The left mouse button does not work in games. How to fix a mouse if a button works many times in one click. Wireless with USB transmitter

During the operation of complex technical means like a computer, many questions often arise about the operation of additional equipment and tools. There can be a lot of problems when using a mouse and keyboard, eternal computer satellites. Especially from frequent use, the right mouse buttons may stop working. What to do if this happens, you can read below.

Breakdown reasons

Rough handling and careless use of devices can adversely affect their performance. It is highly discouraged to use strong physical impact on the equipment: hitting the mouse or throwing it against the wall will not lead to anything good. But what to do - the right mouse button does not work and some of the functions are no longer available? First you need to determine the cause of the breakdown.

The fact is that in addition to physical reasons, the mouse may not function also due to problems in the operating system itself. You cannot visit suspicious sites on the Internet, download anything from unverified sources, and you still cannot take someone else's memory cards and insert them into your computer without first checking the media for viruses.

Lately everyone more widespread have wireless usb mice... They run on batteries, so before looking for a problem in the computer or carrying the mouse for repair in service centerit is worth trying to simply change the battery and check that it is turned on. Typically, the on-off switch is located on the back, which is usually driven across the table.

But what to do: does not work, despite all the efforts? Then experienced electronics and technology masters can give a hint, especially if it is difficult to figure it out on your own.

Operating system problems

If replacing the battery with a new one or changing the switch mode did not help, then you need to try to check the system operation in the computer. This will allow you to understand what to do with right click mouse isn't working, or there is a software problem.

For this, a configuration example will be given in the operating room. windows system 10 since this latest version, proposed by Microsoft, which means that the most problems with it arise when identifying hardware.

First you need to click the Start Menu button. And go to the system settings by clicking on the "Options" icon to the left of the application list.

In the menu that opens, select "Devices".

And in the list that opens, find "Mouse". In the submenu, you can select the main button: left or right. They must be reversed and the equipment must be tried again. If now the left one does not work, the right mouse button (you should not do something yourself with this, you should call the computer wizard) is functioning, which means that the problem is in a virus on the computer.

After checking, do not forget about returning the parameters to the original data.

Contacting the service center

If it is not possible to identify the cause of the breakdown, or it is clearly after exposure of a physical nature, then you need to contact the manufacturer's service center or the department for repairing computers and household appliances.

Craftsmen will be able to determine the cause of the breakdown and suggest repair options. In some cases, repair computer mouse can be more expensive than buying a new one, so it is recommended that the proposed alternatives be carefully weighed and considered.

And so the first article was read "", the mouse malfunction was determined.

So we will deal with "", the repair is somewhat more complicated, and we need as a donor, either a non-working or the cheapest computer mouse, the switches are almost identical for all.

2. The MOUSE stopped responding to clicks or does it every other time, as a rule, the left mouse button, as the most loaded one. I myself, in excitement, press on it not childishly, although the result does not depend in any way on the strength of the click. Here is the microswitch of the mouse and does not withstand, or has exhausted the prescribed number of clicks. Checking. We twist, twist, twist the wire, the cursor comes to life, so it's a wire after all. The computer mouse is in absolute rest, the wire is fixed (to exclude the effect if the wires are still frayed), we try to click gently, there are gaps, then the switch. Periodic skipping of computer mouse clicks may not react at all. So the button does not work.
This malfunction of the mouse is somewhat more difficult to repair, and to repair the mouse we need any (the price does not matter) a faulty mouse is suitable, as a donor of spare parts, the right button on it probably works, well, or the side one.

Do not be surprised if in the same computer mice, in appearance and in the series, there will be a different filling, technologies do not stand still. So with interchangeability, problems. That is, one block, it is elementary not to transfer to another. If earlier the wires were inserted into the male-female connector, now soldering is everywhere. On the latter, so in general, soldering the switch is a problem, which is half a year or a year old, if you have such a thing about it "How to repair an optical or laser mouse. Sori I'm still writing"

At the end of the article " Mouse repair, mouse button not working". We'll have to draw a picture, there is no photo, and maybe someone has a simple soldering method. Distracted.
We disassemble the mouse for repair, as written in "".

Dismantled the mouse, we listen to the board, all the screws are unscrewed

On our mouse, we will have to train to solder without overheating, the switch on it is already broken. We heat the legs of the microswitch and, prying it with a knife (or pulling it with your fingers from the back side), we unsolder it ( do everything simultaneously and quickly).

Pulling the switch while heating the legs

Without overheating the switch, you can still make mistakes, we work at the donor as miners without mistakes.

While heating the legs, we pull back, then one then the other side

We take any old mouse, compare the switches in height: if they are the same, everything is easier. If they differ, then the one above consists of two halves.

If the mouse button is high, remove the spacer

One of which is a spacer. By removing the spacer, the microswitch will fit in place of yours. On older computer mice, they are mostly tall. We bend the protruding legs on the back of the board (otherwise it will not sit in its place). I have seen only two types of switches, with and without a spacer, from a switch with a spacer you can make a switch of any height (changing the spacers like washers).

We unsolder the microswitch from the old mouse for a hundred rubles (be careful! Overheat - will not work (it is plastic). Then unsolder the second one from the old - in the end, it will work!). And we solder it to our "beloved" (no matter how much it costs, you know a habit). When we solder the microswitch, we don't drip a lot of tin, it can get in the way on the sole. But not enough, the solder also serves to fix the microswitch, we are not chasing beauty, it is still invisible (if the switch looses from clicks, you will have to disassemble the mouse again)! The switch only holds tin. Not overheated switch, emits a characteristic click, click. We look at the photo.

Not very pretty, but works

It turned out not very nice, but everything works with a bang (this is the second trepanation of the mouse). Mouse repair, mouse button not working.Now your beloved, well, I hope, an expensive (don't bother with a cheap one) game rodent with you forever. As I wrote above, I did all the manipulations once with a simple screwdriver. Soldered oak oak. The soldered microswitch is enough for almost a year of active use, tested by practice. Yesterday only the friend's computer mouse grunted, if it worked, there would be no article. Can someone help. Yes, and also, there is one more small malfunction, but about it to a heap in "How to repair an optical or laser mouse", and even so many dashed off.

Hopefully "Mouse repair, mouse button not working" and "as well as exotic malfunctions of a computer mouse, someone will help to revive a computer mouse.

Write comments, I will answer. Until then, see you !!!

Sometimes users face a problem when the mouse does not respond to clicks. Why can this happen? How is it proposed to deal with the task at hand? What features and nuances of the process are recommended to pay attention to? Sometimes factors that are not at all related to information can influence the mouse. Users can immediately attribute faulty hardware system administrators for diagnosis. This is a logical decision, but you shouldn't rush. You can independently figure out why the mouse does not always respond to clicks, and even cope with problems without outside help.


The first and rather common cause of the phenomenon under study may be a banal clogging of equipment. If the mouse does not respond well to a click or does it every other time, it is recommended to check its purity.

Clogging can be eliminated only on new equipment. If the device has already worked for some time, then in case of problems with the mouse, you can start cleaning the component. This is not so difficult to do. The result will not keep you waiting - after the user removes all the dirt accumulated under the buttons, the mouse will work in full force.


But this is only one scenario. In fact, there are a lot of possible layouts. Mouse not responding to clicks? It is likely that the equipment is out of order. Relevant for any device - both new and already working for some time.

It is recommended to take the defective equipment to a service center. There, the foremen will check the device and say if it needs to be repaired. If so, you can leave the mouse in the service center until the troubleshooting. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the input device.

Functional check

If a new mouse or one that has already been cleaned of dirt and dust does not respond to clicks, you can independently check its performance. To do this, it is recommended to connect the device to another computer, install the hardware drivers, and make sure everything works.

This technique allows you to make visits to service centers with specific claims. Also, with the help of such a check, you can often understand the sources of problems and failures. What other scenarios are possible? What should you pay attention to in this or that case?

Jacks and connectors

Mouse not responding to clicks? What to do? For starters, don't panic. This problem is encountered by many users, often the source of trouble is a purely technical component, it does not pose any danger to a computer or operating system.

Alternatively, a damaged connector may be the cause of problems with the mouse. The socket to which the equipment is connected is damaged, as a result of which the contact between the machine and the manipulator is established every time.

There is only one way out - connect the mouse to another socket. This is the only way to fix the problem. By the way, the connection connector on the device may also be damaged. In this situation, it is better to purchase a new mouse. After all, connectors are usually not repairable. Or, after these manipulations, they still break, and very quickly.


What if the mouse does not respond to clicks or does it every other time? There are many options for the development of events. It has already been said that often all problems are technical. But there are exceptions.

For example, the following layout is typical for gaming mice. It's all about the drivers. This software is responsible for recognizing devices in the operating system. Old version or the complete absence of these applications can lead to the fact that the mice will work every other time. Or even find themselves among the equipment unknown to the computer.

In this case, you just need to install the drivers on the computer (usually they are attached to the mice) or update the existing ones. The operating system then reboots. Is there any progress? Then you don't have to worry. Does your mouse still not work fully? We need to look for the source of the problem further. There are still many alternatives.


Only laptop owners face this problem. The mouse does not always respond to clicks or does not work at all, although there is a cursor? You can try to test the operation of the touchpad. If it is functioning normally, it is recommended to disable this component.

The thing is that some laptops and operating system assemblies do not support the simultaneous operation of the touchpad and mouse. Therefore, there is a hardware conflict. As a result, the mouse refuses to work normally.

As soon as the touchpad is disabled, the connected device will return to full functionality. And you can continue to use the mouse. By the way, do not be surprised if the problem has arisen suddenly - no one is immune from this.


But if the mouse does not immediately respond to clicks, then the problem may be different. For example, a slow response from information is sometimes attributed to high CPU utilization.

Why is this phenomenon observed on computers? There are a lot of options. Among the most common are the following:

  • a large number of functioning programs;
  • inconsistency of the computer with the system requirements of the operating system;
  • viruses;
  • long equipment operation without shutdown or reboot;
  • lack of hard disk space for normal operation of the OS.

In any case, you need to provide unloading to the processor. It is recommended to close numerous programs running in the background and restart the machine. Better to give her a few hours to rest. Next, the user must resume trying to connect the mouse. The problem should go away.


Mouse not responding to clicks? The virus, as already mentioned, is the wave of the real cause of the arising hardware problem. Any computer "infection" can lead to this phenomenon.

What should be done in this case? We must try to cure the computer. If the problem is observed on a laptop, the touchpad will save. With it, you can easily control your computer and cursor. The anti-virus system will find and disinfect potentially dangerous files. If this fails, the user will be prompted to delete the document.

As a rule, when the cursor cannot be controlled at all, the computer is taken to a service center. There, the system will quickly be cured of all viruses without causing any damage to the owner's data.


If the mouse does not respond to clicks, you should pay attention to system requirements... The point is that all modern equipment has certain requirements for a computer. The discrepancy between them makes it impossible for the device to work. Or it will be unstable.

When incompatibility with the operating system is found, there are several ways to solve the problem. Either the user changes the OS or the connected equipment. The second option is most often encountered in practice. It is recommended to pay special attention to compatibility issues for owners of "Windows 10". A lot of hardware conflicts with this operating system. Therefore, you should not be surprised that Windows does not respond to mouse clicks.

What to do in this situation? It has already been said: either change the connected equipment, or operating system change. How exactly to proceed? Everyone decides for himself.

Power supply

This last reasonthe mouse connected to the computer does not respond. All the fault of the power supply settings. Most often occurs this problem on laptops.

As practice shows, after that the work of the mouse is getting better. In fact, everything is not so difficult. It is enough to enumerate all possible options. This is the only way to understand 100% what is the matter. You shouldn't rush to buy new equipment either. It is likely that you can do without it.

If the user doubts his abilities, you can take the computer along with the faulty equipment to a service center. There they will quickly help not only diagnose, but also fix any computer problem. How exactly to proceed? The final decision is always with the user!

Good afternoon!

In general, I want to note right away that the left mouse button is one of the most loaded. It would seem, well, what is a simple office job? But with it, LMB * per hour (on average) is pressed up to 100 or more times! In some games, the indicator can be several times higher (in general, the load on it, God forbid ...).

And in case of its refusal, work at the PC becomes very inconvenient (and in some cases even impossible). In general, it would be more correct to divide the problems into hardware and software (for example, if the button itself is broken, then this is a hardware problem, if the problem is in the driver, for example, it is software). Actually, based on this, I will try to share this article ...

And so, let's get down to business.

* Popular abbreviation: "LMB" - left mouse button.

Is the mouse problem? (We diagnose!)

The very first thing I recommend in this case is to check if everything is in order with the mouse itself. Often, with heavy use, the mouse button itself stops working (and you need to press it too hard for it to respond). By the way, a characteristic symptom in this case: periodically the mouse LMB does not react, then it starts to work, and, quite often, a double click is immediately obtained.

For diagnostics: just connect the mouse to another computer / laptop (which does not have a similar problem). If it behaves similarly on it (i.e. LMB does not work), then the problem is probably in the mouse (the button may be out of order, the board is damaged, etc.).

In this case, there are two ways: either buy a new mouse, or try to repair it (if you have free time to experiment).

By the way!

You can buy cheap mice (and other computer hardware) in Chinese online stores. I recommend taking a quick look at this post:

A few words about its repair

If you have experience in soldering, you can try to disassemble the mouse, clean it from dust and see if any contacts have gone where, if everything is in order with the board. If everything is OK, then you can try to solder a new one instead of the old button. In principle, there is nothing complicated here (unless you might need old mice from which to take a working button).

By the way, you can also try to set the right button in place of the left one, and the left button to the right. This option is especially relevant in cases when your LMB does not work well (or there is a double click).

Services, as far as I know, do not repair mice (since the wizard's time is more expensive than a new mouse). Unless you have an expensive gaming mouse (with which you have already become akin, and are ready to shell out any reasonable amount for it) ...

What to do if the mouse itself is functional, but LMB does not work

This is a more interesting option (ie on another PC the mouse works and everything is in order with it, but on the current one it behaves "strange" for some reason). In general, one of the first tips would be to try restarting your computer (sometimes a similar problem occurs due to various system failures, high CPU load, etc.). If the reboot didn't work, then I recommend the following ...

1) Try connecting the mouse to a different USB port

It is highly advisable not to connect it to USB portm, which are on the keyboard, go through some splitters and other adapters. Connect exactly to USB from the back system unit (if you have a laptop - then directly to it). In any case, check several of your USB ports in sequence.

If you have a problem with a PS / 2 mouse, connect it via the adapter to the USB port.

2) Check the power saving mode

The fact is that when it is running, the computer can turn off the mouse in order to save energy. To check if this is so, you need to open the device manager (I will give a way to do this without a mouse):

  1. press Win + R to bring up the Run window;
  2. enter the command devmgmt.msc;
  3. press Enter.

IN device manager find the tab "Mice and other pointing devices" (see screenshot below). If the mouse does not work for you: first press "TAB" (to make the pointer appear) and then use the buttons to move up and down "," ↓ "(note: usual" arrows "on the keyboard), press to expand the tab "→" .

By choosing desired device (for example, "HID Compliant Mouse". By the way, you may have a slightly different name) just press "Enter".

Next (using the "TAB" and "arrows") open the "Power Management" tab and uncheck the "Allow this device to turn off to save energy" checkbox. Save your settings and restart your computer.

3) Check the power supply parameters

5) Check the drivers for the mouse (this is especially true for gaming mice that come with additional buttons)

According to statistics, as a rule, more problems arise with fancy mice: which have additional keys (they are often used in games to quick access to the playable character). So, for such mice it is often necessary to install drivers manually (because the driver that picks up Windows may not work correctly with it).

In general, the topic of drivers is "quite" extensive. If you do not know how to update them, I recommend using the materials, links to which are below:

  1. 10 Best programs to update drivers (automatically!) -
  2. How to find and install a driver for an unknown device -

Additions on the topic are welcome ...

Suddenly having problems with your mouse on Windows? The left button sometimes does not work and you need to click 3-4 times to launch a program or a shortcut on the desktop? Why such a problem occurs and what to do to fix it.

One of the more annoying mouse issues is the issue with its left button. A situation arises when suddenly without apparent reasons the left mouse button does not work or it began to respond to the user's clicks every other time.

Every fourth or fifth click is not perceived by the system, this behavior is very annoying because it makes it difficult to work on the computer - instead of double-clicking on the program's shortcut, sometimes you need to click 3 or 4 times. This also applies to performing any actions - we want to quickly select, for example, a group of shortcuts on the desktop, for dragging them with the mouse cursor, but it turns out that the left button does not work. Why doesn't the left button always respond to user clicks?

Of course, the problem may be in the mouse itself and the damage is purely technical. The left button is worn out and doesn't always respond to clicks. In this case, you need to repair it or buy a new mouse.

But before you do this, you need to check if it works on another computer, or - if possible - connect another working mouse to the computer. Thus, you can exclude or confirm it. technical malfunction... But if, you connect the problem mouse to your friend's computer and it works correctly, then this means that there is a problem with your PC. Then there is no point in buying a new mouse - you should look for a solution in windows settings 10.

Step 1: Connect the mouse to a different USB port

See which input your mouse is connected to your computer. In most cases, the connection is made via a USB port, but devices with a PS2 connector are still rare.

The first step is to check the health of the USB port, because it can be damaged and cause problems with operation. Connect the mouse to a different port without turning off the power of the computer - it should be detected in a few seconds.

Step 2: Check the settings in Windows Device Manager

If the above method does not work, the culprit may be the controller responsible for the operation of the USB ports. The system is equipped with a function that, as part of a power-saving mode, turns off or reduces the activity of individual computer components. There is a possibility that the regime affects uSB driver and so Windows 10 sometimes "doesn't pick up" the left button clicks.

In Windows 10, right-click on the Start button and go to Device Manager or call it with the command “devmgmt. msc "

Expand USB Controllers. Here you will find items such as "Generic USB Hub" and "Root USB hub". Double-click each one and go to the Power Management section.

Uncheck "Allow this device to be turned off to save power". Repeat these steps for each item in USB Controllers.

Step 3: Check Power Options

The next step is to configure the power settings for the active profile. To do this, go to Panel windows management 10 and enter in the search box in the right upper corner "Power settings".

A window will appear with a list of basic and sub plans. One of them will be marked, that is, the one used by the system. Click next to it on the item "Change plan settings", and then in the new window select "Change advanced power settings".

Find "USB Options - Disable USB Port Temporarily Option" and select "Disabled". Then check how the device works.

Step 4: turn off touchpad lag (in laptops)

Windows 8.1 and 10 are packed with features that are useful for laptop users, including slower response to clicks while typing. Have you ever been while typing on a laptop and accidentally touching the touchpad with your palm, causing the mouse cursor to jump?

The touchpad lag serves to prevent such situations. When the laptop detects that you are using the keyboard, click delay is triggered. However, this feature may not be convenient for gamers who play on laptops with mice, and here's why.

It turns out that in some cases the function blocks the action of the buttons on a USB mouse. If you play on a laptop, your hands are usually on the keyboard all the time - the rest of the input devices, for system reasons, should not be involved.

The delay function treats the game in the same way as typing, and blocks mouse clicks for a short period of time, and, unfortunately, periodically (the button fires every other time). In this case, the delay function on the laptop can be disabled.