Pros and cons of 5s. Opt out of built-in Google Maps. Let's consider the advantages of an iPhone in more detail

Pavel Gorodnitsky extremely meticulously tested new iPhone and compiled a guide for those who are still pondering whether to buy a "ten".

I've been using iPhone X for exactly one and a half weeks. I must say right away: this is probably the best smartphone in my life in total, although it is not far from the super-practical iPhone 7 Plus.

There are already many reviews of the top ten, so I tried to pay attention to the most key and universal points that are important not only for me.

What's annoying?

1. It's incredibly annoying that there are no battery percentages in the corner by default. The percentages are visible when you lower the Control Center, but this procedure is terribly annoying: it is much more pleasant when they are displayed without any manipulation.

When there is no interest, it looks like the battery is about to run out. Seriously, there are some problems with the icons, because even at 35% of the charge, the drawn iOS 11 battery looks almost empty.

I talked to many developers, and they are sure that in one of the next iOS updates, the percentages will inevitably return.

2. "Control Center" is also imperfect. Let me remind you that this is where the widget with the player is located.

Previously (on old iPhones) access to the player was lightning fast: swipe up from the bottom, switch songs. Now you have to aim at the right top corner, swipe from top to bottom, and then aim at the player keys. It is terribly inconvenient to do it with one hand. Try it if you don't believe it.

3. Entering text with one hand would be cool if not for the language switch button, which was sent to the very bottom.

4. Closing applications turned into torture. You need to pull your finger upward, then press the pad into the screen, and then poke hard into the application name so that an icon with a minus appears. After that, you need to tap on the minus, and the app will shut down. Catastrophe.

Someone may argue that iOS, in principle, does not need to close applications, but I disagree: it happens that they freeze, and they need to be restarted, so nowhere without closing. Unfortunately, this is implemented as flawed as possible.

5. My Face ID works monstrously. Rather, it works like everyone else, but I am not satisfied with this unlocking method. I calibrated the face recognizer in different ways (both in the dark and in the light), played with the settings, rebooted the iPhone - all to no avail. Face ID wants the iPhone X to be perfectly in front of our eyes: if this condition is not met, the device will first be capricious, and then it will prompt you to enter a password.

Feels like the recognition rate is no higher than that of the first generation Touch ID. And this despite the fact that I do not have strabismus or burns on my face that interfere with setting up Face ID.

What do you like?

1. The volume of the external speaker. The sound is really deafening, spacious and non-wheezing. Here Apple gets 10 points out of 10.

2. Branded leather case. I thought I would, but I tried it and I really liked it. The case does not interfere with work and is pleasant to the touch, and the phone does not slip out of your hands. The optimal alignment. I think it's worth paying these 4 thousand so as not to worry about scratches.

3. Weight of iPhone X. Heavy phones are great. Feels solid (still, for 80k), and not as with the Galaxy S8, which gives the impression of a toy flagship.

4. Huge Power button. She was sorely lacking in previous iPhones, where she was tiny. Here she is gigantic, and she also has a great move. A very wise decision in terms of ergonomics.

5. Switching between applications is ingenious. You grab the strip and instantly turn it in any direction, instead of opening the clumsy multitasking menu and poking around in it.

The toggle gesture is the best thing about the iPhone X. Thanks to it, I completely stopped missing home button... It's a shame Apple will never implement this masterpiece option in old iPhones - people will continue to suffer with the key.

Five Things That Didn't Arouse Emotion

1. Wireless charging. I bought a Qumo adapter for 450 rubles. I tested it - the iPhone did not burn, but it took an infinitely long charge. Therefore, I'm waiting for AirPower to charge the watch in parallel.

2. Animoji. Sent three roosters, two pigs and one poop all the time. Then I got tired. The theme with animoji karaoke also seems to have died - that's where it goes.

3. Camera. Albeit vertical, but in terms of quality without radical differences compared to the iPhone 7 Plus. In short: the best on the market.

4. Neckline. It cannot be a plus, but I got used to it in half a day and generally don’t understand the whiners who are not satisfied with this "monobrow". Honestly, I don’t know who you have to be to sincerely grumble about bangs or try to hide the “hump” using applications (there are already such devices, yes).

5. Battery. I expected to be disappointed after the 7 Plus, but no: if you turn on the power saving on time, the iPhone X, even with active use, will live from early morning (9:00) to late evening (23:00).

Should you upgrade?

Everything is simple here.

With iPhone 5s / SE / 6, yes.

With iPhone 6s / 6s Plus - if you have free money.

With the iPhone 7/7 Plus, probably not.

With the iPhone 8 ... Hmm, I’m not advising you something if you are seriously thinking about updating one fresh iPhone to another.

October 25 on the shelves russian stores new iPhone smartphones... The price for a flagship device in the initial configuration with 16 GB of internal memory will be about 30 thousand rubles. For an iPhone 5s with 32 GB on board, you will have to pay about 35 thousand, and the maximum configuration with 64 GB costs 40 thousand rubles.

A budget version in a polycarbonate case can be purchased for 25 thousand or 30 thousand rubles, depending on the amount of memory - 16 or 32 GB, respectively.

Both models will be available from Apple's online store and from official resellers.

This year, the start of official sales of smartphones in Russian retail was only a month after the devices appeared in the countries of the "first wave", and a month and a half after the presentation in the USA, which indicates the growing interest of the American corporation in strengthening its positions in the region. The domestic market is becoming more and more priority for Apple. Last year, fans of the brand had to wait 3 months before the official shipments of the iPhone 5 began. It is surprising that this year Russia has become one of the countries of the "second wave" along with Thailand, Ireland, Taiwan, Korea and other countries. Apple plans to cover all sales markets by the end of the year. Then the iPhone 5S / 5C will be available in over a hundred countries around the world.

In anticipation of the start of sales of new smartphones, we tried to present the main advantages and disadvantages of the flagship model to buyers, so that it would be easier for users to make the right decision regarding the purchase of the iPhone 5s.

And so, first we list the advantages

The external design of the 5s model is not too different from the iPhone 5 - the same 4-inch screen, the same dimensions - 58.6 x 123.8 x 7.6 mm and weight - 112 grams. But the novelty has a biometric sensor built into the Home button, a dual LED flash and a 64-bit A7 processor. If you look closely, you will notice that the shape of the double flash in the new model is oblong, and not round as in the "five".

The manufacturer offers its flagship device in three color options - black, silver or gold. The most popular among buyers, according to the results of sales in the first few weeks, it is the golden modification that is used, however, if you put a case on your smartphone, it will be quite difficult to see it - the gilding will be visible only from the slot of the silent mode lever.

Of course, you can do without additional protection in the form of a branded cover, however, those who have purchased in the past year iPhone 5 in black and used it without a "bumper", after a few weeks of active use, they noticed that the paint on the side edges began to peel off. Users who prefer white colors did not complain about such inconveniences, since in this case the scuffs are not too conspicuous. The iPhone 5s hasn't had such problems yet, and that's good news.

Among the main advantages of the new flagship, experts point out the presence of a fingerprint sensor Touch ID, a 64-bit A7 processor, supplemented by an M7 chip responsible for motion monitoring and an improved camera with a high-quality sensor from Sony.

Now let's try to tell you about everything in order.

The Touch ID fingerprint scanner is an innovative solution. Apple was the first smartphone maker to introduce this technology into its phones. The sensor can be used to unlock the device and confirm purchases in iTunes / App Store... It is built into the Home button, which is now smoother and has lost the square pattern in the center.

The key itself, contrary to the expectations of some specialists, did not become touch sensitive. It still needs to be pressed, but now you can see a steel ring around it. It is this that reacts to touch and activates the biometric sensor.

As for the quality of fingerprint recognition, experts rate it quite high. It takes the user just a second to release the lock. There are some points to keep in mind, though. So, for example, the accuracy of detecting fingerprints depends on the quality of your finger scanning when setting up the system, as well as on the presence of moisture or dirt on your fingers when using a smartphone.

Five different slots can be entered for all five fingers, or for multiple fingerprints. Some users have tried using ears, nose and other body parts to unlock the device and say that this also works, although the number of scanning errors is increasing.

Conveniently, you don't have to hold the phone in a certain way to get a print. You can put your finger on the sensor at any angle, even upside down.

The button itself is protected by sapphire crystal, which has a very high strength index, so it is difficult to break or scratch it.

Regarding concerns about privacy, the developers of the system assured users that all fingerprints obtained using the scanner are stored on the smartphone in an encrypted form and are not transmitted to third party services to third parties, they are not available for other applications, do not sync with iCloud and Apple servers.

The A7 processor deserves no less attention. This is the first solution based on 64-bit architecture implemented in smartphones. In addition, it is equipped with an M7 coprocessor responsible for motion monitoring.

At the heart of the A7 is over a billion transistors. If we compare performance indicators, we can say that it copes twice as well with computing tasks and graphics. previous generation the A6 processors that came with the iPhone 5.

To demonstrate the capabilities of the new chip, Cupertino used the Infinity Blade III 3D slasher. It was on the example of this game that the developers demonstrated stunning detailing during the official presentation of the device.

It should be noted that not all applications are optimized to work with a 64-bit processor, and you should not expect a significant increase in performance in other programs, however, over time, the number of such solutions will grow.

Separately, we need to talk about the M7 chip. It was mentioned above that its main function is to control movement. The processor receives data from all built-in sensors of the smartphone (accelerometer, gyroscope and compass, etc.) even in standby mode. This is done in order to unload the main processor and save battery power. All applications installed on the device have access to the received data.

As for the camera, I must say that its resolution has not changed, all the same 8 megapixels. But the lens aperture has increased from f / 2.4 to f / 2.2. A double flash appeared, and the pixel size increased to 1.5 microns. All these improvements had a positive effect on the quality of photos, this is especially noticeable when shooting in low light conditions.

You can see for yourself by looking at the photos

Left iPhone 5, right iPhone 5s

Another interesting improvement in terms of video shooting is slow motion. In this case, the camera shoots video at 120 frames per second, which gives a slow-motion effect during playback. There is also a 10fps photo burst function. At the same time, from all the frames obtained in this way, you can choose the most successful one, and delete the rest so as not to clog the device memory.

Below you can see an example of a video made on iPhone camera 5s. Which of the fragments will be displayed in slow motion, you can select after the video has already been captured.

The new operating system iOS 7. Its creators completely redesigned the interface, replacing skeomorphic elements with “flat” solutions, which, in their opinion, are more suitable for the appearance of modern devices.

The platform is optimized for iPhone 5s and although some iPhone 4s and iPad users complain that the system sometimes slows down, the new flagship does not have such problems.

Opinions were divided on the design of the operating system. Many people don't like the look and feel of iOS 7. But outside of the look and feel, we can say that the developers have introduced a lot of new features. The Control Center now allows you to quickly turn on / off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, adjust the screen brightness, open the camera, switch to airplane mode and use a flashlight. A new iTunes Radio service has appeared, although at this stage it works only for American Apple accounts and a rather useful AirDrop utility for quickly transferring content between Apple devices.

Well, perhaps, all the main advantages of the iPhone 5s, now let's look at the disadvantages

The first thing that catches your eye is old design. Appearance the new model is practically no different from the previous one. The screen also remained unchanged - 4 inches, 640x1136 resolution and 326 ppi pixel density. And this is at a time when there are models of Android smartphones with Full HD displays on the market, the diagonal of which is 5 inches and above.

New touch function ID is still of little use. Apart from unlocking your smartphone and confirming purchases, it will not help you. Perhaps the situation will change over time, but so far it is. In addition, there is a certain category of users who are so concerned about security that they simply do not want to use a fingerprint sensor so that their fingerprints do not fall into the hands of intruders or government agencies.

A 64-bit processor also does not provide any special advantages, it is rather than a real increase in performance, because at the moment only iOS 7 and standard applications... Of course, third-party developers have already begun work on improving their programs, however, it will take several months until a sufficient number of such applications appear.

Among the shortcomings, one can also note the lack of modification of a smartphone with 128 gigabytes of internal memory, the volume random access memory 1 gigabyte (the same as the iPhone 5) and a small increase in battery capacity (from 1440 to 1560 mAh) due to which, even with moderate use of the device by the end of the day, the charge was usually 30% -40%.

And of course, the main drawback is the overpriced, not only for the smartphone itself, but also for accessories to it. So, for example, the cost of a branded leather case is $ 39. It is much easier to pick up something similar from another manufacturer two to three times cheaper.


If you are indifferent to innovations such as a Touch ID scanner, a 64-bit processor and a camera, you can safely wait for the next version of the smartphone and buy, which, most likely, will no longer have obvious problems with the operating system inherent in the new software product, and display parameters. will change in the direction of increasing the diagonal.

If you are a lucky owner of an iPhone 4 / 4S and want to upgrade to a newer device, the iPhone 5S is quite suitable for you as an upgrade, because it is a larger, 4-inch display and improved hardware.

On the other hand, connoisseurs of technical innovations will be interested in working with the new "Apple" flagship, since the iPhone 5S has a huge potential for development. This is a kind of Apple's foundation for the future. His strengths will appear gradually as third-party applications are updated for the 64-bit chip and M7 coprocessor.

Now you can buy the device in the initial configuration from "gray" importers. Its cost in this case will be 27-28 thousand rubles. A week later, after the start of official sales, the same device, but with a manufacturer's warranty, can be bought for 30 thousand rubles. Then the prices for old models will go down.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that when purchasing a "gray" iPhone 5S in our country or abroad from authorized dealers, you should pay attention to the frequency ranges with which the device works. Work in LTE networks Russian communication providers support iPhone models 5S with codes A1457 and A1530 printed on back cover... For the budget model, the corresponding codes are A1507 / A1529.

It's safe to say that the iPhone 5 is the best smartphone Apple today, however, its developers have not yet reached perfection. Noticeable improvements in the new smartphone are presented in parameters such as weight, speed, screen, and plus some useful functions.

In contact with

We (almost) will not find fault with or with the battery life, because with this the iPhone is stable, of course, it could be better, but given the reduced thickness, the battery life remained about the same as that of the iPhone 4S, that is - acceptable.

Therefore, let's take a look at the main flaws of the iPhone 5 that we would like to see fixed in the next iPhone versions (most of them concern iOS 6, so they can be distributed to iPad, iPod Touch).

New Maps

- the weakest link of the iPhone 5, and with it iOS 6. They need to be improved first of all, because now in many regions of the planet the application is practically useless. Many labels on the map are not true. Apple is already aware of this problem, because since the debut of the new smartphone, the topic has been discussed more than once and the company realized that it hastened to abandon the cards. Google mapswhich were the "native" stable application in previous versions iPhone.

Scratches on the black iPhone 5

Looks new smartphone just stunning, but there were a lot of complaints about the fast. FROM lineup no such problems were observed in white. In the meantime, the owners of the black model will have to come to terms with this problem and carry the smartphone all the time in a case, or buy a white iPhone 5.

New Lightning connector

is certainly very convenient, however it forces users to buy new cables and adapters to use accessories with the old 30-pin connector. In addition, there is currently not a sufficiently wide range of accessories for the new smartphone. Accessories are either not created yet, or they cannot be found, therefore, it is necessary that they become inexpensive and affordable.

ITunes purchases

In this application, it would be worth improving access to all purchased content. The user should be able to see all video files, music and books without constantly launching the almost hidden "Purchases" section in the App Store and iTunes. It would be useful to create a semblance of so-called Cloud storage in the Amazon Kindle.

Improving the App Store and iTunes Store

The newly designed versions of the main online applications of iOS 6 look a little awkward and strange. Also worth noting is the incomplete search function in the App Store. In addition, it is necessary to create a separate section for new and updated iPhone applications 5.

Notification Center

By increasing the screen diagonal, the additional space could be more efficiently used. For example, add a view of Promotions or Weather or any other services to the Notification Center. Of course, this is unlikely to happen with the release iOS updates 6.1, but maybe the company will consider hosting other applications.

Passbook app

How to use this application remains a mystery to many. Basically, Passbook was originally created as a virtual wallet. But it would be worthwhile to explain the operation more clearly of this application or provide some kind of test sample. Most likely, for users of Russian-speaking countries, the service of this application will be unavailable for some time.

Work in landscape mode

With such a truly widescreen display, using landscape mode on the iPhone 5 is a pleasure. But, unfortunately, in this mode it is impossible to enter either the App Store or iTunes. Why doesn't Apple provide such a pleasure to the user?

Of course, Apple has done a decent job on improving the iPhone, and perhaps in the future it will listen to the numerous opinions of users and eliminate the identified shortcomings.

The first iPhone was a real sensation. Today, the market is flooded with touch-sensitive monoblocks with multi capabilities, and back in 2007 (it was then that the first i-smartphone was announced), presenting a similar device. Apple has revolutionized mobile world and better phone was not on the market.

Needless to say, this very iPhone had a phenomenal success, as well as its "descendants". For 10 years now, the smartphone with the coveted "apple" on the back has held the title of the best-selling smartphone. Not bad for an incredibly competitive mobile market? Not bad - that's not the right word!

Recently, however, fans of electronic devices are increasingly asking themselves a question. Is the iPhone still so unique? The excitement around him, isn't it supported, as if by inertia? Isn't it better to buy a smartphone of another brand? Yes, we are all grateful to Apple for revolutionizing the mobile world, but today there are so many smartphones in the mobile market that are equal in performance and range of capabilities of the iPhone! So why should you buy an “apple”?

Well, we will try to deal with this issue in our article - the pros and cons iPhone.

We decided to start with positive aspects. So, what is the i-smartphone good for?

Impeccable quality

Apple truly cares about the quality of its products - from the first screw to the last letter on the packaging. And this means that by purchasing an "apple", you will receive a beautifully packaged device in a flawlessly assembled case, demonstrating smooth and fast operation. The new iPhone will never "offend" the user by freezing or crookedly assembled body. However, we do not argue, and there is a hole in the old woman, as they say, and you may come across a device with a factory marriage. However, in such a situation, Apple will exchange the gadget for a new one without the slightest hesitation.

Update, I don't want

If what makes the iPhone truly unique is the fact that both the device itself and iOS - the operating system for it - are being developed by Apple. That is, hardware and software are welded in one "pot", and this gives fantastic results. We have already spoken about zero-load work, but it is worth highlighting such a "feature" as support. This is what the iPhone is really good at!

If you buy a new iPhone today, you can be sure that updates for it will be released for a very long time, and all the new capabilities of the platform will be fully available to you. For example, iPhone 4S was released in 2011, and updates for it were available until 2016! No Android smartphone will receive the latest updates for so long!

The virus will not pass

And here we are again talking about the operating system that the iPhone runs on. iOS is a closed file system platform. This interesting feature entails a lot of consequences - both positive and not so. We will talk about the latter in the second part of our review, but we will note the advantages right now.

What is better closed file system? And the fact that the devices running on it can boast of almost perfect protection from malware and viruses. Add to this the harsh controls that applications that claim to be located in App Store, and you get maximum secure smartphone... Neither Android nor Windows Phone unfortunately, this cannot be said.

Who do you want to choose

What else is iPhone good for? The widest range of all kinds of accessories and related devices. As we said above, i-smartphones have been at the peak of popularity for 10 years already, and therefore, all and sundry are ready to produce various kinds of, let's say, "dopas" for it. Well, agree to imagine that you will not find, for example, an iPhone case is simply impossible. You will not only find, but for a very long time you will painfully choose, because the assortment, we repeat, is simply huge!

Cons of iPhone

So, the list of why the iPhone is good is over, and it's time to talk about the weaknesses of Apple smartphones. So, why is the iPhone worse than other devices?

How much, how much?

Price is the biggest disadvantage of the iPhone. Moreover, I must say that not only the device itself costs a lot of money, but also its further repair, if, God forbid, it is needed. Fortunately, thanks to a bunch of third-party companies and the great and mighty AliExpress on cases and other decorations, you can still save money, which you can't say, but a charging cable. If the original wire breaks or gets lost, you will have to buy the same original one in exchange, which costs a lot of money. Why can't it be noticed by a cheap non-native analogue? Because he can only charge the smartphone, but he will not be able to connect you with iTunes. In general, the original cable is best protected.

The one and only

Another disadvantage of the iPhone is its limited lineup. Earlier Apple released one smartphone per year, today - two (+ color variations). However, by design (and by technical parameters) these two models practically repeat each other, the only difference is the diagonal.

Thus, potential users have practically no choice in terms of design, which can still be tolerated, because Apple knows how to create truly beautiful devices, not in terms of price - and this is already a more serious drawback. That is, maybe a bunch of people would be happy to use a fast, stable, high-quality, virus-resistant iOS if a budget version appeared in the lineup.

Closed, knock

And finally, we must mention the most controversial disadvantage of the iPhone - the closed iOS file system. On the one hand, this feature has a significant plus - security, but on the other hand, the closeness creates a lot of inconveniences. For example, you can't just connect your iPhone to your PC like a USB flash drive and upload files to it - you need iTunes and an original cable. That is, if you are not at home and want to upload a couple of songs from a friend's PC to an i-smartphone, and he uses a smartphone from another company, you will need to first make sure that you have the original cable with you, and then install iTunes.

In addition, the Bluetooth option is very limited due to the closed nature. iPhone can only connect with a headset and other wireless accessories, but about transferring files between smartphones using this wireless technology out of the question.

The disadvantages of the iPhone, due to the closed nature of iOS, do not end there. You cannot insert a removable SD card into an i-smartphone, thus expanding the device's memory. And the user also has very modest customization options. All he essentially can do is change the screensaver. At that moment when Android users can download and install new themes every day.

By the way, something else about closedness, but not iOS, but the body of the i-smartphone. Of course, all-metal iPhone case - this is very cool, but non-removable battery, which is a consequence of this fact - a still inconvenience. If you plan to use an i-smartphone for more than one year (and this is most likely, given the high price of the gadget), you will probably have to change the battery, and if you do not dare to lick the inside of the iPhone yourself, you will have to go to the service. Do you remember what we said about repairing Apple smartphones? It's very expensive!


Nothing is perfect. And even Apple smartphones have disadvantages, and although the advantages of the iPhone are very attractive, carefully evaluate its disadvantages. This is very important, especially considering the price. What conclusion can we draw when answering the question - is it worth buying an iPhone today?

To be honest, a couple of years ago it would have been much easier to answer it, because then there was not a single smartphone that could quite rightly stand on the same level with the iPhone as a worthy competitor. At the moment, the situation has changed - some smartphones of Apple's main competitor - samsung - have not only caught up, but in some places have surpassed even the most flagship iPhone. The flagships of the South Korean giant are also stable in work. They have a beautiful and high-quality case. Updates will be available for them for a long time. The only thing is that they will not be as secure as the iPhone, because open Android rules here. And, of course, samsung flagships are also expensive, but the price for them is still not as high as for the iPhone.

In short, we come to the conclusion that the iPhone's main stumbling block is its operating system. It is thanks to iOS that this device can be considered unique. And here is the question of your attitude. If a closed system, in your opinion, is rather an advantage - they say, you think, it's inconvenient to reset music, but personal data is intact, then better iPhone you cannot find a smartphone and having bought it, you will be downright happy. If you think that there are some problems from closeness, then you definitely should choose a smartphone from another company.

When the iPhone 5 was introduced in 2012, which differed from the previous model 4S only by a slightly elongated screen, a flurry of jokes went through the web. It came to direct comparisons of the theoretical future of the iPhone 20 with a lightsaber, but with the announcement of the iPhone 5s, all the jokes suddenly stopped.

The then fresh iPhone 5s was almost a dream, and its older brothers with increased memory were even more desirable. It is important that the “5th”, which was conceived as another object of worship for young people, has not lost its technical relevance even years later.

Main advantages:
screen... 4 "is just right these days, and the elongated shape makes the smartphone even more comfortable. There is a lot to say about the picture, but one thing is important: no one has seriously complained about IPS Retina + yet.

cPU... While most competitors are developing 8-core processors and trying to integrate them into the most budget devices, Apple modified its 2-core, transferred it to 64-bit architecture and transferred it to a new generation. It was the right step: due to the new architecture, this processor is still competitive.

high-quality painting... The predecessor climbed instantly: the ends of the device were exposed after several months of operation, but the apple iphone 5s 16gb defeated this disease. But the cheapest version, like the most expensive, is painted in the same quality - the amount of built-in memory does not affect this.
fingerprint's scanner. Taking a couple of photos, listening to music, shining a flashlight or counting something on a calculator is not a question, but no one else can do more than the owner. Years have passed, but this feature is still available only in the most expensive high-end devices.

camera... It just works well. 8 megapixels, but the pixel sizes are large, which has a positive effect on the quality of pictures and videos. An interesting Slo-Mo function ( smooth slow motion video) is present.

There are also disadvantages. iPhone 5s has got a powerful "filling", but no one bothered to install a battery of increased capacity in it. New model less autonomous than the old one. But even this could be forgiven for the engineers from Cupertino, if not for the unwillingness to make another gadget at least a little more compatible with other phones. Music, games, applications - everything needs to be downloaded from iTunes so as not to say goodbye to the factory warranty.
But it's worth it. Apple almost openly opposes worldwide standardization, every year only confirming this, they are ready to make the phone a little thinner and lighter in exchange for time autonomous workbut they create versatile devices for work and play.