Why the speakers work but there is no sound on the computer. Why there is no sound on the computer, how to restore sound on the computer. Broken sound card

The sound system of the computer is closely related to the drivers. Therefore, if you start having any problems with sound reproduction, then you should not panic right away - it is quite possible that an ordinary user can also fix the error. Today we will look at a few different situations where the sound on the computer is missing.

There are many reasons why sound may disappear on your PC. Typically, this is either a hardware problem or a conflict between drivers and other programs. In this article, we will analyze what could be the problem and try to restore the sound.

Reason 1: Disabled speakers

First of all, check that the speakers are actually connected to the computer. It often happens when the user simply forgot to connect them with a cord or did it wrong.

There are completely different types of connectors on a sound card. But you need to find the output covered in green and connect the device through it.

It is also worth making sure that the switch on the speakers themselves is in the working position and the volume control is not turned fully counterclockwise. If you are sure that the device is still connected and working, then move on to the next item.

Reason 2: Sound is muted

One of the most common reasons for the lack of sound is to reduce it to a minimum in the system or on the device itself. Therefore, first of all, turn the volume control on the speakers clockwise, and also click on the speaker icon in the tray to change the volume.

Reason 3: Missing drivers

Another common reason for the lack of sound on the device is incorrectly selected drivers or even their absence. In this case, the system cannot normally interact with the audio subsystem and problems arise, the result of which we are trying to fix.

You can check if there are drivers for sound equipment in "Device Manager"... Open it in any known way (for example, through "Properties of the system", which can be opened by right-clicking on the shortcut "My computer") and make sure in the tabs "Audio inputs and audio outputs", and "Sound, game and video devices" no unidentified devices. If there are any, it indicates that the required software is missing.

You can select drivers manually on the official website of the laptop or speaker manufacturer and this will be the most reliable way search for suitable software. You can also use special universal programs or find the software using the speaker ID. Below we have left a few links where it is described how to do this:

Reason 4: Incorrect playback device selected

Another common problem that can occur if third-party audio playback devices are or have been connected to the computer is that the computer simply tries to play sound through another, possibly disconnected device. To fix this, follow the instructions below:

By the way, for this reason, a situation may arise when headphones are connected to the computer, but the sound is still broadcast through the main speakers. Therefore, do not forget to check which playback device is selected as the main one. For other reasons why headphones may not work, you can read the following article:

Reason 5: There are no audio codecs

If you hear sound when windows startup, but it is not present during video or audio recording, then, most likely, the problem lies in the absence of codecs (or the problem is in the player itself). In this case, you need to install special software (and also remove the old one, if any). We recommend installing the most popular and proven set of codecs - K-Lite Codec Pack, which will allow you to play video and audio of any format, as well as install a fast and convenient player.

Reason 6: Incorrect BIOS setup

There is a chance that you have a sound device disabled in your BIOS. To check this, you need to go to the BIOS. The entrance to the required menu on each laptop and computer is carried out in different ways, but most often it is a key press F2 or Delete while the device boots up. On our site you will find a whole section dedicated to ways to enter BIOS from various laptops.

When you get to the required settings, look for a parameter that can contain words Sound, Audio, HDA and others related to sound. Depending on the BIOS version, it may be in the sections "Advanced" or Integrated Peripherals... Opposite the found item, you must set the values "Enabled" (Included) or "Auto" (Automatically). Thus, you will connect the speakers in the BIOS and, most likely, you will be able to listen to audio files again.

Reason 7: Speaker malfunction

One of the worst case scenarios is damage to the playback device. Try connecting the speakers to another PC to test their functionality. If the sound does not appear, try changing the cord with which you connected them. If you still do not hear anything - in this case, we cannot help you with anything and we recommend that you contact service center... By the way, only specialists can check the laptop speakers.

Reason 8: Damaged driver

Also, sound may be lost due to damage to the audio driver. This can happen after installing or uninstalling a program, windows updates or as a consequence of a virus attack. In this case, you need to remove the old software and install the new one.

To uninstall broken software, go to "Device Manager" with help Win + X menu and remove your audio equipment from the list by right-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate line in context menu... When uninstalling Windows will prompt the user to erase and secure this device.

Now you just have to install the new software as described in the third paragraph of this article.

Reason 9: Viral infection

You can consider the option that your PC has undergone some kind of virus attack, as a result of which the sound drivers were damaged. In this case, it is necessary to scan the computer for virus software as soon as possible and delete all suspicious files. This can be done using any antivirus. On our site there is a whole section in which you can find reviews of the most popular products for preventing device infection, as well as cleaning it. Just follow the link below.

If you have lost sound on your computer, then this is of course very bad, you need to figure out why this happened as soon as possible and solve this problem quickly.

The reasons for the sudden absence of sound can be very different, it can be anything at all, so we will consider the 10 most popular reasons. They will fit almost any Windows, from xp to 10, including windows 7 and 8.

I’ll ask you right away, please take your time before writing in the comments saying what to do, I have no sound on my computer, nothing helps at all. First, consider and work through all 10 steps, I'm 99 percent sure that the devil lies in one of the reasons listed.

What to do if the sound is missing

Let's start as usual with the simpler, finish with the complex.

1. Volume controls

Pay attention to the volume icon in the notification area and click on it.

Naturally, the volume slider should be at least in the middle. Make sure it's not at the very bottom.

Well, if the volume icon has such a prohibiting icon, it means that the sound in the system is completely muted.

Click on it and the sound will appear again.

Here we should have everything inclusive too.

If suddenly some of the sliders are at the very bottom, then move it at least to the middle and then the sound from the speakers will appear.

Do not forget to check the sound on the speakers, make sure that headphones are not inserted into them, if they are there, then by itself you need to pull them out.

And so we continue to look for the answer to the question Why the sound on the computer disappeared.

You need to go to those devices that are different and check.

Click the volume icon and go to.

In the program that opens, we find our speakers in the list of devices and check that there is a green checkmark there.

If God forbid it is not there, then you need to click on the device right click mouse and select item Use by default.

If your speakers are highlighted in gray, and the status is Disabled,it's easy to fix. Right-click and select the item include naturally don't forget to make them the default.

It also happens that there are no our speakers here at all, they are not displayed, in which case you need to click on an empty space and select Show disabled devices. The speakers will then be displayed and they can be turned on as I wrote above, and then made by default.

3. Check the sound card

You need to be sure that the sound card is turned on, if there is still no sound in the speakers, then this point should also be checked.

Perhaps it has already been turned on, or maybe it is not here at all, there are different cases, if your sound card is not displayed, but there is a section for other devices, for example, audio devices on the bus, and next to it is a yellow exclamation mark.

This means that the driver has crashed and needs to be reinstalled. I will talk about this in the next paragraph.

4. Check the driver for sound (Important!)

If you suddenly determine that the sound on your computer has disappeared due to the lack of a driver, then you naturally need to reinstall it.

But for those who have this driver, I still advise you to install it, since most likely the previous version is already outdated and it will be updated with a more recent one.

  1. First, let's decide which driver you need to download.
  2. Let's go back to Device Manager and double click on the sound card.
  3. Go to the tab intelligence, find the section properties and select an item from the list Equipment ID and several values \u200b\u200bwill appear, we first need the first one. Copy it.
  4. Next, go to the devid.info website, type this value into the search bar and click Search.
  5. This site will select the most suitable driver for us and we will have to download the most latest version for your operating system.
  6. After downloading the driver, run setup file if available.
  7. If the driver was downloaded in some other format, then it is installed a little differently through the task manager, on the Driver tabs, click Refresh.
  8. Then search for drivers using the firmware.
  9. Click on the overview and indicate the path where the driver is located. Click on next.
  10. The installation will be completed, and the driver version will be updated at the end.

But installing a driver for sound is not all.

For those who have a sound card Realtek, and almost everyone has it, I recommend installing the auxiliary program.

It's called RealtekHigh Defender Audio Driver. It helps a lot when working with sound. If the sound on the computer is missing, then again after installing Realtek High Defender Audio, the problem can most likely be solved.

Download Realtek and install.

Installation takes place in two stages, first the program copies the necessary files and warns that the computer will be restarted, and after the restart, the driver fully continues its installation.

Upon completion of the installation, the computer will need to be restarted again for all changes to take effect.

As a result, we will see next to the volume control new icon, this is a small column that says that the program is already running.

You can run it and you can even perform some settings, but more on that in the next article.

5. Connecting to a computer

If the sound still hasn't worked, then here's another reason that comes across from time to time. Here is his solution.

Expand system unit and check that the speaker cable is fully inserted into the appropriate connector.

It is almost always highlighted in green, this is the speaker connector. Make sure the cable is firmly inserted into this connector. And in general, for reassurance, I advise you to pull it out again and insert it again.

6. Windows Audio Service

Sometimes it happens that the sound disappears due to a service failure. Let's check that everything is in order there.

7. Checking the columns

Of course, you have already checked 100, turned the volume controls on the speakers, but I cannot skip this point, since it happens that somewhere the wiring has gone away, they forgot to insert the speakers. Or let's say the headphones are broken and the like. And the user immediately rushes into a panic, what to do, there is no sound, what happened.

Connect the missing speakers to another computer or laptop. So it will be much more reliable, if you follow this procedure, then you will be 100% sure that your speakers have not broken, it will already be much easier. The same goes for headphones, if there is no sound either.

8. Setting up sound in BIOS

This step is for those who have recently made some changes in the Bios. If you have changed something in Bios, then there is a possibility that you accidentally disabled the function that is responsible for the sound.

9. Viruses

If you have some kind of hard virus, then it is 100% that it was he who damaged our computer.

You need everything malware delete. Well, of course, due to viruses, the sound rarely disappears, but this also happens, so this step also needs to be worked out

10. System restore or reinstall Windows.

If you suddenly lost sound on your computer or laptop, and you even know what day it happened or after what operation, then you can return everything to its place by performing a system rollback.

There is such a cool feature as system recovery. Below is an instruction on how to run.

And in the saddest cases, when system restore did not help or was turned off altogether, then you can get help reinstall Windows... This seems to me the very last attempt to return sound on the computer.

Nothing helped

Hopefully you worked through all 10 steps carefully before getting to this point.

But if you have done all this, and nothing helps you, then all that remains is to take the computer to the master and let him look at you. Most likely your sound card is broken and you will need to replace it.

In any case, I ask you to write in the comments how you managed to solve the problem with the sound on your computer. Wish you luck.

Imagine this situation, you turn on the computer as usual, but instead of a pleasant iridescent melody, you are greeted only by the hum of a working system unit. No sound on the computer! What to do, why the sound on the computer disappeared? You, in the silence of your speakers, enter the Internet and enter the cherished question: "Why is there no sound on the computer." This article covers the main causes and how to fix them. You will find out the answer to your question, namely, step-by-step recovery sound on the computer.

This is the question - why is there no sound? And where is the answer to it and some instructions to find?

Why is there no sound on the computer?

The reason for the lack of sound on the computer can only be in the hardware or software environment. That is, you either have faulty components or you have problems in the settings operating system or individual programs. It is independent of the operating system. Such incidents can happen with Windows XP, the sound can disappear in Linux and even in the latest system Windows 7. Moreover, speakers, headphones and a sound card can be the most modern and expensive.

How do I restore sound on my computer?

The first step is to find out the reason for the missing sound on the computer. This can be done in several ways, but you should start with the simplest.

So, sound restoration step by step. Each subsequent step will bring you closer to the result.

1). Try to restart your computer, it is possible that the sound will appear when the operating system starts. This happens.

2). Check if the speaker plug is plugged in. When disconnecting, plug the plug into the socket.

3). Check the switch on the speakers to see if it's turned off. Unmute the speakers by turning the knob clockwise. The LED on the column with the control knob should be on (available in almost all models).

Are the speakers turned on - usually one of them has a power light on

4). Look at the taskbar and find the speaker icon. It should not be crossed out. If so, then turn on the sound simply by clicking on the "Turn on sound" button.

The sound is muted on the desktop. Click on the speaker logo

five). Check the speaker level, it can be lowered to the full minimum - to zero. If the sound is reduced, then simply raise the sliders to the desired level.

6). Check the performance of the speakers on any sound source. On the player, on the phone, on another computer. Another computer can be a laptop, yours or your friend's.

7). Check device manager for unknown devices. Such a device is displayed with an exclamation mark. You can open the device manager like this: Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System and Security -\u003e In the “System” column, find the inscription “Device Manager”. All devices there should be recognized in this window, there should not be any exclamation marks. If there is such an icon, then you need to install the sound drivers.

The reason for the non-working sound can be found in the task manager

8). Install sound drivers. The sound processor can be built into the motherboard or installed on a separate sound board. Download drivers from the manufacturer's website sound card or processor.

nine). Try to insert a known working sound card into the system unit. You can take it from a friend for a while. If the problem is resolved in this way, then try the next step or buy a new sound card.

ten). Try to restore a previous restore point in the operating system. In Windows 7, this software environment is located in the Start menu -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e System Tools -\u003e System Restore.

When the sound disappears, it may be worth restoring the system from a restore point. Suddenly a sound appears.

eleven). Try reinstalling your operating system. And install the sound drivers first, right after the drivers on the chipset motherboard... Equipment conflicts are possible. If the sound appears, then gradually install the hardware and programs further. The sound can disappear at the most unexpected moment. This can be either a hardware conflict or a software conflict.

12). If all else fails and the sound does not appear on the computer, then the only option is to contact a specialist, or take your computer to a service workshop.

What if there is no sound on the computer or the sound is bad?

Before you start doing anything, remember what you did yesterday when the sound on the computer was working. What programs did you install on your computer, perhaps the problem will be solved if you remove it. Or maybe you have deleted some desired file from a computer. If you have not done anything like this, then follow the steps above. Surely something will help you. You can also try using the Help and Support section of the Start menu.

Help and support section - Music and Sound, will help you find and fix the cause of the lack of sound

If the sound is quiet, wheezing or something else, then try manipulating the software sound setting. Or maybe you just added some kind of effect to the sound, which is why your sound on the computer goes like a pipe, wheezes and hisses.

If there is no sound only in a certain program, then you need to look at the settings of this particular program. Also, you can simply reinstall the program, the sound will probably appear.

Don't get discouraged. Everything is solvable, everything is in your hands. Today, buying a simple sound card can be quite cheap and affordable for any normal person.

If you once turned on your computer, Windows has loaded, all applications are working, but there is no sound, rejoice, it could be worse. It's better to let the sound in the computer not work than not turn on at all.

What could have happened? One of two things - either trouble with software, or the hardware is out of order.

How to find the cause of no sound on your computer

First look at the bottom right of the screen - the speaker icon should not be crossed out. If it is crossed out - most likely, the sound was just accidentally turned off. Click on the speaker icon and turn it back on. Check the settings as well. There will be no sound if the output power is set to zero.

Now look at the speakers themselves. One of them should have a power indicator on. If it does not light up, it is possible that the connecting wires have fallen out or the switches on the speakers are turned off. Check and turn on if everything is really turned off.

If your speakers have volume controls, check to see if they are minimized to zero. Turn it on to the maximum. To make sure your speakers are working properly, plug them in to a different source. Alternatively, unplug your speakers from your computer and plug in your headphones.

If sound still appears on tested devices, it is a malfunction in the speakers themselves. There is very little you can do on your own. The most is to replace the broken wires. If the wires are intact, it remains to give the speakers for repair or buy new ones, which at today's prices costs about the same. By purchasing new speakers, you have the opportunity to improve the sound quality. And besides, you save time and nerves.

Sound does not work in the computer - system problems

Often, newly connected equipment conflicts with previously installed ones. On this PC can be "silent". Have you connected anything in recent days? Or installed new software from dubious sources? Computer viruses are often the reason for the disappearance of the soundtrack.

  • Turn on your antivirus and run a full system scan.
  • Run the cleaning utility and remove junk and unnecessary files.
  • Open the System Restore interface and find a suitable rollback point. Return the system to one of the previous states. During the recovery process, lost or damaged files will be restored. And the unnecessary ones are removed. After restoration, sound may appear.
  • If the sound does not appear after the system recovery, check if the computer detects the connected speakers. To do this, open Control Panel and search for Device Manager. If there are speakers in the list of connected equipment, the drivers may be damaged. If instead of the speaker manufacturer's name in the Device Manager list, you find exclamation marks in the yellow triangle - it is likely that the computer has stopped finding the connected speakers.
  • Turn off your computer. Disconnect and reconnect speakers. Perhaps there was poor contact in the connections. Turn on your computer. The system itself should detect the newly connected device. This will automatically launch the New Hardware Wizard.

Still no sound? Try to reinstall the drivers. To do this, go to the device manager, find the tab of your audio hardware. Now find and click the Uninstall driver button.

Where can I get new sound card drivers? There are three options here:

  1. The drivers are already on your computer. Then you just need to click the Install driver button.
  2. Download drivers on the website of the manufacturer of the sound card or motherboard, if the sound is built-in.
  3. if you have installation disk Windows, you can download drivers from there.

Nothing again? What remains is the radical cure — reinstalling Windows completely. Most often, if the equipment is in order, after updating the system, everything starts to function normally.

Sometimes there are conflicts between software. To test this option, in the process windows boot, try to install the drivers for the card first.

When the drivers for other devices begin to install, watch the sound. As soon as problems begin with the sound, it means that the device for which the drivers have just been loaded is the cause of the conflict.

Sound card malfunction

If you checked everything consistently, everything turned out to be correct - there remains a problem with the sound card itself or with irregularities in its connection.

First, check if the card is turned on correctly.
Inspect the connectors for physical damage.
Remove the card and carefully clean the contacts from dust and oxides. Insert again and check.

If all else fails, it would be good to check the card on another computer or insert a known working sound card into this system unit. If after installation new card sound will appear - the old one is out of order and must be replaced.

Application problems

Sometimes there is no sound only on some programs. For example, the audio player suddenly stopped playing. Then the situation is not very dire. Updating or reinstalling the problematic program usually helps. If you have tried all possible options, and still nothing helps, all that remains is to take the computer to the workshop or call a specialist at home.

Quite often, users are faced with the loss of sound on a computer running Windows 7. There are many reasons for this. Some are pretty basic. Sometimes it takes several days to find a problem. This short overview is devoted to how to find and fix a breakdown.

Non-working speakers

Consider the possible breakdown options:

These measures are elementary, but you shouldn't forget about them either. If the check yielded nothing, then it's time to move on.

Hardware sound settings

After the obvious faults have been checked, it is worth paying attention to software settings sound. It is possible that Windows is muted or muted altogether. If it is reduced so much that it is barely audible, then the user, with a high degree of probability, will assume that the computer itself has broken.

It is best to see clearly how the sound is configured, using the example of Windows 7, on Windows 8 and 10, the principle is the same:

Let's consider the functions of the opened window in more detail:

If you could not play the test sound, it is worth checking if the sound is turned down to minimum value or disabled altogether:

Check device manager

If there is no sound on the computer under windows management 7, as well as Windows 10 and other operating systems, check the status of the sound card gadgets (drivers). Most likely, they need to be updated or they do not exist at all.

You can check the status of the equipment and drivers for them in " Device manager", Which is easy to find in Control panels on the tab “ System».

System displays all devices that are present on the computer or laptop, as well as the status of the drivers for them. If nearby is lit yellow triangle, you should pay attention to it first of all. This means that the sound card is not working at all or is not working properly. In our case, we are interested in the item " Sound, video and game devices».

If you find a problem that causes no sound to work, you need to download and install a driver compatible with your PC. The current state of the computer can be maintained using special utilities to automatically update and search for the current version of drivers for any hardware on a PC or laptop. For example, the program Everest will determine the sound card model, check all drivers for relevance and tell you where to find required drivers for sound on Windows 7.

When you monitor the current state of your computer and carry out regular updates, then during the next automatic driver update you may encounter the problem of no sound. The source of the problem can be updated driver... "" Will help to restore the working situation. On the tab “ Driver»Of your sound card, you must click the Roll Back button.

If the problem goes away, it's best to disable automatic update drivers for this device.

Updating drivers in Windows 10

The algorithm of actions consists of the following steps:

  1. If the Internet is connected, then in the browser search engine you need to type search query type: (Your_Laptop_Model) support or (Your_Mother_Board_Model) support.
  2. In the support section, select your computer model and click Select.
  3. From the Driver-Audio line, select the download to your computer of the entire set of drivers that are in this list.
  4. If you are prompted to download drivers for Windows 7 or 8, and not for Windows 10, it's okay, at least it's better than nothing. The main thing is that the bitness of the operating system does not differ from the installed one (x64 or x86). The driver that is absent in the system is included in the kit offered by the official website.
  5. After the drivers are loaded, you need to install the entire kit. If the system requires you to enable legacy compatibility mode windows versions, it must be done.
  6. After that, check whether a sound has appeared or not.

No codecs on audio / video

If there is sound in browsers, but there is no sound when starting a video on a PC, then you should look for a problem either in the media player itself, or in audio codecs.

For constant video viewing, it is recommended to use CMR player... He has already proven himself and shows good results. The creators of the program have provided a lot of different codecs for video playback. And, as a rule, most films are successfully reproduced in this program.

The problem with codecs can be radically solved using the package K-Lite Codec Pack... It can fix the missing sound problem. It has a full set of up-to-date codecs that open almost all popular formats, both video and audio files.

Viruses and adware

Sound problems on Windows 7 operating systems may mean that a virus has appeared on the system. There are many types of viruses and they can negatively affect the operating system.

How to behave if the sound on the computer disappears and there is a suspicion of a virus:

  • Take a close look at the work of the computer as a whole. If it starts to freeze frequently, to slow down unexpectedly, then most likely the PC has undergone a virus attack. If the installed antivirus program failed and missed the virus attack, then it is best to check the system with a third-party antivirus with up-to-date virus databases. For example, you can use the utility Dr.Web CureIt... This healing utility successfully treats an infected system.
  • You can try checking your computer with Live CD (emergency boot disk). With its help, you can download a light version of the operating system with a ready-made antivirus. If, when booting the restored system from Live CD sound appeared, then, most likely, a malfunction in Windows 10 itself. Most often, you will have to reinstall it or perform a system restore using restore points if this mode was enabled and restore points were created.

Checking the BIOS settings

If your computer or laptop has a built-in sound card and there is no sound even in the headphones, then you can see BIOS.

This measure is extreme - in the factory settings, AC97 is enabled by default. If the settings are lost, then the sound device in the operating room windows system will not work.

Each computer logs into BIOS differently. For example, for ACER computers, press and hold the Del key before booting the system. In general, before loading the operating system, it is necessary to indicate how to enter the BIOS.

After pressing the Del key, the following dialog box will open, in which you must select the item " BIOS Setup».

In the window that opens, you need to find an inscription of the AC 97 Audio type, select this inscription with the arrows on the keyboard and click on the Enter key. A dialog box will appear to select which function to activate HD Audio or AC97. We are interested in the inscription AC97 "Auto". We confirm our choice and exit this section with the ESC key. We exit BIOS, saving the settings.

If you can't return the sound after changing the BIOS settings, then the last way out is to replace or send the sound card for repair.

The problem when there is no sound in the Windows system is often faced by laptop owners. Frequent overheating of the sound chipset causes the computer to malfunction. And the rest electronic filling simply suffocates from dust, unless, of course, you do regular cleaning, and gradually fails, which can also lead to loss of sound on the laptop.


Of course, these are not all the reasons why the sound may be absent, but the main, most common versions are revealed.

So, we told you how to restore sound in Windows 10, 7 and 8. And our main advice is not to despair, but to try all the options step by step.

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