How to clear the RAM on a windows 7 laptop. Removing unused programs. Cleaning up virtual memory on a computer or laptop

Random access memory (also called random access memory, RAM or RAM) is one of the essential hardware components of the operating system. You can optimize PC performance not only by installing additional memory sticks, but also by clearing it of debris. This material will describe in detail the process of cleaning the RAM of a Windows computer or laptop, and also give recommendations on how not to clog it.

RAM is volatile memory into which the necessary data is loaded, including intermediate calculations. Therefore, everything that will be launched on the computer, one way or another, consumes rAM... You can also notice that the less RAM is installed on the PC, the slower it will work, if more is installed, the faster.

RAM check

Before you start cleaning up memory on Windows 7/8/10, you need to check it. It is necessary in order to understand whether it is a matter of loading RAM or its physical damage. We will use standard operating system tools for testing.

Cleaning the computer's RAM

Using the task manager

This method involves using the task manager and looking for applications that consume a lot of RAM. Important to remember, do not turn off system processes, because this can disrupt the performance of the operating system.


In the operating room windows system 7, there is a slight difference from the older editions in the task manager. There is a section "Physical memory", which reflects information about the total amount, cached, available and free.

The older editions do not have this section, but information about the total amount of RAM, cache, etc. is present. In Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, you can view the physical memory by going to the Resource Monitor.

Removing utilities from startup

To clear the computer's RAM in Windows, you can also use the shutdown method unnecessary applications at startup. Moreover, depending on the version of the operating system step-by-step instruction will be different. In Windows 10, you can disable unnecessary processes directly from the task manager. In the lower editions, you will need to use the utility "".

We use the "System Configuration" utility:

We use the "Task Manager" (relevant for Windows 10):

Restart Explorer

Restarting Explorer will also help clean up the RAM:

  • we open task Managerby pressing the appropriate key combination on the keyboard;
  • go to the "Processes" section and look for " explorer.exe»;
  • click on it right click mouse and select " Restart»;
  • then the OS interface will disappear for a few seconds, do not be afraid, the process will be started again automatically;

For Windows 7, the procedure will be slightly different:

Cleaning the hard drive

A large number of files are saved on the hard disk, some are no longer used by applications. have been removed. Such files are called temporary. These are files created by a specific program or operating system to save intermediate results during operation or transfer data to another program.

Also, a certain amount of data is blocked on the hard disk for swap file usage (virtual memory). The system uses swap only if there is not enough RAM. Then all intermediate data is saved to and taken from swap. We recommend conducting cleaning hard disk, delete unnecessary programs etc., as often as possible.

To organize files and folders into specific sections hard disk recommended defragment... This will allow the system to quickly find the data it needs and not load RAM and virtual memory.


Additional settings

  • turn offWindows Defender... Open "Windows Defender Security Center", then "Options" and "Updates". Select "Windows Defender" and "Open Security Center windows defender Defender ". Next, click on "Threat Protection Settings". We deactivate the parameter "Real-time protection" and "Cloud protection";
  • personalization... Go to "Control Panel" and go to the "Personalization" section. Open the skin options and choose Simplified Style. This will help to almost completely remove the visual effects.

Create a cleanup script

To free up RAM, users can write a script on their own and apply it if necessary, let's take a closer look at the process:

  • open "Start" and " All programs»;
  • then select the "Standard" section;
  • after that we choose text editor "Notebook";

Free program for cleaning RAM. A distinctive feature is light weight and functionality. there is built-in functions: monitoring resources, removing DLLs, speeding up the processor.

Instructions for working with:

  • download the program by clicking on the link and install it;
  • then run the utility and go to the section " Recover RAM»;
  • waiting for the completion of cleaning.

A free utility that helps you optimize your RAM quickly and efficiently. The advantage is the ability configure memory cleaning... There is also a portable version of the program that does not require additional installation.


  • download and install software;
  • after installation, the corresponding icon will appear in the system tray;
  • and at the bottom of the program window, click on the tab “ Clear memory»;
  • wait for the process to complete.

A small program that allows you to track the state of RAM and clean it up.

Instructions for use:

  • run the program, a small rectangular vertical window will appear;
  • then on the main screen click " Optimization»;
  • the cleaning process will take some time.

A comprehensive utility that allows you to optimize your RAM. With the help you can clean the memory, registry, remove spyware, speed up the Internet, restore shortcuts, clean up the configuration.

  • download and install software;
  • after installation, launch the software;
  • on the home screen mark itemsthat need to be optimized and click "Start";
  • waiting for the optimization to complete.

A simple utility will quickly clear the RAM from unnecessary processes. In addition to cleaning, it has a number of other useful functions.

It is very simple to work with it:

  • after starting a new window will appear;
  • click on the tab “ Clear»And wait for the optimization to complete.


Small free utility allows you to optimize your device. Using nCleaner, you can delete temporary files, obsolete DLLs, delete data from the registry.

Work procedure:

  • download and install the program;
  • run it and in the main window select “ Find junk»;
  • then click " Analyze”And wait for the completion of the process.


This utility allows you to automatic mode clean up the computer's RAM. The user does not need to run the program on his own, every 30 minutes CleanMem is embedded in RAM and looks for backed up data. You can download the software on the official website.

VC RamCleaner

VC RamCleaner helps to quickly clean up RAM. After downloading and installing the program, you must click on the " Clean System Memory". The process of optimizing and cleaning the RAM will begin. You can also set up an automatic check every 30 minutes.

Memory cleaner

Memory Cleaner has an intuitive interface, so users can unload RAM in a few minutes. To start cleaning and checking the system, press the button " Start". After that, the screen will display information about the amount of RAM used, as well as how much space has been freed.

A small program for optimizing RAM, using RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer is quite simple:

  • download and install the program;
  • after launch, the main window will appear, where it will be displayed in real time resource usage schedule;
  • click on the button " Start Optimizer»And wait for the completion of the process.

How not to clog up RAM

In order not to clog up the RAM, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If any program is not required to work, better to close it, even in idle time, they consume some resources;
  2. Close extra browser tabs, absolutely each of them consumes RAM resources;
  3. , this procedure will also help to get rid of unnecessary software;
  4. And always check your computer for the presence of malicious software. Viruses are embedded in processes and load RAM. Therefore, it is imperative to check the system.

Lack or excessive loading of RAM is a misfortune for many computer systems... This applies not only to outdated PCs or laptops, but also to modern models, when too many resource-intensive programs are installed on the system. To reduce resource consumption, you almost always need to clean up RAM. In Windows 7, unloading unnecessary items from RAM is not always done automatically, and manual intervention after completing processes may be ineffective, if only because the user simply does not know which process is associated with a particular service or program. Nevertheless, in this case, several simple solutions, which will help, if not completely clean, then significantly reduce the load on the "RAM".

Cleaning up RAM in Windows 7: System Tools

Since the operating system cannot always unload unused service and process components from RAM, users will have to do this manually. And you should start with those components that are loaded with the system, reserve some amount of RAM and sometimes, as they say, hang there as a dead weight.

In our case, cleaning up RAM in Windows 7 starts just by disabling elements that the user does not need, but they themselves persistently "eat" memory. Use the msconfig command in the Run console, go to the system configuration, to the startup tab and see how many processes there are starting with the system (and even after the first windows installations, not to mention when installed custom applications or some additional components).

Basically, the startup contains all sorts of updaters that monitor the release of program updates (for example, for a Flash player), agents, loaders, etc. Even anybody skype program, and that constantly "hangs" in memory, although you may not use it (the application is not running, but its agent is active).

Thus, cleaning up RAM in Windows 7 is done by disabling everything that you consider unnecessary. As a last resort, you can leave only the ctfmon process (if one is displayed), which is responsible for changing the keyboard layout and displaying the language bar in the system tray, and anti-virus updates. This is ideal.

Move on. Call the programs and components section from the "Control Panel" and go to the system components. And there are many interesting things here. For example, why keep the Hyper-V module active if the computer is not supposed to use virtual machine? What is an active print service for if you don't have a printer? Disable it all without a doubt. The result will not keep you waiting (of course, only after a reboot)

Cleaning the RAM 7th version of Windows: the most popular utilities

But even with this approach, after the launch and subsequent completion of user programs, several elements may remain in memory that the system cannot unload on its own (or does not want to?). In this case, you will need to use additional measures, consisting in using utilities to clear RAM. As a rule, all such applications have an automatic cleaning of RAM (at least according to a schedule), and during installation they take up a minimum of space (several megabytes).

Among the most popular and interesting utilities are the following:

  • Mz RAM Booster;
  • CleanMem;
  • Mem Reduct;
  • RAM Booster;
  • RamSmash and many others.

Mz RAM Booster as an example of a RAM cleaner

In general terms, all utilities operate on similar principles and use the same algorithms. As an example, we will consider a small program for cleaning the RAM Mz RAM Booster.

This application optimizes memory by unloading unnecessary or unused heavyweight dynamic DLLs and even reduces CPU usage by handling process priorities through system registry... As for the size ... you won't believe it - 1.3 MB!

True, all utilities of this type are themselves permanently in RAM, and the icon is displayed in the system tray. But what is 1.3 MB compared to, say, a total of 2 GB of RAM when there is only 1 GB available?

Instead of an afterword

That's it for cleaning RAM. As you can see, everything is simple. Which program to choose? It's up to you. However, you should not forget about disabling unnecessary components of the system itself, because, no matter how good third party applications, they still cannot complete some system processes.

Every PC user who has reinstalled Windows at least once knows that immediately after installation the system works much faster than after several months of using it. This situation is primarily due to the fact that the computer's RAM, speaking simple languageis clogged. Other factors also come into play, for example, the registry, which is clogged with "unnecessary" information. However, their role is insignificant.

How to unload RAM?

1. Certain programs in the process of their work almost completely load the computer's RAM, and after they are closed, the memory is not unloaded. If a similar situation arises, simply restart your computer ... In this case, the memory will be completely cleared and the computer will start working much faster.

Important! As a rule, this situation indicates poor optimization of the software that loads RAM. Its use is best avoided.

2. If the RAM is constantly clogged, then you should take a look at which processes do not allow programs to function in normal mode. To do this, run Task Manager (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + alt + del) and look at the “ Processes ". Here we will see which programs take up the most RAM. In order to unload the RAM, we find the "gluttonous" process and click on the button " End the process ».

3. If the RAM is loaded by the program that is in the startup list, that is, it starts immediately after Windows starts, then it must be removed from there. Run the startup editing utility ( "Start" - "Run" and we type msconfig). In the window that appears, select the "" tab and remove unnecessary programs by unchecking the checkboxes.

Important! When unloading RAM, be careful not to terminate the processes necessary for the normal operation of the system, and also not to close programs with unsaved parameters.


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  • RAM

If, when working on a computer, you often get the “Not enough virtual memory", By analogy with the RAM, the solution naturally suggests itself - you need to clear the virtual memory. This is not the right decision. The problem of insufficient virtual memory is solved by completely different methods. But if you are worried about the safety of your secret information: logins, passwords, and so on - then the paging file, or virtual memory, really needs to be cleared.


Select "Administration", "Local security policy", "Security settings", "Shutdown: clear paged virtual". Open the menu with the right mouse button, select "Properties" and check "Enable".

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Helpful advice

If the message about insufficient amount of virtual memory appears on your computer too often, you should consider expanding it.


  • Resizing virtual memory
  • how to clear the virtual memory of a computer

In the age of information progress, it has become fashionable to keep abreast of the events of the virtual world. Today our communication is, most often, virtual, love can be expressed in sms messages. Even a computer that seems to be a virtual space has a virtual memory... It is designed to release information that is stored in RAM. Operational memory does not always cope with the tasks. She sends less important files into virtual memory... But virtual memory also has boundaries, therefore, it also clogs over time. To free up virtual memory, you can use special programs or increasing the size of virtual memory.

You will need

  • Magic Memory Optimizer software.


With the help of the program, you can Magic Memory Optimizer, you can free up the full operating room. Let it clean only the operative memory, but this allows less information to be virtualized memory... After starting the program, click the "Main Optimizations" button. You will see a list of the main settings of the program. For installation optimal settings click the "Featured" button at the bottom of the window. On the right side of the window is the state. Once memory will start filling, a message will appear on the screen prompting you to optimize the memory. Optimizing memory will result in faster system performance.

If a shortage message appears on the screen, the virtual memory optimizer is not doing its job. Another way to free up virtual memory is to increase it. To perform this operation, right-click on the "Mine" icon. In the opened context menu select "Properties".

In the new window go to the "Advanced" tab. In the "Performance" section, click the "Options" button.

In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab. In the block "Virtual memory"Click the" Change "button. Now you can increase the size of the virtual memory. Recommended size with 512 MB RAM: 756 MB - 1512 MB. It makes no sense to expose more value. You can set the memory size by, in which the size of the minimum virtual memory is the product of the factor 1.5 and the size of the RAM. Virtual memory \u003d 1.5 x operational memory.

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With the timely cleaning of virtual memory and the quality of the PC systems and programs, it increases significantly. Cleaning is also necessary to preserve the confidentiality of data that remains in the paging file.


Open "Start", "Search" - enter Regedit in the search field. Found file with extension .exe open double mouse. In the window that opens on the left, find the folders: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", the "SYSTEM" folder, followed by "CurrentControlSet", then "Control", then the "Session Manager" folder, and finally "Memory Management". In the window that opens, on the right, find the "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" file, call the context menu, click "Change" and in the window that appears, change the value 0 to the value 1.

Users who have had to reinstall on their email operating system, may have noticed that immediately after that, the speed of loading and operation of applications and the "reaction speed" in general increases. However, this effect disappears over time due to the fact that the RAM is "littered" and there is little free space in it in order to comfortably work with applications.

You will need

  • Computer, RAM


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  • RAM

On many computers there is a virtual memory... It is needed in order to increase the space, if there is not enough on the RAM. It can be cleaned. This will allow you to maintain confidentiality, as well as cleanse your personal computer from unnecessary overload.

You will need


To virtual, go to "Start". There you can see an item such as "Search". Open and enter secpol.msc there. Click on "Enter". As a result of the search, the "Local Security Policy" window will open in front of you. Select the Local Policies tab. Click on "Security Options". Look for the line called "Shutting Down: Clearing the Paging File". Double click on it with the mouse (left button). And in the next window select the "Local security setting" section. Set the switch to the "Enable" position, and then click "OK". After the performed manipulations, restart the computer.

You can do it by. Go to "Start" and click on "Search". The program will prompt you to find information. Enter the "Regedit" command. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager Memory Management". On the right side, look at the "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" parameter. You can use the "Group Policy Editor" tab. On the left side, click on the "Configuration" column. Then select the "Settings" tab. Go to "Security Options" and "Local Policies". Then select "Security Options". In the right part of the window that appears, click on "Shutdown: Clear ....". Then select the "Enabled" item. Click on "Ok".

Download a program such as Memory Booster Gold to your computer. When you run it, it automatically cleans the virtual memory... If you wish, you can do it all manually. To do this, you will use the "Clear" button. Through "Start" go to. Type the word "msconfig" there. Press the "Enter" button on the keyboard. Next, a window will open -. In it, check the box that you would like to delete. After reboot or they will be deleted automatically.

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Quite often, users, including a computer and without knowing it, launch a large number of programs and services that are completely unnecessary in their work. This leads to the fact that after a while the speed of the computer decreases, which manifests itself in its periodic or complete "freezing". The latter is due to the fact that free RAM runs out, and the system is forced to access the paging file on the hard disk used to store parts of programs and data files that do not fit in RAM. In order to avoid such troubles, it is enough to follow some rules and use special utilities.


First of all, you need to make sure that the interruption in work is associated with a shortage. The easiest way is to call and look at the amount of memory allocated. In the event that the amount of allocated memory exceeds the size of your computer's RAM, the system paging file. If you are a fairly advanced user, you can go to the "Processes" tab and sort them by the size of the occupied memory. Unused ones can be stopped. In doing so, you must be sure that the process will not lead to malfunctions in the computer. The method described above for clearing RAM is only operational, the results will be saved at most until the computer is restarted.

If you constantly need to clean the RAM, you can use the msconfig utility (Start-\u003e Run). With it, you can stop unnecessary services, remove some programs from startup and save the systemic changes... Again, be careful and careful - such services or executable programs can also lead to nasty crashes.

Finally, the easiest way to avoid running out of memory is to use special programs to clean the RAM and keep it in working order. For example, "RAM Saver Pro" is a tool for professional monitoring, cleaning and optimization of RAM. Serves for the operating system, relieving MS Windows drivers and processes for applications that require maximum load and RAM. In addition, there is also "MaxRAMFree" - a program for cleaning RAM. The utility can automatically clean up RAM via certain time for the specified number of megabytes, and for this there are two options at once that can work together or defragment memory when a certain load threshold is reached. "MaxRAMFree" places its icon in the system tray (area on the Windows OS taskbar), from where you can also start the process of clearing the RAM to one of the specified levels.


Stopping some system processes and services can cause severe system malfunctions.

Helpful advice

In order to anticipate the lack of RAM, remove all unused programs from autorun in advance and stop unnecessary services.

Sometimes it happens that the system issues a shortage message. The problem is not serious if there was such a message once, but if it pops up regularly, then the system urgently needs more free space in virtual memory.


Right click on the “My computer” icon in the “Start” menu or on the desktop.

In the context menu that appears, select the Properties item at the bottom. The "System properties" window will open. It will have several tabs.

Go to the "Advanced" tab by clicking on it with the left mouse button. There you will see three sections of settings, each of which has its own button "Settings" (Settings), which brings up the settings window.

Click on the "Settings" button under the "Performance" settings. The Performance settings window opens. This window will have three tabs. Click on the "Advanced" tab.

Left-click on the "Change" button at the bottom of the window in the "Virtual memory"(Virtual memory). The settings window of the same name will open. The top part of this window is occupied by a list of local disks functioning on yours. Please select local diskon which you need to release the virtual memory... In the value entry window, you will see the current values \u200b\u200bof the initial size of your virtual memory and its maximum size.

Increase these values \u200b\u200bto get more free virtual memory on your computer.

If your system often displays a message about insufficient virtual memory, and you do not know what size you need, then let the system allocate the amount of virtual memory for its needs automatically. To do this, select the "System managed size" mode. Confirm your choice by clicking OK. This will save you from annoying system warnings, and your virtual memory will be under control.

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The main problem with relatively old computers is insufficient RAM. The easiest way to improve system performance is to distribute RAM between important processes.

You will need

  • - Advanced SystemCare.


Naturally, the smartest decision is to purchase and install additional memory cards. This method has a significant drawback - it requires financial costs. Therefore, try first to programmatically optimize your computer.

Visit the site Download Advanced SystemCare from there. It is specially designed to optimize most parameters of the operating system and internal devices computer. Install Advanced SystemCare and restart your computer.

Run the program and go to the Utilities menu. Select "RAM". In the window that opens, click the "Settings" button. Activate the following items by checking the boxes next to them: "Automatically clear RAM", "Do not clear during use central processing unit"," Use smart RAM compression technology. " Click the "Ok" button.

Now click the "Forward" button and select the " Deep cleaning". After the process is completed, the inscription "250 clearing memory" will be displayed in the lower left corner. The indicator "250" refers to the amount of free memory in megabytes.

Now return to the main menu of the program and select the "System Diagnostics" item. Check the box next to "Optimization" and click the "Scan" button. After completing the analysis of the operating system, click the "Repair" button. The program will automatically disable unused or unnecessary services that consume processor and memory resources.

Now open the control panel and go to the System and Security menu. Open the "Administration" item and go to the "Services" item.

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Adjusting the operating modes of RAM is one of the important elements of computer optimization. Usually it is used when the reason slow work PC is running out of RAM.

You will need

  • - Advanced System Care.


Start by increasing your virtual memory capacity. This will slightly reduce the load on the RAM cards. Open the Properties of the Computer menu and select Advanced System Settings. Now open the Advanced tab and click the Options button located in the Performance menu. Open the "Advanced" tab and click the "Change" button.

Uncheck "Automatically select paging file size". Highlight system partition disk and check the box next to Specify Size. Enter the minimum and maximum paging file sizes. Click the "Set" button and close this window.

Now, turn off unnecessary services. More than 10% of constantly active services are not used by the majority of users. Open the control panel and go to the "System and Security" menu. Now open the "Administration" submenu and go to the "Services" item.

Select the unnecessary service with the right mouse button and select "Stop". Follow this procedure for any services you are not using, after reviewing the Description column. Be extremely careful. Disabling an important service can cause the operating system to malfunction.

Now download from the site AdvancedSystemCare utility. It helps, but in this case you only need one of its functions. Launch this application and open the Utilities menu. Go to the "RAM" item.

Click the Settings button. Check the boxes opposite all the items of the menu that opens. Click the Apply button. Now click the Next button and select the Deep Clean option from the drop-down menu. Do not close this utility, letting it automatically clean up RAM.


The Pagefile.sys file is a paging file intended for temporary storage of data that does not fit in the computer's RAM. The selected file is cleared standard means operating system Microsoft Windows and does not imply the involvement of additional software.


Call the main menu of the operating room microsoft systems Windows pressing the Start button to clear the pagefile.sys paging file on system reboot and go to Run.

Enter the value regedit in the "Open" field and confirm the execution of the command to launch the "Registry Editor" tool by clicking OK.

Expand the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Session and change the value of the ClerPageFileАtShutdown parameter to 1 or create a missing parameter with the value:

Name - ClearPageFileAtShutdown;
- value type - REG_DWORD;
- value - 1.

Return to the main Start menu for the alternate pagefile.sys paging file cleanup operation and go to My Computer.

Expand Local Security Policy and select Security Options.

Call service menu the policy "Clean up the page file of virtual memory" by double-clicking on its field and apply the checkbox to the "Enabled" field.

Confirm the execution of the command by clicking OK and close the Group Policy Editor tool.

Boot the operating system into recovery mode to overwrite the pagefile.sys paging file that is not displayed in the console due to software windows error and enter the value cd \\ into the command interpreter text box.

Confirm the command by pressing the Enter function key and enter the value copy drive_name: \\ boot.ini pagefile.sys in the command prompt text box.

When many applications are using your computer's RAM, the system becomes unresponsive. Follow this guide to clean up your system's RAM.

Start Task Manager and Resource Monitor

Most easy way Free RAM - Start Windows Task Manager. Programs store temporary data in the computer's RAM while they are running. The more programs you use, the more RAM you need. Just close the ones you are not using. By the way, you can download Windows 7 from here:

Right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager" from the menu that opens. Open the "Processes" tab, and sort the list by the size of the occupied memory. Any process that is consuming an unusually large amount of RAM will appear in the list.

Select the application you want to close and click End Process. A window will open asking if the closure could cause negative consequences. Close only those programs that you are sure you want to close. Turning off some of these may cause your system to become unstable until it restarts. Your system usually requires utilities with username "SYSTEM" to function properly.

You will see even more information you need by opening "Performance". Launch Resource Monitor and go to Memory. Here you will see the information found in Task Manager and a graph that displays how your system is currently allocating RAM.

Remove programs from startup

This can seriously affect your PC's performance and startup speed. Open the menu item "Run" by pressing Win + R. Type "msconfig" in the input field and press Enter. System Configuration will open. Open the "Startup" tab to view a list of all programs that are loaded when your computer starts up. Uncheck the boxes next to the apps you want to disable.

If there are several programs on the screen, close the ones you are not using. Browsers with many tabs open take up a significant amount of RAM; close tabs you're not using to help clean up your RAM.

Some utilities will continue to run even after the window is closed. You can see most of them in the system tray, which is located in the lower right corner of the desktop, next to the clock. Hover over the icons to see what's still active. Right-click the icon to open the menu. Most of the utilities can be completely removed from this menu. Some antiviruses may not allow you to close from the context menu.