Runs hosting login. Flexible payment system. Flexible PHP configuration

Hosting Expert (2 years experience) Main specialization - writing reviews of hosting providers, writing articles and content in general. Responsible for the English version of the site.

First impression

The website looks professional, user-friendly interface. Prices for shared hosting are slightly higher than other companies: from $ 2.90 / month to $ 21.50 / month. Although, on the other hand, these packages do not have a limited number of databases and domain names, as well as unlimited traffic. The company also offers a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate and domain, but these bonuses are available only on the Russian version of the site. For residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan is provided free package hosting for testing services.

VPS and dedicated servers look even better. VPS server prices range from $ 5 to $ 30 per month. The technical characteristics are very good and correspond to their price. Dedicated servers are of two types: standard and turbo (powerful servers). Accordingly, prices range from $ 15 to $ 1,300 per month. The technical characteristics can be found on the website, they are well described.

Test period

The company provides a trial period of 35 days for all shared hosting packages. Also, only for this type of hosting, a refund is possible. Refunds for VPS and dedicated servers are not provided.

Billing cycle

Shared hosting can be purchased for a month or a year, VPS and dedicated servers - only for a month.

Control Panel

Beget have developed their own control panel. It is available for all virtual and VPS hosting packages, as well as managed dedicated servers. The panel looks much more user-friendly than cPanel. On an unmanaged server, you can install any control panel yourself.


Basically, the limits are applicable to shared hosting. Although the plan descriptions indicate that the number of domains, mailboxes and databases is unlimited, there are still some limitations. For example, the maximum number of mailboxes is 1000, and the number of domains is limited depending on the tariff plan.

It is also prohibited to use more than 10% of server resources. VPS and dedicated servers have standard limits on the number of processor cores, the amount of RAM and disk space.


All servers are protected from DDoS attacks. Further safety measures must be taken independently.


Ubuntu is installed on the shared hosting servers. You can install Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, OpenSuse, Fedora or Bitrix web environment on a VPS server for free. On dedicated servers of the managed type, Ubuntu is preinstalled, and on the other servers, you can install any OS.

Technical support

The company provides round the clock support in tickets and chats (Telegram, Facebook messenger, Skype). Telephone support is available only for residents of Ukraine and Russia. They respond quickly, but very briefly and not to the point, there is not enough proactivity. The knowledge base is good, there are many different articles.


Overall a good and reliable hosting. Users have complete freedom of access to VPS and dedicated servers and can independently perform any operations. And if there are difficulties in setting up or managing them, technical support will be able to quickly and efficiently solve problems.

This hosting is best suited for residents of the CIS countries, since most of the bonuses and free buns are available only to them. However, considering that Beget has a good value for money, this hosting can be recommended to residents of other countries too.

At the present time, it is difficult to surprise someone with high-quality and inexpensive hosting, because there are so many hosting providers that you can't even count them. But my goal is not to surprise the readers, but to tell about my experience of using and give an objective assessment of shared hosting from This will be an honest review of beget from a user with over 4 years of experience! This is what I plan to do in this review.

Many people will think that this is another laudatory article with the aim of putting a referral link, collecting traffic if possible, etc.

Yes, the article will be laudatory (the hosting is actually excellent!), But at the same time it will be as objective as possible. I will also talk about some of the "chips-pluses-bonuses" of this hosting, about which many may not know. So, seasoned site builders, you can just go through the article "diagonally" in search of these very "chips". Well, those who are really interested in my opinion and review of this hosting, welcome!

By tradition, "for order", you should list general characteristics and features of shared hosting Beget:

  • Official website:
  • Own, highly functional and convenient control panel (PU) and file manager;
  • 24/7 and responsive support (including various communication channels);
  • 30 days trial use;
  • Quite reasonable prices for hosting (including a free plan) and for buying domains;
  • Arbitrary upgrade of the tariff plan;
  • Lots of payment options;
  • High uptime and server stability;
  • Access via SSH, sFTP / FTP;
  • MySQL 5, PHP 5/4, Perl 5, Python, Zend, phpMyAdmin;
  • Installing popular CMS in one click;
  • The traffic is not limited in any way;
  • DNS records management; logs (logs), Cron with a convenient GUI;
  • Mail: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, as well as a web mail interface (of course, secure);
  • Automatic and manual backup (DB and files);
  • Automatic site recovery from backup;
  • Additional free services;
  • Generous and effective affiliate program

As you can see, everything is quite standard and not particularly remarkable by modern standards. But let's go over some points in more detail. And then it will become clear that at some points Beget knows how to surprise.

Pricing policy (tariffs)

Tariffs are divided into several groups:

  • Virtual hosting;
  • VIP-hosting - various privileges are provided, but this is somewhat expensive for simple sites and blogs - from 820 rubles / month;
  • Server rent - from 9800 to 48000 per month

I will immediately note one nuance, this hoster does not provide VPS / VDS hosting, which, of course, can be written as a negative (if I moved to a virtual dedicated server, I would not mind "moving" to Beget).

We will only consider virtual hosting. This group is represented by the following tariffs:

As for domains, registration of a website in the .ru zone will cost 195 rubles. Domains are registered not for the hosting company, but specifically for the client, so it's worth worrying about them. They are yours (you can even order a personalized certificate). Registrar - REG.RU (there may be other partners-registrars). Note that if you register a domain through, it will cost 590 rubles, which is several times more expensive.

There are, of course, specialized sites like 2domains, where domains are even cheaper. But the savings of 20-30 rubles, I think, is not significant (if you are not going to register domains in batches). So, if you decide to use hosting from Beget, then register your domain with them - there will be less fuss with linking, etc.

Who is the "Blog" tariff for? First of all, of course, for beginners. But “newbies” in various fields is a loose concept. Look, if you are a thousand-blogger, will you call yourself a newbie? Hardly. And this tariff will easily allow you to place a blog with an attendance of about 1000-2000 unique, if not more (it all depends not only on the attendance, but also, for example, on plugins and other loads).

As you can see from the screenshot, the average load over 7 days was 9.46 CP. At an admissible rate of 65 CP (by the way, I now have this parameter increased to 85CP , like a bonus). That is, the load can be increased approximately 7 times more and at the same time remain within permissible norm... We turn on the math: my average attendance at the time of writing is ~ 300 unique (plus or minus) x 7 \u003d 2100. Thus, if my attendance was now about 2 thousand, I would safely sit all at the same minimum rate (Update: in 2016 I am still using this tariff and I have enough of it for my eyes, the attendance can be safely increased by 1.5 times)

By the way, the allowed load (CP) per day at all shared hosting tariffs is exactly this figure. But it can be increased manually (if suddenly needed), like some other parameters (i.e., upgrade the current tariff, and not switch to a more expensive one):

An attentive reader might have noticed that in the screenshot for loads from January 28 to February 3, the load from my site was prohibitive - around 100 CP, and even reached 125 CP (this option is available only on VIP tariffs that allow you to host 50 sites and more, well, or for a fee), and then dropped sharply.

So, at one time my blog caused just crazy loads on the server and until recently I did not know what the reason was (well, not in my own 300 unique \u003d)). In the end, I still figured out what was the matter and fixed the problem. I will write a separate article about this.

And one more thing with regards to loads. As you know, some hosters sin by deliberately attributing overloads to their customers in order to transfer them to a more expensive tariff. I responsibly declare that Beget is definitely not doing this.

First, you yourself can observe statistics on loads - daily and hourly. Secondly, my case showed that for many months I "devoured" as many resources as dozens of sites could "eat" at the same time \u003d) But, communicating with the support in this regard, I was assured that they were not going to either block or force to switch to another tariff (and in my case it would be at least a VIP tariff). Such is the story.

Own control panel (PU) and file manager

Someone likes universal CPs like DirectAdmin, ISP Manager, Plesk or cPanel, someone prefers when the hosting provider has its own CP. Another thing is important - the control panel should be multifunctional and not truncated.

For beginners, I personally think it is preferable when the hoster has its own PU - after all, such panels are more friendly and usable. But, sooner or later, in the future on a VPS, any blogger will still have to get acquainted with third-party universal PUs. And no matter how anyone says that it is better to start right away with specialized PUs, this is not entirely true. I am sure that after examining any "hosting" control panel, no one will have problems with the same cPanel. It will just be a little strange for a while.

Beget has its own PU, but it is very functional - you can do almost everything that is available in special panels in it. But, unlike the latter, the Begetovskaya panel is very pleasant and convenient:

Everything you need is there: DNS management, file manager, load statistics (including statistics of the physical server on which your site is located), and backup management, and, and Cron with a graphical interface, and mail, domains, error logs, access logs, etc.

In general, nothing particularly surprising and exclusive. But many hosters do not provide one or another function (most often statistics on loads, managing backups and viewing logs). All this is here.

While in any section, you can quickly jump to another section by calling the pop-up menu:

I especially want to note the section "Access logs". It has the ability to activate the web server access and error logs. It is also possible to connect an independent system for collecting and analyzing statistics AWStat to the site.

Many of us are used to studying statistics on Ya. Metrics or Analytics from Google. But LiveInternet statistics are not far behind in popularity. So, AWStat is not much different from LI, but you will not need to put extra third-party counter codes on your site.

In addition, there are also FTP access logs and access logs to the CP - who and when entered it, from which IP address, what actions were performed. You can enable (or disable) access for specific IPs. I highly recommend using this function (if the host provides it) to all those who have a static IP address or a permanent VPN.

The file manager in Beget is also of its own production. And, unlike many others, it is almost perfect; I almost forgot about FileZilla \u003d)

It is a two-window manager familiar to most:

This file manager can do everything you need to do, including unpacking downloaded archives. And besides, in one of the windows you can open your home computer or a third-party FTP server, which in some cases can be very convenient. For example, when moving from another hosting. Those. there is no need to download files first to a computer, and then upload them again to another FTP server. The transfer is done directly from FTP to FTP. For those with slow internet or expensive traffic, the function is more than relevant.

All connections to the file manager are, of course, encrypted.

Beget Hosting Support

There is an opinion that a good hosting company doesn’t even know whether its support is good or not. there is no need to contact support \u003d) This may be so, but there is hardly a single webmaster or blogger who has never contacted technical support.

Here the main thing is different - what kind of questions the clients are addressing. If the site constantly crashes - this is one thing, but if for help in some kind of setting, etc. - this is already different.

In Beget, technical support is very responsive, they react quickly enough - from "almost instantly", to several minutes (well, the maximum could have been up to half an hour). On questions like "why the site is not available" I contacted, if my memory serves me, once. It was during the days all over Russia and in the world.

Do you remember this period? When did all the hosters close the admin panels of the client sites? It wasn't that long ago. By the way, Beget was one of the first to inform its clients about these attacks and warn about the need to change the login address to the admin panel and other security measures.

Support constantly keeps clients informed of certain events. It does not happen here that at first some planned work is carried out, and they report this only when the client himself asks why his site was not available.

In general, I have absolutely no complaints about technical support. And I had to talk to them enough \u003d) This is due to the very overloads from my site, which I have already mentioned.

To be fair, I note that the support did not give me the exact reason for those loads, although he indicated where to dig. But there is nothing to blame them for, they are not required to understand "inside and out" in all existing CMS. They are primarily sysadmins. And I had a very non-standard problem (I didn't find anything about it on the Runet at all).

I also note that their ticket system, apparently, works on the principle of "who got free, he answered." Therefore, it may happen that you explain the situation to a person, but he is not entirely competent in this. But, again, for the sake of justice, I will say that in such cases they do not try to give you stupid advice, such as "reboot" or "you have viruses", but immediately write that they will pass the ticket to techies. And yes, this is a ticket system, i.e. you don't need to explain anything to another person again - he sees all the previous correspondence.

In addition to tickets, there are other communication channels - ICQ, Skype, phones (free for Moscow, St. Petersburg and all of Russia), e-mail, Telegram. In general, everything is on high level... By the way, there are telephones for Ukraine (also free). They have recently entered this market as well.

With regards to stability and uptime. This is what Y. Metrica shows me for almost a year:

A very good result. But, Metrica is Metrica, and it is this functionality of it (monitoring site availability) that cannot be considered true.

Let's take a look at the server monitoring, which is maintained by the specialized service UptimeRobot:

Something like that. Also an excellent indicator, however, only in 30 days. For a longer period, as I understand it, statistics in this service cannot be viewed.

Why am I showing this? Yes, so as not to say that I am unreasonably singing songs of praise to this hosting \u003d)

The issue of backups is the most important parameter when choosing a hosting! Don't forget this.

Some hosting companies only claim that they make daily backups, but in reality it may turn out differently. Some, for example, which I already wrote about, make daily backups, but you cannot manage them yourself, but only on request.

Specialized control panels store backups in your own disk space, which is also not very acceptable. First, imagine a situation if an attacker gained access to your hosting control panel. Therefore, it can delete all backups and the site itself (or delete backups, and the site "infect"). Or in general, modify even the backups themselves. Secondly, in the case of file backups (and with a database too), you will quickly exhaust your disk limit if you store them in the same place as the site itself. Well, and thirdly, not everyone will constantly download site backups (not databases) to their local computer. This should be done periodically, not daily (but you still need to do it!)

In Beget, backups are made automatically. Both files and databases. They are stored on other servers. And you can manage them yourself:

Those. you have the ability to select backups for a specific day (drop-down menu) and make automatic recovery site at this point in time.

You can also manually create a full backup of the current state of files and databases. It is recommended to do this before carrying out any significant manipulations with the site. Files and / or databases in this case are uploaded to your directory on the server in a zipped form, and you can download them to your computer through a file manager or FTP client.

And again, for the sake of fairness, I will say: I noticed that for some days there are no automatic backups for some reason. There are not many such days, but they exist. Why? I do not know.

In any case, do not forget to make additional database backups from your side - plugins, scripts. For example, one of the best security plugins - - can make scheduled backups (at least every hour) and send them to your email.

Flexible payment system

I don't know why, but many companies (not only hosting companies) do not connect services like Robokassa as a payment system. Yes, this is an additional commission, but it's very convenient.

For example, a newbie blogger who does not have the opportunity to immediately pay for a year of hosting (although it is cheaper) will pay monthly. And at one point, his site may be blocked for non-payment - he forgot to pay, there is not enough money, etc. This is especially true with the "not enough money" option. Anything can happen.

But if his hoster connected the Robokassa payment system or similar, the client could pay any amount directly from his phone (at least 10 rubles), thereby extending the payment for a couple of days. Until she gets to the terminal or receives a salary / stipend.

So, in Beget, in addition to all the basic payment options, there is one like this. I think it is very relevant.

And, as I said, you can deposit any amount on your account. There is no minimum payment requirement.

Additional services and services

In addition to various paid services, such as SSL certificates, dedicated IP addresses, sale of CMS, or even a personalized certificate for a domain, etc., Beget also has free services and services.

And, of course, there are all sorts of promotions and bonuses, such as free domains, discounts, etc. In addition, Beget periodically gives gifts to all its customers. For example, in honor of NG, at all virtual hosting tariffs, the permissible load was increased from 50 CP to 65 CP, and a little earlier all clients increased the disk space (if I am not mistaken, twice).

But the main free service, of course, can be called ...

Full free hosting

Free hosting Beget is not much different in functionality from paid shared hosting. To register, just enter your mobile phone number. And your hosting. It has almost everything - PHP, MySQL, mail, FTP and so on. Recently, they even began to make automatic backups of the same type as on paid plans.

The main limitations are 1 site, 1 database and, of course, the load. Here it is capped at 10 CP. But, remember what I said almost at the very beginning of the article?

I now have an average load of 9.46 CP, with a visit of about 300 people. To paraphrase, we can safely assure that up to an attendance of 100-150 unique (and even higher), you can easily sit on a free plan. Provided, of course, that the site is not hung with dozens of gluttonous plugins, etc.

In my opinion, this is one of the best options for those who first decided to create their own website or blog. By the way, in case of moving from a free plan to a paid one, no additional manipulations to transfer the site will be required. The link to free hosting may not be found the first time, they hang in the basement of Biget. Here is the direct one, if not found

As for the domains on this tariff, the situation is the following. You are immediately provided with a third-level domain for free. But hardly anyone will make a full-fledged website on this. Therefore, you can easily and easily bind any second-level domain to this tariff (or redirect the one you already have, or register a new one).

Apart from the fact that this tariff is intended for beginners, it can also be used as a testing ground. For example, hang up the engine and test all kinds of plugins. Or install some script, and so on. In general, use it to your health! Free and without sms \u003d)

Finally, I will briefly mention the affiliate program.

Generous and effective affiliate program

Beget has one of the most generous affiliate programs out there. Here are its parameters:

  • Shared hosting tariff plans - 40%
  • VIP class tariff plans - 10%
  • Dedicated servers - up to 100%, but one-time

We count. Let's say someone from your referees pays the minimum tariff for the year (1350 rubles) - your commission will be about 540 rubles. From the minimum VIP-hosting, when paid by the client for a year, you will receive 850 rubles. Well, if you're lucky, and using your link they register and purchase a service for renting a dedicated server, you can get at least 3900 rubles one-time (as I understand it, 100% is given for renting the cheapest server, for more expensive percentages it will probably be lower ).

There is one nuance, for payment additional services (domain registration, purchase of an SSL certificate, etc.) no commission is paid. For hosting only.

And, of course, all the attributes affiliate programssuch as promo materials, conversion statistics, etc. are also present.
On the cons, in the words of the biget support: "When adding a site as a referral, it is necessary that potential customers immediately go from it to
If they just visited your site, and then after a while they randomly opened, then the referral registration will not happen for you. Also, when registering, a referral can make sure that he will be assigned to you, and not to another advertiser - there is a corresponding button for this. "

This tells us two things:

1. The life of the cookies of the referral biget is minimal or none at all. If a person registers hosting a day after reading the article, the referral will not be seen.
2. No one will naturally check the fixing, it is stupid to count on it. I just imagined how an ordinary visitor checks before registering a hosting "Did I just go to the referral link ???" ;-))

Banners are visual, they do not spoil the site design, for example such banners:

On this, perhaps, everything. If I remember anything, I will add it in comments. Until next time, gentlemen and ladies!

Sincerely, Alexander

P.S. "Where are the referral links?" - you ask. And they can be used or not. There is a referral link on the banner above. This is one of the Beget chips, and not many affiliate programs can boast of this. Moneymakers and referrals will definitely appreciate it. It is very easy to guess what this feature is. So I'm waiting for your suggestions in the comments. Who guesses, that fellow \u003d)


131 Comments → My experience and a detailed review of Beget shared hosting

  1. Web-Cat

    I could arrange a competition for this occasion - what is the point of referral links, I would have won)) But I won't say so)))
    And Beget is good, leaves a pleasant impression. I have there, however, only two free accounts for scripts - Pivik lives there and PanelVM - and so I'm not from Denmark))

  2. Basil

    Alexander, the AWStat statistics are not so simple.

  3. kayot

    topical article Alexander, topical ... :-))) I at least temporarily solved my problems with the hoster, transferring me to another server, but I think not completely ... Other moments have appeared. But the strangest thing is, so many people speak well of the hosting I sit on that sometimes I think of simple bad luck ... :-)))
    - I am a little confused by the amount of disk space - 1 GB. Could you, for example, look at the increase in megabytes for your site on hosting in the context, for example, from last September to the current month? to see the trend in data growth. (but if only you can)
    It's good that such a managed backup hangs on another server.
    - it seems to me that the dependence of CP (permitted load) on traffic will not always be linear. Not everything depends on the number of requests. Here you have to think.
    - it's good that there is a free panel, recently it is hefty as relevant and free technical support, as it turns out, too ... :-)))

    by the way, there is one reason that slows me down in the transition. The fact is that I registered some of my domains (those that run on the same hosting) through their registrars. And now this plus of cheap registration through them plays against me - by leaving the host - I seem to lose the privilege of cheap renewal, but this is not bad. Having closed the hosting, I often lose the domain name payment control panel, since at the hostr, payment is made through the same paid panel ... :-))) that is, now, in order to leave efficiently and forget about them, you also need to transfer domain names to another registrant ... that's what I stopped at for now ... :-)))
    Thanks for the review, if I dare to jump to beget then I will definitely go through your refs! :-)

    1. Alexander Mayer

      kayot, what kind of hosting do you have now?

      Increase in traffic .. On one of the screenshots above you can see how much disk space I use from available ones. Well, or here, I just shot a fresh one:

      In terms of growth, I will say this. He is going quite systematically - he wrote an article, threw pictures - the amount of occupied space has increased adequately to this. There is no dishonest manipulation of disk space by the hoster. Another question is that I also optimize pictures, and periodically clean all plugin logs, and immediately download manual backups to the local computer and delete them from the server.

      1 GB doesn't seem like a lot. But for ordinary sites and blogs, like mine, this is quite enough (I took only 21% in almost a year, but I also have few articles, of course). It's another matter if the site needs pictures in high quality and other media content, then yes. This is not enough.

      CP, of course, does not directly depend on the number of visits. Here is what the Begetists themselves write about this:

      The value of this parameter depends both on site traffic and on the site itself, on the connected modules, etc. Therefore, it is possible to estimate what load a particular site will create only approximately and with a detailed study of the site.

      But, it also strongly depends on attendance. Therefore, in the article, I indicated approximate figures, which, in principle, are relevant, if you do not weight the site with a bunch of plugins with high needs.

      About domains. As I already wrote, here domains are registered for the client through And if, for example, you leave Beget, then you can still leave domains here for maintenance. And also pay through your account. It is not necessary to have hosting for this. As a last resort, you can transfer domain maintenance directly to, but this is done on a separate request. In any case, no one forces you to register a domain through BeGet \u003d) You can also register them through 2domains and park them to the desired hosting.

      Something like this

    2. Evgeniy

      I generally had a lot of questions for the runner, but after my site was unavailable three times an hour a day, I moved away from the runner right away, now the sites are hosted by Handyhost, their quality is much higher, at least for year of work there were no difficulties and falls

  4. Alexandra Polina

    I tried to cooperate with Beget twice - after such laudatory articles. And both times are unsuccessful, maybe they just have no luck with them.

    The main site turned out to be taking up so much space - I feel I will have to pay extra soon. on other hosting with the same site - everything is normal.

    Support responds to me 2 days after the question - I imagine if something happened - and I would wait two days for an answer.

    The impression is that they already have enough clients. And the prices are, yes, reasonable.

  5. Alexander Viktorovich

    thanks for detailed review... I am just thinking of relocating to Beget. I have a free test site there. My site is on Agave and everything would be fine, but there was a "but". I chose an inexpensive tariff (65 rudders per month), it has a limitation: 1 site and FTP access via a plugin. I wanted to go to a more expensive one (120 rubles / m), there are 3 sites and there are no restrictions, but Word Press is not supported at this rate. And the next one is expensive and a lot, I don't need that much. Otherwise everything would be fine excellent support, additional protection of the entrance to the admin panel (superb protection, robots do not pass it). Probably I will move to Beget.

    1. Alexander Mayer

      Agave used to be pretty good. Now I do not know. And the support there is really very good. At any time of the day or night, they will always help. We used to have rented servers for work there, so I know about Agava firsthand.

    2. Alexander Mayer

      By the way, Alexander, I received a letter. I don't know why, but all your comments went to spam :(

  6. Sergei

    I have been looking at this hosting for a long time. Probably, I’ll go over to it. But the leftovers on Sprinthost will run out. There was also a desire to move to mchost, but beget tariffs are the most optimal for me.
    I worried even earlier that their servers are located in the UK. But judging by the numbers, this is no longer so critical.
    The main thing is that there are no problems with the move! I'm a little worried about the domains that were registered on through sprinthost.

  7. Webliberty

    But I have been regular customers from the first days of There were certainly disappointments, but very rarely. And their domains are 590 rubles only for those who do not know how to buy for 125;)

    There are several Russian companies that have proven themselves well, and Beget is among them. The main thing is to pay attention to the time that the company is on the market, to the reviews and brand awareness. And one-day, which is full, today is, and tomorrow they are not, and then especially gullible natures begin to have problems.

  8. Alexander Rus

    Well, you're just a master of writing, such voluminous and informative articles! ;)
    Is this blog currently using this hosting or are you still using the services from Gigahost?
    P.S. - Thank you very much for your advice. The plugin that you advised me Invisible Captcha is exactly the one I was looking for lately. I rely on him and I will hope that spambots will no longer bother me)

  9. Vlad


    You have a great blog! But there are not enough Top commentators ...

    1. Alexander Mayer

      Thanks! And I deleted the top commentators, there used to be such a widget

      1. Alexander Rus

        The widget is shit it's the last century), try the top comments script, well, you saw on my blog how it works.
        And the blog is really good, especially the page loading speed is so fast. By the way, I wanted to ask why such a speed is high - does it depend on the hosting?

        1. Alexander Mayer

          No, Sash, I generally meant that the top commentators decided not to use - neither plugins, nor scripts \u003d) Well, I don't know, somehow it's boring. In whatever blog you look, this top hangs everywhere)) Although I honestly noticed that after this widget was removed, the comments decreased.

          But with regards to loading the site, the story is as follows. For example, the Alexa toolbar now shows me the Average loading speed, i.e. the average. I used to show Slow (slowly).

          Various services like Page Speed \u200b\u200balso show that everything, to put it mildly, is not perfect. And all this should have a negative effect on the attitude of the PS to the site.

          But the reality is that the site almost flies! \u003d) I specifically tested in different browsers, turned off caching (so that the site loaded as if I had visited it for the first time), tested through public slow proxies from different countries, through Tor - all the same, the site behaves smartly. And even though many of my articles are voluminous and with screenshots.

          So I think the following:
          a) of course, hosting plays a primary and huge role, no doubt about that. Actually, this is one of the main reasons why I am not going to leave Beget.
          b) template also plays a role. I am not an expert in codes, but I think that it was done very correctly.
          c) Hyper Cache probably plays a role too. But, again, I tested without caching.
          d) I compress pictures / screenshots using Many people do it in graphic editors, but it's easier for me through this service. Compresses up to 70% without sacrificing quality.

          But the main thing I think is the hosting and the template

        2. Alexander Rus

          I will change it during my vacation. In the meantime, I will be content with what it is)

  10. Radkevich S.

    Considering moving one of their sites there. Until I decided to choose between beget and makhost. It seems that this one is good and that one is advised.

  11. Dmitriy

    By the way, when I migrated from shared hosting to VPS, I also began to study Beget, since there were many good reviews about it. But the UPU is not there. And now no, judging by the article.
    And yes, I use McHost. I have another VPS for other projects started up. I'm not complaining yet)

  12. Maxim Zborovsky

    Great hosting! I have been using it for more than a year and a half, I have never had any problems or unexpected shutdowns. If technical work was carried out, then they were always notified of this up to sending an SMS to the phone. The hosting is super! I advise everyone and thanks to the author for the review!

  13. Ilya

    Strange, this is the first time I've heard about this hosting. When I was looking for a house for my blog, I shoveled the sites of all popular offices, but I did not hear about this one :)) But there is no need to move yet, Makhost, pah-pah-pah, while completely satisfied.

  14. Ilya

    By the way, about backups. And how is Beget doing with Cyrillic file names !? On Machost in backup copies, Russian symbols turn into gibberish.

    1. Alexander Mayer

      I do not even know. Basically, I do not use Cyrillic in file names (which I advise everyone).

      P.S.: Now we'll create some file, make a backup and check how things are going with it

  15. Yuri

    Alexander, thanks for the interesting review. A very high quality hoster is emerging. I'm starting to wonder if I've chosen the right one.
    And CP is like an analogue of php limit? If not, what is the php limit for this tariff?

  16. Ilya

    Oh, Alexander, thanks for that. I'll figure it out one of these days.

  17. Sergei

    Here is an article) Everything is detailed. I sit on Timeweb and don't think about leaving it yet - everything suits me.

  18. Popovses

    Heard a lot of good things about Beget. If not for Ukraine, I would be on it. Probably)

  19. Denys

    I've been running for two years, the quality pleases. By the way, how much does domain renewal cost if you take it from a hoster? otherwise I have 2 free ones there, I think to use them or not. 2domains inflated prices for domain renewal-purchase and stayed at 99 and renewal at 236

  20. Alexander Viktorovich

    No offense said, but I stayed on Agave. They made me a lucrative offer. I installed a full-fledged online store on my new website. I tried for a week myself, screwed up. We restored it from a backup and did everything in two hours. The support works great. So I think no worse than Beget.

    1. Alexander Mayer

      Alexander, and he did the right thing. If a hosting company goes to meet and flexibly adjusts to the needs of the client, then it values \u200b\u200bthem. This is a good sign.

  21. Lara

    Hello Sasha! I need your help or advice. On our forum, I have already created a Temka, where I described the problem in detail. In short, yesterday I had to urgently move to run. But while the site was not working and correspondence was conducted, I was still doing some manipulations on the site. Probably I am now describing everything chaotically, I just do not know how to correctly write about the problem. In general, my comments disappear. Today I approved 4, an hour later I went to the site, and they were blown away like a wind. By the way, yesterday I tried to install the caching plugin. Today there is a message in the socket that it has been deactivated due to an error. And it disappeared even from the list of inactive plugins. I asked a friend to leave a comment on the site. I went to the admin panel - it is not. Then I wrote the comment myself, as a visitor and from another browser. Looked - there is a comment. I can't understand anything .. But ... in the mail I have notifications that the site has comments from both a friend and a "visitor". I noticed that a notification about a friend's comment came from WordPress. And the one that I was able to publish from ta ... Actually, I can't figure out what needs to be done?
    While I was writing you a comment, I received a notification in the mail from WordPress that a new comment is pending. I went to the admin panel - it is not. Bliiin, for God's sake, help me or advise me what to do, so that everything would return to its place. (((

  22. Lara
  23. Lara

    Thank you, Alexander! Now I will add to skype. Sasha, Denis ... I disabled plugins and removed them before installing a new one. I understand myself to blame and really did not need to do it then. But, stupid character ... I was already carried off the road ... the only thing missing was the red flag, slogans and shouts "for Victory!"

  24. Lara

    I forgot to say, I was cleaning the browser cache and cookies. Does not help. I don't see any comments.

  25. Sergei

    I got myself free hosting on BEGET for now.
    But there is a problem - in my AWStat in the Downloads section it always shows 0. Can you tell me if I can make it count the number of downloads of exe-files from my site?

  26. Andrew

    Hi Sash. In site building, if you say that I am full zero, it will be a compliment :-) Therefore, look yourself :-) It will come in handy - not useful, I don’t know ... For me the forest is dark :-)

  27. Alexey

    Alexander, thanks! Good overview... That's the same, I started having problems and for a new project I decided to use your host recommendation. I signed up for your link. Let's see how plugins like optimizepress can handle it.

  28. Nikolay

    Good afternoon!
    Has the article about solving the overload problem already been published? A similar problem, I don't understand what the matter is.

  29. Glory

    I want to move from mchost to beget for over a month now! mchost prices have been raised and in beget with prices everything looks very "tasty", you can just pay for days, and not a month. Only now everyone knows that a miser pays twice, he would not be stingy with the move \u003d))

    How much do you use beget how are you?))

  30. Alexander Mayer

    Slava, about loads - that's another story. The load depends not only on attendance, but (and even more) on settings, on the chosen template, optimization, etc.

    Here is my personal example... About a month ago I changed the site template. It was April 15th. Up to this point, with my attendance (well, on average 1100-1200 on weekdays), my load varied around 20-25 CP. Based solely on traffic, then your 2000 visitors will be well within 65 CP. But look what happened next for me, here is the graph:

    As you can see, it was from the 15th that the load doubled or tripled, and on some days it almost quadrupled. And the new template is to blame, unfortunately.
    The same thing is happening now with MySQL:

    There is also a sharp jump from April 15th.

    Now, together with the support, we are looking for the reason, but I myself turned to them about the loads that arose, there were no complaints from them; besides, my permissible load was increased from 85 to 97.5, apparently, so that it would not bother me too much :)

Beget provides its clients with the following services:

  • Free hosting - an excellent solution for novice webmasters and young sites, which will allow you to test the site on a real high-quality hosting for free and without ads. Within the free hosting 1.000 MB of disk space, FTP account, MySQL database will be allocated for your site. Free hosting has a limit on the maximum number of files and the allowed CPU load. For registration you only need mobile phone, the account will be created instantly and you can start working right away. After testing free hosting, you can always upgrade to any paid plan without losing data.
  • Shared hostinggood hosting by affordable price... Starting from 115 rubles per month, you can get a full-fledged hosting for your site. Modern server equipment, round-the-clock health monitoring and responsive technical support make Beget hosting one of the best in Russia. When paying for hosting for a year, a discount is provided; some tariff plans provide free domains. You can find out more about the tariffs and prices of Beget virtual hosting on the provider's website.
  • VIP hosting - special rates of virtual hosting, designed for high-load sites. Increased volume random access memory, increased CPU time limit and other parameters for reliable and fast operation of your sites. In these tariff plans, the allowed CPU load is up to 7 times higher than the usual virtual hosting tariffs. The cost of VIP hosting plans starts at 820 rubles per month.
  • VPS / VDS - a virtual server that emulates the work of a physical server. You can independently install any available oS, programs and libraries, customizing them to fit your needs. You are given full control over the server, just like renting a physical server. You get all the features of a dedicated server for the price of shared hosting!
  • Server rent - the optimal server configuration is assembled specifically for the client's tasks, providing stable work and high performance. In addition to the allocation of server hardware, Beget offers its clients professional administration services.
  • Domain registration - domain registration in all popular domain zones at affordable prices directly from the hosting control panel. Additionally, you can order a certificate or certificate for a registered domain.
  • Selling SSL Certificates - all popular types of SSL certificates for your site, confirming the exchange of data with the site using a secure protocol.
  • Selling CMS - being a partner of most popular CMS, Beget offers its customers to purchase paid content management systems: ABO.CMS, Amiro, Bitrix, HostCMS, NetCat, PHPShop, SiteEdit, UMI.CMS at affordable prices. When buying a CMS, customers are offered bonuses and gifts.

Hosting Beget rates

Shared hosting tariffs

Blog rate Start tariff Noble tariff Great rate
169 225 375 569
140 180 290 440
115 150 245 390
SSD disk, MB 3 000 10 000 20 000 25 000
Websites 2 5 10 25
65 65 65 65
2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500
348 540 1 020 1 548
1 296 1 800 3 120 4 296
Bonus domains when paid per year, pcs 1 2 5
Bonus domains when paid for 2 years, units 2 4 10

The allowed processor load is 65 CP per day, the allowed load for MySQL is 2,500 CP per day. Each tariff plan has unlimited traffic, unlimited domains, subdomains and mailboxes. There is an unlimited number of FTP accounts and databases for all shared hosting plans. If any of the parameters of the tariff plan does not suit you, you can change it in the hosting control panel settings, for example, increase the number of sites or disk space.

VIP hosting tariffs

Town tariff City tariff Mega tariff
Price per month, rub. when paying per month 1 120 1 650 2 990
Price per month, rub. when paying for the year 895 1 320 2 400
Price per month, rub. when paid for 2 years 820 1 200 2 250
SSD disk, MB 30 000 40 000 50 000
Websites 50 75
120 200 350
5 000 5 000 5 000
Savings when paying for the year, rub. 2 700 3 960 7 080
Saving when paying for 2 years, rub. 7 200 10 800 17 760
Bonus domains when paid for a year, units 5 5 5
Bonus domains when paid for 2 years, pcs. 10 10 10

Each tariff plan has unlimited traffic, unlimited domains, subdomains and mailboxes, unlimited FTP accounts and databases. If any of the parameters of the tariff plan does not suit you, you can change it in the hosting control panel settings, for example, increase the number of sites or disk space. Priority technical support is available for VIP hosting customers.

Attention! Tariffs and prices for Beget hosting services are subject to change, see the hosting provider's official website for up-to-date information.

Hosting Beget - Key Benefits

  • 24/7 professional technical support;
  • development of own software products and additional services;
  • variety of payment methods for hosting services;
  • convenient, intuitive hosting control panel;
  • powerful modern server hardware;
  • pleasant bonuses and gifts from the company;
  • good affiliate program;
  • convenient PHP configuration directly from the hosting panel;
  • isolation of sites within one account to improve security;
  • automatic backup of information on several servers;
  • free site transfer from other hosting providers by the company's specialists;
  • domain registration and domain management from the hosting panel;
  • SMS notifications.

30 days free hosting testing

Hosting Beget provides its customers with 30 days of free hosting to test the quality of the services provided. You will have access to a full range of services within a month to make sure of the quality of services, efficiency and literacy of technical support.

What tariff to choose on Beget hosting

If you need hosting for one site or a blog with relatively low traffic (up to 1-2 thousand hosts per day) - feel free to choose the cheapest blog tariff virtual hosting. As part of this tariff, you will have access to 2 Gb of hard disk space, 2 sites and an infinite number of databases. The following Beget hosting fees are - Start, Noble and Great differ only in the amount of disk space and the number of sites.

When you pay for hosting services Beget for 2 years on the Blog tariff plan, you save 1,296 rubles. When paying for 2 years of the Start tariff, you will save 1,800 rubles and get 2 domains as a gift. When you pay for 2 years of the Noble plan, you will receive a saving of 3,120 rubles and 4 domains as a gift. When you pay for 2 years of the Great tariff, you will get a savings of 4,296 rubles and 10 free domains as a gift.

By the ratio of cost to the volume of services received, hosting provider Beget recommends the Start tariff... On the Start plan, you get 10 GB of SSD space, 5 websites, unlimited subdomains, databases and FTP accounts. For more details, see the specification of the tariff plan on the hosting website.

On all hosting plans Beget you have access to: unlimited domains and subdomains, unlimited mailboxes, unlimited traffic, automatic backups, allowed server load 65 CP per day, allowed database server load 2500 CP per day.

Constructor of tariff plans for hosting Beget

If any parameters of the selected tariff plan do not suit you, you can change the current one at any time. tariff plan from the control panel. In addition, you can change the parameters of your tariff plan you need from the control panel (service management).

In chapter Service management you can increase the number of available sites, disk quota, allowed load on the server and databases.

VIP Hosting Beget

If you have grown out of standard rates, you need to host a large number of sites, increased server load and other parameters - go to VIP-hosting from Beget. These tariff plans have increased the amount of available RAM allocated for processes, increased script execution time, increased processor time and other parameters required for high-load projects.

When paying for VIP-hosting Beget for 2 years at the Town tariff, you will save 7,200 rubles and get 10 free bonus domains. When you pay for the City plan for 2 years, you will save 10,800 rubles and get 10 bonus domains. When you pay for the Mega tariff for 2 years, you will save 17,760 rubles and get 10 domains as a gift.

For all VIP-hosting clients, the allowable load limits have been increased and priority round-the-clock technical support is available. In service management, you can also increase the necessary parameters, such as the number of sites, the allowable load on the server and database, the amount of disk space.

Other services (cost)

For detailed information on the cost and volume of services provided, see the official Beget website.

Reviews about hosting Beget (Beget)

If you are using or have used Beget hosting or other services of this company, you can leave a review. This can help future customers in choosing a hosting for their site. Read user reviews about Beget hosting and leave your own. Thanks for your feedback!

    I have been using Beget hosting for over 3 years. Before that I tried Masterhost, 1GB, Timeweb, but chose Beget. Technical support 5+, prices are not the lowest, but the quality of services justifies my choice. When I needed to transfer several sites from different hosting, the staff of the beget transferred everything without problems and very quickly. At the moment I use it with pleasure and am not going to go anywhere. You can try it for free. Beget provides 30 days for hosting testing.

    What do you think about hosting? Isn't it convenient to register a domain with a registrar and host a website there?

    • I worked with several client sites on hosting from Ru-center (, there is also a terrible hosting control panel! Everything is as confusing as possible.

      When comparing shared hosting plans, Beget clearly wins. The simplest tariff from 115 rubles / month (with PHP and MySQL support) versus 229 at!

      On Begete trial period 2 times more, great affiliate program and many more goodies.

      And regarding the registration of domains and hosting in one place - this is everyone's personal business. You can also register domains on Beget.

    To host the site of my organization, I chose hosting Beget. We sit on the Start tariff for 1800 rubles a year, domain name in the RU zone is provided free of charge when paid for a year. The price-quality ratio is quite satisfactory!

    I am engaged in website development and services paid hosting I have been using it for over 5 years. As a result of searching for the best hosting at an affordable price, I opted for Beget hosting. I post my sites and the site of my clients on Beget. Of the advantages of this hosting, I can note an excellent and prompt technical support, availability of free test period, convenient and understandable control panel, stable and fast work of sites and an adequate price. There are practically no drawbacks or you can close your eyes to them, given the obvious advantages.

    Perhaps I agree with all of the above. Of all the hosting sites I checked, I chose Beget hosting. I congratulate everyone on Cosmonautics Day!

    Hello! I opted for Begeta. For a long time there was a question of choosing between TimeWeb and Beget. The pricing policy and tariff plans are about the same, there are opportunities for gradual expansion. But at Beget, I liked the hosting control panel and the responsiveness of the support service, which is very important for remotely resolving urgent issues. I recommend Beget hosting to everyone!

    • If you choose hosting between Beget and Timeweb - definitely for Beget! They have friendlier support and more convenient hosting control panel. Hosting prices are now about the same everywhere, so from these two providers I choose Beget.

    In my opinion, the most convenient, beautiful and intuitive hosting control panel. Even my grandmother can figure it out! And the prices are now about the same everywhere.

    Beget is a good hosting in every way. I use the Town VIP-tariff, have connected an affiliate program, attracted referrals and don't pay for my hosting at all. Hosting support is excellent, the quality of services suits me completely. Thanks guys for a really good hosting!

Then I understand why you are still in search :) I myself went through a bunch of hosters in the process of searching, and I responsibly declare that Beget, if not the best, then definitely one of the best in the Runet. Why - I'll tell you further.

How to choose the best shared website hosting

I personally had to deal with a great variety of them: Jino, Timeweb, Webnames, Agava, Wix (though it's more of a constructor) ihc, 1gb, sprinthost and many others. I won't say that all are bad, but there were some unpleasant moments with some of them. The lousiest was Gino: the last time, when it was necessary to transfer the site from them to another provider, it took a day to figure out why FTP was not available, and the control panel was very slow. I don't argue that Gino's prices are low, but what's the point if your site is constantly unavailable? As a result, the site was successfully transferred to Beget, the cheapest tariff was purchased for 115 rubles per month, and the problems disappeared.

Also, I remember a case happened when another hosting (I don't remember which one anymore) caused problems with WordPress. The database was MariaDB, and one required plugin conflicted with drivers. The problem could be solved if classic MySQL was used instead of MariaDB, however, the hoster categorically refused to provide it for work. Well, what to do, we said goodbye to him, moved to Beget (by the way, employees from Beget's support service made the transfer for free), and the problem was solved automatically. And there are many such cases.

Actually, when I started using Beget and recommending it to others, I already forgot the last time there was a problem with hosting due to his fault. If you don’t believe, you can try it yourself: at any virtual hosting tariff you will be given a whole month for testing absolutely free. If you don't like it, during this time you can move out and not pay for anything.

Try it yourself and see if this is true: register and ask the support service about everything that interests you.

A free month is not enough for you, and do not want to pay at all? There is a completely free plan for those who have a completely fresh, new and little-visited site. Use as much as you like, without ads, as in Ucoz, and other similar things that usually accompany pseudo-free hosting.

Disadvantages of Beget hosting

That is to say, there are drawbacks, but this is usually a problem on the part of the site, and not on the part of the hoster:

  • Your site systematically exceeds its payload... This applies to any virtual hosting - hard load limits, if exceeded, your site can be disabled. Therefore, I personally prefer VDS / VPS (virtual dedicated servers), but everything is a little more complicated there, you need to understand the topic. But, do not despair, by the way, Beget has never in my practice blocked any site for this reason right away. First, they politely notify you of the problem by email, suggest all possible solutions (increase the tariff, iterate over the scripts in the engine to eliminate the load, configure on the site). They will help to identify problematic scripts on the site (which I have not seen from any other hoster), which have the greatest load, and, in general, they go to meet you in every possible way in order to help each other mutually (after all, they also do not want to lose a client).
  • Your site violates the current legislation of the Russian Federation... If your site uses a broken version of the engine (as is often the case with DLE), or distributes illegal, illegal content prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in other words, your project greythen do not be surprised when you find that the site is blocked until the violations are eliminated. If your site is white and fluffy, you definitely have nothing to fear.

    By the way, through Beget you can buy licenses for almost all commercial engines (DLE, NetCat, Bitrix) at a discount,

Beget advantages

We've talked about the disadvantages, now let's move on to the advantages (perhaps I will even unintentionally miss something, there are so many of them):

Free transfer of your site to Beget

What I really like is that you are welcomed as a dear guest. You only need:

  1. Choose a tariff plan (if you don't know which one is right, you can always consult with the support service)
  2. Give the support service the keys to the old hosting (again, they will explain and tell you everything)
  3. Wait a bit while specialists migrate and customize your site

Hosting uses SSD drives instead of HDDs

As you probably know, SSD solid state drives are much faster than hard drives. hDD disks... Therefore, it is quite obvious that a site located on an SSD loads faster than on an HDD. Whether this is essential for your site or not is another question, but the fact remains: all Beget virtual hosting tariffs use SSD solid-state drives, and you, one way or another, get a gain in site speed.

Isolating sites from each other

Flexible PHP configuration

You can customize the PHP interpreter according to your needs, choose the version you want (PHP 7.1 available) directives

Free SSL / TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt

For each site, there is an option to set your site to be accessible over HTTPS.

Also, if you install this certificate on the site, then for it you can enable the next generation protocol HTTP / 2

Many more interesting things

  • Automatic backup. Even if the site breaks, it's easy to restore it from a backup.
  • Convenient control panel, file manager.
  • Ability to customize Sphinx full-text search.
  • Ability to connect Redis, Tarantool.
  • And many many others.

Free virtual website hosting

The most interesting thing that I really like about Beget is the presence of an absolutely free plan without ads or other set-ups with an asterisk, as telecom operators and similar cunning people like to do in our time. I will say right away - it is weak, and is suitable only for beginners, but, in fact, it is designed for them. However, I want to note that if, for example, you have a website on, and you, then, I think, your blog or information site will pull a hundred unique visitors per day on a free plan. Ideal for most beginners, and more.

Prices for shared hosting, which tariff to choose

Choose a hosting according to your needs:

  • If you are just trying yourself in the field of a website builder or blogger on a standalone platform (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal), you can use a free plan. Despite being free, you get the same level of support as you get on paid plans.
  • If your site is just starting to gain popularity or is just getting started, of course, start with shared hosting. This is the first level and will suit you starting rate from 115 rubles per month. If you pay for the year in advance, you will save 240 rubles at a discount.
  • If you already have serious projects, but there is no sysadmin, then there is a good option: VIP-hosting. For prices starting from 850 rubles, you will be offered the opportunity to attach up to 100 sites to the hosting, up to 35 gigabytes are allocated for sSD drive, increased limits (on average, 7 times higher than usual hosting) in terms of load, RAM and very fast support service.
  • If you have highly loaded projects and need a dedicated server, there is an option to rent a server from 9800 rubles per month. For this you will receive an individual manager, instant support 24 × 7, a very reliable server in an equally reliable data center.

Is one of the leaders in the Russian hoster market, which has gathered a large user community over ten years of work. The company's servers are located in St. Petersburg, but this does not limit the territory of the company's activities: thanks to modern hardware solutions and optimization, sites hosted by Beget show high download speeds from anywhere in the world.

Pros and cons

Beget is in second place in the rating of Runet hosters, and this is not surprising - it is a very high-quality platform that allows you to host projects of different levels of complexity and not worry about their availability for users ..

Beget advantages:

  • Long test period - all hosting features can be used free of charge for 30 days.
  • Server location in Russia, which has a positive effect on performance in the CIS and European countries.
  • Hosting optimization for popular content management systems.
  • Installing CMS, forum and blog engines and other applications in one click.
  • Excellent performance indicators.

One of the main disadvantages of Beget is the limited number of sites on shared hosting. At the minimum tariff, you can create only two projects, while the subdomain here is equal to the site. In addition, several reviews contain information about another drawback of Beget - a low permitted load, up to 65 CP per day. The problem is that this is an abstract value that the hoster evaluates on its own after the site starts working.

The load level depends not only on the attendance, but also on the CMS used, connected modules and other parameters. Some users claim that the hosting is manipulating the load value to force them to upgrade to a more expensive plan. But you need to understand that the site can really create such a load that will interfere with other projects hosted with it on the same server.


Beget is a universal hosting that can be used for the first experience of creating a small website or launching a large high-load project that requires an individual server infrastructure. The main services of the service:

  • Shared hosting.
  • Rent of physical servers, including the construction of systems for individual projects.
  • Domain names registration.
  • Sale of licensed CMS.

Beget uses a proprietary control panel that doesn't take a lot of time to learn. It is divided into two parts: on the left is all information about the hosting and the server, on the right are the sections required to manage the site.

An important part functionality Beget - automatic creation backups... The only drawback of the system is the storage of backups only for the last 5 days. There is also an option to save a copy yourself, which will be very useful when making changes to files.

A huge list of content management systems, blog and forum platforms, galleries, online stores and social networkingthat can be installed on Beget in one click. In addition to the standard set of WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, there are paid CMS on the hosting, which are sold officially. When buying them through Beget, the webmaster also receives a free installation of the engine, which saves time and money.


Beget is not an absolute leader in speed, but it takes on stability. This suggests that resources are evenly distributed between different accounts, and they are not trying to shove clients on one server, clogging up space to the limit. The hosting does a good job with all the standard applications of popular CMS: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

For experienced webmasters, Beget offers additional featuresto improve performance, or at least avoid a decrease in performance at peak loads:

  • Memcached is in-memory caching.
  • Redis is a distributed storage.
  • Tarantool is an open source NoSQL storage.

These are paid tools, so their use is justified only on large projects with high load. For a small site to work, additional features are not required - the basic resources of virtual hosting will be enough.

Speed \u200b\u200btest results over 2490 days show that Beget is fast and very fast 99.4% of the time. Medium, slow and very slow work recorded only 0.6% of the time. At the same time, over the past two years, hosting has consistently demonstrated the indicator "very fast".

Beget uptime in 2018 - from 99, 96% to 100%. The worst rate was achieved in April - servers were unavailable for 18 minutes per month. No failures were recorded from May to October. Hosting showed similar results in previous years: since 2010, uptime has not dropped below 99.3%.


Like all popular hosting services, Beget offers users a free SSL connection. Thanks to this, sites are moving to work using an encrypted protocol. The certificate is recognized as confirmed in all browsers, so there will definitely be no problems with access, as well as with indexing in search enginesthat require sites to be more secure.

Beget provides built-in virus scanning tools. Infected files can be disinfected right in the control panel using the AI-Bolit scanner. It contains the base malicious scriptswhich is constantly updated and helps to detect compromised data and eliminate it negative influence to the system.

To improve security, quality and functionality, Beget launched a vulnerability search program in 2017 with payments of up to RUB 200,000. After a successful first experience, the program was relaunched in early December 2018, allowing the hosting company to make their products even better by leveraging the skills of the user community.

Technical support

There are eight channels for contacting support. They all work around the clock:

  1. Telephone call. There are separate numbers for Russia, Ukraine, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev.
  2. Messages through the VKontakte group.
  3. Facebook page posts.
  4. Communication via Skype.
  5. Telegram bot.
  6. Email [email protected]
  7. The form feedback on the site.
  8. Ticket system.

Looks pretty cool, but in practice it's a little more complicated. By phone or via social networks, users can really contact polite support specialists, but in most cases they will offer to ask a question through tickets - this is more convenient to confirm ownership of the site. Some users consider this a disadvantage, but strictly speaking, responses through the ticket system come so quickly that it is not clear why other methods are needed at all. Perhaps there is not enough online chat for even more quick solution emerging issues, but even without it, the waiting time is rarely calculated in hours - usually problems are eliminated in a couple of tens of minutes.

For users who prefer to independently understand the peculiarities of hosting, Beget offers a FAQ section, a control panel guide and useful articles to help you connect to the server, set up mail and perform other actions. Everything is in Russian, with code examples and screenshots - in general, it is really possible to never contact technical support at all, no matter how friendly and efficient they may be.

Price policy

Within 30 days, Beget provides free access to all hosting options. To get started, you don't even need to enter your bank card details - just create an account on the service. You can switch to a paid plan at any time, and unused days of the test period will be added to the paid period.

The minimum tariff for Blog shared hosting costs 169 rubles when paid per month. For this money, the webmaster receives 3 GB of SSD-disk, the ability to create two sites, an unlimited number of databases and FTP-accounts. When paying a tariff for long term (a year or two) a discount is calculated - from 20 to 30%.

If the resources of the Blog premium plan are not enough, at any time you can upgrade to a more powerful plan: Start, Noble or Great. They differ in their capabilities and cost by about two times. Even more resources are offered by VIP-tariffs Town, City and Mega, the cost of which starts from 820 rubles per month. All Beget virtual hosting plans include an unlimited number of domains and subdomains, quick installation of popular CMS and automatic backups.

If the project has grown to such a scale that it is cramped within the framework of shared hosting, Beget suggests switching to VPS. The cost of a virtual server starts at 11 rubles per day for 15 GB for SSD, 1 GB of memory and a single core processor. The most powerful offer is the Heavy tariff for 66 rubles per day, which offers 80 GB of SSD, 6 GB of memory and a quad-core processor.

In addition, Beget offers services for the assembly of server systems of any complexity. There are two configurations available: Blade E3 for 9800 rubles per month and Turbo for 48000 rubles per month. Such a difference in cost is due to disparate technical characteristics: if on Blade E3 only 4 cores, 32 GB of RAM are available, then on Turbo the publisher will have 14 cores and 132 GB of RAM.


Beget is one of those hosting sites that webmasters recommend to each other. For relatively little money, he offers stable work with high performance and without interruption. Someone is intimidated by the fact that the service has its own control panel, but it is implemented with such attention to usability that its development does not raise any questions.

Beget can be safely advised to novice webmasters who are looking for a simple control panel and prompt technical support with polite, competent specialists. For large projects, it is less suitable, although it offers VIP rates, as well as virtual and dedicated servers. But if you are not going to support the infrastructure of a federal-scale online store or a social network with millions of users, then Beget is one of the best options for the price-quality ratio of the services provided.

Constructors analogs of Beget

Beget alternatives can be listed for a long time. All of these systems are different, but any of them would be a much better choice than Beget.