Which is better than a pc or tablet. Should I buy a large tablet or a regular laptop? Tablet or laptop: which is better to buy

The first and most important thing is to understand for what purpose you need a device. In many respects, the correctness of such a decision will allow you to clearly select a device with which you will be comfortable working, studying, having fun, and so on. Also, after choosing, you can adequately assess prices and buy the most current laptop or tablet.

Laptop advantages

A laptop is a device that has become part of the life of almost every modern person. He is the same personal Computer, but more compact and convenient. Let's take a closer look at all its advantages over a tablet:

  • operating system
    The operating systems that are already familiar and familiar to all are installed on laptops. You don't need to adapt to Windows devices, you don't need to study them further. All actions are intuitive, and the settings are more than transparent.
  • Screen size
    In the case of certain laptops, the screen size can reach 18 inches, which no tablet in the world boasts. This allows you to comfortably watch your favorite movies, open several programs at the same time or enjoy modern games.
  • Ability to perform energy-intensive tasks
    On a laptop, you can open any applications. For example, retouch your photos in Photoshop, edit videos, using special utilities make a presentation and so on. This can of course be done on a tablet, but the time is not worth it. And the quality will definitely be worse.
  • The presence of a disk drive
    If you plan to burn CD or DVD discs, then the laptop is the only possible variant, since in the case of a tablet, you will definitely not be able to do this. Well, unless you have to drop everything you need from the device to the computer, and then write down there. IMPORTANT: please note that not every modern laptop has optical drive, so be more careful when choosing a model.
  • Larger volume hard disk
    Today it is possible with a hard drive up to several terabytes. Plus, you can always connect additional external hard drives... If you handle a lot of information, then a tablet is definitely not for you. It won't be able to store a lot of movies, documents, music and other files.
  • Possibility to connect additional devices
    For example, you can connect headphones or a cool speaker system to a tablet. In rare cases, if there are special connectors (this also applies to flash drives, mice, and so on). If there is Wi-Fi, then you can connect a wireless game module - a joystick.
    Much more can be connected to a laptop. These devices include televisions, scanners, and many others. It is very convenient for home use.
  • Diversity software
    Thousands of utilities are at your service, the vast majority of them do their job just fine. For the same tablet computers, perhaps hundreds of programs have been created, to which you still need to get used to.

From all this, it is clear that the laptop is useful for those who are used to working quickly in multitasking mode and using resource-intensive applications. What about the tablet? Let's deal with it now!

Tablet advantages

The tablet, it seems to me, is more needed by lovers of mobility and for the Internet without borders. No, a laptop is also easy to use almost anywhere, but this gadget is even simpler. And that's why:

  • Smaller dimensions
    Tablets are much smaller than laptops. If you need to carry the latter, then the tablet can be worn in anything. Although in your pocket, however, it is not very convenient.
    Weight can also be safely attributed to this. Most laptops weigh about 2 kg, while tablets weigh about 0.5 kg. And the most compact ones are generally 300-350 grams.
  • Get started quickly
    The laptop turns on from 2 to 3 minutes, the tablet is just enough to unlock. Applications from autorun will not be loaded into its RAM, it will not scan the entire system when turned on. For study, for example, the very thing. No need to wait for anything, turn it on and do it.
  • Ease of use
    Control is carried out by pressing your fingers on the touch screen (sometimes with a special device - a stylus). It works much faster and more efficiently than on a laptop. Of course, for those who are used to the classics, you can recommend a tablet with a keyboard, and these are now on sale.
  • Built-in webcam
    Yes, of course, laptops also have such, but they are needed only for communication in a relaxed atmosphere. Agree that it is inconvenient to walk down the street and hold an open laptop in front of you? But the tablet is easy. And a cool photo can be taken on occasion.
  • Easy to install and remove programs
    On these gadgets, the installation of the utilities takes place in a couple of clicks, while in Windows, to work with them, you need to specify the directories and check many additional items. Downloading applications is also very simple - just go to special stores and find everything you need. Let me remind you that for Android devices it is Google play, and in the case of iOS, the AppStore.
  • Working hours
    Tablets are much more durable than laptops. I mean without recharging. The average time is 10-15 hours, while the laptop will last about 2-3 hours without power.
  • Information processing speed
    Since all tablets are created exclusively for certain operating systems, there will be no freezes and other problems in them. The owners of Apple technology are especially happy about this, since in these devices everything is debugged with a bang.
  • Separate caste - transformers
    I would like to mention especially about transformers. These are devices that can transform and turn from a laptop to a tablet and vice versa. Interesting enough, but expensive thing. Moreover, if the choice falls on this, do not forget about all of the above points.

Summing up, I want to say the following: a laptop is more suitable for those who plan to use powerful applications in a relaxed environment, and a tablet for those who value mobility and ease of use. For example, for a student or schoolchild. By the way, it will be even more convenient for them, because it can be used as a large USB flash drive. Made stuff in in electronic format right on the tablet, brought it to the teacher and dropped it on his computer. Ideally, it is best to have both devices.

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The age of computers is gradually disappearing into oblivion, and the time comes to replace the tablet computers. They are mobile, convenient and no less functional. However, the buyer also needs to choose one device among these portable devices that could fully satisfy his need. Therefore, knowing which is better - a tablet or a laptop - is simply a must!

In our last article "?", We have already identified the differences between these two devices, and also found out that a laptop is still better than a netbook. Today we will find the distinguishing features of a tablet and a laptop, and also draw a conclusion by determining which is better - new tablet or a familiar laptop.

Why a tablet is better than a laptop

Let's take a look at the best qualities of a tablet:

  • Modernity. If you want to keep up with the times, then the laptop will be far from the newest device that you would like to buy and test. However, a tablet computer is also fashionable, since you will have a much greater effect on others if you use this device. And if you try to imagine our future, then most likely, by that time, laptops will have only touch control, so we can say that getting used to the tablet today, you get used to the future.

  • Fast access. A tablet, unlike a laptop, does not need to start, wait for the system to boot and configure all programs. Just take it out of the bag, unlock it (with one touch of your finger) and start working immediately. Such fast access significantly saves time and is a much more convenient option for using a computer.

  • Small size. Any modern tablet is small. Often they can be compared with a thick notebook, since there will be no special differences in width, length and thickness. Such dimensions allow you to put your computer in a small bag, briefcase or case, which is already full of other things. This will not work with a laptop, it needs a separate bag the size of a full-fledged diplomat. Therefore, wearing it always and everywhere is not very convenient and ethical.

  • Less weight. Weight also plays an important role, especially if the device is purchased for the purpose of regular movement with it. Despite the fact that laptops weigh only 2 kilograms (approximately), it starts to be felt as early as ten minutes away. Whereas a tablet weighs a maximum of half a kilogram, and small models generally weigh 300 grams! Therefore, if you decide to regularly carry the device with you, then the tablet is still the best option.

  • Convenient management. The tablet computer, like the entire operating system, is designed in such a way that you can operate it only with your fingers (sometimes with a stylus), which naturally gives advantages over a laptop. Touchscreen controls are much faster and more comfortable than a regular PC.

  • Built-in cameras. A tablet is not only a computer with a touch screen, it is a whole universal device that, for example, can be used as a camera, since most tablet computers have this design capability. The photos are of quite good quality, you can compare them with digital photos taken with a good mobile phone or even a digital camera (depending on the model of the selected tablet). In addition to this camera, there is also a front camera, which takes pictures directly of the person who uses the device. It is needed in order to carry out video communication using or other technologies.

  • Reliable applications. Today, you can mainly find tablets with two mobile operating systems - iOS and Android. Applications (programs and games) do not need to be searched somewhere on third-party sites, as well as downloaded to a computer, and only then installed on a tablet, everything is much easier. These two systems have their own official apps - AppStore and Google Play, these are so-called markets that allow you to select, download and install new applications directly from your tablet. The download and installation process takes place literally in one click, when both on Windows installation and is a whole system of actions. And most importantly, all applications downloaded from the market can be trusted (they are free of viruses and deception, as the software is pre-tested).

  • Replaces e-book and a digital photo frame. Having bought a tablet, you do not have to buy an e-book separately, since it is quite convenient to read your favorite literature on the tablet. In addition to books, you can also read magazines and newspapers on it, which will regularly arrive on your device if you subscribe (subscriptions to magazines are both free and paid). You can also install the tablet on a special stand on your desk and, by turning on a slideshow to view your favorite photos, the tablet can become a full-fledged digital photo frame.

  • Work speed. The tablet is designed exclusively for a specific system and vice versa. Therefore, harmony reigns in this device, which means high speed of work. Such a process is generally almost unknown to tablet owners, especially those who have devices from the well-known Apple company. The speed of work will delight almost everyone who first moved from an ordinary computer on a device such as a tablet.

  • Can be used likeGPS navigator. Most tablets have a built-in module such as GPS, which allows you to use the tablet as a GPS navigator (a device that will show your location on a map). And in those devices that do not have this, you can simply download maps, which will also help you better navigate the terrain.

  • Working hours. Despite the fact that laptops can also last for a long time, they still cannot be compared to tablets. For instance, iPad tablet can work without problems for 10 hours (in active mode), and you will pay about $ 500 for it, while for a laptop that can work no more than 7 hours in active mode, you will pay about $ 5,000!

Why a laptop is better than a tablet

Now let's consider the advantages of a laptop over a tablet computer:

  • Familiar operating system. If a tablet is something new and not yet recognized, then a laptop is the same computer. The laptop has a familiar operating system, from which you know what to expect. With the familiar Windows OS you don't have to get used to anything. Although if an operating system is installed, then we strongly recommend that you study our review as well.

  • Bigger size screen. The laptop screen can easily go up to 18 inches. Such a diagonal can be found only on monitors, but not on tablets. A large screen is an opportunity to watch a movie or TV series in a convenient format, open images in full screen, and also place several applications on the screen at once. With such large diagonals, laptops can completely replace a computer, so you can save money - instead of a computer and a tablet, buy a laptop that has the capabilities of both a tablet and a full-fledged PC.

  • Can perform complex tasks. On a laptop, you can retouch photos in Photoshop, scan a document, edit a video file, create a presentation, etc. In principle, all of the tasks listed can be done one way or another on a tablet, but they will not be performed in this quality and will take a lot of time. Therefore, the tablet is not suitable for complex tasks, it can only be done by a full-fledged computer (in our case, a laptop).

  • The ability to burn discs. If the ability to burn CD or DVD discs is important to you, then the laptop will have one more advantage for you, since it has an optical drive. However, the advantage is rather controversial, since it only increases the dimensions, weight of the device, and also increases its price. We also draw your attention to the fact that the drive in modern laptops is not present in all models, so when choosing a laptop, be careful.

  • Larger hard drive. Today in laptops you can find hard drives up to 4 terabytes (4,000 gigabytes), and on tablets the built-in memory rarely exceeds even 100 gigabytes. Therefore, those who store "tons" of information can forget about the tablet, unless they are satisfied with the option with the additional use of a flash drive or external hard disk. We also want to draw your attention to the fact that not all tablets can perceive third-party storage media, which gives them even more disadvantages. While a laptop can simultaneously connect several external hard drives (not to mention changing the built-in one) and several flash drives, since it has many USB ports, and you can also insert a special HUB into each of them (for branching the USB signal).

  • You can connect another device. Despite the fact that a tablet is still a computer, a fairly limited number of devices can be connected to it (especially by wires). The laptop is, of course, superior to the tablet in this regard. Let's give a list of those devices that may be useful to you and you can use them on a laptop. So, this is an acoustic system (if you are going to watch movies not only in good quality, but also with good sounding, then you cannot do without this system); printer / scanner / MFP (if these devices do not have a Wi-Fi interface, then you will not be able to print, scan or make a photocopier from the tablet); the same tablet or mobile phone (these devices can also be connected to a laptop to read information from them, this trick will not work with a tablet).

  • The laptop has the usual keyboard and mouse (touchpad). Despite all the convenience of using your fingers and a stylus, the keyboard and mouse are still more familiar to use. Choosing a laptop, you will not have to get used to other actions, everything will be exactly the same as it was at the computer. If you don't like to control the cursor from the touchpad, then you can always connect the most ordinary one, the main thing is to choose it correctly in advance (so that it has a connection via USB or Bluetooth). The keyboard will not only be real, but also fairly familiar in size, which will greatly facilitate the typing of signs and symbols.

  • You can or. There is another very important advantage in a laptop - we can always connect another monitor or even a TV to it. This feature can come in handy at work or school for showing a presentation on a large screen. It is also useful at home - for watching movies or TV series, because why bother watching a video on a small screen, if you can connect a TV directly and enjoy a huge picture. The second monitor is also convenient for working with a laptop, because the screen of the second monitor will be a kind of continuation of your laptop's desktop, which will allow you to put more open and important applications "in sight".

  • Large selection of software. If programs in tablets are more reliable, and also easier to find and install, then for laptops and in general for any other computers with an installed operating system Windows, there are many programs. For more than a dozen years, tens of thousands of programs have been developed for laptops and PCs, so you can find almost any that you can think of. However, it is not a fact that it will work stably and will be safe for a PC.

As you can see for yourself, the advantages of these two devices are plenty and it would be more correct not to compare them at all, since they are both the best of their kind. What is right for you - we cannot say, so make your choice yourself!

Hello everybody! Ten years ago, such a choice was simply not faced by an ordinary user. Tablets, of course, existed before the iPad: they were Nokia mobile Internet tablets or expensive touchscreen devices with full Windows from Dell or Samsung. But the circle of their true connoisseurs was narrow.

Today everything is different. There are no more tablets on the shelves of the average electronics store today than there are laptops. Power mobile technology also has grown tenfold, equal to the desktop one. And, having decided to buy yourself a laptop, you are faced with a dilemma: which is better to buy - a tablet or a laptop?

Let's consider the use cases, as well as the most common pitfalls when buying and using the device. For simplicity, we will assume that the budget for a tablet and a laptop is the same.

Laptop advantages

  • Large screen diagonal. Even the relatively compact 11- or 13-inch laptop screens are larger than a standard tablet. For video, graphics and even text, this plays a role.

  • Higher productivity. Even relatively inexpensive laptop (if there is no superbudgetary pentium processor or, forgive the expression, Celeron) will cope with a huge number of tasks that tablets cannot handle.
  • Apps that are not in mobile world... Lots of application programs - from office suites before Photoshop - exists in mobile versions, but there their functionality is noticeably curtailed. This also applies to many educational programs, so there will be the best choice.
  • Various ways input. Traditional keyboard, touchpad, easy-to-connect mouse. If you want, you can find a laptop with a good old trackball (albeit a rarity) or a fashionable touchscreen. And, for example, the MacBook since 2017 has acquired an additional touch panel. Of course, either a laptop or a tablet with a keyboard is available today. What's better? If the keyboard is important to you, it is noticeably better in laptops, thanks in large part to the size.
  • Connecting a variety of peripherals. At best, you can connect a mouse to a tablet (although this is rarely needed), a keyboard or a flash drive. The laptop works with almost any USB peripheral - graphics tablets, quality webcams, professional sound cards, DJ and MIDI controllers and so on. In addition, many laptops have other ports besides USB - HDMI, Ethernet, sometimes even the good old VGA or COM.
  • Large amount of memory. If you work with hundreds of gigabytes of data, the built-in laptop hard drive can easily accommodate them, which cannot be said about the modest memory of tablets. Yes, of course, no one canceled memory cards, but they are not so reliable, and the price of volume cards is very high. Besides, laptops work with them too.

Tablet advantages

  • Mobility. It's not just about size: the smallest tablets can be 7 inches, the largest can be up to 12-13. Weight cannot be compared at all: miniature tablets weigh less than 500 g, and large ones - about a kilogram. The tablet fits easily into a purse, not to mention a briefcase or backpack. A laptop usually requires a special bulky bag, especially if you use it with other devices. By the way, for a tablet, the standard charger from phone (depends on the manufacturer). The laptop needs its own.

  • For a long time work. The tablet can easily work without a charge for several days (of course, not in a row), play video for a long 8-10 hours, provide 4-5 hours of games. Laptops are on average much more power hungry.
  • Quick start. The tablet exits standby mode in less than a second. Laptops (even on fast SSD) this will take longer. In addition, the tablet does not need to be opened.
  • High-quality display. For the same money, the tablet often offers a screen of higher resolution and made with more advanced technology. The picture on the tablet screen will be better detailed and brighter. Of course, this does not apply to the cheapest representatives of the class: the screens on them can be simply unbearable.
  • Built-in cameras. Of course, tablet cameras are usually inferior to smartphones. But also in laptops front cameras usually do not differ in quality, and there are usually no rear cameras at all. Therefore, for shooting, a tablet will be a much better solution.
  • GPS. Many tablet models have a GPS module, and especially advanced models have GLONASS. Even if you do not use your tablet as a car navigator, geolocation will help you when searching on the Internet, when shopping, when dating, and even when downloading a weather forecast.
  • Cellular. If your tablet has a 3G / 4G module, you don't need to tether to Wi-Fi to access the Internet. In some models, telephone functions are blocked, but usually you can make calls using a 3G tablet. It is more convenient, of course, through a headset, especially a wireless one.
  • Communication. Modern instant messengers are much better adapted to mobile devices than computers. The same WhatsApp, for example, works much better on a tablet.

Sometimes they are equal

We have not mentioned a few areas where choosing between a tablet and a laptop is a matter of taste. Both options have their advantages, which are roughly equal.

  • Games. Mobile games are developing at a rapid pace, but PC games do not remain in debt. Both classes of devices have luxurious gaming potential, but the games are often very different. Therefore, the choice depends only on your tastes.
  • Multimedia. You can watch videos or listen to music with equal success on a laptop or tablet. For viewing in transport, of course, a tablet is better suited. For home or work, a large laptop screen will be an advantage, and its memory will be able to store more movies or music in better quality.
  • Basic actions on the Internet. Read news or horoscopes, watch movies online or listen to music, check mail or social networks equally convenient through a laptop or tablet.

Price matters

If your budget is already very limited, then laptops simply have nothing to do with tablets. The most modest laptop will cost about $ 150, and it will be, frankly, squalor with a weak processor, low-quality display and cut memory. A tablet for comparable money will show noticeably higher performance and will not be annoying with eternal brakes in work. If you wish, you can purchase a keyboard and mouse connected via OTG or Bluetooth for modest money. Thus, if you have little money for a device, then the question of which is better to buy - a laptop or a tablet - you have the only reasonable answer.

But if you plan to spend at least $ 250 or more on a device, then you can choose according to your taste and needs.

As for the top segment, the capabilities of both classes are practically equal there. The power of the processors is maximum both there and there. The quality of the screens reaches incredible heights. Professional applications "fly". It is no coincidence that the best "transformers" appear in this class, combining the best of both worlds.

Or maybe a transformer?

There are devices that can be regarded as both tablets with a plug-in keyboard and laptops with a detachable one. The brightest representatives of this class are Microsoft Surface and iPad Pro... However, there are more affordable options.

In fact, these are quite exotic solutions that are inferior to standard notebooks in performance and convenience in "notebook" scenarios. Budget options should be viewed as tablets equipped with a keyboard bonus that is nice but optional. The main problem is applications that are not particularly suitable for working with a keyboard and mouse. Even if you connect the desired peripherals (via an adapter or Bluetooth), Android apps will not respond as you are used to. And with tablets on Windows, inconveniences in mobile mode are inevitable (although on top devices these nuances are thought out and should not spoil life).


Tablet - mobile, lightweight, fast. Laptop - powerful, large memory, friendly with various external devices... How to choose? Before deciding to purchase a new thing, think about what you will use it for and take into account the recommendations. Enjoy the shopping!

Computer experts have been predicting victory for laptops for several years now. Such assumptions are not unfounded, which is confirmed by the statistics of sales of equipment in recent years.

The rapid proliferation of alternative devices leads to a decrease in PC sales for all manufacturers. However, this situation does not yet threaten the PC with an unconditional loss. There are several reasons for this:

  • the presence of a full keyboard;
  • high performance;
  • Software not yet available for mobile OS.

There are other fundamental differences that force the buyer to compare and analyze the equipment before making a purchase.


The diagonal of the laptop screen reaches 18 inches. In tablets, this parameter is on average 10 inches if it comes not about special devices for designers. The large screen is more convenient for watching movies in high definition and games. Also, the size of the diagonal is important for those whose profession is related to programming, design, architecture. Also, the large screen is good for the eyes and is more practical for long-term work.

Council. In the choice of such a parameter as the screen diagonal, the scope of the device is important. To work with a browser, messengers and mobile applications the sizes offered by tablet manufacturers are quite sufficient.

Input devices: keyboard, mouse, touchpad

The method of entering information and the devices intended for this is one of the main differences between the considered types of technology. The laptop is equipped with a keyboard, the importance of which cannot be overemphasized for tasks related to typing. Write a letter, create a post on social networks, create and edit a text document - all this is faster and easier to do using the keyboard.

Mouse connectivity is also important. This device facilitates work with editors and multimedia programs, when managing applications and quickly switching settings.

The mouse is indispensable when working in photo editors. Fast and high-quality photo processing is possible only with this device. Alternative device - touchpad, allows you to perform all these tasks in the absence of a mouse.

For tablets, control is characteristic, through touch screen... It is very convenient for tasks such as viewing photos, playing games, using and other applications used in mobile devicesoh.

The undoubted plus of laptops is a full keyboard, which is convenient to work on

Internal filling

The most important criterion in evaluating the work of computer equipment is productivity. The task of the PC is to provide fast processing of information streams in multitasking mode for a long time. Modern laptops are equipped with processors that provide high level productivity.

In addition, the following parameters should be evaluated:

For laptops, Windows are used, as well as IOS if we are talking about Apple products. The main advantage of these systems is the variety and popularity of programs and applications developed for the bottom. The software used is familiar and convenient for a large number of users.

Most tablets run Android. This OS is fairly common on mobile devices, but not so popular for performing work functions. There are Windows tablets. However, the use of such a device for solving problems related to the creation and processing text documents, images, tables, etc. is highly impractical.

Attention! Open source Android allows you to produce tablets with this OS, both to bona fide manufacturers and not so much. Thus, the low cost of a tablet on Android most likely indicates the low speed and instability of such a device.

In terms of the size of the RAM, the tablet is definitely inferior to the PC. It is better to use a laptop to store a large amount of information. The possibility of cloud storage greatly facilitates the work with the tablet, however, this type of "memory" is not suitable for all tasks.

Attention! Technique with higher productivity, as expected, also has a higher cost. Comparing this parameter in tablets and laptops, we can say that a PC with similar performance will cost less than a tablet.

External devices: connectivity

Whenever possible connectivity and interaction with external devices wins. Unlike a tablet, you can connect to it:

  • PC or;
  • scanner;
  • other technique.

Also, laptops easily connect to speaker systems... Many models are equipped with a DVD drive, making it possible to work with discs.

Some tablets are also equipped with the function of connecting with other devices, but this requires that they support Wi-Fi. Also for tablets there are special adapters and devices for displaying information on TV screens and PCs.

Size and efficiency

Considering both devices, from the point of view of compactness, it should be noted that the tablets are very small in size. Laptops and netbooks, despite their small size, are still inferior in this parameter. If the user needs portable device and is satisfied with a diagonal of up to 12 inches, perhaps you should think about buying a tablet, not a netbook. The latter will weigh more than 2 kg, while the tablet weighs up to 0.5 kg.

For tablets, a characteristic high response speed to switching on and off. This provides quick access to the browser, messengers, photos, video files and various applications. Control is done with fingers or a stylus, which makes it possible to use the device in motion, without a table or other point of support.

Other features

  • Tablets are usually equipped with two cameras - front and main. This allows you to take photos and videos. A similar device in a PC is mainly suitable for communicating via Skype;
  • time autonomous work tablet, significantly surpasses that of a laptop. The first is able to work autonomously for up to 10 hours, while the PC requires recharging after 2-4 hours;
  • falling and other mechanical damage, lead to serious problems with the laptop. For a tablet, such "injuries" are less critical.

Summing up, it can be noted that it is preferable to buy a PC for performing laborious work and solving most professional tasks. Tablets provide quick access to the Internet, provide mobility and practicality. However, by functionality and cost, in most cases, are inferior to the PC. Before making a purchase, you should decide for what range of tasks the equipment is intended.

What to choose a tablet or laptop: video

The market of electronic goods in recent years has been pleasantly surprising and pleasing. It is not difficult to find a stylish, high-quality and reliable electronic gadget for work and leisure. The main thing is to choose the type of device.

Clash of the Titans: Tablet or Laptop?

These are two of the most popular devices and are indispensable companions for businessmen, students, teleworkers, new moms and travelers.

With their help you can:

  • watch movies;
  • listen to your favorite music;
  • create text files;
  • launch computer games;
  • read popular books;
  • arrange video conferences with family and friends via Skype.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Useful functions the laptop and tablet have several times more.

There are three main differences between the two electronic titans:

  • The size;
  • The presence of a keyboard.

According to the first two criteria, the tablet wins. It weighs half as much and is more compact. It can be carried not only in a gym bag or backpack, but also in a small purse.

But the laptop has a keyboard. With it, typing text documents is more comfortable, easy and enjoyable. In 90% of tablets, the keyboard is missing, and typing is heavy. Plus, "AutoCorrect" constantly works. After each message you have to explain to your interlocutor what you wanted to write.

Netbook or tablet?

Another difficult dilemma faced by buyers: "Which is better: a netbook or a tablet?" Netbooks hit the market in 2008. They quickly gained popularity. They were chosen by representatives creative professions: journalists, photographers, press attaches, PR-managers. They fell in love with these devices for:

  • compact size;
  • comfortable keyboard;
  • 10-inch screen diagonal, which made watching movies and working with text editors comfortable and productive;
  • mobility and the ability to take an electronic gadget anywhere: to the park, to the office, for a walk with a child, on a trip.

But with the advent of tablets, netbooks have gradually faded into the background. They have bypassed their "predecessors" in almost all essential parameters:

  • screen size and expansion;
  • practicality;
  • control;
  • service life - for netbooks the warranty period is 1 year, for tablets from some brands - 3 years.

The only caveat that the netbook is still in demand is the keyboard. For people whose work is connected with the creation and editing of texts, a netbook will always help out great - it is more convenient to replace a word, insert a link or add a few sentences to a finished article using a standard keyboard, rather than an electronic one.

Dilemma: Laptop or Convertible Tablet?

The convertible tablet is an innovation from the brands ASUS, Samsung and Lenovo. They gave users completely new model mini-computer, which can be connected to a removable keyboard for typing, set the angle of the screen and choose a convenient position for the gadget. It is said that with the advent of convertible tablets, the demand for laptops has dropped significantly. New generation gadgets:

People of the old school who are wary of new items in the electronics market have remained faithful to laptops. Young people choose more progressive products from the world's leading manufacturers, assess the possibilities and specifications electronic devices in practice.

Tablet or e-book?

This choice is most often faced by fans of literature, who do not part with books on the journey to work or on the way to the cinema. They are "torn" between the poker book, e-book reader and tablet.

The first two devices have a limited set of functions. Everything that you can:

  • upload files in txt and docx format;
  • listen to music;
  • go to "Wikipedia" to verify the data.

The tablet has much more possibilities... With it, any trip will be active and eventful, and you can download your favorite books in any format: docx, txt, pdf, odl, enjoy your favorite tracks and watch movies to distract yourself from reading for at least a couple of hours.

IPad or laptop?

In another way, this question sounds like this: what to choose - a gadget with a traditional operating room windows system 10, with a keyboard and a standard set of functions, or an innovative iPad for iOS, in which for each installed application you pay from $ 2.99 to $ 59.99 For many buyers, the answer is obvious. Although they don't deny that the iPad is a reliable and practical device. It does not slow down when working. He has a stylish design and compact size, a rich arsenal of functions. With him you will always be in touch, and feel confident anywhere in the world!