Tariffs. New MGTS tariff plans

Saving money in all its forms Choosing a tariff plan in MGTS

We begin our article with a question that interests many now: change in tariff plans for landline phones.

From February 1, 2007, throughout the Russian Federation there was a transition to new tariff plans for telephone services. Let's consider the choice of tariff using the example of an individual connection scheme (i.e., not a paired telephone) of MGTS. Three tariff plans (hereinafter referred to as TP) have been put into effect:

Type of payment

Rate. plan number 1
(Time-based payment system)

Rate. plan number 2

Rate. plan number 3
(Subscriber payment system)

Subscriber line fee, rub.

Basic volume of local telephone connections, min.

Fee for the basic volume of local telephone connections, rub.

Cost 1 min. conversation of local telephone connections, rub.

Fee for an unlimited volume of local telephone connections, rub.

Total subscriber payments

individual switching diagram

125 rub. + 0.28 rub. per min. conversation

125 rub. + 104 rub. + 0.23 rub. per min. conversation above the base volume

125 rub. + 255 rub.

Total minimum monthly payment

125 rub. (if the subscriber does not make outgoing calls)

229 rub. (if the subscriber makes outgoing calls for no more than 370 minutes)


  1. The cost of services is indicated including VAT
  2. All incoming calls are free
  3. Intercity, international and intrazonal (on mobile phones) connections, as well as calls to paid information and service services of OJSC MGTS are paid separately.
  4. There is no charge for calls to the telephone numbers of emergency operational services: 01, 02, 03 and 04, 995-99-99 and 914-22-22, as well as calls to the free information services of OJSC MGTS (09, 636-06-36, information - telephone service centers).

In February, each MGTS subscriber will receive notification of the introduction of new tariff plans And invoice for January with a form for choosing a tariff plan. The notification about the introduction of new tariff plans will reflect information about the number of minutes that the subscriber has spoken for each of the months from July to December 2006. Over the previous six months (from January to June 2006), information was already sent to subscribers.

So, now we need to choose the most convenient tariff plan. Let's consider how many minutes you talk on average per month:

Cost of 1 minute of conversation for TP No. 2 (Combined payment system) included in the monthly payment is equal to 104/370 = 0.28 rub. Conclusion: if you don’t talk more than 370 minutes on average per month, then it is not profitable for you to take TP No. 2, because in TP No. 1 (Time-based payment system) the cost per minute of conversation is exactly the same.

If on average you speak around 370 minutes. Imagine that with TP No. 1 you spoke 470 minutes (i.e. 100 minutes more than is included in the monthly fee for TP No. 2), then you will have to pay (0.28 - 0.23) * 100 = 5 rubles more than with TP No. 2. If you use TP No. 2 for 270 minutes (i.e., 100 minutes less than is included in the monthly fee for TP No. 2), then compared to TP No. 1 you will pay 0.28 rubles * 100 = 28 rubles more than with TP No. 1. Conclusion: if on average you talk for about 370 minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less), then it’s more profitable for you to take TP No. 1 (Time-based payment system), because one unspoken minute at TP No. 2 will cost you 5.6 times more than one minute that you will talk with TP No. 1 (this means only an overpayment compared to TP No. 2).

Now, let's see in which case you should choose TP No. 2 and TP No. 3.

Let's calculate how many minutes someone can talk for 255 rubles.( TP No. 3 fee for unlimited volume) subscriber having TP No. 2 : 370 + (255-104)/0.23=1026 minutes. Conclusion: if on average you speak more than 370 minutes and less than 1026,then it is more profitable for you to choose TP No. 2.

Respectively, if on average you are talking more than 1026,it’s more profitable to choose TP No. 3.

You can choose the tariff plan you like by signing in the appropriate field of the January invoice. Invoices must be delivered to mailboxes until February 18 inclusive. You can get additional advice on introducing three tariff plans and choosing one of them by calling MGTS's 24-hour toll-free hotline: 8 800 505-55-55 .

Tariffs for multi-storey residential buildings

Types of services

Price, rub
(including VAT)


Providing access to the local telephone network to premises not provided by NTK LLC with telephones


Providing access to the local telephone network to the telephone premises of NTK LLC



Subscriber payment system


Fee for local telephone connections (unlimited volume)


Time-based payment system

From the main subscriber number:

Subscription fee for using a subscriber line


Payment for 1 minute of outgoing connections


Combined payment system

From the main subscriber number:

Subscription fee for using a subscriber line


Basic volume fee (360 minutes)


Payment for 1 minute of outgoing connections above the base volume


Tariffs for individually built houses must be clarified in the subscriber department of NTK LLC

Legal entities

Tariffs (tariff range) for Subscribers for Communication Services

Destination/country of destination

For organizations

For the population

Preferential tariff Business tariff Preferential tariff Business tariff

3. Tariffs for international telephone services

Europe 1 8.00 10.00 10.70 13.30
Europe 2 15.20 19.00 19.40 24.20
San Marino (Europe 2) 96,00 120,00 105,60 132,00
Europe 3 20.00 25.00 23.90 29.90
Greenland (Europe 3) 40,00 50,00 47,20 59,00
Bosnia and Genzegovina (Europe 3) 28,00 35,00 32,80 41,00
Macedonia (Europe 3) 32,00 40,00 37,60 47,20
Europe 1 - mobile phones 15.20 19.00 19.40 24.20
America 1 20.00 25.00 24.00 29.90
America 2 40.00 50.00 47.00 59.00
Cuba 72.00 90.00 72.00 90.00
Asia 1 35.20 44.00 39.20 49.00
Asia 2 40.00 50.00 47.00 59.00
Maldives (Asia 2) 64,00 80,00 75,00 94,00
Africa 52.80 66.00 58.40 73.00
Madagascar (Africa) 144.00 180.00 144.00 180.00
Namibia (Africa) 40.00 50.00 47.00 59.00
Nigeria (Africa) 40.00 50.00 47.00 59.00
Reunion Island (Africa) 40.00 50.00 47.00 59.00
South Africa (Africa) 40.00 50.00 47.00 59.00
Angola 40,00 50,00 47,00 59,00
South Sudan 72.00 90.00 72.00 90.00
East Timor 72.00 90.00 72.00 90.00
Palau 72.00 90.00 72.00 90.00
Australia, Oceania 40.00 50.00 47.00 59.00
Kiribati (Australia, Oceania) 96,00 120,00 116,00 145,00
Nordfolk Island
(Australia, Oceania)
120,00 150,00 145,00 180,00
Tokelau (Australia, Oceania) 120,00 150,00 145,00 180,00
Ukraine 11.50 14.40 13.30 16.60
Ukraine ( mobile communications) 20.00 24.00 22.70 28.30
Belarus 22.16 27.70 23.20 29.00
Moldova 15.00 18.80 17.80 22.20
Moldova (mobile communications) 20.00 20.00 22.70 28.30
Kazakhstan 11.50 14.40 15.00 18.80
Uzbekistan 9.60 12.00 15.00 18.80
Tajikistan 11.50 14.40 15.00 18.80
Kyrgyzstan 11.50 14.40 15.00 18.80
Turkmenistan 11.50 14.40 15.00 18.80
Azerbaijan 17.60 22.00 23.20 29.00
Azerbaijan (mobile communications) 23.00 27,60 26.00 32,60
Armenia 17.60 22.00 23.20 29.00
Georgia 17.60 22.00 23.20 29.00
Abkhazia 17.60 22.00 23.20 29.00
South Ossetia 11.50 14.40 13.30 16.60
MTT 7.90 9.90 7.90 9.90
Globalstar International Network - 300.00 - 300.00
International Inmarsat AERO network - 400.00 - 400.00
International Inmarsat B network - 200.00 - 200.00
International Inmarsat B HSD network - 600.00 - 600.00
- 200.00 - 200.00
International Inmarsat BGAN network
- 400.00 - 400.00
International Inmarsat network
- 600.00 - 600.00
International Inmarsat M network - 200.00 - 200.00
International Inmarsat MINI network
- 200.00 - 200.00
International Iridium Network - 400.00 - 400.00
International MCP Network - 200.00 - 200.00
Net satellite communications Aeromobile - 300.00 - 300.00
Onair satellite communication network - 150.00 - 150.00
Thuraya Satellite Network - 150.00 - 150.00
International satellite network
- 123.00 - 123.00


The preferential rate applies on weekdays from 20.00 to 8.00, on weekends and holidays. The business rate applies on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Everything is billed successfully established connections. Tariffing is carried out on a per-minute basis.

All rates reflect the cost of a connection lasting 1 (one) minute. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of payment for long-distance and international telephone connections is counted from the 1st second after the called equipment answers until the calling or called equipment or equipment replacing the user in his absence hangs up. A telephone connection lasting less than 3 seconds is not taken into account in the scope of telephone services provided.

All prices and tariffs for telecommunication services are indicated in rubles. Tariffs for organizations are indicated excluding any taxes, duties and fees. Tariffs for the population are indicated including value added tax.

Payment for telephone services can be made through an advance payment, deferred payment for the duration of the billing period, or a combination of these types of payments.

When paying for telephone services through an advance payment, services are provided in the amount of funds contributed by the subscriber. If the advance payment is exhausted, the provision of telephone services is suspended without prior notice to the subscriber, unless the contract provides for the use of a transition from an advance payment to a deferred payment.

When paying for telephone services through deferred payment, the telephone services provided are paid at the end of the billing period.

The type of payments for telephone services and the procedure for their implementation are determined by the agreement, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Tariffs for telephone services, including the tariff used to pay for an incomplete tariff unit, are established, including changed, by the telecom operator independently, unless a different procedure is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

30. Tariff plans for telephone services can be established separately for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens using telephone services for personal, family and household needs, as well as citizens using telephone services for other needs. The tariff plan may establish differentiated tariffs by time of day, days of the week, weekends and non-working holidays, as well as by the range and volume of telephone services provided. Tariff plans and tariffs for telephone services may be differentiated on other grounds established by the telecom operator.

(see text in the previous edition)

31. When forming tariff plans, the following types of tariffs can be applied:

a) subscriber payment system, in which the amount of payment of the subscriber for a certain (billing) period is a constant value, independent of the volume of telephone services actually received;

b) a time-based payment system that does not provide for a constant payment amount and depends on the number of telephone services provided in units determined by the telecom operator;

c) a combined payment system, in which telephone services not exceeding a certain volume for a certain (billing) period are provided for a constant payment amount, and telephone services exceeding the specified volume are paid separately.

32. When forming tariff plans, a combination of several types of tariffs specified in paragraph 31 of these Rules is allowed.

When transferring a subscriber number, the subscriber pays mobile operators only the payments provided for in these Rules.

33. The fee for changing the tariff plan is not charged to the subscriber if more than one month has passed since the previous change in the tariff plan.

34. To pay for telephone services, the tariff that was in effect at the time the corresponding connection was established is used.

35. The duration of a telephone connection is recorded in accordance with the tariff unit adopted by the telecom operator, which cannot be more than 1 minute.

The fee for a telephone connection is determined based on its duration, expressed in the number of tariff units for the connection over the communication network.

Telecom operator if available technical feasibility is obliged to establish at least one tariff plan with a tariff unit for telephone connections of no more than 1 second.

36. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of the connection fee is counted from the 1st second after the called equipment answers until the calling or called equipment or equipment replacing the user in his absence hangs up. A telephone connection lasting less than 3 seconds is not taken into account in the scope of telephone services provided.

37. Equipment, the response signal of which is equated to the response of the called person and serves as the beginning of the countdown of the duration of the connection during automatic telephone communication, includes:

a) modem;

b) fax machine;

c) equipment with an answering machine function;

d) a telephone with an automatic caller ID function;

e) institutional telephone exchange;

f) other equipment that replaces the user in his absence and provides and (or) simulates the exchange of information.

38. The basis for billing the subscriber and (or) user for the provided telephone connections is the data obtained using the telecom operator’s equipment used to record the volume of telephone services provided.

39. The billing period for the provision of telephone services is established by the telecom operator.

40. The term for payment of telephone services for deferred payment is set by the telecom operator independently, but this period should not be less than 20 days following the end of the billing period, unless otherwise established by these Rules. More long term payment for telephone services may be stipulated in the contract.

41. An invoice issued to a subscriber for telephone services is a document reflecting information about the subscriber’s monetary obligations and must contain the following information:

a) details of the telecom operator;

b) subscriber details;

c) the billing period for which the invoice is issued;

d) subscriber's personal account number;

e) data on the total duration of connections for the billing period (with time-based accounting);

f) the amount required for payment for each type of telephone service and each subscriber number;

g) types of telephone services provided;

h) the amount of the balance on the personal account (for an advance payment);

For subscribers - individuals -

Limit - 0 minutes

The cost of 1 minute of conversation is 0.28 rubles.

Subscription fee - 229 (125 rubles for a telephone line + 104 rubles for a time limit)

Limit - 370 minutes

The cost of 1 minute of conversation over the limit is 0.23 rubles.

Thus, by choosing the “Combined” tariff, you pay 229 rubles monthly. fixed fee and pay for as many minutes of conversation as you have spoken over the limit of 370 minutes.

Subscription fee - 380 rub.

For subscribers - legal entities:

For budget organizations

The subscription fee is 229 rubles. (125 RUR + 104 RUR). This amount includes a fee for 450 minutes. Over the limit the fee is 0.23 per minute.

For self-supporting organizations

The subscription fee is 264 rubles. (160 rub. + 104 rub.). This amount includes a fee for 450 minutes. Over the limit the fee is 0.30 per minute.

In February, subscribers will receive a notification about the introduction of new tariff plans and an invoice for January with a form for selecting a tariff plan. The subscriber will need to pay MGTS services for January at any authorized bank and choose a tariff plan for the future by putting your signature in the appropriate field. This receipt must be left at the bank for transfer to MGTS.

If the subscriber does not decide on the choice of tariff, he remains on the subscriber tariff by default. Selecting a tariff plan is free.

Switching from one tariff plan to another is free once; in the future, this service will cost 230 rubles.

More detailed information will be available after the operator receives all necessary documentation from Federal service according to tariffs.

Please note that for MGTS subscribers there is a 24-hour free hotline for tariff plans - 8 800 505 5555.

MGTS subscribers can also use the CALCULATOR.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the three tariff plans:

1. What tariff plans does OJSC MGTS introduce?

Tariff plan No. 1 “Time-based”

Subscriber line fee - 125 rubles.

Limit "0 min"

The cost of 1 minute of conversation is 0.28

Thus, by choosing the “Time-based” tariff, you pay 125 rubles monthly. for a subscriber line and pay for as many minutes of conversation as you spoke.

Tariff plan No. 2 “Combined”

Subscription fee - 229 (125 per telephone line + 104 per limit)

Limit "370 min"

The cost of 1 minute of conversation over the limit is 0.23

Thus, by choosing the “Combined” tariff, you pay 229 rubles monthly. subscription fee and pay for as many minutes of conversation as you spoke over the limit of 370 minutes.

Tariff plan No. 3 “Subscriber”

Subscription fee - 380

Thus, by choosing the “Subscriber” tariff, you pay 380 rubles monthly. subscription fee regardless of how long the telephone line was occupied.

2. When are new tariff plans introduced?

3. How to choose a tariff plan?

Personal attendance at the telephone exchange is not required. To choose a tariff plan, just vote with your invoice. In February 2007, the subscriber will be sent an invoice that will contain three fields (according to the number of tariff plans). In one of the fields the subscriber must put his signature, which will confirm the choice of tariff plan. The bill must be paid at Sberbank. In order to choose the most profitable tariff plan, subscribers were provided with data on the duration of calls for the period from January to June 2006 (data on call activity for July - October will be sent along with the “voting” invoice). Also in February 2007, the subscriber will be informed about his call activity from July to December 2006. Having assessed how many minutes the subscriber talks on average per month, he can choose the optimal tariff plan for himself. The subscriber can also contact the 24-hour hotline MGTS line- 8 800 505 5555 - for assistance in choosing a tariff plan. The call is free.

4. How to change the tariff plan?

The choice of tariff plan is free of charge (per invoice). The initial change of tariff plan will be made at the telephone exchange free of charge, in the future for a fee (230 rubles). To do this, you must submit a written application at your telephone exchange and have your passport with you. If an application to change the tariff plan is submitted no later than 10 days before the end of the calendar month, then the tariff plan is changed from the 1st day of the month following the month the application was submitted. If the specified deadline for submitting the application is not met, the transfer to the selected tariff plan is carried out from the 1st day of the 2nd month following the month of submission of the application.

5. What are the grounds for introducing time-based payment?

The introduction of new tariff plans is carried out on the basis of Article 54 Federal Law dated July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2005 No. 637 “On state regulation of tariffs for public telecommunications services and public postal service", paragraph 88 of the "Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services."

6. How are telephone connections charged?

Only outgoing local telephone connections (“caller pays”) are subject to tariffs. Incoming calls are free. Outgoing telephone connections to operators cellular communication, long-distance and international telephone connections are charged and paid separately and are not taken into account when charging local outgoing telephone connections.

7. Will benefits be provided after the introduction of time-based payment?

Subscribers who have established benefits for paying for communication services, from January 1, 2005, are required to pay for services provided in full (in the amount of 100%), and the state makes compensation for paid services in accordance with the established benefits. That is, the subscriber pays for the phone in full, and the established part of the cost of subscription service is compensated by a cash payment, which is paid along with the pension through the authorities social protection of the population or for departmental pensioners through pension authorities.

8. What measures will OJSC MGTS take in case of non-payment of bills for local telephone services provided?

In case of non-payment of the bill, MGTS will suspend the provision of telephone services, having previously notified the subscriber about this, on the basis of Art. 118 Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services and Art. 44 clause 3 of the Law “On Communications” until the corresponding violation is eliminated.

9. Will calls to telephone numbers Internet providers?

Interaction with Internet providers will be carried out in accordance with the terms of concluded agreements. If a subscriber uses dial-up Internet access services, then an additional fee is charged as part of accounting for time-based connections.

10. Will calls to emergency services be charged under a time-based system?

In accordance with the “Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communication services”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2005 No. 310, a telecom operator providing local telephone communication services provides the possibility of a free and round-the-clock call to the subscriber and (or ) user of emergency services. To emergency operational services include:

a) service fire department - 01

b) response service in emergency situations- Center for Management in Crisis Situations (from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies and Disaster Elimination for the City of Moscow) - 995-99-99

c) police service - 02

d) emergency medical service - 03

d) emergency service gas network - 04

f) Anti-Terror service - helpline of the FSB of the Russian Federation - 914-22-22

Calls will also be free help desk 09, in United contact center MGTS - (+7 495) 636-06-36 - and to the information and service centers of MGTS telephone centers.

11. Where can I pay for MGTS services?

An MGTS subscriber can pay for the company’s services in any way convenient for him:

At telephone exchanges and subscriber halls of MGTS

In total, there are 21 service halls for MGTS subscribers.

In Moscow banks. In particular, this

    1. Sberbank of Russia

    2. IBRD (also through IBRD ATMs, using the Mobile Banking service)


    5. Bank of Moscow

    7. Moscow Industrial Bank

    8. Alfa-Bank

    9. Vneshtorgbank

    10. Promsvyazbank

Through the following payment systems:

    Cyberplat. Com

    Yandex. Money

    Unified instant payment system

    Universal financial system

    Eleksnet payment terminals