How to make fvd speed dial the start page. Speed \u200b\u200bDial for Mozilla Firefox: instructions for use. FVD Speed \u200b\u200bDial. Visual Bookmarks for Chrome and Firefox

Flash Video downloader Speed \u200b\u200bDial Is a popular browser add-on Mozilla Firefox with a wide range of tools. Speed \u200b\u200bDial for Firefox allows users to transform their favorite search engine, to make the work convenient and pleasant.

How to install Speed \u200b\u200bDial

You can download Speed \u200b\u200bDial for Mozilla Firefox and install the application through the settings menu of the browser itself by going to the "Add-ons" tab. Next, in the "Extensions" section in the search box, type keywords "Speed \u200b\u200bdial". Speed \u200b\u200bDial will appear first in the list of applications found by the best match. You can see technical characteristics and brief overview this extension by clicking on the item "More". The "Install" button will download and install the program to the user's browser.

To download and installed application took effect, you need to restart your Internet browser.

Note: In the "Extensions" tab there will be a new installed Speed \u200b\u200bDial add-on marked "Deprecated". This does not mean that the application is out of date and will not work. The thing is that the developers from the Mozilla Corporation and the Mozilla Foundation take into account the wishes of their fans and care about the safety of users. In new browser releases, current add-ons will be created by new technology and named "WebExtensions". And those working in the old-fashioned way will be marked with a yellow "Obsolete" button.

How to set up Speed \u200b\u200bDial

After installing the extension in the panel quick access a new icon for the Speed \u200b\u200bDial application will not appear. To start designing your browser and make your own adjustments to the application settings, you just need to open new tab.

In the upper right corner of the open start tab for the Speed \u200b\u200bDial settings, there is a control panel, in which there are seven icons with specific functionality:

An important point in this paragraph is the ability to manage groups of tabs. The user can create them at his own discretion, breaking the saved links to sites on different topics. For example: popular, work, home, games and so on and so forth.

By clicking on the next icon, the user will have the opportunity to view links to previously opened Internet resources, as well as customize their display: by the number of links, by date. Synchronization setup. And also an important function for recovering deleted links can come in handy over time!

The third icon belongs to the display function recently closed tabs, with the ability to vary the display of their number.

The next icon in the form of a circle with arrows catching up with each other is sync.

In order to use the synchronization of tab information, the user needs to install the additional application EverSync. This can be done directly from the suggested pop-up window after clicking on the sync icon.

General settings (gear icon) to personalize background, text, URL links and more. You can experiment with this application as much as you like. After all, if the user is already completely overplayed, you can always simply delete this extension and reinstall it.

The application is not bulky, for performance mozilla browser Firefox does not negatively affect, on the contrary, the systematization of saved tabs, with the ability to save them when synchronized, greatly simplifies the work when surfing.

Bastards !!! This was the first thought after launching the Firefox browser tonight.

Of course I heard that the Firefox browser has been updated to fundamentally new version 57.0 (cool, pretty, fast, coffee-making, wish-fulfilling, etc., etc.) which does not support extensions released prior to its update.

But I have something automatic updates off. Firefox is portable. Nothing like that threatens.

That's what I thought when I launched it. And he, like that, started, and then immediately vapapa !, you have a new Firefox on. Hawai, they say, and admire. And you can't roll back! But most importantly, there is no longer support for my favorite Speed \u200b\u200bDial plugin, in which I conveniently stored the sites I needed, dividing them into groups.

Remember what was written on the cover of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? It said "Don't panic".))

Fix the Speed \u200b\u200bDial, clean !!!

I will say right away that it will not be possible to fix the Speed \u200b\u200bDial "head-on". Last update it is dated March 14, 2017. turn on, try to run, it's a dead number. We will go the other way.

So, i open Firefox, follow the link and install the GroupSpeedDial extension from Mozilla's official website. In fact, this is the analogue of my favorite Speed \u200b\u200bDial for Firefox.

Excellent. An icon in the form of a blue worm appeared in the browser at the top right. The figure is shown with the upper arrow.

Pictures are clickable!

I click on this icon, and in the menu that opens, I click on the "Settings" item. If everything is done correctly, a window such as in the figure will open.

In the left column, select the "Import / Backup" tab. In the right window I find the title "Import of Dials from the Speed \u200b\u200bDial by Josep del Rio Extension" and under it I click the "Import CurrentSetting.speeddial File" button.

The file selection window has opened. I enter this text in the "File name" field % APPDATA% \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ , press Enter and get into the Firefox profiles folder.

Profiles are folders with ".default" in their names.

In general, there is usually only one such folder, but I have several of them. So you have to take turns.

So, I go into one of these folders, and I see a folder in it SDBackups... This is exactly what you need! I open it, arrange the files in it by the creation date so that the most recent file is on top. I click this most recent file.

Import completed!

Now I go to the "General" tab in the left menu, put a tick in the "Always open dialogs in a new tab" item. I press the button "Save changes".

Never forget to save !!!)))

My dials are back. I hope yours will return as well.

Did it help? We went to the Admin for tea.

UPDATE 05/05/2019: It flew off again!

Developers (probably it comes about the developers of Firefox, but this is not certain) again something. As a result, Speed \u200b\u200bDial again covered with a hairy pelvis. Yes, everything that is "outdated" from their point of view has stopped working.

Users are prompted to update established solutions, but it is not possible to do this (such as a server error or something like that).

If not fixed in the new update, I'll go to Googlechrome. I don’t want to do this for a number of reasons, but without Speed \u200b\u200bDial, in my special IMHO, well, it’s Firefox to the Opera.

This lack of support for "legacy extensions" has long been pissed off.

On the one hand, I understand the desire to "protect users" of the browser from the intrigues of the world's evil and require add-ons to comply with the new Firefox "high" standards. But on the other hand, without asking or warning me, I was once again deprived of handy featurewhich I installed myself. It's like a spit in the face. What are these guys going to do next?

And here is what @mozamo writes about this on Twitter (below is my somewhat free translation of this opus into Russian).

We are very, very sorry for the continued enchanting akhtung of those features that you love and trust. We know this is frustrating and we strive to fix it as quickly as possible.

Those. THERE know about the problem, regret it and strive to fix it. It says so here.

Let's wait ...

UPDATE 05/06/2019: Fixed!

In the morning I went in and downloaded the Group Speed \u200b\u200bDial without any problems. Apparently they fixed it.

And with you was Doctor Lexium. Until new posts.

FVD Speed \u200b\u200bDial is definitely one of the best and most convenient express visual bookmarking panels for browsers. By installing this extension in your Internet browser, you will instantly get the fastest and easy access to all your favorite and most frequently visited websites, as well as the ability to use many other useful features.

The main pleasant feature that distinguishes Speed \u200b\u200bDial from other browser extensions of a similar plan is that this express panel is created in an amazing three-dimensional form and, with all the abundance of graphic "bells and whistles", absolutely does not slow down the browser!

All quick bookmarks for websites on the express panel are presented in the most visual way - in the form of speed dials (special tiles with a picture and a signature). When adding each new dial, you can use both standard (pre-installed) captions and screenshots, or your own. In addition, in the extension settings, there is the possibility of a complete design reconfiguration. You can arbitrarily change the number of speed dials on the panel, set their size, set the degree of transparency, change the color and even font size for signatures. Also, you can easily change the color and transparency of the background of the panel itself, or even set your own picture instead of the existing standard one.

The FVD Speed \u200b\u200bDial functionality also makes the most pleasant experience. Besides standard functions, without fail, necessary for working with visual bookmarks, Speed \u200b\u200bDial contains many additional interesting software tools:

  • the ability to password protect against unauthorized viewing of your bookmarks by unauthorized people;
  • the ability to create various groups of bookmarks for more convenient sorting and organization of the bookmark catalog;
  • the ability to create "black" lists for unwanted sites;
  • advanced search function for all bookmarks and history;
  • synchronization function, which makes it possible to use your bookmarks from any third-party computer;
  • create function backups bookmarks with the ability to save a backup file on your hard drive and much more.

Visual bookmarks are something that no one can imagine without modern browser... Initially, the function appeared in one of the old-old versions of the browser, but then it migrated to other Internet browsers. In one way or another, the function of displaying frequently visited pages in a new tab is now implemented in every browser, however, as usual, the standard functionality does not always take into account all the wishes of users, which is compensated by the installation third-party solutions... The same goes for the Speed \u200b\u200bdial for extension, which is designed to replace the standard visual tabs in the fox browser. About the Speed \u200b\u200bdial browser extension Google chrome you can read.


To begin with, I'll tell you how, in fact, the process of installing the extension occurs. Fortunately, every self-respecting browser has already acquired a built-in app store, so you can download and install *. exe files is no longer necessary. So, to download Speeddial for FireFox, you need:

  1. Launch browser.
  2. Click on the hamburger menu icon in the right upper corner program windows;
  3. Select "Add-ons" from the drop-down list.

On the page that opens, in the "Search among add-ons" field, enter the name of the extension you are looking for (in our case, "speed dial") and press the "Enter" key to start the search process. Now you just have to click on the "Install" button opposite the "Speed \u200b\u200bDial" and wait for the installation of the application.

Advice! After installing the add-on, you need to restart your browser.


After Firefox reopens, Speed \u200b\u200bdial will greet the user with a standard set of pinned sites.

All that is needed now is to produce initial setup and add your own sites. In order to remove existing sites, you will need:

  1. Hover your mouse over any of the pinned sites (also called dills).
  2. Click on the red cross that appears in the lower right corner of the block.
  3. Confirm the deletion and repeat the procedure with the rest of the unnecessary sites.

Anchoring own address in Speed \u200b\u200bdial Mozilla also happens with just a few clicks, namely:

  1. Click on the "+" button on the start page.
  2. Enter the site address in the appropriate field. If at the moment the desired site is already open in another tab, simply click on the "Open Tabs" link to access the sites viewed in the other tabs. The function works similarly for frequently visited sites, as well as for popular addresses among other users.
  3. Enter the title of the dialogue, or leave the field blank. If the title is not specified, then it is automatically calculated from the added page.
  4. Select an image for the added site or add it yourself on the "Display" tab.
  5. Click on the "Create" button, and then proceed to adding the next bookmark or close the window.

As an example, I added to my speed dial mozilla firefox the address of the famous social networkand then adjusted the number of columns to home pageby simply calling context menu right click. Here's what I got:

In general, the Speed \u200b\u200bDial extension is an excellent replacement for standard visual bookmarks, and provides the user with many options to always have access to their favorite sites at hand.

Allows you to display your bookmarks in a convenient form. This add-on will be a great alternative to standard visual bookmarks.

Instead of an inconvenient list of bookmarks, 9 predefined sites with visual previews will be displayed (while the number of icons can always be changed). And to quickly go to the desired site, just click on the thumbnail image of the page or press the hotkey combination Ctrl + X, where X is the number of the site icon.

Installing and configuring Speed \u200b\u200bDial.

Installing Speed \u200b\u200bDial, like any other add-on for Firefox, is done in two steps:

2. Click Install Now and restart your browser.

3. After rebooting, you need to make small adjustments to the Speed \u200b\u200bDial. If you have previously installed visual bookmarks of other developers, for example, a company, they must be disabled in the Add-ons menu.

Now let's go directly to the Speed \u200b\u200bDial settings. Go to the Firefox menu and click on "Settings".

4. Opposite "When Firefox starts", check Show home page, and in the home page column enter the address Click OK.

5. Go to the Firefox menu and click "Add-ons". Open Speed \u200b\u200bDial settings.

6. Check the boxes next to "In new empty windows" and "In new blank tabs"... Click OK.

7. Now open a new tab and click right button mouse in any free area. Select Change Group. Here you can set the row and column metrics, as well as a different background color (or your own image). Also click OK.

8. There is little left to do. Click on any empty icon and enter new address bookmarks.

9. Almost immediately, a miniature page of the site will load.

10. Speed \u200b\u200bDial now has the ability to create bookmark groups. This function allows you to create any number of groups and group sites at your discretion. To create new groups, go to the browser menu in the "Add-ons" section, open the Speed \u200b\u200bDial settings and click "Group Management". A new window will open in which click "Add" and give a name to the new group. After that, the Firefox start page will show a new group, in which you need to add new sites in the same way.

Speed \u200b\u200bDial setup is complete. Enjoy your use!