On the legal regulation of social networks. Who will the new rules hit? You can read more about deleting posts that violate laws

In accordance with the document, registration in social networks of Russians under the age of 14 is proposed to be completely banned, and the possibilities of using social networks by other minors should be limited.

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov submitted to the parliament a draft law "On the legal regulation of activities social networks", According to which it is proposed to completely" prohibit the use of social networks for persons under the age of 14 ".

According to the developers of the bill, which is signed by Milonov, the introduction of the ban will help to cope with the "pernicious influence" of "difficult" teenagers and children from disadvantaged families on their peers, as well as reduce the number of teenage suicides.

According to the document published in the State Duma's database of draft laws, the adoption of the new law will entail a change in the rules for registration in social networks. The network owner will be obliged to demand a passport from the new user and establish his real name and surname (full name), as well as age. It is prohibited to register those who have not submitted their data, as well as those who have not yet turned 14 years old, under the threat of a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.

The same fine threatens the owners of social networks for providing one user with the opportunity to create several pages on the same network. Yes, the bill also prohibits having several pages. Moreover, their presence can be punishable: a user who has opened more than one account is proposed to be fined 3-5 thousand rubles. The same penalty is stipulated for providing incorrect full name and information about your age during registration.

Age restrictions are stipulated by the bill not only for those who have not yet turned 14, but also for other minors. The former, as indicated above, are generally prohibited from registering in social networks, while the latter are prohibited from “taking part in the activities of communities in which information is disseminated,” which is prohibited by law from being disseminated among children.

According to the law, information prohibited for dissemination among children includes, among other things, obscene language and information that “creates disrespect for parents and (or) other family members”. Given the active use of obscene language in social networks, minors will not be able to legally register in any community at all. The parents of those who violate the ban face a fine of 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

Milonov's proposed bill prohibits even adults from using social networks to “organize unauthorized meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions or pickets,” including in the form of disseminating information about the upcoming holding of such actions.

Additionally, the bill proposes to introduce a ban on the use of social networks during working hours for employees of budgetary organizations and persons who are in the civil service Russian Federation.

RBC's source in the State Duma said that "Milonov's initiative will most likely not receive support." According to a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Yevgeny Revenko, the introduction of the bill was not agreed with either the committee or the faction of the United Russia party, which includes both Milonov and Revenko himself.

“I consider this initiative harmful, it will only alienate the youth from us. It is necessary not to prohibit more, but to go to social networks and talk, ”Revenko explained, recalling that the current legislation has enough restrictions on the propaganda of terrorism, extremism, drug addiction and other illegal actions in social networks.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the Kremlin has not yet seen the bill.

“We have not seen the essence of this bill, but only read in the media those provisions that may be contained in it, which we are not sure about. The provisions that are discussed in the media are, of course, not very realistic. It is hardly necessary to take any position here, ”Peskov said.

The presidential advisor on the Internet, German Klimenko, in an interview with RBC said that before submitting such a bill to the State Duma and “chasing reputation pluses,” Milonov needed to consult with the IT industry.

“First, where will children under 14 go? They will immediately go to foreign social networks. Secondly, if you literally read Milonov's proposal, we lose users on VKontakte from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. This is incomparable with the possible advantages, ”Klimenko said.

According to the adviser, he is ready to personally participate in the preparation of the bill. “We will either bring the bill into a form worthy for the development of Runet, or we will offer our own version,” added the presidential adviser.

On Monday, April 10, VTsIOM, almost two-thirds of Russians (62%) support the adoption of a law banning the use of social networks for children under the age of 14. Moreover, among young people aged 18-24, 67% support the adoption of such a law.

Not so long ago, State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov made a proposal to adopt a new bill regulating access to Internet resources intended for communication. The 2019 Social Media Law provides for certain restrictions for minors.

Today, Russian legislation does not provide for separate projects that would regulate the activities of social networks. However, parliamentarians have long been interested in the problem. In the opinion of the people's representatives, communication on the Internet does not have the best effect on the development of children.

The bill establishing the legal basis for the activities of some resources was proposed by Vitaly Milonov, as well as parliamentarians from the Leningrad region.

The essence of the project is to protect children from the bad influence of social networks. First of all, we are talking about prohibiting access and restricting registration for minors.

The deputies believe that this will reduce the influence of “difficult” teenagers on their peers from prosperous families. With this, they plan to reduce the number of teenage crimes.

Changes proposed by MPs

The bill submitted to the State Duma for consideration is entitled "On the legal regulation of the activities of social networks." The main thing that the developers offer is a ban on the use of social resources for children under 14 years old.

The document states that it is necessary to completely deprive teenagers of the opportunity to register on any social networks.

Therefore, they propose to keep records in accordance with passport data. If the person wishing to register does not provide correct information, the resource management should refuse him. In addition, for false information during registration, the deputies propose to fine:

  • violators themselves in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • management of the resource for 300 thousand rubles, if registration nevertheless occurred with inaccurate information.

Given the need to enter valid passport information, users will not be able to create more than 1 account. Several pages in social networks registered for one person will say that the resource management has violated the rules for providing information, and will be fined.

As for age restrictions, parliamentarians are categorical - under 14 years old, a child should not have the right to access social networks under any circumstances. Upon reaching the established age, children will be allowed to register, but at the same time they will be obliged to follow a number of rules:

  • minors will be prohibited from joining communities in which records are maintained using obscene language;
  • you will not be allowed to join groups if they promote disrespectful behavior towards parents or family.

The use of abuse on social networks threatens teens with the fact that they will not be able to join any community. In addition, parents of violators will be brought to administrative responsibility. They will have to pay a fine from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles.

Minors will not be allowed to disseminate information about the holding of any unauthorized events with mass participation of people. According to the current law, it is prohibited to use social networks for the purpose of organizing such meetings.

Along with the prohibition of access for children under 14 years old, parliamentarians propose to limit the use of social networks during working hours. This is not about all residents of Russia, but only about employees of the budgetary sphere and the civil service.

How registration will take place according to the bill

The resource management must ensure that the correct passport information is provided before approving the application. If the user is not yet 14 years old, registration will be refused.

The MPs believe that the new standards will allow to control the activities of social networks and reduce juvenile delinquency and mortality.

What does the State Duma think about the proposed bill

The official text of the new law was submitted for consideration by the people's deputies at the beginning of 2017. The developers expected that it would come into force as early as January 1, 2019.However, parliamentarians have not yet been able to come to a consensus on the need to approve the bill and its expediency.

First of all, there are concerns that representatives of the IT industry will be against this innovation, so it is necessary to consult with them.

Moreover, such projects are not accepted overnight. Their implementation requires careful preparation. It is necessary to think over how the passport data will be checked. In this case, the management of social networks should have access to some personal information.

Some deputies express concern that the bill will cause too much public outcry, since it will only alienate young people.

Parliamentarians believe that Russian legislation already provides for a lot of rules that should protect minors from the bad influence of social networks. There are bans on the propaganda of terrorism, drug addiction and other actions that can harm the inhabitants of the country.

The people's representatives agree that the introduction of new bans cannot solve the problems of youth. First of all, it is necessary to draw the attention of parents to what is happening with adolescents.

It is the lack of understanding that often leads to conflicts and tragedies. In addition, in the absence of access to social networks, children may not use their free time in the best way.

Since the proposals of the drafters of the draft law for many deputies look too categorical, there is no speech goes about its possible implementation. The activities of Internet resources today are regulated by Federal Law 436 "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development." You can download the text of the law at the following link.

High-profile terrorist attacks are not in vain. The Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region has developed and is already submitting to the State Duma a bill on social networks. All social media users will be forced to provide their complete personal details. And no anonyms or pseudonyms! The security authorities of the regime should be able to instantly come to a blogger who breaks the law. For example, reporting an unapproved share.

The Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region has developed a draft law "On the legal regulation of the activities of social networks." He suggests strict order admission and identification of users who will be obliged to create pages only under their real name. When registering, you will have to provide passport data. Children under 14 years old will be banned from social networks altogether. Submission of the project to the State Duma is scheduled for April 5.

According to the draft law “On the legal regulation of the activities of social networks and on amendments to certain legislative acts” (its text is at the disposal of Izvestia), a user of a social network can only be a person who has reached the age of 14 years. When registering, the owner of the service is obliged to check the passport data of Russian and foreign citizens. For violation of this rule, the legal entity - the owner of the site, faces a fine from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. If the user did not report the change in data or deliberately indicated inaccurate information, he faces a fine from 1 thousand to 3 thousand rubles.

You can create only one page and only under the real name and surname, otherwise a fine will follow: the owner of the site - up to 300 thousand rubles, the user - up to 5 thousand. Users under 18 are prohibited from joining communities where information prohibited for children is posted ... Otherwise, the parents will have to pay a fine of up to 2 thousand rubles. Selling any goods to minors through social networks will also be punishable by law. In addition, the document envisages a ban on advertising "of an occult-magical nature and smoking mixtures."

It is forbidden to inform citizens about unauthorized meetings and rallies, disseminate information about unauthorized events and publish correspondence with other users without their consent.

You can not disseminate any information (text, photo, video) that promotes national and other intolerance, the use of alcohol and tobacco products, nontraditional sexual relations, etc. - unless the message is accompanied by "explicit condemnation of these materials" ...

One of the authors of the document, the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, Vladimir Petrov, explained that the law should come into force on January 1, 2018. Social media will have time to lead user agreements in accordance with it, remove those who have not yet turned 14 years old, and collect passport data from the rest in order to change account names if necessary.

Now the situation is difficult: social networks are multimillion-dollar virtual societies that affect the real life of the country. The relevance of the document has been confirmed by recent high-profile events - from unauthorized political speeches to terrorist threats, - Vladimir Petrov explained. - For the sake of public safety, it is necessary to introduce the principle of universal user verification, this can be done only from the moment a citizen receives a passport - from the age of 14. Nobody is trying to censor or restrict freedom of speech. Verification and strict control over the authenticity of names will only increase the price of one's own opinion and virtual communication ...

A similar trend is visible in Western social networks - their administrations are interested in protecting users from negative and harmful information. They strive to provide personal information as much as possible. I am sure that many countries will follow this path, - said Vladimir Petrov ...

I must admit: the Internet has ceased to be a funny toy, where funny pictures about cats are sent, - said Vitaly Milonov, a State Duma deputy, to Izvestia. - This is a virtual reflection of the state. Attackers often use the Internet and social networks for their own purposes - since the soil allows it. The less irresponsible anonymity there is, the better - this area cannot be left to the mercy of molesters, terrorists and criminals. If the document is submitted to the State Duma for consideration, then, I think, with a number of amendments and after extensive discussion with the industry, it has high chances of approval by the chamber ...

Another initiative from the bill is a complete ban on the use of social networks during working hours for public sector employees. The explanatory note states that social networks have “enslaved office workers”: the loss of working time is enormous, and employers cannot fight it.

Vitaly Milonov's bill (a United Russia deputy is listed as the sole author) proposes to prohibit suckers under 14 years of age from using social networks, while the rest requires them to register there only under their real name and surname, indicating their passport details. In addition, it is proposed to establish rules for communication and publication of multimedia in social networks. According to Milonov, such restrictions will help punish distributors of illegal content, protect users from fraudsters, instigators of child suicide and solve the problem of “fake pages”. The Kremlin has already called it "unlikely" that the Duma will take such odious measures. The "harmfulness" of the wording of the law-making lawyer Milonov was noticed in the General Council of the "United Russia" itself. Internet experts and human rights activists interviewed by Novaya Gazeta also doubted that the draft law in this form has any chances.

Why Vitaly Milonov's bill is needed: Milonov's version

Social networks have an unclear legal status, said the initiator of the law. This leads to "tragedies": Milonov cites as an example, who was convicted of reposting someone else's video of child abuse in a children's camp (now Chudnovets).

To regulate social networks, the deputy proposes to create an "interdepartmental coordinating body to control the implementation of activities in social networks", where they will monitor compliance with the rules in social networks and choose ways to control them.

Milonov proposes to solve most of the problems either through deanonymization of the social network user up to the indication of the passport data at the entrance (then the user who violated the law can be easily brought to justice), or through prohibitive measures (no possibility - no problem), or through the most general formulations (“follow the law "," Do not violate the law ", etc.).

Let's take a closer look.

Why is there a version that this law is an initiative "against Navalny"?

The bill contains a separate section dedicated to the organization of unauthorized rallies through social networks. Milonov proposes to toughen administrative responsibility for this. Organizations calling on people on social networks to go to an unauthorized rally "encroach on undermining the statehood and sovereignty of the country," the document on the State Duma website says.

The block of the bill, which refers to the responsibility for organizing unauthorized rallies, directly refers to the recent mass actions against corruption on March 26, the organization of which took place mainly through the social network Vkontakte. The protests were triggered by the authorities' lack of response to the popular anti-corruption investigation by the Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation. In many regions, supporters of the politician organized street actions. The FBK investigation itself was disseminated by Navalny through another social network - Youtube - and was a huge success: to date, the 50-minute film "He's Not Dimon for You" has already been watched over 18 million times.

As an official response to the FBK investigation, the authorities put forward a statement that “citizens were found for a certain amount” for protest actions. In an explanatory note to his bill, Milonov will add only one clarification to this. Rate the grace: " THROUGH SOCIALfind citizens for a certain amount ... ", which leads to the conclusion about the terrible danger of social networks.

Why is it convenient to call this law a fight against "death groups"?

"Death groups" (the name is taken from the eponymous Galina Mursalieva in "Novaya Gazeta"), that is, closed communities for teenagers "VKontakte", whose members are forced to perform tasks with a suicidal bias, are directly mentioned in the bill. Milonov believes that the safety of children on the Internet today is not guaranteed by anything, social networks for children "turn into a drug", teenagers are easy to manipulate.

“The administrators of the“ death groups ”suppress the will of the child with their authority before him and drag him into a deadly game,” the document that got to the State Duma loftily states.

Under the pretext of protecting children from instigators to suicide, over the past year, politicians and officials at various levels have repeatedly proposed to limit freedom of information on the Russian Internet. It makes no sense to list and comment on them separately here. The priority tool that really helps a teenager to cope with thoughts of suicide is timely and professional psychological counseling. This is what the Vkontakte social network is doing by building a mechanism automatic blocking communities with suicidal themes, allowing them to complain about comments calling for suicide and connecting psychologists to hotline, whose contacts pop up when the user mentions labeled words and expressions.

Elsewhere, in the explanatory note to Milonov's bill, there is a proposal to ban “destructive communities in social networks,” which can be interpreted more broadly than suicidal publics, but no further explanation is provided.

Trade is a "security threat". 18+!

Milonov believes that users who have not reached the age of 18 should not buy goods through social networks, as this also "threatens their safety."

Government employees are slaves of social networks. Deny!

The bill proposes to prohibit or seriously restrict public sector employees on the rules for using social networks during working hours. The relevant clauses are proposed to be indicated in additional conditions to the employment contract.

Mages and Healers: Ban!

"Special attention is paid to reposts ..."

One of the few really important, but completely not spelled out initiatives in the bill. Milonov, referring to the “Chudnovets case” as a resonant case, proposes to take out of punishment users who repost (that is, who indicated the original source of the recording), if the distributed content is found to be in violation of the law.

What is not clear

Commenting rules?

The bill contains a lot of vague wording and requirements, which is very confusing. This fully applies to the paragraph on the commenting rules, where users are required to comply with applicable law, protect their passwords and not distribute personal information about third parties on social networks.

The "pernicious influence" of social networks?

The clause of what social media has on teens " pernicious influence", Was left without explanation in the bill. As an example, only the case of Diana Shurygina is mentioned, the interest in which is associated with the "licentiousness of modern youth."

Scammers have infiltrated the charity arena. Strictly control!

For charitable activities on social networks, Milonov proposes to establish "special requirements", since the scammers have learned to use a wide audience reach for their own ends. What is meant by “special requirements” is not specified.

About money: “... Will not require additional funds from the budget»

Milonov believes that the implementation of the positions of the bill he proposed will not burden the budget in any way.

Feedback from experts and stakeholders

Artem Kozlyuk

head of the Roskomsvoboda project, lawyer

"Even against the background of regressive bills on the Runet, this one stands out for its legal illiteracy."

- I hope that the bill will not be adopted in such an absurd form. Even against the background of regressive bills on the Internet space, he stands out for his legal illiteracy and lack of understanding of the main thing he is dedicated to - the functioning of social networks.

There are a number of risks in it both for users and for the business community in Russia.

Many, reading the bill, emphasize that children will not be allowed on social networks. But for this, all users must provide their personal data. This is strange, because, when interacting with each other offline, we do not show our passport data to a nearby police officer or the owner of a cafe in which we carry out our social interaction. And the deputy Milonov for some reason believes that we must introduce ourselves at the entrance. Although the right to anonymity is already a digital human right, the UN is talking about it. Each of us has the right to anonymize ourselves.

Further. The bill obliges social networks to collect and store our data. That is, we face the risk of confidential information leaks. This is despite the fact that we periodically see how massive leaks of such data occur, which then surface either on black markets or are published in the open. This also applies to state information systems, and regular services. And this will continue to happen, despite the fines and such bills.

I hope with caution and optimism that this bill will either be frozen or transformed. Although, of course, it can be transformed for the worse by adding new terms.

- My point of view is probably close to the point of view of the State Duma. What has happened now, it seems to me, is a thirst for PR. I don't really understand her. Maybe it's all the fault of Mr. Milonov's low corporate character. For example, when we introduced a bill on medicine, we first received approval from the State Duma's medical committee. I think this is important when you enter someone else's territory. Not in the sense that it is simply “alien”, but in the fact that the entire bill is superficial. It shows that the people who wrote it have absolutely no idea how social networks work.
If tomorrow you receive a legal decision that the networks cannot serve children under 14, then

we will face the fact that we will immediately lose the audience that foreign companies will take. Maybe Mr. Milonov bought shares in Snapchat or Facebook. I don't know, but from the outside it looks something like this.

The introduction of passport data - it sounds crazy, because the feeling that people live some kind of social past. If we enter passport data, we have a problem with the storage of personal data.

These people do not understand at all, but what are we going to do with the citizens of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus who live in our country and those who use social networks in the Russian-speaking cities of their countries and provide general social connections between network users? What should we do, disable them and kick them out?

I think it all looks wild. And, without answering these questions, it is irresponsible to submit such a bill to the Duma.

Featuring Yulia Mineeva and Konstantin Poleskov

MOSCOW, April 10 - RIA Novosti. State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov introduced a bill to parliament that concerns the work of social networks. So, the politician proposes to register new users with a passport, prohibit Russians from using social networks during working hours, and also use public pages to organize uncoordinated actions.

In the social network with a passport

One of Milonov's initiatives concerns registration of new users in social networks. In particular, he betrayed to oblige Russians to provide their passport data.

"When registering, the owner is obliged to request from the individual registering, in electronic form, an identity document (including a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation) and allowing to establish the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and the age of the specified individual, "- says the explanatory note to the document.

Milonov also proposes to oblige Russians to register on social networks only under their real name and surname. In his opinion, it is also necessary to prohibit a person from creating multiple accounts.

The bill provides that it will be possible to use social networks only from the age of 14.

"The owner has the right to install additional age restrictions for registration individuals in a social network, "- specified in the document.

Milonov paid special attention to publics marked "18+". He proposes to fine parents whose children under the age of 18 join such communities.

If the bill is passed, the parents will have to pay a fine ranging from one and a half to two thousand rubles.

Not for work

Another proposal, which Milonov submitted to parliament, regulates the use of social networks during working hours. The deputy is sure that the employer should get the right to prohibit his employees from surfing the Internet.

If the law is adopted, the corresponding amendments will be made to Article 57 of the Labor Code - "Content of the employment contract".

About meetings

Milonov asked to "freeze" the accounts of deceased people in social networksOnly the relatives of the deceased should be given the right to manage the account, says the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vitaly Milonov. He sent an appeal to Roskomnadzor with a request to limit the functionality of such accounts.

Milonov's initiatives have already been commented on in the Kremlin. According to the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, the glad proposals will be difficult to implement in practice.

"We have not seen the essence of this bill, but only read in the media those provisions that may be contained in it, which we are not sure about. Those provisions that are discussed in the media, of course, are unrealistic, so there is hardly any need to take -this position ", - said Peskov to journalists who were interested in whether the deputy's initiatives could violate" constitutional human rights to access information and protect personal data. "