Test tasks in computer science. The tests test both theoretical knowledge and practical skills of teachers in computer and information literacy. For the convenience of the teacher, the tests are divided into topics. The main characteristics of the processor include

A) Microsoft Excel; B) Microsoft Graph 2000; C) Microsoft Equation 3.0; D) Microsoft Diagram; E) WordArt.

23.V text editor the “Copy text” operation becomes possible after

A) Setting the cursor to a certain position; B) Saving the file; C) Printouts of the document; D) Selecting a text fragment; E) Table inserts.

24. Which of the following transformations cannot be done using the Font dialog box?

A) Make the letters slanted; B) Change the spacing between letters; C) Move text down or up relative to the line; D) Make the first letter in the line a Drop Cap; E) Add text animation.

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Spreadsheet Columns
A) are named by the user in an arbitrary manner; B) are designated by letters of the Russian alphabet; C) are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet; D) are numbered; E) are indicated by letters of the Greek alphabet.

Find the correct statement in MS Excel
A) The formula begins with the "=" sign, can contain up to 240 characters and must not contain spaces; B) The formula begins with the "=" sign and can contain up to 240 characters and spaces;

Specify the correct formula in MS Excel to find the maximum data value from the specified range
C) =MAX(A1:A3); B) =MAX(B1:B3); C) =MAX(A1:C1); D) =MAX(A1:C3); E) =MAX(C1:C3).

The working window is

Provide an absolute reference to the column name in the cell name
A) $A$1; B) $A1; C) A$1; D) A1; E) $$A1. 13. Information in the cell Excel tables as 99% is presented in A) Fractional format; B) Monetary format; C) Percent

Cell ranges in Excel are indicated as follows
A) D3-H16; B) DЗ;Н16; C) D3+H16; D) D3/H16; E) D3:H16. 4. Find among the listed functions a function that belongs to the Date and Time category? A) IF; B) CO

The control line is
A) A string that contains the name of the application, the name of the active document and window control buttons; B) The current document window, through which you can view, create and edit a document; C)

To select data according to the desired criterion, use the command
A) Find; B) Format; C) Sampling; D) Filter; E) Criterion. 13. The information in a 5/3 Excel table cell is presented in A) Fractional format; B) Monetary

Specify a formula in MS Excel that tells the program that it needs to perform an operation on arrays
A) =A1*5; B) (=A1:D4*5); C) =IF(X<0;A1+2;A1+5); D) =А1/(В2+5); E) =SIN(B1)*3+C2. 22. Какая из перечисленных функций MS Excel определяет обратную матрицу? A)

The access emblem is
A) Text; B) Table; C) Schedule; D) W; E) Key. 20. Which object of the ACCESS DBMS allows you to create virtual tables consisting of calculated fields or fields taken from other tables

In MS Access, double-click a control in design mode
A) Changes its size and appearance; C) Calls up the properties window for this control; C) Calls up editing mode; D) Makes it stand out; E) Calls up the filtering mode. 23.

Table Wizard mode allows you to
A) Edit the structure of old tables; B) Create new tables; C) Enter data into a table; D) Print tables; E) Edit data in the table.

Sorting alphabetically is equivalent
A) Sort in descending order; B) Sorting by rows; C) Sorting by records; D) Sort in ascending order; E) Diagonal sorting. 18. What is a key? A) Od

The MS Access processing object is
A) Table; B) Database; C) Text file; D) A document containing data about real world objects; E) A database file with an arbitrary name and extension *.mdb. 24. Kaku

From the following list, select a data type that is not a Microsoft Access data type
A) Numeric; B) Text; C) Real; D) Monetary; E) Logical. 4. Table Wizard mode allows you to: A) Edit the structure of old tables; B) Create

In MS Access, in the New Report dialog box, the Report Wizard option
A) Allows you to create a report from scratch; B) Displays one record at a time in vertical format; C) Helps create a report by asking questions and using pre-designed templates; D) Displays several at once

A relational database file record may contain
A) Heterogeneous information (data of different types); B) Extremely homogeneous information (data of only one type); C) Text information only; D) Purely numerical information; E) Only

The backbone topology of information and computer networks is characterized by
A) The presence of many nodes connected to a central node that manages the flow of information and messages; B) A set of nodes connected into a closed system with control,

Internet is
A) Global computer network; B) User interface; C) Regional computer network; D) Hyperlink; E) Local computer network. 17. Word Wide Web (WWW or simply Web

Information protection is generally understood as
A) Ensuring the physical integrity of information, i.e. eliminating the possibility of distortion or destruction of information elements; B) Elimination of the possibility of substitution (modification) of information elements

A way to use the Internet, which allows for the instant transfer of files, documents, and programs over any distance, is
A) Search service; B) E-mail; C) Navigator; D) News; E) IP telephony. 21. What are protocols? A) Established and agreed rules for complete

A topology whose nodes are connected by lines to a central node is called
A) Tire; B) Volumetric; C) Star-shaped; D) Radial; E) Tabular. 4. In the NTERNET network and its services, the “To” and “Where” sections are separated by the sign: A) &; B) $; WITH

A set of hardware and software that allows computers to exchange data is
A) Highway; B) Interface; C) Data buses; D) Adapter; E) Computer network. 19. Which of the following methods of connecting to the Internet provides greatest opportunities d


261. The minimum object used in a text editor is... A. word
B. screen point (pixel)
C. paragraph
D. familiar place (symbol)* 262. The number of different encodings of letters of the Russian alphabet is... A. one
B. two (MS-DOS, Windows)
C. three (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh)
D. five (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, KOI-8, ISO)* 263. In a text editor, when setting page parameters,... A. typeface, size, style
B. indentation, spacing
C. margins, orientation*
D. style, pattern 264. To save a text file (document) in a specific format, you must specify... A. font size B. file type* C. paragraph options D. page dimensions 265. In a text editor, the Copy operation becomes possible after: A. setting the cursor to a specific position
B. saving the file
C. Printing the file
D. highlighting a piece of text* 266. In a text editor, the main parameters when setting paragraph parameters are... A. typeface, size, style B. indentation, spacing* C. margins, orientation D. style, template 267. Word processors are: A. Software tools designed for creating, editing and formatting simple and complex text documents* B. Programs providing a set of tools for document preparation C. Software shells D. Text documents 268. Automatic hyphenation in a text editor is done using menu commands: A. Service → Language → Thesaurus B. Service → Hyphenation C. Service → Language → Hyphenation* D. Service → Settings 269. Which Menu contains flowchart elements, stars and flags, and callouts? A. Tool B. Edit C. AutoShapes* D. File 270. Determining the parameters of the document being created (page, paragraph, font), breaking documents into pages is performed using the menu command: A. File → New B. File → Page Setup→Layout C. File → Properties* D. File → Page Setup… 271. Using what menu command in a text editor can you split a document into columns? A. Format → Columns...* B. Format → Frames C. Table → Add D. View → Structure 272. What is a Document Style System? A. This is a named set of settings for font, paragraph, symbols and various document elements (headings, titles, footers, etc.)* B. This is a set of service tools for designing a text frame C. This is a set of color palettes for decorating the text background D. This a set of color palettes for document background design 273. Specify the wrong alignment type in a text editor A. justified B. left-aligned C. paragraph-aligned* D. right-aligned 274. A section in text editors is: A. part of a program B. menu command* C. part of a formatted document D. fragment of a document 275. What is a Document Template: A. this is the text content of a document template, made in accordance with a certain set of styles* B. this is a way of presenting a document C. this is a command D. this is a program 276. Changing font settings in a text editor is done using: A. Fonts commands...Format menu* B. Replace commands...Edit menu C. New commands...File menu D. Symbol commands...Insert menu 277. In which text editor menu item can you select landscape or portrait document orientation mode: A. Format B. Service C. Edit D. File* 278. How to go to the beginning of the typed line: A. shift + B. ctrl + C. home*D. ctrl+home 279. If in the “Page Settings” dialog you set the page scale to “no more than 1 page in width and 1 page in height,” then when printing, if the sheet is larger than this size, ... A. the page will be trimmed to these dimensions B. the page will be reduced to this size C. the page will be printed* D. the page will be enlarged to this size 280. The clipboard is A. allocation of part of a floppy disk B. special area of ​​computer RAM for exchanging information between documents of different applications* C. application window of application programs D. part of computer RAM 281. What type of software are Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word, Notepad, WordPad? A. Operating systemsB. Operating shells. Data archiving programsD. Word processors*

282. In the text “Nauryz - New Year's holiday” the word Nauryz is highlighted, the cursor is on the highlighted word. What the text will look like if you execute the CUT and PASTE commands sequentially

    Nauryz Nauryz is a New Year holiday

    Nauryz - New Year's holiday Nauryz - New Year's holiday

    Nauryz - New Year holiday *

    new year holiday

283. In the process of formatting text, changes... A. font size B. paragraph parameters C. sequence of characters, words, paragraphs* D. page parameters 284. The "File" menu of the Word text editor does not include options a) Create; b) Transfer; c) Open; d) Save; e) Compress
A. b,e *B. a,cC. b,c,dD. a,d. 285. The text was typed in a text editor: IT SIMPLY CONTAINS PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING DATE AND TIME OF DAY, ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF MAGNETIC DISKS, ROBOT TOOLS WITH DIRECTORIES AND SEPARATE FILES. The Find and Replace All command to correct all errors might look like this: A. Find P Replace with RA B. Find RO Replace with RA C. Find ROB Replace with RAB* D. Find BROB Replace with BRAV 286. The user corrects the text in a text editor. When the cursor was at the beginning of the second paragraph of text, he pressed the BackSpace key. At the same time, the entire contents of the second paragraph moved to the end of the first line. Why did this happen? A. A machine failure occurred and the user did not automatically save changes to the text. B. The user erased the invisible "end of line" character that was located at the end of the first paragraph.* C. Pressing this key tells the word processor to switch to a two-column layout of the text on the paper.
D. Pressing this key always changes the automatic text formatting. 287. Automatic spell checking is done using menu commands:
    Tools OptionsSpelling*File  Page Options  LayoutService OptionsCheckService Spelling
288. How to cancel changes to the size of an object?
289. To insert a picture located in a file on your hard drive into a document, you must:
    place the cursor at the insertion point and select the command Insert/Drawing/From Scanner...;place the cursor at the insertion point and select the command Insert/Drawing/Pictures...;*place the cursor at the insertion point and select the command Insert/Object/Bitmap...;set the cursor to the insertion point and select the command Insert/Drawing/From File…
290. To change the width and height of table cells inMS WordCan…
    execute the command Table/Align row widths...; place the mouse cursor on the cell borders and press the right mouse button to resize; *place the mouse cursor on the cell boundaries and press the left mouse button to resize; execute the command Table/Align column widths...
291. When aligning a paragraph with width...
    all lines of a paragraph begin at the same position, i.e. the left edge of the paragraph forms a vertical line; all lines of the paragraph end at the same position, i.e. the right edge of the paragraph forms a vertical line; all lines of the paragraph are located symmetrically relative to the vertical line passing through the middle of the page; both the left and right borders are even.*
292. To highlight a word in the text you need to do:
      one click before a word; double click inside a word * one click after a word; triple click inside a word
293. To place a finished picture in the text, use the menu item...
294. In the Page Setup dialog box you cannot set:
    Indents to the header and footer.Paper sizeParagraph indent *Page margin sizes
295. When adding bold style in a text editor, you can use
296. To add an empty row to a table, you must perform the following sequence of actions:
    Format – Add rows.Table – Add rows.*View – Add rowsService – Add rows.
297. To split one cell into several columns, you must perform the following sequence of actions:
    Place the cursor in the desired cell - Tool – Split cells Edit - Split Cells– specify the number of columns. Place the cursor in the desired cell - Insert - Split Cells– specify the number of columns. Place the cursor in the desired cell – Table - Split Cells– specify the number of columns.*

298. To split one cell into several lines, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

    Place the cursor in the desired cell - Table - Split CellsWithtroki.Place the cursor in the desired cell – Table - Split Cells– specify the number of lines. *Place the cursor in the desired cell - Edit - Split Cells– specify the number of lines. Place the cursor in the desired cell - Insert - Split Cells– specify the number of lines.
299. To set the required page parameters, you must perform the following sequence of actions:
    File - Page Setup– set the required parameters – OK.* Insert - Page Setup– set the required parameters – OK. The page parameters are set automatically and cannot be changed. The page parameters cannot be changed.
300. To number pages in a document, you must perform the following sequence of actions:
    File - Page Numbers- indicate position – OK.Format - Page Numbers- indicate position – OK.Insert - Page Numbers- indicate position – OK.*View– Page numbers- indicate position – OK.
301. How to change the font style to italic: 302. The button performs the following function:
    Centering textFormat text to the left.Format text to fit the width.*Format text to the bottom.
303. The button performs the following function:
    Pastes from clipboard.Create a new document.Preview.Open a saved document *
304. The button performs the following function:
    Creating a new document Inserting a table. Copying. * Pasting from the clipboard
305. What is Microsoft Word:
    Software shell. Graphic editor. Anti-virus program Text editor*
306. To launch Microsoft Word, you must perform the following sequence of actions:
    Start - Programs - Accessories - Microsoft Word. Start - Accessories - Microsoft Word. Start - Programs - Microsoft Word.* Start - My Documents - Microsoft Word.
307. The button performs the following function:
    Clipboard inserts. Preview *

Tasks to complete

Run the program with the command Start LibreOffice LibreOffice Writer Programs.

Task 1: Converting text to a table

1. Open in the program LibreOffice Writer file created in a previous job.

2. Run the command

3. Enter the main title Working with tables, and under it the subtitle Table 1. List of friends.

4. Copy the bulleted list into the free space under the subheading. In each line of the list to the name using the key add the appropriate last name.

5. Select the list using the button Bulleted list on the panel Formatting give up the token and then execute the command Table Convert Text to Table. In the window of the same name, select the text separator Tabulation and press the button OK. You should end up with a table of two columns.

6. Add a header to the new table. To do this: select the first line and run the command Table Insert Rows Quantity – 1, Position – before OK.

7. Add a third column in the same way, while selecting the second column and using the command Table Insert Columns Number – 1, Position – after OK.

8. Title the columns “First Name”, “Last Name” and “Phone” respectively.

9. Give a name and fill in the third column with the appropriate data.

10. Format the table using window commands Format Paragraph ( frame the table, match the fill to the first line, emphasize the characters of the first line).

Table 1. List of friends

Task 2. Creation and calculations in a simple table

1. Using a button (Table), located on the toolbar Standard, create a table of 8 rows and 4 columns according to the example of table 2 (names Column A, B, C, D, Cell addresses D2…D5 do not print).

2. In the table, carry out calculations in the last column D, where there is an “x” sign. To do this, place the cursor in the corresponding cell (with the expected result, for example in D2), using the menu command Table Formula enter formulas in the dialog box Formula(for example, for cell D2 you can enter the formula = *). When entering a cell address into a formula, use the technique of selecting the desired cell with the mouse, and entering the “*” operator from the keyboard. When you finish entering the formula, press the key .

Table 2. Calculation of equipment cost

(Column A Column B Column C Column D)

3. To calculate the total cost in a cell D5 use function Sum (Table Formula f(x) Sum) sum:(when entering a function argument with the mouse, you must select the desired range of cells) . Similarly, in cells D6, D7, D8, calculate the corresponding values, select functions for which from the category Table Formula f(x) Statistical.

4. Using a command Table AutoFormat o Format the table using one of the formats offered by the editor.

Task 3. Creating a complex table

1. Create a table of complex structure “Payment order”, presented as an example below. To do this:

Enter a title in the empty space on the page Table 3. Payment order.

Create table using command Table Insert table of 8 columns and 15 rows. When inserting a table, a toolbar will appear Table(if the panel does not appear, install it using the View command Toolbars Table) .

Move the cursor to all panel buttons one by one Table and become familiar with their functions using tooltips next to the icons.

Alternately selecting groups of cells, combine them in accordance with the sample payment order (Table 3).

Table 3. Payment order

2. Fill in the text fields of the table.

3. Apply the desired alignment method (one of three), which is located in the command window Table Table properties On the page Vertical alignment. For cells with the text "Payer" ... "Recipient" apply text alignment Along the bottom edge, d for cells with the text "M.P." use alignment In the middle.

Task 4: Creating charts based on tables

1. Run the command Insert Break Page break OK.

2. On the new page, enter a title Building charts.

3. Create a diagram based on the data in the table. 4 about the average number of new car registrations per week in different cities of Russia. There is no need to type the table itself in Writer! To do this:

Table 4. Weekly new vehicle registrations

Use command Insert Object Diagram. A basic diagram is inserted into the document (Fig. 3.1 a), with which a certain basic data table is associated (Fig. 3.2 a), and then it is configured with the necessary data.

Double-click the Basic Chart object (the toolbar will change) and run the command Chart data table view.

In the window that opens Data table(Fig. 3.2.a) edit the data (Fig. 3.2.b) in accordance with table 4. In the window Data table place the cursor in the desired cell and enter the original data in place of the proposed ones. Thus, fill in 4 columns and 8 rows in accordance with the original table 4.



Rice. 3.1. Inserted diagram: a) basic, b) according to table data. 4.

7. Having completed editing, close the window and check the changes in the diagram.

8. Using Toolbar Commands Standard And Formatting add a title to the diagram, the name of the axes, the location of the legend (list of cities), and the color scheme of the plotting area (see Fig. 3.1 b).

Rice. 3.2. The “Data Table” window: a – with the proposed data, b – with the edited (original) data.

Task 5. Creating a Table of Contents

To create a table of contents in a document, you must:

1. Go to the beginning of the document and execute the command Insert Break Page break OK.

3. Assign styles to all headings that should be in the table of contents (select the text with the heading and select from the list of panel styles Formatting style Heading 1 or Heading 2). Style Heading 1 assign headings: Test text, Working with drawings, Working with formulas, Working with tables, Building charts. Style Heading 2 assign table headings 1, 2, 3.

4. Place the cursor at the beginning of the new page and activate the command Box Table of Contents and Indexes Table of Contents and Indexes. Get to know the window Table of contents and indexes and click on the OK button.

5. Make sure that a two-level table of contents is inserted with page numbers for the headings.

Changes to the table of contents after it has been created can be made using the command Update table of contents, located in the context menu of the table of contents.

Example of a control test "Text editor"


The tasks presented on this page can be used to help 11th grade students prepare for the Informatics Olympiad. Real tests and tasks included in the set of Olympiad tasks were chosen as examples. By using these tasks during a computer science lesson, you can help students determine how well they prepared for the Olympiad, which sections they should repeat, and what level of difficulty the computer science Olympiad tasks have.

But 11th grade students can also use assignments to prepare for the Informatics Olympiad for independent preparation. The correct answers to all questions and problems are listed at the bottom of this page.

Olympiad in Informatics 11th grade

Download the assignments by filling out the form!

After you provide the data, the download button will become active.

Test tasks

1. What are the names of programs that allow you to view Web pages?
A) Adapters
B) Operating systems
B) Browsers
D) Translators

2. What is HTTP?
A) A network connecting electronic bulletin boards
B) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
C) A group of messages dedicated to a specific topic
D) Computer connected to the network

3. What is needed to publish a Web site?
B) User's mailing address
B) User's email address
D) Username and password

4. What can be used as an object when creating a hyperlink?
A) Provider company
B) Network protocol
B) Picture
D) Tag

5. If, when searching for information, you are not sure of the spelling of the word BEAR, then which search option is suitable for this case?

6. A computer connected to the Internet must have...
A) IP address
B) Web server
B) Home Web page
D) Domain name

7. A modem is...
A) Mail program
B) Network protocol
B) Internet Server
D) Technical device

8. In a text editor, the Copy operation becomes possible after:
A) Setting the cursor to a specific position
B) Saving the file
B) File printouts
D) Selecting a text fragment.

9. What is a chip?
A) Electron tube
B) Integrated circuit
B) Information highway
D) Processor type

10. Are polyphages viruses or antivirus programs?
A) Antivirus programs
B) Viruses
B) Browser
D) Search engine

Open questions

Question 1
Two friends - Petya and Vasya - share an Internet access channel with a bandwidth of 4 KB per second. The load balancing system is configured in such a way that if only one person is using the channel at a given time, then the file is downloaded at a speed equal to the channel’s bandwidth, and if both friends are using the channel, the channel’s bandwidth is equally divided between users. Petya started downloading a musical composition. After 8 seconds, Vasya began downloading the graphic file. Petya finished downloading the music composition 34 seconds after he started downloading his file. The musical composition was digitized in mono mode with a sampling frequency of 1024 Hz and 65536 quantization levels. The graphics file contained 8192 pixels, encoded using a palette of 256 colors. Both the music file and the graphics file did not use data compression. Apart from the downloaded files mentioned, there was no other load on the Internet access channel. How many seconds does the music composition that Petya downloaded last? Please indicate the number in your answer.

Question 2
How many natural numbers are there for which the following conditions are simultaneously satisfied:
1) Writing a number in the decimal number system has exactly three significant digits.
2) If you convert this number to the six-digit number system, then the number will remain three-digit, but the value of each place will increase by one compared to the values ​​of the corresponding bits in the number written in the septal number system.
Please provide an integer in your answer.

Question 3
The representation of a certain natural number X in the hexadecimal number system has exactly three significant digits. This number was doubled, and it turned out that the hexadecimal representation of the resulting number Y also has exactly three significant digits, and the sum of the hexadecimal digits of the original number X is equal to the sum of the hexadecimal digits of the resulting number Y. How many numbers X are there that satisfy the specified conditions and at the same time contain at least one digit 2 in their hexadecimal notation? Please provide an integer in your answer.

Question 4
Petya designed a device consisting of a sensor and memory. The sensor takes readings in the range from 0 to 1 with an accuracy of 0.1 and stores each value separately in memory. Only an integer number of bytes can be written to memory, so each sensor reading takes exactly 1 byte. Vasya suggested adding a buffer to the device that accumulates N readings. Once the buffer is completely filled, the resulting combination of readings is encoded with the minimum possible number of bits and written to memory, occupying an integer number of bytes. At what minimum buffer size will the amount of information written after it is filled be 10 bytes less than it would take to record the same number of readings in the absence of a buffer? In the answer, indicate an integer - the buffer size, defined as the number
sensor readings that can be accumulated in it.

Question 5
A young intern in the technical department, Vasechkin, received his first independent task: to install drivers for peripheral devices on the director’s new computer. Going on his assignment, Vasechkin received parting words from his more experienced work colleagues in what order the drivers should be installed. But the colleagues had a sense of humor and decided to give advice in which only half was true, and the rest was a deliberate lie.
Wizard's assistant: Only the scanner can be installed first, and the external hard drive can be installed second to last.
Dispatcher: Be sure to install the monitor second, and the fourth should be an external hard drive.
Head of department: The monitor must be installed second, and the scanner only third.
Senior foreman: Never put a printer third, and don’t put a musical keyboard last.
Junior master: The musical keyboard can be placed first, and the printer second.
Help Vasechkin restore the exact sequence of driver installation. In your answer, indicate the first letters of the devices in a row in the order in which you need to install drivers for them. (B – external hard drive, K – musical keyboard, M – monitor, P – printer, C – scanner)

Qualified tests for computer science teachers
Testing of computer science and ICT teachers

No. 1. In the system of developmental education (according to Elkonin-Davydov), special attention is paid to the child’s development:

1. communication skills;
2. theoretical thinking and creative abilities;
3. knowledge, skills and abilities;
4. basic competencies.

No. 2. Select lists of office applications:

1.Windows, Linux
2. Word, Excel, PowerPoint
3. Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress

4. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw

No. 3. All 4-letter words made up of the letters K, L, R, T are written in alphabetical order and numbered. Here's the start of the list:



Write down the word that appears at number 67.

Answer: LKKR

No. 4. Select the abbreviated name of the Unified Data Transfer Protocol:


No. 5. In a text editor, copying becomes possible after:

1. placing the cursor in a specific place
2. highlighting a piece of text
3. save the file
4. file printout

No. 6. The teacher’s workplace as a user of the educational information environment can be:

1. Separate workplace in the Information Center, library, media library, etc.
2. A separate computer anywhere in the school for parents to access the school’s information space
3. Computer class with 10-15 student workstations and a teacher’s PC
4. One or more computers at work stations in the teachers' room
5. Separate computer at the workplaces of administration employees
6. Separate computer with a multimedia projector and other connected equipment

No. 7. In accordance with the Law “On Education”, the function of education is assigned to:

1. family;
2. personnel of the educational institution;
3. administration of the educational institution;
4. teaching staff of the educational institution, parents (their legal representatives).

1. Bosova L.L. Computer Science and ICT, grades 5-7;
2. Bykadorov Yu.A. Computer Science and ICT, grades 8-9;
3. Semakin I.G., Henner E.K. Computer Science and ICT

No. 9. Select a publishing house whose website publishes the main programs and workshops of computer science textbook authors:

1. Enlightenment.
2. Bustard.
3. Binomial.

1. Bosova L.L. Computer Science and ICT, grades 5-7,
2. Bykadorov Yu.A. Computer science and ICT, grades 8-9.
3. Solovyova L.F. Computer science and ICT, grades 8 and 9.

No. 11. Select correct definition Goals of the Olympiad in the subject:

1. Organization of extracurricular educational work.
2. Developing interest in the subject, identifying students’ aptitudes for this subject and developing their abilities.
3. Developing students' interest in the subject and testing knowledge.
4. Testing students' knowledge.

No. 12. Choose the correct meaning of the word "provider":

1. Program for transmitting data on the Internet.
2. A company providing Internet services.
3. A technical device that replaces a modem when connecting to the Internet.

No. 13. From the proposed groups of forms, methods and techniques of teaching, select the group that allows you to intensify the activities of students in the lesson:

1. story, frontal work, illustrative and explanatory method;
2. heuristic conversation, brainstorming, solving problem situations, working in groups and pairs, organizing research activities;
3. teacher’s explanation, conversation, actions according to the model.

No. 14. Select the address of the Federal portal “Russian Education” from the list:

1. http://window.edu.ru/
2. http://www.rusedu.ru/
3. http://www.school.edu.ru/
4. http://www.edu.ru/

No. 15. Choose a teaching tool whose didactic properties are most effective:

1. Textbook.
2. Visual aid.
3. Interactive digital educational resource.
4. Video.

No. 16. In the developed model of an electronic clock, the following scheme was adopted for encoding time. The clock is encoded as a 5-bit binary number (00000 to 10111). The minute code is appended to the hour code on the right. Minutes are encoded as a 6-bit binary number (from 000000 to 111011). What time will the code 00010000011 have?

1) 02:03
2) 10:11
3) 04:03
4) 04:11

No. 17. Performer May4 converts the number written on the screen. The performer has three teams, which are assigned numbers:

1. Add 1
2. Add 2
3. Add 4

The first of them increases the number on the screen by 1, the second increases this number by 2, and the third - by 4. The program for the May4 executor is a sequence of commands.

How many programs are there that convert the number 21 to 30?

Answer: 96

No. 18. How many different sets of values ​​of the logical variables x1, x2, ... x8, y1, y2, ... y8 are there that satisfy all the conditions listed below?

(x1 \/ x2) /\ ((x1 /\ x2) → x3) /\ (¬x1 \/ y1) = 1

(x2 \/ x3) /\ ((x2 /\ x3) → x4) /\ (¬x2 \/ y2) = 1

(x6 \/ x7) /\ ((x6 /\ x7) → x8) /\ (¬x6 \/ y6) = 1

(x7 \/ x8) /\ (¬x7 \/ y7) = 1

(¬x8 \/ y8) = 1

The answer does not need to list all the different sets of values ​​of the variables x1, x2, ... x8, y1, y2, ... y8 for which this system of equalities is satisfied. As an answer, you need to indicate the number of such sets.

Answer: 61

No. 19. An integer for which the hexadecimal form of the internal representation in a 1-byte memory location is F2 is equal to

1) 242
2) -14
3) -15
4) -13

No. 20. The hexadecimal number 0,F(2) 16 in the base 8 number system is equal to

1) 0,74(4210) 8
2) 0,17(10) 8
3) 0,71(1042) 8
4) 0,17(1042) 8

No. 21. To encode some sequence consisting of letters A, B, C, D And D, a non-uniform binary code is used, which allows the resulting binary sequence to be unambiguously decoded. Here is the code: A - 0; B - 100; B - 1010; G - 111; D - 110. It is required to reduce the length of the code word for one of the letters so that the code can still be decoded unambiguously. The codes of the remaining letters should not change.

Which of the following methods can this be done?

1) for the letter B - 101
2) this is impossible
3) for the letter B - 010
4) for the letter B - 10

No. 22. For group operations with files, file name masks are used.

The mask is a sequence of letters, numbers and other characters allowed in file names, which may also contain the following characters.

Symbol " ? » (question mark) means exactly one arbitrary character.

Symbol " * » (star) means any sequence of characters of arbitrary length, including “*” can also specify an empty sequence.

There are 7 files in the directory:

  • carga.mp3
  • cascad.mpeg
  • cassa.mp3
  • cassandra.mp4
  • castrol.mp4
  • picasa.map
  • picasa.mp4

Determine which of the listed masks from these 7 files will select the specified group of files:

  • cascad.mpeg
  • cassa.mp3
  • cassandra.mp4
  • picasa.mp4

1) *cas*a*.mp*
2) *ca*a*.mp*
3) *cas*.mp*
4) *cas*a*.mp?

No. 23. The truth of two statements: “it is not true that if ship A went to sea, then ship C did not” and “ship B or ship C went to sea, but not both together” means that ships went to sea

1) A, B, C
2) A, B
3) B, C
4) A, C

No. 24. A 40 MB document can be transferred from one computer to another in two ways:

A. Compress with an archiver, transfer the archive via a communication channel, unpack.

B. Transmit over a communication channel without using an archiver.

Which method is faster and by how much if:

  • the average data transfer speed over the communication channel is 223 bits per second;
  • the volume of the document compressed by the archiver is 90% of the original;
  • the time required to compress a document is 16 seconds, to decompress -2 seconds?

In your answer, write the letter A if method A is faster, or B if method B is faster. Immediately after the letter, write a number indicating how many seconds one method is faster than the other.

So, for example, if method B is 23 seconds faster than method A, you should write B23 in your answer.

Units of measurement: “seconds”, “sec.”, “s.” No need to add to the answer.

Answer: B14

No. 25 If 294 a =435 b and A7 b =4325 (a and b are the bases of different number systems), then what is the base of the number system a?

1) 10
2) 12
3) 14
4) 16

No. 26. The Baramba alphabet consists of 4 letters. The Aborigines encoded the word DABC using the following codes: A - 10, B - 0, C - 1, D - 010. The word was transmitted without spaces separating one letter from another. Determine the number of ways to read the transmitted word:

1) 5
2) 7
3) 12
4) 24

No. 27. Three divisions A, B and C of a trading company sought to make a profit at the end of the year. Economists have made the following assumptions:

  • Division A will make a profit only when division C's profit is not a sufficient reason for division B to make a profit;
  • Divisions A and C will not make a profit;
  • Division A or Division C will make a profit.

At the end of the year, it turned out that only one of the three assumptions was true. Which departments made a profit? (In your answer, write down the names of the departments without separating them with commas, for example: AS).

Answer: ABC

No. 28. Performer The draftsman moves on the coordinate plane, leaving a trace in the form of a line. The draftsman can execute the command to move by (a, b), where a, b are integers. This command moves the Draftsman from a point with coordinates (x, y) to a point with coordinates (x + a; y + b). For example, if the Draftsman is at coordinates (4, 2), then the command to move to (2, −3) will move the Draftsman to the point (6, −1).

REPEAT number of times
sequence of commands

means that the sequence of commands will be executed the specified number of times (the number must be a natural number).

The draftsman was given the following algorithm to execute (the letters n, a, b denote unknown numbers, with n > 1):

move by (-3, -3)
move to (a, b)
move to (27, 12)
shift by (-22, -7)

Indicate the smallest possible value of the number n for which there are values ​​of the numbers a and b such that after executing the program the Draftsman will return to the starting point.

Answer: 5

No. 29. A certain performer can execute two commands:

D.L. - removes from the numerical sequence the digits located in places n and n+1, and in their place puts the modulus of the difference of these numbers;
EX - swaps the places of the numbers in places n and n+1.

For example, if the number sequence 12345 is given, then as a result of the sequential execution of six commands by this executor: DL4 EX3 DL3 DL1 DL1, the number 1 remains.

Determine what is the smallest number of commands that the executor needs to execute in order to get the number 3 from the number sequence 123456.

Answer: 5

No. 30. Find the smallest base of the positional number system X, for which the equality 145 x = 442 y is true.

Answer: 9

No. 31. Internet services do not include:

1. Email e-mail
2. Standard Applications Microsoft Windows
3. FTP File Transfer
4. Usenet newsgroups

No. 32. On the shelf are textbooks on mathematics, computer science and physics. There are 2 times fewer textbooks in physics than in mathematics, and there are 15 textbooks in computer science. The amount of information in the message that a physics textbook was taken from the shelf is 3 bits. How many textbooks are there on the shelf?

Answer: 24

No. 33. TO internal criteria skill formation includes

1. increasing the speed of task completion;
2. increasing independence when performing a task;
3. reducing the number of errors when performing a task;
4. lack of focus of consciousness on the form of performing the task.

No. 34. Social research methods include:

1. testing;
2. survey;
3. survey;
4. all of the above.

No. 35. Local acts of the educational institution, which must necessarily contain provisions on rights and obligations teaching worker- This:

1. internal labor regulations;
2. charter of the institution;
3. regulations on remuneration of employees of the educational institution;
4. job description.

No. 36. The interdisciplinary approach to teaching computer science is manifested by:

1. in the study of representation various forms and types of information;
2. in solving problems from various academic disciplines in computer science lessons;
3. in the use of ICT in the educational process.

No. 37. The main directions of development of general education in accordance with the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation “Our New School” do NOT include:

1. Transition to new educational standards.
2. Additional monetary reward for performing the functions of a class teacher;
3. Expanding the independence of schools;
4. Improving the teaching staff;
5. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

No. 38. Monitoring learning outcomes is:

1. checking the results of mastering knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the development of certain competencies;
2. leading view feedback teacher with student in the learning process;
3. a system of evaluation and marking activities aimed at forming an adequate understanding of objectively occurring processes in the social continuum;
4. a mechanism for testing only students’ knowledge.

No. 39. Economic management methods used at the level of an educational institution do not include:

1. tax system of the country;
2. system of wages and other forms of material incentives for workers;
3. a system of responsibility with the appropriate application of rewards and sanctions for the quality and efficiency of work;
4. a system for stimulating innovation activities aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of the institution’s activities.

No. 40. The official publication of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is

1. "Bulletin of Education".
2. “Bulletin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Higher and secondary vocational education."
3. “Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities.”
4. “Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation.”

No. 41. Searching for information on the Internet by keywords assumes:

1. entering a word (phrase) into the search bar
2. entering a word (phrase) in the address bar
3. following a hyperlink from the first loaded page

No. 42. For a comprehensive assessment of health status, the following indicators are used (delete the unnecessary answer option):

1. The presence or absence of chronic diseases at the time of examination.
2. The level of achieved physical and neuropsychic development and the degree of its harmony;
3. Development of muscles, condition and coloring of the skin.
4. The degree of resistance of the body to adverse effects.

No. 43. The principles of learning are

1. methods of work on organizing the learning process;
2. theses of the theory and practice of training and education, reflecting key points in the disclosure of processes, phenomena, events;
3. basic ideas of learning theory;
4. means of folk pedagogy and modern pedagogical process.

No. 44. Pedagogical technology is:

1. a set of operations for the design, formation and control of knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes in accordance with the goals;
2. tools for achieving the learning goal;
3. a set of provisions that reveal the content of any theory, concept or category in the system of science;
4. stability of the results obtained during repeated control, as well as similar results when it was carried out by different teachers.

No. 45. A legal act regulating social and labor relations in an organization and concluded by employees and the employer is called:

1. An employment contract.
2. Collective agreement.
3. Bilateral agreement.
4. Employment agreement.

No. 46. Principle of organization educational process how the dialogue between teachers and students and students among themselves is called the principle

1. dialogization;
2. problematization;
3. personalization;
4. individualization.

No. 47. A prerequisite for individualization of training is:

1. special preparation of the teacher for this type of activity;
2. creation of material and technical conditions necessary for this work;
3. study of the psychological characteristics of schoolchildren;
4. drawing up special (different from state) training programs.

No. 48. The main provisions on the rights of the child are enshrined in:

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
3. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
4. International Covenant on Civil Rights.

No. 49. Systematize the listed stages of the lesson using a systemic activity approach:

A. updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action;
B. identifying the location and cause of the difficulty;
B. motivation for educational activities;
G. reflection of educational activities;
D. building a project to get out of the difficulty;
E. independent work with self-test according to the standard;
G. implementation of the constructed project;
H. primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech:
I. inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

1. Z, A, D, D, C, G, I, B, E;
2. C, B, A, D, G, G, I, E, G;
3. B, A, B, D, G, G, E, I, G.

No. 50. Determine the element that is not included in the structure of the Unified State Examination test materials:

1. goals of studying the subject;
2. codifier of content elements in the subject for compiling test and measurement materials for the Unified State Examination;
3. specification of the examination paper for graduates of the 11th grade of secondary (complete) secondary school.

No. 51. Operator algorithmic language BASIC

PRINT (NOT(15 OR 51) EQV 85) IMP (15 AND 51)

will output a number equal to

1) 86
2) 105
3) -105
4) -86

No. 52. Determine the number of all 4-digit numbers in the base 5 number system?

Answer: 500

No. 53. After executing the assignment statements:

a:=c; b:=d; a:=a+b; b:=a-b; a:=a-b,
- variables a and b take on the values ​​of the variables:

1) a=c, b=d
2) a=d, b=c
3) a=c, b=c
4) a=c+d, b=c-d

No. 54. The rule for forming a sequence is set by a program in a school algorithmic language

alg sequence (arg int A, B, C)
start whole K
nc for K from 0 to 3
output C, “ , “

Determine the missing member of the sequence -1, 0, -7, ...?

Answer: 42

No. 55. After simplification, the logical expression

(B \/ ¬(A \/ B) → ¬ (A /\ B)) /\ ​​(A /\ B) is transformed to the form:

1) Lie
2) A
3) Truth
4) B

No. 56. After executing the program fragment:

BASIC Pascal

a$(1)=”abcba”: a$(2)=”abcab”
a$(3)=”bacab”: a$(4)=”bcaba”
FOR i=1 TO 4
s$=a$[i] : r=0
FOR j=1 TO 2
IF MID$(s$,j,1)<>
MID$(s$, LEN(s$)-j+1,1)
IF r=0 THEN k=k+1 ENDIF

a:=’abcba’; a:='abcab';
a:=’bacab’; a:=’bcaba’;
For i:=1 to 4 do
begin s:=a[i]; r:=0;
For j:=1 to 2 do
if Copy(s,j,1)<>
Copy (s, length(s)-j+1,1)
then r:=1;
If r=0 then k:=k+1 end;

will be printed:

1) 1

2) 2

3) 3

4) 4

No. 57. When registering in computer system Each user is given a password consisting of 15 characters and containing only the characters Ш, К, О, Л, А (thus, 5 different characters are used). Each such password in a computer system is written with the minimum possible and the same integer number of bytes (character-by-character encoding is used and all characters are encoded with the same and minimum possible number of bits).

Specify the amount of memory in bytes allocated by this system to record 30 passwords. In your answer, write down only the number; you do not need to write the word “byte”.

Answer: 180

No. 58. Sign educational technology What distinguishes it from the teaching methodology is:

1. the presence of stages, each of which has its own task;
2. systematic;
3. ensuring a guaranteed result;
4. ensuring a comfortable microclimate during use;

No. 59. When establishing contacts with parents of students, the teacher must: (delete the extra answer option)

1. carry out activities and carry out activities aimed at strengthening and increasing the authority of parents;
2. show trust in the educational influences of parents;
3. present complaints to parents in a timely manner;
4. When communicating with parents, observe pedagogical tact and avoid careless interference in the life of the family.

No. 60. Personal socialization is:

1. adaptability, activity;
2. autonomy;
3. mastering the moral values ​​of society;
4. all of the above.

No. 61. The essence of person-centered technologies is to focus on:

1. development of personality in accordance with natural abilities;
2. state standards education;
3. development of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student;
4. state educational order.

No. 62. From a psychological point of view, the process of education is:

1. the process of development of the child’s intellectual sphere;
2. an integral part of the learning process;
3. the leading professional function of teachers;
4. the process of development of the child’s motivational-need sphere.

No. 63. Modern traditional learning, as a technology, is based on

1. pedagogy of requirements;
2. pedagogy of cooperation;
3. Orthodox pedagogy;
4. school of creativity I.P. Volkova.

No. 64. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the leading role in the development of the student’s psyche belongs to

1. teaching;
2. education;
3. game;
4. communication.

No. 65. The teaching load and study schedule of a student in a general education institution are determined by:

1. By decision of the Council of the educational institution.
2. The charter of the educational institution based on recommendations agreed with the health authorities.
3. Schedule of training sessions.
4. SanPinami.

No. 66. Indicate what goals the study of computer science at school is aimed at in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard:

1. Mastery of knowledge that forms the basis of scientific ideas about information, information processes, systems, technologies and models.
2. Knowledge of basic information about databases, their structure, creation tools and working with them.
3. Possession of knowledge about the most important discoveries and achievements that influenced the development of engineering and technology.

1. personal instability;
2. manifestation of the growth of the physical “I”;
3. inadequate self-esteem;
4. age feature.

No. 68. How many ones are there in binary notation? decimal number 519?

Answer: 4

No. 69. Text typed in a text editor is stored as:

1. catalog
2. file
3. shortcut
4. pages

No. 70. File transfer speed via ADSL connection is 2048 Kbps. Transferring a file via this connection took 0.5 min. Determine the file size in megabytes.

1) 6,5
2) 7
3) 7,5
4) 8

No. 71. A message occupying 2 pages of 22 lines and 60 characters per line contains 2640 bytes. The number of characters in the alphabet used is

1) 64
2) 128
3) 256
4) 32

No. 72. How many units are contained in the binary notation of the expression value:

42014 + 22015 - 8?

Answer: 2013

No. 73. Indicate in which direction the windows in the computer science classroom should face:

1. east;
2. west;
3. north.

No. 74. Indicate how natural language differs from formal language:

1. The physical nature of signs.
2. The presence of strict rules of grammar and syntax.
3. Unambiguity of correspondence between groups of signs.

No. 75. Indicate the type of lesson according to the structure presented:
1) the stage of preparing students for active and conscious mastery of new material;
2) the stage of assimilation of new knowledge;
3) the stage of consolidating new knowledge;
4) stage of student information about homework, instructions for its implementation.

1. Combined lesson.
2. A lesson in learning new knowledge.
3. Lesson to consolidate the material being studied.
4. Lesson on repetition and generalization of the material being studied.

No. 76. Specify the correct definition of the term “learning task”:

1. A learning task is a message about the topic of the lesson.
2. A learning task is a specific task for a student to complete in class.
3. A learning task is a goal that is personally significant for the student, which motivates the learning of new material.
4. A learning task is solving a mathematical problem in different ways.

No. 77. Indicate the programs that the teacher uses when planning and organizing the educational process:

1. Sample general education programs;
2. Work programs developed by teachers based on sample or original programs;
3. Author's programs recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

No. 78. Indicate the meta-subject skill that forms the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards in the Computer Science course:

1. information literacy;
2. organization of own information activities;
3. work with information models.

No. 79. Information input devices are:

1. scanner
2. printer
3. monitor
4. keyboard

No. 80. Indicate the area of ​​activity that is designated as a priority in the educational initiative “Our New School”:

1. transition to normative per capita financing of educational institutions;
2. organizing a system for searching and supporting talented children;
3. Introduction new system wages;
4. expanding public participation in education management

No. 81. Specify a research method that is not a survey sociological method:

1. survey;
2. experiment;
3. sociometric survey;
4. sociological testing.

No. 82. Indicate what equipment the computer science classroom should be equipped with:

1. at least one workstation for the teacher, 15 computer places for students, scanner, printer, interactive whiteboard, webcam, headphones;
2. one workplace for a teacher and 10 seats for students;
3. the required number of places for students.

No. 83. Please indicate the age at which educational activities is the leader:

1. junior school age;
2. preschool age;
3. middle school age (teenage);
4. senior school age (youth).

No. 84. Indicate the method of teaching the subject that is more aimed at achieving meta-subject results than others:

1. Explanatory and illustrative.
2. Research.
3. Partially search engine.

No. 85. Indicate the greatest opportunities through which access to information resources Internet:

1. remote access via dial-up telephone channel;
2. permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel;
3. permanent connection via fiber optic channel;

No. 86. Please provide the most complete list of the main elements of a personal computer:

1. processor, RAM, input/output devices
2. processor, monitor
3. hard drive, monitor, printer
4. processor, mouse, monitor, scanner

No. 87. Indicate the number of integer values ​​of X for which the statement is true: (X3<100) \/ (X>10) → ((X-9)2<16) ?

Answer: 8

No. 88. Email allows you to send

1. messages only
2. messages and attachments
3.video images

No. 89. The Doubler performer has two teams, which are assigned numbers:

1. add 1,
2. multiply by 2.

The first of them increases the number on the screen by 1, the second doubles it.

For example, 2121 is the program:

multiply by 2
add 1
multiply by 2
add 1,

which converts the number 1 to 7.

Write down the order of commands in the program for converting the number 3 to the number 63,

Answer: 2 1212121

No. 90. On one street there are 4 houses in a row, in which 4 people live: Semyon, Nikolai, Arthur, Roman. It is known that they all have different professions: doctor, artist, huntsman and trainer, but it is unknown who is which and it is unknown who lives in which house. However, it is known that:
1) The doctor lives to the left of the huntsman.
2) The artist lives next to the coach.
3) The artist lives to the right of the doctor.
4) The coach lives next to the doctor.
5) Arthur lives to the right of the coach.
6) Semyon lives across the house from Nikolai.
7) Roman lives to the right of Semyon.
8) Nikolay is not a doctor.
Determine who lives where. The answers contain the initial letters of the names of the residents of all houses from left to right.


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