How the folder is created. Create a new folder on your computer desktop. Create or re-create a directory

Let's get down to business right away. We will create the folder on a computer with Windows 7. It should be noted that there is no difference when using a computer or laptop with Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8.


A folder can be created quickly and without using a mouse. To do this, you need to type the following keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Ctrl + Shift + N.
  2. If you need to create a folder in Explorer, then you can use the following keystroke sequence: Alt, a, f, g.

To create the invisible folder, you need to perform two simple steps.

To change the default folder icon, you must:

Why can't I create a folder named Con

Or maybe you can? Let's try renaming the previously created Applications folder. To do this, double-click on its name with the left mouse button, with a slight delay between clicks, or press F2 when the folder is active (selected). Enter the new name “con”. Apparently after that it pops up system error "Invalid device name specified." There is nothing left but to click "OK" and observe the old folder name.

Not only is CON a prohibited folder name, it is also not possible to use PRN, LPT, CLOCK $ and AUX in the name. If you do not go into details, then this is due to the fact that Windows perceives these folders as system folders that have already been created earlier.

We used the words "folder" and "file" so often, we even learned what they are. The level of your knowledge is already high enough that we can talk about more complex and serious things. This time I propose to study operations on these objects. But before that, I recommend repeating the lesson "".

This article will be very helpful, you will learn a lot. In fact, we will partially repeat the previous material and add a couple more spoons to our knowledge barrel, namely, a couple of lessons on how to create a folder and a file, as well as how to rename, copy, cut, etc.

  • How to create a folder
  • How to create a file
  • How to rename a folder or file
  • Context menu (right mouse button)
  • Copy / Cut - Paste
  • How to select objects
  • Properties

How to create a folder

The first question you might have is where can you create folders and files? This can be done on any local disk, as well as in the space of removable media and even disks, but in preparation for recording (repeat the lesson "What is a USB flash drive. What is a CD and DVD").

Let's try to create a folder:

  • Choose the right place where the folder will be created;
  • Click anywhere in the empty space right click mice;
  • We are looking for the line "create";
  • In the pop-up submenu, select the "folder", as a rule, this is the first line.

So we got new folder... If you try to create another one, it will be created under the name "new folder (2)". The third will be number 3, and so on.

How to create a file

File creation follows the same scheme. But what kind of file do you want to create? The fact is that the file has a type (the extension indicates it, remember the previous lessons). By and large, you only need to be able to create text files and application files “ Microsoft Office”, For example, the same. But I do not limit you in any way. Explore the creation menu, try to create something. There is nothing to worry about, and the products of your samples can always be removed.

How to rename a folder or file

Agree, it is very inconvenient to use the information on the computer as quickly as possible when all folders are called “new folders”. Therefore, we should talk about how to rename a folder:

  • The folder is automatically named when created, but it will be highlighted. At this point, you can enter your version.
  • If the folder has already been created, then left-click on it to highlight the folder. After one or two seconds, click again, but this time on the name of the folder (it is located immediately below the folder). If everything is done correctly, the folder name will be highlighted and you can change it.
  • If for some reason the first two options do not suit you, then there is a third, more cumbersome way. Right click on the folder icon. AT context menu find the line "rename". Enter your variant of the name.

We will not dwell on how to rename the file in detail. This is done in the same way as with a folder.

Now we know how to create a folder, and we can even tell less literate colleagues how to rename a folder that has already been created. Let's move on to studying new operations.

Context menu (right mouse button)

I often ask you to press the right mouse button, but I didn’t really explain what the window pops up when you press it, and why it is needed. Now is the best time for that.

Depending on the environment where the menu was opened, the set of functions in it may vary. For example, if you right-click in the working field of any folder, you will see something like this:

The first three lines will help you to make the display of folders and files more convenient. You can resize icons, sort folders by one of several options, and also break them into groups. Practice yourself and arrange the folders the way you like.

The "customize folder" line allows you to change the properties of that particular folder in the working field of which the context menu was opened. In general, if you need to perform some manipulations on a specific object, then you need to right-click on the icon of this object, similar to what we did a little earlier when I explained how to create a folder and rename it.

The "properties" line will allow you to see some information open folder and change several of its options. Do not be too self-willed there.

Now let's move on to more specific work with files and folders.

Copy / Cut - Paste

If the files on a computer are chaotic, then we can say with 100% certainty that fast information retrieval is alien to such a computer. You can, of course, try to find the document you want through the search menu (the magnifying glass icon located on the right upper corner open window). But this trick will work if you remember the file name accurately enough. What if hDD is a few unnamed local disks, crammed to capacity with "new folders", the idea is doomed.

Therefore, now I will quickly teach you how to move objects, and you will put things in order on your computer as your homework.

The easiest way to copy a folder is as follows.

  • Look for desired folderwhich you are going to copy;
  • Open the folder where you are going to copy;
  • Drag and drop a folder from one directory to another. To do this, left-click (LMB) on the copied folder and, without releasing LMB, drag it to where you want to copy.

Note: directory (English directory - directory) is the path to the document (in our case - to the folder). In other words, the address of a folder is called a directory (each folder has a directory).

Here, the fact from which to which local drive you move the folder is very important. If this is done within one local disk, then with this method of moving the folder will be cut from one place and inserted in another. If local drives different, the folder will be copied. This means that the original will remain where it was. If you do not need this, then while moving, hold down “ctrl” or use another method:

  • Right click on the folder;
  • Select "copy" or "cut" from the menu if you want to move the folder;
  • Open the destination directory;
  • Click anywhere in the working area with the right mouse button;
  • Select the line "insert" from the menu.

If you need to transfer several files and folders at once, then first select the entire group, and then use one of the two above methods.

How to select objects

A single file or folder can be selected with a simple (single) click of the mouse - we already know this. The group can be selected with the mouse by holding left button mouse and highlighting all those documents that are needed. And this, I hope, is not a secret for you. And how to select objects that are not nearby? Take a look at the keyboard and find the “Ctrl” and “Shift” keys there.

To select several objects in a row, select the first object in the list, and left-click on the last one while holding down “Shift”.

If you need to select objects located at random, click on them with the mouse holding down “Ctrl”.

These methods can be combined. Try it. Practice in mastering the computer plays the most important role.

I will add just one piece of advice to the topic on how to create a folder. If you suddenly give a non-unique name to a new folder (i.e. the name that some folder already has), then you risk replacing the existing folder with a new one. The system will offer you options for action, but I know from myself that many may not even notice. Be careful not to lose information. Therefore, try to name all new folders with unique names.


This option in the context menu allows you to open a window similar to the following:

In the "General" tab, you can get information about the current state of the object and make it invisible (for this, you must set the appropriate checkbox). The "access" tab is needed to restrict or vice versa open access third-party computers on the local network to this folder, if, of course, this the local network there is. "Settings" will help you optimize a folder for a certain type of files and choose an original icon for it. Well, the "security" tab doesn't really matter to you, try not to change anything there.

Try to create some folders and practice with them, repeating all the steps you learned about today. This will help to consolidate the material and facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge in the future.

A variety of items are stored on computer disks. And you have to know them. A folder is, one might say, something without which work in operating system cannot pass comfortably. But not every user is really familiar with this object. Let's try to fix the situation and find out about him as much as possible. So, let's begin! After all, there is a lot of interesting and useful information on this topic.


The folder is, as it was said, one of the elements of the computer, which is known to everyone. Perhaps, in real life, and so it is clear what this is a kind of document storage. Oddly enough, the situation is similar with a computer.

A folder is a repository for documents and other folders. Serves for the orderly storage of information on the hard disk, as well as for easy search required files user. So if you need to hide something, or sort the data into categories, this object will be very useful. Most often, folders are placed on the desktop along with shortcuts, and also nested inside each other like nesting dolls.


The second interesting point to consider is the process of creating an object. Even a novice user is able to cope with the task. Of course, if you see a computer for the first time in your life, then the question of how to create a folder may seem difficult. But this is not the case.

First, decide where you want to place this object. For example, inside an existing folder. Or the second option will be used for a visual description of the process. So, in order to answer how to create a folder, you just need to right-click on a free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop.

You will be presented with a small list of actions. Find the item "Create" there and hover over it. Now you should select "Folder". An icon with an image and its name (standard name) will appear on the desktop. As long as the area is highlighted in blue, you can type any name. If necessary, you can change it at any time without damaging the files stored inside. Ready? It remains to simply press Enter or left-click on free space... That's all - the creation is complete.


A folder is not just an object that can contain documents. Quite often, she personifies a repository with confidential information. The best protection option in this case is to set a password. A password-protected folder in Windows can be created in several ways. Some tricks are only for advanced users.

But the simplest scenario is to restrict access. Especially if you have various accounts... Access to windows folders shown in the properties of the object in the "Security" section. Check the box "Cancel general access to the folder ".

Now confirm your intentions. You will see a window where you can type the password and re-enter it to complete the process. Save the changes and the password-protected folder is ready. Henceforth, when you try to open it, the computer will ask you for an access password. If you fail, you can try again and again.

In addition, anyone can set a password for the folder using additional content. For example, Instant Lock. Download, install, mark the desired folder, create a password and save the changes - nothing complicated. But it's better not to use third-party content in such a simple matter. There is no guarantee that the software used will not infect the operating system.


Did you know that folders on your computer have visibility settings? For example, this object can be normal and hidden. With all this, the contents of the folder remain in the operating system and do not go anywhere. It will simply be hidden from prying eyes.

In order to carry out the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating hidden folders, you will have to refer to the properties of the object. Click on the right mouse button when the cursor is on the desired object and select "Properties". You will have a window with several tabs. We need a "General" section.

Pay attention to "Attributes". If you check the box next to "Hidden" and then save the changes, the folder will become hidden. To complete the steps, configure the display of these objects in the operating system.

Control panel to help

These actions are carried out using the computer control panel. It is enough to visit this service (it is in the "Start" menu) and select the "Folder Options" line there.

After that, you will see a window with several tabs appear on the screen. Go to "View" and take a close look at the "Advanced options". This is where the display of hidden documents is configured. If you have the initial parameters set, then all hidden objects will simply become semi-transparent. And folders too. But the user can still see them.

But the situation can be remedied. Find the section " Hidden files and folders. "In it, check the box" Do not show hidden objects ". Now save the changes and see what happened. The folder that was assigned the title of hidden will disappear. You can see it again only after checking the" Show hidden objects "checkbox in" Additional parameters "of the control panel (service" Folder options "). As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. Practice a few times - and everything will become clear and memorable to you.


On a computer, a folder is an object that can be configured to appear in the operating system. In other words, change standard icon whatever you want. Initially, all folders on the computer are created with the image of a folder for papers.

In order to change the display shortcut, go to the folder properties, and then go to the "Settings" section. At the very bottom of the window there will be an item "Icons". Click on "Configure". Next, select the appropriate image from the proposed ones and save the changes. If the desired picture is stored in a specific place, then find it, specify the path using, select it in the "Settings" menu and save the changes.

Look at the result. The folder icon has changed. Nothing complicated, right? This way you can decorate your desktop and give special folders your own style.

There are several ways to create new folders. But we will learn how to make them in a universal way, which can then be repeated on any other computer with any Windows system (XP, 7, 8, 10).

How to create a folder:

Right-click on an empty space. Such a list should appear.

This list is called a "menu".

Move the arrow (cursor) over the item "Create". Another additional window will appear in which you need to move the cursor to the topmost item "Folder" and click on it with the left mouse button.

A new folder should appear. The letters will be highlighted with some color (blue in the picture) and blink. This means that the folder has already been created and the computer prompts you to type a name for it.

In order for it to be called what you want, you first need to see which alphabet is installed on your computer. The lower right shows the alphabet that is currently active, it is shown in two English letters.

RU is the Russian alphabet, EN is English.

To change the alphabet, left-click on these two letters and select the desired language from the list.

To assign the entered word to the folder, click on an empty space.

The new folder is ready!

We are all at different levels of computer proficiency. And that's quite normal. The most important thing is never to stop developing. In this article, we will discuss one of the key features of working on a computer - creating folders.

What is a folder?

You probably understand that a computer is a storage device. But, this is clever, but in fact, our photos, music, games and many more useful things are stored on the computer. So: this is information.

The unit of information measurement for ordinary users is a file. A photo is a file, usually a song is one file, a movie is often one file. Now imagine that you went to the supermarket for groceries. Let's say you need to buy a stick of sausage, cheese, beef, onions and kefir. Let's compare each of these items to a file.

How comfortable will it be for you to carry, even to the checkout, all this in your hands? That's right, you take a basket or cart. In turn, for example, you put the onion in a bag at the very beginning, and only after that in a cart so that it does not crumble. Roughly speaking, the same thing happens on your hard drive (your computer's memory). So that files (music, photos, videos and other files) do not look like one big heap, they are combined into "carts" or folders. (They are also called directories).

Enough theory, how do you create a folder on your computer?

With operating room windows system, for example, this can be done via "Conductor"... This is a built-in program that is designed to work with files.

First you need to decide where your folder should be. For example, you decide to create a folder on your desktop. For this right-click on an empty part of the desktop, choose left-click the item "Create" and in the opened supplementary list select "Folder".

After that, we need to name the folder or leave what is written by default - "New folder". Push the button "Enter"... All our folder or "cart" has been created and now we can put any files in it.

The images below show how to create a folder on the C drive step by step.

I am very interested to know if it was possible to clearly explain how to create a folder, are there any more articles on basic computer capabilities needed? Write the whole truth in the comments!