How to make a helicopter in Ingress. Ingress. Cleopatra's night. Sources of data for location

Ingress has re-opened the ability to add new portals. Agents of level 11 and above can now submit candidates for consideration. The limit for the simultaneous number of applications from one agent is 7. The admission of candidates to the portals was resumed within the framework. Hopefully, after a short test, Niantic will lower the agent level requirements.

Coach from Croatia Rdash123 confirmed this event (as did the developer on his Twitter). It's a very exciting time for all Pokemon GO players - new PokéStops, new gyms, new jacks. Do you remember that the portals that appear in Ingress, then “turn” into PokéStops and Gyms?

This is how the process of adding a new portal to Ingress looks like:

And here is the confirmation from the developer:

Adding portals to Ingress for the appearance of new Pokes / Gims in Pokemon GO

Instruction from Rdash123

Hello friends

If you plan to start in Ingress just to submit applications for new portals and PokéStops / Gims to appear in Pokemon GO, keep in mind that the Ingress community takes these things very seriously. So don't lie that you stopped playing Pokemon GO and decided to switch to Ingress if you are not.

Okay, now to the point. Be sure to follow the criteria for a new portal before submitting an application to add a new portal. In addition, it will not be superfluous to watch this video.

Candidate: vintage / rustic farm equipment

Can't send

Cannot be sent if it comes about private property or a farm. Yes, if the objects are exhibited in a public park or museum, are visually unique or have historical significance

Candidate:building sign / sign

Can't send

Only if they are not historically valuable or have some significance

Candidate:monuments / stone sculptures

You can send

If they are significant, unique, and meet other criteria for new portals in terms of safe and public access.


Can't send

Yes, if the cemetery is of historical importance or has special significance in society

Candidate:city \u200b\u200b/ street sign

Can't send

Regular street / settlement signs that have no historical significance

Candidate:equipment for sports

You can send

If there are several pieces of equipment, one representation is given for the whole group (for example, beams + ladder + rings + horizontal bar)

Candidate:fire station

Can't send

Only if the candidate is not a monument / museum and the presence of the portal will not interfere with the passage of special equipment

Candidate:observation tower

You can send

If open to the public. Do not ship observation towers that are used for private residence.


You can send

If there is pedestrian access to it. Do not submit if the fountain is in the middle of a lake.


You can send

If the candidate is in a park or city garden; meets the criterion of a public space that encourages walking and exercise

Candidate:golf course

Can't send

Locations on the field are not accepted. Can send areas where agents / players can sit and chat (cafes and club areas)


Can't send

Only if the slab belongs to a famous / historical character or a famous member of the community, it is over 50 years old and the norms of the community allow you to visit the cemetery for a historical and cultural visit.

Candidate:highway recreation area

Can't send

Only if it is not a popular tourist destination, it is of historical importance

Candidate:a house that has historical significance

Can't send

Only if the house is not a private residence and is open to the public


Can't send

Cannot be sent if the candidate is inside or on a hospital building, in a location that might interfere with services emergency assistance access the building

Candidate:hotel / hotel

Can't send

If the hotel / hotel has no historical value, does not have an interesting history, is not a unique local business

Candidate:mass production

Can't send

Only if the candidate does not have any historical significance (was the first business of its kind, has an interesting history)

Candidate:memorial bench

Can't send

Unless established in honor of a respected community member, not in an area with low population density

Candidate:memorial / plaque

Can't send

Only if not installed in honor of a respected member of the community

Candidate:pointer in the mountains

You can send


You can send

If the candidate is in a park or city garden; meets the criterion of a public space that encourages walking and exercise

Candidate:post office

You can send

Connects and unites people from all over the world


You can send

If it demonstrates local flavor and culture that makes your city / surroundings unique (assuming the location is open and accessible from the road or viewing location


You can send

If it is on the trail and helps you determine your location.

Candidate: water tower

You can send

If a candidate is available without entering a zone with limited access, looks unique or is a monument / memorable place

I hope this article will help you in adding new PokéStops and Gims to Pokemon GO. If you have not played Ingress before, you can ask a friend for help in adding portals :) In addition, Ingress has a convenient chat and you can write to any player, including those active in your zone. This is for you to think about.

The article will be updated as new information is posted.

The article will be updated as needed.

I believe AR and VR technology has a great future. If you, like me, are also touched by these topics, then it will be interesting for you to get acquainted with the project. I started working on it a few months ago and there are already quite a few articles on the topics of virtual and augmented reality, reviews of VR helmets and glasses, games and applications. The project is actively developing.

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Two undercover agents, a man and a woman, were urgently sent from the Moscow headquarters to Egypt to intercept the stolen valuable cargo and return it under the control of their organization. The plane on which they planned to get into the city flew away without them, and they had to show miracles of diplomacy to get to the place of the operation in time. They crept along the night streets of Alexandria, hiding from the duty soldiers of a nearby military post, and a few minutes before the hour "X" they were stopped by a police patrol.

Does it sound like a video game plot? But all this happened in real life.

Blurs the boundaries between the virtual and real world.

Regular readers of the community remember that now in this game it is taking place, during which it is necessary to deliver the intangible body of the leader of the Enlightened faction, disintegrated into 13 parts, to a safe place. Our agents were targeting one of these parts ...

Further - the report of the participant of the operation Sergey Lomov ... I have added to the report small clarifications on the game moments.

And it all started as usual ...

The part that hung in Alexandria did not give rest to the Enlightened. The task looked almost impossible. A city completely captured by the Resistance. 6 active Resistance agents of the 8th level, keeping their eyes on the object. An ancient Arab city with unknown traffic and traffic organization. Lack of Enlightenment agents. And since this is not possible, we must do it! To begin with, we identified convenient points where to output the object. We got the keys to portals in other cities and countries where valuable cargo could be transported. And so, when all the keys reached their destination, the disparate details began to form a specific plan. In parallel, the Israelis, still under the influence of fresh hostilities, were planning a lightning-fast revenge on the return of another unit, abducted by Russian agents from Tel Aviv. And the operation in Alexandria was supposed to be daring, lightning fast and without the right to make a mistake.


Are you sure this is possible?
- Yes. I'm sure. The risk of failure is high, but I think the probability of success is at least 60%. Everything else is a degree of trust in me.

Tickets are bought. To carry out the operation, 2 agents of the 8th level are required. And there were problems with the second agent - the striking force of the Moscow Enlightenment, the elite of our landing party was a little exhausted after the operations carried out in Salekhard, Samara, Volgograd and Israel. This is how an unknown component appears in the narrative - agent Ksyu. An unknown Padawan of the leader of the landing. The Padawan does not know where and why he is going, until the start from home to the airport. At 12 noon, agent Ksyu receives an offer that cannot be refused. At 22 o'clock, the Turkish Airlines plane takes us off the runway of Vnukovo airport. Rather, he should tear it off. The flight was delayed by 1 hour, and this initiated a whole chain of events ...


As they flew out of the gate, the Enlightenment agents saw their plane for Alexandria leave the terminal and happily ride towards the runway. WTF ??? We are heading to the transfer desk. We show with gestures that all Turkish Airlines are called Juans. A very kind manager instantly changes our tickets for the next flight to Alexandria. Which (attention) takes off exactly one day later. We are promised a hotel in the city, excursion and meals. Everything is free. This is good, if not for one But! Our return flight departs exactly upon arrival of the one on which we were transferred! We explain the situation. And that we have a business trip, and there is no money from the word at all. We are promised to replace the return tickets, too, for free (although they shouldn't). Calmed down, we go through passport control and find ourselves on the Turkish coast that we do not need :)

The first step is to change tickets. The cashier calmly invites us to pay 100 euros, which is almost the entire budget of the trip. We are indignant, demand satisfaction. We are sent to the supervisor. The supervisor consults on the phone for a long time and calls the super supervisor. He explains that the system free replacement limited to days, and our flight in two. But! In an hour, a superuperserver will come and solve our problem.

We go to the cafe and take a nap. An hour later we go to the office of the company, and a nice girl after about 10 calls says that everything is OK. Finally, after 3 hours of walking, we are confirmed to change tickets. Half asleep, we go to the hotel counter at the airport. Together with us, a girl is sent to the counter, in which you can easily recognize a compatriot. She got into the same situation, only flew to Cape Town. The person at the reception does not understand English at all and refuses to put her in a hotel for free. Fortunately, the kind transit desk manager wrote us a letter in Turkish especially for this occasion. Having studied it, we are settled free of charge, but we demand the same for Nastya. Finally, at 5 am (we landed at 0:30), a minibus brings three of us to Istanbul. Having gained access to the Internet, I inform the headquarters about the postponement of the operation for a day and go to sleep. For 4 hours.

And then this city captured us and whirled around for the whole day. Narrow crooked streets, crowds of schoolchildren, shouts of muezzins and mosques at every step ... Intoxicating smell of spices, noisy markets, cries of sellers, strong tea right on the street and smiles, smiles, smiles ... I fell in love with this city and will definitely come there again. With the scanner turned on to explore the local portals :) We moved in an intricate zigzag from the wall encircling the old city to Sofia, moving from one coast to the other. We tasted kebabs in a small street coffee shop, hugged sweets in the market :) sang songs (sometimes with the Turks) and drank the gin we had in store.

Finally, in the evening, tired but happy, we returned to the hotel. Alexandria was waiting for us.


After we put Nastya on board in Cape Town, it was our turn to take off. However, Turkish Aaerlins thought differently. After an hour on the plane, they dropped us off and drove another one. The delay to Alexandria was 2 hours. "However ..." the agents thought. "Aha!" - thought the airline. We buy visas, go through the original Egyptian manual customs control and fall out at 4 am onto the street 55 kilometers from the destination. The result of a short and not very stormy trade - we bring down the price, and now the ancient pepelats is driving along the highway to the ancient city. The hostel booked in the city is located in the very center. But the taxi driver does not know this street, nor does my navigator. We begin to circle, asking everyone we meet and cross. The only one who knew this street was a postman on a motorcycle who brought newspapers and mail to the Egyptian with whom our taxi driver spoke. The secret was revealed simply - a street 50 meters long was located at the back of a large hotel. We wake up the night porter sleeping on the couch, explain with gestures what we need, and go to bed. Outside the window, the central square of the city is noisy, with beeps, din and noise of cars. I do not care. I sleep before the operation without any thoughts or worries.

The morning greets us with a gorgeous view from the window to the embankment and the Mediterranean Sea. And thus a valuable object on the shore in line of sight. But Turkey is not yet ready to accept it - on their side the portal was demolished yesterday. We are going to the city, watching as the agents of the Resistance again drag him to the park far from the coast, where he will be reliably fenced with protective links. So plan B.

I am now a demiurge, a messiah,
I am an alchemist, shaman, poet.
According to the laws of drama
The plot should begin soon.
I'm writing this wicked tale
Not hoping for a happy ending.
Willful roles and masks -
But the band entered the overture!

Blinking against the bright sun, two agents of the Enlightenment enter the city captured by the enemy. The time spent exploring the terrain, routes, and the time required to move between points. We are moving towards the area of \u200b\u200boperation, deliberately moving from one group of portals to another. We breathe in the air of the noisy Arab world, the sea and relaxed freedom. Around the viscous and slowly fussing crowd, welcoming foreigners, i.e. us smiling and staring. We allow everyone to take pictures with us, smile in return and feel comfortable and easy.

And now we come to the area of \u200b\u200bthe operation. The first surprise is that El-Mosheer Ahmed Ismail Street is tightly closed by the military. Sandbags, thorns, armored personnel carriers. And this is the shortest way from the embankment to the first point of demolition of protective links. True, we will need to demolish the portal on the embankment only if our object moves to the extreme eastern portal. Let's hope for the best, otherwise the operation time will increase by another 10 minutes. We are moving along the route, exploring the possibility of approaching the portals for capture or stop the car nearby for demolition.

And now, finally, we are approaching the park - the end point of the operation. We go along the solid fence of the Alexandria Zoo. The fence becomes thinner and is suddenly interrupted by a huge hole in the fence. 2 or 3 sections are broken, trees are felled. The elephant ran away from them, or what? The hole is very well hidden from view along the fence by dense trees growing on the sidewalk. We note this fact and calmly move on to the entrance to the park. Here he is, the gate is closed, but the gate is wide open. We calmly enter and go to the portals. But very quickly we come across two civilian guys who are trying to explain something to us in Arabic. I only understand their gestures on the shoulder - military! I look at their backs and see in the distance characteristic earthen slopes of regular shape with protruding hoods and antennas. We nod to the guys and go outside.

We report to the headquarters and study the map. We understand that the cluster of portals neatly bends around the area occupied by the military. This means that the agents of the Resistance also do not have access there, and most importantly, we do not need to go to the military. This is very good - the risk of meeting the warriors on the platoon because of the constant unrest in Egypt is too high! We decide to examine the hole in the fence. We turn off the light sources and dive into the darkness of the park, focusing only on the occasionally turned on scanner. We reach the edge of the cluster of portals. Silence, darkness. I contact the headquarters and talk about the possibility of getting to the farm unnoticed, and then it is difficult to predict, but judging by the guys in the park, nothing serious threatens us. The headquarters is worried, asks not to take risks, but in any case, the decision is on us.

We get out through the hole back and decide to walk through the zoo. The gate is open, no one is there. However, after 300 meters we meet an Egyptian who unequivocally hints to us that the zoo is closed until morning. We turn back, we catch the car to the hotel. Before the start of the operation 3 hours. We agree on a car for the entire operation and up to the airport. We collect things slowly. Snack on fruit. We look out the window at the bustling city. The nerves are tense, but the state is calm. I am confident in the plan of the operation and in our strength. There was a knock on the door - a taxi driver had arrived. It's time.

I grab my backpack and we take the steampunk elevator from our slum hostel to the city. The driver we got a little not fast, to say the least. But the time reserve allows us not to rush. We arrive at the first point 5 minutes before the cutoff. We are waiting for our object to jump along one of the links between the portals. Bounce! The headquarters is considering options at lightning speed - luck, we don't need to go to the embankment! Agent Ksyu, unknown to anyone, is going on his first serious assignment, I'm waiting in the car. Ksyu demolishes a couple of portals, installs low-level resonators on them, and we rush to the next point. Agents FROMthe resistances in the city wake up instantly and, as quickly as possible, are approaching us. We are already at the second point, we are demolishing the second bunch of interfering defensive links, seizing the portal and throwing a link to Turkey - this will not give the Resistance an opportunity to block our path and will allow us to gain some much needed time. The taxi is flying towards the park. We leave it behind the bend of the road from the hole so that there is no temptation, and we dive into the already familiar darkness of the park. Branches crunch underfoot, in the bushes someone is eating someone. Very quickly we get to the portals and start to demolish. The headquarters asks to urgently repeat the link to Turkey - the rivals have already reached the second point and can soon restore their protective links. We spend the second key. The area in front of the object has been cleared of protective links, the portal with the object is now no man's land, and we are rushing towards it.

Suddenly in the bushes flashlights flash and incomprehensible shouts are heard. We calmly continue to move towards the portal, and stop literally 40 ... 45 meters from it. 15 minutes before cutoff. A "group of comrades" is approaching us. We smile and wave - this is all that is possible in this situation, and we slowly move to the portal we need. There are questions about who we are and what we do here. We explain that this is a game related to the study and visit of ancient monuments, historical heritage and cultural sites. We show pictures of portals in the scanner, explain that only one day in Alexandria and did not have time to inspect and visit everything, and soon the plane is already. That we need 15 minutes, and then we are at their complete disposal. We are silent about Jarvis, bombs and viruses :) During the conversation, we capture the portal, put modifiers into it and throw a link. Just in time, because the Resistance agents are already very close and are attacking our portals in the park. I frantically charge the portal with the object and realize that they are not coming close. Apparently, they are bombing from behind the fence. There is a slight hysteria in the headquarters, I try to calm them down. All this time, the policeman studies our passports, visas, tickets, gives the data on the radio for verification. They search us, apologizing that it is just their job (well, rather me, Ksyu, as a blonde, just showed her bag).

Finally - a cutoff !!! The object went to Turkey. I am experiencing a real thrill from the successful completion of this key phase of the operation. It means that we flew here for a reason. But we still need to deal with the police. However, the police have already relaxed and asked to show the hole in the fence. Know the problems! We go to the entrance to the park, the very one through which we entered three hours earlier. On the way we take pictures under the lamp :) Resistance agents write to us in the game chat, persistently want to see us - after all, "helicopters" (cheaters who fake GPS coordinates) have annoyed everyone! We inform the route of movement and head to the taxi past the hole in the fence. At the sight of a hole, the policeman freaks out. We approach a taxi, a car stops nearby. Ingress? Yess! And the agents of the Resistance are joining our fun party. They express their admiration and freaking out for our actions, they say that it is very dangerous in the park at night and they did not think that someone would climb there. Communicate with the police. The policeman searches the taxi, finds no bombs, and finally calms down.

Everyone is smiling and waving, but we have to go to the airport! We explain the problem with the flight for the tenth time, jump into the car and ask the driver to hurry up with big eyes. Until the end of registration 1:20, go 1:30. Our driver nods calmly and fires up his Zhiguli. None of the indicator and instrument on the panel works. The navigator shows the speed under a hundred. It seems to me that this rusty trough is about to fall apart. However, the driver is unfazed. We arrive at the airport in an hour. We give the driver all the remaining money - this is more than promised, but it was worth it, and we go to the check-in counters. At this time, the Egyptian Resistance agents are waiting to see if we can catch the plane or not. They promise, as a last resort, to pick us up from the airport and accommodate us. Soulful guys!

Check in for the flight and exhale. The Turks did not cheat, they changed the tickets. We made our flight. Everything will be fine now. I promise. We inform the Egyptian guys that everything is in order, they wish us a good flight. We sit down in the plane, it starts to take off - and then there is a sharp braking with a squeal of rubber. We return to the gate. 2 hours in the salon. Finally, in accordance with tradition, Turkish Airlines' plane leaves Alexandria with a two-hour delay. According to preliminary calculations, we will have 15 minutes for a transfer. On the brink, like everyone else in this operation. We cut out, we are still shaken by adrenaline and stubbornness. And then ... How we ran through the Istanbul airport! How I rang in the search frame, and the more I removed from myself, the stronger I rang (apparently, steel balls, Agent Ksyu noticed).

When we ran up to the gate with our plane to Moscow, we saw that the airline employees were folding papers and putting on their jackets. But the plane is still at the gate. We run up. - Moscow? - the Turks ask us from a distance of 50 meters. - Yessss - we shout back on the run. Have time. Five more minutes of figuring out if our boarding is valid and we're on the plane. Now you can completely relax. There is nowhere to be late. To celebrate, we drink several cans of free Turkish beer and cut ourselves out again. Further, half asleep and twilight from fatigue, we get to Kiev. Alless. End. The end. Operation Cleopatra's Night is complete. Devastated, I tumble home and fall asleep for 15 long hours.

At the end of the movie there is silence and the note is over
And you can hear a drop of sweat crawling on your forehead.

Moscow-Istanbul-Alexandria-Moscow, 3 ... 6.12.2013

Poems: Olga Arefieva
Soundtrack: Of Monsters And Man - Dirty Paws

It's about location fake. This gives tremendous advantages to the player - you sit at home, your ass is warm, your mobile phone is charging; you capture portals.

Sources of data for location

Android OS can get device coordinates in the following ways:

  1. GPS receiver
  2. By cell towers.
  3. By IP address.

Substitution of GPS coordinates

There are programs (Location Spoofer) that replace the coordinates with the necessary ones. FROM root rightssuch a program does not need the Mock Locations checkbox, which Ingress checks. In other words, having root rights on the phone, we can change the coordinates and Ingress will not be able to calculate it through standardAndroid SDK API. I still don't know about loopholes :)

Cell tower signals

Everything is more complicated and interesting here. Location by cell towers can be disabled in the phone settings and Ingress does not swear at it. But! There is a local cache, which is not easily cleared. We use Location Cache to clear the cache. The same is with the Ingress application itself - you need to clear its data.

IP address

The game requires an internet connection. Without it, you can't go anywhere ... And Google, represented by Ingress, knows exactly where your IP comes from. If you are using home WiFi, then with a high probability your IP is already tied to your home in Google's geolocation. Believe me.

Solution options - proxy server or change provider (nonsense? :)). If you use mobile Internet, then on the one hand you take an IP from the OpSoS pool and thus for Google you are “somewhere from the country from a mobile phone”. Not a bad option.

Show respect for the player community

We hope that Ingress will enjoy the game and will be safe for the players and others alike. Following the simple rules outlined below will allow you and other players to have fun, while not disrupting anyone's interests. Remember that actions that seem innocent and funny to you may be perceived differently by other players or bystanders.

Treat other players and to outsiders with respect. Observe the rules of conduct when playing Ingress.In particular, consider the following guidelines and prohibitions:

    Harassment... Never do anything that could be perceived as harassment, harassment, intimidation, or incitement to do so (see Terms of Service). Violations can lead to account blocking.

    Breach of confidentiality... Players use names of their own choosing. Maintain your privacy (for example, your nickname may or may not be associated with your real name). Do not post, transmit or disclose information about the identity of other users (their names, phone numbers, addresses email and home addresses), even if the user posted this information first. In addition, do not disclose personal information to outside observers or others. Violations can lead to account blocking.

    Violation of boundaries... Stay within the boundaries of someone else's property when playing Ingress. Just accept this rule without arguing with it. Do not go where you may be denied access. Use common sense and remember to take personal responsibility for all your actions.

    Communication with users and outside observers... Some observers may be interested in your actions while playing Ingress. Players may or may not want to communicate. Do not forget about common sense and an adequate assessment of events - do not impose on participants or bystanders if they are not inclined to communicate with you. Do not make physical contact with other players if they do not want to. Do not photograph or film the actions of other players or observers without their consent. Do not insult other players or observers. These are generally accepted rules of conduct. Observe them. If someone shows aggression, bullies, offends others or does not allow them to enter the portal, or just gets on their nerves, ignore such players. Wait a while without getting into an argument and / or block the unpleasant person.

    Spam... Nobody likes spam.

    Invalid content... We may check user-generated content (photos, texts, etc.). It is not allowed to upload pornography, obscene content or post discriminatory statements. Discriminatory speech incites hatred against a particular group. For example, it could be racist or sexist comments. Do not forget that the game involves communication with real people, show respect for each other and behave as at work or with your family.

    Cheating unacceptable. Play fair. Use only official app from Niantic Labs. Remember that Ingress must be played with a mobile device in real terrain. Alas, the methods of deception are so varied that everything cannot be foreseen. For example, users can apply modified or unofficial applications, play from multiple accounts (don't do this!), switch accounts, trade data, fraudulently change your location, and sell or trade accounts. If you suspect someone of foul play, do not call them through the COMM screen and do not ask for an answer. Just submit a complaint through the Help Center and keep going.

We insist on following these rules

We will check the accounts of the players complaining about, as well as the related user content. In the event of violations of the Community Guidelines, we may issue a warning, deny you play, or (in the case of serious or repeated violations) deactivate your account.

Ingress 1.131.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.131.0.

Ingress 1.130.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.130.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.129.2:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.129.2.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.128.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.128.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.127.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.127.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.126.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.126.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.125.0:

- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.124.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.124.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.123.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.123.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.122.0:

- Updates to the Magnus Reawakens anomaly series.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.121.0:

- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.120.2:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.119.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.118.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.117.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.116.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.115.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.114.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.113.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.112.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Ingress 1.111.0:

- Fixed bugs.

Many smartphone users face the problem of content blocking for certain regions. If you want to access it anyway, you can do this by “changing” your location.

Ingress: the game for which people fly to Chukotka

Below we will show you how to do this on Android.

To do this, you need an application, for example Fake GPS Location Spoofer Free, which will display the desired GPS coordinates upon your request.

Immediately after installation, the utility will ask you to activate GPS, if it is turned off, and turn off Wi-Fi, since Android gadgets can use wireless network to determine the location. It is also worth turning off GPS tracking. cellular network in the device settings.

After that, you will need to get the developer status. To do this, click on the item "Build number" seven times. It's in the settings operating system... The "For developer" menu appears, in which check "Allow mock location.

In Fake GPS Location Spoofer Free, set the desired coordinates by tapping twice on the map.

Be aware that after using FakeGPS you may find your. Has Tasker support and can be started / stopped from command line (See FAQ for details) +++ IMPORTANT +++. Teleport your phone to any place in the world with two clicks. This app sets up fake GPS location so every other app in your phone belives you are there.

1, Android SDK is a universal framework for modeling and development. Android SDK - Download Android SDK 24.

In this post, I want to tell you, without unnecessary technical details, how you can increase the mileage by. I'll make a reservation right away: we will not break devices, jam the signal or drain fuel through the return line.

I Society: Android app (4.4 ★, 100+ downloads) → The app will calculate whether you are being charged correctly.

Ingress Help

1 GPS Satélite 3G Interno Dual SIM TV FM 1GB RAM (similar P300. Tablet JXD Android 4. Deception with GPS on the P1000 tablet (copy, china).

Since in
in many cases, several programs at once are able to execute similar ones. GPS sensor in mobile devices can be used not only by
intended use (for navigation or determination of coordinates), but also in
a number of other, often not obvious at first glance, tasks.

Android phone tracker tse. Not a spygun Cheating squad z.

With this program you can change the location of your device.

Be aware that after using FakeGPS you may find
your. This app sets up
fake GPS location so every other app in your phone belives you are there. Has
Tasker support and can be started / stopped from command line (See FAQ for
details) +++ IMPORTANT +++. Teleport your phone to any place in the world with two clicks.

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