The name of the program for remote access. How to connect remote access to a computer via the Internet: Manual. Why do you need to control another computer via the Internet

Surely not every PC user (especially a beginner) knows that a computer can be easily controlled from a distance, and fully! Those. as if you are sitting and working at your own computer, but from a distance, and do it, for example, from a tablet or another computer. This can be very convenient and, for example, I use this opportunity regularly. Why do I need it? I work a lot on the Internet, but I can't always sit at my computer. Sometimes I need to go somewhere or to someone, but some urgent matter appears and I need my computer to open some program, start something, look. Carrying a computer with you always and everywhere is very problematic. It weighs about 4 kg for me, which feels good when carrying it :) But on the other hand, I always have a tablet or smartphone with me, from which at any time and from anywhere I can connect to my computer, which I leave on at home. And so I can work on it just as if I were at home. Another reason for remote access is the ability to ask a friend or colleague to help you deal with any problems in the settings, programs on your computer via remote access. Also, you yourself can help someone solve some problem on the computer by connecting remotely to this person. And the last thing ... It so happens that required computer is in hard to reach place or you need to go to it. In this case, too, the easiest way is to connect to it remotely and you're done!

In this article of mine, we will just talk about how to remotely control a computer from any device, and with the help of this guide you will learn how to do it easily even as a completely newbie! We will consider the most, in my opinion, the most convenient program for this business - TeamViewer, and today I will tell you about its main most necessary and useful functions. And it is also free for non-commercial use! There are only 2 conditions for remote device control: Internet connection on both devices, and TeamViewer on both devices.

To date, the TeamViewer program is supported, one might say, by all devices:

For all these devices, the TeamViewer application can be downloaded free of charge.

It is also interesting that you can control and vice versa - smartphones and tablets from a stationary computer.

So, let's begin to understand the program step by step, starting with the installation process.

Installing TeawViewer

    First you need to download the program itself. It is best to download from the official site, as there will always be the latest version. Go to the official TeamViewer website using the link:


    At the top of the page that opens, one cannot fail to notice the large button "Free full version". Here we press it:

    After downloading the file, find it on your computer and launch it. The file will have the name: "TeamViewer_Setup_ru":

    In the next window of the program, you will be asked to select an option for using TeamViewer. These settings can be changed after installation at any time. If you want to control this computer (on which you are installing the program) remotely, then immediately select the appropriate item. Otherwise, just select "Install".

    Below you must select the item "Personal non-commercial use", since the program is distributed free of charge only for this use case.

    At the end, put a checkmark "Show advanced settings" and click the "Accept - next" button:

    Windows User Account Control may ask you for confirmation to proceed with the installation. Just click "Yes":

    In the next window, we check the path where the program will be installed, and change it if desired. But I recommend leaving the default path. The options below can be omitted. All of them, if necessary, can be set after installation. Click the "Finish" button:

    A quick installation process will begin, which will take from a few seconds to a minute.

This completes the installation of the TeamViewer software! Let's move on to its settings and application.

TeamViewer setup

Setting up uncontrolled access to the computer:

Now we can freely control this computer from any other device, wherever we are in the area of \u200b\u200baccess to the Internet :) But for this we will deal with the information that we (or anyone else) needs to know so that we can connect to this computer remotely.

Data required for remote control of any device:

Perhaps the most important thing is to know the data by which you can connect remotely to the current computer.

To connect to this computer from another computer / device with TeamViewer installed, you only need to know:

    ID of this computer;

    Password for accessing this computer via TeamViewer (not to be confused with the password for logging into Windows!).

All these data are located in the main program window:

According to my example (see the image above) for remote access to this computer at the moment I need to specify ID: 900 288 832 and password: 6sx71k on the remote device.

The TeamViewer ID does not change for each specific computer. Those. the one that is indicated in the window you will always indicate when connecting remotely. There are 2 types of passwords in TeamViewer: temporary (random) and personal (permanent). Now more about this:

I hope you understand the difference in passwords :)

Now let's go through the main most important program settings.

Basic program settings:

    To go to all the program settings, open the "Advanced" menu at the top and select the "Options" item:

    We will immediately go to the "General" tab. Here you can enable or disable automatic start TeamViewer program on Windows startup. If you are going to control this computer remotely, then I strongly recommend leaving this item enabled. Then you do not have to start TeamViewer manually, and even more so if you are far away, and TeamViewer will not be running on this computer, you will not be able to connect to it.

    Below you can see a message that you are linked to a previously created account. If you click the Delete button, you can break this link.

    On this tab, there are no more important settings that are not set by default. Go to the next tab "Security".

    On the "Security" tab, we can change the "Personal" password by specifying a new one and repeating it at the very top. Below you can set up a "random" password by specifying the number of characters. By default, this password will always be 6 characters long.

    In the last section, "Rules for connecting to this computer," you can allow or deny remote login with a Windows password. It is safest to leave this parameter set by default, i.e. - "Is not allowed". The easiest way to connect is through the TeamViewer password and it will be safer.

    Remote control tab. There are important settings here. All of these settings are global - i.e. for any connection. But if you have created an account for yourself (as mentioned), then for each computer added to your personal list, you can set your own connection parameters, but more on that later.

    This is how the settings look on this tab:

    At the very top, you can adjust the image quality when connected to a remote computer. It is better to leave either "Automatic quality selection" or "Optimize speed". I always set the speed optimization to connect to a remote machine and work with almost no delays, even through mobile Internet... There is only one drawback - the image quality (the way we see the remote computer) will not be the best, but sometimes this is not even noticeable.

    Below, as you can see, the option "Hide wallpaper on a remote machine" is enabled. This means that when connected to a remote computer, the background of the desktop there will just turn black. I always leave this option on, so as not to waste resources downloading, at times, a large background image.

    Even below are additional settings that are configured for everyone according to their preferences. For example, if the "Play computer sounds and music" function is enabled, you will hear all sounds of the remote computer accordingly.

    It can be useful to enable the "Pass shortcut keys" option. If you enable this option, then connecting to a remote computer, you can use your usual keyboard shortcuts. For example, quickly open the task manager - "Ctrl + Shift + Esc".

    In general, here you configure it as you need it.

    Let's go straight to the Computers & Contacts tab.

    The "Computers and Contacts" tab will display your account settings, in which you will then see all the remote computers and users you added. On this tab, you can change account information, as well as display settings for computers.

On this, we have sorted out the basic settings. Now let's move on to the main thing - remote computer control.

The principle of remote computer control

To control a computer or any other device (they must also have TeamViewer installed and configured!), We can, as I said, from any point where there is access to the Internet and we just need to know the ID of the controlled device and its password (random or permanent ). Knowing these 2 parameters, we can control the computer.

Let's try to connect to the computer remotely:

    In the main TeamViewer window, where the "Manage computer" section is located, we indicate the ID of the computer that we will control in the "Partner ID" field.

    If you created an account, then we can immediately add the computer to our "Favorites" list by clicking the button with the star icon:

    Before us will open a window with settings for accessing the computer, which we add to the list:

    In the image above, I marked the fields and lists where it is best to make changes:

    • Specify the password if you know the "personal" password of the remote computer. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

      Specify the network name of the remote computer (for your convenience). It will appear in the list of your computers.

      Optionally, you can specify a description of the added remote computer for convenience, if you have a large list of them.

      In the "Window" list, I selected "Full Screen Mode". This means that when connected to a remote computer, TeamViewer will display the remote computer in full screen. It will look like you are fully working on that computer. You can choose another option, for example, "Window mode", and then the remote computer will be displayed in the window.

      In the "Quality" list, I always choose "Optimize speed" so as not to sacrifice performance, especially on a slow Internet connection.

      Identity mode is always best set to TeamViewer Identity. Then you just need to know the password set for this or that computer in TeamViewer to connect to it.

    The rest of the settings can be left with the "Inherited" value, because, as a rule, they are not necessary and, in extreme cases, can be adjusted at any time.

    When the settings are specified, click the "OK" button.

    The computers that you will add to your list will be visible in a separate window, as in my example in the image below:

    In the example, I added a computer named "Test TeamViewer".

    Now that the computer is in the list, to connect to it, simply double-click the left mouse button on its name. If you immediately specified the password, it will not be requested and the connection will immediately occur (within a couple of seconds).

    Another way to quickly connect to a computer, if for some reason you did not start an account and do not add computers to your favorites list, is just enter the ID in the appropriate field and click "Connect to partner":

    By default, the "Remote control" mode is just what we need. And we can turn on the "File Transfer" mode at any time already during a remote session.

    Now a window will be displayed where you need to enter the password to connect to the remote computer:

    Enter the password and click the "Login" button.

    The connection usually takes a couple of seconds, but this depends, respectively, on the speed of the Internet from one side and the other. After connecting to a remote computer, the window will look like this:

    As you can see, the screen of the remote computer is black. As you probably remember, in the settings we left the option "Hide wallpaper on the remote machine" enabled. As a result, the wallpaper on the remote machine turned black, which will reduce resource consumption, and immediately after disconnecting from the remote computer, its desktop wallpaper will return to its previous appearance.

It's so simple and easy to connect to a remote computer :)

You can fully control your computer at any distance, and at the same time it will look exactly as if you are sitting at that computer.

Let me remind you once again that the same can be done from almost any device. If you, for example, have an iPad, then download TeamViewer on it (it's always free!), Enter the ID and password of the remote computer, and that's it! You will connect and be able to control it directly from the tablet, and it is also very convenient!

Now let's look at some of the functions available to us during a remote session.

Functions available during a remote computer session using TeamViewer:

So, we are connected to a remote computer. At the top we see a panel with a set of functions. Let's go through the most necessary ones:

    The button numbered "1" allows you to break the connection with the remote computer at the moment.
    After any termination of a TeamViewer session on both devices, a window will appear indicating that the free session has ended. Just always click OK:

    You can also instantly disconnect the connection while behind that remote computer. For example, someone remotely assists you in setting up the system or fixes some problem. If suddenly that person began to do some actions on your computer that, in your opinion, he absolutely does not need to do, then you can cut off the connection with only one button in the form of a cross (see the image below):

    The button numbered "2" allows you to hide this panel of functions of the remote session.

    The button numbered "3" allows you to instantly switch to full screen modewhich I use 99% of the time.

    A very useful feature is the transfer of files from the local computer to the remote one and vice versa. This can be done by simple drag and drop required files from your computer window to the remote computer window.

    Another way is to use a special manager - "File Transfer". It opens from the same panel that is fixed at the top. We select the item "File Transfer", and then again "File Transfer":

    A special manager - explorer will open. There is also nothing difficult here. We indicate from which folder of the local computer the file will be transferred, then we indicate the folder where the file will be transferred to the remote computer. Then we select the file itself on the local computer, which we will transfer and press the "Send" button:

    The file will be transferred to the remote computer. In my example, I was transferring an image file called "" from the Downloads folder to the desktop of the remote computer:

    After transferring the necessary data, the file transfer manager can be closed, and a window with statistics of your file transfer will be displayed, where you need to click "Close" again:

    Or you can minimize this window.

    There are 3 more very useful functionsthat are available during the remote session. This is the possibility of voice communication, video broadcasting and chat support.

    All 3 of these functions can be activated by selecting the "Audio / Video" menu:

    Here you can change the scaling, for example, enable full screen mode. Here, in the "Quality" submenu, you can select the quality you want for displaying content on the remote computer, for example, by enabling "Optimize speed". Also here you can change the resolution of the remote computer (for example, if the resolution of your local computer is very different) and show / hide the wallpaper on the remote computer. Everything else is not so essential and necessary ...

Well, this is perhaps the most useful thing you need to know about how to remotely control a computer using TeamViewer :) Cool program, isn't it? :)

The most important thing is that it is extremely simple, convenient, even a beginner can handle it. And, of course, it's free! In general, to be honest, I have not seen the best worthy replacement for the TeamViewer program.

And now I think that in a couple of weeks I will complete the article, and you will be able to familiarize yourself with the next testing of the new autoclicker!

Well, now I say goodbye to you for a week ... Good luck and always good mood! ;)

Hello, friends. Today we will get acquainted with a unique program that every user should have. TeamViewerprogram for remote computer control... What is it for you? Let's think ...

So, you have the Internet and a computer, is it logical? If there are practically no problems with the first one (it either exists or it does not exist), then with the second one constantly, something happens.

Either the antivirus does not want to be updated, then interesting program is not installed or the game... Or maybe the program was installed, but you could not figure it out on your own.

It often happens that The computer started to "slow down", throws out all sorts of windows about the lack ...

Remote computer control - TeamViewer

You can endlessly enumerate the problems encountered by users of such a complex machine, they accumulate constantly, like a snowball, and if they are not eliminated in time, then very soon you will no longer want to sit down at the computer.

He will annoy and enrage you (poor mouse - it usually suffers first).

So what to do if you are a professional in your field, but you somehow didn’t work out with computers, you don’t have time to delve into it or is there another excuse?

It's very simple - remember how in stagnant times, every resident of the country of the Soviets had a friend who could get some kind of deficit?

So today nothing has changed, only instead of "dostavala" everyone should have a friend who is versed in computers.

And they are there - your children, grandchildren, work colleagues, acquaintances of acquaintances, friends ... it's another matter how they will help you if they do not live with you, in the other end of the city, or in general - not in your city, country?

Elementary. They will just sit at home, in front of their monitor, but for your computer and everything will be repaired and debugged for you in 5 minutes.

Don't be surprised - it can be very easy to do. 21st century in the yard. Install TeamViewer, it generates your login (ID) and password, send them via ICQ, Skype, in an email or dictate on your mobile phone, in extreme cases, to your personal "hacker" and he, no matter what hole in the planet is, comes to your computer and fixes everything.

You just have to drink tea with sweets and watch the actions of the assistant in your monitor.

TeamViewer creates a virtual, secure tunnel between computers on the Internet and allows you not only to remotely poke around in other people's computers (with the consent of the owner), but also transfer any data (files, films, photos, programs ...) bypassing any firewalls and other obstacles.

You can also observe the actions of other users on your computer during your absence, from your workplace, for example.

Remember we did video surveillance system and spied on smoking children? So now you can change the angle and look not at them from the webcam, but at the monitor with their eyes.

Just be careful - the program supports in addition to video and audio communication, there is a chance to make your kids stutterers if you want to scold them without warning.

"And where are you going, dear !?"

Conversely, if you understand computers, then you are probably constantly asked for help. So here is TeamViewer - best remedy to provide this assistance.

We went in, did it, left - quickly, sternly and without the quiz "what is this, why and why?" Do you understand me.

Convinced you of the usefulness of this program for remote access to a computer? Then go ahead - install it and learn to use it. It will only take you a few minutes.

More about portable programs

This point depends on the degree of trust in the assistant.

I have not installed, but it is quite possible that you want to use this feature.

Do not be too wise and write down the result of mental attempts on a piece of paper - otherwise you will forget, as always, everyone forgets. Remember the easiest way to come up with a strong password? English keyboard layout and typing looking at Russian button symbols. Everything ingenious is simple.

The same is right for you. But having created an account, you do not have to worry about passwords and logins every time. The principle, as in ICQ, is in the network, so you can connect from the list of computers. It is very convenient for helping parents - there is no need to torment them with "complex" body movements every time.

I cleared my ID number - it is not as simple as in the screenshot, of course.

Today we will look at programs for remote access to a computer that are relevant for system administrators, as well as for users to solve technical problems, use resources or transfer files between your and a remote PC.

The program for remote access will help you control and manage the desktop of a third-party machine, settings and functions, exchange material, chat, run installed software, and much more.


Russian language



Access to files

Phone control

Yes Free of charge 10 Yes Yes
Yes Free of charge 10 Yes No
Yes Free of charge 9 Yes No
Yes Free of charge 9 Yes Yes
No Free of charge 8 Yes Yes
Yes Free of charge 8 Yes No
Yes Free of charge 7 Yes No
Yes Free of charge 8 No Yes
Yes Free of charge 10 Yes Yes
No Trial 6 Yes Yes
Yes Free of charge 7 Yes No

Let's start our review with a popular assistant for accessing third-party PC control, which has useful options and high quality work. TimViewer has a fairly simple operation algorithm, creates interactive conferences for up to 25 people, records videos and screenshots of current actions, allows you to exchange files, share a screen, chat and send voice messages... The program supports modern operating systems and bypasses various protections such as firewalls, proxies, etc. To work in the program, you need to install the product on both computers and enter the access code. Operation in the utility requires an Internet connection.

The utility provides a remote connection to another PC, providing access to software, functionality and desktop of a third-party device. AeroAdmin provides the connected user with access rights, has different connection modes, opens multisessions, selects the picture quality for the channel and encrypts the connection. Also available is clipboard synchronization, file transfer and resume when the connection is broken. The program is distributed in four versions, the free version is just suitable for home use.

Professional software with extensive functionality and a well-implemented interface for connection and control remote computer... In its work, it uses secure protocols SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, SCP, SFTP and Raw, the connection itself is made via the Network, it confirms with a password and protects against interception. In the settings, you can switch between options, select parameters for a remote connection, port forwarding, use "hot keys". The client has file manager, connects to a Unix system, generates an RSA cipher algorithm and protects the copied files from theft.

This client will help you get access via the Internet to remote control of another computer and carry out high-speed data exchange between devices. EniDesk guarantees high quality of the broadcast picture, has sound broadcast settings, settings for locking the mouse and keyboard of the client machine, as well as passwords for auto-connection without prompts. The functioning of the software is to establish a connection between two PCs by assigning e-mail addresses.

Excellent optimized for different windows versions application for remote PC control and image broadcast. The utility allows you to easily connect to a local machine, configure access to it and synchronize with mobile devices... RemoutPC has built-in administration options, extensive remote control options, Remote Mouse and Remote Access add-ons. There is support for proxy servers, hiding user ip-addresses, convenient identification by password and login, a single point for changing parameters. The program is convenient and understandable to operate, despite the English-language menu.

Radmin controls the remote computer from the user's computer, providing fast and high-quality work without freezes and problems. It is considered one of the best in its category and justifies this title with its capabilities and efficiency. Work in software consists in setting up remote access, transferring the necessary material and applying the functionality simultaneously on both PCs. The user can use text and voice chats, exchange files and open access to the desktop. The only downside is only a month of free use.

A high-quality program that remotely controls other PCs using LAN and INTERNET computer networks. Helps set up a control panel on a connected computer, authorize Microsoft, or transfer files. The remote device is controlled using your mouse and keyboard, support for multiple monitors, viewing the screen of another PC through a browser using a Java viewer and working through a proxy server.

A simple service for accessing and controlling a remote computer, managing the desktop and various device functions. Having received remote control computer, you can exchange information and files via local network, open streaming media content, sync with android devices, edit office files, and more. In the Splashtop settings, you can adjust the screen resolution, "response" parameters and stream images. You need to start working in the software by creating an account or authorizing with a Google account.

The work of the program is to form a "client-server" chain that organizes the management of a third-party desktop. When another PC is remotely connected to the system, a high degree of encryption of the transmitted material is formed, so that users can exchange files, conduct seminars, online presentations, and more. Supremo Remote Desktop has a file manager, supports a proxy server and allows you to make a huge number of connections, applying a separate password to each one. The downside is 21 days of the trial period and the absence of the "conference" option.

Since our site is designed for average users, there was some disagreement within the team about the usefulness of this article. Usually, such material is presented for more experienced users, at least those who know Windows OS well enough.

On the other hand, where to go for a novice user who only vaguely knows what RDP, TCP, UDP are? But you really want to know? Again, does the average user need this? Maybe one simple program is enough for him?

A difficult situation.

Explain in one article what is remote access to a computer via the Internet, but so as not to frighten off the visitor.

We decided to experiment. Tell about the difficult things as easily as possible. We will be guided by your comments.

What is this article about?

This article will tell you about two types remote connection, will briefly talk about what is ID... Tells about programs Remote access and Remote desktop... We will also try to configure our computer in order to gain remote access to it without using third-party programs. Difficult terms in the article are highlighted in brown, and provided with explanations in the form of tooltips.

Remote access concept

Remote access to a computer via the Internet are called operating system tools, or third party programthat allow you to get visual or file access to a computer located at a remote distance, but at the same time connected to the Internet.

How is the target computer identified on the Internet?

Conventionally, all remote access programs, according to the type of connection, can be divided into two groups:

  • Using ID
  • Using IP addresses and domain names

Remote access programs using ID

Of great interest are programs using ID (unique identificator). Receiving method ID something like this: when the remote access program is launched on the computer to which you are planning to connect, it sends a request to its server through which the connection will occur.

Having received this data, the server generates for the computer unique identification numberID... This number is assigned to the computer. In the screenshot below, it is highlighted in red.

Knowing this identification number and password, you can connect to a computer from anywhere in the world with this ID.

It remains unchanged until the hardware is replaced or the OS is reinstalled.

So the use of such programs is very convenient. When changing the Internet provider, city, and even country, at your computer ID Will not change.

Lack of programs using ID one - they are paid or shareware. Condition - you must not use the program for commercial purposes.

An example of programs using ID - TeamViewer, Ammy Admin. But the list is not limited to these two. It's just that they are the most popular and always heard by users.

We will not spend a lot of time on these programs, since their interface is simple and allows you to study the program in 5-10 minutes. In the future, we may consider each of them.

You won't have any problems with these programs. Use it to your health without overusing it. If TeamViewer will connect to a large number of ID - sooner or later, the communication session will be limited to five minutes.

Remote access programs using an IP address or domain name

With this category, things are a little more complicated. They need static ip address or domain name... Connection by IP address, this is the classic connection type. It does not provide such flexibility in the location of the computer and is most often used in the "office space".

In order to use it, you need to do the following.

Fixed IP or domain connection.

You need to connect with your provider additional serviceFixed ip address ... This service is provided by many providers, including mobile ones. This service will assign your home network external ip-address of the format

It is this address that will allow you to find your computer from outside.

An alternative to a fixed ip-address can be the service DynDNS... When registering, you will be given an individual domain, for example:

Next, you simply install a program on your computer that, when turned on, will track your current ip-address and send it to the server DynDNSwhich in turn will match your current dynamic ip address , with address

Thus, no matter where you are, no matter what provider you use, no matter how often your "IP address" changes - the address of your computer -

We will not presume to argue, but getting a fixed ip-address from the provider is somewhat easier and cheaper than using DynDNS... For example, at the time of this writing, the cost of a dedicated IP address was only 20 rubles. / month


Opening a port to a target - a remote computer.

Even now, knowing our ip-address or assigned to us DynDNS domain, we can hardly connect to the computer - the firewall will not let us through. Most likely port 3389 used by the program Remote Desktop which we will tame in this article will be closed. For everything to work as it should, we will have to open it and redirect it to the desired computer on the network.

Complicated? Not at all. Let's try to figure it out in practice.

Remote access to a computer over the Internet using Remote Desktop

So, first what we did was get a fixed ip-address from our provider. Let's remember, write it down, sketch it.

Second... Let's find out intranet ip address our computer. To do this, go along the following path: Network Control Center and general access \u003d\u003e Local Area Connection \u003d\u003e Details
As you can see in the screenshot, the address of our computer is inside the network

The third the point will be the opening of the port 3389 to the above address. To do this, let's go to the router. In our case it is ADSL modem TP-LINK... We will show everything using his example. There is nothing you can do about it, but you cannot do without instructions if you do not know how to configure the modem yourself.

In our case, we go through Google chrome by the address and under the combination admin / admin ... We get to the information page.

Go to Advanced Setup \u003d\u003e NAT \u003d\u003e Virtual Serversand press the button (add).

Here you can choose ready-made services or create your own.

We will create our own and name it Udalenka, but the name can be absolutely anything. We register the local address of the computer, the one that we spied earlier. In the table we register the port everywhere 3389 and choose the protocol TCP / UDP... We do all this with a view to a standard Windows application. Remote Desktop... For other programs, the ports may be different. A good list of applications and the ports they use is provided. (What we are studying may even be useful for games).

If, for example, you want to use not Remote Desktopand advanced RAdmin, then you will have to register another port for it: 4899 .

Press the button to save.

Paragraph fourth, we will run on the computer we are going to control - Terminal Server Service... It is worth clarifying something here.

Using the method described below is not recommended from the point of view of license purity if you will be doing this in the organization where you work. Not sure about Windows 10but in Windows XP - 7, the license was not violated if only one user connected to the computer.

We do all this for informational purposes and in order to learn the principles of remote access to a computer via the Internet.

So here's to run on a computer Terminal Server Service... In Windows XP, it was easy - we went to AdministrationServices and ApplicationsServices found it and just turned it on. This allowed one user to connect to a computer. In this case, the user who was sitting locally was disconnected.

In Windows 10, we need to do it a little differently. We need a special patch. You can download it from here. This patch will allow you to run on the system Windows 10 terminal service.

Lately, search engines Google and Yandex began to consider this file as a viral threat. In fact, the file has been on the site for two years and has never been considered malware by any scanner. However, now the file is stored outside of nonOshibka.Ru - you download it at your own peril and risk.

Unpack the downloaded file to any location. For example on Desktop... Run as Administrator file install.bat

A successful result will be reported by a black window command line with the following content:

The fifth In this paragraph, we will set a password for our user, and also add it to the group.

To do this, on the icon A computer and right click mouse select item Control.

In the window that opens, on the left side, we need to expand the list Local users and groups, highlight the sub-item Users.

In the list of users, you need to find yourself and right-click.

Enter the password twice, press and the system will confirm that the password is set.

Now we need to add our user to the group Remote Desktop Users.

To do this:

Right click on the user - Properties.

In the window that opens, go to the tab Group memberships and press the button <Добавить…>

Next, do everything in the same order as in the screenshot:

As a result of the work done - Remote Desktop Users should appear in the general list of groups to which the user belongs.

We would like to draw your attention to the following. The above describes how to assign a password to your user. But it's better to create a new one and already join it to the groups. Otherwise, it may turn out that you will lose some data. For example, we logged out wherever possible. I had to drive in all the passwords again.

Let's check if we managed to get remote access to the computer via the Internet using Remote Desktop.

We leave for another computer, we go to sTART menu \u003d\u003e All programs \u003d\u003e Accessories and run the program "Remote Desktop Connection".

We enter in the appeared window the ip-address assigned to us earlier by the provider, press the button <Подключить> .

If we did everything that we did before correctly, then they will almost immediately ask us Name and Password user on Remote machine... Enter them and don't forget to check the box to remember your credentials.

And the last "security touch" will be checking the certificate of the Remote Machine. Here, too, you need to agree with everything. And check the box too.

That's all. If everything works as it should, you can climb in the settings of the Remote Desktop program. Here you can turn on / off the sound, change the picture quality, connect local resources to the remote machine.

Technical support for users of their own software product, administration and control of the corporate network - all this requires remote control of the client's computer. And the field of software products for remote access is not empty: the funds are provided as the operating room itself windows system 7 and numerous third-party programs. Built-in tools are good for their accessibility, third-party ones - with an intuitively simple interface, "sharpened" for ordinary users. Having analyzed the principles of work, the pros and cons of each method, you will be fully armed, and the network and users - under control.

Configuring Remote Desktop Windows 7

Remote Desktop is available in Windows 7 Premium Edition and above. You will need it if you need to work with it on computers running Windows 7 Home Edition (the cheapest), provide support for multiple remote desktops - to connect to multiple computers at the same time - or change the port address used by the RDP service. This will require non-trivial settings that can be entered into the system using the registry editor or third-party programs. But it's better to spend a little of your time than a lot of money to buy a new operating system.

Remote Desktop Port

The RDP service, which functions to ensure the functionality of the remote desktop, uses port # 3389 by default. Probability hacker attacks on this port is very high, so the port number can be changed to improve network security. Since there are no settings in the "Control Panel" for this, you will have to use the system registry editor.

  1. From the command line, start the registry editor with the rights system administrator.

    Launching Registry Editor to Change the RDP Port Address

  2. In the editor window, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ TerminalServer \\ WinStations \\ RDP-Tcp \\ PortNumber. The list of registry branch variables will be displayed on the right side of the window.

    The required variable is hidden deep in the bowels of the registry

  3. Of context menu select "Change" and enter new address port, after making sure that the mode for entering values \u200b\u200bis decimal.

    Switch to decimal and enter the new value for the port address

  4. Now, to connect to a computer, you will need to enter not its name on the network, but an address with a port number, for example,

Changing the port address from the standard 3389 to a custom one will prevent the Remote Assistance service from running on computers running Windows XP. Take this into account if there are any on your network.

Remote Desktop in Windows 7 Home Premium with Multiple Remote Desktop Support

To encourage users to spend more money, Microsoft has severely limited its Remote Desktop service depending on the OS version. For example, in "Home Advanced" and below, there is no possibility to connect remotely at all, and in any other the number of sessions is limited to one, that is, you cannot connect remotely to two or more computers at the same time. The manufacturer believes that for this you should purchase the server version of the system of a special edition (Terminal Edition).

Fortunately, caring enthusiasts have worked to resolve this difficult problem. The result of their efforts is the RDP Wrapper Library software package. Once installed, it acts as an intermediary between the Remote Desktop Service (RDP) and the service manager, and then tricks them into emulating a network presence. Windows Server Terminal Edition and including RDP service on Windows 7 Home computers.

The program is available for download from the author's page and is completely free. After downloading and running the installer, all settings are made in automatic mode, including making changes to firewall rules.

RDP Wrapper Library - installation is automatic

The bundled RDPConf.exe utility will allow you to enable or disable remote access on the fly, change the number of simultaneous access sessions and the port number of access to the RDP service.

Using Rdpwrapper, you can configure the remote access parameters

How to enable or disable remote access

All options to enable or disable remote access to a computer are located in the "Computer Properties" section of the control panel. You can enable or disable remote control in just a few steps. Remember that you must be logged in with an account with administrator rights to make these changes.

  1. Press the Win + Pause keys to bring up the system properties window.

    Win + Pause will help you enable System Properties

  2. In the left column of additional actions, click on the "Configuring remote access" link.
  3. The following control settings are available in the dialog box that opens:
  4. It should be noted that for the possibility of remote control account the user opening such a session must have administrator rights. To provide the ability to remotely control an ordinary user, add his name to the list of permissions, which can be accessed using the "Select users" button.

    If the user to whom you want to grant remote access does not have administrator rights, you can add him in this dialog box

Video: how to allow remote access to a computer

Remote Desktop Connection

Remote desktop connection is very simple. Naturally, before that, you need to enable all the necessary permissions on the client machine and create a list of users on it who will be allowed remote control.

  1. Call the standard command line dialog and run the mstsc.exe utility with it.

    Calling the Remote Desktop Client Program

  2. On the General tab, enter the name of the computer to connect in the upper column of the dialog box, and the username in the lower column (if you need a name that is different from the one under which you logged in). Do not forget that the user account must have administrator rights.

    Entering the name of a computer on the network for remote control

  3. In the "Interaction" tab, select the planned connection speed based on the capabilities of your network. If you find it difficult to choose the settings, leave the automatic ones. The system will test the channel speed and select the optimal values.

    Choose a channel speed based on your network capabilities

  4. If everything was done correctly, and remote access is allowed on the client machine, you will see a window for entering a username and password. Enter the username and password of the client machine.
  5. After clicking the "Connect" button, a window with the remote PC desktop will appear. It can be expanded to full screen to create a complete illusion of working on a client machine.

Avoid working in high-definition video modes: this will place a heavy load on the network, and the interface of the remote PC will be jerky. The ideal option is a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels and a color depth of 16 bits.

What to do if Remote Desktop does not work

Problems with connecting to a remote computer can be caused by many reasons. Among the most common are the following:

  • on the client machine, permissions for access to the remote desktop and remote assistance are not enabled in the settings;

    Make sure the settings allow remote access to the PC

  • the account with which you are trying to perform remote access does not have administrator rights;

    Make sure your account has administrator rights

  • your computer and the client computer are not part of the same workgroup or domain on the local network;

    The slave and master computer must be members of the same workgroup

  • the local network router used by both computers blocks port 3389, through which the Windows 7 remote control services communicate;

    Inclusion firewall in a router without additional customization blocks most ports

  • outgoing requests to Remote Desktop Services are blocked by the anti-virus package.

    The Remote Desktop Service may be blacklisted by an antivirus package

Remote app is disabled

A message about disabling remote access often awaits the user when trying to connect to it, and a dialog box appears, which can confuse an inexperienced user.

Licensing service error will prevent a remote desktop session from starting

Meanwhile, everything is very simple: the rights of the user who is trying to "raise" the remote desktop session are not enough to change the registry key responsible for licensing. The error is corrected in two stages.

Why does remote desktop slow down?

The uninterrupted operation of a remote desktop session requires a high-speed channel, the lion's share of which is consumed by the transmission of the remote desktop image itself. Depending on the working resolution on the client machine, the traffic can be so dense that it will "put on the blades" of an average office 100-megabit LAN. But in the network, in addition to two communicating PCs, there are also clients. To prevent network collapse, the remote access program begins to reduce the number of transmitted frames (frames) per second.

If at 60 frames per second you see a smooth smooth picture, then already at 30 the interface will be displayed with noticeable jerks. Further slowing down the screen refresh rate will make the job unbearable: you won't even be able to accurately position the mouse cursor over the interface elements. To prevent this from happening, you should optimize as network connections slave and master computers, and screen settings of the client computer.

  1. Use a gigabit network router to share Wi-Fi whenever possible.

    Using a modern router is a guarantee of high speed remote access

  2. Connect the computers on the network only with an Ethernet cable; the WiFi interface does not support high screen refresh rates, despite the theoretically high speed (150-300 Mbps).

    Use a cable connection if you want to avoid delays in remote access

  3. On the client computer, set the screen resolution to no higher than 1024x768 with a 16-bit color gamut.
  4. Disable download managers, torrent clients and other similar traffic consuming programs on the master and slave computers.

    A remote desktop session and a running torrent client are bad neighbors

Remote access to Windows 7 components

In addition to controlling the remote desktop, emulating the operation of the keyboard and mouse of the client computer, Windows 7 remote access tools also allow you to remotely run programs and system commands from the command line interface, manage the system registry and firewall (firewall), and restart or shutdown the slave PC ... This requires less network and system resources than remote desktop control, and can be done behind the scenes for the user working at the computer.

Remote command line

For the needs of system administrators, Microsoft has developed a special service utility. Interacting with the remote access services of the operating system, it allows you to access the command line interface of any computer on the local network, run programs on it, and even remotely install programs before starting them. The utility is called PsExec and is available for free download from the official Microsoft website as part of the PSTools package.

Download the utility from the server, run the installer executable file on the computer from which the control will be carried out and, agreeing with the text of the license agreement, carry out the installation.

Install PSExec utility

Now you can call the utility from the command line and use the full range of its wide capabilities.

Let's take a closer look at the command syntax and additional parameters for its launch: psexec [\\\\ computer [, computer2 [, ...] | @file] [- u user [-p password]] [- ns] [- l] [- s | -e] [- x] [- i [session]] [- c [-f | -v]] [-w directory] [- d] [-<приоритет>] [- a n, n, ...] program [arguments].

Table: psexec command run parameters

a computerInstructs PsExec to run the application on the specified computer or computers. No computer name specified - PsExec will launch the application on the local system. If an asterisk (\\\\ *) is specified instead of the computer name, then PsExec will launch the application on all computers in the current domain.
@fileInstructs PsExec to run the application on all computers listed in the specified text file.
-aThe processors on which the application can be run are separated by commas, and the processors are numbered starting from 1. For example, to run the application on processors 2 and 4, enter "-a 2,4"
-cThe specified program is copied to remote system for execution. If this parameter is not specified, then the application must be in system folder remote system.
-dIndicates not to wait for the application to complete. This parameter should only be used when running non-interactive applications.
-eThe specified account profile is not loading.
-fThe specified program is copied to the remote system, even if such a file already exists on the remote system.
-iThe program being launched accesses the desktop of the specified session on the remote system. If no session is specified, then the process is executed in the console session.
-lWhen the process starts, the user is granted limited rights (the rights of the Administrators group are revoked and the user is only granted the rights assigned to the Users group). In OS Windows Vista the process is started with a low level of trustworthiness.
-nAllows you to set the delay for connecting to remote computers (in seconds).
-pAllows you to specify an optional password for the username. If this parameter is omitted, you will be prompted to enter a password, and the password will not be displayed on the screen.
-sThe remote process is launched from the system account.
-uAllows you to specify an optional username for logging into the remote system.
-vThe specified file is copied to the remote system instead of the existing one only on condition that its version number is higher or it is newer.
-wAllows you to specify the working directory for the process (the path inside the remote system).
-xDisplays the user interface on the Winlogon desktop (local system only).
-priority (priority)Allows you to set different priorities for the process:
  • -low (low);
  • -belownormal (below average);
  • -abovenormal (above average);
  • -high (high);
  • -realtime (real time).
programThe name of the program to run.
argumentsArguments passed (note that file paths must be specified as local paths on the target system).

Examples of the PSEXEC utility

The procedure for working with the PsExec utility is as follows:

  1. Start another computer's command prompt with psexec \\\\<сетевое имя компьютера> cmd.exe.
  2. Open any program on the remote computer. If the program is not present on the slave PC, it will be copied from the administrator machine. To do this, enter psexec \\\\<сетевое имя компьютера> -c test.exe, where test.exe is a program to be executed remotely.
  3. If the program to be executed remotely is not in the system folder, specify its full path when running the command psexec \\\\<сетевое имя компьютера> -c c: \\ program files \\ external_test.exe

Video: PSTools - a set of console system administrator utilities

Remote registry

In order to be able to remotely edit the registry, you must first activate the corresponding services on the client computer. This is not difficult to do if the account has administrator rights. To do this, from the command prompt window, start the Service Manager snap-in and in the main window select the "Remote Registry" service from the list. Click the Start button on the top control panel.

The "Remote Registry" service must be running on both client PCs and the administrator's PC.

Now you can connect to the registry of a computer on your local network remotely.

The registry branch of the remote PC will appear in the registry editor window and you can edit it as easily as your local registry.

Remote firewall management

Unfortunately, there is no convenient graphical tool for remote firewall management. Therefore, all manipulations will have to be performed using the command line. First, you need to connect to the remote PC using the Telnet service. If the Telnet client is not installed, it must be added via Add / Remove Windows Components.

Now you need to establish a communication session with the remote computer via the telnet protocol.

Once the session is established, you can remotely control the firewall of the remote computer using the netsh command. The following commands will be available to you:

    query for firewall rules. To figure out windows configuration Firewall on a remote PC using the netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name \u003d all command;

    enable or disable the firewall with the commands "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on" and "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off";

    return to default settings with the netsh advfirewall reset command;

    opening a port is perhaps the most common task that will need to be completed. For example, you can open port 2117 for a torrent client as follows: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name \u003d "Utorrent rule" dir \u003d in action \u003d allow protocol \u003d TCP localport \u003d 1433;

    allow incoming and outgoing requests to an arbitrary program using netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name \u003d "Allow Miner" dir \u003d in action \u003d allow program \u003d "C: \\ Bitcoin \\ miner.exe";

    enable remote control using the Windows console: netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group \u003d "remote administration" new enable \u003d yes.

After making the necessary settings, be sure to close the Telnet session with the quit command.

Remote reboot

The shutdown standard OS command allows you to shutdown or reboot any computer on the local network if permissions for the operation of Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop are configured on it. From a command prompt window, run a command in the format shutdown / / m \\\\ computername / c "comment" and press Enter.

Table: shutdown command parameters

/ sEnding a session of the remote PC.
\\\\ ComputerNameThe name or network address of the remote PC.