There is a problem with the youtube android 400 network. Checking for invalid HTTP headers. Complete reinstallation of the application

Sometimes users are complete and mobile versions YouTube sites are faced with an error code 400. There may be several reasons for its occurrence, but most often this problem is not serious and you can solve it in just a few clicks. Let's take a closer look at this.

Browsers on a computer do not always work properly, various problems arise due to a conflict with installed extensions, large cache size or cookies. If you get an error code 400 when you try to watch a YouTube video, we recommend using the solutions below.

Method 1: Clearing the browser cache

The browser saves some information from the Internet on the hard drive so as not to load the same data several times. This feature helps you work faster in your web browser. However, a large accumulation of these very files sometimes leads to various problems or slowdowns in browser performance. Error code 400 on YouTube can be caused by just a large number of cache files, so first of all, we recommend cleaning them in your browser. Read more about this in our article.

Method 2: clearing cookies

Cookies help the site remember some information about you, such as your preferred language. Undoubtedly, this greatly simplifies the work on the Internet, but such pieces of data can sometimes cause various problems, including errors with code 400 when trying to watch a video on YouTube. Go to your browser settings or use additional software to clear your cookies.

Read more: How to clear cookies in,

Method 3: Disable extensions

Some plugins installed in the browser conflict with various sites and lead to errors. If the previous two methods did not help you, then we recommend that you pay attention to the included extensions. They do not need to be deleted, just disconnect for a while and check if the error is gone on YouTube. Let's look at the principle of disabling extensions using the example of a browser:

See also: How to remove extensions in,

Method 4: Disable Safe Mode

Safe mode on YouTube allows you to restrict access to questionable content and videos in which there is an 18+ restriction. If an error code 400 appears only when you try to view a specific video, then it is likely that the problem lies precisely in the enabled safe search. Try to disable it and follow the link to the video again.

Fixing error code 400 in YouTube mobile app

Error code 400 in the YouTube mobile app occurs due to network problems, but this is not always the case. The application sometimes does not work correctly, which is why all sorts of problems arise. To fix the problem, if everything is fine with the network, three will help easy ways... Let's take a closer look at them.

Method 1: Clearing the Application Cache

Mobile cache overflow youTube apps can cause problems of a different nature, including error code 400. The user will need to clear these files in order to solve the problem. This is done using the built-in tools of the operating system in just a few simple steps:

Now you just have to restart the application and check if the error is gone. If it is still present, then we recommend using the following method.

Who among fans of surfing the Internet has not encountered the error "400: Bad request" in the browser? True, not all surfers know what it means and why it occurs. Now we will try to clarify this situation.

400 Bad request: what does it mean

Error 400 is believed in the computer world to be purely user-generated when an incorrect request (URL) is entered to access a particular site in The world wide web... Let us disagree with this.

Of course, you can enter an incorrect address, but sometimes even with the correct address or link being opened, the "HTTP: 400 Bad request" error appears over and over again. There can be many reasons for this. This is especially often seen when accessing personal hosting hosted on different, independent from each other servers of different providers. What is the reason?

Query syntax errors

Indeed, one of the root causes can be called a violation of the correct entry of the page address. Let's take a simple example: when trying to access the same mail server, a Ukrainian user can enter address bar URL, as it were, corresponding to its region (in this case, let's say that this is the address).

In reality, such a site with postal service does not exist in nature. It is clear that any Internet browser will immediately display the message "400: Bad request". But even with this formulation of the question, you can still find a bunch of reasons for an access error.

Error "400: Bad request Nginx" problem

The Nginx system itself is either specific mail server a proxy or a web server running under UNIX systems.

Typically, errors of this kind are associated with an incorrect server response for a request from a specific IP address. Error results are written into a special LOG file, after which they are automatically entered into the firewall as unreliable. Thus, the hosting breaks down, no matter what "operating system" or browser is used in this situation.

Impact of firewall

As you already know, the "400: Bad request" error often occurs when a firewall blocks the request.

A way out of this situation may be to add the site address or access device to the list of exclusions. For Windows systems, this is done by accessing the security system menu located in the standard "Control Panel".

In principle, there is nothing wrong with even disabling the firewall completely (naturally, if you have a powerful anti-virus package). On this account, it is also necessary to give some explanations.

Antivirus exclusion list

As a rule, the most common standard anti-virus packages have their own built-in firewall. It can also block potentially unsafe or unwanted content.

In this situation, when the error message "400: Bad request" occurs, you should do the same as in the case described in the previous subheading.

Most Needed Actions

Speaking of error 400, it's worth highlighting general principles solutions to such a problem. To start in installed browser you just need to clear your browsing history, delete cache files and cookies. Only then can exclusion lists be applied.

By the way, after clearing unnecessary garbage in the browser, it is strongly recommended to restart the computer terminal. It is likely that the problem will go away on its own. If this does not happen, you will have to contact the provider (especially if the error occurs in all browsers). It may very well be that hosting does not work or access to certain resources is blocked precisely because of malfunctions in the equipment of the provider company.

In any case, at least one of the suggested solutions to the problem when the error "400: Bad request" occurs should help. If this does not work, especially in cases of messages related to blocking Nginx, it is worth checking the system for viruses, because many of them are disguised as this service.

In addition, it is worthwhile to separately check your computer for ads or spyware such as Malware, Adware or Spyware specialized software. It may very well be that the unauthorized installation of some additional elements such as panels quick access and led to a malfunction of the system as a whole.

Found in all browsers. In the classical sense, it means that a syntax error is hidden in the request, but in practice anything can cause such an error: even interruptions in the work of the Internet provider. We have collected the most common causes of this error here.

Which means: Error 400 Bad Request


A story from my practice. One day by downloading the browser Google chrome, I ran into a problem: when entering the site's admin panel, the browser gave error "400 Bad Request". The same thing happened with the entrance to my other sites. The strange behavior of the browser was that everything was loaded - Yandex, any sites, including mine. But it was impossible to go deeper.


400 Bad Request -

literally "bad request"

The version that the problem with the hosting has disappeared by itself, since all my sites are located at different hosters, and the error at the entrance was given by all the same. It looks like cookies, because it is they that store all passwords and logins. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is that the browser itself is weird. According to the recommendations of experts, and even for some reason a story. Just in case. It did not help, although this is the first recommendation when searching in a search engine ““.
It was decided to demolish the browser itself and reinstall it. Reinstalled. Problem still exists. I thought it would not hurt to check how things are in other browsers. Loaded sites in Mozzila Firefox - the same thing. Exploler - again 400 Bad Request.It's clearly not about browsers.

Then the Firewall was analyzed and corrected: the modem was added to the list of exceptions, and then the Firewall itself was turned off. Does not help. It's the same with antivirus. All settings of the modem, connections and ports were also sandwiched. I reinstalled the modem several times .. In the end, the Internet disappeared altogether. Which is to be expected. It's good that there are restore points - I made a rollback. The internet appeared, but the problem persisted.

I wrote to the support service of one of my hosters: I understand that the problem is not from their area, but suddenly they know how to solve it. Waiting for an answer, I contacted my provider - Beeline (Beeline). It's already 12 at night, I've been busy all day. Until the very simple solution I thought of it last - the deeper and more valuable the experience .. Beeline support service replied: “Currently, there are difficulties with GPRS and 3G. We are doing our best. We are sorry. " It was not possible to get through to the operator, because there were apparently a lot of people like me that day. I turned off the computer, went to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening.

The next day it disappeared, and the Internet began to fly even faster. It is interesting that on all the resources where I went to search query, no one expressed the version that the problem may lie in the work of the Internet provider. So, if you find such an error, and one of the vivid symptoms of the disease is that the Internet is there, but not everything is loaded, do not get a fever, but first of all call your provider. It is possible that you just need to wait a little. But this is only one of the possible reasons.


After a while, I got the same error, but for a completely different reason and with different symptoms. I also could not enter the admin panel of the site, but 400 Bad Request error began to appear when loading other pages and sites, and not always. I immediately ruled out the provider's problems by calling the support service - everything was in order on the line and with the modem. Cleared cookies and cache in a week. And I took up the antivirus, remembering that the error appeared after the antivirus version had been updated the day before.

Whatever antivirus you have, carefully study its settings. If your antivirus has a firewall, you need to look at its settings. The antivirus I have has a firewall, and it's quite complex. It has a setting "Rules for Applications". Different antiviruses call it differently, but you need to search, as a rule, in this area. Among the listed applications, I found the browser I work with and increased the level of trust in outgoing and incoming access. He stood very low and blocked the Internet. After that, the error disappeared, and the pages began to load quickly.

If you once,

you are already looking at the Internet with different eyes.

From the notes of a neblogger

To exclude the antivirus from the list of possible causes, you need to turn it off completely for a while, restart your computer and check the loading of problem pages with the antivirus turned off. If error 400 disappears, you need to adjust the antivirus program settings or change antivirus program.

P.S. Since the article is popular, I am writing a postscript. About a week after the above, error 400 appeared again. Not so often, but it did pop up periodically. It so happened that I changed the provider - instead of Beeline Megafon, after which the error disappeared completely. If you have tried a lot and nothing has helped, find an opportunity to drive the modem of another provider for a while - in fact, this the best way check if the case is.


Firewall is the most common cause of site blocking and error 400 Bad Request... To find out not in it if it matters, try disabling it for a while: Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Firewall Windows -Inclusion and shutdown... Then clear the cache and cookies and try loading the problem pages again.

If the problem was hiding here, then add allowed programs to the firewall. This is done through the Start Menu. Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Firewall - Allow a program to run through a firewall. If your browser is not included in the default list, add it manually. Then turn on your firewall and check how the pages are loaded.

A 400 Bad Request error occurs when a request sent to a site server is invalid or corrupted and the server receiving the request cannot understand it. Sometimes the problem occurs on the website itself and you are unlikely to be able to do anything. But most of the time, the problem is something you can solve - perhaps you typed the address incorrectly, or maybe your browser cache is causing problems. Here are some solutions you can try.

What is a 400 Bad Request error

A 400 Bad Request error occurs when the server cannot understand the request that was sent to it. This is called a 400 error because it is the HTTP status code used by the web server to describe such an error.

A 400 Bad Request error can occur due to a simple error in the request. Perhaps you entered the URL by mistake, and for some reason the server cannot return a 404 error. Or, perhaps your web browser is trying to use an expired or invalid cookie. Some servers that are not configured properly can also throw error 400 instead of more useful errors in some situations. For example, when you try to upload a file that is too large for some sites, you may receive error 400 instead of an error telling you about the maximum file size.

As with 404 and 502 errors, website designers can customize what the 400 error looks like. So you can see different pages 400 errors on different sites. Websites can also use several different names for this error. For example, you can see things like:

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 400 Bad Request. The request could not be accepted by the server due to incorrect syntax
  • Bad Request - Invalid URL
  • Bad Request. Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand
  • HTTP error 400. Invalid request hostname
  • Bad Request: Error 400
  • HTTP Error 400 - Bad Request

Often you can do something to fix the 400 error, but figuring out what exactly can be tricky due to the undefined nature of the error. Here are some things you can try.

Refresh the page

Updating the page is always worth it. Many times, error 400 is temporary and a simple update may help. Most browsers use the F5 key to refresh, and they also provide a refresh button somewhere in the address bar. This does not often fix the problem, but it only takes one second to complete.

Double check the address

The most common cause of a 400 error is an invalid URL. If you entered the URL in the address bar yourself, you might be wrong. If you clicked on a link on another web page and a 404 error was displayed, it is also possible that the link had a typo. Check the address for any obvious errors. Also check special symbols in the URL, especially the ones you don't often see in URLs.


If the URL you are trying to find is descriptive (or if you know the approximate title of the article or page that you expect), you can use the keywords in the URL to search the website. In the example below, you cannot really tell from the URL itself if something is wrong, but you can see some words from the title of the article.

Armed with this knowledge, you can search the website with the appropriate keywords... This should lead you to the correct page.

This same solution also works if the website you are trying to reach has changed the url for some reason and has not redirected the old url to the new one.

And if the website doesn't have its own search box, you can always use Google (or any other search enginewhichever you prefer). Just use the "site:" operator to find only the relevant site for your keywords.

In the image below we are using Google and search phrase "Site: site the local network»To search only the site site for keywords.

Clear cookies and browser cache

Many websites (including Google and YouTube) report error 400 because the cookies they are reading are either corrupted or too old. Some browser extensions may also modify your cookies and cause error 400. It is also possible that your browser has cached a corrupted version of the page you are trying to open.

To test this possibility, you need to clear your browser cache and cookies. Clearing the cache will not greatly affect your browsing, but some websites may take a few extra seconds to load as they reload all previously cached data. Cleaning cookies means that you will have to log in again on most websites.

Flush your DNS

Your computer may be storing outdated DNS records that are causing errors. Easy cleaning Your dNS records can help solve the problem. It's easy to do and won't cause any problems.

Check file size

If you upload a file to a website and you receive a 400 error, then the chances are that the file is too large. Try uploading a smaller file to confirm if this caused the problem.

Try other sites

If you're trying to open one website and you get error 400, try opening other websites to see if the problem persists. If so, it may be a problem with your computer or network equipment, and not the website you are trying to open.

Restart your computer and other hardware

This solution is a hit and restarting your computer and especially your network equipment (routers, modems) is a common way to get rid of many server errors.

Contact the website

If you tried all the solutions, and the error persists, then the site itself may have problems. Try to reach the website from the contact page (if that works) or via social networks... Most likely, they already know about the problem and are working to fix it.

Getting error code 400 on YouTube in your browser, app, or TV? Then it is necessary to identify possible reason to eliminate it. Let's take a look at these problems together and suggest ways to fix them.

YouTube is a very popular hosting in our country. What are the reasons for such a great interest in the service?

  1. Each user can upload their videos.
  2. All basic features are available for free.
  3. There is a Premium version with additional features.
  4. There are many interesting channels in the Russian segment of YouTube.
  5. The number of bloggers and the content they generate is constantly increasing.
  6. YouTube can be seen as a complete replacement for a TV.
  7. A special application has been created for mobile devices... It is easy to use and allows you to watch videos on your phone.
  8. On the site you can find videos of various topics.
  9. YouTube is actively developing. The site and application are being updated, functions are being added.

The network issue "error code 400" on YouTube indicates difficulties in playing videos. For some reason, the service cannot provide access to watching videos. Fortunately, this error does not occur very often and is usually easy to fix.


There are many reasons for the error. It is impossible to describe all the factors that could affect the operation of the site or application. Therefore, let's consider the most common causes of the error:

  • When updating the application, the specialists made inaccuracies in the code. Better roll back to old version.
  • There is a problem with the program.
  • Errors in the site code.
  • Problems with your browser.
  • Clogged cache and cookies.
  • Installed extensions break the service.

Fixing error 400 on the computer

It is not uncommon for the error code 400 on Youtube to appear on the computer. The user will not be able to identify the cause of the problem on his own. Therefore, it is necessary to sequentially perform a series of actions to restore access.

Clearing the browser cache

Cache - files that the browser saves for future use. But in most cases they are of no practical use and are "rubbish". A clogged cache can cause problems with various sites, and the browser breaks down.

How do I clean up? Let's consider the procedure using the example of the most popular browser - Google Chrome. You will need:

  1. Open the section with settings.
  2. Find the item "Clear history".
  3. Choose which files you want to delete. In our case, the history of visits and the cache.
  4. Confirm action.

Restart the program and try to go to the site, start the video. If the error persists, then we continue to look for the cause.

Clearing cookies

Cookies are very useful files. They allow you to remember various information about the user on the site. But cookies can also cause problems with video playback, so you should try to clear the files.

You will need:

Important! Clearing cookies deletes saved sessions for sites. Therefore, you will have to re-enter all portals on which you have been authorized.

Disable extensions

Extensions are useful browser add-ons. They allow you to increase opportunities, get additional functions. However, some extensions may not work correctly and interfere with the functioning of the browser.

How do I deactivate additional tools?

  1. Open the application menu.
  2. Select the item "Additional tools" and "Extensions".
  3. Disable all plugins and check if YouTube is working.

If the problem disappears, then you need to find the extension that interferes with the site. Re-enable all plugins and disable them one at a time. As a result of such simple testing, you should be able to find the problematic extension and remove it.

Disable Safe Mode

Safe Mode is used to protect children from unwanted information. If the video received an 18+ mark, then it may not appear in the search and may not be played on your device.

YouTube determines the age of a user not only by the information provided during registration. The service additionally analyzes the content that a person views. Based on interests, YouTube is able to identify the approximate age, gender, profession, etc.

How do I turn off Safe Mode?

  • Go to the site.
  • Click on your profile icon.
  • In the menu, click on the "Safe Mode" item to deactivate.

How to fix error 400 in the application on the phone

A 400 error on YouTube in the app indicates network problems. But in practice, in most cases, the program itself is to blame. It does not work correctly and the user cannot access the video of interest.

Clearing the cache in the application

The YouTube app stores some files in the cache. In most cases, they are not useful and can disrupt the functioning of the program. Therefore, you need to clear the application cache.

You need:

  1. Open the section with settings in the phone.
  2. Go to the "Applications" item.
  3. Find YouTube in the list.
  4. On the program page, click on the "Clear cache" item.
  5. All unnecessary files will be deleted.

App update

The app needs to be updated regularly. Service specialists often change standards, so older versions of the program start to work incorrectly. The upgrade process is pretty simple:

  • Open the app store.
  • Go to the list of installed programs.
  • Find YouTube among them.
  • On the application page, click on the "Update" button.
  • Wait for download and installation.
  • In the official store, you can enable automatic update... Then this procedure will take place without your participation.

Reinstalling the app

In some cases, a complete reinstallation helps. You need:

  1. Remove the program through the desktop or through the settings.
  2. Go to the official store.
  3. Find an application in the search.
  4. Open its page and click on the install button.
  5. After the end of the procedure, start up.

You can also try to install an older version. First, you need to uninstall the existing program from the device. Go to and find a theme from YouTube. In it you can choose suitable version, download and install the apk file.

This method is only available on Android. On iOS operating system is proprietary and does not support the installation of third-party software. Therefore, the owners of apple devices have to download only latest versions from the store.

Important! Upload apk files only needed from trusted sites. No wonder our article recommends using There is at least some confidence in this portal, and the probability of getting a virus on a smartphone on it is much lower than on other resources.

In general, you should download programs from the official store. In it, the software undergoes additional verification and increases the security of your device. You can use apk only in extreme cases, for example, if you need to install an old version.