Presentation on physics on the topic "development of communications. Modern means of communication in the Russian army Presentation on the topic modern means of communication

“The Russian army should be fully equipped with modern digital communications in the next two years” D.A. Medvedev, 05/25/2010.

The head of state set three priority tasks for

Ministry of Defense:

until 2012 to replace in the Armed Forces

outdated analogue communications with digital ones

at command posts and in the field.

stimulate development and production in Russia

the latest telecommunications equipment and


development of communication subsystems in the public sphere

security and law enforcement, which could actually reduce the number of crimes.


Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) ) - Russian system navigation, developed by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. One of two global satellite navigation systems operating today.

GLONASS is designed for operational navigation and time support for an unlimited number of land, sea, air and space-based users. Access to civilian GLONASS signals anywhere in the world, on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, is provided to Russian and foreign consumers free of charge and without restrictions.

Second generation GLONASS satellite

The developer and manufacturer of the satellites is JSC ISS named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev, Zheleznogorsk. Krasnoyarsk region.

The GLONASS system determines the location of an object with an accuracy of 4.5 m, but at the beginning of 2012 the accuracy will be increased from 4.5 meters to 2.5-2.8 meters. And after the two signal correction satellites of the Luch system are put into operation, the accuracy of the GLONASS navigation signal will increase to one meter. (Previously, the system determined the location of an object only with an accuracy of 50 m.

Army in 3D

In a training battle, a reconnaissance motorized rifle unit must obtain as much information as possible per unit of time.

You need to take everything into account: the location of the enemy, the features of the terrain, the presence of ditches, hollows, communications. Visual observation is not enough here; aerial reconnaissance carried out by an unmanned aerial vehicle will be a good addition.

All information received about the situation on the battlefield is displayed on a special interactive electronic map.

It allows you to observe the full picture of the battle. One could only dream of such possibilities when using ordinary paper maps. According to Anton Apanasenko, who acts as commander of the reconnaissance battalion, published on the Vesti website, previously a lot of time was spent on constructing various graphs, constructing pictures of the terrain used to determine the visibility zones of objects. When using an electronic card, all this information is updated in a few mouse clicks every second.

Development of the military electronic cards The 38th central aerial phototopographic detachment, located in Noginsk near Moscow, is engaged in this task. A huge number of satellite images are collected here, after which they are linked to the area in the coordinate system. Maps are drawn up based on photographs. Detachment commander Alexey Anisov notes that the unit uses equipment and software only Russian production, directly used in the process of creating topographic maps in in electronic format. IN this moment For this purpose, digital versions of space aerial photographs are used.

Development of modern means of communication

Communication means - technical and software, used for generating, receiving, processing, storing, transmitting, delivering telecommunication messages or postal items, as well as other hardware and software used in the provision of communication services or ensuring the functioning of communication networks.

types of communications Wired (telephone, telegraph, etc.) Wireless, which, in turn, are divided into: radio (omnidirectional, narrow-directional, cellular and other radio systems), radio relay and space (satellite) devices, systems and complexes.

Communication means. The first is the emergence of oral speech. Scientists have identified five powerful impulses that accelerated the development of humanity that culture received during its existence:

The second is the invention of writing, which allowed a person to communicate with other people who are not in direct contact with him.

The third is the emergence and spread of printing.

The fourth is the emergence of electronic media, which provided everyone with the opportunity to become a direct witness and participant in the historical and cultural process taking place throughout the world. Radio Television

Fifth, according to many experts, is the emergence and development of the Internet as a new means of communication, which has provided ample opportunities in forms and methods of receiving and transmitting information, as well as performing many other functions.

Stages of development of communications. Creation of an optical telegraph - a device for transmitting information over long distances using light signals. This system was invented by the Frenchman Claude Chappe.

Communication by wire. The first electric telegraph was created in 1837 by English inventors: William Cook Charles Whetsone

Late model of the Cook and Whetstone telegraph. The signals activated arrows on the receiver, which pointed to different letters and thus conveyed a message.

Morse code In 1843, the American artist Samuel Morse invented a new telegraph code that replaced the Cook and Whetstone code. He developed dots and dashes for each letter.

And Charles Whetstone created a system in which the operator, using Morse code, typed messages on a long paper tape that entered the telegraph machine. At the other end of the line, the recorder was typing the received message onto another paper tape. Subsequently, the recorder was replaced by a signaling device, which converted dots and dashes into long and short sounds. Operators listened to the messages and recorded their translations.

Invention of the first telephone. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) together with Thomas Watson (1854 - 1934) designed a device consisting of a transmitter (microphone) and a receiver (speaker). The microphone and speaker were designed in the same way. In the microphone, the voice of the speaker caused the membrane to vibrate, causing vibrations electric current. In the dynamics, current was applied to the membrane, causing it to vibrate and reproduce the sounds of the human voice. The first telephone conversation took place on March 10, 1876.

Invention of radio. The creator of the radio was Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859-1906). On May 7, 1895, Popov demonstrated the radio receiver he had invented at a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society. A type of wireless communication in which radio waves, freely propagating in space, are used as a signal carrier.

Satellite connection. Satellites are unmanned spacecraft flying in orbit around the Earth. They can transmit telephone conversations and television signals anywhere in the world. They also transmit weather and navigation information. In 1957, Sputnik 1 was launched in the USSR - the first in the world. artificial satellite Earth.

In 1960, the Courier and Echo satellites were launched in the United States. They broadcast the first telephone conversations between the US and Europe. In 1962, Telstar, the first television satellite, entered orbit in the United States.

Fiber-optic communication lines. Fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) are currently considered the most advanced physical medium for transmitting information. Data transmission in optical fiber is based on the effect of total internal reflection. Thus, the optical signal transmitted by the laser on one side is received on the other, much distant side. Today, a huge number of backbone fiber optic rings, intracity and even intraoffice, have been built and are being built.

Laser communication system A rather interesting solution for high-quality and fast network communication was developed by the German company Laser2000. The two presented models look like the most ordinary video cameras and are designed for communication between offices, within offices and along corridors. Simply put, instead of laying an optical cable, you just need to install the inventions from Laser2000. However, in fact, these are not video cameras, but two transmitters that communicate with each other via laser radiation. Let us recall that a laser, unlike ordinary light, for example, lamp light, is characterized by monochromaticity and coherence, that is, laser beams always have the same wavelength and are slightly scattered.

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Presentation on the topic: Means of communication

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Answer the questions What is an infrastructure complex called? What does the infrastructure complex have in common? What sectors are included in the infrastructure complex? What is the difference between the production and non-production spheres of the complex? To which area of ​​the complex can the topic of our lesson be attributed?

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Postal communication In the old days in Russia, communication between the capital and peripheral cities, as well as between troops participating in hostilities, was carried out with the help of special riders. This method was improved by the Tatars, creating them on roads at a distance of 30 - 40 km. special stations (“pits”) where coachmen could rest and change horses. In the 17th century, Moscow was connected by such “pits” with Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Arkhangelsk and Nizhny Novgorod. The first regular post office for sending government papers and letters from merchants was established in 1666. Under Peter I, maximum terms(norms) for the delivery of correspondence. Under Catherine II, a unique tax was introduced on letters and parcels depending on the weight and distance of their transportation. In the 19th century, postal institutions were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior. The main function of mail was to send simple and registered letters, postcards (introduced in 1872) and parcels. Money, including copper, silver and gold coins, could be sent in small quantities in special packages and leather bags. They, like valuable parcels, were insured. Since 1897, they began to accept postal and then telegraphic Money transfers. The post office also took upon itself the delivery of periodicals, charging for this, depending on the frequency of publication of newspapers or magazines, from 6 to 18% total cost subscriptions. The dynamic development of postal services is evidenced by the following data. If in 1897 In Russia there were only 2.1 thousand postal and telegraph institutions, but in 1913 their number increased to 11 thousand, and the total length of postal routes increased to 261 thousand km.

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Telephone communications The telephone first appeared in Russia in 1880. Initially, the government planned to establish a state monopoly on telephone communications. However, due to the high cost of construction and operation telephone exchanges private capital began to be attracted to their creation. According to the concluded contracts, telephone exchanges and lines built at the expense of private companies became state property after 20 years of operation. By the beginning of the 20th century, 77 state and 11 private telephone exchanges operated in Russia. Telephone fees in the public sector were two times lower than in the private sector. In total, in 1913, 300 thousand telephone sets were installed in Russian cities.

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Features of telephone communications The main indicator of the development of the public telecommunication services market is telephone density (TD), that is, the number of telephones per 100 inhabitants, which directly correlates with GDP per capita. According to official statistics, at the end of the 90s, the telephone park in Russia consisted of more than 31 million devices, that is, there were 21 phones per 100 Russians, while for the same number of residents of the USA and Western European countries there were from 60 to 70 phones . In Russia at the beginning of the third millennium, 54 thousand settlements were not provided with telephones, there were six million waiting lists and about 50 million potential telephone owners. Tariffs for local telephone communications for the population were lower than the actual cost

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Radio and television communications At the end of the 19th century, radio communications appeared - the wireless transmission of electrical signals over long distances using radio waves (electromagnetic waves with a frequency in the range of 105-1012 Hz). Later, powerful transmitters and sensitive receivers appeared, their sizes decreased and their parameters improved. Significant achievements in the development of communications were the inventions of the phototelegraph and television communications. Video signals are transmitted using these means of communication. To implement television communications, you already need two transmitters: one for audio, the other for video signals. The next step in improving television communications was the invention of color television.

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Telegraph communication The first telegraph line appeared in Russia in 1835. It connected St. Petersburg with Kronstadt and was intended for the needs of the military department. Four years later, construction of the second line was completed, which connected the northern capital with Warsaw. Since the mid-50s, where railways were being built, the German company Siemens laid a telegraph equipped with new electromagnetic technology. By the beginning of the 20th century, the length of state telegraph lines amounted to 127 thousand miles. By that time, underwater telegraph cables had been laid connecting Russia with Denmark and Sweden. Russian telegraph lines were connected to telegraph lines in China and Japan. If in 1897 14 million internal telegrams were sent, then in 1912 there were already over 36 million.

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Telegram is a message sent via telegraph, one of the first types of communication using electrical transmission of information. Telegrams are usually transmitted over wires using Morse code. Telegrams are printed on paper tape, which is then pasted onto a sheet of paper for ease of reading. Telegraph (from the Greek tele - “far” + grapho - “I write”) - in the modern sense - a means for transmitting a signal through wires or other telecommunication channels.

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Satellite communications Satellite communications is one of the types of radio communications based on the use of artificial earth satellites as repeaters. Satellite communication is carried out between earth stations, which can be either stationary or mobile. Network subscribers in the regions will receive satellite channel communications the following services: fax, telephone, Internet, radio and television programs.

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What is communication and means of communication? Communication is the most important link in the country’s economic system, a way of communicating between people, satisfying their production, spiritual, cultural and social needs. Communication means - technical and software devices, used for generation, reception, processing, storage, transmission, delivery of telecommunication messages or postal items, as well as other hardware and software used in the provision of communication services or ensuring the functioning of communication networks.

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Types of communication. Wireless Wireless connection is the transmission of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or “wires.” Wired Wired communication is communication in which messages are transmitted over wires using electrical signals; type of telecommunication

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Main directions of development of communications. Radio communication Telephone communication Television communication cellular Internet Space communications Phototelegraph (Fax) Videotelephone communications Telegraph communications

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Stages of development of communications. Creation of an optical telegraph. Optical telegraph is a device for transmitting information over long distances using light signals. Invented by the Frenchman Claude Chappe.

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The first electric telegraph was created in 1837 by English inventors William Cook and Charles Whitson.

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Morse code. Samuel Finley Breeze Morse is an American inventor and artist. The most famous inventions are the electromagnetic writing telegraph and Morse code. He developed dots and dashes for each letter.

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Invention of radio. Scheme and appearance radio receiver A.S. Popov, made by himself. The relay was triggered, the bell was turned on, and the coherer received a “light shake,” the adhesion between the metal filings weakened, and they were ready to receive the next signal. At first, radio communication was established at a distance of 250 m. Working tirelessly on his invention , Popov soon achieved a communication range of more than 600 m. Then, at the maneuvers of the Black Sea Fleet in 1899. the scientist established radio communication at a distance of over 20 km, and in 1901. The radio communication range was already 150 km. The new transmitter design played an important role in this.

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Satellite connection. Satellites are unmanned spacecraft flying in orbit around the Earth. They can transmit telephone conversations and television signals anywhere in the world. They also transmit weather and navigation information. In 1957, the USSR launched Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial Earth satellite.

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Fiber-optic communication lines Fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) are currently considered the most advanced physical medium for transmitting information. Data transmission in optical fiber is based on the effect of total internal reflection. Thus, the optical signal transmitted by the laser on one side is received on the other, much distant side. Today, a huge number of backbone fiber optic rings, intracity and even intraoffice, have been built and are being built. And this number will constantly grow.

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Laser communication system. A rather interesting solution for high-quality and fast network communication was developed by the German company Laser2000. The two presented models look like the most ordinary video cameras and are designed for communication between offices, within offices and along corridors. Simply put, instead of laying an optical cable, you just need to install the inventions from Laser2000. However, in fact, these are not video cameras, but two transmitters that communicate with each other via laser radiation. Let us recall that a laser, unlike ordinary light, for example, lamp light, is characterized by monochromaticity and coherence, that is, laser beams always have the same wavelength and are slightly scattered.

Telephone network The telephone network is the most common type of operational communication. Network subscribers can be: individuals, so legal - enterprises and organizations. It is used both for transmitting analog messages, as well as digital and text or graphic messages, so subscribers telephone network Not only people can appear, but also various hardware. The operating principle of the telephone network is based on transmission sound signal via electrical wires.

Satellite Communications Modern organizations are characterized by a large volume of various information, mainly electronic and telecommunications, that passes through them every day. Therefore, it is important to have high-quality output to switch nodes that provide access to all important communication lines. In Russia, where the distances between settlements huge, and the quality of land lines leaves much to be desired, the optimal solution to this issue is the use of systems satellite communications(CCS).

Modem - as a means of communication Rarely a serious business person, professional programmer or system operator can imagine full-fledged work without the use of such a powerful, efficient and convenient combination as the usual phone line, modem and computer network. While the first two components are just the technical side of a new organization of information exchange between users, a computer network is that global idea that unites disparate owners of computers and modems, systematizes and manages chaotically presented requirements and requests for fast information services, instant processing of commercial proposals , personal confidential correspondence services, etc. and so on.

Fiber optic communication lines Fiber optic communication lines are a type of communication in which information is transmitted through optical dielectric waveguides, known as optical fiber. The broadband of optical signals due to an extremely high carrier frequency. This means that optical line Communications can transmit information at a speed of about 1.1 Terabit/s. In other words, one fiber can transmit 10 million simultaneously telephone conversations and a million video signals

Television A modern inhabitant of the planet perceives a TV in his home as a household electrical appliance (akin to a refrigerator or washing machine), the function of which is to create a pleasant convenience for observing events taking place in the world, receiving transmissions from the nearest television center or relay satellite. However, after thinking a little, one cannot help but recognize television as an outstanding invention of the 20th century.