Mts in Belarus with Russian sim card internet. It will be helpful to review. Cheap calls to other countries

MTS is well known to citizens of Russia and residents of some CIS countries who are subscribers this operator mobile communication and using the services provided.

Conditions for connecting the inter-network Roaming MTS in the country

The answer to the question "how to activate roaming on mts?" want to find subscribers who are going to travel outside their "home" region. But do not worry in vain, because when moving around the territory of the Russian Federation, roaming is connected automatically.

On the part of the subscriber, no independent actions are required. However, in order to save money and make profitable use of the internetwork roaming functionality, it is worthwhile to rationally approach the issue of choosing a tariff plan. In particular, to reduce costs, you should connect special services, including the "Everywhere at home" package and the "United Country" tariff plan.

How to connect Roaming to MTS?

Geographically located on the territory of the Russian Federation, the subscriber has the opportunity without connecting additional options make voice calls to people who live in other regions of the country. However, if such calls are made on a regular basis, it makes sense to use the package offers from the operator, which optimize the tariff plan.

Packaged services allow subscribers to manage their account balance efficiently and prevent unplanned waste when making long distance calls.

Making international calls using the MTS operator

To get an opportunity to communicate with friends and colleagues living abroad, subscribers should activate roaming on MTS and focus on the “Favorite Country” tariff plan, which provides for profitable calls in a certain country. To start using all the functionality of international mobile communications, the subscriber needs to activate the "International Access" service.

MTS Roaming and the specifics of its activation

There are two ways to provide roaming in foreign countries, such as Thailand, Egypt, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, etc. The first option is simpler and more affordable, it provides for making calls and exchanging text messages. The second option will cost the subscriber more, but will allow, in addition to the above services, to use the mobile Internet and other useful services from the operator.

It is quite easy to activate international roaming. To do this, you must perform one of the actions listed below.

  1. The subscriber can independently visit the MTS salon, while the employees of the mobile communication salon will require the subscriber to provide passport data to identify the owner of the number.
  2. The second method involves using the Mobile Portal service, which allows you to connect the package Easy roaming"By sending a message with the code "111" to the room 2157 ... You can carry out the same operation using the combination "* 111 * 2157 #" and call buttons. If the user wants to get more ample opportunities when making calls abroad, he can activate the "International Access" service by dialing USSD command "* 111 * 2193 #", or activate the package tariff "International and national roaming and international access" by the command "* 111 * 2192 #".
  3. Using your personal account is also a fairly common method for connecting and setting up roaming. By clicking on the "Mobile Assistant" tab, the subscriber can activate roaming after arriving in another country. Next, he will need to register the card in the network, for this it is enough to turn off and turn on the phone in order to reload the settings.
  4. Staff technical support operators also have the ability to provide assistance in connection with the MTS roaming service in the telephone mode.

How to find out about connecting and disconnecting MTS Roaming?

The subscriber can receive information about the status of this service at any time. This requires sending SMS with the text "0" to the number 8111 .

Disabling the Roaming service on MTS

The subscriber has the right to refuse to provide roaming, to deactivate the service he will need to perform the following manipulations.

  1. The subscriber can contact service center MTS or make a call to the support service.
  2. The subscriber can also refuse the service on his own using the "Internet Assistant" or "Mobile Portal"
  3. To refuse package services in roaming, the subscriber can dial the appropriate USSD combination or send a message to the specified number. For example, to deactivate the Easy Roaming service, a USSD command has been developed "* 111 * 2158 #" and provided sending SMS with text "215" to the room 111 , and to cancel the service "International roaming and international access", the subscriber just needs to use the combination "* 111 * 2150 #" or send an empty SMS to the number 1118 .

Recommendations for optimal use of Roaming from MTS

Existing tariff plans allow subscribers using roaming to open reserves for savings and maintain a positive balance when making calls within and outside the country. For example, by connecting package services, a subscriber can receive voice calls for free and actively use available SMS for communication, while the cost of services will be charged in accordance with the terms of the package assigned to the number.

Despite the favorable conditions for making calls and sending messages, mobile Internet in the roaming zone is quite expensive, so subscribers can buy a local SIM card to access the network. And in order to prevent accidental connection to the network, GPRS-roaming should be prohibited on the card or use the Easy Roaming tariff plan, which does not provide for Internet access. It is worth remembering that you can manually register a number in the network of a foreign mobile partner operator. This will allow you to start enjoying all the benefits of roaming as soon as possible.

Subscribers using this service must correctly dial the number in the international format. For example, for calls to the territory of the Russian Federation, the number must begin with the combination "+7".

Even while abroad, subscribers can receive free information support from the call-center service staff by calling +7-495-766-01-66 .

When traveling the world in different directions, it is always important to be able to stay in touch and be available for calls from loved ones or work colleagues. For this, Beeline has special service, which allows you to use cellular services without connecting to a local telecom operator. What tariffs are offered within the Beeline roaming service in Belarus? Let's figure it out in more detail.

First of all, with regard to the connection. Roaming Beeline in Belarus is connected automatically as soon as the subscriber enters the service area of \u200b\u200bthe local cellular operator. Thus, no pre-connection is required.

It should be noted that the fee is charged strictly upon the use of the services.

That is, until the client receives incoming call or an outgoing call will not be made, the daily package of minutes will not be activated and the payment for it will not be charged. The same applies to the Internet, the megabyte package will not be activated until the connection is made. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary unplanned expenses, while in roaming, it is worth turning off all applications that automatically connect to the Internet.

Roaming Beeline in Belarus: cost of calls

Many people are interested in the cost of calls and messages while in Belarus, how to roughly calculate the possible costs of mobile communications? To determine the costs, you need to be guided by the terms of the "Most Profitable Roaming" service from Beeline in the CIS countries.

  • Upon using communication services, 200 rubles are debited from the subscriber one-time, at the expense of which a package of 10 minutes is connected. They must be spent on the current day. The rest of the minutes does not carry over to the next day, so it is better to spend them right away. In the next billing period, the package is updated on the same terms.
  • If the package of minutes is over, but the need to talk on the phone remains, then a minute of conversation in excess of the standard package costs 10 rubles.
  • If the traveler needs to send an SMS message, then regardless of the direction its cost will be 20 rubles.

Calls are billed per minute, the payment is charged from the first second. It should be noted that the change of day occurs according to the local time in which the subscriber is.

Internet cost

Another important companion of every traveler is the mobile Internet. Being away from friends and family, you want to always be in touch online, share news, photos and general impressions. What rates for the Internet does Beeline provide to a subscriber located in Belarus?

  1. As part of the service, when connecting to the Internet, the subscriber is automatically activated a daily package of 40 megabytes of mobile Internet. The package price is 200 rubles and it is charged immediately, at the time of connection. As practice shows, this volume is quite enough to use social. networks, check your mail and stay in sight.
  2. If the package is exhausted, and the need for the Internet remains, then further connection is made at a price of 5 rubles for each megabyte of traffic.

Thus, the total cost of one day of staying in Belarus will cost a Beeline subscriber 400 rubles, subject to active use of communication. If you save money and do not use a mobile phone every day, and also use the Internet less often than usual, you can save a lot, since payment for the services provided is charged only upon use.

SMS roaming: you won't be able to call, but messages will come

The best option if you are not going to call back or surf the Internet. First, you will be in touch and will be able to notify loved ones that everything is in order. Secondly, you will receive messages about transactions from your by credit card, if you have an SMS alert connected. And thirdly, SMS is often needed to connect to wi-fi, for example, at the airport.

As a rule, to activate SMS roaming, you need to send a message to a specific number before the trip (check with the operator). The cost of SMS messages will depend on which country you are in, which mobile operator you connected to and which country you are sending the message to.

You will have to pay not only for outgoing messages, but also for incoming messages (that is, those that are sent to you). True, they will cost less.

For comparison, we selected four neighboring countries, to which Belarusians often go on vacation or for work, and compared how much it would cost to send a message to customers of the two largest mobile operators.


Connection: RUB 3 81 kopecks

Message cost: sending an SMS to Belarus from Russia or Ukraine will cost from 21 to 44 kopecks. (depending on the operator), and from Lithuania or Poland - 48 kopecks.

Connection: RUB 2 83 kopecks

Message cost: a message to Belarus from Russia costs from 19 to 65 kopecks. (depending on the operator), from Ukraine - from 19 to 58 kopecks, from Lithuania - 44 kopecks, and from Poland - 44 - 45 kopecks.

Connection: free of charge (but the operator does not have a separate SMS-roaming service, normal roaming is available to everyone by default)

Message cost: 18 kopecks

Regular roaming: charges not only for outgoing calls, but also for incoming calls

This is a classic roaming option: you can go beyond messaging and call from abroad or receive a call. Of course, such calls will cost more, but if there is a need for this, then it is better to connect roaming. As in the case of SMS roaming, the cost of a minute of conversation depends on the country where you are and the country where you are calling, as well as on the foreign mobile operator. And you will have to pay not only outgoing, but also incoming calls.


A minute to call to Belarus from Russia costs from 1 RUB. 81 kopecks up to 3 rubles. 6 kopecks (depending on the operator), from Ukraine - from 1 rub. 81 kopecks, from Lithuania - 1 rub. 32 kopecks, and from Poland - from 1 rub. 32 kopecks up to 2 rubles. 91 kopecks Incoming calls are cheaper - less than a ruble per minute.

There are also special roaming packages, which include a certain amount of minutes of conversation and SMS. They cost less than usual roaming (for example, "Roaming Vacation" costs 23 rubles 43 kopecks, it includes 30 minutes of incoming and outgoing calls and 20 outgoing messages), but they do not work in all countries.

A minute to call to Belarus from Russia costs from 1 RUB. 48 kopecks. up to 4 rubles. 48 kopecks. (depending on the operator), from Ukraine - from 1 rub. 77 kopecks up to 7 rubles. 52 kopecks, from Lithuania - from 1 rub. 24 kopecks up to 2 rubles 53 kopecks, and from Poland - from 1 rub. 18 kopecks up to 4 rubles. 37 kopecks. You can activate the “Excellent roaming” service, where a conversation from the second to the fifth minute is cheaper, but it is paid: a day of use costs 51 kopecks.

A minute of conversation from neighboring countries costs 99 kopecks, from distant countries - 4 rubles. 50 kopecks

Only very wealthy people can afford to use mobile Internet in roaming: the cost of one megabyte starts from 3 rubles. and grows depending on the country and the mobile operator. For example, in Lithuania, a megabyte of traffic costs 5 - 6 rubles. Therefore, if you decide to show off your vacation in front of a friend and send him 10 photos with a total weight of 20 megabytes, then this pleasure will cost 100 - 120 rubles!

A foreign SIM card will help you save

Instead of roaming, there is an option to buy a new SIM card in the country where you are traveling. Prepaid SIM cards are sometimes sold in cell phone stores or supermarkets: their price already includes a certain number of messages, minutes of conversations (though it is not always possible to call abroad) and Internet traffic. If you have spent all this, and then want to take this SIM card on your next trip, you can top up the balance on the spot in the payment terminal or on the website of the mobile operator. Just study the prices first - they may be higher.

And in June, roaming was canceled within the European Union. This means that by purchasing a SIM card in Lithuania or Poland, you can use it practically throughout Europe and at the same tariffs. However, there is a nuance: the SIM card needs to be used more time in the “home” country, otherwise it can be turned off. For example, you cannot buy a SIM card in Lithuania and use it there for two days, and then another two weeks in Germany. The operator may notice that you have spoken for less time in Lithuania and block your SIM card.

How to save money on mobile communications abroad?

Belarusian mobile operators have foreign partner operators. It is more profitable to use their services in roaming: messages and calls can cost 2 - 3 times cheaper! Before traveling, check with your carrier which network to connect to in the destination country. Once there, indicate in the phone settings that you want to select the cellular network manually, and mark the appropriate one. The fact is that usually abroad, the phone is connected to a network that has a better signal, and at some point may disconnect you from a cheap operator.

Turn off data roaming in your phone settings before traveling. Apps can sometimes download updates in the background, and if this happens overseas, the bill can be astronomical.

If someone calls you while roaming and you don’t want to talk, do not drop the call. Even such a connection will be counted as a minute of the conversation. Wait for the person to hang up.

If possible, connect to wireless internet - wi-fi. It is available in almost all hotels, cafes and shops, and, moreover, it is free. Through popular instant messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram), you can not only send messages, but also make calls. And it is better to leave roaming for emergency calls.


Can I set a restriction on the Internet while roaming?

On the Internet, you can often stumble upon such stories: went on vacation abroad, the phone began to download updates, as a result - an invoice comparable to the cost of the trip. Is it possible to set a limit for yourself before the trip, when exceeded, roaming will simply turn off?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility, ”the Velcom contact center told us.

And MTS explained that it is impossible in principle to establish such a limit.

Information on roaming calls and data transfer is processed as files are received from roaming partners. In this regard, the setting of any limits will not allow the timely shutdown of the service, the company said.

But mobile operators have special packages for the Internet abroad, which include a certain number of megabytes. As soon as you spend them, the Internet is turned off.


Will we make calls from the EU cheaper in 2020?

Roaming in the EU has already been canceled, the next step is to cancel it for the countries participating in the Eastern Partnership program (an EU project to establish ties with the countries of the post-Soviet space). And these are Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Moldova.

If you are traveling to the Eastern Partnership countries from the European Union, roaming rates are very high. We plan to cancel it for these six countries. Of course, the cost of services will determine mobile operator, but it will be low and affordable for everyone, - said Boris Yaroshevich, head of the European External Action Service unit responsible for working with the Eastern Partnership, in an interview with the Georgian Public Broadcaster.

If roaming is really canceled, then not only Europeans will be able to come to Belarus and make cheap calls and write from here, but Belarusians will also be able to travel around the European Union and use mobile phone... True, this will not happen until 2020.

A very convenient service is Beeline roaming abroad, which is aimed at people who often travel outside the country. After connecting, subscribers can use loyal connection tariffs to their own number (no need to constantly change the sim card). With a one-time registration new service, it starts working as soon as the subscriber leaves the territory of the Russian Federation. International calls are available in roaming in more than two hundred countries so that the subscriber can control his expenses with the ability to call loved ones at any time.

Tariffs for international roaming Beeline

The mobile operator sets the most favorable tariffs for international roaming, so that each time you do not buy a separate card of another current network.

Rates are calculated using a prepaid payment system depending on the destination.

In some countries, the minute a conversation can be estimated at 10 rubles, and in others - 100 rubles... The cheapest tariff for foreign countries is set for the CIS countries, but in China or the USA roaming will be one of the most expensive.

Planet Zero

How to activate this service on Beeline? For this the subscriber needs to dial * 110 * 331 #, and to disable: * 110 * 330 #... Upon activation, 25 rubles will be charged, given that all further service is free.

Quality cellular will not have the worst as in the home region, so the money will not be wasted. All home tariff plans are frozen and become unavailable outside the country of connection.

Characterized by "Planet Zero" such features:

  • Sms-messages for 7 rubles;
  • Subscription fee for 60 rubles / day;
  • Outgoing calls: 20 rubles per minute;
  • Incoming calls are free up to 20 minutes a day, and over the limit of 10 rubles / minute.

If the subscriber did not make absolutely any calls and did not write messages per day, then the standard fee will not be debited from the account from abroad.

Thanks to the Planet Zero tariff, you can save money by spending a minimum of effort on connection. Payment for the service is unprofitable when visiting Israel, New Zealand, Taiwan, South Africa, Korea, Singapore and some other countries, the full list of which can be found on the official website. So you can freely visit Georgia or travel around Europe.

"My planet"

International additional service "My Planet" will help to significantly reduce the cost of the list of incoming / outgoing calls and the exchange of text sms messages. The option is distinguished by the absence of a mandatory monthly fee, instead of which you only need to pay for the connection in the amount of 25 rubles.

The cost of call minutes depends on where you are. Conveniently manage the tariff options in personal accountusing your phone number.

Planet connection is simple, so you don't literally need to spend half a day to take advantage of the tariff's capabilities. Connection is carried out through the combination * 110 * 0071 #, and to disconnect you need to dial * 110 * 0070 #. It is worth knowing that the services "Planet Zero" and "My Planet" do not have compatibility (by connecting one, the second is automatically disabled).

"Roaming light"

Another type of Beeline roaming is "Light Roaming", which is preferred by subscribers traveling from one region of the Russian Federation to another.

The costs of constant calls not from the "native" connection can empty your pocket, and the purchase of local numbers is not always the best option. Now the transition to this type of roaming is not possible, but those who have already managed to switch can enjoy all the benefits.

The package is profitable with a single tariffication of calls - the cost for communication services is as close as possible to the prices of the home region. You need to disable the option immediately upon arrival so that you do not have to pay a monthly fee for roaming. mobile connection Beeline "Roaming light" connects for only 150 rubles / month (it is not always possible to find a new package at this price).

Outgoing calls are charged as follows:

  • 1.95 rubles for calls within the Russian Federation in the Beeline network;
  • 4.95 rubles for dialing other operator numbers.

You can make calls with the service connected throughout Russia, taking advantage of the main advantage - free incoming calls from both landline and mobile. The subscription fee is carried out on a daily basis and depends on the number of days in a given month.

If the call duration is less than 3 seconds, payment will not be charged. How much SMS costs need to be found out individually from the operator.

"International communication"

In fact, roaming is an international connection, which operates in the territory where the cellular coverage works. If there is a question about international roaming, then the "International communication" service cannot be left out.

When connected, you can freely call abroad or travel abroad with a positive balance. Favorable communication in roaming can be provided while in the CIS or in other countries of the world.

Accurate the cost of international calls can be found by dialing 0611, so as not to face troubles and unnecessary waste of communication during the trip.

The combination * 110 * 131 # will help to activate the International Communication service, and to deactivate you can dial * 110 * 130 #.

Survey for visitors

Internet in roaming Beeline abroad

The rates for the Internet in roaming are quite high, but this also means that you do not need to use the network access abroad. So in Belarus and other CIS countries the first 40 MB will cost 200 rubles per day, and if the limit is exceeded, each subsequent megabyte is estimated at 5 rubles. All subscribers in roaming are connected to the service "Most profitable internet", Which does not require any additional settings.

The Internet provides many conveniences, without which it is even difficult to imagine travel, since it can help you find the necessary information, navigate the area and get other help.

To avoid unnecessary waste of the Internet, it is better to disable automatic reception of mms. Payment for megabytes will be charged in roaming upon use.

It is expensive not only to call Abkhazia, but also to use the Internet - for this direction, to get 1 MB you need to pay 90 rubles. All countries in which the Internet is available in roaming and the rates for it are available on the official website, where the types of tariffs are also indicated.

How profitable is it to call abroad?

And what is the more profitable Beeline tariff to choose? It depends on where you will be at the time of travel. So in Germany or Abkhazia, or maybe you just plan to go from Krasnodar to Tula.

It will be helpful to review:

Beeline roaming services are provided in Tunisia, Kazakhstan, and Thailand. Tariffication is read instantly, and after connection, by default, all subscribers are charged a standard fee.

With any positive balance, the set threshold is written off for the number of minutes of conversation or for sms, for the used megabytes.

Roaming Beeline in Turkey and Egypt

Considering that many Russian tourists constantly visit Turkey and Egypt, it is better to study all the tariffs in Beeline roaming, which will help you save money and call your relatives freely to share your impressions. The rates in these resort countries are identical and help to optimize communication costs.

Mobile internet can be freely used by visiting social networks and look for what is needed.

In Egypt, the following tariffication is relevant:

  • Incoming call for 69 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to other countries at 129 rubles / minute;
  • Messages for 19 rubles.

How to connect and disconnect international roaming Beeline?

You can use Beeline roaming in Italy, Georgia and Ukraine. Aside from services cellular operator Vietnam, Cyprus, and Israel were missing, and Cuba is distinguished by the most common roaming services.

Useful video:

You can minimize the cost of an overseas call only if you connect the service on time and have available funds on your account. To enable roaming, just dial a few standard numbers on your phone. The same goes for disconnection.

We wrote about how to activate roaming in this one.


For travel around the world, favorable fares are Planet Zero or My Planet, depending on the appropriate set of options. Beeline is worried about saving on calls and offers a wide variety of roaming connections.

You can also make calls to Germany or Belarus, but communication in Israel, the Dominican Republic and similar directions will be more expensive. The official website of Beeline offers a cost calculator and describes in detail each overseas tariff.

In the tariff calculator you need to enter the name of the city you are going to and click on the button "Calculate the cost"

From time to time, the operator offers discounts for roaming, so each subscriber chooses the best tariff independently.

C 1 March 2016 Some roaming services of MTS in Russia, Ukraine, Poland and other countries will rise in price in Belarusian rubles by 20-50%.

As for MTS roaming partners in Russia, prices for all services in roaming will remain at the same level only with the telecom operator VimpelCom (Beeline) and the Russian division of the company itself MTS... The cost of incoming calls will not change for all Russian roaming partners. Have MegaFona absolutely all roaming services will rise in price by 50%. All other Russian operators-partners of MTS will increase their prices for certain roaming services by 20 or 50%.

Roaming of MTS in Russia from March 1, 2016
Roaming operator
MTS 5560 16320 10470 16320 1660 44110
VimpelCom 27300 23940 35530 4000 89070
JSC Mobicom Volga (Smarts) 27300
LLC Ekaterinburg 2000 27300
37550 3820 92340
T2 Mobile LLC 27300
MegaFon OJSC 27300
TMT LLC 17100 11100 17100
1800 46200

Two out of four MTS roaming partners in Ukraine will keep the cost of all services in roaming at the same level - this is Kyivstar and the Ukrainian division of the company MTS... Operators Astelit (lifeсell) and TriMob some roaming services will rise in price in Belarusian rubles by 20 or 50%.

Roaming of MTS in Ukraine from March 1, 2016
Roaming operator Incoming call, rub. in 1 min. Outgoing call to RB, rub. in 1 min. Call by host country, rub. in 1 min. Call to other countries, rub. in 1 min. Outgoing SMS-message, rub. for 1 SMS Mobile Internet, rub. for 1 MB
MTS Ukraine 5560 15570 10470 18690 1160 44110
Kyivstar JSC 26810 13090 27470 3170
TriMob LLC 15460
4260 81380
Astelit LLC (lifeсell) 55220

In Polish roaming, all four available roaming partners of MTS will increase the cost of incoming calls by 20% and amount to 6780 rubles. In addition, the operator Orange Polska calls within the country will rise by 20%.

For MTS subscribers using roaming in Lithuania, nothing will change. As for Latvia, here it is worth noting only a 20% increase in the cost of mobile Internet from the operator LMT.

Calls to Belarus from the network of the Armenian roaming partner MTS will rise by 20% Karabakh Telecom.

The cost of all MTS roaming services in Kazakhstan will remain at the same level.

All upcoming changes in the structure and cost of MTS roaming are available at the following link.

Meanwhile, with April 1, 2016 there will be a reverse decrease in the cost of roaming services on the territory of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan).