Remove old final cut pro x projects. Performance issues

Final Cut Pro X

On the pages of this site there is a description of almost all more or less serious video editing programs. If you want to learn how to work with video material and are thinking about which program to choose for video editing - in principle, any will do. Absolutely all programs can capture video to a computer, add various effects, titles, musical accompaniment to the film, correct the picture and sound, and output the finished film in various formats. In all programs, by and large, the differences are only in what effects and in what quantity the program has, how certain instruments are implemented, and where the buttons of these functions are located. The fact that it is more convenient to work somewhere, but not somewhere else is a personal preference of everyone.

But the Final Cut Pro program on this page is very different from all other video editors, and differs in that it does the same thing, but it probably won't work for you. Final Cut Pro is designed to run in an operating environment other than Windows. Therefore, if you do not understand how it is, it is better not to waste time and go to the description of any other program. But if you have a Macintosh, and you purposefully came here - read on.

Final Cut Pro, the tenth version, Final Cut Pro X, has undergone quite significant changes compared to previous releases, hence the increased interest in this program. As the developers say, the program is being touted as a revolutionary breakthrough in video editing, but this is what scares those who have already edited in previous versions of Final Cut Pro. For more information on compatibility and technical requirements for the Final Cut Pro program, you better get acquainted on the page of the company, the creator of the program, this page highlights the main innovations and features of the program.

Read about other programs for video editing on the page "Programs for video editing"

Final Cut Pro X video editing software

More than 90% of all computer users work in the operating room windows environment... It is very convenient - you can find any program for any task, and accessories for every taste and wallet. The part that others use oS - these are most often professionals who make their choice for any specific reasons. Therefore, Final Cut Pro is considered to be the lot of professionals. But the latest version of the program raised many questions among professionals. In their opinion, the program has become much simpler. Apparently this is due to the fact that the creators of Final Cut Pro X set out to expand the number of users of their product, even reduced the price.

But at the same time, in the new version of Final Cut Pro X, it is impossible to open a project created in previous version programs. Apple explains this by the fact that the new video editor is organized according to a new principle, so importing projects is technically impossible. Unfortunately, the developers of the Final Cut Pro program, and of many other editing programs, follow the lead of the manufacturers of all iPhones, iPads, as well as YouTube and other scum related to video in one way or another. It seems to me that they just get paid there.

From this, any garbage appears in programs that has nothing to do with serious work. For example, Final Cut Pro X now has the ability to display a movie for posting on YouTube. I wonder what kind of serious operator will upload his movie to YouTube. In turn, this pushes the owners of iPhones to shoot all ... nonsense on them, and clutter the Internet with this video. Well, okay, now about the good.

Final Cut Pro X Description

Nothing complicated here, we can say that the interface is intuitive. Those who have worked in other video editors will find most of the windows and buttons they need in the same places. Top left - library, in the center - viewport, bottom - time ruler. The windows cannot be swapped, you can only change their sizes. Thanks to the universal high-speed Thunderbolt bus, laptop owners MacBook Pro have the ability to expand the workspace to three monitors. There are not many settings for various tools, but rather few. Apparently, the manufacturer decided that those that already exist are configured correctly, and there is no point in changing them. You can choose hotkeys, the choice is huge.

When creating a project, settings can be selected only from presets, but the choice is large. If you have a specific format (non-standard video cameras, and even more so - cameras), there may be problems in the form of a mismatch in the size of the picture or the frame rate at the output. When importing material into the program, you can enable transcoding, automatic analysis of video and audio to search for and fix defects, as well as search for faces, and then organize the material into special Smart-collections (folders).

The program detects the presence of faces in the frame, and marks these fragments, it can even distinguish general plans from large ones. A similar function for detecting a face in the frame is available from Sony. Videos shot in modern AVCHD format can be added to the program only from a camcorder, but not from another medium, in the second case, Final Cut Pro X will not recognize them. And this is already a reason to think about whether to buy this Final Cut Pro X.

When editing in Final Cut Pro X, there is one interesting feature: you can trim a clip directly on the icon in the library without dragging the video onto the timeline, although it is rather difficult to adjust the duration there exactly. And the time ruler itself is very different from other programs, there are no dividing lines in it, although there are as many tracks as you like.

Working with clips on the timeline is quite specific and requires an understanding of what is happening and why. For example, if you want to delete a clip, other clips that were associated with it may also be deleted. This can be avoided by selecting the "Replace with Gap" option. In this case, the clip is replaced with a void, and the attached clips remain anchored in the same locations as before. You can ask keywords different clips in the library, for faster retrieval later. Moreover, one video file can be virtually split into several pieces, and each one can be assigned its own label. Don't look for the "Save Project" button, it's not there, all work is saved automatically.

Final Cut Pro X has a great feature for editing video from multiple cameras, and even in different formats - Multicam Clip. It synchronizes the selected files, which significantly reduces the time spent on fitting such a video. Synchronization is possible not only by timecode, but also by sound, and this is much more in demand.

Further editing of such material is a pleasure and is similar to editing in real time: the video plays, and you just have to switch the angle on the go. But I hope you understand - any serious installer then finishes everything with his hands, because no automation can be compared with human experience. Although, installation time is saved. Timeline cutting occurs automatically. The variation in the playback speed can be incremental, that is, the speed increases gradually.

The program also has a large number of effects - these are video filters and audio filters, a collection of Final Cut Pro Sound Effects, various transitions, title templates with animation. In general, there is everything for a complete film editing. Final Cut Pro X has one handy tool, Match Color. It can be used to quickly correct the white balance in selected scenes. After editing the movie, you can change the color space of the entire timeline with one click, bring the color component of the movie to one form.

It is possible to change not only the overall brightness of the picture, but also to affect the shadows, highlights, or midtones (just like in Photoshop). But the problem is that these and many other settings are made by eye, due to the lack of numerical values. The set values \u200b\u200bcan be saved to presets. It is also pleasing that in some tools, for example, transformation and movement, it is possible to use Bezier curves (again, Photoshop).

When outputting a finished movie, the parameters can be selected only from those embedded in the program, the encoding quality of the Final Cut Pro X program is at a height, and the AVC codec and MPEG-2. For manual settings output you need a compressor, which is purchased separately. In general, Final Cut Pro X is good program for video editing, it is not in vain that it is positioned as a professional one. And although everyone, after digging, can find flaws in it, after working and getting used to it, you will no longer notice them. Although on the other hand ...

At the request of our subscribers, we are launching a series of Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) releases.
We have a licensed product, therefore, if you have a free downloaded program, then we cannot guarantee that all the manipulations that we will show in our lessons will also work on the hacked version.

So, today we have an introductory release and here's what awaits you:
1) familiarity with the interface,
2) formation of a library of files,
3) import,
4) keyboard shortcuts,
5) export.

Acquaintance with the interface.

Here is our FCPX, let's run it and get familiar with the interface. At first glance, it somewhat resembles iMovie, but only at first glance.

From above we have main panel, we will not touch it today.

Left - library, to the right - navigation through files and programs, Further - image control monitor and on the very right - effects control panel.

Downstairs we have toolbar, or, more simply, the panel quick access to the most requested options:

And quite at the bottom is the timeline:

At the bottom, on the right - the control element for it:

Let's take another look at the library. I would like to show the sequence of placing the files. First comes the library, in which you can create many events, in which, in turn, you can create several programs. Files are also uploaded here: photo, video, audio, and so on.

If you installed the program, and instead of English, hieroglyphs or something else jumped out, then you need to go to the language control panel on your computer and set the second language to English.

It's just that in your version, the default language can be Japanese, and Chinese, and in general whatever.
So, we're done with the interface for now.

File library formation.

I highly recommend creating the library on an external drive, preferably a high-speed one with support for at least USB 3.0.

Let's create a library.

Create a folder with the same name on the external drive.

An important point - you can choose how your files will be formed. They can be stored both inside the library and in separate folders. Let's show both methods.

Method number one is the formation of files within the library. You don't need to do anything for this, because this is the default method.

If you check the box, then when importing inside the library, copies of your files will be created but smaller. You can use them during installation, which will reduce the load on the processor. If you uncheck the box, the program will only work with original files, which will require more performance. I will select the LEAVE FILES IN PLACE item and make the proxy files. Click "import".

We go into the folder we created - all the files are in it. As you can see, there is no folder with original files here, since we did not duplicate them.

It saves disk space a lot.

and on the right, click MODIFICATION and select the location to create the folder for storing files.

Let's redo the import. Now let's go to the folder with the library on the computer. Look, we have additional folders with files.

You choose for yourself which method is more convenient, which data formation is closer to you. For me personally - the first.

I would like to add that you can import audio and photos through the toolbar, through the icons on the right. They will also appear later in the library.

Hot keys.
This is a very important point during installation.

The quick keys can be found by going through the panel at the top to the CUSTOMIZATION item. Here is a description of all the commands that you can customize for yourself.

I will name my favorite and most popular, in my opinion, keys and their combinations.

Before throwing a good fragment onto the timeline, you need to select it in the library navigator. By pressing "play", you can view it in real time and using the "I" and "O" buttons, select the beginning and end of the take. By pressing the "E" button, it is automatically placed on the timeline to the right, or rather, it is magnetized. This is the main feature of mangetik in FCPX.
If I start to move them relative to each other, then they are automatically attracted to each other.

If you do not want to drop each new fragment to the right, but only to the position of the pointer, then press "W".

If you want the file to lie on top in a different place, then press "Q".
This can also be done by clicking the three icons on the toolbar. If you just hover over them, then we see a tooltip.

I will briefly tell about the most demanded by me. These are "A", "P" and "B": the main pointer, the function of the position when, by moving the region on the main timeline, everything else remains unchanged, and the blade.

As you can see, the regions that are located second, third, etc. layer does not "magnetize". This is convenient, but what if we need to dock them quickly, or, for example, the end of the lower region should be flush with the upper one? The Snapping option (key "N") will help us. On the toolbar, it is located on the right.

It can be pressed and activated permanently or temporarily by simply holding it down.

Another common situation - you need to change the vertical position between the regions, but at the same time it cannot be shifted either to the right or to the left. To constrain the region in horizontal movement, hold down the shift key - the region will only move vertically.

To copy a region, hold down alt (option) and drag the cursor while holding the left mouse button to the side. A bit like Photoshop.

We will show the rest of the keyboard shortcuts in the next episodes. Now let's move on to export.


Remember we created a proxy? So, before exporting the file, do not forget to switch to the original files, otherwise you will not like the picture quality.

The basic choice is small, as you can see, but it is quite sufficient to start, for more flexible export and compression, you will have to purchase the program Compressor.

If you already have it, then select the fragments

This was an introductory tutorial on getting started with Final Cut Pro X.

All creative successes!

Apple Final Cut Pro X supports exporting video, audio, still frame, frame sequence, outputting streaming progressive video, publishing video to services: YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, CNN iReport. Support for uploading content to mobile Apple devices: iPad, iPhone, iPod and iTunes. Burn AVCHD videos to regular DVD discs using the internal SuperDrive. It is possible to send video for rendering in Compressor. You can also display the video in the Media Browser or export the project as XML.
On the timeline, click on the button: Show the Project Library (Cmd + 0). Select the project you want to export.

And execute the command: Share\u003e Export Media (Cmd + E). This command does not work in the background. There is an opportunity to immediately view the video of the project using skimming.

Choose what will be exported: video + audio, video only, audio only, Roles ...

When you select export as Roles, an additional bookmark of the same name will appear:

In Video codec: select either the current Current Settings or an available codec from the list (which depends on the codecs preinstalled in the system).

The audio file format Audio file format cannot be changed when the current settings are selected. In After export: you can set what to do after rendering the video: Do \u200b\u200bNothing - nothing, Open with QuickTime Player - open in QuickTime Player, Open with Compressor - open in Compressor.

Switch to the Summary tab and see the summary information about the video being created.

The process of rendering the project will start.

Publishing to the Media Browser using the command: Share\u003e Media Browser. Here we simply select the target device for which the video will be intended, namely: iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or Mac & PC. Additional settings available by pressing the button: Show Details, will be discussed below:

Share\u003e Apple Devices command. We choose one of four presets. Click Show Details and there is an opportunity here to select the video size, encoding method (Higher quality - high quality, More compatibility - more accurate video with full support for all devices). There are two types of compression quality available in Compression: Better quality (multi-pass) - multi-pass, the best quality and Faster encode (single-pass) - fast one-pass rendering.

Checkbox Add to iTunes - allows you to add the result to iTunes. In the Advanced section, there are background rendering settings and a button: Send to Compressor.

Share\u003e DVD / Blu-Ray. You can immediately write the result to disk, or create a disk image. There are templates for basic disk authoring.

Share\u003e Save Current Frame and Export Image Sequence. Export a still frame or image sequence. Available for output in following formats: DPX, IFF, JPEG, OpenEXR, PSD, PNG, TIFF.

Interesting command: Share\u003e Export for HTTP Live Streaming, designed to download streaming live / stream video. Available export versions:

To export a project with advanced user settings, send the project to the Apple Compressor media encoder using the command: Share\u003e Send to Compressor.

Exporting the project to XML. Select the project and execute the command: File\u003e Export XML. Enter a name for the document and select the save directory. Save.

Apple Final Cut Pro X XML does not see some programs, including Adobe Premiere Pro:

Uploading a project to the Facebook service is similar in the iMovie program, read about this in detail. You can call the Sharing panel directly in the list of projects by clicking on the corresponding button opposite the active project.

Final Cut Pro X turns 5 on June 21, 2016. Appearing in 2011, it was met very controversially - a completely redesigned interface, radically different logic of work, the very approach to the editing process. The only thing the majority agreed on was that work in X required significantly less time, the difference sometimes reached two times, compared to the same amount of work in version 7.

During these 5 years, three versions of the application have changed, the interface, the project storage structure have been greatly redesigned, and a huge amount of work has been done on the bugs.

Below is a revision of three English-language articles published on various Internet resources. It contains frequently asked questions about FCPX and solutions to its most common problems.

  • Use latest version OS X (10.11) and the corresponding version of FCP X (10.2)! It is up-to-date, revised and updated to date. Versions corresponding to previous OS X are not being developed and are almost withdrawn from support. Many new functions, recommendations and techniques mentioned on specialized resources do not apply to them.
  • Disable App Nap for / Applications / Final Cut To do this, just open its properties (CMD + I) and check the box next to Prevent App Nap.
  • When I start FCP X, how do I open a dialog that allows me to create a new empty project instead of the last one I worked on or open one of my existing projects? Hold down on startup alt key (Option, ⌥). May be useful if you have problems starting the current project.

Performance issues

  • First of all, turn off the creation of waveforms and thumbnails on the timeline, this will greatly unload the system.
  • If you work with a really large amount of source material or several people are working with the source at the same time, we recommend moving their storage from the project to a separate section (external media). To do this, specify a new location for the Media element in the project properties and do File\u003e Consolidate Library Files. Do not forget to give all involved permissions on the selected section. The mechanism is described in the article Manage storage locations.

Stability issues


Q: How do you pronounce the name Final Cut Pro X?
A: “Final Cut Pro ten” is being spoken.

Q: What are the possibilities and system requirements Final Cut Pro X?
A: On the official page of the application, full system requirements, an overview of features, as well as additional Information at

Q: Will FCP X still work on my Mac?
A: Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, and Compressor 4 require an OpenCL compatible graphics card (not to be confused with OpenGL) and a Mac App Store will simply not allow you to purchase an application if your card is not compatible. Apple has published a compatibility sheet listing both suitable models and known incompatibility with FCP X.
However, about successful launch and operation with unknown cards, provided that the application was purchased on a compatible Mac and then copied to a workstation. Of course, it is not recommended to use this loophole in production (at least it is fraught with low performance).

Q: Is it available trial version Final Cut Pro X?
A: Yes, on the Frequently asked questions about the Final Cut Pro X trial page, there is a link to download the fully functional 30-day version of Final Cut Pro X trial.

Q: Where can I get Final Cut Pro X?
A: Final Cut Pro X is available exclusively on the Mac App Store.

Q: On how many computers can I install my purchased copy of Final Cut Pro X?
A: The short answer is 2 (two): one copy on work and the second copy on laptop.
The detailed answer is for installation, in the section Mac App Store, on the Purchased tab, click the Install button.
(Note: some users have reported that the Mac App Store may “forget” that you purchased FCP X)
Final Cut Pro X 10.2's license agreement states that the owner who accepts license agreement and who bought the program in the Mac App Store has, in particular, the following rights:

(i) Download, install, run and use for non-commercial purposes, one (1) copy of the program directly on each Apple computer running OS X (“Mac Computer”) that you own or use ...
(ii) For commercial or educational use, download, install, run and use one (1) copy of the program: (a) on mac computer which you own or use alone, or (b) a public Mac that you own or use together.
For example: one owner is allowed to use the program on both his work Mac and his portable Mac. Also, several students can use the program on one Mac in a shared classroom or laboratory.

The complete agreement is available on the Final Cut Pro X 10.2 License Agreement page.

Q: How do I get Final Cut Pro X for business or education?
A: For this there are special programs Apple volume Purchase Program (VPP) for Business or Education (alas, these programs are not available in Russia).

Q: How do I return an FCP X purchased in the App Store?
A: Use the feedback form in which to select “The app didn’t function as expected”. Even though Apple's terms and conditions do not allow refunds, a large number of people were able to issue refunds this way not only for FCP X, but also for other programs purchased from the App Store.

Q: What if the installed version of FCP X is not updated via the App Store?
A: First of all, make sure your graphics card is on the compatibility list. The sequence is as follows: copy your application from the / Applications folder to external drive (USB flash drive) and then delete it from the / Applications folder (don't forget to empty the basket). Restart the App Store and in the Purchases section install FCP X (the latest version of the program available for your system will be installed). The method is described in more detail in this article.

Q: What's new in Final Cut Pro X 10.2?
A: The innovations are described in the Final Cut Pro X version 10.2 release notes, as well as What's new in Final Cut Pro 10.2 in the Final Cut Pro X Help section, and on the What's new in Final Cut Pro X page.

Q: What cameras and devices does Final Cut Pro X support?
A: They are listed in the document Cameras supported by Final Cut Pro X.

Q: What training and support resources are available for Final Cut Pro X?
A: for independent decision problems and for learning.

Q: What documentation is available for Final Cut Pro X?
A: User guides are available on the User guides for Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, and Compressor 4 page.

Q: What training and certifications are available for Final Cut Pro X?
A: They are described on the page.

Q: How do I upgrade from Final Cut Pro 7 to Final Cut Pro X?
A: This is covered in Final Cut Pro X for Final Cut Pro 7 Editors.

Q: Will FCP X overwrite when installing Final Cut Pro 7?
Oh no. All applications in the Final Cut Studio suite will be moved to their respective / Applications / Final Cut Studio / folder.

Q: Where can I get more information on effective work with Final Cut Pro X Libraries?
A: On the pages:
Update and work with Final Cut Pro X libraries FAQ
Managing Media with Final Cut Pro X Libraries
Media management overview

Q: What about Motion and “audio content” similar to Final Cut Studio?
A: They are. But not installed by default (not included with FCP X). Motion 5 is installed (purchased) separately from the App Store. You can download additional content for free by choosing Final Cut Pro\u003e Download Additional Content in FCP X.
NOTE: Even if you do not need the additional content itself, it is still recommended to install it, as it contains, among other things, an extended set of codecs.

Q: Do I need Compressor 4?
A: It is required for the Export to QuickTime Movie function to work and, in turn, contains many codecs and presets for converting. If you are looking for pass-through conversion and export from FCP X, you will definitely need to purchase Compressor 4.

Q: What about the others: Color, Cinema Tools and DVD Studio Pro?
A: Alas, Apple has not yet announced their counterparts.

Q: Will Final Cut Pro 7 projects open in FCP X?
A: Alas, no. It is possible to import an FCP 7 XML file into 7toX, but keep in mind that not all content can be transferred this way (multi-cameras, etc.).

Q: Can you import and export XML?
A: You can start with FCP X 10.0.1 or higher. Please note that not all project or event content will be included in XML, so this is not a full-fledged replacement for the project exchange mechanism.

Q: Is exporting EDL or Marker Lists supported?
A: Alas, no.

Q: Can I import a Photoshop file containing layers?
A: Yes, in FCP X 10.0.3 or higher.

Q: Is capture from cassettes supported?
A: Yes, but only on Firewire, which limits us to DV, HDV or DVCPROHD. The capture process is described in Import from tape-based cameras, it is simplified as much as possible and it is recommended to use third-party tools for advanced capture capabilities.

Q: Is it possible to pasture on a cassette?
A: Alas, no.

Q: Are Final Cut Pro 7 plugins compatible with Final Cut Pro X?
A: Alas, no.

Q: Is it possible to export a QuickTime movie with chapter markers?
A: In newer versions, yes. Plus, a workaround is available for the old ones.

Q: What formats does Final Cut Pro X support?
A: The supported formats are listed in the Final Cut Pro X Help: Supported media formats page.

Q: How can I change the location of the project and related files?
A: By default, renders, caches and source files are stored in the project folder and you can simply move the project to another disk. Also, in the project properties it is possible to specify an excellent location for each of these elements.
NOTE: Only local drives can be used to store a project - you cannot save it to AFP, SMB and ExFAT partitions. But you can use Xsan or NFS.

Q: Can I export a non-self-contained QuickTime movie?
A: Alas, no.

Q: How do I unload OMFs / AAFs into Pro Tools?
A: Through third party applications... For example, purchase X2ProLE Audio Convert or its full version X2Pro that support AAF export from FCP X.

Q: What about automatic saves?
A: FCP X saves all changes to the project immediately, there is no manual save function. As a result, there is no previous saving as such. But there is one project backup, by default, created every 15 minutes (starting with FCP X 10.0.3 and higher). More about working with backups project - Restore a library from automatic backups.
NOTE: If Undo is not enough for you and you need a branched save history, the Pro Versioner can help.

Q: What about the audio mixer?
A: Alas, it is not. The ability to set a keyframe is present, but not in real time, as previously during the playback of the timeline.

Q: Can Final Cut Pro X and Final Cut Pro 7 run at the same time?
A: Alas, no, FCP X detects running FCP 7 and asks to terminate it.

Q: Why do DV files imported from iMovie play without sound?
A: iMovie creates a raw DV file without track information or other metadata. FCP X checks files for track structure information. To fix the situation, you need to resave .dv files as QuickTime movies. To do this, open them in QuickTime Player 7, then go to File\u003e Save As and save as self-contained movie.

Q: What if I get an error message when launching Final Cut Pro 7 stating that it is not compatible with Motion 5?
A: After installing Motion 5, you need to start Motion 4 and close it. The error message should be gone.

Q: Will my old Motion projects open in Motion 5?
Oh yeah. You will be prompted to update the existing project (not recommended) or open it as an untitled project (recommended), then save it under a different name.

Q: Are the new versions of Motion and Compressor compatible with Final Cut Pro 7?
A: Neither Send to Motion nor Send to Compressor will work with their newer versions, however they are fully functional and you can use them as standalone applications.
You won't be able to add a Motion 5 project to the Final Cut Pro 7 timeline (reports an error with missing media), but you can export in QuickTime movie format and add it to FCP7. Also, keep in mind that Motion 5 projects are not compatible with Motion 4 and there is no way to downgrade them.

Q: At first glance, the new Compressor hasn't changed, what are the innovations?
A: One of the major changes is that Qmaster is now integrated directly into Compressor.

AT: A new version Compressor based on x64 architecture?
A: Background conversion processes are x64, but only for x64 codecs. User interface Compressor is still x86.

Q: Does the Send to Compressor feature in FCP X work with Compressor 3?
A: Alas no, you need Compressor 4.

Q: How do I configure Compressor 4 to use all the cores of my CPU?
A: In Apple menu Qmaster\u003e Share This Computer. Check Share This Computer and select Services Only. Then, when starting the task, check the This Computer Plus option.

Q: Are there any nuances of incompatibility between Compressor 3.5 and Compressor 4?
A: Yes, you need to disable Compressor 3.5 Quick Clusters before using Compressor 4 Quick Clusters, otherwise the tasks will not start.

Q: What about Final Cut Server and Final Cut Express?
A: The Final Cut Server and Final Cut Express pages now redirect us to the Final Cut Pro X page, indicating that they are no longer supported.