How to dial Ukrainian mobile. How to call Ukraine from a mobile, landline phone to landline and mobile. Network codes of mobile operators in Ukraine

listen, smart guy! firstly, none of the operators have a tariff on the fact of use, and everywhere there is a monthly fee (this is not normal), and secondly, there are no tariffs where there will be only calls, everywhere they feed 3ji, SMS, unlimited Facebooks and other dregs to bend more payment, and thirdly, there are no tariffs for unprotected segments of the population, to pay 50-60 hryvnia to grandmothers and just people who call 5 times a month for a minute is too much! fourthly, all operators have carbon-copy tariffs that are in agreement. 5) block the process of changing the operator as much as possible while maintaining the number. 6). you buy a tariff and there is no minimum period for its validity, that is, tomorrow they will bite something in the boss and they are good if they send an SMS and present it with a fact. 7) my life tariff for 4 and a half months 15-16 years forcibly changed from 10 UAH (purely unlimited for life, zero other) to 15 UAH (purely unlimited), then 29 UAH (something added SMS and a little 3 ji) , then 49 (full SMS package, 3ji, unlimited, minutes for others), then 69 (super full package). is this normal ??? firstly, they slyly imposed on me all the products that I did not use and were not interested in. that is, from the client, the headings "conversations" were given no alternative to the heading "smart people", despite the fact that for the duration of tariff 69, their lineup included current tariffs 35-40-50 UAH, etc. how to call it if not a scam? Yes, I could switch from 69 UAH to 35 UAH of the monthly fee, but for a fee of 30 UAH on my own initiative! And is the write-off for muddy self-connecting services and daily fees the norm? My tariff, for example, is 65 UAH, if I haven't paid, then it removes 5 UAH per day (that is, 150 per month). this is a normal markup ???? - maximum 35% should be if the company did not hit anything. in the package, for example, the Internet has ended, and everything else is there, I buy a gigabyte one-time for twenty, and they automatically turn on this service for life, and the next time you replenish the number with your monthly fee, you will find out that the package did not turn on because the twenty left for additional Internet. So just a minute, give me the package of services itself, I will use them up, and only then I will order this gig again if necessary, or maybe I will not order it (my business). packages in which by default digging is included for 7 days for free, and hell knows what else is included. a person bought a tariff for himself and then he finds out that he had to panic to find out about everything connected and disconnect on the very first day so that he would not be taken! You are here writing about "years of freebies", but for a minute, I wasn't asking them for this freebie? they bet themselves, counted on something, and they certainly did not work at a loss. sometime calls and sms will generally crack, and wi-fi will be around the world, people will communicate in applications and special programs, so now? Now I have 3 operators, and so many (for a family, a worker, a draft, etc.), and this is no longer a pack of cigarettes, but two hundred. and I don't need 3 ji everywhere and a lot of other junk that you can't even send to anyone by paying, it just burns out. here and the indignation is already legitimate. if I use 30 hryvnia, then it should be 30, for me on some rooms and ten minutes a month in hryvnia is enough, but for the sake of 0 minutes paying 69 is ridiculous !!! throw it in the trash bin! the number is just a pity, many people know, and somehow unexpectedly the operators came to an agreement. earlier, the same life knocked down the lafa to all competitors by removing the connection fee, giving unlimited access to the network, etc., but after the sale to the Akhmetovs, everyone sang very much, and the subscribers are not legally protected in any way (naturally, the same operators lobbied this scheme) are not responsible for anything!

It would seem that the code of Ukraine in the international format is 380. And this is quite enough for making calls. But in reality, not everything is so simple. In each specific

case, a special, individual approach must be applied. When calling from a landline phone, you need one type of dialing of numbers, but from a mobile or computer - completely different.

From mobile

In order to make a mobile phone call to Ukraine, as well as to any other country in the world, you must first dial "+", which is on the keyboard of each mobile phone or smartphone. Next, in our case, we dial the code of Ukraine, that is, 380. Then you need to enter the operator code cellular communication or locality. For example, for Kiev - 44. Then comes the phone number - 7654321. Then we press the call button to establish a connection. The last two parts of the number must be 9 digits together. In the local format, the code of Kiev is 044. When switching to the international format, the zero first goes to 380, and remains 44. So, the dialing order is as follows: +380 ( international code Ukraine), 44 (locality code), 7654321 (phone number). This will match +380447654321. At the end, be sure to press the call button.


A slightly different order of dialing when making a call from This is due to the fact that there is no “+” symbol on the keypad of a conventional stationary telephone. Even if it is, it does not perform the functions that are entrusted to it. Therefore, instead of "+" in this case, a combination of "8" (expect a long dial tone) and "10" (means that an international call is being made). Then we dial the code of Ukraine, that is, 380. Then you need to enter, by analogy with the previous case, the code of the settlement and the phone number (in total, the same 9 digits). That is, you should end up with 8-10380447654321.

From computer

The easiest way is to make calls using a computer and the most popular program for these purposes, Skype. Without fail for communication you need headphones or speakers, as well as a microphone. First, you need to install this program, register in it and replenish your account using the terminal. Only then will it be possible to make calls. As soon as

All this is done, go to Skype on the tab with the handset (it is located at the top of the left column). In this case, a numeric keypad with an input field will open in the main window. There is no need to dial Ukraine code with "+". You just need to select the country flag from the drop-down list on the left. Then, using the numeric keypad, enter the code of the settlement (without the "0" at the beginning) and the phone number. That is, it will be enough to dial 447654321 by analogy with the previous examples. Then we click on the call button (a green handset for the phone is drawn on it) and wait for the connection with the subscriber to be established.


The easiest and cheapest way to call in any direction is from a computer and Skype. The cost of a minute of such communication is 2 cents in US currency at the moment. In this case, there is no need to dial the code of Ukraine. A local phone number with area code is all you need. The other two methods are much more expensive and more complicated. Therefore, they can be used only in cases where you need to urgently contact the subscriber.

Around 2000, a call to Ukraine began to be interpreted as an international call and required the introduction of certain rules. How to call Ukraine today from a mobile, landline phone to landline and mobile? Let's study together.

Calling a Ukrainian mobile number from a landline phone

First, decide on the purpose of your call. Check the rates offered by the mobile operator and the fixed-line operator for international calls to Ukraine.
If the purpose of the call is to provide some information and the duration of the conversation will not be long, you can prefer a call from a mobile phone. If you are going to call your relatives in Ukraine, then the conversation will be long. In this case, it is more logical to use a landline phone.
Please note that the code of Ukraine is +380, and telephones in the cities of the country are seven-digit, five-digit or six digits. Therefore, you need to remember that if the subscriber's number consists of five characters, then immediately after entering the area code, you must add "2" or "22", depending on the length of the area code.
For some people, making an international call from a landline to a mobile is not possible. This common opinion has become stronger among older people who do not have additional buttons on their telephones other than numbers.
Indeed, how to dial a Ukrainian mobile phone number from a landline, if “+” cannot be dialed, and 8 is not an access to the international network? To enter the Ukrainian network, dial 8-10. After that, dial the country code 38. The next step is the city or telecom operator code (the first three digits in the mobile number). And the final step is to get the subscriber's number.
If everything is done correctly, then it is not so difficult to get through to a mobile phone in Ukraine from home.
If you call a Ukrainian number while outside Russian Federation... To do this, instead of a combination of 8-10, dial 00 and then enter the number of the country, city and subscriber code.

How to call Ukraine from a mobile phone?

Make sure you have sufficient funds on your number. Dial +380. Next, type in the subscriber's number. If you call to Ukraine from far abroad, after + dial "00" - to go to the country code. 38 - and add the subscriber's number.
Remember that international communication is several times more expensive than communication provided within the network. Put a large sum of money on your phone number just in case.
To reduce the cost of a call to Ukraine, you can use special international cards. Each such card has a nominal number of minutes provided. You can buy this card at communication offices, or pay through an ATM. To activate the time recorded on the card, you must enter a certain password from the phone, which is on the card.

How to call Ukraine from Skype

In our rapidly developing age, technology does not stand still. With the advent of the internet, many of the functions of everyday objects are spilling over into the web world wide web... So, when installed on the computer skype, you can communicate with relatives from all over the world and at the same time save good money.
From Skype, you can make calls to cell and landline phones anywhere in the world. Through Skype, you can set up a video call from a computer to a computer. On Skype, you can build communication like chat, in real time.
To make an international call to Ukraine from Skype, you need to make sure that there is enough money in your account to make a call. Second, you need to connect your microphone and headphones to your computer. Now we dial "+", "38", "subscriber's number" on the keyboard, and wait for the phone to pick up the phone at the other end.
Now you understand that there is nothing unusual or complicated in the question of how to call Ukraine from a mobile, landline to a landline or mobile phone. Let's go over the briefing points again.

Brief instructions for calls to Ukraine

Call from a mobile phone

  1. + 38 <код города> – <номер абонента>
  2. 38 is the international telephone code of Ukraine. If the call is made from far abroad, instead of "+" we dial "00".
  3. Do you know where "+" is on your mobile phone? it's easy - press twice or hold down the "*" button.

Call to Ukraine from a landline phone

  1. We pick up the phone.
  2. We dial 8-beep-10-38-city code-subscriber's number.
  3. If the dialed number is shorter than 7 characters, add “to the city code until we get a seven-digit value of the subscriber's number.

Call to Ukraine from a foreign country

  1. We pick up the phone.
  2. 00-38-city code (operator) - subscriber number.

Call to Ukraine from Skype

  1. We check the connection of the headset.
  2. We dial + 38-city code-subscriber's number.

To help those who understand how to call Ukraine from a mobile, landline phone to mobile and landline numbers, we place Ukraine.

How to call home from Ukraine

Every summer a large number of Russians have a rest in Crimea. Many people use local communication upon arrival, as calls from internal numbers to Russia are cheaper. But how to dial a Russian number?
It's simple. We dial +7, then the phone number in the sequence as it is written down. Communication takes place automatically. Or we dial 8-10 - the subscriber's number without the eight.
If you use MTS services in Ukraine, then dial 000 in front of the subscriber's number - so your connection will be cheaper.
If you decide to call a Russian number, regardless of roaming, then upon arrival in the country, activate the network in which the amount for an international call is charged at a fixed rate. Many people prefer to communicate in roaming through Kiev Star or MTS.
Of course, the right decision would be to buy a SIM card from a Ukrainian operator. But then do not forget to transfer the numbers to the phone from the old SIM card before the trip.
As you can see, there are several options when deciding how to call Ukraine from a mobile, landline phone to a mobile, landline number. Each is simple and accessible in its own way.

A few years ago, it was difficult not only to remember the operator code, but in general its name. It was popular to create not new tariffs, but a separate type of offers that had their own subscription plans... So over time appeared:

  • Ace & Base, Djuice, Mobilich, Beeline;
  • Jeans, SIM-SIM, MTS;
  • Life :), Moby and others.

All of these operators were regarded as separate offers for certain segments of the population. However, the population would prefer something of the same quality.

So now, many people want to combine and use only one code mobile operators Ukraine, which in principle is impossible due to various financial and other issues. This worries almost everyone through a large number of operator codes, which are difficult for some to remember, as a result of which significant amounts of money are lost from the account when making calls. However, it is enough just to learn or just print out a plate where all the codes of Ukrainian mobile operators will be placed. Maanimo editors will gladly provide it to you in this article, and you will know who is calling.

Brief information about the operators of Ukraine

Before figuring out which codes of mobile operators exist in Ukraine in 2019, you must first familiarize yourself with the information about companies that provide communication services to the population.

One of the first operators mobile communication on the territory of Ukraine became UMC, which has undergone several big changes over the years. So the company twice re-branded the network, after which it was called MTS, and the current name is Vodafone. For all the time of work, subscribers are characterized as an excellent operator with good conditions and quality of communication.

The next company that launched its brand was Kyivstar - a national operator covering a large number of cities and towns thanks to constant development mobile networks... This brand is actively involved in many investment projects, improving and developing its network for quality use.

There are also admirers of communications from Intertelecom and Ukrtelecom, but they are preferred by an insignificant part of subscribers. In total, Kyivstar is used most of all - about 42%, Vodafone - about 40%, Lifecell - up to 10%, and the remaining 8% falls on other operators.

Codes of mobile operators in Ukraine

Generally codes cellular operators is a three-digit special identifier that refers to a specific network and company providing communication services to the public. In general, the code and number provide excellent protection against unnecessary calls, except for the confusion with some of the first digits. That is why it is worth knowing and remembering all the codes in order to avoid confusion and loss of money.

All codes of Ukrainian operators are more or less easy to remember, given the fact that now there are only three main ones, to which the other remaining sets of numbers were assigned. Separately, you can recall that the operator code 068 was transferred from the Beeline company, which finished its work and entered Kyivstar.

Therefore, it is best to divide the telephone operator codes into four categories:

  1. Kyivstar;
  2. Vodafone;
  3. Lifecell;
  4. other codes of Ukrainian operators.

Vodafone operator codes

Without exception, all Vodafone operator codes (MTS Ukraine) remained the same, as did the owner. The changed name Vodafone, represents the famous European operator, using the ideas and the entire organization of the work of this company. The tariffs have been slightly updated, but as practice shows, for the better and with better communication coverage.

At the moment there are only a few operator codes, but with an increase in the number of subscribers, the company may think about another one. Therefore, now it is worth remembering the following:

  1. 050 - is considered one of the very first codes of mobile operators in Ukraine, received at the beginning of cellular communication in the country by the then UMC brand. After the rebranding, it became the main code of the MTS operator, and now Vodafone;
  2. 066 is the operator code that began to be used in Jeans numbers. The creation of this operator was aimed mainly at young people, with appropriate tariffs and services. Now, operator code 066 is practically not used in new packages, with the exception of Vip numbers;
  3. 095 - was introduced after the first two and is now quite popular. Earlier, the operator code 095 was intended for UMC and Jeans, and the first one began with a number from all digits except 7 and 9, left to the second. According to statistics, 095 is the most used company code;
  4. operator code 099 is universal and was planned to be used for all brands that previously represented the UMC group. Since 099 is a rather young operator code, it is actively used in new connections and when switching from old ones.

According to experts, Vodafone now has more than 15 million subscribers, which is an excellent result and demonstration of quality service and coverage.

Operator codes Kyivstar

Kyivstar is a very popular company and, probably, everyone knows the codes that relate to it.

The only unknown can be called only 039 - presented for the Golden Telecom brand, which did not exist for a long time. The main codes of the operator Kyivstar are as follows:

  1. 067 is one of the very first codes of mobile operators in Ukraine, it is also considered to be in the forefront in terms of the number of subscribers. Today, it is used mainly to connect new users, concluding an agreement on a contract basis;
  2. operator code 068 - the former Beeline operator code, however, without the possibility of new connections. At least for now;
  3. 096 - operator code Kyivstar, which was previously used for Djuice subscribers;
  4. 097 is the operator code with which the Djuice brand began its work. The code is popular now, and is often found in new starter packages;
  5. 098 is the operator's code, which is also very popular and has a large number of subscribers.

There are more than 16 million Kyivstar subscribers in total.

Lifecell operator codes

The Lifecell brand was created by the Turkish operator Turkcell, which was previously involved in another name Life :). At the moment, the number of subscribers is about 6-7 million people, most of whom are young people. All this is explained by convenient and favorable tariffs aimed at using high-speed Internet.

Such an operator is, of course, an excellent option for large cities, and the codes are used as follows:

  1. 063 - the first operator code Life. It was with him that the history of the brand began, and the start surpassed all expectations. Operator code 063 is still popular;
  2. operator code 093 is used with great success and is available for sale even now.
  3. 073 is new code and looks very nice. Initially, the company planned to acquire the 077, but the proprietary use of the troika in the end exceeded many desires, as well as to avoid operator confusion.

Who called?

Table of codes of mobile operators in Ukraine

Operator name

Mob codes operators


067, 096, 097, 098

Vodafone (MTS)

050, 066, 095, 099

Lifecell (Life)


070, 080, 090, 056, 057

Trimob, PeopleNet, Intertelecom

Codes of other mobile operators

Taking advantage of all positive sides: with bonuses, promotions, great offers and tariffs, people choose not only the popular Kyivstar, Lifecell, Vodafone, but also often prefer other unknown operators. Codes of mobile operators, which will always cause certain questions or outrage. All this is solely due to the best offers, albeit related to certain services: the Internet, 3G Internet or various calls. Therefore, there are also such codes of mobile operators:

  • operator code 091 - belongs to the Trimob operator from Ukrtelecom and is directed to use high-quality 3G Internet;
  • 092 is PeopleNet, which is also used primarily for the internet;
  • operator code 094 - belongs to Intertelecom, which has long been trying to create competition for the three main Ukrainian operators, but has so far been unsuccessful. 094 operator code is new and practically unknown at the moment;
  • 070, 080, 090 - such codes of Ukrainian operators are not yet assigned to any separate provider, but may soon become someone's for a tidy sum of money. So far, only he can be used by fraudsters for various shenanigans.

Also, an excellent trick for many can be the operator code 056, which, as many will think, does not refer to the new operator codes, but in fact to the city of Dnipro.

056 is the operator's code of “special problems”, as it is popularly called, because scammers can call it very often, even at night, drop the call, and large sums of money will be withdrawn when attempting to call back. Attackers can also post a number with such a code on a job classifieds website, and when you call it, you will be charged a considerable amount.

The operator code 057, which is used to implement a robot promoting various products, also has a bad reputation. Many victims with sales are found on, where trading floor is not limited and has a free base without special protections... The code is basic for the city of Kharkov.

Stationary codes can be distinguished as a separate group of codes of mobile operators:

  • Vinnytsia - 043;
  • Dnipro - 056;
  • Donetsk - 062;
  • Zhytomyr - 041;
  • Zaporizhzhia - 061;
  • Ivano-Frankivsk - 034;
  • Kiev - 044 and 045;
  • Kropyvnytskyi - 052;
  • Lugansk - 064;
  • Lutsk - 033;
  • Lviv - 032;
  • Nikolaev - 051;
  • Odessa - 048;
  • Poltava - 053;
  • Exactly - 036;
  • Sumy - 054;
  • Ternopil - 035;
  • Uzhgorod - 031;
  • Kharkiv - 057;
  • Kherson - 055;
  • Khmelnitsky - 038;
  • Cherkasy - 047;
  • Chernihiv - 046;
  • Chernivtsi - 037.

Some features of the services of Ukrainian operators

An excellent service, which is also inexpensive, and in some cases even free, is the anti-identifier. It allows you to hide the mobile operator code and number from other subscribers different operators... Very useful for those involved in sales, but many people prefer not to pick up the phone from such unknown numbers. Vodafone recently started providing new service - "Super caller ID", which will be able to determine the codes of mobile operators and numbers, without exception, even with all the secrecy.

But the more popular service in Ukraine is “Who called?”. It is in great demand, because it allows subscribers to find out about missed calls at a time when the battery in the phone runs out or there is no coverage of the network coverage. This is very convenient, and some operators provide options for SMS replies, for different situations or time of day. But the only thing that unites all companies that provide the service "Who called?" - its absolute free of charge.

How to find out who called, maybe a person with the coolest smartphone, and a grandmother with a push-button device, because all information comes through an SMS message, after which you can call the desired subscriber. However, for those who use anti-caller IDs, problems may arise, their number will not be indicated in the message, limited only by the call time and date.

The codes of the world's mobile operators are more varied and the number of license plates, and, as a rule, are rarely remembered by foreigners. They prefer to keep phone books or use the phone memory. Their codes of mobile operators are so confused that the employees of the companies themselves do not always remember what and where.


There is only one conclusion to complete - in Ukraine in 2019 there are three stable companies that provide excellent services and have good network coverage. The codes of mobile operators are simple, you can easily remember them, or you can simply use the table from this article, which can help you understand who is who.

Mobile operators have been operating in the country since the mid-1990s. Ukraine (codes are different for each operator) is covered by mobile communications on 98% of its territory. Mobile communications solved the problems of many people, because not everyone had landline phones... In addition, cell phones help to contact a person as quickly as possible.

Which mobile operators are popular?

Several operators work in Ukraine. The leaders of the mobile communication market are MTS / Vodafone and Kyivstar. Also presented is the operator "Intertelecom" (phone code +38094), working in CDMA format. Less popular mobile operators also operate in the country. Ukraine (codes for calls from abroad must be dialed in the international format: 0038 or +38) - this is an already formed mobile communications market. It will be very difficult for new operators to enter it.

Mobile operators (Ukraine): codes

How to type correctly mobile number Ukrainian operator? If a person calls from abroad, first the combination +38 is entered (international then the operator code (three digits) and the phone number (7 digits) are indicated. , cheap or expensive call will cost a person.

So, the operator "MTS / Vodafone" currently has four codes: +38050, +38066, +38095, +38099. Some of these codes originally belonged to other, smaller telecom operators who joined MTS. Initially, mobile operators (Ukraine), whose codes are +38066, +38095 and +38099, independently offered their services to customers. It is about the operators "Ecotel" and "Jeans".

Kyivstar is a mobile operator (Ukraine is the only country where this company operates), which was one of the first to offer its services on the Ukrainian market. Kyivstar now also owns four codes: +38067, +38096, +38097, +38098.

Other operators

What other mobile operators are there (Ukraine)? What are their codes?

Today, many people prefer Life tariffs (codes +38063, +38093), because this operator provides profitable services (Internet). Of course, you should pay attention to those mobile operators that are not so well known, although their tariffs and conditions are not so bad. Russian operator Beeline (code +38068) burst into the Ukrainian mobile space several years ago. Potential subscribers know very little about Golden Telecom (code +38039), because this operator did not specifically advertise its services. The operator Peoplenet is more specialized in providing the Internet. Works on CDMA / 3G technology (code +38092).