Skype time is one hour longer. Changing the time through the Skype interface. How to change the time on skype

Skype is a popular program that is used by billions of people around the world today. Such a demand for it is easily explained, since this service allows all the inhabitants of the planet to share instant and, communicate via, send multimedia files.

The main advantage of Skype is that all these services are provided on an ongoing basis and without any mandatory subscription fee... However, there are some parameters that each user can vary independently. For example, change personal data or individual settings. Therefore, it is important to know how to change the date or how to set the time in skype.

How to set the time in Skype

All Skype users probably often wanted to know what time Skype shows. Professional programmers claim that the interactive service copies this data from the data of a computer device, which is provided through direct synchronization with a computer. However, you can also set the time directly in Skype. Many users skype programs complain that the wrong time is shown in Skype, as a result of which the history of conversations and messages may be displayed incorrectly.

Important: some Skype users advise you to simply check the correct display of the date and time on your computer equipment, including the time zone.

To find out how to change the time on Skype, it is worthwhile to precisely follow a series of professional-recommended actions. They consist in the following sequential algorithm:

  • first, you should go to the house icon (this item means a parameter that contains all the user's personal data) or click in the left upper corner on the Skype inscription and select the item personal data;
  • after opening this parameter, you need to click on the line that says edit my data;
  • here you need to find the time zone and time that you can set yourself.

How to change the time in your computer settings

In order to change the time in Skype, you just need to set the correct data in the settings of your computer. To do this correctly and quickly, you should hover your cursor in the lower right corner of your computer desktop. The date and exact current time will be displayed here.

By clicking on this parameter, the inscription Changing the date and time settings will appear, which is built, select by pressing right click mouse. Then a special window will open in which you can independently change any data: date, time, time zone.

Here, each user can set additional hours at their discretion.

Important: to ensure that the time displayed in Skype is always correct and true, it is important to synchronize the computer time with the Internet.

In order for the computer time to be automatically synchronized with the data received from the Internet, it is important to confirm this fact in the computer settings section.

Thus, Skype is capable of displaying time and date in its settings. To change such parameters, you should take care of synchronizing the computer time with the Internet, as well as indicate the current time in personal settings a Skype user.

Skype shows the time of sending each message, as well as the time of calls. Thus, the user can see exactly what time he was called. Sometimes the time settings get lost. How do I change the time on Skype? Let's consider this issue in detail.

If Skype shows the wrong time in chats, most likely there was a simple failure in the program or a conflict between the messenger and the operating system. It may also be traces left over from viruses that like to fix parameters in various programs.

Scanning your computer for malware doesn't hurt anyway.

Change PC time

As a rule, the messenger takes the time that is installed on the device, so check what time you have in the OS. If the time is wrong, the solution to the problem is obvious: change the system time, that is, what is on the PC. What are we doing for this?

1.The current date and time will be displayed in the lower right corner of the computer screen. Click on them - a small window with a calendar will appear. At the bottom there will be a link "Changing the date and time settings". Click on it.

2. In the first tab, click on "Change date and time". Ignore the shield icon on the button - you won't harm your computer if you enter your date and time.

3. Change the time in the field under the dial. Put the correct date right away if it is lost.

4.If you know what your time zone is, you can use another button: "Change time zone".

5. Select yours from the dropdown menu.

6.Confirm saving the new time zone.

Of particular interest is the function of setting the time via the Internet. Go to the Internet Time tab. If you have this function configured, then most likely you have never encountered the problem of changing it. This option means that the network time is always set automatically on the computer.

If you have disabled this feature, click on the "Change settings" button. Check the box next to "Synchronize with an Internet time server." Click on the "Update now" button and then click on OK.

Editing the time in Skype

How do I set my Skype time? The program allows you to change only the time zone, and also makes it possible to synchronize with the time of the computer. Choosing a belt in Skype is a little more difficult, since cities that are in belts are not displayed next to the numbers. If you are not sure which belt to put on, look for its number on the Internet or look it up in the computer time settings.

1. In the first section of Skype, select the "Personal data" block, and then the item "Edit my data". To quickly display the same menu, you can hold down the Ctrl + I combination.

3.Click on the icon in the small "Time" block. Now you need to set the correct time zone. For convenience, the line "My computer" was added. If you put it, Skype will display the same time that you have on your PC, that is, synchronization will occur.

4. In the "Time" block, you can also define which contacts will see your time in your profile, as a rule, this is the time of your country, if you have not changed it to another. Select one of the options: Show only people in your contact list or Show only you. The latter is suitable for those who want to hide any information in their profile in the messenger.

If you set a chat time in Skype that is different from the one on the computer, it will not change on the device, that is, the time will not coincide. This is important for those who need the time of messages and calls in the messenger to be one hour ahead, for example.

Unfortunately, you cannot correct the minutes or hours to make the time accurate within the program. In this case, you can make the system time accurate and synchronize it with the time in Skype.

How to find out the interlocutor's time?

Skype is used by people all over the world, so time zones play an important role here. Can you find out what time is the contact with whom you are currently communicating? If you know what country he is from, or just where he is now, then it will not be difficult to determine the time. You don't even need Skype for this.

It's another matter if you don't have any information about its location. In older versions of Skype, the time was also shown next to the country. The updated messenger was deprived of this function. Many users now find it uncomfortable to calculate what time it is in other countries.

The time in this messenger can be changed in two ways: change the system time or set the time zone in Skype itself.

Changing the time

With the services of the famous programSkype is used by more than several billion people in different countries the globe.This program is convenient because you can contact a person who is in another country, not only talk, but also see him, and there will be no roaming charges. The main condition is the presence of the Internet.

First thing to do

Sometimes there is such a nuisance as the wrong time on Skype, which does not coincide with the real one.This does not do much harm, but you should understand that all your calls and correspondence will also be displayed with the wrong time.

Time failure reasons

If aSkype and the computer works at different times, it is worth checking first of all:

    Perhaps the wrong time zone is on the computer or device itself, and Skype just displays it correctly.

    The correct time zone is on the device itself, in the program, on the contrary, the wrong one is indicated.

    Updates were installed incorrectly, and a bug was made in this version of the program.

By understanding the very reason why the time is displayed incorrectly, it will be easier to solve it.

How to fix the situation with belts

Interested in how to change the time on Skype? In fact, changing the time is not so difficult, for this you do not need to have a special technical education, the main thing is to know the algorithm of actions.

Invalid time zone in Skype

If the reason lies in the fact that on the device itself or in the program itself there is a wrong time zone, then this state of affairs is easy to fix and set the time zone that the user needs.

First you need to check which belt is installed in Skype. For this, the following actions are performed:

    activate Skype;

    go to the tabSkype - line Personal data - line Edit my data (Fig. 1.);

    in the field that opens, we find the line "Show full profile" (Fig.2);

    click on it and in the line "Time" select the arrow and set in the list that the "Time of my computer" will pop up (Fig. 3).

Now the time set on your computer and the time in the program itself will be identical.

Incorrect time zone on the computer itself

The reason may also be hidden in the fact that the date or time is incorrectly set on the computer, laptop, tablet, other gadget. You can check or fix it as follows. Go to the control panel or settings, if it's a phone, find the "Date and time" option. Then set it so that the time is set automatically.

You should also enable the option "Synchronize with a time server on the Internet".

It is also necessary to tick the box "Switch to summer time and back". After all the manipulations done, you need to restart Skype. The time difference should disappear.

The reason is the bug

If it became clear that the time in your Skype does not coincide with the computer precisely because of the wrong bug, then there are two ways out:

    you can find the old, current version of the program;

    download a new one, but with a working bug.

The time does not match exactly one hour

On the user's computer, there is a complete coincidence of minutes, but the hours differ by exactly one hour, which brings confusion to your correspondence? Often this situation leads to the fact that it is difficult for a person to understand exactly when the message was sent?

As a rule, all the answers to the question why the time is indicated in skype one hour more boil down to the fact that the latest updates have not been installed on the user's computer.

Again, it is necessary to clarify whether the user's computer time is correctly indicated. Perhaps he just forgot to switch to daylight saving time, for example, that is, one hour ahead.In this case, you need to configure your computer to automatically switch (you can do this in the date and time settings).

The reason that the time could get lost could be a virus that got into the computer's operating system.

The user needs to immediately check the system for viruses, see if they have been made latest updates and install automatic tuning time and date. These simple actions should help resolve an unpleasant situation and Skype will show the same time as on the desktop.

Wherever we are and whatever we do, the need for accurate time cannot be taken away from us. Often our life is scheduled, if not by the minute, then by the hour, every period of time is important. That is why we are surrounded by watches everywhere: on the wrist, on the phone, on the tablet, after all.

And so we, people of the 21st century, are already accustomed to comfort in everything and everywhere, lost time can fundamentally spoil our mood. Today I want to talk about what to do if the time on Skype is lost.

A bit of theory

Since Skype is an international program with very useful functionality, it is not surprising that many of us spend a lot of time in it. Accordingly, when you are in correspondence with this or that user, most often you focus on the time set in Skype, and not on what is on the computer. Needless to say, what kind of disappointment awaits a person when he finds out that he has displayed the wrong time on Skype? However, one should not be surprised at this turn of events, as there are no ideal applications yet.

The most common cause of such problems over time, as well as a banal program failure or an application conflict with the operating system. To prevent such a situation is not only difficult, but rather impossible, so you have to solve problems as they become available.

How to change the time on skype

To set the time on Skype, it is not at all necessary to have any special knowledge or skills, it is enough just to “go through” the program settings. So go to your account and in horizontal menu choose the very first category - "Skype". Further - "Personal data" - "Edit my data".

After that you will see a window with data, you need to select the inconspicuous line "Show full profile".Now find the subcategory "Time". Best of all, when you have selected the time for "My computer", then the program is synchronized with your device. However, if you wish, you can do otherwise. As you can see, the list allows you to make a choice in favor of one or another time zone, depending on where you are, or maybe you want to pretend that you are there. Accordingly, if there are failures over time, you now know how to change the time on Skype.

By the way, the “Time” subcategory also allows you to select the circle of people who will see the time zone selected in your Skype. So, for example, you can select the option "Show only to people in the contact list", that is, to your pen pals or "Show only to you", respectively, making the set time confidential.

As you know, when sending and receiving messages, making calls, and performing other actions in Skype, they are recorded in the log with time indication. The user can always, by opening the chat window, view when a particular call was made or a message was sent. But, is it possible to change the time in Skype? Let's deal with this issue.

The easiest way to change the time on Skype is to change it in operating system computer. This is due to the fact that by default Skype uses the system time.

To change the time in this way, click on the clock located in the lower right corner of the computer screen. Then go to the inscription "Changing the date and time settings."

We put the necessary numbers in the time cat, and click on the "OK" button.

Also, there is a slightly different way. Click on the "Change time zone" button.

In the window that opens, select the time zone from those available in the list.

Click on the "OK" button.

In this case, the system time, and therefore the Skype time, will be changed according to the selected time zone.

Changing the time through the Skype interface

But, sometimes you need to change the time only in the Skype program without translating the system windows clock... How to be in this case?

We open the Skype program. Click on your own name, which is located in the upper left part of the program interface near the avatar.

A window for editing personal data opens. We click on the inscription located at the very bottom of the window - "Show full profile".

In the window that opens, look for the "Time" parameter. By default it is set as "My Computer", but we need to change it to something else. We click on the set parameter.

A list of time zones opens. Choose the one you want to install.

After that, all actions performed in Skype will be recorded according to the set time zone, and not the computer's system time.

But, the exact setting of the time, with the ability to change the hours and minutes, as the user wants, is absent from Skype.

As you can see, the time in Skype can be changed in two ways: by changing the system time, and by setting the time zone in Skype itself. In most cases, it is recommended to use the first option, but there are also exceptional circumstances when you want Skype time to differ from the computer system time.