. It is because of her that many people mistakenly believe that gif is a video format. In fact, this is a sequence of static images, each of which will be on the screen for a specified time, and all of them are silent.

As a rule, animation is done in a loop - after the last frame, the first is played again. This is where transparency matters. Thanks to her, it is not necessary to save every frame completely, it is enough to save only the changes.

Where can I get them?

Based on the foregoing, it may seem that it is difficult to make a gif yourself. But this is not the case. There are many easy-to-understand online services like Gifs.com where using detailed instructions you will quickly create a gif animation.

After completing the course “ Turnkey online store »You will be able to sell GIF animation on the created platform.

Or you can find someone who will make you a website on Kwork.ru or, which will be cheaper.

By the way, if you really enjoy working on creating GIFs, you can go into animation design. You will work on the visual design of some advertising, make banners. To begin with, I can advise you to sell works on Videohive.net , and then how it goes. Maybe you will achieve such success in this business that you will work for some famous companies!

These days, a computer owner can start making money from almost nothing - you just need to know what to do. Remember to start with regular laptop and come to great success - everything is in your hands. And how to squeeze the maximum out of your PC, you can learn from the course " Secrets productive work at computer ».

Well, my blog, I hope, helps you with this. If this article was helpful, subscribe to my public Vkontakte and tell your friends about the blog! I wish you good luck in all your endeavors! While!

First, let's start with what GIFs and animated images are. GIFs are an image format in which the picture itself is animated and is a small piece without sound. Newbies often confuse GIFs and short videos.

What does GIF mean?

GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. In translation, the name means a format for exchanging images. On the OK social network, the ability to use this format appeared relatively recently - in mid-2015. The developers decided not to separate this format into a separate section, but to attribute them to photographs. You can use GIFs in the following areas:

  • make posts with them in Odnoklassniki on your wall or in a group;
  • embed in comments;
  • save to personal albums;

  • put on an avatar.

As you can see, you can do everything with GIFs as with photos.

Gifa's album in Odnoklassniki: what is it?

When you upload or add the first animated picture to your "Photos" section, a separate "Gifs" album is created there, in which all animations are automatically saved in the Gif format.

The introduction of Gifs has noticeably revitalized social network... Whole communities dedicated to animated gifs began to appear on the service, which number hundreds of thousands of members. If you are interested in this section, read more on our website about where to find, how to download them on your PC or phone, and much more.

What are GIFs