How to put iPhone into or out of DFU mode. How to get your iPhone into DFU mode with iTunes How to get an iphone 6 out of dfu

Good time! All you need to know about the DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode is that it allows you to enter your iPhone or iPad into a state where it is possible to completely restore the iOS system - after this operation, your gadget will be "like new". No, scratches and scuffs won't go anywhere, here simple restoration firmware via DFU does not get rid of - you need something more serious. But the inside of the device will be clean.

Why is this necessary at all? Various software glitches, correct removal jailbreak - all this can be cured and fixed only complete reinstallation systems. Which, in turn, will not work without entering this mode.

As you can see, DFU is a useful thing. And now is the time to learn how to use it all. One two Three. Go!

Putting any iPhone or iPad into DFU mode (with a mechanical Home button)

Follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Launch iTunes and connect your phone or tablet to your computer.
  2. Turn off the device (in this case, it must still be connected to the PC).
  3. Press two buttons simultaneously - Home (under the screen) and Power (located on the upper edge of the device, except for iPhone 6 and older versions - here it was moved to the right side).
  4. We wait 10 seconds and release the Power button while holding the Home key.
  5. We continue to hold the button for about 10 seconds.
  6. After a while, iTunes will inform you that the program has detected the device in recovery mode.
  7. Finally release the button :)

That's all, you can safely start restoring the firmware! The only thing, to avoid mistakes, use only original wires. Of course, non-certified ones also know how to charge (if they are), but they do not cope with software updates very well.

By the way, when transferring to DFU, iOS devices do not show any signs. That is, the screen is completely black, nothing is written on it, there are no identification marks and no characteristic sounds are reproduced.

Only iTunes will inform you about the successful result of all performed manipulations. Here is a sign

How to put iPhone 7, iPhone 8 and iPhone X into DFU mode?

A small update to the article related to the release of the iPhone 7 (Plus), iPhone 8 (Plus) and iPhone X. As you know, the Home button in these models has ceased to be mechanical (in the top ten it was removed altogether) and is no longer pressed as before. How now to enter the FEFU?

It's very simple, here's a short instruction:

  1. Launch iTunes and connect iPhone to your computer.
  2. Turn off the gadget.
  3. On the phone, simultaneously press two buttons - turn on and volume down (!!!).
  4. We wait 10 seconds and release the power button, but continue to hold the "volume down".
  5. After 5-10 seconds iTunes will see the device in recovery mode.
  6. Let's release the volume down key.

Congratulations, your iPhone has entered DFU mode, you can proceed to restore the firmware.

How to enable DFU mode on iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR?

The devices are new, but the entrance to the Device Firmware Update mode is carried out in the old way (just like in the "eights" and iPhone X).

However, as Malakhov says, do not rush to switch.

For those who have problems with activating DFU mode in the way from the previous subheading, there is a slightly modified instruction.

Hopefully this will be a little easier.

So, let's enter the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR into DFU:

  1. Turn on iTunes and connect your phone to your computer.
  2. We hold down the shutdown key and wait.
  3. The Shut Down slider appears. We wait and do nothing. Do not release the shutdown button!
  4. After a while, the phone screen will turn black.
  5. Press and hold "Volume down" (while continuing to hold the shutdown button!).
  6. After 5 seconds, release the shutdown button ("Volume down" still hold!).
  7. After 5-10 seconds, iTunes will see the iPhone in DFU mode.
  8. Victory!

Let me remind you that this tutorial is suitable for any iPhone starting from iPhone 8. Let's use it!

DFU mode for iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max. Instructions!

Hoping for something new? In vain. Nothing changed.

DFU mode activation for iPhone 11 (Pro Max) is exactly the same as in all other iPhones (starting with the "eight").

Therefore, if you are a happy owner of an iPhone 11 (Pro Max), then I can only envy you to transfer your smartphone to DFU mode, use the instructions in the previous subheading.

We enter DFU mode without buttons, i.e. programmatically

Unfortunately, the previous methods may not always work, because they are based on the use of buttons - Home, Power and "volume down", but what if they do not work? Remain without DFU-mode and, accordingly, without the ability to restore software? Nothing of the kind - there is still a way out. We need:

  1. Computer and wire for synchronization.
  2. A file downloaded to the PC with latest firmware for your device.
  3. The redsn0w program. The download links are redsn0w_win_0.9.15b3 and redsn0w_mac_0.9.15b3. The first is the version for Windows, the second for the Mac OS.

Download and install redsn0w. In the window that opens, select Extras.

Followed by DFU IPSW and indicate the previously downloaded official firmware.

We wait for a while and a modified software file appears on the desktop.

Now if at iOS recovery specify this particular file, then you do not need to hold down any Home or Power buttons, the DFU mode will be entered automatically.

How to get iPhone or iPad out of DFU mode

There is also a small nuance here. In most cases, you can get off with a simple reboot of the gadget. Well ... just hold the power button a little longer than usual.

Does not help? Then we perform a forced restart -. Naturally, you must first disconnect the device from the computer.

Here is such a short instruction. However, there is nothing more to paint here - they pressed and held two buttons, released one and connected it to the computer. All!:)

P.S. But if I missed something or have any questions, write in the comments, supplement the article and answer with pleasure!

Working with any mobile device is associated with the potential for various failures and errors. For example, you can install a problematic application or program that will crash in the future. Nobody is immune from this.

In this case, it can be very difficult to get the device to work normally. In some situations, you even have to seek help from specialists at service centers and pay extra for their work.

If you have an iPhone, don't worry. Apple has taken great care to make life easier for its customers. It developed a special DFU mode. iPhone 4th, 5th and 6th generations support it. Read more about it in the article.

What it is?

Let's start with the decoding of the name. DFU is, as you understand, an abbreviation for Device Firmware Update, which translates as "device firmware update". It becomes clear: using this mode, you can make a so-called update - make the firmware updated, thus correcting all previously encountered problems and errors.

You can update via DFU mode (iPhone 5S, like any other model of this manufacturer, also supports it) using a USB cable connected to a PC with installed program iTunes. At the same time, you will not see any symbols on the screen of the mobile device itself during DFU mode operation - the iPhone will simply show a black “lifeless” screen.

Why is this?

For what purposes did Apple implement this regime? Let's imagine that you suddenly have software glitch due to installation third party application... You cannot control your device using the screen, because it does not respond (or does not react correctly) to touches, does not lend itself to adequate adjustment and simply does not work as it should. What to do in this case?

You need to connect to your computer and update the shell completely to get rid of your iPhone error. The DFU mode allows you to do just that. It disables graphics and actually runs at a basic, software level. The user does not see any signs of life on his phone, but the device does not load an "external" operating system (along with which an error may appear). Thus, the phone and the computer are connected while the DFU mode is enabled on the first. iPhone 4 (and not only this model) can be restored at the software level.

How to enter DFU mode?

Once you understand why this mode is needed, we proceed to the instructions for activating it. So, getting your iPhone into DFU mode is easy enough. To do this, you need to hold down the phone keys in a specific sequence. First (lasting 2 seconds), you need to press the button that returns to the home screen of the device (the so-called Home key), and with it - the button with which we will unlock our phone every day (Power). After this period of time, release the screen unlock button and continue to hold the home key. As a result, you will see your iPhone screen go blank. DFU has apparently been activated successfully.

Software Update

When the smartphone is in this state, you need to connect it to the computer, go to iTunes and just wait for the PC to recognize the phone. There is nothing difficult in this. Shortly after connecting, you will see your iPhone icon. The DFU mode does not affect this in any way, so you should not worry about how the device will behave.

Your further actions should be aimed at updating the firmware. It is quite simple to do this: go to the panel showing the status of your device and select the "Refresh" button. This will reinstall the operating system on your iPhone. In this case, the DFU mode will be canceled only after the end of this process.

An alternative action is the recovery procedure. It can be activated by the corresponding button here, on the status bar. With its help, not only will the firmware be updated to more new version, and from the phone all the user's personal information will also be erased. The iPhone will thus be launched with factory settings.

If iTunes finds a more recent version operating system, then the program will offer to install it. Upon completion of the procedure, we proceed to the last stage of work - exiting the update mode and restoring the normal operation of the device.

Exiting DFU

As far as you remember, we entered DFU mode (iPhone 5S for you, 4 or 6 - it does not matter) by pressing the Power and Home keys combination. So, the exit from it is carried out in exactly the same way.

First, you need to hold down both buttons for 10 seconds. At this time, the smartphone will not react in any way, so do not be alarmed - this is normal. Secondly, immediately after the action described in the first step, press the Power key briefly. After a few seconds, you will be able to see the Apple icon on the device screen, after which the phone will start in normal mode.

Remember DFU

In general, I would like to give this advice for the future: do not forget about the DFU mode. As soon as your device signals another error at the software level or the iPhone stops responding to commands, feel free to start this mode. In certain situations, this may be the only correct solution to the problem.

The transition to DFU mode on all Apple smartphones is the same. If you do not know how to enter this function, follow our instructions.

1. Transition procedure

To put any iPhone in DFU mode, do this:

  • Connect your machine to your computer using a USB cable. In this case, the operating system on the PC / laptop must be either Windows or Mac, and with iTunes installed (but do not start it yet). If you don't have this program, download it from and install it.
  • When connected, turn off your iPhone. To do this, it is most convenient to just hold down the power button, it is also "Power" (located on the side or on top). You can also simultaneously hold down the "Home" buttons, it is "Home" (large, round, located under the screen on the front side of the device), and the aforementioned "Power". If you chose the second option, keep these two buttons pressed for exactly 10 seconds (not less). Launch iTunes on your computer.

Prompt: In the iPhone 6, the on / off button ("Power") is on the side. This is the only difference when it comes to how to enter different models Apple smartphones into recovery and update mode.

  • After 10 seconds, release "Power", but do not release "Home". Hold the Home button until the message shown in Figure # 2 appears on the computer. It indicates that the connected device is in recovery mode. Actually, this is what we need.

Important! The transition process to desired mode from the moment when you released the "Power" button, but hold the "Home" button, it can take about 30 seconds, and in some cases up to a minute. Don't let go of the button! If nothing happens after a minute, start over.

Also remember that when you switch to DFU, absolutely nothing will be displayed on the smartphone screen. Only a message on the computer indicates that you did everything correctly.

If something happens on the smartphone, it starts to turn on or some pictures appear on it, then something is wrong.

It is very important to adhere to the time frames that are indicated above - we hold the power and Home buttons only for 10 seconds, and the Power button for up to a minute, until a message appears in iTunes.

Now you know how to transfer an Apple smartphone to DFU. But this instruction is only relevant for those cases when all keys are in working order. If this is not the case, you will have to use workarounds.

2. We go to DFU with broken buttons

Important! This method assumes that you will jailbreak your iPhone, that is, replace the firmware on it with a custom one. In this case, the warranty for the device will become invalid.

If you don't want to jailbreak, take your phone to a service center. To get advice and find the nearest service center, go to For more information about contacting support, see our article.

Now let's move on to how to enter DFU mode without using the buttons.

To do this, do this:

  • Download and install the redsn0w utility. You can download it, for example, at
  • Run the program and sequentially click on the "Extras" buttons, in the next window "Even more" and then "DFU IPSW".

  • Now download the official (important!) Firmware. If you would like your device to have latest version iOS, download the firmware from But if you need more old version, then it can be found, for example, on the site Although there are a lot of similar sites, and you can choose any of them. Firmware can often be found on forums as well.
  • In the next window, select the file with official firmware and click OK. You will have to wait a little while the program creates a custom firmware from the official one and installs it on your smartphone. It is impossible to say exactly how long this process takes. It all depends on the model. But you will see the progress of this action on your screen.
  • When the firmware creation is complete, launch iTunes on your computer. At the same time, hold down and hold the "Shift" button if you have Windows and "Option" if you have a Mac. A message appears telling iTunes to restore the data to the connected device. Click "Restore".

  • Now the smartphone will be connected to the computer, and at the same time be in DFU mode. This is what we needed.

As you can see, you can put the iPhone into recovery and update mode with or without working buttons. However, in the second case, you will have to jailbreak.

It is necessary to enter the device into this mode if the user of the "apple" gadget has encountered problems when updating the operating system or when reflashing a smartphone with a jailbreak. In addition, by transferring the iPhone to DFU-mode and returning it to its normal state, you can correct a number system errorscapable of leading to incorrect work devices.

DFU mode on iPhone (otherwise - firmware updates) is constantly confused with Recovery Mode (recovery mode). In fact, the difference is huge, and it consists in the following:

  • Recovery Mode - softer mode compared to DFU; in Recovery Mode iPhone gets through the "operating system" iOS, and in DFU Mode - bypassing her. Mode DFU applies only when Recovery Mode refuses to help.
  • In mode DFU impossible to access if the device is not connected to the media combine iTunes... To enter into Recovery Mode it is not necessary to connect the gadget to the PC.

There are also external differences between the two specific modes. The gadget in DFU MODE completely black screen, no Apple logo; the gadget does not respond to pressing " Home"And" Power" separately. On located in Recovery Modeare visible uSB cable and icon iTunes.

How to enter iPhone into DFU MODE?

There are two ways to enter an "apple" gadget in DFU mode - both are applicable to any of the Apple devices. The first is this:

Step 1... Connect iPhone to PC and run iTunes.

Step 2... Press the buttons " Home"And" Power»Simultaneously and hold for 10 seconds.


Step 3. Let go Power", a " Home»Leave it clamped until iTunes the message about the detection of the iPhone in emergency mode will not appear.


The gadget itself will not let the user know that he has switched to DFU MODE.

The second method of switching to the firmware update mode is considered more correct, however, beginners often do not obey. Initial action also connecting the smartphone to iTunes - then you need to act like this:

Step 1. Turn off the device - wait until its screen turns off completely.

Step 2. Hold down the " Power", Count down 3 seconds, then press additionally" Home". This is where the main difficulty lies: you need to perform these operations so that the iPhone does not turn on in normal mode.

Step 3... Count down 10 seconds after pressing " Home"And release" Power». « Home"Don't let go.

Step 4. IN iTunes a message will appear - in the window, click “ OK».

Can I put my iPhone into DFU mode if the physical buttons don't work?

To get into the mode DFU without using physical buttons, you will have to transform the existing original firmware into a custom one using a simple utility called redsnOw... You can download this program for Windows and OS X.

Before you start using the utility, you need to download to hDD PC with suitable firmware. Then you should proceed like this:

Step 1. Run redsnOw and follow the path " Extras» — « Even More» — « DFU IPSW».

Step 2. In the window " DFU-mode IPSW workaround»Click« OK».

Step 3... Across File Browser find the firmware that you downloaded earlier (file format ipsw).

The utility will start creating custom firmware - the progress of this process is reflected in the status bar.

Once the process is complete, a message appears stating that the IPSW file has been successfully created. In the message, you will see the path by which you can get to the firmware.

DFU firmware can be distinguished from the original one by its name: custom firmware always has the "ENTER_DFU_" prefix.

Step 3. Connect the iPhone to the computer and launch the iTunes program, go to the gadget control menu by clicking on the icon with the smartphone image.

Step 4... Hold down on your Windows PC keyboard “ Shift”(On Mac -“ Option”) And click on the button“ Restore iPhone… ”.

Step 5... Select your custom firmware in the window that appears.

Step 6. iTunes will warn you that iPhone recovery leads to deletion of data - press " Restore».

From this moment, the firmware download to the smartphone will begin via DFU Mode.

How to get iPhone out of DFU mode?

Transferring your iPhone back to normal is quite simple:

Step 1... Disconnect the gadget from the PC.

Step 2.Press the buttons " Home"And" Power»At the same time and hold for 10 seconds. It remains to wait for the smartphone to exit DFU mode, reboot and start working in standard mode.

If the gadget is connected with a cable to the computer, then after a 10-second wait, you need to release the buttons and hold down " Power»For another 3 seconds (as during normal power-up).


Putting your smartphone into DFU mode is a rather dangerous procedure; if the user makes a mistake, the iPhone may be in the " eternal apple" or in " recovery loop“- it is not easy to get out of these regimes. To return the smartphone to normal work, you will have to use additional software, like iReb or Tiny Umbrella, or contact specialists for compensated help (if the time for mastering special programs no).

If you use JailBreak or like to conduct other experiments on your iPhone, then there is a chance that at one not very great moment it will stop working. Fortunately, Apple has foreseen these problems and developed tools to solve them.

One of the most effective tools of this kind is the so-called DFU mode. In this article, you will learn what DFU mode is, how to put your iPhone into DFU mode, and how to get your iPhone out of this mode if you suddenly need it.

DFU or Device Firmware Update mode is a special mode of operation mobile devices from Apple. In this operating mode, the device can be loaded new firmware, even if the device does not start or is not stable. DFU mode is used to restore the functionality of the iPhone (as well as the iPad and other mobile devices with iOS) after problems with updating, installing JailBreak or other software failures that make the iPhone unusable.

It should be noted that DFU is not the same as recovery mode. DFU mode bypasses the operating room iOS systems... Therefore, the iPhone can be entered into DFU mode even after major iOS crashes. While recovery mode works through iOS and may not be available.

The process of putting an iPhone into DFU mode is very similar to the process of entering recovery mode. Therefore, if you do something wrong, then instead of DFU you can get into recovery mode. But it's not a problem. In this case, you just need to restart your iPhone and try again.

The first way to enter iPhone into DFU mode is a little wrong, but very simple. This makes it ideal for novice users. Via this method, you will most likely be able to get your iPhone into DFU mode on the first try. But, if you want to do everything as correctly as possible, then it is better to use the second method, which is described a little below.

So, a simple way to enter iPhone into DFU mode includes the following steps:

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer with a cable. When connecting, you do not need to use any adapters, only a regular USB cable.
  2. Launch iTunes. If syncing or backing up started after launching iTunes, wait until this process ends.
  3. Press the Power / Lock and Home buttons on your iPhone at the same time. Continue to hold the Power / Lock and Home buttons down for 10 seconds.
  4. After 10 seconds have passed, release the Power / Lock button but continue to hold the Home button.

If after completing this procedure, the screen of your iPhone remains black, and the "Restore iPhone" button appears in iTunes, then this means that you have successfully entered the iPhone into DFU mode.

If the iTunes icon and the cable image appear on the iPhone screen, then you entered the recovery mode (not to be confused with the DFU mode). Also, the Apple logo may appear on the screen, which means that the iPhone has started to turn on normally. You may have held down the buttons for too long.

How to enter iPhone into DFU mode correctly

The second method is more complicated, but also more correct. Most foreign sites recommend using it. The disadvantage of this method is that it is quite difficult to execute it correctly. At the slightest error, the iPhone boots up normally or goes into recovery mode, which is not what we need.

So, the correct way to enter iPhone into DFU mode involves the following sequence of actions:

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer with a cable. As in the previous method, you need to connect directly, without using any adapters.
  2. Launch iTunes and wait for the sync process to complete, or reserve copy (if it started).
  3. Turn off your iPhone in the usual way... To do this, you need to press the "On / Lock" button, hold it for a couple of seconds and turn off the iPhone using the slider on the screen. After shutting down, wait a few seconds for all programs on the iPhone to finish their work.
  4. Press the On / Lock button and hold it for 3 seconds.
  5. After three seconds, without releasing the "On / Lock" button, press another "Home" button and hold both buttons for another 10 seconds.
  6. Release the Power / Lock button, but continue to hold the Home button.

If, as a result of these actions, the iPhone screen remains black, and iTunes offers "Restore iPhone", then this means that you have entered the iPhone into DFU mode.

As with the previous method, an iTunes icon and a cable image may appear on the iPhone screen, which means that you have entered recovery mode (not to be confused with DFU mode). The Apple logo may also appear, which means that the iPhone has started to turn on normally. You may have held down the buttons for too long.

How to get iPhone out of DFU mode

Getting iPhone out of DFU mode is much easier than entering it. All you need to do is disconnect the iPhone from the computer, if it is connected, and hold down the "Power on / Lock" and "Home" buttons for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the iPhone will reboot and start up normally.

If, as a result of the actions described above, you entered the iPhone not into DFU mode, but into recovery mode, then you need to do exactly the same. Disconnect the iPhone from the computer and hold down the "Power on / Lock" and "Home" buttons for 10 seconds.