How to increase the speed of game installation. How can I speed up the installation of games on my computer? Removing malware to improve performance

It is the 21st century and many people spend a huge amount of their time playing games. Such people are called gamers, and every year there are more and more of them. This is not surprising since computer games help people relieve stress. Of course, not all games help calm the nerves, and sometimes it turns out the other way around.

Installing games

So we have to choose wisely all the games we play. Many, by the way, make money on this business. Such people are called "cybersportsmen".

But all games need to be installed, and this is usually done either with the help of gaming platforms such as Steam, Origin, Yuplei, and so on. But if you want to download paid games free of charge, then this is done through such pirated programs as "Torrent". And the whole problem is that these games are installed for hours, or perhaps even days, depending on the power of the computer and the Internet, as well as on the server from which the download is coming. This is annoying, because during the installation of a pirated version of the game, the Internet slows down a lot, and the process can take a very long time, so that the computer becomes practically useless for a while.

And there are some ways to speed up the installation of games on your computer that every gamer should know. By following these steps, you can increase your download speed at least a little. It concerns not only pirated versionsbut also licensed. So how do you speed up the installation of games? Let's look at this in more detail and consider some methods.

Acceleration methods

So, of course, the download speed will not increase much, but this largely depends on the user's computer and Internet. Let's start with how to speed up the installation of games by downloading through the Torrent client:

  1. If you have formatted your computer quite recently, then the game should be installed fairly quickly, because the PC is practically clean of viruses and all kinds of programs, and this significantly speeds up the download. So it is advisable to download new games after formatting, especially "heavy" ones. But you can't format your computer every month? So how do you speed up game installs in other ways?
  2. Another way, besides formatting, is the following: you can delete all these files manually. That is, before installing the game, be sure to check your computer for viruses and spyware, and also remove old games, programs that you do not use. The cleaner the device, the easier the installation will be.
  3. As mentioned above, download speed depends not only on the user's computer, but also on the distributor. So when downloading pirated versions of games it is worth registering on those sites from where you download the "Torrent" file. Thus, after registration, the download speed will increase slightly. However, not everyone offers this service, so you need to read about it on the website.

And another tip on how to speed up the installation of games: when installing, do not use the Internet and a computer. That is, before installing, you need to close all browsers, as well as close all games and not use your computer for a while. This action will speed up the loading, although you can play offline games, but in this case freezes are possible.

Torrent client: acceleration

You also need to know a thing or two about how to make the game load faster when downloading from Torrent. How to do it, how to speed it up?

  1. First you need to go to the program client.
  2. Select the game to download.
  3. Press "RMB" (right mouse button), where download percentages are indicated.
  4. Select "Speed \u200b\u200bpriority".
  5. Prioritize speed to maximum.

This action will help the player. How to speed up the installation of the game on a computer when using third-party programs, figured it out.

Installing licensed games: how to speed up?

In order to speed up the installation of licensed games, you need to perform the same actions as when speeding up a pirated download. I need to clean my computer. Depending on the platform used, you need to set the speed to maximum, and it is also advisable to do this after formatting the computer. And before downloading, and after you need to check your computer for viruses and "spyware".

Here are some steps that will definitely help and answer the question of how to speed up the installation of games quickly and without problems.

Often, games for a computer require a fairly high performance from both the processor and the video card. If you have these components outdated, then the latest games become unavailable. However, there are times when relatively new hardware cannot load and play even old computer games quickly. This article will answer many questions regarding similar situations.

Why games take a long time to load

You may encounter mechanical and software problems. The first is the clogging of the computer system unit, especially the cooler. If you have never really disassembled your system unit, then you better read the article

When problems are of a software nature, you just need to clean your computer from obsolete and unnecessary programs, multimedia, track work random access memoryas well as autoloading. It will not be superfluous to optimize the video card, as well as adjust the settings inside the game itself.

How to clean your computer of unnecessary files

First of all, you need the famous cCleaner programwhich shortens the cleaning time program files several times. In it, you can remove old programs, as well as immediately clear the cache: both system and software.

Go to the official website of the program

Choose your version of the utility, which is more convenient for you: portable or standard. The installation is fast enough and implies a standard procedure: agree with the license, choose the folder for installation and wait a little.

After that go to it and immediately open the “Tools” tab. Here you can find programs that you have not used for a long time. Click on them with the mouse and click on the “Run Uninstaller” button on the right side of the window.

As soon as you clean your computer of all unnecessary programs, go to the next tab “Cleaner”. The cache is cleared here. First click on “Windows”, don't change the checkboxes in the menu, just click on the “Run Cleaner” button.

Then go to “Applicatons” and click on that button again. The standard checkboxes can be left unchanged.

This is not the end of the files clogging up the computer. You can go to your downloads and media folder, delete all movies, music and downloads in them that you absolutely do not need. This can free up a very large amount of space, which will have a positive effect on computer performance and game loading. After all these manipulations, you need to clean the registry entries.

Press the WIN + R keys on your keyboard at the same time. A search window will appear in the middle of the screen. Enter the code in it:

  • regedit

No dots or spaces. Hit Enter.

The registry window will immediately load. Be careful not to delete required files... First go to the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER” folder, then select the “Software” subfolder.

Optimizing the graphics card

This is one of the most important points for the normal operation of games. Video cards are immediately built-in, that is, integrated, and there are discrete ones. The latter are different high performance and are intended for games and graphics editors. The former can reproduce average games with a stretch.

You need to switch the main processes to a discrete graphics card. To do this, open the control panel via Start and enter the name of the video card in the search box. You might have a manufacturer NVIDIA or AMD.

As soon as you launch the special control panel for the video card, you need to go to the section “Adjusting image settings with preview”. Here, using the slider, you can choose between two parameters: performance and image quality. If your games are slow to start, then it is better to sacrifice quality and completely prioritize performance.

In the second tab “Manage 3D parameters” go to “Global parameters” and set the “High-performance NVIDIA processor” item for all values.

Nearby is another tab “ Software settings”. Here you can separately select your game from the list and set the value of the video card for it. All games must run on a discrete map.

In the third tab, set auto-selection, since the control panel copes well with this itself.

Cleaning up processes

Another important point that greatly affects the game process: the number of running tasks. You can open the Task Manager by simultaneously holding down cTRL keys + SHIFT + ESC.

In the "Processes" tab, cancel all tasks that you are not currently using, this is very effective for freeing up RAM that games need so badly.

Adjusting graphics settings in the game

It is quite obvious that old computer will not be able to run newest game with beautiful textures. You need to lower your graphics settings to avoid processing unnecessary processes.

You should go into the game and find the general graphics settings. Select the “low” parameter. Disable the rendering of shadows, fog. Set the quality of parts to the lowest too.

Many users are optimizing their computer primarily for a more comfortable immersion in computer games. After all, when it comes to work, optimizing your system can only contribute to your convenience and comfort, and Windows 10 is no exception. Your result often depends on the acceleration and smoothness of the game.

Optimizing Windows 10: How to Speed \u200b\u200bUp Games

If you are looking to optimize your system and hardware for gaming, then it’s helpful to note that optimization in solo and online games is quite different.

Improving the installation speed of games

But before playing the game, you need to install it. The installation speed of games depends on the following factors:

  • Optimization hard disk - you should defragment the hard disk in time and make sure that there are no errors in its operation. If you have SSD disk, and not HDD, then the installation will be made even faster, but due to the high cost of such disks, it is better to leave space on your SSD for the things you really need.

    The speed of installing games also depends on your disk

  • No viruses - keep your system safe. Malicious software can significantly increase the installation time of games.

    Monitor the security of your computer so that viruses do not slow down its work

  • The amount of disk space - if you keep track of the timely deletion of temporary files, and also do not keep on disk unused programs, this will have a positive effect on the installation speed.

    Make sure there is enough free space on each of your storage devices

  • Clean startup - the fewer processes running on the system without your knowledge, the better and faster the game installation will take place.

    Disable unnecessary applications at startup

  • Use of licensed games - illegal games are often heavily packaged and even if they do not contain malicious content, their installation will take longer. Installing a license, especially in digital form, will happen much faster and depends more on your Internet speed than on system resources.

    Use legal copies of games for faster installation

As a result, if your system and hDD will be in good condition, installing games will not take that long.

Increase computer performance

In addition to optimizing the games themselves, you can do some optimization of the system itself. Here, both tips from the previous section and a number of additional recommendations... Your computer's gaming performance depends on the following:

  • Hardware - buying new hardware is the most obvious and most efficient way improve gaming performance. The graphics card, RAM and processor are most important, but the installation location is also important for smooth online gaming with a large number of players. Installing an online game on an SSD will significantly increase the frame rate, especially in massive battles.

    New equipment is the best but expensive solution

  • System load - in addition to the tips for cleaning the system, which have already been said, you should also disable unnecessary system services... Even if they have a minimal impact on overall performance, they collectively have a significant impact on game frame rates anyway.

    Disable unnecessary system services to improve the performance of games

  • Installed drivers - keep an eye on the drivers for your hardware, especially drivers for video cards. In fresh versions, they can optimize exactly the game you are playing and this will provide you with a significant increase in performance in it. But be sure to read user reviews on drivers, sometimes installation fresh drivers may have the opposite effect of the desired effect if the developers made mistakes when creating them.

    Stay tuned for updated hardware drivers

Optimizing frame rates in solo toys

All of the above can apply to both single-player games and online projects. And you can also advise to turn off all unused processes during the game, so that resources are properly allocated. In addition, a competent game setup can help a lot. Let's see what options can be configured in the game to significantly increase the frame rate, but not lose too much in image quality:

  • Parallax mapping - this effect is necessary to create an illusion three-dimensional image when looking at textures. If you don't look specifically, the result from it will not be too noticeable, which means you can enable this option to reduce the load on the system.

    Volumetric texture effect

  • Anti-Aliasing - This setting has a huge performance impact. However, disabling it can significantly reduce picture quality. Therefore, it is best to experiment with the modes of this setting. The most modern regime - SSAA is very demanding. MSAA blurs the image somewhat, but has almost no negative effect on frame rates. FXAA is a compromise solution, as an anti-aliasing mode, which does not require too many resources, but makes the picture look nicer.

    With anti-aliasing disabled, pixels are visible on the edges of objects

  • Tessellation - if this option is enabled, many objects will appear more detailed. In fact, it is so. Tessellation allows you to change an already created model, increasing its elaboration. At the same time, it exerts very large loads on the system. Overall, you should look at a game with this option enabled and disabled and decide how much of the performance impact of this setting is worth the changes it makes.

    This effect adds detail to the environment models.

  • Vertical Sync - When enabled, this option will significantly reduce the frame rate. Depends on whether the frame rate will drop when the option is enabled depending on the frequency of your monitor. It is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of horizontal stripes on the screen, which are graphic artifacts when changing frames. If you want to get more FPS from the game, turn off Vsync.

    Enabling it will eliminate tearing in the image, but will lower the frame rate

  • Post-processing - effects that are applied on top of the game. These are mainly lighting and shadow effects that make the image more saturated. But they always have a significant impact on the hardware requirement of a game.

    This section includes many lighting and color grading settings.

  • Bloom - A glowing effect, most often used for highlights on objects or lighting behind objects. Disabling it will not make the picture worse, and in some situations you will even see it more clearly.

    This effect creates a glow around the edges of objects.

  • Motion Blur - the effect of "blurring" the screen when the camera moves, which should make the action more dynamic. Unfortunately, in many games it interferes rather than helps the game. It won't have a big impact on performance, but at low frame rates, this effect will look very bad.

    When enabled, this setting provides motion blur when the camera moves.

Optimizing ping and frame rate in online games

Online games have their own specifics of settings, although many of the things mentioned above are also relevant. It is worth considering that the following parameters greatly affect the performance of multiplayer games:

  • Draw range - in online games with a large number of characters, do not overestimate the range of the world. Most players will need about 30% of the maximum value.

    Reduce this value to increase the frame rate

  • The number of detailed players - reduce this value if it is present in the settings. Usually it depends on how many players you will be displayed in full. Manipulating this setting can give a big performance boost in cities and public events.

    Adjust detail to avoid frame rate drops in crowded areas

  • Character shadows - If the game will display shadows for each character, this will greatly affect the frame rate. Set the shadow display only for yourself and objects, and do not overestimate the shadow display range.

    If possible, turn off other players' shadows

In addition to setting the correct settings, it is worth considering the heavy load of online games on a hard or solid state drive. The frame rate in the game also depends on the speed of its work.

And also in online games there is such a thing as ping.

Ping is the delay in the signal from your computer to the game server. The lower this value, the faster the game will react to your actions. A high ping, on the other hand, will lead to inconvenience during the game due to the late reaction of the game server to what is happening.

You can reduce ping by selecting a server located in your region. But, of course, such a solution is not always possible. Then, a little registry change can help. Like any registry change, it is an advanced user configuration. You make all changes to the registry at your own peril and risk, be careful. So, we do the following:

  1. Open the "Run" window by pressing Win + R.
  2. We enter the regedit command.
  3. In the registry editor, follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Servic es \\ Tcpip \\ Parameters \\ Interfaces \\ (NIC-id).
  4. Find the TcpAckFrequency parameter and set its value equal to one.

These simple steps will remove the latency after the computer accepts packets and, as a result, will reduce your ping in some games. And also you can just download the fix, which will make all the necessary changes automatically. You can download it from this link:

Programs for speeding up games and optimizing Windows

Soon, Windows 10 will have a game mode that will redistribute processes so that games receive more computer resources. But while it is not there, there are many third-party programs that do about the same - free up RAM, allocate resources and make sure that the games run better. Let's consider some of them.

Game buster

One of the most popular utilities in this area. She is capable of:

  • Monitor OS settings for running specific games and change them dynamically. It is because of this that the main frame rate increase occurs.
  • Defragment the places where the games are installed, separately from the rest of the disk.
  • Monitor vulnerabilities in the system.
  • Carry out "Acceleration" of the system, freeing up resources for games.

One of the most effective programs in its field

While installing this utility won't do wonders, it will help you get the most out of your device by getting a stable frame rate.

Another good program. In fact, it works in much the same way as the previous one. According to the developers, we can expect a good increase in games. From what I would like to note:

  • The program allows you to track the load on your system resources during the game.
  • A running game increases priority over all other processes on the computer, except for those that are necessary for stable operation.
  • It is possible to optimize Windows before launching the game, which can also help.

The program has a special "game mode"

Video: How to tune and optimize Windows 10

Carrying out detailed setting games and up-to-date drivers for your devices can already give good performance results for most games. If that's not enough, you can use optimization programs. Thus, you will reasonably increase the frame rate in your games.

Many programs require excellent computer performance. This is especially true for games. But due to the incorrect operation of the Windows system and its low optimization, crashes and slowdowns often occur in games. With enough powerful characteristics the computer, the system does not allow to display games correctly, and the lack of RAM interferes with the game process. But, there are tons of ways to solve this problem and increase PC performance.

Why games slow down

There are two types of reasons for slowing down games: software and hardware. Hardware is simple: computer performance is important for running games. Many modern games are not suitable for older processors or require more RAM. The characteristics of the video card (often network) affect the speed of video information exchange. You can check the performance in the task manager, where the CPU and memory load are displayed.

If the CPU utilization is more than 90%, it is clear that resources are insufficient for correct work... The photo shows a diagram of the system operation in idle time. When loaded, the history window will have completely different values.

When running games on laptops, the user may encounter a different hardware feature. Errors and slowdowns in games may indicate a low laptop battery. The system saves energy in hardware for continuous operation, so it does not allocate adequate memory for running games. This feature is often found on DELL notebooks. To keep the system operating at its maximum, it is worth connecting the laptop to the power supply.

Another interesting reason associated with hardware failures is poor cooling of the video card or processor. A broken cooler can damage the processor after overheating, which is much more serious than, for example, cluttering the system with unnecessary files. It is also worth paying attention to the dustiness of the inside of the computer: over time, a very large amount of dust adheres to the boards, which interferes with the operation of the current parts.

With the programmatic type of reasons, everything is more complicated. This is a whole complex of problem sectors of a computer, on which performance depends.

Factors affecting the performance of a computer or laptop

  • incompatibility software computer, programs, games, operating system with PC accessories;
  • presence of extraneous, unnecessary files;
  • broken cooler or poor heat dissipation from the central parts of the computer;
  • in many cases, the reason is a conflict between programs: the installation of two antiviruses at the same time or incompatible drivers confirms this.
  • errors in setting up the operating system and / or improper use of it;
  • disruption of the BIOS;
  • malware infection;

However, at the software level, there are many ways to solve performance problems. In general, the combination of these techniques is called optimization.

How to optimize your Windows PC

How tweaking the registry can help improve performance

As you know, the computer registry is a global database containing various data on the operation of the system and the computer in general. Such a global database reflects the parameters and settings of individual applications. Everything is based on how the data is structured and presented in the registry. Crash and system errors primarily start with registry data errors. Therefore, it is important to know the methods of correctly working with data, editing and optimizing the PC registry.

The most in a simple way entering the computer's registry is to use the command line. Open the command line with the Win + R key combination, then write the regedit command. Thus, the user opens the Registry Editor window.

The sequence for cleaning the registry is as follows:

  • open the registry editor;
  • follow the link HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion;
  • remove unnecessary programs;
  • the same thing should be repeated with another registry branch;
  • attention should be paid to the fact that when you disable any program in startup, it is quite possible to disable the antivirus.

How to speed up work by defragmenting and cleaning your hard drive

The most common way to optimize an operating system is to remove unnecessary files from your hard drive. These can be copies, reports of active programs, temporary files, browser cache, etc.

To clean the disk from temporary and unused files, the standard Windows Disk Cleanup tool is also used. Click "Start" -\u003e "All Programs" -\u003e "Standard" -\u003e "Utilities". Then we launch the program. We select the disk we need, remove / put pointers in front of exactly those categories of files that need to be cleaned (deleted), proceed to cleaning it.

Another convenient way overclocking your computer and system is defragmenting your hard drive. This procedure makes it possible to increase the speed of access to files and, as a consequence, increase the speed of the system. In the end, it all depends on the level of disk fragmentation: if it is high, the performance increases significantly.

The program for defragmentation is located: Start-\u003e All Programs-\u003e Accessories-\u003e System Tools. And then we select "disk defragmentation". We indicate desired disk for defragmentation. In addition, the program analyzes the disk and can prompt the user if defragmentation is needed at the moment. And at will, the user sets the schedule according to which this procedure will be performed.

Cleaning and freeing up RAM

You can unload and clear RAM different ways... In a broad sense, unloading RAM and increasing system performance is called optimization.

Closing unnecessary programs and applications

The first step to unload RAM will be the completion of all unnecessary programs running on the computer.

The task manager displays programs that are in progress. By "removing tasks" you can unload the RAM, which will give more performance to the computer. This is especially true for applications that run constantly in the background.

Cleanup startup

No need to clean up startup special programs and funds. AT command line) we enter the command MSCONFIG. So, we will run the system configuration. Go to the "Startup" item. It is not easy to understand the list of programs that appears. And disabling one of the programs can lead to serious consequences. In particular, to system malfunction or failure.

Restarting Windows Explorer

The explorer.exe process is responsible for everything that the user observes on the screen: the desktop, program images, etc. With a small amount of RAM, this process freezes, and the images behave strangely. In this case, it needs to be restarted.

To close the process, hold down the Ctrl + Shift keys and click right click mouse over the free space in the Start menu. Then select "Exit Explorer". This will close the explorer.exe process.

To re-enable it (and it may start automatically), you need to open the Task Manager menu again, create a new task in the File panel, and enter the name of the process.

explorer.exe will be restarted.

Removing malware to improve performance

Malware activity on a computer can affect its performance. Because The virus also takes up a fraction of the RAM, it interferes with the work of other applications, and sometimes blocks them altogether.

Using a multilevel antivirus with updated databases will solve this problem, preventing a harmful effect on the RAM.

Optimizing visual effects

The system interface includes many visual effects that serve to create presentability, uniqueness and, in a sense, style appearance systems. However, such effects on performance have negative influencesince occupy a large amount of RAM. And many of the effects are subtle, so they are completely unnecessary.

In order to optimize the visual effects, you should open the "Explorer", then select the "Advanced system parameters" item. In the "Performance" tab, select "Parameters". Now the user has a menu open where he can control the work of visual effects.

How to set up your BIOS to overclock your computer and improve its performance

You can optimize the system operation process by adjusting some parameters in the BIOS. This should be done carefully so as not to contribute to any software errors.

When setting up consistency with the processor, you must enable the following parameters:

  • CPU Level 1 Cache;
  • CPU Level 2 Cache;
  • CPU Level 2 Cache ECC Check;
  • Boot Up System Speed;
  • Cache Timing Control;

All these parameters determine the level of system performance, the speed of the processor and information processing, the stability of the processor.

You can adjust the operation of the RAM using the parameters:

  • DRAM Frequency;
  • SDRAM Cycle Length;
  • RAS-to-CAS Delay;
  • SDRAM RAS Precharge Time;
  • FSB / SDRAM / PCI Freq;
  • Memory Hole At 15-16M;
  • Optimization Method;

These parameters change the speed of recharging the memory cells, the total speed of data exchange with the RAM, the bus frequency, the number of clock cycles, and so on.

It should be noted that making changes to bIOS settings may adversely affect the operation of the system.

Setting up the swap file

The paging file is virtual memory, which increases the physical RAM of the computer.

You can configure the paging file and clear the computer's RAM by following a simple algorithm:

In the "System" tab of the Control Panel, we find and select the "Additional system parameters" item. Further, in the "System Properties" select "Parameters" in the "Performance" tab.

In the performance parameters, we are interested in the settings in the "Advanced" field. Here we set an item that does not provide for a swap file, we confirm. But when returning to the system, you should do the same algorithm, only to return the previously set settings.

You can clear virtual memory differently, using the Group Policy Editor window.

Select "Security Options" -\u003e "Local Policies" and select the folder with the same name.

We call the properties, select the "Local security option" and confirm.

Video: how to clear the computer's RAM

Setting up the graphics card

I will tell you about setting up a video card as a way to optimize a computer using the example of setting up an NVIDIA card.

Video: How to Increase NVIDIA GPU Performance for Gaming

The first step is to install the card drivers. After installation, you can start configuring the parameters.

By right-clicking on the desktop, we open a pop-up window in which we select the NVIDIA control panel. We are interested in the 3D parameter. We carry out the setting according to the 3D application. And further:

  • turn on all GPUs;
  • turn off vertical sync;
  • choose an adaptive power management mode;
  • turn off triple buffering;
  • we set up texture filtering for the highest performance;
  • turn off anisotropic filtering;
  • turn off scalable textures.

These basic parameters are enough for the correct operation of applications and launching games. But depending on the drivers and the video card model, some parameters may not be available in the settings. These settings can increase the rate of frames per second up to 30%, but they do not guarantee a 100% result.

Computer hardware acceleration

If the operation of the computer's video card is difficult (incorrect image, lag, spontaneous disabling of visual effects), use hardware acceleration computer.

Hardware acceleration in a broad sense is the offloading of the central processor using hardware for separate task execution, i.e. distribution of work across several hardware modules. For example, processing video files of various formats takes up most of the computer's RAM, and in order to unload cPU, a hardware accelerator module is used.

The correct operation of hardware accelerators is to install required drivers on computer. In general, the entire work of hardware accelerators is based on supporting software and a whole database of drivers in the operating system. The graphical interface, visual effects require hardware acceleration, like many graphics engines of modern games and video editors.

How hardware acceleration is enabled

In the operating room windows system 7 hardware acceleration is enabled like this:

  • a special driver is installed (in most cases);
  • right-click on the Desktop -\u003e "Personalization" -\u003e in the "Screen" column, select the parameter settings, additional parameters. Next, we change the parameters in the "Diagnostics" tab. This tab will contain the adjustment of the hardware acceleration mode:
  • Setting up video cards of individual companies in specialized programs (in the section on hardware acceleration and video conversion):

You can turn off hardware acceleration by following the instructions above, but moving the slider to the other side. Hardware acceleration is often not available. The PC does not support hardware acceleration. the device driver is not installed correctly or is not designed to work at all.

Video: How to enable and disable hardware acceleration?

Installing and using optimization programs

Razer Game Booster

The program is designed to improve computer performance, simplify the gameplay, and optimize the overall operating system. On the background similar programs shows good results in terms of quality and efficiency. It does not harm the system and file databases. However, it performs a comprehensive cleaning and optimization of RAM and registry. The program contains the functions of capturing screenshots and recording video of the gameplay, as well as implemented backup files in the selected cloud storage... Recommended by many gamers and professionals.


Ccleaner is a simple and extremely effective system cleaning and optimization program. One of the most best programs in terms of reliability and breadth of use profile. It has many advantages: quick start / operation, high-quality search and removal of temporary and unnecessary system files, as well as fixing registry errors are quite effective. There is also a paid and free version. However, in free version loss in functionality is minimal.


The app makes changes to file system registry, optimizing computer performance. Automatically sets all the necessary registry settings.

Video: how to use the GAME GAIN program

Advanced SystemCare

The program is a package of basic options for debugging, repairing, restoring and simply monitoring the system for any malfunctions. It is presented in two versions: paid and free. As a rule, the free version does not always work correctly, especially since it does not include all the system protection components provided by IObit. The free version update fails on many computers or is not performed at all. However, in terms of functionality and form of execution in the interface, the program differs sharply from all others for the better. Therefore, if the user is seriously interested in increasing productivity, it is worth using Advanced SystemCare.

Easy Cleaner

Free program for stable system operation. Her main tool is cleaning windows registry... But besides this, the program performs a wide range of optimization tasks. In practice, Easy Cleaner is a good tool that every PC user would find useful. But the program does not always work correctly. Failures often occur when deleting files (after searching for them), the program hangs in the process of its work. There are negative reviews and low ratings on the forums.

Red Button

Initially, the program was conceived as an easy, straightforward solution to optimize the system for amateur users. All you have to do is press the big red button. The result will come out by itself. This is the simplicity of the program.

Recent versions of Red Button have recently been paid. There are analogs of the program, the prices for which are now as high as possible. According to reviews, the program is not very reliable, and there is nothing unusual in its work. Red Button is the easiest common system optimization and cleaning tool.

What should I do to make sure the games don't slow down?

In order not to face problems of poor performance, you need to monitor carefully system optimization. And it is worth doing it regardless of what kind of activity you do on a PC. The rules for cleaning and preventing cluttering of RAM and hard disk will ensure the correct and efficient operation of your computer.

In order to maintain a sufficient level of performance, you must heed the advice of experts on optimizing your computer and operating system. This is especially true for fans of online games that require maximum processor power and constant exchange of network and video traffic.

In the section on the question of how to speed up the installation process of the game asked by the author Neuropathologist the best answer is Set the priority in the task manager.

Answer from Dmitry Petrovichev[newbie]
You can speed it up. 1.Put the torrent ratings 5 \u200b\u200bstars. 2. Press the right mouse button on the torrent to select the speed priority for high and forced. Should help

Answer from Mansion[newbie]

Answer from Sweep[newbie]
i believe that no is impossible, since it all depends on how much the game weighs, the only thing that can be done is to close all applications)

Answer from Arkasha2007 kushnarenko[newbie]
if you need to sleep, then just leave the computer turned on and sleep and the author will download it already, it will be downloaded from GTA 5

Answer from Irina Bobrova[newbie]
the answer always works sit and wait for the acceleration to load

Answer from Ѐizvan Yakubov[newbie]
If you need to go to sleep, put the computer on sleep mode, and turn it on tomorrow. Will continue in the same place!

Answer from Artem Lisitsyn[guru]
Disable the antivirus.

Answer from Pavel Onoprienko[guru]
If you download it from a torrent tomorrow. Turn off the program and then turn off the computer and go to bed. Tomorrow you will turn on the computer and enter the Internet and the uTorrent program will start downloading itself. But if you are not downloading through this program, then you are out of luck. We'll have to wait for the resume without interruption. But there is no acceleration.

Answer from Jackie chan[guru]
Close all unnecessary applications (you have few operatives and low-performance percentages)