The radiotelephone system of Altai. Made in the USSR: Altai mobile phone Altai mobile phone 1960s

Altai (from the Turkic-Mongolian Altan - Golden), the mining system in Asia, in the south of Siberia and Central Asia, in Russia (the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Tyva, the Altai Territory), Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China. Extracted with latitude from 81 to 106 ° East longitude, in longitude - from 42 to 52 ° Northern latitude. It extends from the North-West to the southeast of more than 2000 km. It consists of high-altitude (the highest point is the Beluha Mountain, 4506 m) and the medium-road ridges and the separating them of the intermountable kitelin. In the north and northwest, it borders from the West Siberian Plain, in the northeast - with Western Sayan and the mountains of South Tuva, in the east - with the valley of large lakes, in the south-east - with the desert Gobi, in the south - with the Dzungar Plain, in the West The Valley of the Irtysh River is separated from the Kazakh Melkosopechnik. Altai is a watershed between the Northern Ocean Pool and the Best Region of Central Asia. Orographically allocate Gobi Altai, Mongolian Altai and Altai actually, or Russian Altai. The latter is often identified with the concept of "Altai" and is part of the subskurid mountain country in Southern Siberia Mountain, forming the Western ending with a length of latitude over 400 km, from north to south - about 300 km (see map).

Relief . The relief of the Russian Altai was formed as a result of the long-term effects of exogenous processes on a growing raising and is characterized by a large variety of forms. Most of the ridges of the northwestern or subshir strike form a fan, consisting in the west direction. The exclusion is the ridges of the northern submeridional orientation and the southern periphery. A number of extensive flatbed (dock and others) are distinguished, Nagrai (Chulyshmanskoye, etc.) and mountain ranges (mongun-taiga, etc.), as well as large intertwine kotlovin, occupied by the steppes (Chui, Kurayskaya, Uimon, Abay, Kanskaya, and others .). Alpine ridges and arrays are located mainly in the east and south-east. Above 4000 m ridges: Katunsky (height up to 4506 m), slyguhem (up to 3499 m), north-chuy (up to 4177 m). Significant in the height of the ridge: South Chuy (height up to 3936 m), South Altai (up to 3483 m), Chihachev (up to 4029 m), Tsagan-Shibeth (up to 3496 m) and Shapshalsky (up to 3608 m). A separate array of mongun-taiga is distinguished by a high relief (3970 m). The highlands is characterized by islean crests, steep (20-50 ° and more) slopes and wide bottoms of the valleys made by moraine or engaged glaciers. The rational-feloning slopes formed by the intensively flowing gravitational processes are widely developed. Relief ice mills are common: punogi, glacial circus, rogs, kallengi, moraine trees and ridges. The median and low-bearing ridges are mainly in the West and the North of Altai. Among them are most significant: Terektinsky (height up to 2926 m), Aigulaksky (up to 2752 m), IOLO (up to 2618 m), foliage (up to 2577 m), Narymsky (up to 2533 m) and Baschelaki (up to 2423 m) ridges. In the middle mountain, alpine features of the relief are fragmentary. Wide massive interfluve with flattened and plain vertices are predominant, where cryogenic processes are developed leading to the formation of churums and altiplanation. There are karst form relief. River valleys are often a narrow sharp gorge and canyons in a depth of 500-1000 meters. The peripheral lowland of Altai is characterized by a relatively small depth of dismembrance (up to 500 m) and gentle slopes. Valleys are wide, flat-bottom, with a well-pronounced terrace complex. Flat vertices survived fragments of ancient leveling surfaces. The bottoms of Kotlovin are occupied by inclined plain planes of proluavial origin and moraine amphitheraraths, which focusing the end of the trigger valleys. In the east of the Altai bottom, Kotlovin is complicated by thermocarbon forms.

Geological structure and minerals. Altai is located within the Paleozoic Altai-Sayan folded area of \u200b\u200bthe Ural-Okhotsk moving belt; It is a complexly constructed folded system formed by Precambrian and Paleozoic strata, intensively deployed in the Caledonian era of tectogenesis and the Hercinic era of tectogenesis. In the post -aleozoic time, the mining and folded structures were destroyed and turned into a denudation plain (Penenlen). According to the peculiarities of the geological structure and age of the final folding, the Caledonian Altai Caledonian Altai distinguish between the North-West (takes about 4/5 of the whole territory) and the Gearsinsky Rudny Altai in the south-west and south. The anticlinories of the Altai (Hzolian-Chuy, Talitsky, etc.) are mainly complicated by a flishoid terrigenous series of the Upper Cambrian - Lower Ords, overlapping Wend-Nizhnekhembreysky opticians, silicon-shale formations and presumably, Precambrian metamorphites, sitting on the surface. Called depressions and rabes (the largest - korgon) are made by Melassams of the Middle Ords - the lower silicon and the beginning of Devon. The deposits are broken by Latevonian granites. Within the limits of the ore altai possessing the Caledonian foundation, the breeds of the Vulcanocho-Bultonic Association of the Middle Devon - early carbon and late -aleozoic Granitoids are widespread. In the oligocene-quaternary time, Altai experienced a lift associated with the regional compression of the earth's crust caused by the rapprochement of the limiting lithospheric microplite (Dzhungarian, Tuvinian-Mongolian). The formation of a mountain structure occurred by the type of a large arch, which in the last stages of development was deformed by the system of gaps, as a result of which a series of block morphostructures was formed in the central and southern parts. Instrumental observations fix the vertical movement of the earth's crust, the speed of which reaches several centimeters per year. Raising occurs unevenly, accompanied by sugges, which causes asymmetry of the ridges.

Altai is one of the most seismic internal inginerate regions of the world. One of the largest seismic catastrophes (9-10 points) occurred in the high-altitude Kosh Agach region 27.9.2003. Known traces of ancient catastrophe (paleosexamodislocations).

The main wealth of the bowels of Altai is the deposits of noble metals and the crockeled lead-zinc-copper-barite ores (Korbalikhinskoye, Zyryanovskoye, etc.), forming the polymetallic belt of ore altai. At the Mountain Altai - mercury, gold, iron, tungsten-molybdenum ores. Frequently known deposits of the oscillation stones, marble. There are thermal mineral springs: Abakan Argen, Belokurikhinsky and others. Altai continental climate in the foothills, sharply continental in the inner and eastern parts, which is determined by the position in moderate latitudes and significant removal from the oceans. Winter is harsh and long (from 5 months in the foothills of up to 10 months in highlands), which contributes to the influence of the Asian anticyclone. The average January temperature is (in the foothills) from -15 to -20 ° C; In the northeast, somewhat higher and on the shores of Teletsk Lake reaches -9.2 ° C; In the basins, where the temperature inversion is common, it is reduced to -31.7 ° C. Fixed at least temperatures -60 ° C (in Chui steppe). The widespread development of multi-neuropuse breeds is associated with strong intake, the power of which is places up to several hundred meters. Summer is relatively short (up to 4 months), but warm. The average temperature of July ranges from 22 ° C (in the foothills) to 6 ° C in highlands; In the face and southern foothills, it is possible to rise to 35-40 ° C or more. For the middle mountain and lowland characteristic of 14-18 ° C. The smoke-free period at an altitude of up to 1000 meters does not exceed 90 days, above 2000 m is practically absent. The sediments are connected mainly with Western moisture-free threads and are distributed extremely unevenly in the territory and by seasons. Exposurely expressed exposure asymmetry, in which the viscosions of the ridges, especially Western periphery, receive significantly more precipitation than the internal basins. Thus, in the highlands of Katun and South Chui ridges per year to 2,000 mm of precipitation and more, while the Kurayaya and Chui steppes are one of the most arid places in Russia (up to 100 mm of precipitation per year). The moisture deficit in the basins is also explained by the seeming impact of the mountain-valley winds - Finov, especially in winter and autumn. The lowland and the middle house falls on average 700-900 mm of precipitation per year. Maximum precipitation falls for the summer. The thickness of the snow cover in the northern and western regions and in the highlands reaches 60-90 cm and more, in the hollows - less than 10 cm, and in low-snow years, the steady cover is practically not formed. In the mountains of Altai, there are more than 1,500 glaciers with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 910 km 2. Maximum distributed in Katuan, South and North-Chui ridges. The largest glaciers include Taldurinsky, Aktra (ACTURE) and Maasha (Masha), the length of which is 7-12 km.

Altai. River Katun.

Rivers and lakes. Altai is dismembered by a thick network (several tens of thousands of thousands) of mountain rivers, according to the supply regime related to the Altai type: feed on with thawed snow waters and summer rains; Different with long spring floors. Most of the rivers belong to the Obi basin, both of its source - Katun and Biya are located in Altai and are its main water arteries. Western spurs drained with the right lifestyles of the Irtysh River, among which the Country River is distinguished. The rivers of the north-eastern part of Altai (Abakan et al.) Have a flow to the Valley of the River Yenisei, southeast outskirts belong to the Tableless region of Central Asia. The total number of lakes in Altai over 7000, with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1000 km 2; The largest - Markakol and Teletsk Lake. Many small (usually 1-3 km 2 or less) The leisurels of the lakes often fill the picturesque deep-threatening valleys. In the north of Altai there are karst lakes.

Types of landscapes . Altai is well expressed high-rise lower landscapes. In the lower landscape belt - the steppes, in the north, mostly meadow, with the sections of the forest-steppe. In the south of the steppe form a wide belt, rising to the height of 1000 meters or more, and the places have the features of deserted, moving in semi-deserts. From the mountains of the mountains are common, hollows, hamsters, badger; From birds - steppe eagle, Copchik, Kestrel. Similar to the appearance of the steppes in the intergigurgy basins. There is an antilope dazenen, Mongolian brown, cat manhal, etc. In the steppe lowland, the leached and apodoline black windows are developed, in the basins - peculiar dry-ahead brown and dark-chestnut soils. A minor forest-steppe belt is associated with an exposure asymmetry of moisturizes and lighting, when larch (less often of birch, aspen or pine) grow on the northern slopes of lowland, and in the southern - meadow steppes. The forest belt in the mountains of Altai prevails. The mountain-caustic forests are dominated here: Darkness, so-called black taiga from fir, spruce and pines of Siberian cedar cedar (or "cedar"), and light-screw from larch and pine ordinary. Among the inhabitants of mountain forests are typical of the taped animals - a bear, lynx, columns, protein, cabg, maral, etc.; From birds - a deaf, a ripper, a cedigrovka, a dyatlah, Klezti. The black taiga on the rich humus of deep-proclaimy or brown forest soils is widespread in Western foothills and in the northeast. Filters are on the middle part of the mountainside, cedar taiga - to the upper parts. In the dark forests, the herbal tier makes up large and high-threatened types; The undergrowth is often absent or consists of imposed cover (mosses, lichen), to which shrub and shrub tiers are added. Larchy occupy significant spaces in the medium-sized river Katun River, on the Terektinsky and Kuraysky ridges. Pine forests, often park-type, are commonly common in the valleys of the rivers Katun and Chulyshman. In Svetochkoy Forests, a herbal-shrub tier is diverse. Gray forest soils above 1700 m are transferred to wood tundra and mountain-tundra. The upper border of the forest in height ranges from 1600 to 2400 m, a rare-resistant taiga grows with well-developed high-tech, shrub and herbian-shrub tiers. Above - cedar and larch edging, alternating with thickets of shrubs (henniks) and subalpiy meadows. Among shrubs are dominated by birch round, willow, juniper, Kuril tea. As part of highly harvested meadows, many valuable species: Marali Root, Chederitsa Lobel, Bilberry, Badan, and others. Alpine meadows, common in the highlands of the Western and Central Altai districts, alternate with stains of moss-lichen covering or rocky stamps. The formations of large-scale, small, cereal-dies and kobrezyy meadows are distinguished. The highlands also presents landscapes of subalpine meadows, mountain tundras, rocks, rocky placers, glaciers and eternal snow. Most of the highlands occupy mountain tundra, not distinguished by a wide variety of species. Meadow, moss-lichen, shrub and rocky tundra are found. Above 3000 meters is located a nival-glycial belt. From animals of the alpine belt are characterized by Altai food, mountain goats, snow leopard, reindeer. The special type of Altai intrazonal landscapes are swamps common to almost everywhere on flat interferes and plateaus.

Especially protected natural territories. 5 Altai Objects (Altai Reserve, Security Strip around Teletskoy Lake, Katun Reserve, Beluha Natural Park and Rock Okay Zone), called Golden Altai Mountains, included since 1998 on the World Heritage List. Natural landscapes and individual nature monuments are also protected in the Marcaskol Reserve. Created a number of reserves. About the economy of Altai Look in articles Altai Territory, Altai (Altai Republic) and Tuva.

History of opening and research. The first scientific studies of the nature of Altai belong to the 1st half of the 18th century, when ore deposits were opened in the West and the first copper smelters were built. Russian immigrants, mostly runaway factory and state peasants, appeared in the north of Altai in the middle of the 18th century. The first Russian settlements, including Old Believers, began to occur in the 1750-70s, mainly on the valleys of the average flow of rivers. In the 19th century, the upperwear of rivers began to settle, mainly by nomads-Kazakhs from China and Kazakhstan. In 1826, the study of Flora Altai was engaged in K. F. Leparour. In 1828, the marginal deposits of gold were discovered. In the 1st half of the 19th century, geological studies were conducted by P. A. Chihachev (1842), E. Shchurovsky (1844) and engineers of the mining department. In the 2nd half of the 19th century, numerous expeditions worked in Altai, including Russian Geographical Societies, Academy of Sciences, as part of which V. A. Obruchev, V. V. Sapozhnikov, who studied the modern glaciation and vegetation cover of Altai for a number of years . Since the 1920s, a systematic study of the nature of Altai was conducted: large-scale topography, and geological shooting, as well as a study of various natural resources in connection with the development of the mining industry, hydropower and agriculture.

Lit.: Kuminova A. V. Herbal Pokrov Altai. Novosib., 1960; Mikhailov N.I. Mountains of Southern Siberia. M., 1961; N.N. N.A., Glushchiki Yu. N. Mountains. M., 1987.

The original is taken by W. oldgoro. In Made in the USSR: Altai mobile communication system

We are all accustomed to the fact that mobile technologies And devices come from abroad. And communication standards (for example, GSM), and the phone numbers themselves, and all the equipment of the operators - carry the mark "Made In Nh-U-us." The United States, Europe, Japan and even China provide us with communication. And somehow it was forgotten that earlier we ourselves were leaders in this area. At one time, it was in our country that the world's first network of automatic mobile communications was launched. And if it were not for the attitude of the Soviet leadership, perhaps we would now have spoken no "Nokiam", but on "Volimotas" ...

Walking in cars

In one of the previous numbers, we told how slowly and difficult to develop early mobile communications in the United States and Europe. The first "mobile phones" appeared in the late 1940s, but they barely placed in the trunk of the car, and to call them, had to first find a free radio channel and talk to the "young lady."

Such car radio have appeared in the USSR. During the war, the production of compact radio stations was very seriously stepped forward, and put a simple "radiotelephone" in the trunk of the bosses "Volga" turned out to be quite real. The radio worked on common fixed frequencies, providing communications of the heads among themselves and with central dispatching consoles.

That's just using such devices was not too easy. What was natural for the commander in war could not arrange the Chairman of the Commander or the Director of the Plant.

So to speak, it was necessary to click on special button transmissions (usually it was right on the microphone - the so-called tangent); At the same time, the speaker no longer heard the other side. But the Soviet chiefs are not accustomed to issuing a clear degree in army and then pronounce "acceptance", giving the word to the other party. They often interrupted each other, said simultaneously ... In general, the conversation on the radio could be long and not very effective. In addition, communication with wired phones (ordinary or "special", primary) could only be installed through the dispatcher, and then far from everywhere.

In order to fully lead the "national economy" from the car, a real phone was required, similar to the one that stood on the entourage. And we must pay tribute to Soviet scientists and engineers - such a phone appeared. Moreover, there was no analogues at the time of his appearance in other countries.

"Altai" from Voronezh: the first in the world

Many know Voronezh as the Motherland of the Cartoon Kitten from Lieseukov Street. But this city is alleged not only by patriotic kittens and smart corners. It was here, in the Voronezh Research Institute of Communications (VNIIS), a Soviet mobile phone was created.

Work on the system named "Altai" began in 1958. It was in VNIIS that subscriber stations were created (simply speaking, the phones actually) and basic stations for communication with them. The antenna systems were developed at the Moscow State Specialized Design Institute (GIC), where Soviet television was born. Leningraders worked on other components of Altai, and later enterprises from Belarus and Moldova were joined. Specialists from different parts of the Soviet Union combined efforts to create an absolutely unique product at that time - automaticmobile communications.

Altai had to become a full-fledged telephone installed in the car. It was not easy for him to say, as a regular phone (i.e., the sound was held in both directions at the same time, the so-called. full duplex mode). To call another "Altai" or on a regular phone, it was enough to just dial the number - as on the desktop telephone, without any switching channels or conversations with the dispatcher.

It was not easy to implement this possibility at the technical level. Digital communication, of course, has not yet been; The voice was transmitted on the ether in the usual way. But, in addition to the voice, it was necessary to transmit special signals with which the system could find free radio channels itself, establish a connection, transfer the dialing phone number, etc.

It is now we used to "click" the number on the Mobile Buttons. And in 1963, when an experienced zone of the Altai system was launched in Moscow, the present phone in the car made an indelible impression. The developers tried to make it as much as possible on the usual devices: the "Altai" had a tube, and in some models even diskfor dialing. However, the disk soon refused and replaced it with buttons, since it was inconvenient to twist the drive in the car.

Party leaders were delighted with the new system. Automotive phones soon appeared in Zilch and "Seagulls" of the highest circles of the nomenclature "aristocracy". The Volga directors of the most important enterprises followed them.

"Altai", of course, was not a cellular system. One city along with the suburbs was served by only one base station with sixteen radio channels. But for a small number of top chiefs who have been available mobile communications, this first was enough.

A frequency range of 150 MHz was used is the frequency of the same order as the meter television range. Therefore, the antenna installed on the high tower made it possible to communicate at a distance to tens of kilometers.
A similar system in the United States, IMTS (Improved Mobile Telephone Service), was launched in an experienced zone for a year later. And its commercial launch took place only in 1969. Meanwhile, in the USSR by 1970, Altai was installed in about 30 cities!

In Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Rostov, Kiev, Voronezh and many other cities (and areas) of the USSR, party and economic managers could safely talk on the phone from the car. Our country - oddly to hear now, is confidently leading in the field of mobile communications.

Olympic Triumph

The Altai system in the 1970s actively developed. New radio channels were allocated (22 "trunks" in 8 channels) in the range of 330 MHz - i.e. On slightly longer waves than the "decimeter" television, which made it possible to provide a considerable range and at the same time serve more subscribers. Thanks to the use of the first chips, subscriber stations have become more compact - although they still remained automobiles (you could transfer the phone along with the batteries in the loss of a suitcase).

Special work on the modernization of equipment had to be held at the 1980 Moscow Olympiad. Moreover, it was to the Olympics that the base station "Altai" moved to the Ostankino television. Prior to that, she held the two upper floors of a high-rise building on a boiler's embankment.

At the Olympics-80, the connection of the Altai-3M system was used very widely and showed itself from the best side. So, almost all journalistic reports from the competition took place through Altai. Soviet relations were the winners of the Olympiad with the Soviet athletes; Olympic medals, however, did not get them, but many leading developers received the USSR State Prize.

"Communication people do not need!"

However, during the Olympics began to show "Altai" restrictions. Sometimes journalists complained about a bad connection; Engineers recommended that they rearrange the car a little, and everything was immediately established.

In order for the phone without wires to become massive, further development of the system was required - in particular, the transition to the usual use of many base stations, "covered" neighboring areas of the territory. And Soviet engineers were quite prepared for this development. Unfortunately, such a readiness was not from the leadership of the USSR.

The Altai system was well adapted to the hierarchy of the Soviet chiefs. For example, the head could talk to several subordinates simultaneously to distribute instructions to them (then it was called "Circular Call"; Now this opportunity is known as "conference call"). The conversation of the heads of the highest rank could "reset from the line" of the lower, if there are not enough channels. And, of course, different subscribers had different rights and opportunities. Someone could call anywhere in the USSR (or even the world), someone - only on the phones of their city or organization. Some allowed only to communicate with other phones of the same "Altai". In a word, an ideal system was created, fully adjusted under the hierarchical nomenclature staircase.

But most of all in the country there were those who were generally not allowed to use the mobile communications. And, according to the leadership, there was no need to give it the right to everyone. It is clear that the phone in the car is necessary to secreture the regional committee or the director of the plant, and the rest why? Capitalist luxury is not needed by the Soviet people!

Detained "Volimot"

Specialists of the VNIIS and other enterprises in the early 1980s were ready to work on the new generation communication system. She was called "Volimot" (reduction from the names of cities where developers were: Voronezh, Leningrad, Molodechno, Ternopil). The peculiarity of "volley" was able to fully use many basic stations; During the conversation, it was possible to switch to one of them to another without loss of communication.
This function, known now as Handover and allowing the message of talking in motion without any problems, made a "volimot" with almost cellular communications. In addition, automatic roaming was maintained: the "Volimot" apparatus, registered in the network of one city, could be used in another. At the same time, all the same range of 330 MHz was used, and each base station could, if necessary, to "cover" tens of square kilometers.

"Volimot" could be a massive relationship for rural areas, a "loyal friend" of collective farmers, dachens and tourists. For this purpose, it would come better than Western cellular systems developed in the same period (AMPs, NMT), since it was easy to ensure its work on a very extensive territory. But for servicing the set of subscribers in the small territory (in the city), "Vol" Volleyot "was inferior to AMPS and NMT; Further development, however, could solve this problem.

Mobile communications, in fact, it was quite possible to enter into a Soviet lifestyle, and in the communist ideology. Phones could, for example, to be installed in villages and country villages for collective use and rent in tourist clubs (for the time of the campaign). Call service with Volvetot could appear in long-range trains or buses. And, of course, no threat of "state security" did not arise - mobile communication without encryption devices is very easy to listen.

However, for several years for the Volvetot project, it was not possible to obtain the necessary financing. Mass communication was considered unnecessary and even harmful, and "Altai" for the authorities. Meanwhile, cellular systems in the West have been actively developing and acquired popularity. For the beginning - the mid-1980s, the former leadership was missed.

"Volmot" was still completed by the end of the 1980s, but by the USSR, by that time, he walked in full swing to his death. The possibility of "catching up" by Europe and the United States has not been spent.

Communication for professionals

In 1991, in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and in 1992 the first appeared in Moscow cellular operators NMT-450 standard. Prices for phones and calls were extended, and coverage of the territory is not too big. But connecting to cellular communication, unlike the former "Altai", was accessible to individuals and commercial structures.

Dachinations and collective farmers were such a connection, of course, is still unavailable. She remained what was and "Altai" - the privilege of the "Life owners". It was changed only by the kind of "owners" - now it was "new Russians" (often from the same nomenclature, retired Komsomol leaders). Now "Sotovik" took a place close to the raspberry jacket and six hundred Mercedes.

Altai network, however, also opened for a commercial connection. And they had advantages for professionaluse - when not "Ponte" was required, but a reliable and unpretentious connection. Playing their role and more reasonable prices, and a huge (compared to the then cellular) coverage area. In addition, special encryption devices could be connected to Altai and "Volume", and then the conversation could not be heard even on the telecom operator switch. Note that listening to NMT and AMPS straight from the ether is very easy; In the GSM standard, the communication is encrypted on the air, but on the switch listening is possible.

The standard "Volmot" was used. For example, in the Samara region, the Volmot network, with basic stations in the district centers, appeared (as the development of "Altai") in 1994; A group that exploited it later became known as smarts. And in the late 1990s, many existing networks Altai has been upgraded and translated either on "Volimot" or (as, for example, in Moscow) to import equipment.

Do not wait!

The network "Volmot" and "Altai" still exist in many cities of Russia. True, "Altai" is usually upgraded - domestic or imported equipment - but at the same time communication is still offered under the familiar brand. Typically, these networks are known as "trunk" (or "trunking").

Their main positioning is a vocational relationship for various services, from taxi to ambulance. In such cases, despite the improvement and cheapness of cellular communication, the trunk still remains profitable and convenient.

In addition, in some regions and in some periods - in the mid-1990s, and then in 1999-2001, merchants and ordinary citizens also actively acquired "Altai" and "Volimota".

In the mid-1990s, the mobile communications has become already familiar, but not everyone could afford "cells", and they worked at that time not too well; Therefore, many commercial firms have equipped their cars "Volnotami", and sometimes they bought them as home phones. But by the end of the 1990s, ordinary mobile phones, primarily GSM, became somewhat more reliable and, most importantly, very fashionable; The phone had to be on the belt, and not in the car. Therefore, many refused to "Altaev" and "Volzhotov" in favor of new little tubes.

The story was repeated at the turn of the century. After the 1998 crisis, the prices for communications began to actively decline, and the purchase of a mobile phone turned out to be real for not too rich people. But still conversations were still expensive. Meanwhile, trunk networks were upgraded; Even imported wearable tubes appeared (albeit more cumbersome than cellular). In many regions, Altai began to offer unlimited tariffs, which cellular operators have not yet thought about, and customers appreciated. True, after 2002, when the "big three" GSM operators began to actively cover the regions, cellular communication improved significantly and fell. Some of the lean clients "Altai" have acquired ordinary tubes.

Nevertheless, "Altai" is alive and today: in some cities to the Altai or Volimot network, it is quite possible to connect, and there are areas in which such a connection works most stable.

Thus, the General Director of the Samara Transking Network Company Viktor Nikolayevich Pimenov told us that the "Volimot" network in the Samara region is actively developing and connecting new customers. Moreover, a new domestic equipment is mainly used - such as Lesko switches (Moscow) and Signal-405 radio stations (Novosibirsk). "Unlimited" in Samara "Volvetote" costs only 300 rubles, so many acquire domestic stationary mobile phones as home phones, especially in rural areas and country villages.

Among the trotting operators, the issue of transition to the digital trunking of the international standard Tetra is discussed. But in proven time developments of domestic engineers remain considerable advantages - for example, digital communication is less "long-range", therefore they are still working for the benefit of subscribers, albeit few (compared to cellular networks).

But "Altai" and "Volimot" could develop into full-fledged mass cellular networks and be the main in the country! But ... The story does not know the subjunctive inclination, which, however, does not prevent us from knowing her numerous turns and peripetics.

In addition, learning on the mistakes of the past, you can try to at least not repeat them, right?

We thank Vladimir Mikhailovich Kuzmina, one of the leading developers of the Altai-3M system, the chief designer of VNIIS, the laureate of the State Prize, for the information provided by the information provided by the basis of the article.

Approximately the same can be said about computers and even on the Internet as a centralized network processing and transferring large telemetry data arrays. The USSR was if not at the head of the global technological and scientific and technological direction in all positions, then confidently occupied a legitimate place in the top three world leaders of the time of time: USA, Germany, Japan. The nomenclature slowed down the development as it could, fearing for his legal status and, in fact, succeeded on this Niva. Domestic developments, scientists and engineers work to Western companies, and nomenclature children traded resources and occupy Tops Forbes, sponsoring monarchical players of overwhelmed agents.

Soviet people always proud of their country. Such a concept as patriotism was not an empty word for them. But after the collapse of the USSR, almost any resident of the country was confident that mobile communications and technology related technology came from abroad: Japan, Europe, USA and even from China. Few people knew that it was Russia that is a discoverer in the field of mobile and cellular communications. The USSR was created and operated the world's first automatic mobile communications. And if it were not for a complete conclusion from the needs of the people of the leadership of the Soviet Union, then in Soviet times the citizens of the country would have mobile phones of domestic production.

Early mobile communications developed in the United States and Europe slowly, overcoming large technical and financial complexity. The first mobile communications devices, tested in the late 40s, were so cumbersome that they barely placed in the car trunk. In order to call through such a device, a free radio channel and an operator servicing this network was required.

Compact radio stations appeared in the USSR also in the 40s, and during the war, the Soviet designers have significantly improved existing models, which made it possible to easily place the equipment "radiotelephone" in the trunk cars of government officials. Communication was provided at the expense of a dedicated radio frequency and dispatching remote control. It was quite difficult to conduct a conversation on such a phone: the conversation could lead one of the subscribers, the other only listened. In this regard, the conversation always lasted for a long time and caused a lot of difficulties.

But, the Soviet designers managed to make such a phone, which was almost an analogue of the head apparatus on the desktop. There were no such structures abroad.

The very first mobile phone was created in the relations of the city of Voronezh in 1958. The work was assigned the code name "Altai". Voronezh designers have created subscriber (phones) and base stations (equipment that provides a steady connection between subscribers). The antenna systems for mobile communications were developed in the Moscow Research Institute, the Leningrad, Belarusian and Moldovan specialists worked on other components of the system. As a result, a unique innovative product was created - the automatic mobile communication "Altai". It was a full-fledged telephone, working as a regular phone. The innovation was that the system itself found a free radio channel, set the connection, passed the dialing phone number and guaranteed subscribers. Even the external design of the phone in the car has been changed - instead of a dialing disk there were buttons. The rank aristocracy was delighted with car telephones.

But still "Altai" was not a full-fledged cellular system: one basic station was able to serve one city with suburbs and had only 16 radio channels. The antenna installed at the highest point of the terrain could communicate only for tens of kilometers around.

An American experienced sample of such a mobile phone was launched a year after commissioning of the Soviet mobile system. And his commercial operation began in 1969.

In Russia, the Altai system has functioned by 1970 in thirty cities! Soviet party and economic executives used in their work phones placed directly in the service vehicles. It can be reasonably assumed that at that time the USSR was the leader in the development of mobile communications. But the Soviet designers did not "won on the laurels" - they continued to improve the Altai system. New radio channels have highlighted in a larger range, which allowed to serve a large number of subscribers. Due to the use of microcircuits, subscriber stations have become less in the amount - they could be transferred in a small suitcase. The Moscow Basic Station of the Altai system, located in the premises of the Ostankino Tenerbashni, showed itself from the best side when servicing the Olympics-80.

But during operation, the disadvantages of the system also revealed. For example, the quality of communication is very dependent on the place of placement of the car with a mobile communications apparatus. Therefore, designers have developed a scheme for the placement of base stations, taking into account the overlap of neighboring territories. And although Soviet engineers were ready to fulfill the developed project, but the order was not received from the country's leadership.

The Altai system was well consistent with the existing bosal hierarchy: the head had the opportunity to simultaneously talk with several subordinates (now this method is called conference conference). Each boss had their own rights and opportunities to work as a mobile network subscriber. Some could call anywhere in the world, others only on the phones of a particular city, a certain organization or a specific subscriber. But most citizens of the country were not available to use the mobile communications. The leadership of the country did not hurry to share with the people such a luxury item as a mobile phone.

Designers and engineers were ready to work on the equipment of the new generation communication system. They even gave the name of this "Volimot" system (the abbreviated name of cities, where there were teams of developers - Voronezh, Leningrad, Molodechno, Ternopil). The new system provided for the placement of a large number of basic stations. Switching from one station to another passed during motion instantly and unnoticed for the subscriber. This function made it possible to consider "volley" by a full-fledged cellular system.

But the leadership of the country considered that the access of the people to cellular communication creates a threat of "state security" (although it could be easily listening to it without encrypting). The project financing was suspended indefinitely. In the West, at this time, the cellular communication was popular. By 1980, the leadership of the USSR in the development of a new generation of mobile communications was irretrievably lost.

In 1991-1992, the first NMT-450 standard cellular operators appeared in Leningrad and Moscow. Prices for this service were very high, and the coverage area is limited. And although many citizens were not affordable to pay mobile communications, access to this type of communication was open to all.

There was a place for the "Altai" and "Volimot" systems. They were used when needed a reliable and inexpensive mobile communication with a large coverage area. These systems allowed the possibility of connecting a special device that encrypts the conversation and it is practically impossible to listen. Until now, Altai and Volimot network are used in many cities and settlements of Russia. Usually they are called "trunk". They adequately carry in various professional areas: from taxi to emergency medical care.

By the end of the 1990s, ordinary mobile phones (GSM standards) became more reliable, and the main one is miniature. And it turned out to be a decisive factor in the failure of users from "Volimotov" and "Altaev" in favor of small tubes. Despite this, in some remote areas of Russia, you can connect to the network "Altai" or "Volimot", which work fairly stable.

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Soviet people always proud of their country. Such a concept as patriotism was not an empty word for them. But after the collapse of the USSR, almost any resident of the country was confident that mobile communications and technology related technology came from abroad: Japan, Europe, USA and even from China. Few people knew that it was Russia that is a discoverer in the field of mobile and cellular communications. The USSR was created and operated the world's first automatic mobile communications. And if it were not for a complete conclusion from the needs of the people of the leadership of the Soviet Union, then in Soviet times the citizens of the country would have mobile phones of domestic production.

Early mobile communications developed in the United States and Europe slowly, overcoming large technical and financial complexity. The first mobile communications devices, tested in the late 40s, were so cumbersome that they barely placed in the car trunk. In order to call through such a device, a free radio channel and an operator servicing this network was required.

Compact radio stations appeared in the USSR also in the 40s, and during the war, the Soviet designers have significantly improved existing models, which made it possible to easily place the equipment "radiotelephone" in the trunk cars of government officials. Communication was provided at the expense of a dedicated radio frequency and dispatching remote control. It was quite difficult to conduct a conversation on such a phone: the conversation could lead one of the subscribers, the other only listened. In this regard, the conversation always lasted for a long time and caused a lot of difficulties.

But, the Soviet designers managed to make such a phone, which was almost an analogue of the head apparatus on the desktop. There were no such structures abroad.

The very first mobile phone was created in the relations of the city of Voronezh in 1958. The work was assigned the code name "Altai". Voronezh designers have created subscriber (phones) and base stations (equipment that provides a steady connection between subscribers). The antenna systems for mobile communications were developed in the Moscow Research Institute, the Leningrad, Belarusian and Moldovan specialists worked on other components of the system. As a result, a unique innovative product was created - the automatic mobile communication "Altai". It was a full-fledged telephone, working as a regular phone. The innovation was that the system itself found a free radio channel, set the connection, passed the dialing phone number and guaranteed subscribers. Even the external design of the phone in the car has been changed - instead of a dialing disk there were buttons. The rank aristocracy was delighted with car telephones.

But still "Altai" was not a full-fledged cellular system: one basic station was able to serve one city with suburbs and had only 16 radio channels. The antenna installed at the highest point of the terrain could communicate only for tens of kilometers around.

An American experienced sample of such a mobile phone was launched a year after commissioning of the Soviet mobile system. And his commercial operation began in 1969.

In Russia, the Altai system has functioned by 1970 in thirty cities! Soviet party and economic executives used in their work phones placed directly in the service vehicles. It can be reasonably assumed that at that time the USSR was the leader in the development of mobile communications. But the Soviet designers did not "won on the laurels" - they continued to improve the Altai system. New radio channels have highlighted in a larger range, which allowed to serve a large number of subscribers. Due to the use of microcircuits, subscriber stations have become less in the amount - they could be transferred in a small suitcase. The Moscow Basic Station of the Altai system, located in the premises of the Ostankino Tenerbashni, showed itself from the best side when servicing the Olympics-80.

But during operation, the disadvantages of the system also revealed. For example, the quality of communication is very dependent on the place of placement of the car with a mobile communications apparatus. Therefore, designers have developed a scheme for the placement of base stations, taking into account the overlap of neighboring territories. And although Soviet engineers were ready to fulfill the developed project, but the order was not received from the country's leadership.

The Altai system was well consistent with the existing bosal hierarchy: the head had the opportunity to simultaneously talk with several subordinates (now this method is called conference conference). Each boss had their own rights and opportunities to work as a mobile network subscriber. Some could call anywhere in the world, others only on the phones of a particular city, a certain organization or a specific subscriber. But most citizens of the country were not available to use the mobile communications. The leadership of the country did not hurry to share with the people such a luxury item as a mobile phone.

Designers and engineers were ready to work on the equipment of the new generation communication system. They even gave the name of this "Volimot" system (the abbreviated name of cities, where there were teams of developers - Voronezh, Leningrad, Molodechno, Ternopil). The new system provided for the placement of a large number of basic stations. Switching from one station to another passed during motion instantly and unnoticed for the subscriber. This function made it possible to consider "volley" by a full-fledged cellular system.

But the leadership of the country considered that the access of the people to cellular communication creates a threat of "state security" (although it could be easily listening to it without encrypting). The project financing was suspended indefinitely. In the West, at this time, the cellular communication was popular. By 1980, the leadership of the USSR in the development of a new generation of mobile communications was irretrievably lost.

In 1991-1992, the first NMT-450 standard cellular operators appeared in Leningrad and Moscow. Prices for this service were very high, and the coverage area is limited. And although many citizens were not affordable to pay mobile communications, access to this type of communication was open to all.

There was a place for the "Altai" and "Volimot" systems. They were used when needed a reliable and inexpensive mobile communication with a large coverage area. These systems allowed the possibility of connecting a special device that encrypts the conversation and it is practically impossible to listen. Until now, Altai and Volimot network are used in many cities and settlements of Russia. Usually they are called "trunk". They adequately carry in various professional areas: from taxi to emergency medical care.

By the end of the 1990s, ordinary mobile phones (GSM standards) became more reliable, and the main one is miniature. And it turned out to be a decisive factor in the failure of users from "Volimotov" and "Altaev" in favor of small tubes. Despite this, in some remote areas of Russia, you can connect to the network "Altai" or "Volimot", which work fairly stable.

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