Description of the file manager on Samsung. How to find files and folders on your computer? What are my files

By using standard program OS X Finder Most of the Mac users browse the computer's file system and interact with various files. Today we will tell you about a few simple tips that will improve and simplify your work with Finder.

Showing file extensions

It is not always possible to quickly distinguish between images or documents saved in different formats, especially those with similar names. Then the menu comes to our aid "properties". In order not to open the file properties every time, you can configure the display of the default extension.

  • Open Settings Finder;
  • Go to the tab Add-ons and check the box show all file name extensions.

Disable automatic opening of the My Files folder

IN Finder V OS X Mountain Lion appeared special folder My files, which collects the latest added files of different categories: pictures, videos, documents, and so on. This folder opens immediately after starting the program Finder, which is not always convenient. You can disable automatic display of this folder and assign your own instead. To do this:

  • Open Settings Finder;
  • In the tab basic assign the required folder in the paragraph Show in new Finder windows.

Enabling the status bar

IN Finder There is a status bar, which is turned off by default. It displays the number of files in open folder, as well as the quantity free space in the computer's memory.

This line is enabled through the menu view, then point show status menu.

Show folder path

In order to find out in which folder a particular file is located, it is not necessary to open the properties menu. Just turn it on show path bar in the menu View. Moreover, this path is interactive. For quick transition Simply click on the name of the desired folder.

Show home folder in side menu

By default, the user’s “home” folder is not shown in the side menu and you cannot quickly navigate to it. If you store any necessary files then this folder can be easily added to the side menu

  • Open Settings Finder.
  • Go to the tab Side menu , in which check the box for your folder.

Customizing the Toolbar

In the toolbar Finder There are functions that are often used when working with files. You can add some features there, or remove unused elements.

  • Open the View menu and select Customize Toolbar
  • Now simply drag function icons either from the toolbar to remove them or to the toolbar to add them.

Enable Library folder display

In OS X 10.7 and 10.8, Apple hid the folder from the user Library. But it can be returned with a simple terminal command

chflags nohidden ~/Library/

Show hidden files

For advanced users, it is always very important to see all the files located in a particular folder. If on Windows display hidden files is configured in the Explorer menu, then on OS X you will again have to use the command for the terminal:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES && killall Finder

Displaying information about files and folders

This option will be useful for users who work with images. Now in the window Finder You will immediately be able to see the resolution of a particular image, as well as the number of files in different folders.

  • Click on any object in Finder right-click and select show view options
  • Check the Show properties box, and then click the Use as standard button

If you have forgotten where you saved a folder or file, do not despair, the data will not be lost. Your computer is so smart that it will help you find necessary documents and indicate their location.

If you want to find a program installed on your computer, first look on the “desktop” for a shortcut that may have been created during installation. If it is available, look in the shortcut properties for the address of the program location. To do this, hover your mouse over the shortcut, click right button. Select Properties, go to the Shortcut tab. In the column " Working folder" indicates the location of this program (usually on drive “C”). If you are looking for a regular folder (or file), use the assistant that is available on your computer. Click the Start button at the bottom left of the toolbar, select Search.

You will have a program that can find files, folders (and more) by given parameters search. In the left pane of the window you can find detailed instructions actions that the user should perform in order to find the folder.

Several search criteria are available. You can use all of them at the same time, several or just one of them. It all depends on what information you know about the folder you are looking for. If you are not sure about certain things, you should not specify them in the search parameters - the system will simply give a negative result if you make a mistake. For example, you can specify the file name (or part of the name that you know for sure). Remember: better less, but correctly, than more, but at random.

If you are looking for a file, you can specify a single phrase or word that is exactly contained in it (again, using the “exact minimum” principle). To speed up the process, you can narrow your search. To do this, indicate in the “Search in” column possible options location of the folder (file). Naturally, it is appropriate to do this when you definitely know on which disk the document is saved. If you are not sure, check the entire computer. You will spend a little more time, but you are guaranteed to get results.

If desired, you can indicate when they were produced latest changes in the file. By default, the checkbox is opposite the “Date unknown” column, but you can set your value in the parameters (last week, last month), or specify a time range.

If you know the file size information, you can specify that as well. But if the data is approximate and you are not sure, it is better not to mislead the program. Let it search among all files.

Well, the last thing that can be specified is the additional parameters of the folder (file). For example, you can specify the type of file (folder), search in hidden, nested, system folders, external storage and even case sensitive.

When you have specified all the search parameters, click the "Find" button. The program will start working, comparing all folders and files with the specified search conditions. The result will be reflected in right side corner: you will see the folder (or several that meet the conditions) you were looking for and its location. Now it won't be difficult to find her. If you are not happy with the search result, click the "Back" button in the left panel and change the search parameters.

If you are trying to find a file that you created recently, proceed as follows. Click the Start button at the bottom left of the toolbar, select Recent Documents. A list of documents that have been changed recently will appear. You can click on any of them to open it. But you won’t see his address. But you can save open file anywhere else on the computer.

Searching for folders on your computer is not at all difficult. You can check it right now!

Android is operating system, which has a file system. IN file system there are a variety of files, including photos, video and audio recordings, archives, folders with applications, etc. The same photos can be seen using the Gallery application, the icon of which is usually located on the device’s desktop. But what if you need to find a file by name or a folder with music?

For such cases, you need to use a file manager. If you open Google Play Market, you will see a large number of various file managers for every taste, including paid and free ones. It's up to you to decide which app you should use. We will show how to search for a file using ES Explorer as an example.

Download the file manager if it is not installed (some firmware has a built-in file manager) and run it. In the screenshot we see two memory cards: one is internal memory (device memory), the second is a memory card installed by the user.

Choose required section, For example, internal memory. Go to the section and see the folders. So, all your photos are stored in the DCIM folder, and music is stored in the Music folder (there are exceptions, be careful).

If you need to find a file by name, it's easier to use the search. Click the magnifying glass icon and enter the name of the file you want to find.

Please note that folders with system files available only if provided.

You can organize this in two ways: the first will use a small modification of “My Files”, and the second will create a new smart folder.

Access using "My Files"

It's more easy way. All you need is to adjust the sorting of files in the existing folder:

  1. Open my files folder in Finder. Normally, you will see a new window.
  2. Click the sort button and select sort by date modified.
  3. Scroll down to yesterday and you will see the files you worked with yesterday.

Alternatively, you can select the “most recently opened” option from the sort menu. Although the moment the file is opened, it will move from yesterday to today.

This method uses a new smart folder to find yesterday's files. By yesterday we mean files to which changes were made yesterday.

Moreover, even if you make changes to yesterday's file today, it will still be accessible from the same folder. This is a more interesting way than the My Files sorting above and will include any files that the user has modified during the day.

With Finder open, use Command+Option+N to create a new Smart Folder.

Click on a user's name at the top to narrow the search to files owned by that user.

Click the (+) button to add a new search parameter and select “last modified date” and set it to “latest” and enter 1 day.

The smart folder you just created is now accessible from any Finder window. Just find it in the sidebar and click on it to see your work from yesterday. The folder is constantly updated!

That's it. Good luck in your work!