How to enlarge the program window. Navigation between programs and dialog boxes of the Windows system. Resizing the screen of the output device in Word

Controlling the scale of windows in the browser using the keyboard and special menus significantly reduces the time spent searching for information and browsing the Internet. Using simple and easy-to-remember button combinations, you can easily place the necessary text, pictures or video in the visible area of \u200b\u200bthe window.

How to zoom out on a page

Working with site page elements and their dimensions often means increasing the size of text and images. The need to reduce text or images occurs in several cases:

  • the user owns a small monitor (less than 19 inches) with a limited choice of resolution;
  • the page contains large pictures that interfere with the perception of the text;
  • the page designer on the site has failed to set the initial width or height for icons or letters;
  • sometimes it is necessary to zoom out on the screen to bring all elements into view.

There are several popular browsers, each offering different resizing features for the displayed content. On the basis of these programs, dozens of similar apps with similar functionality, therefore, the article discusses only frequently used programs:

To find out how to change the scale of the window inside the browser from Yandex, use the data on Google Chrome. This program was created on the basis of the free source code Chromium, just like Google's browser. Less popular software products use similar content management schemes. The program sometimes provides the ability to change the hotkeys to more convenient for working with the window.

In the "Settings" menu

Use your mouse to click on the menu that opens at the top. It can be either a whole line labeled "View", among others, or single icons. In Opera, this is an icon with the corresponding logo, and in Chrome, such an element is located in the upper right part of the toolbar (a button with three horizontal stripes). Open the menu using one of the above methods, which will take you to the desired item and buttons to increase or decrease it. Press the item with the "-" sign until you are satisfied with the result.

Hot keys

An alternative to a series of mouse clicks in the browser window is to use hotkeys or key combinations to resize icons and symbols. Most browsers use the standard Ctrl + - combination, which resizes all elements in the window by a fixed percentage of the original value. The Apple Mac platform uses a similar keyboard shortcut, adjusted for different symbology for the control keys.

How to zoom in on the screen

You can resize the web content image to a larger side in the same way as above. The same menu is used to decrease or increase, and also to reset a parameter to its original value. The increasing key combination is "Ctrl" and "+". Use "+" on additional keyboardto avoid conflicts with other keyboard shortcuts. The ability to zoom in on the screen is used when working with text written in small letters.

How to change the screen size on a computer

A personal computer is equipped with a full-format keyboard, so the necessary keyboard shortcuts are easily typed here. Expanding or reducing page elements is used on any site. On VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, you will need to zoom out to improve the visual perception of the page. Thanks to several button blocks, you can change everything by using the keys that are easier to reach. This means that you can enlarge the screen in VK with at least two keyboard shortcuts, and you can reduce the VK page in the same ways.

How to change the scale on a laptop

Notebook keyboards slightly limit the keyboard shortcuts used to change video or the size of lines in a window. You will find at least one set of "+", "-" and "0" buttons on your keyboard for this purpose. The shortcut "Ctrl + 0" comes in handy to change the values \u200b\u200bback to 100%, for example, in a situation where you have overextended text or images. This combination reduces the content and returns the page to its original appearance. Then you can zoom in on the page by a different value.

Free program for resizing windows. In addition, it allows you to place windows in the right places on the screen, which makes it possible to optimize your workspace as much as possible!

Screenshot gallery

Sometimes, when working with a computer, seemingly trivial tasks arise that are almost impossible to implement in practice! One of these tasks is window resizing.

You can say that there is nothing complicated here: take it, grab it with the mouse, drag it and order! However, there are times when the window must have strictly defined dimensions, and that's when the real "hemorrhoids" begins :).

I ran into this problem while taking screenshots from my phone using Crystal Screen. The fact is that every time the phone was connected to the PC, the size of the window with the screen contents had a different size (usually increased). Therefore, I had to aim using the on-screen ruler to get to the size of 320 by 240 pixels, which took quite a lot of time ...

It was then that I decided that there must be some way to quickly set the desired parameters. But, it wasn’t there :) Google gave me anything, but not programs for resizing windows. Then I decided to leave Runet and look for the necessary software “over the hill”. After a couple of minutes of searching, I found three applications, but I chose only one of them - Sizer... There were several reasons for this:

  1. The possibility of Russification;
  2. Small size;
  3. Low consumption of system resources;
  4. Integration into Explorer;
  5. Support for 64-bit systems.

Comparison with paid analogue

As I said, there are practically no such programs on the Runet. However, the window resizing function is found in some complex system utilities... An example of such a utility would be Actual Window Guard:

Of course in paid program There are many more functions, but Sizer has enough capabilities to solve the problem of managing specific windows.

Getting started with the program

Another advantage of Sizer is that the program is portable, that is, it does not require installation! You can carry it with you on a USB flash drive, and to get started, you just need to unpack the downloaded archive into a separate folder.

In the archive you will find two versions of the program: sizer.exe and sizer (RUS) .exe... The application has no official Russification yet, so I Russified it myself with the help of. In principle, the Russified version should work without errors, but in case of any errors, the original was attached sizer.exe.

To get started, launch the Russified version of Sizer and look in the tray (area near the clock):

There should appear an icon of our program in the form of arrows in four directions. If we right-click on it, we get access to the context menu. It is divided into two sections: the upper one contains the presets for the last active window, and the lower one contains the settings, short information about the program and the shutdown button.

To resize the active window to one of the three default sizes, we just need to click on the desired value in the context menu. For example, in the previous screenshot, we resized the Explorer window with the contents of Drive E to 640 by 480 pixels by clicking the "-640x480" item.

Program settings

However, Sizer pleases us not by default. Add new sizes and some others useful functions we can in the program settings. You can get into them by clicking the "Configure Sizer" item in the main context menu:

All program settings are collected in one window and divided into two large sections: "Menu items" and "Sizer options". The first section contains the basic working settings for creating new resizing options, while the second contains additional options to configure some of the global Sizer parameters. These parameters include:

  • grid step for window resizing;
  • displaying hints (I don't know how anyone has it, but it doesn't work for me :));
  • displaying the tray icon;
  • adding Sizer to the system menu;
  • resizing depending on the current position of the cursor (also a useless item).

With global everything, so let's pay more attention to creating new menu items.

Create your own settings for resizing windows

In order to change existing or add our own items to the Sizer menu, we need to use the first section of settings. Let's say we need to create a preset that resizes the window to 240 x 320 pixels.

To do this, press the "Add" button - by default, a new item will be created at the end of the list with dimensions of 640 x 480 pixels and a corresponding name. Using the buttons "Raise" and "Lower" we adjust the position of the item in the drop-down menu (I raised it as high as possible), and then edit the parameters of the new item as we want:

The main parameters are "Description" (in fact, the name of the item), "Width" and "Height". However, it is also possible to change the position of the window (the "Move to" list) and set a key combination that will launch the action we need without having to go to the context menu.

Let's save the changes by clicking the "Ok" button and see what we get:

If you have activated the option "Add Sizer to the system menu" in the settings, now you can call the resizing menu directly from context menu the title of almost any window! To do this, move the cursor over the item "Resize / reposition" and select the desired size.

By the way, at the very bottom under the list of presets there is a "New entry" item. It allows you to create a new resize menu item, taking the dimensions of the current window as parameters.

Possible applications

Besides the fact that Sizer can resize windows, it can also simultaneously move them to the desired position on the screen. This feature allows you to simultaneously work with several windows, which will occupy the part of the working space assigned to them. This is especially convenient if you have a widescreen monitor.

For example, on a monitor with a resolution of 1360 x 768 pixels (like mine), you can simultaneously open four windows with dimensions of 680 x 369 pixels:

To do this, create four new presets with the aforementioned dimensions, and in the "Move to" drop-down list, select all four corners of the monitor. For more convenience, you can also set hot keys for each of the settings. Voila! By pressing just four combinations, we will arrange all the windows on the screen as efficiently as possible!

Of course, you can divide the work space between windows and disproportionately. For example, you can take the upper part of the workspace under one window (for example, a browser), and divide the lower part into several small areas (for example, Explorer windows). In short, we do it as it is convenient :).

The only thing missing in the program is the autorun functions. But it can be realized by creating a shortcut to the program on the Desktop and moving it to the Startup folder (for Windows XP the folder address is C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Admin \\ Main Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup).

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • small size;
  • portable mode of operation;
  • unlimited number of presets;
  • hotkey support;
  • support for moving windows.
  • no program startup;
  • incomplete Russification.


For myself, I concluded that Sizer - best program in its class (at least from those that I managed to find). Judge for yourself: it weighs little, has no restrictions on the number of rules, does its job regularly, and even allows you to more effectively organize the workspace. Let's add support for "hot" keys here and get practically perfect tool to control window sizes.

And the disadvantages in the form of the lack of autorun and the Russian language (in the original version) are not such disadvantages. At least they can be circumvented quite successfully. Therefore, if you are tired of manually adjusting the exact sizes of the windows you need, try Sizer and it will save you a lot of time and nerves;).

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

In Google Chrome:

In Yandex:

In Mozilla Firefox:

In Word and Excel:

2. In the window, in the "Resolution" section, select a larger value from the list.

Change the screen scale on your computer

Click "OK" and "Apply".

You can also play around with the size of the icons. To do this, again right-click on an empty space on the Desktop and select "Screen Resolution". At the top of the window, click on "Screen".

In Windows 10, it's a little different: Display Settings -\u003e Advanced Display Settings -\u003e

The WinSxS folder located in C: \\ Windows \\ WinSxS takes up a lot of space and keeps growing. This folder accumulates unnecessary files, for example, old system components, and the longer you have an operating system, the larger the WinSxS folder.

The folder actually takes up less space than it looks, but if you value every GB of free space, you can regularly delete its contents.

Why is the WinSxS folder growing?

When you install any system updates, the old files are replaced with the new ones, and in folder WinSxS all old versions are saved in case of bugs.

Files from windows folders get into WinSxS via hard links, and file managers take them for real volume. Therefore, the size of the folder may be displayed incorrectly, but in fact, it usually weighs no more than 15GB.

However, if you want to clean your system from unnecessary files, there are several ways to do this.

Cleaning Windows updates

Type cleanmgr at the command line and the built-in utility will show you how much space you can free up.

How to Reduce Window Size on Computer

You just have to mark "Cleaning windows updates"And click OK.

If you have been using the same operating system for several years, you probably have several gigabytes of free space.

Next time you reboot, Windows 7 will spend a few minutes cleaning up system filesbefore you can see your desktop again. If you don't have this option, you probably haven't updated Windows for a long time. Install latest updates system, and it will appear.

Unlike 7, Windows 8 and 8.1 clean up updates automatically in Scheduler. Windows cleans up the folder on a schedule using the Microsoft - Windows - Servicing - StartComponentCleanup task that automatically runs in the background and removes components 30 days after you install the updates.

If you want to manually uninstall updates, open Disk Cleanup, check Windows Updates Cleanup and click OK.

Windows 8.1 also includes more possibilities to delete files yourself. There you can delete everything previous versions, even when 30 days have not passed since the installation of new ones. To do this, you need to run command line as administrator and enter the required commands.

For example, one command removes all update versions without waiting 30 days:

DISM.exe / online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup

The other removes the files needed to uninstall service packs. After entering this command, you will not be able to remove installed service packs:

DISM.exe / online / Cleanup-Image / SPSuperseded

Another command will remove all old versions of each component. After that, you will not be able to remove all installed service packs:

DISM.exe / online / Cleanup-Image / StartComponentCleanup / ResetBase

Removing components on demand

Modern versions of Windows allow you to enable system components on demand. The list of functions is in the window " Windows components", Which can be accessed from the control panel.

Even if you have not installed some of them, that is, they are not checked, the components are still stored on your hard drive in the WinSxS folder. If you want to install them, you don't have to download anything, you can do it from the folder.

However, even unused components take up space on your hard drive, and if free space is very important to you, you can delete them.

Added in Windows 8 new optionwhich allows you to remove all these files from WinSxS, and if you suddenly need them, you can download them from Microsoft.

To remove the components, open a command prompt and type in the following command:

DISM.exe / Online / English / Get-Features / Format: Table

You will see the different components and their state.

To remove a function from the system, you can use the following command, replacing NAME with the name of the function you want to remove.

DISM.exe / Online / Disable-Feature / featurename: NAME / Remove

If you run the / GetFeatures command again, you will see that the function has changed its status to: “Disabled with Payload Removed” instead of just “Disabled”.

How to zoom out the screen

There are two ways to zoom out on the screen. The first is suitable if you need to change the size in a separate program. For example, in Word or Chrome. And the second way changes the size everywhere in the computer.

Zoom out via keyboard

1. Open the program in which you want to zoom out.

2. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and turn the mouse wheel down.

Each time you turn the wheel, the size will decrease. If you need to increase it on the contrary, then turn the wheel up.

You can do this without a mouse, but only with a keyboard. To do this, hold down Ctrl and press the minus (-) key. To zoom in, everything is the same, but with the plus (+) key.

But to reset the scale, that is, return it to initial value, press Ctrl and the number zero (0).

Zooming through the program menu

Most computer programs have a tool that zooms the page. Usually it is located in the program menu - at the top of it.

In Google Chrome:

In Yandex:

In Mozilla Firefox:

In Word and Excel:

And in Word and Excel, you can change the scale through the bottom of the program. There is a slider for this.

How to zoom out all over your computer

You can change the scale not only in one computer program, but also in the entire system. Then the size of all screen elements will change: icons, program windows, buttons.

1. Click right click mouse over an empty spot on the screen. From the menu, select the item "Screen resolution".

If you have a Windows 10 system, you need to select "Display Settings", then "Advanced Display Settings".

2. In the window, in the "Resolution" section, select a larger value from the list. Click "OK" and "Apply".

You can also play around with the size of the icons.

How to zoom out on a computer screen

To do this, again right-click on an empty space on the Desktop and select "Screen Resolution". At the top of the window, click on "Screen".

In Windows 10, it's a little different: Display Settings -\u003e Advanced Display Settings -\u003e Advanced resizing of text and other elements.

And there, choose the appropriate size of the elements.

Then you will need to apply the settings and log out. Just before that, close all programs that you had open.

Resizing the window

If the button expand / restore the window

is active (the icon on the button contrasts with the color of the button), then such a window can be enlarged or reduced depending on the need. If the button is inactive (the icon on the button is represented as a contour that practically merges with the color of the button), then such a window has standard sizesthat cannot be changed.

We are less interested in the second type of windows. What is the main thing for us? So that we learn how to work with these windows. Therefore, let's work with windows that can be resized. There are two ways to resize a window: using the maximize / restore window button and manually.

Resize a window using the maximize / restore window button

To enlarge the size of the My Computer window, click the Maximize button. The window will fill the entire screen. There are not many items in the My Computer window, so increasing the window size is not very important. But other windows can contain a large number of elements, so increasing the size of such windows will allow you to see more.

To restore the original dimensions of the My Computer window, click on the button

restore the window.

Zoom out the screen in Windows 10

The window will resize to its original size. As soon as you restore the window to its original size, the restore window button will turn into a maximize button again

Similar to the Maximize / Restore Window button, you can resize the window by double-clicking on the title bar. To do this, place the mouse pointer anywhere in the title bar. Double-clicking the title bar is the same as clicking the Maximize button (the window fills the entire screen). Without moving the mouse pointer, double-click again. This operation is already similar to pressing the Restore button (the window has returned to its original dimensions).

Resizing the window manually

If you decide to move the mouse pointer to any edge or corner of the window, the pointer will change its standard appearance - it will turn into an arrow. To resize the window, you can drag the edge in the desired direction. If you drag on the corner of the window, the window will be resized in two directions. If you drag on the edge of the window, the window will be resized in one direction.

It should be borne in mind that some windows are enlarged or reduced only to the sizes set by the programmers. Therefore, when you cannot resize any window to your liking, you should not panic. Take it easy. You won't make this window to others, it is.

Page 1 of 4Next ⇒

The window is minimized into a button on the taskbar, how to make it active

B.Click on Title bar windows on Taskbars

My computer.

To open the My Computer window

A.Move your mouse over Header stock

B. By placing the mouse pointer over the object. Click on left button mouse and don't let it go

C. Double-click the left mouse button on the icon

How to make a window full screen

A. Use the scroll bar that appears on the right of the window:

B. Click the icon Expand(in the form of a rectangle).

C.Move the cursor up or down, right or left.

Specify a path to select a screen saver


in the window Properties: Screen select Background;

C.Click Start è Settings è Control panel è Screen;

in the window Properties: Screen select Screensaver;

The task:Choose the correct answer.

1. How to move a window to a different location on the screen

B. By double-clicking the left mouse button on the icon My computer.

C. Move your mouse over Header stock windows, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the object

The window is minimized into a button on the taskbar, how to close it

A. Right-click on the window icon and in the appeared Context menu select desired option

B.Click on Title bar windows on Taskbars

C. Double-clicking the left mouse button on the icon My computer.

To open the Trash window

A. Move the mouse pointer over Header stock windows, press the left mouse button

B. Double-click the left mouse button on the desired icon

C. By placing the mouse pointer over the object.

How to zoom out the screen in a browser or desktop

Press the left mouse button and do not release it

You have a My Computer window open, which menu you need to use to resize icons

A. View menu

B. Edit menu

C.Service menu

Specify the path for selecting the Desktop background

B.Click Start è Settings è Control panel è Screen;

in the window Properties: Screen select Background;

C.Click Start è Settings è Control panel è Screen;

in the window Properties: Screen select Screensaver;

The task:Choose the correct answer.

1. How to open a window

A. Move the mouse pointer to the panel, you will see an arrow in two directions, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the cursor up, then also down.

B. Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the object to another place on the screen.

C. Double-clicking the left mouse button on the desired icon

How to resize the window vertically

A. Double-clicking the left mouse button on the disk icon

B.Click on Title bar windows on Taskbars

C. Move the cursor to the corresponding window borders, press the left mouse button and, not letting go her, move the cursor up or down Cursor view - double-headed arrow

Has your monitor ever had a window that is large enough to extend beyond the screen? And there was nothing you could do with this window, except to close the program? Since all of the available resizing areas were off-screen? Or maybe you have a program that always opens in a tiny way?

Whatever question or challenge you face, there is a little old trick to solve it. It transitions from version to version of Windows starting with Windows 3. This is a special menu for controlling the position and size of the window.

Usually, this little-used menu can be opened by left-clicking on the left upper corner window. But, this menu can also be opened using a keyboard shortcut.

Press "Alt + Space" and this menu will open. To carry out further steps, you must press the first letters of the required actions or select items using the up and down arrows. It is this feature that allows you to quickly move or resize windows.

Note: Depending on the localization, specific letters will be different, since the words themselves in different languages \u200b\u200bare called differently. For instance, this instruction made for the Russian version of Windows.

How to use the keyboard to move a window in Windows

  1. Enter the letter "P"
  2. Move mode will turn on and the mouse cursor will move to the center of the window's sister-in-law. The mouse cursor itself will also change
  3. Use the arrow keys to move the window to the location you want
  4. Once you have positioned the window, press "Enter" (to save) or "Esc" (to cancel). Or click

Note: There are several subtleties when moving a window using the keyboard. But, mostly they are purely cosmetic. Like changing the cursor back after the first press of an arrow key. Or, moving the window with the mouse, only after the first press of the arrow key.

How to resize a window using the keyboard in Windows

The actions are approximately the same as with moving the window using the keyboard. However, the presence of the same "P" in the two words "Size" and "Expand" slightly changes the instruction.

  1. Press the "Alt + Space" key combination
  2. If you want to expand the window to the maximum, then press the letter "P"
  3. If you want to manually adjust the size, then in the menu that appears, with the down and up arrows go to the item "Size" and press "Enter"
  4. The window will go into resizing mode
  5. Use the arrow keys to resize
  6. When you are done, press "Enter" (to save) or "Esc" (to cancel). Or click

Note: As with moving the window, there are various cosmetic nuances. For example, after you press the arrow key for the first time, moving the mouse will resize the window.

While this is a fairly old trick, you will be glad that it is still supported by Windows when the need arises.

Note: Depending on the state of the window, various menu items will not be available. For example, if the window is maximized to full screen, then it can only be "Minimized" or "Restored".

Now you know how you can move or resize a window using the keyboard in Windows. As well as a number of subtleties associated with the use of this menu.

  • How to extend the lifespan of an SSD solid state drive in Windows 7?

Technical Tips

  • Technical Tips
  • While working on a computer, some users are faced with the fact that the text or shortcuts seem too large for them, but they do not know how to reduce the scale of the screen on the computer and bring the size of these objects back to normal.

    Unfortunately, there is no one solution for all such problems, since the reasons are different in different situations. In this article, we will look at the three most common situations when you may need to zoom out and tell you what you can do about it.

    More often than not, when users ask how to zoom out on a computer screen, they mean the scale of desktop shortcuts.

    The fact is that by default, operating windows systems 7 and Windows 10 use fairly large shortcuts, while Windows XP and older windows versions smaller labels are used. As a result, users who are accustomed to Windows XP want to zoom out on the screen so that shortcuts become the same size.

    The solution is very simple. You need to right-click on the desktop, go to the "View" menu and select "Small icons".

    In addition, in the "View" menu, you can enable or disable the arrangement of labels and their alignment to the grid.

    How to reduce the scale of text on a computer screen

    Another situation where users have problems with the scale is the inappropriate scale of the text on the computer. By default, in operating system Windows uses a text scale of 100%, but it can be increased to 125, 150, or 175%. Such an opportunity is provided for users with disabilities, but if such a scale is enabled for an ordinary user, then it will become inconvenient to work with a computer.

    In order to reduce the scale of text on a computer, you need to do just a couple of clicks. If you have Windows 10, then you need to right-click on the desktop and go to "Display Settings".

    As a result, you will see the "Parameters" window in the "System - Display" section. Several settings will be available here. If you want to reduce the scale of the text, then you need to open the drop-down menu "Resize text, applications and other elements" and select the option "100% (recommended)".

    Also, problems with the scale can be caused by incorrectly set. Therefore, make sure that the recommended system resolution is selected in the "Resolution" drop-down list. It is not worth using the not recommended resolution, as it is advised on some sites. Even if it seems to you that it will zoom out the screen on your computer. In fact, this will lead to a significant decrease in the quality of the image on the monitor and your eyes will start to get very tired.

    On a computer with Windows 7, to zoom out the text, right-click on the desktop and go to "Screen Resolution".

    This will open a window with text scale settings. Here you need to select the option "Small - 100%" and save the changes with the "Apply" button.

    In Windows XP, to zoom out the text, right-click on the desktop and select "Properties". Then you need to go to the "Parameters" tab and click on the "Advanced" button.

    How to zoom out the screen in the browser and other programs

    Also, sometimes it becomes necessary to reduce the screen scale not in general on the computer, but only in individual programs.

    A typical example is screen zoom in a browser. In modern browsers, you can zoom in or out by simply holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard and rolling the mouse wheel. Often, users accidentally use this browser feature and then don't know how to zoom out the screen back to normal. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then simply hold down the CTRL button and, without releasing, scroll the mouse wheel up and down. In doing so, you will see how the screen scale changes. Once you've found the correct scale, just release the CTRL key. Also in browsers you can zoom in and out of the screen using the combination cTRL keys and the Num + / Num- keys.

    Similarly, you can increase or decrease the scale of the computer screen in other programs. For example, in such office programs like Word, Excel and PowerPoint, it works both with the CTRL key and mouse wheel, and with the CTRL-Num + / Num- key combination.