How to unlock a black man in classmates. How to stop unwanted communication in Odnoklassniki? Removing a person from an emergency

Social networking sites have become fabulously popular these days. Social networks, in addition to purely entertainment functions, carry many communication opportunities. Isn't it interesting to look at a person you haven't seen for several years? And it is simply convenient to contact relatives, friends or acquaintances who are at least in the next house, at least on another continent! In such conditions, no

It would be an exaggeration to say that, for example, my page in Odnoklassniki becomes a real window into the world. The social network, in addition, attracts commercial structures, this site is filled with all sorts of advertisements and offers. They also attract intruders. It is sad, however, that in the fight against them, sometimes misunderstandings occur, as a result of which innocent users become victims. At such moments, we begin to wonder how to unblock our page in Odnoklassniki. There can be several reasons for blocking, and, consequently, ways out of the situation. Let's consider the main ones.


If you are not in a hurry to still sin on the resource itself and blocking. It is likely that the reason for this is directly your computer or viruses that are there. The recipe here is extremely simple. You need good antivirus program and cleaning operating system... Perhaps after that the site will work again. Also, it will be superfluous to clear the folders with saved passwords and user data that are on your computer. To do this, open drive C, go to the "Documents and Settings" section, then open the folder that carries the computer. In it you will see the very "Cookies".

How to unblock a page in Odnoklassniki using a phone number

If, nevertheless, you were blocked or forgot your password, try to recover using mobile phone... The moment you try to enter the site, you will probably be prompted to restore your account using your phone number. Feel free to click on this option! Once upon a time you indicated your mobile number on the site. Now the moment has come when this probably annoying necessity has become for you useful function... Within three or five minutes, your phone will receive electronic message with code. With it, you can change your password and continue to safely use your own account.

How to unblock a page in Odnoklassniki after deleting

It so happens that you are impulsively removed from social networks, however, through

for some time you feel sad without this handy thing that easily makes all your friends, colleagues and acquaintances so close, and you want to return everything to its place. There are two options here. If you simply deleted all the information about yourself from your account, then to restore you just need to enter the site using your password. Your page will still be there as a blank profile. Further from you, you just need to fill in the previously empty fields. It is more difficult if the deletion was performed using the "Referent" function. Then you have two options. You can try to write to the site administration with a statement of the reasons and a request to restore the profile. However, it is not at all a fact that they will answer you. In this case, the easiest way out is to simply re-creation account. It's not difficult!

Actually, now you know how to unblock a page in Odnoklassniki. I hope you don't have to deal with this issue again. Good luck!

On the Odnoklassniki social network, as in other similar networks, you can easily deny access to your profile to unwanted individuals. In this case, they will not be able to view the user's personal data (photos, video, audio recordings, notes), leave comments, write him personal messages. To do this, classmates use a very convenient Black list option, thanks to which you can get rid of annoying guests and simply unpleasant people who show inadequate interest (and this happens quite often in virtual environment) to the calm inhabitant of Odnoklassniki. In an emergency, you can send an arrogant guest in a few clicks, with whom there is no desire not only to communicate, but also to provide him with any information about yourself. You just need to move the cursor over the annoying visitor, select the "Block" link in the drop-down window, and then confirm your decision with one more click on this link.

But, sometimes it happens that a person can send even a close friend to an emergency. This happens either by mistake or because of a stupid resentment. However, it doesn't matter why it happened, now he wants to remove him from the "black list" and wants to know how to remove from the blacklist in classmates just him. Also, it happens that after a while people just want to clean the Black list.

First you should specify possible ways adding people to emergency situations in Odnoklassniki.

Adding to emergency situations

There are several ways to add to emergency situations in Odnoklassniki. On the site, go to the "Guests" menu, in the "My guests" submenu that appears, find the person you want to block (hover over him with the mouse) and in the menu that appears, click on "Block".

Then a window will appear to confirm the decision, you need to press the lock button again. After that, the blocked person will no longer be able to disturb the user.

Also, any interlocutor can be added to the emergency. For this, it is more convenient to use a messaging system. At the top you need to click on the "Messages" button, then a message exchange window will open, in the left column of which the list of senders is displayed. You must select an unwanted interlocutor and pay attention to the "Block" link (it is located in the upper right part of the window). In the open window, you need to confirm your decision and click "Block". If you change your mind, you can click "Cancel".

Removal from the "black list"

You can remove a user from the blacklist in classmates at any time. You need to go to your page on the social network "Classmates", go down the page, go to "Other sections" and find among available functions the emergency option. It is located on the left in the second column. By clicking on the emergency link, the user will go to this section and will be able to see a list of all unwanted guests to whom he has ever blocked access to his profile. On next page the photos of the visitors included in the emergency will be displayed. To remove someone from the "classmates" from the black list, you need to move the mouse cursor over him, select the "Unblock" option. This link is at the very end of the feature list. You need to click on this link for a new window to appear, where the decision to unblock the access of the selected person is confirmed by the "Delete" button.

After clicking on "Delete" the person will be removed from the list of unwanted persons. Other users are excluded from this section in the same way. But before making such a decision, it must be borne in mind that from that time on, unlocked individuals will again receive full access to a previously inaccessible page and can comment on photos, videos, notes, write messages to classmates. Therefore, it is better to find out first for yourself, and not whether a similar situation will happen again and whether it is worth risking your peace of mind.

You, of course, know that in every social network there is an option thanks to which you can block this or that person, thus limiting his access to your page. And how to remove from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki if you need to remove the imposed "sanctions"? Naturally, for this, the site system has the necessary functionality, and quite simple. Below you can see all available ways - for computer and phone.

On the computer

We offer two options for action. Their difference is in the ways in which you can get to the desired section.

From the home page

The first one is from the main * profile page, here's how to remove a person from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki:

  • Click on the line with your name and surname (under the avatar, next to the "lock" icon.
  • On the panel with the names of the sections, to the right of the avatar, select “More”.
  • In the menu that will slide down, select "Black list".
  • We are looking for the person who needs to be unblocked.
  • Hover over his profile image and click on "Unblock" in the menu window to remove a person from the blacklist on Odnoklassniki.

* Home page- this is a page where basic information is displayed, a panel with buttons for going to thematic sections and a history of events (given and received marks, gifts, comments, etc.).

From the Settings menu

The second option, how to unblock a person from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki, is from the "Settings" section:

  • On the orange bar at the top of the page, on the right, there is an icon in the form of a thumbnail of your profile avatar. And next to it is the ▽ button - click on it.
  • From the dropdown menu select "Change settings".

  • On the left side of the window, you will see a panel with tab names. Click on "Black list".
  • We find the user profile that you want to remove from here.
  • Hover the cursor over the avatar of this person and in the menu to unblock a friend in Odnoklassniki, select the button with the appropriate name.

Please note: the person you unbanned will be able to view your Odnoklassniki profile again. Volume available information - exactly the same as for other users of this social network who are not on your friends list.

On the phone

Nothing complicated here either. Truth, desired section in mobile application Finding classmates is more difficult (but not with our instructions!) Than on a computer. How to remove a previously blocked person from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki:

  • Log in to the application.
  • Open the menu by swiping the screen to the right.
  • Click on “Settings” (at the end of the tabbed panel).
  • In the next window, under the first and last name, you will see the line "Profile settings"... Click on it.

  • In the new window, we are looking for an inscription "Black list" and click on it to remove;

  • A list of people that you previously banned from your page will appear on the screen. We are looking for the desired profile to return a friend from the blacklist.
  • Found it? On the right side of the line in which you see the profile name, there is a button in the form of three dots, one above the other. Click on it.
  • A small window with one button will appear - "Unblock"... Click.

In this way, you can remove a person from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki from your phone to android platform and iOS - the functionality of applications is the same in both cases.

How to remove from the blacklist

Any social. the network provides an opportunity to stop communicating with an unwanted person by adding to the so-called black list. There is a similar opportunity in Odnoklassniki. By clicking the block button, you restrict the person's ability to view, comment on photos, write messages to you.

Sometimes mistakes happen. In an emergency, you can send a close friend or you made peace with someone with whom you previously did not want to communicate. What if this happened? Can I undo an action? Let's consider ways to return a user from blocked to the rank of full-fledged friends and try to answer the questions posed.

How to find emergency situations on the Odnoklassniki social network

To view the black list and everyone who is in it, just follow a few simple steps:

  • Go to your page, scroll through it to the very bottom.
  • Open other functions, go to the blacklist by clicking on it.
  • A window will open, a list of those people to whom you have denied access to the page will appear.

How to remove a person from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki if you made a mistake

You can return a person to full-fledged friends at any time, everything will depend only on personal desire.

  • We carry out all the actions described above, open a window with photos of those people whose access to the page is restricted.
  • Hover the mouse cursor over the photo of the selected client and select the unblock option that appears. This is the bottom line of the list.
  • Click on the button, confirm the restoration with the button to remove from the emergency.

That's it, a person got the right to write you messages, leave comments, rate photos and much more. Now he is a full-fledged friend and you can communicate with him completely calmly. We managed to remove all restrictions.

How to remove from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki, the second method

  • Hover the cursor over the "more" item located on the main page.
  • In the window that opens, select the ES item.
  • We are looking for a photo of the person you want to return as friends.
  • Press the unlock button.

The user has been restored to the status of your friend.

There is a kind of small limitation, a friend removed from the blacklist will not be able to immediately enter into correspondence with you or perform other actions within 24 hours. After a day, full access will be restored.

How to remove from the blacklist on Odnoklassniki in the mobile version

You can also delete, add users in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki. To do this, go to mobile version site, open your page, go down below. There is an item "other sections". A window opens, click on the "black list" button. Select the blocked user and click the "unblock" button. That's it, the user has fully restored his rights, he will be able to send messages in a day, leave comments.

Clear blacklist completely

You will not be able to clear the emergency situation in a few clicks, each user will have to be restored separately. If there are a lot of blocked users, it will take a long time. The size of emergency situations in Odnoklassniki is not limited and many users can be placed there.

The administration does not allow disabling the emergency completely. Before restoring a person to the whitelist, you should think very carefully if he is worth it. You may soon have to send him back forever and stop all communication with him.

Social blacklist networks, a rather useful thing, it allows you to get rid of annoying users, people who are simply unpleasant to you personally. But sometimes it turns out that having quarreled, we send people close to us there, or simply make a mistake. For this, there is an opportunity to get a person out of there and continue to communicate with him. We tried to tell you how to do this in a fairly simple way.

Today social networks addictive to people of all ages, but sometimes there are annoying and frankly rude interlocutors. Those users who have not been spared these troubles have a reasonable question: how to block a person on Odnoklassniki?

What does blocking a user give?

The one you blacklisted will not be able to correspond with you, add comments to your statuses and photos, give you gifts, and he will be able to view your page only in a limited mode.

And although you don't want to spoil your relationship with old acquaintances, sometimes blocking classmates who scribble nasty things on your profile and send spam is the only way out.

There are several ways to accomplish this simple operation. Which one to choose depends on the nature of your communication with the person you want to blacklist.

An easy way to get rid of spammers and nerds

  • If a user writes to you through the private messaging system, the easiest way to block him is as follows.
  • Go to "Messages", on the left, click on the photo of the desired interlocutor.
  • In the right upper corner click on the word "More" and in the drop-down menu select "Block" (crossed out circle).
  • A dialog box appears in which you must confirm your action.

How to discourage uninvited guests

  • Click on the "Guests" tab.
  • Hover your mouse over the user you no longer want to see on your page.
  • A menu appears, and you select the "Block" item in it.
  • Confirm your choice in the dialog box that appears.

Close access for harmful commentators

Sometimes it also happens that it is necessary to block a friend on Odnoklassniki due to the fact that he writes offensive comments. It’s easy to do.

  • Open the "Discussions" tab and select "My".
  • Find the thread you are interested in and hover over the comment you want to delete.
  • To the right of it, next to the publication time, there is a cross, clicking on which you will see a dialog box. In it, you need not only to confirm the deletion, but also put a tick in front of the item "block the author of the comment".

Blacklisted for low grades

If someone gave you a bad grade, you can block it without even leaving the current tab.

  • Hover over the grade you are not happy with and a lock icon and a delete icon will appear in the bottom right corner. You can click both.
  • Confirm your consent to the performed action in the opened window.

Many people ask the question of how to block a person in Odnoklassniki, if there was no correspondence with him, he did not come to visit and did not rate your photos?

It is possible, you just need to go to his profile and in the menu, which is located under his avatar, select the item "write a message". Next, you need to act as in the first method described by us.