Install a webcam computer desktop. How to set up a camera on a laptop. In conclusion about connecting and configuring a webcam

A WEB-camera is one of the modern devices that allows you to see your interlocutor when communicating with him via a computer and the Internet. And if everything is simple with the installation of this device, then its setting sometimes raises questions. Therefore, we will try to explain as clearly as possible the process of how to set up a webcam on a computer.

Let's start by carefully studying the instructions for the camera and finding out what is primary in our case is the installation of the device itself or the drivers for it. The latter usually come with a webcam. And it is the drivers that will help to fully configure it. To do this, simply insert the driver disc into the drive, select the operating system in the installation program and click Install. If the first installation method did not work, open installation disk through the conductor. It is usually called "Install", "Setap" or specific name your camera. In this case, the file type must be either "***. Exe" or "Application". In the absence of such a disk with drivers, you can simply download them from the Internet. Most the best way - find the official website of the manufacturer of your camera and find settings for your model. Or download them from other resources for the same device model and manufacturer. Can also be used to search the web required drivers camera identification number. To find it out, find your camera through the Device Manager. Usually it is found either in "Sound ... devices" or in USB devices. You will see a device without drivers by the exclamation mark, which will be placed next to its name. Through the right mouse button, select "Properties" on it, then "Information", copy the first line from the "Equipment ID" and enter it into the search engine. Another option to find drivers is through " Automatic search drivers ". To do this, it is enough to launch "Update drivers" and "Automatic search ..." through the same "Device Manager", respectively. When the driver process is over, you can proceed to the direct settings of the device. This can be done through applications or programs installed with the drivers. If you plan to use a webcam to communicate via Skype, MailAgent, ICQ and other video chats, you can configure the device directly in them. For the highest quality and functional setting webcams have special programs. They can be installed in a free version (Lite, WebcamPlus, WebcamXP) or a paid professional (WebcamMax).

Considering the large number of webcam manufacturers, as well as their equally long the lineupmost convenient way it is better to look for settings for your device in the user manual or on the official website of its manufacturer.

Today, it is no longer relevant to communicate via the Internet simply by microphone, and people use web cameras with might and main. These are devices that connect to a computer and allow you to record or transmit video in real time, but how do you install a webcam on a computer? Today we will discuss this issue.

Installing a webcam on a PC

The process is fairly straightforward, with just a few steps. You do not need special knowledge and skills, you just need to act according to the instructions.

Step 1: Examining the documentation

Included with the camera is often an instruction, which clearly describes how to proceed. Sometimes you first need to install the drivers, and only then connect the webcam to your computer, and sometimes vice versa. Study the manual anyway.

Step 2: Connect the device and install the driver

In most cases, the first step is to connect the camera to your PC:

Your computer will see the new device, but will not be able to detect it without a driver for the webcam. Where can I find this web driver? Everything is very simple:

The question immediately arises, how to install a webcam on a computer without a disk? It also happens that it is not included. In this case, we need to download the driver for the webcam:

Setting up a webcam on a laptop

With the usual stationary computers we figured it out, but how to install a webcam on a laptop? Often it is already built into the device and you just need to install the driver, which should be on the disk from the laptop. If it is not there, we act as in the previous case through a special website.

Connection process external device to a laptop is the same as for a PC.


Now you know how to connect a webcam with a microphone to your computer. Then you can use it as you like, for example, communicate via Skype or shoot videos on YouTube, stream, and so on.

Internet communication becomes more convenient and simple every year. One of the devices that is an integral part of organizing video communication is a webcam. However, before setting up your computer's webcam on Windows, you need to answer some questions.

Absolutely anyone can figure out how to connect a webcam to a computer. This is a very simple device. Connecting a webcam to a computer does not require any special skills or knowledge.

The issue of its connection is more relevant for owners of personal computers, since laptops are usually equipped with cameras. The built-in camera is ready by default, so you don't need to install or update anything to use it. But despite this, sometimes it makes sense to equip a laptop with a better version of a webcam.

IMPORTANT. Sometimes Windows “does not see” the laptop's built-in webcam. This indicates that it is disabled. To enable it, you need to use the key combination by pressing the Fn button and one of the F1-F12 buttons at the same time. The pictograms depicted on them will help to figure out which key to choose from the F row. There should be a picture of a camera, a camera or something similar.

The process of connecting a webcam to personal computer and the laptop is the same. To do this, you need to take the USB cable that comes with the kit and connect one end to the corresponding connector on the camera, and the other end to an available USB port. After that, you will hear the characteristic windows soundindicating that a new device is connected. After waiting for the device to fully initialize, you should restart your computer to correct work cameras.

Some webcams are equipped with a mini-jack 3.5 mm wire in addition to a USB cable. This suggests that the device has a built-in microphone. The plug of this wire should be inserted into the corresponding socket. It is similar and is located next to the speaker connector. Most likely, both the mini-jack 3.5 mm wire extending from the camera and the connector for it on the computer will be red or pink.

If there is an installation disc included

In most cases, setting up a camera on a computer ends at the previous step. Most webcam drivers are installed in automatic mode... If this does not happen, a CD will come to the rescue, which should be supplied in the kit. Insert this disc into the drive, the installation menu will appear. Further, following the prompts of the explorer, you need to install the device drivers. For the webcam to work properly, you need to restart your computer.

IMPORTANT. To test the webcam in WindowsXP version, it was enough to open "My Computer" and find a USB device there. In later versions of the operating system, this function is no longer. In Windows 7, for example, you can see the image from the camera only in specialized programs, for example, Skype.

If the installation disc is not included

But, how to set up a webcam on a computer on Widows if there is no disk included with the camera or it is lost and the drivers are not automatically installed? In this case, there are three ways to solve the problem. The first is to install special program, which will find suitable drivers on the Internet and automatically install them. There are a lot of such programs, the most popular are DriverBooster and DriverPack. These utilities are very simple and have an intuitive interface, so any user can figure it out.

The second way is to search for drivers on the network using the built-in windows tools... To do this, click right click mouse on the menu "Start". In the menu that opens, click "Device Manager" (for Windows 8 and lower versions, the path is: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "System").

Next, you need to identify devices with uninstalled drivers by the yellow icon on the right. Among them we find a webcam. After right-clicking on such a device and selecting from the pop-up menu "Update drivers",in the new window you need to click "Automatically search for updated drivers."The drivers will be installed and the camera will work after reboot.

The third way to solve the problem is to manually search required files on the website of the camera manufacturer.

Setting up a webcam for Skype

Skype is the world's most popular video communication software over the Internet. Most users do not know how to set up a webcam on their Skype computer correctly. In fact, this program does not require any special webcam setup. The whole setup is correct connection the camera to the computer and the correct installation of drivers. Therefore, if the user completed all the previous steps correctly, then Skype will inevitably broadcast the image from the device.

To check if the image is being transmitted, first you need to launch the program and log in to your account. Next, you need to select the tab “ Tools"At the top of the window, in the menu that opens, click" Settings". After that, the item “ Video settings". If you see an image from the camera, then everything is in order and you can make video calls. If you see a text message on the screen, then there is a problem. Most often it occurs due to the fact that the camera is being used by another application. Therefore, in order to call Skype, you need to close other similar programs.

Thus, installing a webcam is easy. Everything is very simple: connecting cables, installing the necessary drivers, installing a program for video communication. Leave your comments and ask questions that you could not find answers to in the article. Feedback from readers is very important to us. It will improve the project and the quality of articles on it.

It's no secret that Skype has become incredibly popular in recent years. Now it is one of the few programs that allows you to organize communication with relatives or loved ones at a great distance for free. Not only can we just communicate like on the phone, there is also the opportunity to see each other. But here many are faced with the fact that they do not know how to connect a webcam to a computer. We will talk about this now.

General Provisions

First, you need to understand that there are several types of webcams. Some do not require additional software, while others are normally installed only with the presence of drivers. What kind of camera do you have? We will deal with this a little later. As a rule, a disc can be included with a "webcam"; if there is none, then it is most likely not needed. Also, the connection process differs depending on the hardware and operating system used. So, it can be a laptop or computer running Windows HP or Linux OS. But since it is not too difficult to connect a webcam to a computer, even a novice user can handle this procedure without experiencing any problems. However, before you start it, read the useful information that will be useful to you in practice.

What we need to get started

We have already said a little about the fact that webcams are different, but the installation principle is not very different. That is why in order to do everything right, we need several essential components. One of them is high speed internet. As practice shows, without going online, there is no particular benefit from a "webcam". This is due to the fact that with its help you can only take your own pictures, but the quality in this case will be far from the best. In addition, we need the actual camera. Currently, most models have a USB connector. If the "webcam" lacks a microphone, which is inherent in older models, you will need headphones with it. If you have a new camera, you can do without a headset, since you will hear the interlocutor through the speakers, and speak directly to the webcam. By the way, do not forget to free up one USB port, because we will need it. Now let's see how to connect a webcam to a computer.

Stage one

If you are working on a laptop or netbook, then there is already a webcam. You don't need to install, update or download anything to use it. But if you decide to put a better analog, then that's another matter. First, connect the camera to the corresponding port where it is located, you will figure it out, since it is almost impossible to mix it up. Then you need to wait a little while the driver is automatically installed from the base of your operating system. This is the same procedure when connecting a storage device, mobile phone, or other equipment, so don't worry. After that, you will receive a message that the device has been successfully installed and ready to use, in rare cases a PC restart is required. Well, for now, let's go ahead and consider a slightly different situation.

Stage two: manual installation

In case the camera did not install automatically, you will need to insert the driver disc. But here you may encounter a problem that one is missing or does not work. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to throw the device away, so do not despair, because you can turn on the webcam on your computer even without a driver without any problems. To do this, you need to go to the manufacturer's website and find the appropriate software there. All you have to do is download and install. You can go the other way and install yourself a utility called DriverPack. Its essence lies in the fact that it will automatically search for a suitable driver on the network and install it. To test it, go to My Computer and find your USB video device. If you can go into it and see a picture, then everything is in order, and now you can talk with your family and friends.

Setting up and connecting the webcam to the computer

Do not forget that this usb device has a lot of internal settings. Sometimes the factory settings are fine, so you don't need to do anything else. But in some cases, you will need to adjust a number of parameters, for example, the volume of recording and audio playback. If this indicator is at the maximum, then the voice may be poorly recognized or extraneous noise will be observed. In addition, it is sometimes useful to change the image quality as well as its size. In the latter case, you can make it wider or, conversely, narrower. This is necessary in order to see the interlocutor in full or only his face. In addition, modern webcams have a number of other settings, such as saturation, sharpness, brightness, contrast, etc. If you connected the device to a PC using drivers, the settings will be set automatically, and most of them will be at the mark 50%.

Skype setup: step one

Basically, a webcam for a computer can be connected quite simply and quickly. Sometimes it is much more difficult to configure it directly in Skype. Let's figure out how to do this. First, you need to log in to the program, go to the "Tools" section and select "Settings" there. After that select "video settings". If you see a picture, then everything is in order, but when a text message from Skype is displayed on the screen, then this indicates that there is a problem. The first thing to check is whether the device is connected to the port and whether the computer finds a webcam. Go to "my computer" and see if "usb video device" appears there. By the way, one of the most common mistakes is that "webcam" can be used only in one program. Therefore, if it is open anywhere else, Skype simply will not see it. It's easy to guess that fixing this is very simple. It is enough to close one of the utilities. You may also need to restart Skype, after which everything will fall into place.

Skype setup: step two

Drivers are needed for any webcam, the only question is how they are installed. It can be an archive of your operating system or a disk that comes with the kit. If the camera is not displayed in Skype, and you have tried all the methods described above, then we do as follows. Go to the "Control Panel", select "System" - "Hardware", and then "Device Manager". You will see a list of all devices working on this PC. There should be your webcam somewhere among them. If it is not there, then it only says that the problem is either with the port socket or with the device cable. If you still find the camera and see a yellow exclamation mark next to the icon, then this indicates that there are no drivers. Next, right-click on the icon, select "properties" and "update driver". If exclamation mark no, but the webcam is still not visible, reinstall the driver. After that, everything should work.

Several important details

Many users have reported that the webcam is not displayed in My Computer. This is okay, especially if you don't use operating system "Windows HP". This is due to the fact that later updates do not support this function... For example, you won't be able to call a "webcam" on a laptop running Win 7, it will only work in Skype. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that there are a lot of manufacturers of this equipment. They all take a different approach, so the setup will be slightly different. For this simple reason, it is simply impossible to work out a single algorithm, nevertheless, debugging is not so difficult. Moreover, in about 70% of cases, a webcam, which is installed on a computer automatically, does not cause any inconvenience to the user.


So we figured out with you how to install and configure the "webcam". Everything is extremely simple: plugged the cable into the port, installed the drivers, updated them if necessary, closed all the utilities that use the webcam, and you can enjoy communication. You also already know how to connect a webcam to a computer without an installation disk, so this shouldn't be a problem. Nevertheless, before buying, please check the question of the need to install the driver on this device... The disk may not be given, but they will write where you need to go to download the necessary software. This is, perhaps, everything on this topic.

On your PC - a topic that we will consider today. Indeed, without this device in modern world communications, chats, Skype and blogs somehow you feel not very comfortable. It seems that it is not an essential item (you can communicate without it), but the absence of this device limits the range of possibilities. Video conferencing, webinars, training videos, just the opportunity to show a new hairstyle or your cat to a friend from another city - this is simply impossible without a webcam.

There are other arguments that make the use of a camera very, very useful: for example, you can install a webcam in your home, and in our absence it can act as a security guard. The camera will turn on when the motion sensor is triggered - the front door opens, someone enters or leaves the apartment. These records can be viewed remotely by configuring Internet access. Thus, you do not need to worry too much about the safety of your property - the camera will record changes in the apartment and give a signal to mobile phone or send a message to e-mail.

So, let's begin. How to install a webcam:

1. We purchase this device at the nearest electronics store. It is advisable to stop the choice on branded products from manufacturers with a good reputation. Practice shows that “know-name” masterpieces do not represent anything good other than a pleasant price.

2. The set with the camera always includes drivers for the device, written to the disk.

3. Make sure your computer has a working sound card, speakers for sound playback and a working CD-ROM drive.

4. Insert the disc that came with your camera and launch it.

5. Follow the instructions to install the device to your system.

6. Reboot your PC.

7. After restarting the computer, you can safely use the device and have fun.

We've covered how to install a webcam using the included disk. However, there are times when (for various reasons) the installation disc is missing. Let's take a look at how to install a webcam on a computer if it is not there or it is damaged:

1. Write down your webcam model.

2. Go to the manufacturer's website and in the "Support" section, find and download drivers for your device to your computer.

3. Install them on the system.

4. Restart your PC.

5. Connect the camera and make sure it works (you can check if the equipment is working properly using Skype).

6. If necessary, install an additional software for video recording, sound or image processing.

What I would like to draw your attention to: if you are planning a “part-time job” (security guard) for your webcam, make sure that your model is suitable for this. There must be sufficient space on the hard disk of the computer to record video files. In addition, you will need to install special software to accomplish these specific tasks.

For a start, you can try "iSpy" - this program will allow you to exercise full control over your territory (apartment, house, garage, site perimeter, street monitoring, internal premises). Of the amenities: support for the Russian language, enabling recording by sound or motion, the ability remote control, as well as broadcasting and viewing images from the camera in real time.

There is another option that will allow you to control what is happening in your apartment, garage or in the yard of your house. Wireless webcams that transmit images using Wi-Fi greatly simplify the work of monitoring objects under observation. Several devices can give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening in different points of the protected area, and you can see and prevent possible attacks on your private property in advance.

How to install a wireless webcam is a topic for a separate review. In a nutshell: she needs food and availability wi-Fi networkson which the picture will be broadcast. The absence of wires will significantly improve the mobility of the device, it becomes possible to hide the camera, and as a result, you get full control over what is happening.