Number 8 495 what region. Direct Moscow phone numbers. Which operators does the code belong to?

All operators MGTS Rostelecom MTS Beeline Allo Incognito PJSC Central Telegraph Novosystem MegaFon GLOBUS-TELECOM LLC TechStandard-S Tele2 MANGO OFFICE MATRIX mobile ASVT LLC TETA TELECOM LLC Time Line Digit One Avantel MTT LLC Telemir CJSC Express TeleCom Ministry of Defense TELLAN LLC PTF LLC (TIN 7802775407) Orange Business Services Mastertel Telecom TZ WestCall TeleStor STK LLC Trunkmobile MCN Telecom Biz Telecom LLC SunSIM NetUan Rus CJSC Spacetel OpticTelecom Telecom Service LLC » LLC "TDS TELECOM" LLC "CORDIS TELECOM" LLC "TK TEL CENTER" LLC "TELENET SOLUTION" LLC "Communication Systems" RECONN AKADO Telecom CJSC "Macomnet" Science-Communication Unittel CJSC "Rial Com" CJSC "MultiLine" LLC "Gazprom" communication" LLC "Clovertel" TRN-Telecom LLC "GARS TELECOM - UT" Runexis PROSTOR Telecom Intellin Gazprom telecom ZAO "NPO "Progtech" Gravitel LLC "Citytel" OJSC "MONTAZH" LLC "Business Cloud" LLC "ViLand" LLC "TK TEL" » CJSC "BIG Telecom" LLC "Mastersvyaz" LLC "SK ENTEL" Intercom Technology Miatel LLC "Liral-Telecom" LLC "LASNET" LLC "Safetel" LLC "Dinkor Media Group" Invest Telecom LLC "MULTICOM GROUP" LLC "AKVADRAS" LLC "Pro-Inspector" JSC "Karavan Aero" OJSC " International airport Sheremetyevo "GUO (Chief Security Administration)" FAPSI LLC "TELERIGHT" LLC "Prima Telecom" Buran-Telecom LLC "UTEX-TELECOM" LLC "NetKom-R" LLC "Telecom Center" LLC "Morton Telecom" ER -Telecom Holding LLC "Megaton" Moscow Metro IP Amelkin Alexander Nikolaevich LLC "SVYAZ-HOLDING" LLC "Telecom Service T" LLC "KRONIKS PLUS" LLC "Fastcom" LLC "Flexline-N" OJSC "MUS Energetiki" LUKOIL-INFORM LLC " Elcom Russian Railways JSC Vnukovo International Airport INTELCOM-CONNECT Call Home LLC MKS Voentelecom JSC Invest Mobile LLC Connectto CJSC LLC RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION FIRM "DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION PROCESSING" LLC Management Company "Svyaz" LLC IC "SIBINTEK" LLC "Moscow Telephone" Mostelecom InTelCom LLC "Glavsvyaz" Telezon LLC "Universum Telecom" LLC "Universum Bit" LLC "RUSINVESTTELECOM" LLC "GC MOSKOVIA TELECOM" GRIFFIN FSUE "TTTs "Ostankino" JSC "ALTAGEN" Svyaztransneft LLC "SOFT" CJSC "MTR-Svyaz" NETBYNET State Budgetary Institution "FHU of the Moscow City Hall" JSC "Institutional Telephone Center" LLC " Information systems» LLC "IRIS-TEL" TELVIO CJSC "InzhiNet" JSC "SVYAZ" LLC "Communications Tyfon" TRIVON LLC "Prof-Comm" LLC "Telenet" LLC "Telecommunications SMART" LLC "Anlim-Net" LLC "Version" LLC "MegaSvyaz" » JSC FORTEX LLC CALLKEEPER RU LLC K50 JSC RSC Energia LLC SIPNET LLC STIS Engineering LLC INDICOM LLC ARTAGON CJSC NetLine LLC ODI-Telecom LLC IKA Telecom LLC DTS LLC INFOCOM LLC CJSC BEST-TELECOM LLC RUKOMTECH Omicron FSUE GLAVNIVTs Presidential Administration Department Russian Federation » LLC "TsMT" LLC "A.B.-Electronics" LLC "MosLine Group" TTK LLC "RelCom" LLC "Global Line" LLC "Zummer" LLC "AZIMUTH TELECOM" LLC "STTS" LLC "TRN-Telecom M" LLC "NETFNET" LLC "InvestResurs" LLC "Connectika" LLC "Super Telecom" SipOut LLC "Svyaz" LLC "Region-Telecom" LLC "NFS Telecom" LLC "Dubrovka Telecom" LLC "Fastnet" LLC "CTI" LLC "Metrotel" » LLC "Bureau of Communications" LLC "City Connect" LLC "Pioneer Telenet" FSUE "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering" FSUE "Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky" JSC "LII named after. MM. Gromova LLC Flexible Telecom Systems LLC Infoset LLC TECHNICAL SERVICE CENTER FNPR LLC ENGINEERING LLC Comfort Communication LLC TORELL LLC First Telecom LLC Voice Connect LLC Navant LLC RCS CJSC » LLC "New Telecommunications Company" CJSC "ISKRATELEKOM" LLC "Komtelco" Econotel OJSC "Transtelecom" LLC "TK TEL REGION" LLC "HOTLINE" LLC "GRAND-TELECOM" JSC "SpetsVysotStroy" LLC "ProfLiga" LLC "UNITED TELECOMMUNICATIONS" Komiten LLC FILANCO LLC RSUH Magellan LLC City-Telecom CJSC Digital Country Net INT-INFORM LLC AMT-GROUP TELECOM LLC STERLING TELECOM LLC Sensor Systems LLC IFORM LLC OBIT Svyazinform LLC Avelacom RusTel LLC MediaSeti LLC GLAVREGIONELECTROSVYAZ LLC SOTEL LLC El-NET LLC NIIR-RadioNet LLC Domokom Company LLC Morsvyazsputnik TTK Telecom LLC RELLINE LLC "NextTell" LLC "EXTREM" LLC "Telecom-VIST" LLC "NTC FIORD" LLC "Telecor" LLC "RTEL" RETN LLC "Basis TeleCom" LLC "Sotstel" LLC "SvyazStroy" LLC "Premium Communications" IP Gorodkov Igor Vladimirovich CJSC "CENTER-TELCO" Telediscount LLC "Vectortel" LLC "ONS" JSC "RTKomm.RU" LLC "Sistema Service" LLC "RossTel Company" LLC "Costcom" OJSC "G/K "Berlin" LLC "Santel" Antares Miran SkyTechnlogies Continental Group Voice Services LLC Greenatom LLC Kraft Telecom LLC Business Communications LLC M9 com LLC DiVA LLC Stolitsa Telecom LLC Secret-Svyaz LLC Vox Group LLC Art- Constructor LLC RIcenter LLC Prolink LLC SimLan LLC Front Telecom LLC Intelligent Line LLC Teletai LLC Academy Telecom LLC COMPLAT-TELECOM LLC TELEMETRIKA LLC IBT LLC LLC "Beget" LLC "RuTel" LLC "PatekTelecom" FSBEI HE "NIU "MEI" LLC "MSN Telecom Retail" LLC "RINGTEL" LLC "SOKET+" LLC "Smartube" CJSC "Telecom-Optim" LLC "SINTONIK" LLC " STIX-IT OJSC ORLENOK Hotel Complex LLC Slavyanskaya Hotel and Business Center LLC GranLine LLC ENERGOMASH-ELECTROSVYAZ LLC NTSI Telecom CJSC Reutov-Telecom LLC MS Interfon EZ mobile LLC OTK LLC "Cassiopeia" FSUE "FCDT "SOYUZ" CJSC "RasTel" LLC "Unilink" LLC "NETWAY" LLC "NOVATEL" LLC "KOMPNET" CJSC "ORLIKOV-5" LLC "StroySvyazProekt" CJSC "IPport" LLC "TelCom SPM" OJSC "GC "COSMOS" CJSC "Transitek" CJSC "Eurasia Telecom Ru" OJSC "Polyquart-Telecom" CJSC "Eurocom" Aurora Telecom LLC "StarNet. Com LLC "MAXTEL" LLC "High Technologies" OJSC "Kalibr" LLC "NPP BUSINESS CONNECTION HOLDING" LLC "Intelsvyaz" LLC "Telecom-Net" LLC "Setel" LLC "Complex Telecommunications" CJSC "MC NTT" LLC "Company SFT" » LLC "EUROCOM" LLC "BIVEG" RUT (MIIT) LLC "LegionCom" CJSC "CREDO-TELECOM" LLC "TransCom" National Center for Informatization LLC "Plus Telecom" LLC "ComMaster" CJSC "Networks and Services" JSC "UKSNGS" LLC "IT business" LLC "Helikon-Apple" LLC "Dayev Plaza" New-Tel OnNet communications LLC "TELEPHONE SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS" LLC "ARPNET" LLC "First Virtual" LLC "MOLNIYA" LLC "Stolichnaya Telecommunication Company" LLC "EcoTeleNet" LLC "TELEPHONE NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS" JSC "Avtodor-Telecom" LLC "Svyaz Industry" CJSC "Moskabelmet" LLC "PEKITEL" LLC "SKY ENGINEERING" FSUE "NPO IT" OJSC "Composite" CJSC "ELECTROSVYAZSTROY" LLC "Rechsvyazservice" LLC " DigiTEL LLC Alternative Communications OJSC Izmeritel LLC Capital Telecom LLC Grand Prix Telecom LLC Optima Communications LLC Mithril+ LLC NPO Information Systems LLC NPP LOGIKA JSC Smart Engineering CJSC MEGANET LLC Datalecom LLC ZVI Telecom LLC RM-Telecom LLC PrimeLink Telecommunications Cardtel LLC TAKL LLC New Line LLC Telepark LLC Dalnyaya Svyaz OJSC NIMI GUZ MGOB No. 62 DZM LLC Nextel LLC Firm SPUTNIK-SVYAZ-SERVICE LLC SLAVINTEL LLC Technology of Assistance LLC Beta Voip LLC InzhiNet+ LLC Intelcom - Network LLC Office Fon LLC CJSC AMTEL-SVYAZ LLC LIKOM LLC New Line Telecom LLC El-Telecom LLC Digital Telephone Communications Joint Stock Company State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunicheva LLC Teleport+TV Skytel CJSC TGK Izmailovo LLC TC TSENTROSVYAZ LLC Masternet LLC Singer-Computer LLC Oblkom LLC Communications and Construction LLC Mosinfokom LLC ALEXtel LLC LinkIntel LLC NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEMS LLC Intelcom LLC KomFinance JSC Gipromez LLC Cross Tel LLC AST-TELECOM JSC SDM-Center LLC Svyaz-Stroy LLC NEO Print LLC STK "Komtelecom" LLC "VIP-TELECOM-SERVICE" LLC "LIT-TELECOM" CJSC "Academinform" LLC "IP Technologies" CJSC "MSTN" LLC "BUSINESS SYSTEM TELECOM" CJSC "Inzhener" LLC "Service-Aero" LLC " StelkomEngineering LLC Fora Telecom OJSC OKB-Telecom LLC NTK LLC e-Style ISP LLC Bastion-Capital-Telecom LLC SDK LLC Service Telecom LLC IntelCity LLC "Intek-Mytishchi" LLC "Digital Connections" LLC "Business Partnership" LLC "RT-TELECOM" LLC " Modern technologies» SI-TIVI LLC LLC Gorsvyaz CJSC TEL CJSC Soyuz-Khimki JSC VNIIETO LLC Shchepkina LLC Technopark Bykovo JSC VO Zarubezhtsvetmet LLC TRP-3 LLC Nord-West Telecom LLC BIZNESTELECOM FGAU OK Rublevo-Uspensky LLC Telecom-Zvezdny LLC Vallex F.M.Est. CJSC Vega LLC MRTZ-Telecom LLC Moskomsvyaz LLC Tsifra-Telecom LLC PremierCom LLC Telecom-Holding LLC Technocom Group LLC Kom-Site LLC Integral Telesystems LLC SOYUZ ELECTRO » FORWARD TELECOM LTD LLC VK-Telecom CJSC Intelnet Communications LLC FIRST BASE LLC Summit Systems LLC Velescom LLC MOBLNET LLC IT CJSC KVADRO-TELECOM M LLC AUDIOTELE JSC » CJSC "DEK-OPTIKA" LLC "VoiceTrack" LLC "INTERNET-COSMOS" LLC "IT-VEGA" LLC "FastWeb" LLC "Teviya" LLC "ITERANET" LLC "Alterlink-Telecom" LLC "Educational Network" LLC "Prima- telephone" LLC "Media International Group" LLC "ASTELNET" LLC "Serpukhovskoy Dvor" LLC "TM Operator Group" OJSC "NPO "TsNIITMASH" NJSC "MASARMAT" LLC "Light Telecom" CJSC "Informatics and Telecommunications" LLC "YASEN SG" LLC "Fast Telecom" LLC "ITSK" OJSC NIISA OAMO "Plant named after I.A. Likhachev" CJSC "Stroyservis" LLC "Vyatskoe" LLC "Welles Telecom" LLC "Relsoft Communications" LLC "RUSFON" LLC "Uniontel" RASKOM CJSC "Stins Coman" LLC "Bigfoot Telecom" LLC "ABN" LLC "ARENTEL" LLC "KMK" -Telecom LLC Satellite Telecom LLC IronTelecom LLC Oblafon LLC INFORMATION-MEASURING SYSTEMS LLC Sky-Logic LLC MITU TELECOM LLC Optikom ISP LLC Artensia LLC Expert-Telecom LLC " Network technologies» ATS Telecom LLC SIPGATEWAY LLC AQUALIS LLC Telecom Plus LLC Severen-Telecom LLC Premier-Telecom LLC SIP-Service LLC GreenLine LLC Reconstruction LLC Teslatel LLC "My Telecom" CJSC "VIT" LLC "CONNECTMI" LLC "TEX Group" LLC "HARVESTER" LLC "Technologies and Networks" LLC "Gars Telecom Retail" CJSC "Power Telecom" LLC "TRU SYSTEM" LLC "Domonet" LLC "Transportnaya" telecommunications company LLC Business-Svyaz OJSC ARZ-6 OJSC Moscow River Shipping Company LLC SC-TELECOM LLC Teraline Telecom Communications CJSC SLUZHBA TSI LLC Network Communications LLC MEBIUS Telecom LLC STC Integrated Systems LLC VESTA LLC Horizon-Telecom LLC Pilgrim LLC Vokskom-Technology JSC INKOMA LLC SvyazNavigator LLC Delta-Telecom LLC Esmartel LLC Flagman Telecom LLC INCOMTAX » NewLines LLC JSC MirTeleCom named after E.K. Pervyshina LLC "Express Line Travel" LLC "Doc.Telecom" LLC "Inter-Svyaz" LLC "A-Telecom" CJSC "Infotel" InfoTech LLC "AT Telecom" LLC "Slavia" LLC "NEOLINK GROUP" FGAU GNII ITT "INFORMIKA" » Altel LLC RUSTECO LLC VNIIRT LLC Tigokom LLC A2 LLC RTS Telecom LLC Svyaz VSD LLC Scientific and Production Association SEM LLC Delta LLC FINAM Technology LLC RussNet LLC OJSC "Research Institute "Argon" LLC "ROYLKOM" LLC "Svyazkontaktinform" LLC "Fonet Telecom" LLC "KOMPACT-R" LLC "TELECOM TECHNOLOGIES" LLC "IT Connect Group" LLC "TNS-RU" CJSC "RUTelecom" LLC "Electronic Shield" » GlobusTel ASTRUS Telecom LLC Sotsinteh-Instal CJSC KDL LLC OJSC EMZ im. V.M. Myasishcheva LLC DATAPLANET LLC Enter Telecom LLC Media Network LLC Solist-Group CJSC CommService LLC Atlas Telecom LLC BIS-Inform Smart Telecom Pay-Telecom LLC INKO CJSC Complex Services Digital Communications» CJSC Telsicom JSC Research Institute Argon LLC TELECOMPROEKT OJSC PTC OASS LLC SYNERGY LLC Favorit Telecom LLC IVCOMM LLC APM Technology LLC - TCU COM LLC AVGA-TERRA LLC "E301" LLC "ITH" LLC "N CI" LLC "PromBusinessAlliance" Yamaltelecom LLC "Intellect NET" LLC "ITELIS" LLC "Record" LLC "PLASINFO" LLC "CYCLON-S" LLC "Alvis-seti" LLC " Rumtel LLC Quidex-Telecom LLC Region Svyaz CJSC AMTcom Zebra Telecom Business connection LLC "ProfIT Solutions Networking Telecom" Quantek LLC "RESET" CJSC "YUL-comnet" LLC "ELITE TELECOMMUNICATIONS" LLC "KOMPAS-TEL" LLC "RadioNet" LLC "OPK-Tel" LLC "Ramtel" LLC "POISK-TELECOM" Euroset LLC "OPTIMUM" LLC "Tradenet" LLC "NIC Ruspromotsenka" LLC "MP YARMAK" LLC "CITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD" LLC "SNRG" LLC "Orlan Telecom Company" LLC "Telecom Service M" LLC "Scientific and Production Association "CERTIFICATE" LLC “A.B.N. Communications LLC Digital Highways LLC Prioritel JSC Corporation Montazhspetsstroy LLC FLEX LLC NPO ENERGOMASH LLC Enline LLC Hi-Tech Media Club LLC Digital XXI LLC ORLAN-TELECOM LLC "DICOM" LLC "Sterling Corporation" LLC "Gold Telecom" LLC "City Lines" CJSC "SpetsSvyazStroy" LLC "OKB-Telecom" CJSC "Web Media Services" Komet


All numbers are multi-channel, so your clients will never hear a busy signal and will always be able to reach you.

Free incoming calls*

Incoming calls to this number are not charged and will be absolutely free.

*Forwarded calls are charged according to the selected tariff.

Lack of geographic reference

The number is not tied to an address and can be assigned to a regional representative. When moving there is no need to buy new number, you can continue to receive calls to the phone number already familiar to your clients.

Fast office telephone installation

You can connect a code number 495 or 499 within 1 business day. All work is performed by Telfin specialists remotely at no additional cost.

Virtual representation

There is no need to rent an office or hire employees, just connect the number 495 or 499 and conduct all business processes and negotiations remotely.

Possibility of integration with virtual PBX

Use the St. Petersburg phone number together with Telfin.Office ATS

You can purchase Beeline direct landline numbers in Moscow with code 495 on our website in a matter of minutes. With this number you can make calls throughout Russia and anywhere in the world. You will be called on it more often, since the number of numbers required to remember and dial is less than in the federal one. A direct number inspires more trust among clients, because it makes it clear that the company is reliable and has its own office. In addition, when calling such a number, the cost of the call is known in advance.

How much does a direct Beeline city number cost?

The cost of Beeline numbers with code 495 ranges from 0 to 2000 rubles. Several dozen positions are available to you free of charge under promotional conditions. Previously they cost 300-500 rubles. In total, the catalog contains about a hundred items for ordering online.

How to choose and order direct Beeline landline numbers with code 495?

  1. Among the filters, select “Direct” numbers and add the appropriate option to your cart. Then place and pay for your order. We will contact you shortly using the contacts you provided.
  2. You can buy direct Beeline numbers with code 495 with delivery throughout Moscow and Moscow Region within two to three hours or at the time specified in the application. Delivery cost ranges from 100 to 300 rubles.
  3. You can also select a mask and enter the numbers that make up the desired number. You can also choose a room based on its price.
  4. You can pay for a direct number upon receipt, by bank transfer or by webmoney. Payment credit card We only accept in the office.

What do you order from us along with Beeline city numbers?

Order the optimal one together with a direct landline number. Available for selection

* The subscription fee for the first 3 months from the moment of activation is 490 rubles for each month. Further, starting from the 4th month, the subscription fee will be 390 rubles for each month. The indicated price of 1.90 rubles/min for international destinations is valid for calls to numbers in India and China. Full list countries with call costs indicated in the International calls section of this tariff plan. When connecting a “Bronze” category number as part of the “Bronze category number 495 – free” promotion, the subscriber tops up the balance with an amount equal to the cost of the “Bronze” category number. Money for room category is not debited. Funds can be spent on any communication services Tariffs are valid from 01/01/2019. VAT is not charged. Tariffing for services is per minute from the 1st second of a call. Calls lasting less than 3 seconds are not charged. The subscription fee for the first 3 months from the moment of activation is 490 rubles for each month. Further, starting from the 4th month, the subscription fee will be 390 rubles for each month. The subscription fee for the tariff plan is charged in full for the first month on the day the tariff plan is activated. Starting from the second month - write-off subscription fee daily; the daily subscription fee is proportional to the number of days in the current month; on the current day in the period from 12-00 to 24-00 the subscription fee for the next day is debited. Daily subscription fee charging begins one day before: The tariff plan activation day, if such a day exists in the month following the month of activation. The last day of the month, if there is no such day in the month following the month of activation. It is allowed to write off the subscription fee below the deactivation threshold in an amount not exceeding the amount of one subscription fee in full for a calendar month for the use of communication services. If on the day the subscription fee is charged, the subscriber is not financially blocked and has a positive balance, but less than an amount sufficient to be charged, then the subscription fee may be charged and communication services will be blocked until the balance is replenished sufficient to be unblocked. Disabling incoming communications when there is a zero or negative balance on the account is carried out 7 days from the moment the debt arose. Calls to numbers in Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea from the Ukrainian numbering plan are charged as international calls to Ukraine. Attention! Calls to special numbers (satellite communication, premium rooms paid services, various kinds of service numbers, etc.) and numbers of some countries belong to premium destinations and are charged at the prices indicated in a separate section for premium destinations. SMS and MMS to numbers in Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea from the Ukrainian numbering plan are charged as international SMS and MMS to Ukrainian numbers, respectively. When outside home network on the territory of Russia or in international roaming Network rates may apply mobile communications Megafon with a 20% markup Number identification in code 495 is not guaranteed technical features operator networks. On the mobile or landline phone of the subscriber to whom the transaction is made outgoing call, a federal or additional city number can be determined. Incoming calls from a federal number will be displayed in the details of the subscriber receiving the call.

Our mobile phones regularly receive calls from different phones, including landlines. Some people prefer not to answer calls from unknown numbers. Do you want to know what city code is “7 495”? Now we will tell you about it.

General information

Moscow is the capital of Russia and its largest city. Today, more than 12 million people live in it. Only in Moscow there are two telephone codes, and in other Russian cities - one.


Previously, many of us knew that to call Moscow on a landline phone you need to dial “095”. But times are changing. Telephone communication is developing. A few years ago the numbers changed. “495” is the Moscow city code that is now in effect. The signalmen decided to abandon the number “0”, since it was used for international calls.

Now residents of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine must dial +7 (495) and the number of their Moscow relatives or friends. The connection will happen in the same minute. Calls are charged in accordance with the prices of telephone companies.

Since January 2012, the codes "495", "498" and "499" have been combined into one group. All of them belong to the capital region. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region this is very convenient and profitable. After all, calls within this group are today charged as local. You can find out the rates from your operator.

How to call Moscow from a mobile phone?

Every year more and more Russians refuse landlines and only use cell phones. But what to do if your friend or relative lives in Moscow, and you only know his city number. In this case, the call should be made in the following format: +7 (499/498/497/496/495) - YYY- YY-YY. That is, select the desired code (for example, “495) and dial landline number subscriber

In conclusion

Remember the area code "495". What city is this - you now know. How to call the capital from a landline and mobile phone, we told.